Underground alien bases. Secret joint US-alien bases (continued) Dulce underground laboratory

The Dulce Underground Laboratory, sometimes also called Dulce, is located in New Mexico, on the northern border with Colorado, about 25 miles west of Cham, in the Navajo Indian reservation area.
This is one of the most mysterious bases about which little is known.
According to rumors, a specially guarded and secret alien base is located here, where they conduct biogenetic experiments on people and animals. Before the “notoriety” of the Dulce base was made public, there were numerous cases of livestock mutilation in the area. In 1970, New Mexico State Trooper Gabe Valdez was investigating cattle mutilation on the ranch of farmer Edmond Gomez, who had lost four cows to mutilation between 1976 and June 1978.
The Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratory in Albuquerque analyzed samples taken from the sacrificed animals. The potassium content was found to be 70 times higher than normal. Some researchers attribute the livestock mutilations to the activities of alien UFOs, which are often observed in the Dulce area.
In the spring of 1990, Jason Bishop, who was researching livestock mutilations in Dultz, sent a message to a select few researchers and later gave permission for it to be released to the general public. This message, entitled: "Memories and Impressions of a Visit to Dulce, New Mexico October 23 - 24, 1988", is reproduced in part below:
“Upon arrival I was introduced to Dr. John F. Gille, a fellow Frenchman. Dr. Gillet holds a degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Paris. He worked very fruitfully with the French government to study UFO phenomena in France. (Note: Over the past few years, there have been numerous reports claiming that the French government is secretly collaborating with "Norse-type" aliens who have colonized a planet in the relatively nearby Wolf 424 system and have high-tech knowledge. The emblem used by these humanoids has been observed in many parts of the world: H with an additional vertical stripe through the center of the crossbar. These creatures live on the planet Ummo and are therefore known as Ummites. They supposedly protect people from the predatory Gray aliens and cooperate with another humanoid community from Vega who, like the Ummites, directly claim ancient connections to prehistoric, lost civilizations on earth. - Branton)."
“Gillet told me that he had not worked in his profession for fifteen years, devoting all his time to UFO research. Dr. Gillet is a friendly, outspoken man. But until I get to know him better, I feel like I have to be very careful with him."
“Edmound Gomez is a rancher. His ranch is located 13 miles from Dulce. He told me that his family had owned the family ranch for 111 years and that as a result of these injuries, they had lost $100,000 in eight years."
“Edmond was very open and discussed with me all the cattle mutilations that had occurred on his ranch...”
“Participants in the expedition to the Archuleta Mountains (in search of the Dulce base - author’s note) were: policeman Gabe Valdez, Edmund Gomez, Dr. John Gillet, Manuel Gomez (Edmund’s brother), Jeff and Mat Valdez (Gabe’s sons). Thanks to Gabe being the sheriff in Dultz, we got permission to go into the mountains."
“At 19:51, all seven of us saw a very bright object approaching at very high speed from the northwest. The object seemed to be shaped like a boomerang. The color was very bright - blue and green.
The object approached, slowed down (apparently under intelligent control), changed direction and finally stopped, while sparks were emitted from each end of the boomerang. The object then began to move forward and disappeared from view at very high speed. All this lasted approximately 10 - 15 seconds."
“About 22:00 hours we climbed to the top of Mount Archuleta. We could look across the canyon in the moonlight. This canyon wall is where Paul Bennewitz (an eminent and famous physicist and UFO researcher) claimed that the aliens had a base and that during the night their vehicles took off from an open cave. During our time at the peak we saw two very bright holes in the cliff walls, exactly where Paul had described them.
There are no roads on this cliff. The light appeared suddenly and then gradually faded. During this time we also heard voices that sounded like radio transmissions. The voices were not clear, but they were there nonetheless.
The object we saw at 19:51 was seen around 01:00 by Edmound Gomez."
“My impressions of this trip are mixed. I believe that in a certain way there is something in this place. What this is, I don't know. Perhaps this base is jointly controlled by aliens and the government, as John Lear talks about it.
There are no fences around to arouse the slightest suspicion... Actually, I can’t speak with confidence..."
As stated in the documents of John Lear, “on the surface there is camouflage - houses with tiled roofs. Dulce is also home to the underground base of the Sirians (Zonnerians).
The conflict with the Sonnerians in Dulce occurred in 1979. It was caused by the unauthorized seizure by the Americans of a hydrogen reactor (the size of a basketball) on trans-V element 115, which was removed from an active UFO (in the absence of the Sonnerians). When they returned, they were unable to take off, and, looking into the reactor compartment, they discovered that they were missing. The Americans did not respond to their demand to return the reactor.
Then the aliens took 44 scientific and technical personnel hostage and repeated their demand. The American side refused, and Delta commandos were called from the Fort Carson base in Colorado. During this action, 72 people died (all 44 hostages and 22 Delta fighters, a total of 66 people, + 6 more fighters went missing, their bodies were not found). All the dead burned to death (a similar phenomenon is known as spontaneous combustion of people).
This reaction from the aliens caused panic. In the period 1979-1981. All US-Sirius contacts ceased, but gradually reconciliation occurred, and now cooperation continues.”
Here's what Daz Smith writes in his article [Dulcek Documents on the Crowded Skies website:
[In 1987, the research group Quest International from the UK introduced me to the so-called [Dulcek Documents].
These documents discuss the joint actions of aliens and the government in New Mexico, USA. [Dulcek's papers came at a time of widespread ufology, mass UFO sightings, and crop circle detections, and spawned a new generation of UFO researchers.
Subsequently, many researchers have added evidence on this issue, such as Bill Moore, Bill Hamilton and John Lear. Each of them contributed to the story of cooperation between humans and aliens, underground bases and a secret government cover-up of everything that was happening.
After reading the Dulce Papers, I believed them. Almost ten years later, in 1996, I discovered on the Internet an excerpt from a film called “Area 51”, which confirmed the information from the “Dulce Papers.”
What was in these “Dulce Documents” and is it true?
In 1979, something happened at the Dulce base, resulting in 66 deaths and 44 missing. One of the base employees who escaped death, who turned out to be a CIA agent, made some sketches, photographs and video footage of everything he saw on the base.
Subsequently, he made copies of these materials and distributed them to four of his acquaintances with the condition that if he missed four previously agreed meetings with them, they could do with these documents as they pleased... In December 1987, the “Dulce Documents” were made public.
Below we present to your attention some pages from the “Dulce Documents”:

According to researchers, the structure of the Dulce base is as follows:
The base's multi-level underground building extends down at least seven known levels, which have one central hub controlled by base security.
There are over 3,000 surveillance cameras and over 100 secret exits in and around Dulce. Many are around Mount Archuleta, others to the south - around Lake Dulce and even far to the east. The deep sections of the complex are connected by natural systems.
Level 1- parking garage. All vehicles Dulce bases are parked here. No one will drive a car inside without security permission. There are magnetic sensors on the roads leading up to the garage, similar to those placed around Area 51.
Level 2— contains a garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel machines.
Most tunnel systems lead to large underground alien bases: Area 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Dugway, Edwards AFB, Denver International Airport...
Level 3— housing, complexes for workers and testing laboratories are located here. This level is the main control node where most of the computers are located.
Level 4- includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis. According to some researchers, the aliens know how to separate the astral body from the physical body in order to place the life force matrix of the “alien object” within the human body after removing the human soul.
Level 5— housing for the “Grey” and “Reptoid” alien species is located here.
Level 6- confidential level, known as the Nightmare Hall. There are genetic laboratories here, where experiments are done on animals and humans. The aliens gave people a lot of knowledge about genetics: knowledge, both useful and dangerous. Cloning is also carried out at this level.
Level 7- at this level, perhaps, the refrigerators contain human embryos, and the cells contain living human “material” for conducting experiments.

Peter Smith, a scientist and writer (publishing under the pseudonym “Piers”), author of the book “Pan-Galactic Wars and Their UFO Projections on Earth” (2012), on March 7, 2015 published an addition to the book known to us thanks to Nikolai Subbotin’s translation. The addition was written by ufologist Anton Anfalov and is presented in the edition of Piers, with his comments (highlighted in a different background). This addition was entitled by Piers as "The 5th Message to Humanity or Post-Interference to the 4th Message of CON."

Addendum to the 4th message

“I would like to add my opinion,” writes N. Subbotin (from whom the author Piers received the original, xerox copy, of the 4th Message from 1996 by Steve Wingate, USA, “The Good and Bad Guys of Space,” at the Siegel Readings in 1998), - according to William Milton Cooper":

  1. The Special Studying Project "Majestic-12" or "MJ-12" SSP, translated as "Majestic-12", NEVER EXISTED. You ( I mean Steve Wingate) read the report inattentively: William Milton Cooper. The Secret Government, it says so there. In fact, there is a “Majority-12” Committee; its abbreviation is the same “MJ-12” (“Majority-12” or B-12). Its founders were Dwight D. Eisenhower and Nelson Rockefeller.
  2. Regarding Area 51 of Nellis testing range, NV. The place where UFOs are being investigated is not called Groom Lake, but Papoose Lake, or Sector 4 of Area 51. It was indeed originally planned as a joint US-Zonnerian base. As stated in John Lear's documents, approximately 1972-1974. the base in Area 51 was closed and powerful underground structures were erected there. The technology promised by the Holloman Treaty of 1964 was located there, but it could only be controlled by the EBEs themselves (i.e. Grays-dwarfs or Sonnerians, or EBE– extra-terrestrial biological entities – extraterrestrial biological beings). The base was built with their assistance.
  3. The Yellow Book Project and the Grudge Project are different projects. Grudge-13 is the 13th volume of the Grudge project.
  4. Krill is the messenger of the Sirius civilization. This is either EBE (Zonnerian, Grays-dwarf), or Master Steward (Tionian blonde) - a blond man from the planet Tyo (Throne). I stick to latest version. It's spelled KRLLL (Krill).
  5. The Dulce underground laboratory is not located in Area 51, but in the state of New Mexico, on the state's northern border with Colorado, about 25 miles west of Cham, in the area of ​​the Navajo Indian reservations. The location of the Dulce laboratory was determined by us using “clairvoyance” (??!) using a map of the USA. As stated in the documents of John Lear, there is camouflage on the surface in the form of houses with tiled roofs. There is also an underground Syrian base in Dulce; the Americans simply set up shop there.
  6. The conflict with the Sonnerians in Dulce occurred in 1979. It was caused by the unauthorized seizure by the Americans of a hydrogen reactor (the size of a basketball) on the trans-V element 115, which was removed from the operating “UFO” (in the absence of the Sonnerians). When they returned, they were unable to take off, and, looking into the reactor compartment, they discovered that they were missing. The Americans did not respond to their demand to return the reactor. EBE then took 44 scientific and technical personnel hostage and repeated their demand. The American side refused, and Delta commandos were called from the Fort Carson base in Colorado. During this action, 72 people died (all 44 hostages and 22 Delta fighters, a total of 66 people, + 6 more fighters were “missing in action”, their bodies were not found). All the dead burned to death (a similar phenomenon is known as spontaneous combustion of people). This response from EBE caused panic in B-12.
    In the period 1979-1981. all US-Sirius contacts ceased, but gradually reconciliation occurred, and cooperation now continues. In total, in the United States under the Holloman Treaty, by the beginning of the 70s, 2 joint underground bases and 2 bases only for EBE were built.
    Joint bases:
    1. S4 of Area 51, NV.
    2. Dulce, N.M.
    Databases for EBE only:
    1. Near Heber, Utah
    2. Near Young, Arizona - northeast of Phoenix.
    We determined the location of 3 underground bases using “clairvoyance” (??!). In 1984, the 3rd joint underground base in Oregon was commissioned in the Wallawa Mountains (approximately in the area of ​​Joseph and Union, Enterprise). Mostly karst caves located in that area are adapted for the base. Construction of bases in S4, Dulce, Utah, and Arizona began immediately after the Holloman agreement (1962), but proceeded slowly until large appropriations were made in 1967. All work and support personnel under the US Navy Department.
  7. The Zeta Reticulians civilization does not exist. ( ??! - Nonsense! Grays - fugitives from the Zeta Grid system, executive curators of the Orions (faction A) and Tionians (faction B), who played their cards in both the First and Second World Wars, earthly and galactic wars (see “Pan-Galactic Wars” by the author) - in alliance with Germany-Aldebaran (E. Radchuk); and faction A is the satellite-allies of the Orions, and faction B is the satellites of the Tionians, here is the alien Bek’Ti Roberta Morning Skau - from faction B).
    Most Americans are deeply convinced that Grays dwarfs are mainly representatives of the Zeta Reticulum ( Right! From factions A and B).
    In fact, Marjorie Fish made a mistake and incorrectly deciphered Betty Hill's star map; it has nothing to do with the Zeta Reticulum - this is a view from the Sirius system. ( Rave! – N.Subbotin is wrong here...).
  8. Grays-dwarfs have nothing to do with Orion; they are Sirians from the planet Sonneri. ( Rave! – I just deciphered these MISUNDERSTANDINGS and N. Subbotin’s ignorance about at least 3 factions of Grays-dwarfs!). I personally ( says N.Subbotin) carefully studied Fowler’s “The Adreasson Affair”, investigated by CUFOS, where there are direct indications on this matter. ( ??! – CUFOS is in many ways an analogue of the Blue Book, the CIA-NSA disinformation institute!). In addition, Grays dwarfs live in a parallel dimension on Earth ( website ZetaTalk and contactor Nancy is their product!), on the Moon, have underground bases on these planets, and on Mars.
    A synonym for the word Grays is the Sirians, dwarfs or Sonnerians, also known as EBE (extra-terrestrial biological entities) = VBS (extraterrestrial biological entity) in the Russian abbreviation. Yes, the Sirians had a base in Orion, but a very long time ago, the Orions-Tionians “kicked them out” from there. ( Bravo! – Here is confirmation of my conclusions! The Orion-Tionians are Faction B of the Zeta-Grays, and the Grays-Zeta are from Faction A, and are native to the Zeta Reticuli!).
  9. The civilization called Vegans by Steve Wingate (USA) actually has a main planet in the e-Lyra system called Dotume (or Dotumi). In total, they colonized 6 systems and 17 planets in Lyra. They are part of the KM (Madar Coalition) and KON (Galactic Federation).
  10. The Pleiadians are a civilization from the planet Erra. In total, we know of 3 Extraterrestrial Civilizations in the Pleiades, one of the civilizations (dwarfs) is part of the Black League (“Black League”) - a bloc opposing the Madar Coalition and KON. ( This 3rd civilization is allies of the Orions and Draconians in the Milky Way).
  11. What is said correctly about the central computer of the Orions in the depths of the planet, I can even tell you where it is and draw a plan with a description ( ??! – “Clairvoyant” dreams of N. Subbotin?).
  12. The Sirian civilization (meaning the Grays or Sonnerians) actually took control of the Earth, approximately 4 million years ago - from the hands of the Reptoids, when they (Greys-dwarfs, faction B, Bek'Ti "Terra Papers") forced to flee from the Sirius system to Earth, fleeing the genocide of the Blondin-Tionts ( from faction B Zeta-Grays).
  13. Baron Rothschild is a member of B-12.
  14. “Goblins” are a completely different civilization from another Galaxy; by the way, they are the ones responsible for the phenomenon known as animal mutilations (animal mutilations or “strange harvest”). They have no relation to the Sirians (Greys) ( a very controversial moment and object for research by ufologists and analysts of the world).
  15. Nowadays Grays-dwarfs are a race of performers for the Tion-managers. They do not obey any Draco Reptiles. It is unlikely that the Grays (Zonnerians) would pose any threat to humanity, since they have been present on Earth for about 4 million years and control the development of earthlings, protecting them from other (“bad”) civilizations. The wars between the Orions and the Sirians are long over! ( Rave! – It is enough to return to the beginning of the 4th message of CON to make sure that Galactic wars-confrontations and diplomatic maneuvers continue to this day!)

More about Peter Smith

Peter Smith lived and worked in Australia, later moved to Russia and lives in Moscow. Has 3 higher and 2 special educations, winner of the Republican competition for young scientists (1988), author mathematical model process of photosynthesis (1986), author of the idea of ​​“inject” in philosophy (1990) and a new Tarot deck of 60 Minor and 25 Major Arcana (2007, Copyright Certificate No. 013-002962).

Peter Smith is known as the author of the book “Pan-Galactic Wars and Their UFO Projections on Earth” (2012). The pseudonym Piers is translated from Greek. comes from the name Petros (stone, rock, fortress), in Old Flemish it is Piers, in Latin Peter, in Russian Petr, in Italian Petriccio, and in Spanish Pedro.

The Dulce underground laboratory is located in New Mexico, on the northern border with Colorado, approximately 25 miles west of Cham, in the area of ​​the Navajo Indian reservation. This is one of the most mysterious bases about which little is known, Express reports.
According to rumors, a specially guarded and secret alien base is located here, where they conduct biogenetic experiments on people and animals. Before the "notoriety" of the Dulce base was made public, there had been repeated cases of livestock mutilation in the area. In 1970, New Mexico State Trooper Gabe Valdez was investigating cattle mutilation on the ranch of farmer Edmond Gomez, who had lost four cows to mutilation between 1976 and June 1978.
The Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratory in Albuquerque analyzed samples taken from the sacrificed animals. The potassium content was found to be 70 times higher than normal. Some researchers attribute the livestock mutilations to the activities of alien UFOs, which are often observed in the Dulce area.
In the spring of 1990, Jason Bishop, who was researching livestock mutilations in Dultz, sent a message to a select few researchers and later gave permission for it to be released to the general public. This message, entitled: "Memories and Impressions of a Visit to Dultz, New Mexico October 23 - 24, 1988", is reproduced in part below:

"Upon arrival I was introduced to Dr. John F. Gille, a fellow Frenchman. Dr. Gille has a degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Paris. He has worked very fruitfully with the French government in the study of UFO phenomena in France. (Note : Over the past few years, there have been numerous reports claiming that the French government is secretly collaborating with "Norse-type" aliens who have colonized a planet in the relatively nearby Wolf 424 system and have high-tech knowledge. The emblem used by these humanoids has been observed in many parts of the world: H with an additional vertical stripe through the center of the crossbar. These creatures live on the planet Ummo and are therefore known as Ummites. They supposedly protect people from the predatory "Grey aliens" and cooperate with other humanoids community with the Vega, who, like the Ummites, directly claim ancient connections to prehistoric, lost civilizations on earth. - Branton)."
"Gillet told me that he has been out of his profession for fifteen years, devoting all his time to UFO research. Dr. Gillet is a friendly, frank man. But until I get to know him better, I feel that I must be very careful with him."
"Edmound Gomez is a rancher. His ranch is 13 miles from Dulce. He told me that his family has owned the family ranch for 111 years and that as a result of these injuries, they have lost $100,000 in eight years "

“Edmond was very open and discussed with me all the cattle mutilations that had occurred on his ranch...”
“Participants in the expedition to the Archuleta Mountains (in search of the Dulce base - author’s note) were: policeman Gabe Valdez, Edmund Gomez, Dr. John Gillet, Manuel Gomez (Edmund’s brother), Jeff and Mat Valdez (Gabe’s sons). Thanks to this that Gabe was the sheriff in Dultz, we received permission to go into the mountains."
“At 19:51, all seven of us saw a very bright object approaching at very high speed from the northwest. The object seemed to be similar in shape to a boomerang. The color was very bright - blue and green.
The object approached, slowed down (apparently under intelligent control), changed direction and finally stopped, while sparks were emitted from each end of the boomerang. The object then began to move forward and disappeared from view at very high speed. This all lasted approximately 10 to 15 seconds."
"Around 10:00 p.m. we climbed to the top of Mount Archuleta. We could look across the canyon in the moonlight. This canyon wall is where Paul Bennewitz (an eminent and famous physicist and UFO researcher) claimed to have an alien base. that during the night their craft take off from an open cave.During our stay at the peak we saw two very bright holes in the walls of the cliff, exactly where Paul had described them.
There are no roads on this cliff. The light appeared suddenly and then gradually faded. During this time we also heard voices that sounded like radio transmissions. The voices were not clear, but they were there nonetheless.
The object we saw at 19:51 was seen around 01:00 by Edmound Gomez."
"My impressions of this trip are mixed. I believe that in a certain way there is something in this place. What it is, I do not know. Perhaps this base is jointly controlled by aliens and the government, as John Lear talks about it. There are no fences around, to arouse the slightest suspicion... Actually, I can’t speak with confidence...” As stated in the documents of John Lear, “on the surface there is camouflage - houses with tiled roofs. There is also an underground base of the Sirians (Zonnerians) in Dultz.
The conflict with the Sonnerians in Dulce occurred in 1979. It was caused by the unauthorized seizure by the Americans of a hydrogen reactor (the size of a basketball) on trans-V element 115, which was removed from an active UFO (in the absence of the Sonnerians). When they returned, they were unable to take off, and, looking into the reactor compartment, they discovered that they were missing. The Americans did not respond to their demand to return the reactor.
Then the aliens took 44 scientific and technical personnel hostage and repeated their demand. The American side refused, and Delta commandos were called from the Fort Carson base in Colorado. During this action, 72 people died (all 44 hostages and 22 Delta fighters, a total of 66 people, + 6 more fighters went missing, their bodies were not found). All the dead burned to death (a similar phenomenon is known as spontaneous combustion of people).
This reaction from the aliens caused panic. In the period 1979-1981. all US-Sirius contacts ceased, but gradually reconciliation came, and cooperation now continues." Here is what Daz Smith writes in his article "The Dulce Papers":
In 1987, the UK research group Quest International introduced me to the so-called "Dulce Papers". These documents discuss the joint actions of aliens and the government in New Mexico, USA. The Dulce Papers came at a time when ufology was booming everywhere, with massive UFO sightings and crop circle detections, and spawned a new generation of UFO researchers.
Subsequently, many researchers have added evidence on this issue, such as Bill Moore, Bill Hamilton and John Lear. Each of them contributed to the story of cooperation between humans and aliens, underground bases and a secret government cover-up of everything that was happening. After reading the Dulce Papers, I believed them. Almost ten years later, in 1996, I discovered on the Internet an excerpt from a film called "Area 51", which confirmed the information from the "Dulce Papers."
What was in these “Dulce Documents” and is it true? In 1979, something happened at the Dulce base, resulting in 66 deaths and 44 missing. One of the base employees who escaped death, who turned out to be a CIA agent, made some sketches, photographs and video footage of everything he saw on the base.
Subsequently, he made copies of these materials and distributed them to four of his acquaintances with the condition that if he missed four previously agreed meetings with them, they could do with these documents as they pleased... In December 1987, the “Dulce Documents” were made public.
According to researchers, the structure of the Dulce base is as follows: The multi-level underground building of the base goes down to at least seven known levels, which have one central node controlled by the base security service.
There are over 3,000 surveillance cameras and over 100 secret exits in and around Dulce. Many are around Mount Archuleta, others to the south - around Lake Dulce and even far to the east. The deep sections of the complex are connected by natural systems.

Level 1 - parking garage. All vehicles at the Dulce base are parked here. No one will drive a car inside without security permission. There are magnetic sensors on the roads leading up to the garage, similar to those placed around Area 51.
Level 2 - contains a garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel machines.
Most tunnel systems lead to large underground alien bases: Area 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Dugway, Edwards AFB, Denver International Airport...
Level 3 - housing, worker complexes and testing laboratories are located here. This level is the main control node where most computers are located.
Level 4 - includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, all aspects of telepathy, and hypnosis. According to some researchers, the aliens know how to separate the astral body from the physical body in order to place the life force matrix of the "alien object" within the human body after removing the human soul.
Level 5 - housing for the "Grey" and "Reptoid" alien species is located here.
Level 6 is a confidential level, known as the Nightmare Hall. There are genetic laboratories here, where experiments are done on animals and humans. The aliens gave people a lot of knowledge about genetics: knowledge, both useful and dangerous. Cloning is also carried out at this level.
Level 7 - at this level, perhaps, human embryos are contained in refrigerators, and living human “material” for experiments is contained in cells.
So what is actually located in the area of ​​the Navajo Indian reservations?

Among the declassified documents of American intelligence services dedicated to the “UFO phenomenon” there is the so-called. "Case 481224", which is called "The Dultz Incident" and is dedicated to the events of August 1979 in the town of Dultz, New Mexico (USA), located on the northern border with the state of Colorado.

One of the witnesses to these events was the American military engineer Phil Schneider, who, together with his unit, was engaged in laying underground tunnels in this area. For a long time there were persistent rumors that in this place there was a secret alien military base "Dulce", carved into the Archuleta Mesa mountain and consisting of seven underground levels.

F. Schneider notes that during work the equipment often broke down for unknown reasons. After some time, the military engineers were joined by a well-armed Green Beret unit, which began to monitor the progress of the work. The reason for the appearance of this division, for a long time remained a mystery to military engineers.

However, soon an event occurred that explained everything. One day, a tunnel being built by the military led them to one of the underground levels of the alien base. Phil Schneider with the Green Berets went to explore this level and pretty soon they came across “gray” aliens who were conducting experiments on abducted people.

F. Schneider claims that he opened fire with a pistol and killed two aliens. However, in response, he was struck by a certain "blue lightning", which cut off two of his fingers and caused severe burns to his body. The remaining soldiers, having carried the wounded man to a safe place, also entered into battle with the aliens. During this battle, about 50 American soldiers were killed.
Schneider claims that the US government knew about this base, where aliens had settled for a very long time. There is also plenty of other evidence that aliens are conducting experiments on humans and animals at this base.

However, there is another version of these events, which was outlined by a certain John Lear. And this is what he says about them: " Dulce is also home to the underground base of the Sirians (Zonnerians).

The conflict with the Sonnerians in Dulce occurred in 1979. It was caused by the unauthorized seizure by the Americans of a hydrogen reactor (the size of a basketball) on trans-V element 115, which was removed from the operating “UFO” (in the absence of the Sonnerians). When they returned, they were unable to take off, and, looking into the reactor compartment, they discovered that they were missing. The Americans did not respond to their demand to return the reactor.

Then the aliens took 44 scientific and technical personnel hostage and repeated their demand. The American side refused, and Delta commandos were called from the Fort Carson base in Colorado. During this action, 72 people died (all 44 hostages and 22 Delta fighters, for a total of 66 people, + 6 more fighters “went missing”, their bodies were not found). All the dead burned to death (a similar phenomenon is known as spontaneous combustion of people).

This reaction from the aliens caused panic. In the period 1979-1981. All US-Sirius contacts ceased, but gradually reconciliation occurred, and now cooperation continues."

In addition, there is also evidence of a certain Thomas Castello, who claims that he worked at this base as a security officer and left it after a confrontation with aliens. It was the data from the video surveillance systems that Castello owned that gave him complete information about what was happening at the base, about violations of human rights here, which gradually forced him to leave the base and reveal secret materials to interested people.

Castello claims that the people who work at the base are scientists, security personnel and employees of various corporations that service military contracts. In addition to humans, representatives of four extraterrestrial races also work at the base:

1) standard small "grays" from the Zeta Reticuli star system (approximately 120 (cm) tall)

2) tall “grays” from Rigel, Orion (Rigel, Orion) (about 2 (m) tall)

According to Castello, the terrestrial reptilians, whom he describes as a "worker caste", are controlled by winged reptilian creatures, which he calls "draco" (an extraterrestrial race from Orion). He says that the little "greys" (featured in films such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind) are subordinate to the "draco" reptilians.

Evidence from truth-seekers supporting the existence of the Dulce base suggests that this secret facility is indeed the site of a number of projects focused on technology sharing, mind control, genetic experimentation, and human rights violations of abducted citizens. It is very likely that one or more of these projects have become an area of ​​conflict between Extraterrestrial races and secret government organizations. This conflict led to a military confrontation that became known as the "War of Dulce." The exact cause of this confrontation remains unclear, but various accounts indicate that it actually took place and resulted in a significant number of deaths, including American personnel, base security guards, and members of extraterrestrial species.

According to Castello, the military conflict at Dulce began as a result of a growing resistance movement, including both security personnel and sympathetic extraterrestrial races who wanted to help the imprisoned people in the alien sectors of the base. Eventually, an elite 100-man Delta Force military unit was sent to the base to root out a resistance movement that was threatening the base's security. As a result, both Delta Force personnel and base security personnel and representatives of extraterrestrial races became victims of the conflict. The military confrontation at Dulce is reflected in the reporting of other truth-seekers, including Phil Schneider, who served as a geological engineer on the creation of the Dulce base, other underground bases in the United States, and underground bases around the world. In 1995, Schneider gave the following details about his biography and the military confrontation that took place: “To give you an idea of ​​who I am, I will start by saying that I graduated from engineering school. I have built my reputation as a geological engineer and as a structural engineer in the military and aerospace fields. I took part in the construction of two major bases in the United States, which are of major importance in the creation of what is called the New World Order. First base is the base in Dulce, New Mexico. In 1979, I was involved in an armed conflict with humanoid aliens, and I was one of those who survived. I may be the only survivor speaking on this topic today. The other two survivors are under strict surveillance. I'm the only one who knows all the details of the entire operation. 66 intelligence agents, FBI agents, Black Berets and the like died in the armed conflict. I was there".
Schneider describes the cause of the 1979 military confrontation as an “accident” that occurred as a result of planned work (drilling) to expand the Dulce base: “I was involved in the expansion of a deep underground military base at Dulce, which is perhaps the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and is over 2.5 miles deep. At this time we were drilling four different wells in the desert, intending to link them together, but this required blasting. My job was to go deep into the wells, study the characteristics of the black rocks, and recommend explosives that would be suitable in each case. However, as we moved down, we found ourselves in a large cavern that was full of alien aliens, otherwise known as the large Grays.
I killed two of them. At that time, there were 30 people among them. Another 40 came there when it all started, and they were all killed. We were surprised by the existence of an entire underground base filled with aliens. We later learned that they have been living on our planet for a long time... in my opinion, this could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.”

An important difference between Schneider's version and Castello's version is that Schneider does not view the base as joint. He describes it as a seven-level American structure that "accidentally" ended up on top of an ancient alien base. He was convinced that his job was to expand the existing base, not to attack aliens for unknown purposes. The implausibility of the Dulce base being "accidentally" built on top of an ancient alien base suggests that Schneider was only partially informed about the true nature of his mission and what was happening on the lower levels. A more plausible scenario was that Schneider assisted the US military to reach the deepest level of the Dulce base, Level 7, which was closed and where the true cause of the conflict lay.
Around 1993, Schneider stopped working on his various corporate clients, who carried out military contracts, due to the belief in the existence of a secret plan of the high Grays to establish a New World Order on the planet, ruled by the UN, which they secretly control. He began a series of public lectures where he revealed activity in the underground bases he helped construct, as well as the role of extraterrestrial races in infiltrating national governments and creating the New World Order. Schneider gave his keynote lecture at the MUFON conference in May 1995 and was found dead in his home seven months later in January 1996.
The circumstances surrounding Schneider's death (he was strangled by a medical catheter that was kept in his room at all times because Schneider was unwell - author) and his autopsy report have led many to claim that Schneider was killed for publicizing his knowledge of alien presence and a secret underground base. Schneider's evidence, his excellent knowledge of engineering geology, and his mysterious death all support his central thesis that an underground base exists at Dulce and that a military confrontation between extraterrestrial races and elite US military forces occurred on the lowest level of this underground facility.
Another truth-seeker who supports the veracity of the version that an armed skirmish took place between the US military and extraterrestrial races at a secret underground base was Dr. Michael Wolf. Wolf's book "Catchers of Heaven" describes a skirmish between aliens and elite US military units that occurred in 1975 in Groom Lake, Nevada and may be related to what happened later in Dulce: "The Grays divided some of its technologies with "dedicated" government scientists in carefully guarded underground facilities in Nevada and New Mexico. The aliens gave the American government some of their Antigravity Craft and a huge supply of fuel (Element 115). On May 1, 1975, during a similar technology transfer in Nevada where a small extraterrestrial antimatter reactor was being demonstrated, one of the main Grays asked the Delta Force colonel in charge of security to unload all available weapons and remove them from the room (so that they could not accidentally fire during the release of energy). The military refused, and during the ensuing chaos they opened fire on the Grays. One alien, two scientists and 41 military personnel were killed. One survivor stated that the aliens likely used channeled mental energy to destroy the Delta forces that attacked them. Dr. Wolf stated that "this incident marked the end of exchanges with the Grays."
There are important parallels between the "Dulce War" described by Castello and Schneider and the "Nevada Confrontation" described by Wolf. In both cases, a significant number of American military personnel were killed after confrontation with aliens. These parallels suggest that either Wolf was describing a completely different conflict, or the same conflict, but with certain inaccuracies designed to hide the true nature and location of the conflict. An important difference in the descriptions is that Wolf's aliens are "prisoned slaves" and not the owners of the base. It is implausible that alien "captive slaves" would take part in the important technological exchange described by Wolf. It is likely that Wolf's portrayal of the aliens as "captive slaves" was intended to obscure the true extent of cooperation between the US military and the ET races at the joint base, which fits well with Bennewitz's statements regarding Dulce.

It also casts doubt on whether the 1975 Nevada conflict occurred as Wolf describes, or whether he is referring to the 1979 military conflict in Dulce, New Mexico. If the latter is true, then Wolf was instructed by his "controlled leak" handlers to include certain inaccuracies (misinformation) in his book. This disinformation strategy should strengthen the case for "plausible deniability" if the government ever decides to confirm Wolf's information. In an interview, Wolf admitted that he worked in the laboratory in Dulce, which again confirms the existence of this secret underground base and Bennewitz's claims.

Another truth-seeker who presented evidence of the existence of a joint US-CC base and the “military conflict in Dulce” is Bob Lazar. Lazar participated for several months in 1988 at the S-4 base in Nevada in work on the restoration engineering of the propulsion and power systems of extraterrestrial vehicles. In an interview, he describes the details of his biography as follows: “I have two academic degrees: one in physics, the other in electronics. I wrote them theses on MHD, what magnetohydrodynamics is. I worked for several years at Los Alamos, first as a technician and then as a physicist in the Polarized Proton Section, dealing with the accelerator here. I was hired on S-4 as a staff physicist to work on the gravitational propulsion system and everything associated with it."

Lazar revealed that during the preliminary briefing he was required to read 200 pages of special documents that were supposed to prepare him for the job. He remembered that these documents mentioned a battle between aliens and people on secret base in 1979. He said the conflict was caused by a base guard trying to smuggle weapons into the alien sector. Lazar's recollection of the contents of secret documents he read in 1988 likely relates to the 1979 Dulce skirmish.

To summarize, the strongest evidence for Bennewitz's claims comes from:

– the testimony of Thomas Castello about his work and escape from the underground base in Dulce after observing human rights violations there;

– the testimony of Phil Schneider, who was directly involved in the armed skirmish in Dulce;

– Bob Lazar's recollection of the text of secret documents, which mentions an armed skirmish in 1979 at a secret base between base security personnel and aliens;

– and reports of abducted people who underwent hypnotic regression, and whose testimonies are recorded in the book The Dulce Wars.
Moreover, the disinformation campaign launched against Bennewitz and the mysterious death of Schneider, which occurred shortly after his public statements about the existence of a secret underground base, are themselves proof that the evidence of truth-seekers about the existence of an underground base at Dulce and unprecedented violations of human rights there , have a serious basis."

Translation by Igor Smorodin
