Presentation on the subject of mail. Presentation on the topic: E-mail E - mail

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E-mail (e-mail) is the most common Internet service, since it is historically the first information service of computer networks and does not require the availability of high-speed and high-quality communication lines. Advantages over regular mail: - This is the speed of message forwarding; - an e-mail can contain not only a text message, but also attached files (programs, graphics, sound, etc.). In addition, e-mail allows you to: send a message to several subscribers at once; forward letters to other addresses; enable autoresponder E-mail - exchange of e-mail messages with any Internet subscriber.

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E-mail address. An email address is written in a specific form and consists of two parts separated by the @ symbol: [email protected] _name The first part of the mailing address (user_name - username) is arbitrary and is set by the user when registering the mailbox. The second part (server_name - server name) is the domain name of the mail server on which the user has registered his mailbox. The e-mail address is written only in Latin letters and should not contain spaces. For example, the mail server of the company MTU - Intel has the name Accordingly, the names of user mailboxes will look like: [email protected]

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Functioning of e-mail. E-mail - exchange of mail messages with any Internet subscriber. 1. Any Internet user can register a mailbox on one of the Internet servers for free 2. To work with e-mail, special mail programs are required. Mail programs are part of widely used communication packages: Outlook Express is included in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Messenger in Netscape Communicator. 3. Using the mail program, create a mail message

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The mail program Outlook Express. After starting the Outlook Express program, a program window will appear, which consists of four parts. In the upper left part of the window there is a list of folders in which correspondence is stored: Inbox - contains letters received by the addressee; Outbox - contains letters sent by the addressee from the moment they are created to the moment they are delivered from the user's local computer to the provider's mail server; Sent - contains all messages delivered to the mail server; Deleted - contains deleted messages; Drafts - contains letter drafts.

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The user can create his own folders to store thematically grouped messages. Folders can store not only messages, but also files created with other applications. In the lower left part of the window there is a list of contacts, which provides access to information stored in the Address Book (e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and so on). The right window is divided into two parts. .At the top, a list of messages stored in the selected folder is displayed. The content of the selected message is displayed at the bottom of the right window.

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Creating an account In the window of the Outlook Express program, enter the command [Tools - Accounts]. The Internet Accounts dialog box opens. Select the Mail tab. Click the Add button and select Mail... The Internet Connection Wizard dialog box opens. In the Your name: field, enter the name that the person who receives the letter from you will see. Click the Next button.

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Creating an account In the window that appears, in the E-mail address: field, enter the address that you specified when registering the connection. The address should be specified in its entirety and exactly in the form in which you created it. Click the Next button. In the dialog box that appears, in the Incoming Messaging Server: field, select POP3. This protocol is most commonly used for email. In the Incoming Server (POP3 or IMAP or HTTP) and Outgoing Server (SMTP): fields, you must specify the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers that the provider reports when registering the connection. Click the Next button.

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Creating an account Now you need to specify the mailbox name and password to log into the mail server. In the POP Account: field, enter the name you provided when you created your email address before the @ sign. In the Password: field, you must specify the password that was received when registering the connection with the provider. The above email options are grouped together under one name - the account name. In the Internet Mail Account Name: field, enter a name for the account you created, such as "Internet Mail".

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Creating an account on To create an account on E - 1. you just need to register 2. enter your name (i.e. your mailing address) and password 4. After registration, you can use 3. Click

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Creating, sending and receiving a message To create and send a message 1. Run the Outlook Express program with the Start - Programs - Outlook Express command 2. In the program window, click Create and in the E-mail field select Create an email message 3. In the Create message window that appears, enter the recipient's address and the subject of the message 4. In the lower field, type the beautiful text of the message using pictures, animation and music, etc. 5. We send the finished message by selecting the menu item Deliver Deliver mail

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6. To give a beautiful look to messages, you can use the command Format - Background to select a Picture, Color or Sound and the command Format - Use Form to select an interesting background for the message form 7. You can check if the message has been sent by opening the folder 8. Received messages will be stored in the folder

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Conclusion Outlook Express's simple, highly customizable, intuitive interface is Web-integrated and works well with a variety of tools, including Microsoft Office. One of the main features of Outlook Express is the "View Pane" tool, with which you can view the topics of incoming messages, their contents, find out who the sender or recipient is, without opening the messages themselves. There are many tools available when working with Outlook Express. For example, to read a message, just click the Mail button on the Internet Explorer toolbar. Sending Web pages is possible directly from the browser. Outlook Express brings you many great new features to make your email experience easier. They will give your letters originality and sophistication.

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Are you tired of emails with empty and cold white backgrounds? Then you can arrange them to your liking. By selecting the "Background" command from the "Format" menu and setting the background image corresponding to the content of the letter, you will emphasize its mood and add expressiveness. Having prepared a message, you do not want to send it immediately? Please, because there is a possibility of delayed sending. All you have to do is select "Send Later" from the "File" menu. The message will be sent only after you select the "Deliver Mail" command next time to automatically send and receive mail. Take advantage of the autosign feature to insert your preformed personal signature and a blank paragraph at the end of the email. The autosignature can contain graphics or your business card.

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3.4. Internet Information Resources Informatics and ICT Grade 8 UMK Ugrinovich N.D. Chapter 3. Communication technologies. 3.4.2. Email

Email (e-mail) . ... (English email, e-mail, from English electronic mail) - a technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages over a distributed computer network. What are the advantages of email over regular mail? (Guess from the picture) 1 2 3 4 5

E-mail address. ... is written in a specific form and consists of two parts separated by the @ symbol: username @ mail server mailbox john @ USERS

Functioning of e-mail. Servers The process of sending a message begins with connecting to the Internet and delivering the message to your mailbox on a remote mail server. Receiver client INTERNET YANDEX MAIL SERVER GOOGLE MAIL SERVER Sender client Pic. 3.13. Functioning of e-mail

Register a mailbox on the mail server. Send an email with text to the address [email protected]: Full name Class Answers to the questions: What is e-mail? What is spam? For what purposes can email be used? Assignment for self-fulfillment Homework.

Summing up What is email? (E-mail is a convenient and reliable means of communication, in which a letter reaches any part of the world in a few seconds.) Benefits of e-mail? (Speed ​​of sending messages; an e-mail can contain not only text, but also programs, sound, graphics, etc.; simplicity and cheapness; the possibility of mass mailings; the possibility of forwarding a message to other addresses) What problems did you have when working with e-mail ? Are there any who could not send and receive messages?

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Presentation on the topic "E-mail" for young schoolchildren mastering work on a computer. Contains 18 slides explaining the basic principles of working with e-mail. Presentation format 6 powerpoint 2003.

Fragments from the presentation:

History of email creation

1972 Ray Tomlinson, driven by the need to create a simple means of communication for ARPANET developers, wrote basic programs for sending and reading electronic messages - he created the electronic mail system.

Advantages of e-mail

  • In a matter of minutes, a letter will reach the most remote corner of the globe;
  • There is no need to distract a person: you can receive and send mail at a convenient time;
  • You can attach a file to an email.
How e-mail works

E-mail organization requires a server computer where your e-mail box will be located, which is a place on the server where messages are stored until they are requested by the recipient.

Email clients

To work with mail, you need a client program.

There are many mail programs, the most popular are:

  • Outlook Express;
  • The Bat!
  • Web mail.
Outlook Express

When using the Outlook Express mail client:

  • Letters are downloaded from the server and stored on the home computer;
  • Letters can be written without an Internet connection and sent at a convenient time;
  • Anti-virus protection is not organized.
The Bat!

When using The Bat! mail client:

  • Program setup required;
  • Letters can be viewed and deleted on the server. You can store letters on the server, or you can download them to your home computer and read, write answers without connecting to the Internet;
  • Good anti-virus protection.
Web interface

Mail servers for working with mail create their own interface, which is available from the Internet Explorer window (here I would rather use the word browser). When using Webmail:

  • No settings are required to send and read emails;
  • Letters are stored on the server;
  • Letters can only be written and read online.
Email protocols
  • The client's messages are sent using the SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - the simplest mail transfer protocol) - this is a simple protocol by which a message is sent to the provider's mail server, which immediately sends this letter through the Internet mail server system to the addressee.
  • When receiving mail, the client computer communicates with the server using the POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) protocol. The incoming mail protocol is more complicated, because mail cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, the POP3 protocol involves checking the username and password.

An email address consists of two parts, separated by the @ symbol.

The @ symbol has different names in different countries. The Americans and the British call this sign "at". We have a dog. The Germans see a hanging monkey in the outline of the @ symbol. For the British and French it is a snail. The Danes and Swedes call @ - an elephant's trunk, the Hungarians - a worm, the Norwegians - a pig's tail, the Chinese - a mouse, the Greeks a little duck, the Finns - a cat.

Mailing address
  • You can get a free mailbox on the mail servers of Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo, Aport search engines;
  • Username - Login (login, login name, user mailbox name, account) is set by the user in accordance with the rules of the server;
  • The username starts with a letter, may contain numbers, hyphens. Other characters should not be used. Name size is limited;
  • The e-mail address is written only in Latin letters, cannot contain spaces, uppercase and lowercase letters do not differ;
  • Access to the mailbox is carried out after checking the password;
  • A strong password must contain at least 6 characters and cannot be the same as the username. It is better to use a digital password that you will not forget;
  • When you create a mailbox, a security question is created. If you forget your password, you can access your mailbox by answering the security question. Only you should know this answer.
  • Entering check digits when creating a mailbox is a protection against bots.


  • Come up with a login;
  • Come up with a password.

From mail history


Senior teacher GBOU secondary school No. 1317

Sviridenko O.I.

Canadian Indians made fires, the smoke of which was visible from afar. This smoke could tell a lot to people at a great distance. Canadian Indians made fires, the smoke of which was visible from afar. This smoke could tell a lot to people at a great distance. .

In Africa, news was transmitted from one settlement to another by the shot of a large drum - tom-tom.

Foot messenger

Pigeon mail

  • Messengers carrying mail used horn to give signals.

Postal carriages carried both cargo and passengers.

Russian postal carriage. Second half of the 19th century.

bottle mail

This post has been around for a long time. Sailors threw bottles with letters into the water. Bottle mail still serves science today. Ships exploring the oceans are dropping glass bottles with postcards inside. The finder is asked to report where he was caught, thus studying sea currents, their speed, variability.

Letter The postal envelope familiar to us was invented in 1820 UK paper merchant Brewer .

Heinrich von Stefan

The world's first postage stamp

  • "Black Penny" -

  • In Russia, the first mailbox appeared in St. Petersburg on December 1 1848 of the year. Blue in color, made of inch boards and lined with iron, it was inconvenient to use and easily hacked, so it became a real boon for postal thieves. To prevent postal theft, the authorities replaced the wooden boxes with cast iron ones - weighing more than forty kilograms. And only in 1910 year constructor P.N. Shabarov developed an iron mailbox with a mechanically opening bottom door, which we still use today.

Russia The coachman is a driver, a coachman on post horses. The name of the profession "coachman" comes from the word "pit". So in Russia XIII - XVIII centuries called postal stations.

It was in Russia, where huge distances had to be overcome from one village to another, that bells or coachman's bells appeared. They were hung under the arch of the root (the central horse in the top three). Basically, the bells were placed on the post triplets as signal means. First, the signal was needed to require pedestrians and other vehicles to immediately clear the road. Secondly, such a signal alerted the staff of the postal station about the need to prepare a shift for tired horses.

  • Russia was one of the first countries to put mail on rails. AT 1837 For the first time, mail was delivered by rail from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo.
  • AT 1851 For the first time, a mail car with correspondence was sent from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and from that moment regular mail was sent by rail. Trains, in which the mail car was hooked, went faster than passenger ones.

  • In the first decades of the 20th century, aviation began to be used in Russia to speed up the delivery of mail. The first air flight with postal cargo took place on March 31, 1918 from Petrograd to Moscow.
  • Further, the development of airmail proceeded at a rapid pace, domestic airlines were established, and airmail delivery abroad began.

postcode- conditional digital designation of the postal address



Profession - postman…

  • A paper bag that keeps the secret of the message. (K-----t)
  • The destination of the letter, the location of the person to whom it is intended. (A---s)
  • Numerical designation of the settlement. (I----s)
  • A person carrying letters, newspapers, telegrams. (P-------n)
