Stereo systems. How to choose a stereo system The effect of components on the sound in a stereo system

Physically, the acoustic systems are in front of the listener, and during playback they must dissolve into space, and instead of them, a scene of musical images is drawn that conveys the composer's idea with all the details, emotions and mood. These impressions pull the listener out of his everyday life and immerse him in the world that the author of the work came up with in order to convey his thoughts, feelings, his state. Such an impact of equipment on a person is not easy to achieve.

The stereo system consists of three functional parts: a device for reading information from a carrier, a device for amplifying a signal, and a device for converting an electrical signal into sound vibrations.

One of the well-known reading devices is a CD player. It consists of a transport and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Transport is an optical device for reading and converting a light signal into an electrical digital code. DAC is a device for converting an electrical digital code into analog signal. Often these two components are made in separate cases with their own independent power supplies. This implementation allows for more High Quality the sound of a CD player. Another common and equally well-known reading device is a vinyl disc player. This old media format has gone out of wide use, but has remained, loved by connoisseurs of high-quality live sound. Such a player consists of a reading part, which converts mechanical vibrations into electrical ones, and a phono corrector, which amplifies the signal and may contain infra-filtering circuits. low frequencies.

The sound of a vinyl player is very different from a CD, and everyone chooses the source that suits their taste. Signal amplification devices consist of preamp circuits and power amplifier circuits. If the preamplifier and power amplifier are made in the same package, then such a device is called an integrated amplifier. If the blocks are made in separate cases, the amplification is of better quality than in one. Sometimes manufacturers of players and amplifiers make power supplies for devices in a separate case, which further improves the result. Amplifiers are transistor and tube. The tube sound is softer and less aggressive.

A device for converting an electrical signal into sound vibrations is commonly called acoustic systems(AS). They consist of speakers and electrical signal filters. The number of speakers, filtering order, and cabinet design may vary. There are no specific good and bad designs. They all sound different and find their admirers.

The question remains of choosing system components from the entire range offered by Hi-End and Hi-Fi of our salon.

How to choose stereo system components

Buyers of audio equipment can be divided into three categories. The former buy equipment for reproducing sound in appearance, the latter buy test winners in magazines and participants in bright advertisements, the third are the most incredulous, who choose everything “with their own ears”. As a rule, the third ones are the most indifferent to what their ears will have to hear after the purchase.

If you choose a sound playback device: a CD player, an amplifier or speakers, we recommend listening to them before buying.

Each component, including cables, can change its parameters from the moment it is first turned on until some time. On average, this time is 100-150 hours. It is better to compare “warmed up” components. It is necessary to select components in the system in the same class, with comparable quality. Highly good kit The speaker will not open on weak electronics, and even save on cords. All elements of the system

equally important. Don't underestimate the importance of cables.

Do not buy cables for your audio system right away. Cables are filters with which you can fine-tune the sound of your system at home. Everything depends on them: timbre, depth and width of the scene, detail, dynamics, emotionality, etc. This component of the system is not as prone to scratching and wear as others.

It is impossible not to pay attention to what the stereo set will extract sound from. Digital information on a CD can also be lossy and distorted. This can be heard by putting in turn original disc and its licensed copy or even worse - pirated. On a high-quality system, the difference is clearly noticeable, and listening to low-quality discs will not bring pleasure.

We want to draw the attention of music lovers to the fact that a home cinema system and a stereo system in the same class reproduce music in completely different ways. If you are a fan of high-quality sound and live primarily for music, then we strongly recommend that you do not pay attention to the receiver and systems based on AV -processors. These systems are designed primarily for cinema and will be significantly inferior to stereo systems in this class.

The concept of "stereo system" can include so many components and their combinations, configurations, that it is probably too easy to get confused here ... It is better to apply a systematic approach to such a choice.

A set consisting of separate components, as an option, acoustic systems, an amplifier, signal sources - is good because it can be formed gradually and thoughtfully, device to device, like a construction from cubes, when each module is replaced or supplemented if necessary. The purchase takes place as if "in installments" - and this also has its advantages. As the complex is formed, the musical tastes of its owners are formed, often it all turns into a passionate hobby!

First, find like-minded people. Not necessarily friends or neighbors - the Internet will help you! It is important to be able to come and compare. And there are many opportunities for this - at least the same demo rooms at stores or companies selling equipment. Try to form a music library only from high-quality records - a simple player is enough to listen to mp3. Learn to read specifications- it's not so difficult, especially if not everything is forgotten from school physics.

System based on Cabasse Iroise 3 acoustics, Marantz PM-14S1 integrated amplifier, Marantz SA-14S1 SACD/CD player and Marantz TT-15S1 turntable

Today we will talk about stationary stereo systems. Well, you need to start the choice with the size - and we will talk about the size of the room in which the system will live and work. Knowing the size of the room and taking into account the style of music and the volume with which the future owner of the stereo system prefers to listen to music, one can approximately determine the optimal power of the amplifier. I can offer an approximate ratio: ten watts per square meter. That is, for a room of 15 square meters. m., it is worth buying an amplifier with a power of at least 150 watts. Or 75 + 75. The formula is not too accurate, the peak, nominal and long-term power indicators, the sensitivity of the acoustic systems, the acoustic features of the room will make their own corrections - but at least there is something to focus on.

Stereo amplifier Marantz PM 8005

The output power of the Marantz PM 8005 amplifier is sufficient to sound a room of almost any size.

Among the parameters of the amplifier, and sometimes acoustics, SOI, the coefficient of nonlinear distortion, is interesting. For quality amplifier it does not exceed tenths of a percent. The smaller it is, the better - but you should always remember that acoustic systems, with their speakers and built-in crossovers, according to the physics of the process, introduce much greater distortion into the signal.

Acoustic pair DALI Rubicon 8

The DALI Rubicon 8 speaker system has a power of up to 200 watts.

Speakers (speakers, acoustic systems, speakers - as it will be convenient) in the "stationary" case are available in two versions - floor and shelf. They differ in size and installation location. Physics tells us that the larger the radiator, the more natural, at least more adequate, it reproduces low frequencies. So, "floor" is preferable, and not only in this sense. Although there are "shelf speakers" that will give odds to many "floor speakers". The “triphonic” configuration is also applicable - two satellite speakers plus a subwoofer - there are difficulties in compatibility and tuning, but the results can be very good. For acoustics, you should pay attention to the sensitivity (90dB and above is a good indicator). There are many other parameters, but if in detail, it is better in a separate article...

Burmester PHASE 3 Stereo Kit

Burmester PHASE 3 stereo set - components recommended for working together by the manufacturer.

The rough principle of compatibility of acoustics with an amplifier must be observed: the impedance (impedance) of our speakers must be no less (and this is very important!) Declared for the amplifier - see the technical specifications. From there, the maximum allowable acoustic power taken from there must be greater than the largest amplifier power mentioned in the passport (for example, peak). Compliance with these two rules is the key to the integrity of the sound amplifying part of your future stereo complex!

And now it’s worth mentally, or better - in writing, list all the components that will be connected to the amplifier. Suppose it will be: CD player, media player, vinyl disc player. And there are (or are planned) good headphones. All this will be connected to the amplifier, for everything there must be input switching, namely, a sufficient number of inputs that are compatible with the output of each source. Headphones require a separate amplifier (or good amplifier for headphones should be part of a large amplifier).

It is useful if at least one of the amplifier inputs is equipped with the “Direct” mode, that is, “Directly”. This means that the signal from this input will not be processed by tone control circuits, high and low pass filters, switching, loudness, etc., but will go directly to the input of the amplifier itself, so that the sound is minimally distorted.

Exposure XM5 Stereo Amplifier - Patch Panel

Stereo amplifier Exposure XM5 - switching panel. The model has eight inputs, five of which are digital.

All analog sources are usually connected to an amplifier RCA connectors(better known as "tulips"). There is another type of analog connectors - more professional, XLR, balanced type. If any of the signal sources has such a switching option, it's a good idea to use it. Some amplifiers are equipped with a built-in DAC (digital-to-analog converter), have a digital input - this is a coaxial or optical connector. Working with "digital" is preferable, especially if the DAC built into the amplifier is of high quality.

A few more devices will complement the stereo complex.

Turntable Clearaudio Concept TP 054

The vinyl disc player is now experiencing a real reincarnation. The discs themselves are beginning to be produced again in noticeable runs. For such a player "on board" our amplifier must have a built-in preamplifier-corrector (this is the name of the device that matches and amplifies the signal from the pickup head, or, as it is called, the cartridge). Such an input is marked with the word "phono". In no case should you connect anything other than a vinyl player to it - this input is a hundred times more sensitive than the others, you risk damaging the amplifier, and possibly the acoustics! Cartridges are of two types, MM and MS (less common), correctors - respectively. The question of this compatibility must be asked at the time of purchase.

Marantz SA8005 SACD player

When choosing a 12 cm player laser discs it is worth deciding on the quality of the device and its versatility. Does the device “understand” all types of discs from your music library? Attention should also be paid to switching - if XLR connectors are provided, then they must be present in both the amplifier and the switched device.

The same applies to a media player (by this name we mean a streamer, a bluetooth device, and a network player) - these devices are the future. Sometimes they include a DAC of quite acceptable quality, otherwise, you can use an external DAC (often combined with a precision headphone amplifier). It is worth paying attention to how the capabilities of the media player are combined with the sources of music content at your disposal.

Media player network Audiophile USB-DAC Marantz NA 8005

Now that everything is selected, we note another important factor - design. Appearance equipment should be liked and fit well into the interior of the room where it is to be located, and for many customers, unlike customers, this item is hardly in the first place!

Atlas Equator Integra interconnect cable

In such a case as a complete set of a stereo complex, accessories are very important. In particular, they include cables. The principle of their choice initially - is simple. As a first approximation, especially for an acoustic cable (amplifier-speakers), it looks like this: “shorter and thicker”, to minimize their resistance. This applies especially to the special speaker cable. Components between themselves (for example, an amplifier and a player) are connected by an interconnect cable. Most often - RCA ("tulip-tulip"), although options are also possible ... It is important to understand that sound quality seriously depends on the quality of cables, the cost of cable management can reach 10% of the cost of the entire stereo set - and this is not the limit.

Another important point is a high-quality support for acoustics and sound path components. In the case of shelf systems, special supports are used to improve communication with the support; for floor standing systems, special spikes and (or) bases are used. For components, these are racks with vibration decoupling elements.

Network air conditioner Nordost Qx2 Power Purifiers

Power supply parameters are also important - here special devices help to normalize it. It all depends on the specific situation, and the right choice can really dramatically improve the sound of your system.

And, when everything is selected, delivered, installed and connected (all this, believe me, is very pleasant and entertaining chores) - we turn it on, listen, enjoy, ... and understand what is missing here ...

Congratulations, you have joined the real sound community! There are still many interesting steps ahead on the way to it.

Most users of home acoustics do not experience much inconvenience when listening to music in MP3 format, and even when watching movies with a simple stereo soundtrack. However, some people want to get the highest quality sound, and constantly adjusting the equalizer during the operation of cheap speakers is a tedious task. If you are one of these users, and you don't need exaggerated bass, from which not only glass but also concrete floors tremble, Hi-Fi systems exist just for you.

It is worth noting that Hi-Fi is not a cheap pleasure. Most likely, you will have to assemble such a system gradually, buying literally a column a month. But it's worth it if you want to fully protect yourself from acoustic frustration.

Selecting the Components of the Hi-Fi System

Probably, between the decision to assemble a high-quality system and, in fact, its purchase, several months will pass - a lot of time will be spent on studying all the intricacies of this type of acoustics. It is worth looking through specialized magazines, after reading some of them, expressions like “warm tube sound"and" daring poisonous receiver "will not be an empty phrase for you.

But before becoming a full-fledged audiophile, it is worth understanding the basic concepts associated with Hi-Fi acoustic systems. For example, it is worth understanding what affects the cost of acoustics.

Unlike Hi-End systems, Hi-Fi acoustics cost exactly as much as they should. At the same time, each of its elements - whether it is an insignificant satellite speaker or a sound amplifier - costs about the same. We emphasize: it should cost the same. Speaking more plain language, you need to buy devices from the same price category, because subsidence in quality will inevitably affect the final sound of the system. It is also important to take into account the operating conditions: if the system is not installed in a special octagonal room, and there are various objects in it that strongly affect the propagation of sound (even furniture), the system components will be able to sound qualitatively only if they are as close as possible in terms of their technical characteristics. characteristics.

Any Hi-Fi system should consist of the following components:

  • a set of columns (from two to eight);
  • sound amplifier or AV receiver;
  • sound source (computer, music center, player);
  • a set of speaker cables - for connecting a sound source to an amplifier and for connecting an amplifier to passive speakers and a subwoofer.

For inexperienced users, all these components are combined into a common set and sold in beautiful boxes at inflated prices. The seller will praise you the sound quality, demonstrating all its nuances using the example of an mp3 file with a bit rate of 128 kb / s, or even turning on the radio. This will allow him to justify all the flaws in the sound and mislead the buyer. You will think that yours are collected with love and attention music files will sound right. But one has only to take a closer look at the individual elements of such a system, and it will immediately become obvious - in terms of their quality, the speakers are not far from Chinese computer stereo pairs for 500 rubles. That's why the best choice will be assembling a Hi-Fi system with your own hands from individual elements.

Front Hi-Fi acoustics

If financial possibilities are limited, and the size of the room does not allow to fully accommodate all the elements of 5.1 or 7.1 acoustics, you should pay attention to high-quality stereo systems. They consist of two speakers that output sound from the front channels - left and right.

Front speakers are of two types:

  • floor - have a large size and, as a rule, are multi-band;
  • bookshelf or wall-mounted - smaller in size and, according to some users, create a less saturated sound picture.

The advantage of the second type over the first in the case of a small room is that all the sound will come directly into the room. In the case of large floorstanders, some problems may come to light, mainly with bass - due to physical features low-frequency waves, the sound will not go to the center of the room, as it should, but in the opposite direction - to the neighbors in the neighboring apartment. In addition, sound distortion is not ruled out - the buzz of the bass parts.

We can say that bookshelf speakers are inferior to floor speakers in scale. But they also have a noticeable advantage in microdynamic characteristics, which is confirmed by numerous test runs and tests. Subjectively, one can notice that small stereo systems provide depth of sound in return for its scale: for example, it is easy to notice the smallest nuances of music performance, the subtleties of drum beats, individual string rattles, and so on.

Selecting an amplifying device

Amplifier or receiver? This question worries many users who first encounter Hi-Fi speaker systems. The difference between these devices mainly lies in the ease of use and the number of functions.

The functionality of the amplifier, as a rule, is limited only to amplifying the sound; some models can also collect the signal and send it to several speakers at once, or change a wider range of physical characteristics of the sound. The receiver is multifunction device which includes:

  • radio;
  • audio signal decoder using different technologies;
  • DAC - a device that converts an analog signal into a digital one and vice versa, which is very important if the sound source does not allow you to connect digital high-fi speakers via the appropriate interface;
  • amplifying unit (difference from a conventional stereo amplifier, it has not two channels, but from six to eight, which allows you to connect all elements of the surround sound system together with a subwoofer, and not assemble a set of amplifiers one for each speaker);
  • a device for combining acoustic signals;
  • video processing unit.

Thus, we can draw a simple conclusion - the receiver is best suited if it becomes the center of a surround multimedia system, such as a home theater with eight-channel acoustics. For a simple stereo system, an appropriate stereo amplifier is enough - there is an opinion that the quality will be higher in this case.

Speaker installation

You chose for a long time suitable system, saved up for it for six months, finally brought it home, connected it and ... nothing happened. Nothing special, at least, and the differences from the old speakers for 500 rubles are not at all noticeable. Don't worry, this is completely normal. Just buying high-quality Hi-Fi speakers and connecting them correctly is not enough - it is also important to install them correctly.

Warming up

Before the system is put into full operation, the columns must be warmed up. This is necessary so that the details of the devices are balanced and come into harmony with each other, the diffusers of the emitters are stretched and become elastic, and in general, so that all the characteristics of the system reach the level intended by the engineers. But how is the heating of the speakers carried out?

To warm up, you need to use music that will cover the entire spectrum of frequencies - any radio station that broadcasts music of different genres is best suited for this. You need to turn on the speakers for a day, setting the volume to about a third of the maximum, avoiding overloading the devices.

Of course, it will not be easy to turn on loud music for 24 hours without pissing anyone off. Some tricks will help you with this:

  • speakers switch to mono mode to achieve identical sound on each of the dynamic radiators;
  • one speaker is connected to the amplifier correctly - plus to plus, minus to minus, and the second one is reversed, that is, plus to minus and vice versa;
  • speakers are placed opposite each other with speakers to each other - their convergence should be maximum, but without contact;
  • on top of the speakers, you can cover with a material that does not transmit sound - a blanket or a foam rubber sheet.

Get the system by type active noise cancellation– the sounds from the speakers will be in antiphase and will drown out each other. Roughly speaking, the sound power will remain the same, but you will not hear anything.

In addition, you should not turn on the speakers immediately after you bring them home. Let the devices lie down for a while to get used to room temperature - nothing will kill electronics faster than condensation due to temperature differences.

After warming up, it remains only by experience to determine the ideal places for placing the speakers - and you can enjoy high-quality Hi-Fi sound.

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stereo system- stereo system, s ... Russian spelling dictionary

stereo system- and, well. A complex of high-yield stereophonic radio equipment from overhead blocks … Ukrainian glossy dictionary

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stereo system- s; and. A set of sound recording and sound reproducing stereo equipment. Buy a stereo system. Sound quality in stereo... Dictionary of many expressions

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stereo system- stereo system … Morphemic spelling dictionary

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CD-i- Philips CD i ... Wikipedia


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When people hear the combination of Hi-Fi, they sometimes associate with a beautiful life: large estates, snow-white yachts, prestigious cars. And at the thought “this is only for the rich”, the throwing of the soul usually calms down. In fact, a ticket to the magical world of Hi-Fi is cheaper than many people think. Of course, a Hi-Fi stereo system cannot be attributed to the pleasures available to everyone (inhabitants of third world countries). However, if you do not aim at the “most-most”, but limit yourself to budget equipment, then you can do without burdensome costs for the family budget. In this case, a component from a quite reputable, but little-known among the people, Hi-Fi brand may cost less than a fashionable gadget from well-known consumer equipment manufacturers. But if you want to get an impressive result, you still have to fork out.

Hi-Fi systems not only play music perfectly, but also decorate the interior

Issue price

Some people think that giving away $1,000 is something that goes beyond common sense. And some of the enthusiastic enthusiasts will argue that components under $2000 by definition "do not play". Everyone is right in their own way, because they take their knowledge, preferences and financial capabilities as a basis. Therefore, there is no exact answer to the question “how much do you need to spend on equipment to get the same Hi-Fi?”. We will try to outline the price ranges that you can focus on (although they are not a standard, and you should listen to them carefully).

As reference points, we took modern product lines of European and Japanese companies, which can be considered the founders of traditions in the world of Hi-Fi. As a rule, each brand has several series designed for consumers with different needs and wallet thicknesses. Series of products are sometimes updated, discontinued or new ones are released. But the general price level has remained roughly the same for the past 10 years and is unlikely to change significantly in the near future.

So, Hi-Fi components and an acoustic pair of a budget class can be bought for $300-1000, a middle class - for $1000-2500, a high class - for $2500-5000. More high prices lies in an area that we will not touch on - emotions that are beyond the control of reason reign there. It is necessary to take into account the cost of accessories (cables, racks, network filters, etc.), which can be estimated at 5-20% of the cost of the entire system. As a result, it turns out that a budget traditional system of three components (player, amplifier, acoustics) will cost about $1000-3500, a middle-class system - $3500-7500, and a high-class system - $7500-15000.

The first option is suitable as a starting system for beginners or an additional system (for example, to brighten up a holiday in the country). The second option is optimal in terms of price / quality - for an adequate price you get excellent components. Well, the third option is the choice of a narrow circle of enthusiasts who do not need our recommendations or well-to-do beginners who want to be sure that they will get a first-class result.

scary choice

We figured out the budget, now we'll think about how to actually choose a system. The most important and difficult (and also interesting!) task is the selection of components - acoustics, a CD player, an integrated amplifier and accessories. The choice is so large that even the eyes run wide! At first, of course, it is very difficult to understand all the variety of technology. There are many brands that produce boxes and speakers that are practically identical in appearance and technical performance. Moreover, these brands, as a rule, are not familiar to those who have not been fond of expensive AV equipment before. For example, are you familiar with the brands Dynaudio, Primare, Furutech? Probably not. And an experienced audiophile, if he does not tell you how these companies were created and what their success is in the last quarter, then he certainly knows what they produce and how they stand out from other companies. And what to talk about specific models such brands? For example, the Danish manufacturer of acoustics Dynaudio already has 8 lines of home acoustics for stereo systems and home theaters (and this is not counting other types of acoustics) in each of which there are several models.

An example of a budget stereo system (photo taken from

Such a wide choice may not scare you, but it is not easy. Many in this situation rush to read specialized magazines and forums. And after that they get even more confused (because it turns out that there are not many “same” components, but a lot) or they become sympathetic to some brands and tune in to buy them (due to good ratings in reviews and comparative tests). One way or another, you should not draw unambiguous conclusions about audio equipment from the reviews of experienced members of the forum, experts, and acquaintances. You can take into account theoretical advice, but listen to you, not them. Therefore, you should go to Hi-Fi salons and listen to several systems on your own that fit into the budget. The more options you can listen to, the better.

signature sound

And at this moment of a difficult but fascinating journey through the world of Hi-Fi, you are likely to notice an important trend. Components and acoustics from different manufacturers with the same price tag play differently. Sometimes the differences are not big at all, but are noticeable upon careful listening. And representatives of the same brand play similarly (at the same time, expensive models make it more interesting than cheap ones). Well, the design of course within the same product line is the same. The thing is that many manufacturers have developed their own concepts over the course of several decades of their activity, which are reflected in how their products look and sound. About these concepts, which are expressed in a signature sound, there are endless discussions on the forums ... and will go on forever. Because it is impossible to determine which concept is better. You can only choose the one that suits you best. It's for you. Hi-Fi is not a single standard for everyone. Hi-Fi is an individual choice.

At the same time, we will offer you several system options based on the preferences of enthusiasts, sellers' advice, tests in the Hi-Fi press. And what is no less important, almost all of them are sold in Ukraine. Manufacturers themselves are very reserved in advising partners for their products, usually noting that “for our equipment, we need to select as high-quality partners as possible.” Our examples can be taken as a starting point for finding your own sound. And perhaps you will find among them what you need.

It so happened that some companies produce acoustics, while others produce electronic components for it. Moreover, the latter often produce a wide range of components: CD players, amplifiers, tuners, etc. We advise beginners to simplify the choice and buy a player and amplifier from the same manufacturer from the same line. This will ensure visual compatibility, a good sound combination, and often the ability to control the entire system with one remote control.

Components from the same product line usually work well together in all respects

budget class

Middle class

($2000) + ($1500) + ($2000)
($1800) + Marantz PM KI Pearl LITE ($1800) + Triangle Esprit Altea EX ($1800)
Exposure 3010S2 CD ($2000) + , Denon DCD-2010AE, Marantz SA KI Pearl Light, etc. There are also special network players from famous brands: Marantz NA7004, Yamaha NP-S2000. Enthusiasts also assemble and configure combinations of a music computer and an external DAC (Arcam rDAc, Cambridge Audio DacMagic, Hegel HD20, PS Audio Digital Link III, etc.).


Finally, we note that the choice of a stereo system is not an easy, but interesting process. After choosing a price category, start listening available options. Choose based on your impressions, and not on the advice of "experts". By purchasing a set of a CD player, an integrated amplifier and acoustics, you will receive a traditional Hi-Fi set. Good system will delight you with excellent sounding music for a long time and will not become obsolete like fashionable portable electronics. Having spent money once, you can rejoice for a very long time. Over time, if you get into Hi-Fi (and read forums and magazines), perhaps you will replace it with a more serious system or expand it to a home theater. In general, we talked only about the first step and perhaps you still have everything ahead.
