My photo books program. Programs for creating photo books

A photobook is more than a photo album. It conveys mood, impressions, reflects a story captured in photographs and supplemented with drawings, patterns, and snippets of phrases. A photo book can be made in an expensive binding, on high-quality paper and in any available format.

The photo book does not have to be used as a personal photo album. This could be a corporate book or a chronicle of the city's historical events in photographs. The application options are endless. Wedding photo books are very fashionable now.

Many printing houses offer photobook production services. Most photo studios can also design and layout it. But a designer will never be able to convey your feelings through printed pages the way you can. After all, in order for a book to come to life, you need to put your soul into it. Then there will never be two identical books.

In fact, creating a photo book yourself is not that difficult. Exists a large number of graphic editors for its creation. They differ in functionality, interface, cost, availability of online communities and technical support services.

The program interface refers to all the means and methods of human interaction with this program, used both to enter information and to obtain processed data.

Of course, your choice should be made in favor of the program with the lowest cost with the greatest functionality and simplicity of the interface. However, if you are just mastering the art of design, then you have no need for the widely presented capabilities of graphic editors.

Pay attention to the intuitive interface, large library of templates and low cost. You can even start with the free version of photo book software.

In addition to all the other advantages of creating a photo book yourself, it is worth noting one more. You don’t have to order it to be produced in paper form, but store it in in electronic format and send it to your friends and relatives by e-mail.

Popular graphic editors

There are several popular programs to create a photo book.

HP Photo Creations Editor is a graphic editor that allows you to change the design of a photo book, calendar, collage, postcard. The editor uses over 1800 art samples High Quality, 1300 graphic segments, fields using text, frames, editing tools.

Scrapbook Flair – Developed by Aurora Digital Imaging. Its simplicity is ideal for novice users. The program is offered with the support of the online community Scrapbookflair. You also have the opportunity to use patterns, textures and other elements to decorate your photo book.

Wondershare Photo Collage is a simple, powerful editor that allows you to create albums. The program has templates, cliparts, .

Clipart is graphic design elements. Used when creating design projects. They can be presented as individual objects or as whole images.

Adobe Photoshop is a very good professional-level graphics editor. Perhaps its only disadvantages include too much space occupied on the hard drive and an interface that is difficult for beginners to understand (requires additional time to learn).

Not all programs are equally compatible with different operating systems. Named above graphic editor work on Windows. In the same time Apple program iPhoto runs on Mac OS.

(we recommend) or the STARBOOKS program without templates. In the STARBOOKS program, immediately after installation you will find a large selection of masks, frames, backgrounds and other content. There are also 3 templates - Geometric, Our wedding, Child's world.

The STARBOOKS program without templates includes a minimum number of standard decorative elements for backgrounds, frames, masks, etc.

Bonus for creating your first photo book!

Receive a coupon for 50 UAH for your first photo book and along with it a short course in the photo book school: " How to Create the Best Personal Photo Book". Try using ready-made photo book designs as the basis for your masterpiece.

System requirements

    Intel Pentium 1.2 GHz

    512 MB RAM, 64 MB video

    Windows XP (and higher) or Mac OS X (10.5)

About the STARBOOKS editor

STARBOOKS editor is a program for creating photo books for every taste. It allows you to place photographs and, at your own discretion, add various decorative details and standard elements to them: tones, backgrounds, masks. The editor allows you to make signatures and arrange photos in frames of different colors and sizes. The program for creating a photo book is quite simple and intuitive for every user. She will help create an original, modern product with a unique design, weaving together the most interesting and most beautiful moments that more than one generation will enjoy viewing. The design can be made in a simple, retro style or become the embodiment of fairy-tale fantasies. The options are endless. At the same time, all photographs retain their naturalness, and a photo book that looks presentable and solid becomes an asset for the whole family.

A program for creating photo books allows you to determine the sequence of placement of photographs and save money. Designed independently, which will be significantly reduced due to savings on design services, will bring satisfaction from work, and will create a good positive mood for the whole family. After all, no professional designer can place text captions under photographs better than their owner. You will only have to pay for the actual printing of the photo book. With full responsibility, we can guarantee any user an interesting pastime and comfortable work for placing photographs in a future book of photographs.

To install the editor on your computer, you don’t have to look for the desired option in global network. It is enough to use the service of our website project, where you can do this quite quickly, spending a minimum of time and effort.

It's easy to create a photo book with your own hands! All you need to do is download a special one on our website. photobook editor, which makes creating your own photo book simple and joyful. This program is ideal for cases when there is no time to master complex editors, but you really want to give a gift to yourself or your loved ones. Thanks to the use of a photo book editor, creativity can be fluid, natural, and no difficulties interfere with the process.

Complete photo book editing and preparing it for publication takes no more than one evening. Write funny poems and phrases known only to you into your future photo book for your wedding anniversary, and please your loved one with an unusual and individual gift. Choose your child’s favorite memorable photographs, photographs of classmates for a school album or the whole large family - each such photo book will preserve the memory of pleasant and important moments of your life.

The photo book editor contains a large number of templates, clipart and images for backgrounds, styles and designs, as well as photo placement options. The user has the ability to resize them and combine multiple images by cropping them. In addition, the editor allows you to create posters, smart albums and photo canvases.

More often photo book creation program offered free of charge. Another advantage is its ease of use and the impossibility of making mistakes (the program immediately displays a message about empty pages). Download it from the site and enjoy creativity, and then send the layout to our site. We will make your book exactly the way you intended it. Your gift will be the most sincere and original, and your attention and creativity will be appreciated.

Traditional photo albums - last century. Photo books have been at the peak of popularity for several years now. But if previously such a product could only be ordered from professionals, now you have the chance to create a layout yourself. There is nothing complicated about this: you only need two things to work - a program for creating a photo book and your photographs.

Fine-tuning the photobook size

In the PhotoCOLLAGE program you can create a photo book of any size. Select settings from the drop-down list or enter values ​​for width and height manually. Immediately set the correct units of measurement: you can work in the program with centimeters, millimeters, pixels or inches. If necessary, you can change the page resolution and orientation.

Customize page size

Catalog of ready-made styles

About a dozen designer photobook templates are provided for working in PhotoCOLLAGE. For example, the template “Spring has come” is suitable for designing spring photographs, as well as summer and children’s photos, materials from photo shoots in the Love Story style, etc. The “Golden Autumn” template will help organize any photographs taken during the autumn season, and “Our Wedding” will effectively tell about the past wedding day. The photo book program allows you to use all designs when creating both vertical and horizontal projects.

Choose a design for a photo book

Two operating modes: automatic and manual creation of a photo book

The process of developing a photo book in the PhotoCOLLAGE program is thought out to the smallest detail. You can select the mode automatic creation, in this case the software will carry out all important operations independently. You will only need to complete a few simple steps:

  • add a cover photo and indicate the name of the photo book;
  • select pictures that will be shown on the entire page;
  • indicate the path to the photo to place several on the page.

Add photos to create a photo book

The pictures will be added to the pages in the same order as they appear in the list. If you want to swap any frames, use the arrow buttons located on the right side.

When choosing manual mode work, the program will prompt you to indicate the number of pages and templates into which you will need to embed photographs in the future.

Select page templates that will be in the photo book

Immediately after this, you will be asked to select photographs for each sheet manually: through the overview on the left, find the folder with the frames you need and embed the pictures in the free slots. It's very simple and won't take more than 5 minutes.

You can arrange your photos in a photo book yourself

Edit any pages

Realize your ideas - the photo book program can be downloaded for free from our website. “Photo COLLAGE” has a lot of built-in tools for creating high-quality projects, so you can think through the content of each page in detail.

Viewing a photo book will become much more interesting if you add captions to the pictures. This is especially true for pages that use a large number of images. You can add inscriptions in the “Text and Decorations” menu: just enter necessary information and configure appearance layers.

If you are creating a photo book with children's photographs or simply think that the project looks boring, visit the clipart catalog. Here you will find hundreds of images on various topics. Find the ones that suit your project and then drag them onto the sheets. If desired, make more global edits to the layout: select new frames for photos, change the background of individual or all pages at once, and much, much more!

If desired, change any elements in the template

Create a book from any photographs with your own hands! Download the photo book program “PhotoCOLLAGE” right now and create an effective photo story based on past events in a matter of minutes.


Picasa- very popular free program, offered by Google, which allows youcreate, catalog and edit digital photo albums. It supports all major formats graphic files, allowing you to fix photo defects, adjust their properties, set their geographic location, and create original content such as slideshow DVDs and photo collages. It is completely in Russian and very easy to use even for less experienced users. It integrates seamlessly with the online services offered by Picasa Web Albums.

Windows Live Photo Gallery

As its name easily suggests,Windows Live Photo Galleryis a very interesting free program that allows you to view, create and edit digital photo albums. In addition to supporting all major graphics file formats, you caneasily create photos in albumsand categories, placing faces and other useful information by applying quick fixes to the most common digital photo defects (such as red-eye, brightness, colors, etc.) and publishing photos to online services andin social networks. The program is absolutely free and is part of the application packageWindows Live Essentials, developed by Microsoft for Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP.

Zoner Photo Studio Free

Zoner Photo Studio Freefree version one of best programs to organize, catalog and view digital photos available for Windows. It has a very simple and elegant interface (fully translated into Russian) and includes a very wide range of functions, includingautomatic correctionall the most common defects in digital photographs (eg red eye, contrast, etc.) andcreation of original content,such as 3D photos, calendars, Greeting Cards and much more. It also supports RAW formats digital cameras and direct comparison of photographs.

Photo album of Fotola

This is one of the best freephoto album programs,with which you can scan the contents of your computer or manually select folders of photos and organize them into digital albums. It allows you to easily manage your photos (supports drag and drop), edit all image details (such as tags) and create slideshows to be recorded as videos or DVD presentations to be presented publicly (but you need software behind additional fee). It supports all major graphic file formats: bmp, gif, jpg, jif, jiff, jpeg, exif, png, tif, tiff, psd, tga, pcx, jp2, wmf and others.

DVD Slideshow GUI

This is a free program, very easy to use, which allows you tocreate videos with photo slideshowsand videos in various formats. The perfect way to turn your digital photo albums into videos and show them to friends and family. Includes many animations, transition effects and allows you to add captions and background music to your slideshow, customizing every little detail. It is not in Russian, but it is extremely easy to use even for less experienced users, the results obtained can be mastered directly by clicking on the program icon.

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