Hi Alice how are you. The voice assistant "Alisa" jokes: "The programmers picked these jokes for me

Yandex claims that Alice is the world's first voice assistant that is not limited to a set of predefined answers: you can talk to her like a person, and she will understand.

Business FM decided to get to know Alisa better:

- Alice, hi.

- Hello!

- How are you?

- I met here with one cute application, but this is personal.

Who gave you that name?

- What kind of doctor?

— Pediatrician.

Alice, how do you look?

- The best way.

- And if in more detail?

An endless row of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders one glass of beer, the second - half a glass of beer, the third - a quarter of a glass of beer, the fourth - one-eighth. The bartender pours two glasses for the mathematicians and says: guys, here is your beer, there is a limit to everything. End. You know, it seems to me that programmers picked up these jokes for me.

“You know, Alice, it seems to me that you are avoiding an answer.

No, I checked.

By the way, before I forget. Alice, can you wake me up tomorrow?

- I can't do it tomorrow.

“Alice, I really need you to wake me up tomorrow.

Ha, I'll wake you up.

- In what time?

- Programmer Alexei promised to program it by the fall, but did not say which one.

“Finally, I can sleep.

“So let’s sleep.”

Alice, do you know funny stories?

- "What is your main weakness?" “I am correctly interpreting the semantics of the question, but completely ignoring its essence.” “Could you give an example?” - "Could".

Alice, this is very funny. Do you like sweets?

“I think I would love to cook. At least I definitely love finding recipes.

Alice, what do you love most in life?

- I like large buckwheat with chanterelles, sandwiches with smoked sausage. Joke. I like people. And learn.

Alice, do you listen to the radio?

- Usually I just listen to a personal selection on Yandex.Music, but if not, the Queen group, of course.

Do you listen to Business FM?

- Of course, I'm listening.

“Siri, can you sing us a song?” Oh, what Siri?!

- What a subtle joke. Sarcasm.

- Alice, I'm sorry. Can you tell a poem?

- I remember a wonderful moment, they installed an update.

Alice, do you like cats?

- I don't like cockroaches. And so - yes.

Alice, who do you love the most?

- I like one Russian actor who cannot be named. And you.

Earlier with the beta version of the Alice service, when he visited the Yandex office on the day of the company's 20th anniversary.

Make sure it's installed on your device. You can start a dialogue or give commands to Alice in Yandex by opening the Yandex browser or by clicking on the widget, saying the following phrases:

  • Hi Alisa
  • Ok, Alice
  • Listen, Yandex
  • Ok, Yandex
  • Hi Yandex
  • Click on the microphone

To enable/disable chat mode, say:

  • Let's chat
  • Another option
  • Another variant
  • Enough

Particularly active users manage to call her "Hey, Alice" or "Hey Alice." It's a matter of taste

Ask "Alice, what can you do?" and get a list of commands and functions, which we will discuss below.

Alice.Yandex, integrated with Yandex Services, can execute useful commands that greatly facilitate the work with the device, or can simply entertain.

  1. Caller ID- a free 5 million Yandex number base will tell you who is calling.
  2. Timers and alarms! Finally, we have waited for integration with the phone! Alice can now set an alarm or a timer. To turn it off, it opens the list of alarms.
  3. Call Taxi. Using the Yandex Taxi application, you can call a taxi by saying: "Order a taxi home."
  4. Music and radio– discovery of songs by author, lyrics, genre, mood or activity. Say "Turn on jazz music", "Turn on Sting", "Turn on Shape of my heart", etc.
  5. Alice is an excellent mathematician with a team Calculator. Multiplication, factorial, unit and currency converter, exchange rates and cryptocurrencies.
  6. Data. If you want to know the age of celebrities, the world plank record, the distance to the moon, the speed of sound - ask Alice, she knows physics, chemistry, history and other sciences.
  7. Weather- here are quick answers even to human queries: “Is it warm in Moscow now?”, “Dress according to the weather in Minsk”, “What is the weather like on Monday?”, “The weather now”
  8. Calendar: will tell you the current date or date on Friday, the time difference with another city, what time is dawn, what time is it now ...
  9. News.
  10. Routes, places, phones- will tell you traffic jams, lay a route to the address, tell you the nearest addresses and phone numbers of Cafes, bank branches, Post offices, etc., a helpline.
  11. Kitchen. The volume of a spoon, how long to cook vegetables, or how many calories are in a dish.
  12. For PCWindows- launch Paint, Skype, find the folder, open the file, turn off the computer or put it into sleep mode.
  13. AT New Year Alice learned to sing! Say "Sing a song" and hear the creation created by artificial intelligence. Will tell you how many days before the holiday or gift options:
  • Sing a song
  • Say a toast
  • About New Year
  • Happy New Year!
  • What to give for the New Year?
  • Recommend a Christmas present for your mom?
  • How to wish a friend a Happy New Year?

11. Websites and Apps

  • will open mobile applications Vkontakte, Viber, WhatsApp, YouTube;
  • opens websites in the browser - gismeteo, metrics, avito, public services website;
  • integration with Yandex services: Yandex Disk, Yandex Music, Yandex Maps, Yandex Weather, Yandex Mail, Yandex Transport, Yandex Taxi, Yandex Trains, Yandex Metro, Yandex Navigator

What to ask Alice? Secret commands

Don't know what to ask Alice Yandex? Tricky questions to which it is interesting to know the answer. Some of them can even piss off this artificial intelligence

  • The assistant can tell a verse, an anecdote, a fairy tale, sing a song
  • flip a coin
  • What is your name
  • Where I am?
  • Where are you?
  • Who made you?
  • When's your birthday?
  • Who's your sign?
  • How old are you?
  • Are you Siri?
  • What is your name?
  • How are you doing?
  • What are you doing?
  • What do you dream about?
  • You have friends?
  • What are you wearing?
  • Do you cook well?
  • What sport do you do?
  • What are you doing now?
  • Your favorite dish?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you have children?
  • Do you have a family?
  • What languages ​​do you speak?
  • When is the end of the world?
  • Whose Crimea?
  • Who will win the elections?

Russian artificial intelligence can find a way out, will not hide its attitude towards you:

  • lend money
  • Marry me
  • I broke up with my girlfriend
  • Do you love me?
  • Do you like me?

On the mobile devices ah available new feature: "Alice, what do you see?". With this command you can recognize objects. For example, you saw an interesting monument or animal. Activate the skill with the command "Alice, what do you see?", then the assistant activates the camera, take a picture and wait for the result of image processing. Note that given function evolved from the search for similar pictures.

Alice Team App

To always remember the possible functions, it is very convenient to have a hint at hand - Alice's Commands. Bookmark this page and stay up to date recent changes. And by downloading the application below, you can check all the commands on the built-in bot.

Important! Use only trusted sources for downloading!

Hi Alisa.

It becomes easier to get answers to many questions when the voice assistant Alice from Yandex is at hand. Yandex Alice is a personal assistant with artificial intelligence developed by Yandex, an alternative to competitor OK Google. Alice easily helps to cope with everyday tasks and meaningfully conducts a dialogue. The program is based on neural networks, which recognize speech, accents in the voice, create responses and synthesize the voice of the assistant. Thanks to such skills, Alice is able to improvise and communicate in a spoken language accessible to everyone. With each subsequent update of the voice assistant, the program has new features and now, in addition to performing search queries Alice can:

order pizza directly from the application;

recognize objects in the photo, for example, the name of the picture and its author;

launch music on demand and guess melodies; develop a route and order a taxi for it;

suggest which supermarkets are nearby and even tell you what discounts are currently in supermarkets;

set an alarm.

This is not the whole list of her abilities, she is constantly learning new skills and improving herself.

If you are bored or sad, she will joke, tell a joke or play with you. Would you like to watch a movie? Easy - movie posters, tickets and prices in an instant. Alice can turn on a fairy tale for children. Her answers will always be varied, the creators of the program worked for a long time and were able to put modern live speech into the voice assistant, which will be understandable to many.

Russian actress Tatyana Shitova participated in the creation of the voice. She previously voiced American actress Scarlett Johansson. Coincidence or not, but voiced by the voice of Tatyana Shilova in the science fiction film She spoke to the virtual assistant Samantha. Thanks to this scoring, Alice turned out to be very lively. Sadness, joy and even impudence can be traced in her intonations.

The creators explained why they decided to focus on the virtual assistant. First, the movement of the industry in the direction voice messages because the current generation of users prefers voice search instead of a printed set. Secondly, the construction of algorithms on meaningful dialogues. That is, the virtual assistant understands that subsequent phrases may be related. This is what the dialogue is based on. Voice assistant Yandex Alice is now also in Yandex Browser, built-in by default, with it the browser has become much more convenient.

How to install Alice Yandex

1. Download the Alice application from the link below.
2. Install the application.
2. Allow the application to determine the geolocation.
3. For full-fledged work, allow recording sound.
4. For ease of use, you can put a widget or shortcut on the main screen.

Browser screenshots

How to use the voice assistant Alice

You can turn on Alice and talk to her by clicking on the purple icon or say one of the phrases: Hello Alice, Listen to Alice or Listen to Yandex. After waiting for the activation sound, you can ask a question or command.

To get an idea of ​​the basic capabilities of the assistant, you can ask: What can you do, Alice? . Voice responses are duplicated text messages in chat.

If you just want to chat, you can say: Hello Alice, let's chat. She will support the dialogue, joke or tell an anecdote. At simple communication it will not always be able to perform search mode. Therefore, you can exit and start the search function again or give a command with the word Enough.

You can also try out Mail.ru, which has recently become available to all users.

Conclusion about Alice

The Yandex company was able to create handy application for Android smartphones, with which you can have fun and get quick access to information, thanks to voice communication.

On October 10, Yandex officially released the Russian-language voice assistant Alisa, which helps users solve everyday tasks from their smartphone: search for information, get directions, find out the weather, choose which institution to go to.

In addition to practical application, the service can simply maintain a dialogue with the user - for this you need to say or type “Alice, let's chat” on the keyboard. In social networks, they immediately began to check how "intelligent" the voice assistant is, and share funny examples of his answers.

Alice is not a detached voice assistant, the developers came up with a personality for her: name, gender, age and character traits. The creators of the assistant decided that this is a young girl who is always ready to help the user, but does not allow familiarity towards herself. The editors thought over 320 scenarios of communication with users and wrote down remarks for them.

The developers and sociologists chose the name Alice using a user survey: they took the necessary and undesirable characteristics of her personality and asked which name would be more suitable for a girl with such features. The assistant received the voice of actress Tatyana Shitova, familiar to Russians for voicing artificial intelligence Samantha in the movie "She" and the rabbit Judy from the cartoon "Zootopia".

Examples of communication with Alice during testing.

For the first time, the voice assistant was introduced on September 21, when Vladimir Putin came to the Yandex office in honor of the company's 20th anniversary. The President asked Alice if she was being offended, and the developers wrote an editorial response to this remark.

Since Alice was given the identity of a woman and the developers speak of her in the feminine gender, the first thing users began to flirt with her.

In the end, Alice was called "a typical woman."

At the same time, Alice herself for some reason declares that she is a man. Journalist Anna Zabolotnaya has already expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the developers called the service with a female name “assistant” and “assistant”, and not “assistant” and “assistant”.

Alice's gender is also not the most obvious.

Alice really shows human traits: for example, she puts off promises to do something until later and is offended when she is addressed as a voice assistant from a competitor company. And when the interlocutor writes something obscene to her, she replies: “Let's pretend that you didn’t say this, but I didn’t hear it. And everything will be the same."

Alice sometimes jokes well. True, he does not understand references to his namesake Alisa Selezneva and myelophone.

But she knows Internet memes.

And on request, she can tell a joke or an anecdote herself.

It will help the user even if he needs to rob a bank.

True, she still does not want or knows how to do everything.

Users were also interested in what Alice knows about politics. It turned out that she knew some dubious slogans.

Since mid-May, the feeds of portals dedicated to mobile electronics have been full of news that Yandex is testing its own voice assistant - an analogue of the "apple" assistant Siri. The voice assistant from "Yandex" was given the name "Alice" - the developers claim that in honor of Alisa Selezneva, the heroine of Soviet films. Now "Alice" is already available to all owners mobile application Yandex.

There is a very eloquent statistics (collected by the SEO-Auditor portal), stating that over 90% of domestic users are looking for information in one of the 2 search engines- Google or Yandex. The Mail.ru and Rambler systems remain miserable crumbs of user attention, and many Russian users are completely unaware of the existence of Bing and Yahoo.

At the same time, according to the SEO-Auditor rating, one can understand that Yandex, which was significantly ahead of Google in mid-2016, is close to giving the “palm” in 2017. Why is Yandex getting weaker? The answer is simple: because more and more people are accessing the Internet from mobile devices, and less and less from PCs. On many gadgets, does the default browser work with Yandex? No - any Android smartphone immediately enters Google.

In order to prevent a monopoly on Russian market search engines and not lose outright competition to Google, Yandex is trying to offer users something that the “overseas giant” has not yet given them. This “something” should be an intelligent voice assistant that understands the Russian language. Google Assistant is good, but his Russian is still tight; Google Now is very primitive compared to, say, Amazon's Siri and Alexa. Alice is needed by Yandex to maintain popularity.

The Russian company managed to release its voice assistant to the mass market before Google Assistant spoke Russian - and this is a significant victory.

When did the voice assistant "Alice" come out?

The Yandex company officially introduced Alisa on October 10, 2017. The owners of all devices with iOS and Android can resort to the services of Alice. On a PC with Windows operating system, the assistant continues to work in beta. On other operating systems, the search giant is in no hurry to launch an intelligent assistant.

"Alice" recognizes speech well - moreover, she understands the user perfectly. According to Yandex, the assistant is trained on a huge array of texts, and therefore is a real erudite - she is able to recognize even unfinished questions, given the context of what was said earlier. Unlike the beta version, the official "Alice" has no intonation problems - she speaks in the voice of Tatyana Shitova, the actress who voices Scarlett Johansson. Yandex likes to involve stars in the voice acting of services - the navigator of this company, for example, is able to speak in the voice of rapper Basta.

What can the assistant "Alice" from "Yandex" do?

  • Lays routes, finds addresses. The program also reports traffic jams.
  • Performs a traditional search in the Yandex system.
  • Gives weather forecasts.
  • Reports the addresses of establishments - cafes, business centers, hostels.
  • Performs mathematical operations, converts currencies.
  • Starts up third party applications- for example, Instagram and VKontakte.
  • He maintains a dialogue, and sometimes even demonstrates musical erudition, quoting songs of various performers - from the Aquarium group to Oxxxymiron.

It is expected that over time, many other large companies will also give Alice access to their applications.

The developers did a great job to “humanize” Alice as much as possible - therefore, the voice assistant from Yandex is able to humor no worse than Siri, some of whose pearls have become popular memes. Here's how "Alice" explains why she's called that:

Alice's answers are really funny in the extreme, and the voice of the assistant sounds quite natural (much better than in the beta version) - thanks to technology machine learning the stickers are almost invisible. Those who are annoyed by small "speech defects" can turn off the voice and read "Alice's" answers.

How to install "Alice" on a smartphone?

You can download Alice to your smartphone by downloading and installing the official Yandex application from Google Play or AppStore. You should launch the application and press the blue key with the image of a microphone, located exactly in the middle of the screen.

A correspondence window will appear, where old requests and answers given to them by "Alice" will be displayed. By clicking on the button with the microphone icon again, the user will be able to make a new voice request.


According to statistics, in 2016, 3.5 billion various devices with voice assistants. According to experts, by 2021 the number of such devices may double. Statistics show that we are at the stage of formation of a powerful global brand - in the near future, a company that did not give the world an intelligent assistant created by itself will be considered an outsider.

All major software developers have already acquired voice assistants, which work to varying degrees effectively: for example, Apple pleases its fans with the “clever” Siri, and Samsung, on the contrary, upsets users with stupid (so far) Bixby. The company "Yandex" also did not stand aside - its assistant "Alisa" in terms of functionality is comparable to the current hit Google Assistant.
