Is it true that Putin has banned iPhone sales since the new year.

iPhone from January 1, 2015 may disappear from store shelves. Not only that, they may be banned from using the Russians! Many publications have been writing about this for more than a day. Is this true or a myth and based on what?

At the end of 2013, there were rumors that the iPhone would be banned for civil servants and officials due to the fact that they (iPhones) have vulnerabilities, conversations that are conducted on them can be easily decrypted. But things didn’t go beyond talk, because civil servants are already conducting business negotiations on official phones of certified brands, but for personal use Everyone has the right to choose their own model.

In June, Russian President V.V. Putin signed a Decree stating that all foreign companies that sell anything to Russians must keep them personal information(data) in Russia.

But why is Apple so guilty? Why do they say that the iPad and iPhone will be banned in Russia? And the thing is that these gadgets have a program account iCloud, which transmits the data entered into it to servers located in the United States. It is unacceptable.

Of course, while the question of whether the iPhone will be banned in Russia remains open. Apple still has time to buy software to install it on the territory of the Russian Federation and transfer all the data of Russian citizens there. Although many of our technical specialists doubt that such a large-scale work can be carried out before the New Year.

But in any case, even if we imagine that the iphone was banned in Russia, judging by the results of the survey, not many will be upset. If only because not all Russians use Apple products, the majority use smartphones and tablets that are more affordable.
By the way, social networks such as Facebook and Twitter may also be banned.

Discussion: 4 comments

    I don't think it will be banned. The Russians will start asking for money back for gadgets, and this is a very large amount! They simply cannot return it.

    Two comments and both from the girls, what they had to go through to get it, and then you have to sweat for the android ..

    How is it not upset? You don't have to decide for us! Let the officials be banned. I only want my iPhone, and America is not interested in me at all. Isn't it an option to punish them differently?

    I like iPhone and I want to use it. And there is no desire to go with Samsung, Motorola, etc. Sucks, not phones

For the past few years, all sorts of rumors have been regularly appearing that some kind of prohibitive legislative act is being prepared regarding Apple devices. What kind of bill is this, which made half the population of Russia excited, who needs it and why should it be adopted?

Terrible things are said about him: that all users of "apple" smartphones will have their devices confiscated, and in case of refusal to voluntarily give out the offender's phone, they will be forced to pay a fine comparable to the cost latest model, and still take away!

In fact, we are not talking about a draft law, but about the already adopted law "On Amendments ..." dated July 21, 2014 No. 242-FZ, concerning the procedure for processing personal data in information and telecommunication networks. It began to act from 09/01/2015, and the consequences of its release are not so horrific.

Is it true that Putin banned iPhone sales from the new year?

Why then is there a hype that iPhones will be banned? The fact is that when the law was still being prepared, there were several postponements of its entry into force.

Initially, it was about January 1, 2016, then the deadline was postponed a year earlier, that is, from January 1, 2015. Then there was information that it was postponed for an unknown period. As a result, on the very last day of 2014, Putin set a new date - September 1, 2015, enshrining it in the law of December 31, 2014 No. 526-FZ. It is today and is the official date of entry into force of not very pleasant for iPhone owners document.

Don't know your rights?

The legislators did not stop at this and, with enviable regularity, they submit various bills to the representative body for consideration, imposing a ban on these phones. The latest such draft law dates back to the end of 2019.

Why do they want to introduce a law banning iPhones in Russia?

As a rule, two main reasons are discussed. The first concerns retaliatory sanctions against the imposition of an economic blockade of Russia by the Americans in cooperation with the states of Europe and some other countries. It's no secret that a great many Russians use iPhone and iPad technology - many have one or another device, or even both (and even several). And if all of them are forced to abandon it, this will be a fairly tangible response to economic pressure from the United States.

The next reason is as follows: there is an assumption that the use of data cloud service iCloud, which stores information about users, provides Americans with great opportunities in tracking smartphone owners, which, of course, is not safe. This is especially true for people who are related to the civil service and state secrets.

iPhone will be banned in Russia due to the release of the first domestic smartphone?

There is another very interesting version. We are probably talking about the promotion of the first serious domestic IT product - a smartphone called YotaPhone, which was developed by our Russian developers and, according to some statements, has no analogues in the world.

True, for sale new smartphone came out with a price comparable to the cost of many well-known foreign models tested by Russian users, including the iPhone. It is clear that the Russians did not dare to actively buy the unknown device - so it was decided to take restrictive measures on the use of competitors' models.

13.10.2014 at 11:31, views: 194859

Russian authorities may ban the use of iPhones and iPads from 2015, Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev said. According to him, the accounting program is to blame. iCloud entries, which stores information about its users on American servers. It goes against the law, which comes into force early next year.

From January 1, 2015, all personal data of Russian residents must be stored exclusively in Russia. Previously it was assumed that this rule will come into force in September 2016. Apple's iCloud program, which transfers information about every user in the world to special servers in the US does not yet meet this standard. And therefore, the sale of iPhone and iPad may be banned.

According to Marinchev, not all companies will be able to prepare for January 1 in time, and therefore, they will fall under the restrictions of the new law, writes. Not only fans of "apple" gadgets will suffer, the ban will affect all Internet resources: social networks, including Facebook and Twitter, video portals and online stores.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor sent notifications to the American Internet services Facebook, Gmail and Twitter about the need to register in Russia as organizers of the dissemination of information, AiF notes. “We have sent notices to everyone and will force them to comply with the law one way or another. They are consulting among themselves, communicating with Californian legal services. We are also consulting with them and are not in a hurry,” said Maxim Ksenzov, deputy head of Roskomnadzor.

Having registered with Roskomnadzor as an organizer of the dissemination of information, the site must store on the territory for six months Russian Federation information about the facts of reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, written text, images, sounds or other electronic messages Internet users. Failure to comply with this requirement is subject to a fine: for legal entities - up to 500 thousand rubles.

If the sites do not register, Roskomnadzor has the right to send a second request to eliminate the violation, which must be completed within 15 days. AT otherwise The department has the right to block the platform for Russian Internet users.

Recently, the Russian authorities have come to grips with information security Russians. So, since August 1, the so-called law on bloggers has already begun to operate. According to the document, sites with traffic of more than 3,000 users per day must be included in the relevant register of Roskomnadzor. Registered bloggers will be required to post their full name and contact information on their page for sending legal comments, as well as indicate age restrictions for users.

The law obliges popular bloggers to verify the accuracy of the information posted, not to distribute extremist materials and information about the private life of a citizen in violation of civil law, and to comply with the electoral law.

In addition, the government of the Russian Federation submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which site owners are required to point to them.

At the same time, the President of the Russian Federation promised not to take the Internet under total control. "We do not intend to restrict access to the network, put it under total control, nationalize the Internet, limit the legitimate interests and opportunities of people, public organizations, businesses in information sphere", - Putin said on October 1 at a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the issue of countering threats in the information sphere.

Published on 13.10.14 14:29

According to some reports, the iPad and iPhone will be banned in Russia. Restrictions may also apply social networks, video portals and foreign online stores.

The media reported a possible ban on the iPhone in Russia

According to Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev, from January 1, 2015, the Russian authorities may ban the use of the iPhone and iPad in our country. This may be due to the use of the iCloud account program on these devices, which stores information about its users on servers in the United States, which is against the law, which takes effect early next year.

Why Russia may ban the iPhone?

Recall that, according to the new law, from January 1, 2015, all personal data of Russians intcbatch must be stored exclusively on the territory of our country. It was previously assumed that the document would come into force in September 2016, and so far the Apple iCloud program does not comply with this norm. Thus, the sale of iPhone and iPad in Russia may be banned.

Facebook, Twitter and Gmail may also be banned in Russia
