Learn more about how to delete a VKontakte public. How to delete a group or public page in a contact How to delete a public community in a contact

The Vkontakte social network provides users with access to information on any topic of interest through Communities. This section contains groups and public pages. All large companies, news agencies and famous personalities have their own pages on Vkontakte. In addition, any of the users can easily create their own community and add any information to it.

In this article, we will talk about how to delete a group in a contact that no longer interests you, as well as remove yourself from communities created by other users.

How to delete your group in a contact

To delete a group on Vkontakte, you must be its administrator. AT social network there is no direct function to delete communities. However, this can be done by deleting all participants and editing some parameters. Consider step by step instructions:

This procedure will not permanently delete the group, but it will completely clean up its contents and make it inaccessible to users.

Please note that if you did not create a group, but just a member of it or enter its leadership, you cannot remove members and the creator from it.

How to delete a public page in a contact

The process for deleting a public page you created is similar to the process described above.

  1. Find the one you need public page in the "My Groups" section.
  2. Click "Community Management" in the menu under the page avatar.
  3. In the "Members" tab, remove all subscribers and managers.
  4. In the "Information" tab, change the name and address of the page, and clear the rest of the fields.
  5. Delete all data in the "Links" folder.

If you have followed all the steps above, the public page will not contain any subscribers and will be extremely difficult to detect. However, unlike a group, a wall cannot be closed on a public page, so all posts will be saved. If you want to get rid of them, you will have to delete them manually by clicking the cross in the right upper corner. After the wall is cleaned, click the "Unsubscribe" button under the page avatar.

How to leave a group in contact

If you are a member of a community created by another user or a third party, you will not be able to remove it. All you can do is unsubscribe from updates. To do this, go to "My groups", find the corresponding group or public page and click "Leave the group" or "Unfollow" in the menu under the community avatar.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to delete all communities in a contact at the same time. If such a need arises, you will have to manually delete each group, as described above.

At least through them, you can create new pages and profitably monetize them. We described how to do this in the article "", but sometimes users want to abandon the created page.

How to delete public Vkontakte? Before doing this, you should seriously think about it, since it will not work to return the public page.

If she has a lot of subscribers, you can even try to sell the site. Have you firmly decided that you need to get rid of the page? Then our guide will come in handy.

Deleting a VK public

Will have to first manually remove all members, and then promote the page to a group to make it private.

It is done like this:

Previously, you could simply remove yourself from the list of administrators and after that, the public was deleted, now this function does not work, the creator cannot be removed from the list of administrators of the public page.

As you understand, deleting something from the public is not necessary, just clearing the list of subscribers is enough.

Unfortunately, there is no convenient tool to remove all subscribers at once, so you will have to do this one by one on the "Members" page, it is located in the " Page Management».

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How to delete the public page "VKontakte" once and for all?

January 31, 2014

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"? The fact is that there is no such function in the community settings, and many users are perplexed when they encounter a similar issue. In fact, deleting a page is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know how. We will talk about this in this article.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"?

  • remove the manual;
  • clear the list of participants;
  • get rid of all the content that is present in the public;
  • eliminate all posts on the wall, documents, comments;
  • make the setting.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Clearing the user list

Let's start with the leaders (administrators) of the public page, if, of course, you have them. Please note that only the owners of the public, that is, the people who created it, can perform the above actions. So, we need to go to the "Page Management" section, and then go to the "Participants" tab. In it we will see two categories of users: managers and subscribers. We go into the first one and press the button "Degrading the head". It is located opposite each user image. We repeat these steps until all leaders are demoted. After that, we move to the "Members" tab and remove all subscribers from the community. You will have to spend a lot of time, especially when your page has accumulated quite a lot of fans. We recommend that you think carefully whether you are really ready to delete them all and abandon this public, since all actions are irreversible.

How to delete the public page "VKontakte"? Step 2

Now we need to get rid of all the content that the public page contains. It can be:

  • photographs (albums);
  • audio recordings;
  • the documents;
  • Topics.

To do this is quite simple. However, be prepared for the fact that this stage can take a long time. Try to delete all data completely.

Deleting posts on the wall

To delete the public page "VKontakte", you must definitely get rid of all the posts that are located on the wall. You will not be able to delete all records at the same time, since this is not provided by the site. Each post will have to be deleted manually.

Page Settings

At the end of the article on how to delete the VKontakte public page, we will tell you how to change the page settings. Despite the fact that there are no users and any content in the public, this must be done. We go to the "Page Management" section and delete all information. Namely: name, address, date of formation. Uncheck all items. In conclusion, go to the "Links" tab and erase all the addresses of sites and other groups that are located in it. This is how the public page "VKontakte" can be deleted. Once again, we remind you that it will be impossible to undo all the actions taken, and before deciding to take such a step, think several times.

How to delete a public page in a contact if I am the creator? A number of users are asking this question. You should carefully study this situation in order to cope with the task.

  1. It is possible to easily disseminate various information with their help.
  2. Tell your opinion.
  3. Create a page for a company, a musical group.
  4. Manage your own community.
  5. You can use it to sell various products.
  6. There are other reasons for creating, in fact there are many, it all depends on the situation.

Why do you need to delete your public? Possible grounds:

  • The community has done its job.
  • You don't want to deal with it anymore.
  • Nobody wants to buy a group for further maintenance.
  • No one wants to continue the development of the community.
  • There is not enough time to manage it.
  • The owner has lost interest in this topic.
  • Want to get rid of the page completely.
  • The company it belonged to has ceased to exist.


How to delete a public VKontakte page that I created? On the this moment there is no such function in the social network. You can not destroy the existing community, it will continue to exist in any case.

It is not clear why the administration does not provide a button to delete the public page. Perhaps this is due to internal algorithms. Therefore, at this stage, we will have to look for another solution.

The only option is to clear the page as much as possible. You will have to do this manually. It is worth getting ready for an additional waste of time, the procedure can take up to 10-30 minutes.

Of course, it's not that easy. It will take a long time to clear the page from participants and information. But the owner does not currently have an alternative option, so there is no need to choose.

Removing admins and members

The first step is to remove the guide. Would need:

  1. Open the page menu.
  2. Find a member section.
  3. Select the Leaders tab.
  4. Complain them.

Now there is only one administrator left in the community - the owner. You can continue destroying the page.

The second stage is the removal of participants. Need:

  • Go to settings in the section with participants.
  • Delete all users by clicking on a special button next to the name.
  • Gradually clear the list.

In a similar way, you can remove 100-200 people from the community. But what if there are 10,000 or more? Then you should skip this step and do not waste time. After the death of the page, people will begin to unsubscribe from it on their own.

You can go to the contacts section and delete your name. So it is possible to completely hide the creator and exclude the receipt of messages in the future. We recommend that you follow this procedure.

Additionally, you can delete entries. To do this, open the post menu and select the appropriate item. But if there are a lot of records, then the procedure will take time.

The last step is leaving the community. You can leave it by clicking on the special button. It is worth forgetting about the page, in fact, it is already dead and will no longer be useful.

How to delete a public in VK? You can't get rid of it completely. It is only possible to clear all information and delete users. At present, this is the only option offered.

If the page has a lot of subscribers, then it is not necessary to destroy it. If you wish, you can sell the public. The cost depends on the number of participants and their activity. The new owner can keep the theme of the community or change it, it all depends on the wishes of the buyer.

Public "VKontakte"? Such a question can visit every community owner. There may be several reasons for this: the creation of a new public page, the unwillingness to deal with the current one, and so on. In this article, we will talk about several simple steps, which will help you get rid of the annoying community forever. We note right away that a specialized program for the VKontakte public has not yet been developed, and all actions will have to be carried out manually.


In the social network in question, a function has not yet appeared that allows, using a single button or a series of actions, to permanently and irrevocably delete the community. Therefore, in order to erase your public and make it inaccessible to other users, the creator will need to do a series of actions, after which the public page will be inaccessible.

How to delete a VKontakte public? Step 1. Remove administrators

The first thing we will need is to exclude the so-called public leaders, if any. To do this, we go to the public page and under the avatar click on the "Page Management" button. Next, select the tab "Participants" - "Leaders". We will see all users enrolled in this category. Those are the ones that need to be removed.

How to delete a VKontakte public? Step 2. Remove community members

The second, longest action in time is the removal of all users subscribed to your public. Of course, if you only have a few dozen people, then this operation won't take you long. Otherwise, you will have to delete it in the literal sense “until you turn blue”. But this step cannot be ignored. Therefore, if you decide to delete a public page, then the elimination of participants is one of the most important stages. To implement it, go to the community page, then "Page Management" - "Participants". Opposite each will be a "Remove from community" link.

How to delete a VKontakte public? Step 3. Eliminate all content

The third stage is the removal of everything that your public is rich in, namely:

  • posts on the wall (deleted manually by clicking the cross in the upper right corner of the entry);
  • music in albums;
  • photos in albums;
  • the documents;
  • public rules (if any);
  • avatar.

Final step. Deleting all settings

In order to understand what we are talking about, go to the "Information" tab, which is located in the same "Page Management" section. We have to uncheck all the checkboxes in front of all the items, eliminate the name and description of the public. Also, if you posted links to other groups, accounts or external sites, then they also need to be deleted. This can be done in the "Links" section.

Thus, we will completely clear the public. Keep in mind that after all the steps taken, it will be impossible to restore the page, so we recommend that you think carefully about this. After all, there will be no going back. If you are serious, then our article on how to delete a public in VK will be useful to you.
