Google, where are you doing my place in GMail? Do you know exactly how shortcuts work in GMail? Gmail Daily Limit: Email Sending Limits The maximum size of a file in google mail.

Many mail servers refuse to accept email attachments larger than 10 MB. While investment size has not kept up with the times, there are other simple ways to send large files via email.

If you use Gmail or, then your service Email will automatically lend you a helping hand and suggest alternatives. If you use an email client or other service on your PC, you may need to learn about these subtleties yourself.

What is the maximum mail attachment size?

Theoretically, there is no limit to the amount of data you can attach to an email. The E-mail standards do not define any size limit. In practice, most mail servers impose their own limits on the amount of data.

In general, when files are attached to an e-mail message, you can be sure that attachments up to 10 MB will be fine. Some mail servers may have lesser limits, but generally 10 MB is the standard.

Gmail allows you to forward up to 25MB with a single email, but this is only guaranteed to work if you're writing to another Gmail user. Once an email leaves the Gmail servers, it may be rejected by others mail server. Many servers are configured to not accept attachments larger than 10MB.

It is not so easy to predict whether your letter will reach or not, if you focus only on the restrictions of the recipient server, because in real life your letter with attachments on the way to the addressee may pass through other servers with their own restrictions. You should also keep in mind that email attachments are typically MIME encoded, which increases their size by about 33%. So, 10 MB files on your hard drive will become about 13 MB of data when connected to email.

Use cloud services Storage - storage in the "cloud"

Most simple option will store the file, or files, access to which you want to share with someone, in a cloud storage service, for example, in Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive. By placing them there, you can share them with someone (share access to them) and tell this person that he can receive data from the "cloud" - download directly to his computer. The user will be able, by clicking on the link, to download the file directly to their computer without any problems.

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If you're using something like Dropbox, you can share files from a cloud storage site. For example, right-click on a filename on the Dropbox site and select "Share link" if you're using Dropbox.

This is the option many email service providers are pushing us towards. When you try to apply large files to your email in Gmail or, you will be prompted to upload it to Google Drive or SkyDrive first.

Creating and transferring compound archives

If you're looking for a more traditional, do-it-yourself method, then you can choose to split the file into several smaller pieces. For example, if you have a 50 MB file that you want to send by email, you can use a file compression program such as 7-Zip to create an archive containing the file split into five 10 MB chunks.

Then you can send everything in these 10 MB chunks with separate e-mails. The recipient must download each application and use a file extractor to assemble a large, complete file from the individual archives.

This traditional method still works, as it always has. However, it can be quite cumbersome for many people. Many people would be puzzled by individual attachments and would not go to great lengths to put them together. If you're not sure if your recipient will know how to do this, then it's probably better to choose the easier way.

Use a large file transfer service

In response to the difficulty in sending large file attachments via e-mail, many large file transfer services have sprung up on the Internet. These services allow you to upload a file and give you a link. You can then paste this link into an email message and the recipient can click on the link and download the file.

These services have to make money one way or another, and they can do so by advertising, by imposing a maximum file size limit available to free users, or by requiring subscription fee. We have previously covered many online services for transferring and sharing large files.

These options work great, but you may prefer using cloud storage services instead. When you use one of these services, you trust them with files, which is okay if your files aren't particularly sensitive or important, but you probably want to avoid sharing sensitive data. free service that had never even been heard of before. Of course, you can encrypt the files before downloading them, but that adds extra hassle for both you and the recipient.

Many email services also block potentially dangerous file types, such as . EXE files because they may contain malware. If you use the services described above, you will be able to send links to such files without the threat of blocking them.

You are busy inviting your friends to your sister's wedding. Your Gmail address book up to modern. You are happy that you have more than 700+ friends. Wow! Your mail merge document is also ready. You are sure that your favorite Gmail, one of the most popular email services, will deliver invitations in seconds. You click on the Submit button. And boom! "Gmail Limit: You have reached the limit for sending mail" an error! Are you left wondering what is the Gmail limit per day? Exactly how many emails can you send per day with Gmail?

Gmail limits the number of messages sent per day, as well as the number of recipients per message. Today we will discuss how to avoid mistakes and related best practices. Discussion is valid for emails sent from your computer or mobile devices.

Gmail Limitation: Why Does It Exist?

Most Gmail users have come across a "limit" error message sometime or the other. Like a normal account As a Gmail user, you need to understand how many emails you can send through your account. A permanent Gmail account is an account with an address containing a domain and available is free.

So it has certain restrictions to help prevent spam and keep your Google account safely. You cannot exceed the number of emails you can send per day or the number of people you can add recipients.

Like a normal Gmail user account you can send 500 messages per day. But, if you are using a POP or IMAP client, the limit is reduced to 100 messages per day.

If you exceed your daily allowance, plus an error message pops up, Gmail saves unsent messages in your Drafts folder. mailbox. Google may also temporarily disable a Gmail account without any - or warnings. However, after 24 hours you can access your mail.

Sometimes when the messages sent are within the allowed limits, you will still get a similar error. Please note that each CC or BCC recipient also adds to the graph, so if you have one email address with 25 BCC recipients, then it will count as twenty six emails. One email from too many BCC recipients can also be rejected as spam.

Please note that these restrictions only apply to free Gmail accounts. However, if you are using G suite for a paid account, the limits will be higher as the app may have its own limits on sending messages.

Now let's see the types of errors you can get and how to fix them.

How to Fix Gmail Errors

You don't have to do any major tasks to avoid Gmail errors. By keeping a few basic tips in mind, you can correct or avoid mistakes. Let's see some of the bugs we may encounter.

  • You sent a message to a large group of people
    • This message The "Gmail Limit" error pops up if you email more than 500 recipients in a single email or send more than 500 emails per day.
    • When you receive this error, you should be able to send mail after 24 hours.
    • You can prevent future errors by creating a Google group of all recipients and sending a message to group email address or by sending the email to fewer recipients.
  • Messages sent could not be delivered
    • You will encounter this error when emails sent could not be delivered due to an invalid recipient address or because messages bounced off the recipient's email server. However, you should be able to resend messages after 24 hours.
    • You can prevent the error by updating the recipient's email address.
  • One of your recipients Google contact+
    • Above error is actually not a mistake , but gmail error. To avoid the error, simply remove the Google+ contact from your recipient list.

As mentioned earlier, sometimes you may encounter a message about Gmail Limit error even without exceeding the number of recipients. It is important to note that the limit is imposed on the number of recipients and not messages. You can avoid this error by following the tips below:

  1. Keep the number of recipients low initially, maybe between 50-100 names. Increase recipients only when necessary, especially if you use Gmail for Business.
  2. If your account is associated with addresses other than Gmail, the Gmail rules still apply when you use those addresses to send mail.
  3. Make Sure, what descending in Gmail has no emails , how it can add to the daily quota limit.
  4. Make sure you don't have multiple instances of Gmail open on the same or different computers.
  5. Send email to active recipients from your address book and who you really want to receive your mail from yet your recipient can mark you as "spam".
  6. Avoid loading a large batch of names into your address book.
  7. Check and disable if you have granted account access to any other websites, applications, utilities.
  8. Avoid multiple BCC recipients or Gmail will flag your account as "spam" and permanently terminate your account.
  9. Gmail is not designed for mass mailings email should therefore be avoided for this purpose.

If you are using Gmail as a business account to send newsletters, marketing brochures, etc., it would be wise to follow the rules or choose mail program services such as MailChimp or newsletter creators like Flashissue.


If you have any questions about this topic, please feel free to ask in the comments section. We at TechWelkin and our reader community will try to help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin!

NEWCASTLE (Great Britain), November 28 - RIA Novosti, Alina Gainullina. Users of the Gmail mail service will be able to send letters with attached files up to 10 GB, if these files have been previously uploaded to the Google Drive cloud storage service, the official Gmail blog reports.

Thus, the Internet company Google continues to integrate its services Gmail and Google Drive. From now on, mail users Google services will be able to attach files to emails directly from Google Drive without having to leave their Gmail account.

These attachments can be up to 10GB in size. Google data, which is about 400 times the normal maximum file attachment size.

At the same time, a similar amount of investments involves the use of a paid account in Google Drive - we recall that the service provides users with only 5 GB for free to store files. An additional 25 GB of storage costs a Google Drive user $2.49 per month, and access to 100 GB of storage costs $4.99 per month.

According to Gmail product manager Phil Sharpe, if files are sent from Google Drive, they will technically continue to be stored in the cloud, making it easier to send them through Gmail. In addition, by sending a file from the "cloud" storage, the user can be sure that the recipients will see the most current version one document or another.

Microsoft already offers a similar feature - users of its mail service can send large attachments by uploading files to SkyDrive cloud storage. Recall that Microsoft SkyDrive provides users with 7 GB of free storage space for files.

Gmail will also check to see if all recipients of the message will have access to the files they are sending. When a user chooses to send a file from Google Drive that is restricted by their privacy settings, Gmail will allow them to edit the settings for that file directly in mail account. The function is provided both for attached files and for links to files in Google Drive, inserted directly into the text of the letter.

The ability to send large attachments up to 10 GB may be of interest to Google's business customers who use the Internet company's services for remote collaboration, writes ZDNet.

The new Gmail integration with Google Drive will become available in the coming days to those users of the Google mail service who have connected the updated interface. As part of the innovations presented last month, Gmail developers moved the creation of a new letter to a pop-up window on top of the main tab of the service.

Gmail is one of the largest email services in the world with over 425 million users.

"Cloudy" Google service Drive, designed to compete with similar services Dropbox, Microsoft SkyDrive and Apple iCloud, was launched in late April 2012. Working with the service is possible both with the help of a browser and with the help of special applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Android and iOS.

The user can upload up to 5 GB of files to Google Drive and access them from any of their devices. Also available are a number paid tariffs, allowing you to increase the amount of available space up to 16 terabytes.

I began to notice that out of the 15 gigabytes of free space provided by Google, my mail takes up almost 12 gigabytes. And this trend does not please me.
On the other hand, I use Thunderbird with full synchronization as my email client. Those. all letters must be uploaded. So the Thunderbird folder with all the letters and indexes takes only 3 gigabytes. Although, logically, the size should not just more or less coincide with the occupied space on GMail, but be larger, because. Thunderbird does not archive messages, but stores them as they are and builds indexes to speed up searches.
Face problem! Let's start getting to the bottom of it.

I started by going into the label (yes, in the case of GMail, it’s correct to say exactly the label, not the folder, details) “All mail” and saw that I had a little more than 500 thousand messages. The situation was complicated by the fact that I have about 100 labels! And shortcuts in GMail are typical folders in Thunderbird. I did not find how to quickly calculate the total number of letters in Thunderbird. But looking ahead, I’ll say that I have about 200 thousand of them in it. From here it becomes clear why the disk space is occupied less.
But the same question still remains: what are these 300,000 messages in GMail that are not visible in Thunderbird, but take up space on GMail?

The inquisitiveness of the mind + the desire not to sleep at night + the desire to feel Go on a real task led me to the decision that I need to take the Go compiler, study the GMail API and see what's under the hood of GMail.

Very briefly about the impressions of Go

Only the laziest didn't write about error handling in Go. I just paid more attention to them.
For the rest:

  • Started writing the next evening
  • Another language
  • Life will force - I will write in Go
  • For me, C / C ++, Python, Java (and PHP too) are also languages ​​\u200b\u200bfor their own niches
  • Maybe I'm just omnivorous
And the article is not about Go.

As I noted above, I have about a hundred labels. Letters usually have one label. And I wanted to find out how many letters I have marked with each label and how much space they take up in total.
I did not find a way to find out the sizes of labels in the GMail web interface (the volume of messages marked with one or another label).
I rolled up my sleeves, installed the Go compiler, raised MongoDB in a Docker container (Yes, I'm such a pervert! But this is my pet project and I use whatever I want, especially for educational purposes) and began to create shit code.
Further I will refer to this project of mine.
I'm pulling all my labels from GMail and adding them to the Users.labels: list database:
GMailMessagesSize -importLabels -mongoConnectionString Imported labels: 112
I take the ID of all messages that are in the box Users.messages: list :
GMailMessagesSize -mongoConnectionString -importMessages Processed 100 messages Processed 200 messages Processed 300 messages ....... Processed 523100 messages Processed 523115 messages
Of course, it doesn’t climb quickly, but I didn’t find how to parallelize here (API does not allow).
So far, we only have a list of message IDs, and we need to know about each message its labels and size. There is a Users.messages: get method for this. But it does not work out quickly, even despite the fact that in the request I indicate which fields I am interested in (internalDate, labelIds, sizeEstimate).
I did not find the implementation of Batching Requests.
But I write in Go and it's a sin not to use goroutines! No sooner said than done. We pull information into the number of threads (as many as we want, but I set a limit of 50). If the Internet is fast and the computer is not stupid, then we quickly start to run into the rate limit of queries from Google. The script can be stopped and continued, or you can just wait patiently. when the limit is triggered, the goroutines sleep for 5 seconds and then continue to torment Google. Yes, it would be possible to increase the sleep time each time, for example, twice and do not forget about the upper limit. But in this case, a simple 5 seconds is quite a solution.
I processed my 500 thousand letters in total, it seems, in about 3 hours. In general, the time is reasonable.
GMailMessagesSize -mongoConnectionString -processMessages -procNum 20 ............................Procecced 100 messages ........ ....................Procecced 200 messages .................... .Procecced 300 messages .... ............................Processed 523100 messages ........... .................Processed 523115 messages
There, not only dots popped up. If you hit the limit, then instead of the point S (sleep) or maybe the message has already been deleted, then NF (NotFound).
As a result of all the above suffering, MongoDB has a collection of labels and a collection of messages:
( "SizeEstimate" : NumberLong(63422), "_id" : ObjectId("5677188d2afd90a80e5e06f2"), "id" : "136b83b1ff739dec", "internaldate" : ISODate("2012-04-15T22:47:51.000+0000"), "labelids" : [ "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" ], "processed" : true )
Now you have all the data at hand to start analyzing it.
First, I decided to export information on labels, the number of messages and their total size to CSV.
GMailMessagesSize -mongoConnectionString -showSizes LabelId;Label name;Messages size;Messages count Label_11;Archives;21279;4 Label_12;Archives/2012;18684;3 CATEGORY_FORUMS;CATEGORY_FORUMS;519396295;30038 CATEGORY_PERSONAL;CATEGORY_PERSONAL;5040188875;268116 CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS; CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS;2990655727;36508 CATEGORY_SOCIAL;CATEGORY_SOCIAL;205976374;6553 CATEGORY_UPDATES;CATEGORY_UPDATES;2769764066;180729 CHAT;CHAT;0;0 DRAFT;DRAFT;82817;6 IMPORTANT;IMPORTANT;6600492209;159268 INBOX;INBOX;40306538;334 UNREAD;UNREAD ;479586429;11678 .
This is a CSV that was convenient for me to open in Excel and study (sort and filter).

And at this stage, I seriously thought about it. What is 6 gigs of some important (with the IMPORTANT label) messages? What is 11678 unread messages(with label UNREAD)? I have (as I thought) read all the messages! Even if you enter label:unread in the GMail search bar, it only displays 106 unread messages! What's happening?

Googling this situation has led to forums where others have wondered why messages deleted in Thunderbird are not deleted in GMail? Well there's a lot different cases. I will tell you about the most, in my opinion, the saddest.

At this point, those who use GMail "only in a browser may regret that they started reading this article. BUT !!! You may be reading mail, including from a mobile phone. And you may not have a native GMail client there. In this case, maybe you have the same problem as me!

  1. An email arrives in GMail
  2. The letter is assigned labels INBOX, UNREAD and ( here is important) perhaps some additional label, such as CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS
  3. AT mail client you opened the letter. The UNREAD label has been removed.
  4. You have deleted an email in your mail client
  5. Drumroll: The INBOX label has been removed. And ... everything, nothing more
  6. The message still has the CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS tag
Posts labeled CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS are displayed when you search for: category:promotions How often do you do this?
In short, the letters are simply not deleted! I delete them, but they remain on GMail.
It's time to remember about archiving letters. And it looks like this is the case!
When deletion is configured in Thunderbird via "Mark for deletion", then "Compression":

And what is worth putting a jackdaw in the basket:

That's happening STILL archiving!
Total: letters go to the archive. And the archive from the point of view of GMail is letters that do not have visible labels and have not been in the trash.
On the one hand, it's okay. But letters can always be found through the search.
What if I don't want that? What should I do now?
How to find and delete all messages from the archive? Here is a good answer. But I didn’t risk something like this and delete everything at once.
By the way, in the search bar, I never found a way to show messages that have only one specific label. Those. for example, I decided to delete all posts that have the CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS tag and no other. I definitely don't need these promotional letters in the archive. By the way, how many are there?
GMailMessagesSize -mongoConnectionString -showSizes -l CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS -onlyThisLabel LabelId;Label name;Messages size;Messages count CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS;CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS;1197364170;14618
I have accumulated a gigabyte of them there.
-onlyThisLabel is an important option that just allows you to find only those messages that have this single label.
GMailMessagesSize -mongoConnectionString -showSizes -l CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS -l IMPORTANT -onlyThisLabel LabelId;Label name;Messages size;Messages count CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS;CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS;1197364170;14618
Yes, I still have one and a half gigabytes of "important advertising" messages :) Please note that this is in addition to just a gigabyte of unimportant advertising.
Hands immediately itched to remove it all!
GMailMessagesSize -mongoConnectionString -deleteMessages -l CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS -l IMPORTANT -onlyThisLabel -procNum 10
In fact, the letters are not deleted, but placed in the trash. There, after 30 days, they will either be completely removed, or you can go and manually clean it yourself.

TOTAL: If you delete messages not through the GMail Web interface, but through a third-party client (possibly mobile), then there is a chance that your messages are not deleted, but archived. For some, this is even good. And for some, this leads to the fact that the box simply swells indecently.
And it's not even 2 bucks a month. You can eat 100 gigs and more. I wanted to get to the bottom of the issue.

ATTENTION!!! The project was written personally for myself. This is my first Go program. I am not responsible for the safety of your letters! But if you do not use the -deleteMessages option, then nothing will happen to your mailbox.

Only registered users can participate in the survey. , please.

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