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Translation and meaning of SOURCE in English and Russian

1. 1> upper reaches; source

source of a river - sources / upper reaches / of the river 2> spring, key; source

2. 1> source, basis; beginning, (primary) cause

source of grief of inspiration, of joy, of knowledge, of supply, of infection - source of grief of inspiration, joy, knowledge, supply, infection

source of funds - eq. source of financing

a legitimate source of income

to tap a new source of revenue - open a new revenue item

to cut off the evil at its source - to suppress evil at its source / in the bud / 2> source of information

to know smth. from reliable sources - to know smth. from credible /reliable/ sources

well-informed sources say that ... - it became known from well-informed sources that ...

we cannot trace the source of this report - we could not find out where this message comes from

3. written source, document

historical sources - historical documents /data/

original /primary/ sources - primary sources

4. origin, ancestors

to trace smb."s source - trace someone's origin

5. spec. source (energy, power)

6. physical. emitter

7. Thu. source text; source program (also source code)

English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

  • English-Russian-English vocabularies
  • English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries

More word meanings and translation of SOURCE from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "SOURCE" in dictionaries.

  • — I. ˈsō(ə)rs, ˈsȯ(ə)rs, ˈsōəs, ˈsȯ(ə)s noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English sours, from Middle French sors, from Old French, …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • — I. ˈsȯrs noun Etymology: Middle English sours, from Anglo-French surse spring, source, from past participle of surdre to rise, spring …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • - n [ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Old French …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • — n. &v. --n. 1 a spring or fountain-head from which a stream issues (the sources of the Nile). 2…
    English basic colloquial vocabulary
  • — n. &v. n. 1 a spring or fountain-head from which a stream issues (the sources of the Nile). 2…
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • — (sources, sourcing, sourced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The source…
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • — noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a means/source of livelihood ▪ Fishing is the main source of livelihood for many people …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • - [C] - the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of somethinga source of heat/energy/lighta heat/energy/light …
    Cambridge English vocab

  • Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • - 1) source 2) sender (messages) 3) source, source region (field effect transistor) 4) unstable focus (on ...
    Big English-Russian Polytechnical Dictionary
  • - 1) source 2) sender (of messages) 3) source, source region (field effect transistor) 4) unstable focus (on the phase plane) 5) source program, source text, source 6) …
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • - 1) source 2) source 3) source 4) key 5) beginning 6) source 7) root cause. alternate supply source - spare power supply artificial light source - artificial light source axial ...
    English-Russian Scientific and Technical Dictionary
  • - n 1. 1> upper reaches; source source of a river - sources / upper reaches / of the river 2> spring, key; source 2. 1> source, ...
    Big new English-Russian dictionary
  • — 1. sɔs n. 1) source; headwaters Sources dry up. - Springs dry up. Syn: upper course, upper reaches 2) source, ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • — 1. [ ‚ ] source.wav n. 1) source; headwaters Sources dry up. - Springs dry up. Syn: upper course, upper reaches 2) source, key Syn: spring 3) beginning, primary source, root cause, reason; source …
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • - 1) source 2) source (in the channel transistor) 3) VChT. place of sampling of numbers 4) initial. - active source...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2
  • - 1) source 2) source (in the channel transistor) 3) VChT. place of sampling of numbers 4) initial. - active source - critical active source - current controlled source - directed ...
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and industrial automation
  • - source; start - double source - earthquake source - energy source - feed source - light source - luminous source - optical source - point source - source of …
    English-Russian Dictionary of Construction and New Construction Technologies
  • - 1. source 2. supplier - air-gun source - bedding source - borehole source - bubble energy source - compressed air source - compressional wave source - downhole ...
    Big English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas
  • - noun. 1) source, beginning 2) root cause, primary source. - alternative source - capital source - data source - raw materials sources - reliable source - source and disposition of ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
  • - 1) source (eg, information) 2) source (in a channel transistor) 3) supplier (eg, system equipment) 4) source. - clock source - continuous wave source - data source - …
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computing and Programming
  • - credit information sources - finite source - infinite source - information source - input source - nondepository sources ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance
  • - 1) source 2) supplier - source of radiation - cold source - heat source - heat supply source - low ...
    English-Russian construction dictionary
  • - 1) source 2) transistor source 3) source code 4) source point 5) supplier. - ac source - acoustic source - audio source - auxiliary supply source - battery supply ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Telecommunications
  • - source - confidential source - illegitimate source - legal source of crime - legal source - legitimate source - original source - source of increased danger - source ...
    English-Russian Law Dictionary
  • - source, primary source; written source; document; source text - source of information - authoritative source - character generating light source - ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Printing and Publishing
  • - source sender (information) see binary symmetric source see binary true random source see diode noise source see key source see ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Security
  • - noun. 1) upper course, source Syn: upper course, upper reaches 2) source, key Syn: spring 3) source, beginning, primary source, ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • fonte, origin
    English interlingue dictionary
  • — (Noun) kakuhaan;tuburan
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • - I. noun see: surge Date: 14th century 1. a generative force; cause, b. a point of origin or …
    Dictionary of English language- Merriam Webster
  • - (n.) That from which anything comes forth, regarded as its cause or origin; the person from whom anything originates; first…
    Webster English Dictionary
  • - (n.) The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or the like; a spring; a fountain.
    Webster English Dictionary

  • Webster English Dictionary
  • - (n.) The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or the like; a spring; …
  • — (n.) The act of rising; a rise; an ascend.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • - (n.) That from which anything comes forth, regarded as its cause or origin; the person from whom anything …
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • — — sourceful, adj. - sourcefulness, n. sourceless, adj. /sawrs, sohrs/ , n. , v. , sourced, …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • — n. origin; starting point; source code (Computers)
  • — v. originate from; reveal the origin of something; obtain from a particular supplier
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • — noun the act of rising; a rise; an ascend. 2. source ·noun the rising from the ground, or beginning, of …
    Webster English vocab
  • — n. point source source code source language X ray source Aux Sources Mont
  • — n. Function: adjective Date: 1959: of, relating to, or being source code
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • — n. Function: transitive verb Inflected Form: sourced ; sourc ing Date: 1957 1: to specify the source of …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary

- [surs] n. f. v. 1354; source XIIe; fem. de so(u)rs, anc. p. p. de sourdre 1 ♦ Eau qui sort de terre; issue naturelle ou artificielle par laquelle une eau souterraine se déverse à la surface du sol. ⇒ fontaine, griffon, 1. point (d eau).… … Encyclopédie Universelle

May refer to:Film and television* The Source (documentary) , a 1999 documentary movie about the Beat generation * The Source (film) , a 2002 science fiction movie, also known as The Secret Craft in the UK and The Surge for its American DVD… …Wikipedia

source. s. f. Endroit où l eau commence à sourdre, à sortir de terre, pour avoir un cours continuel. Claire source. vive source. source qui ne tarit jamais. ce ruisseau ne provient pas des pluyes, c est une eau qui coule de source. trouver un… … Dictionnaire de l "Académie française

N 1: a point of origin the source of the conflict 2: one that supplies information held by the reporter in contempt for refusing to reveal her source Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 Law dictionary

Source, Origo, Scaturigo, Scatebra, Caput riuulorum, a surgendo. La source d une lignée, là ou toute la lignée rapporte son commencement, Genus. La source dont vient tout le mal, Seminarium. La source dont procede quelque tristesse, Fons moeroris … Thresor de la langue françoyse

N. 1. a spring, fountain, etc. that is the starting point of a stream 2. that from which something comes into existence, develops, or derives die; aus engl. source »Quelle«, dies über altfr. surse zu lat. surgere »entstehen« die Eingangselektrode beim Feldeffekttransistor … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

NOUN 1) a place, person, or thing from which something originates. 2) a spring or other place from which a river or stream issues. 3) a person, book, or document that provides information or evidence. VERB ▪ obtain from a particular source.… … English terms dictionary

- (fr., spr. Surs), 1) die Quelle, der Ursprung; bes. 2) die Handelsquelle (wo eine Waare aus der ersten Hand bezogen wird) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon


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