Intrazonal long-distance and international telephone services. Rostelecom intrazone communication

In pursuance Federal Law"On Communications" and the Law Russian Federation"On the protection of consumer rights" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, intercity and international services telephone communication.

2. Establish that the Rules approved by this resolution shall come into force on July 1, 2005.

3. Recognize as invalid from July 1, 2005: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1997 N1235 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of telephone services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 40, Art. 4599);

paragraph 2 of the amendments and additions that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of telephone services, telegraph communication and wire broadcasting (radio), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2002 N 12 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 3, Art. 223).

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation

M. Fradkov

Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services

I. General provisions

1. These Rules govern the relationship between the subscriber and (or) user of telephone services and the telecom operator in the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services in the public communications network (hereinafter referred to as telephone services).

2. The concepts used in these Rules mean the following:

“subscriber” - a user of telephone communication services with whom an agreement has been concluded for the provision of telephone communication services when a subscriber number is allocated for these purposes;

"subscriber line" - a communication line connecting the user (terminal) equipment with the communication center of the local telephone network;

"subscriber number" - a number that uniquely identifies (identifies) the subscriber line;

"intrazone telephone connection" - a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network and located within the territory of the same subject of the Russian Federation, or a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network , and user (terminal) equipment connected to a mobile communications network, when the corresponding subscriber of this mobile communications network is allocated a subscriber number that is part of a resource of a geographically undefined numbering zone assigned to the same subject of the Russian Federation;

“call” - actions performed by a subscriber or user of telephone communication services in order to establish a connection between his user (terminal) equipment and the user (terminal) equipment of another subscriber or user of telephone communication services, and the set of operations generated by these actions in the telecommunication network;

"additional subscriber number" - a number that uniquely defines (identifies) technical and software communication center of the local telephone network, allowing for forwarding of incoming calls;

“telephone connection tariff unit” - the duration of a telephone connection, for the provision of which a subscriber or user of telephone services is charged a fee equal to the tariff established for a connection of this type;

“service area of ​​a communication center of a local telephone network” - the territory within which user (terminal) equipment is connected or can be connected by subscriber lines with communication facilities of the same communication center of a local telephone network;

“service area of ​​the local telephone network of a telecom operator” - a set of service areas of all communication nodes of the local telephone network of the same telecom operator;

“telephone services payment card” - a means that allows a subscriber and (or) user of telephone services to initiate a call by identifying the subscriber and (or) user of telephone services to the telecom operator as a payer in the telecom operator’s communication network;

“telephone network selection code” - a number or combination of numbers dialed by a subscriber and (or) user of telephone services to select a zonal telephone network or a long-distance and international telephone network;

“major failure on the communication network” - damage to communications equipment or communication lines, leading to the cessation of the ability to simultaneously provide telephone services to more than 100 subscribers and (or) requiring more than 4 hours to restore service;

“local telephone connection” - a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to the local telephone network and located within the territory of the same municipality;

"long-distance telephone connection" - a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network and located within the territory of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network within the territory one subject of the Russian Federation, and user (terminal) equipment connected to a mobile communications network, when the corresponding subscriber of this mobile communications network is allocated a subscriber number that is part of a resource of a geographically undefined numbering zone assigned to another subject of the Russian Federation;

"international telephone connection" - a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment, when one user (terminal) equipment is connected to the local telephone network and is located within the territory of the Russian Federation, and the other user (terminal) equipment is located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network within the territory of the Russian Federation, and user (terminal) equipment connected to a mobile network, when the corresponding subscriber of this mobile network is allocated a subscriber number that is not included in the resource numbering assigned to the Russian Federation;

“user of telephone communication services” - a person ordering and (or) using telephone communication services;

“providing access to the local telephone network” - a set of actions by the telecom operator of the local telephone network to form a subscriber line and connect user (terminal) equipment with its help to the communication center of the local telephone network in order to ensure the provision of telephone services to the subscriber;

“providing the opportunity to access telephone services” - providing one telecom operator with the opportunity for its subscriber and (or) user of telephone services to receive telephone services provided by another telecom operator;

“co-subscribers” - citizens living in a communal apartment who have authorized one of the residents of this apartment to enter into an agreement for the provision of telephone services, providing for the collective use of user (terminal) equipment;

"tariff plan" - a set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more telephone services;

“telephone connection” - an interaction established as a result of a call between means of communication, allowing the subscriber and (or) user of telephone services to transmit and (or) receive voice and (or) non-voice information;

"technical feasibility providing access to the local telephone network" - the simultaneous presence of unused mounted capacity of the communication center, in the coverage area of ​​which the connection of user (terminal) equipment to the local telephone network is requested, and unused communication lines that allow the formation of a subscriber communication line between the communication center and this user (terminal) equipment;

“technical ability to provide telephone services using an additional subscriber number” - the presence of unused communication means that allow the local telephone network operator to forward incoming calls;

"telephone network communication node" - communication facilities that perform the functions of switching systems.

3. The relationship between the telecom operator and the subscriber and (or) user of telephone communication services (hereinafter referred to as the user), arising during the provision of telephone communication services on the territory of the Russian Federation, is carried out in Russian.

4. The telecom operator is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of telephone conversations transmitted over communication networks.

Restriction of the right to privacy of telephone conversations transmitted over communication networks is permitted only in cases provided for by federal laws.

Information about telephone conversations transmitted over communication networks can be provided only to subscribers or their authorized representatives, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

Information about the subscriber that has become known to the telecom operator due to the execution of an agreement for the provision of telephone services (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) may be used by the telecom operator to provide reference and other information services or transferred to third parties only with the written consent of this subscriber, except for the cases provided for federal laws.

5. In emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, the telecom operator, in the manner prescribed by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, is obliged to provide telephone services to the eligible subscriber and (or) user as a matter of priority, and also has the right to temporarily stop or limit provision of telephone services.

6. For certain categories of officials of bodies state power, diplomatic and consular representatives of foreign states, representatives of international organizations, as well as certain categories of citizens, advantages in priority and in the order of using telephone services may be established.

The categories of officials and citizens who have the right to benefits in the provision of telephone services are determined by international treaties of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. Only such user (terminal) equipment (telephone, fax machine, answering machine or other equipment) (hereinafter referred to as the equipment) can be connected to the subscriber line, for which there is a document confirming the compliance of these means of communication with the established requirements.

The obligation to provide equipment to be connected to the subscriber line rests with the subscriber, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

8. The telecom operator provides the subscriber and (or) user with the opportunity to use telephone services 24 hours a day, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Telephone services are divided into local, intrazonal, long-distance and international communication services.

10. The telecom operator has the right to provide the subscriber and (or) user with those telephone services for which this telecom operator has been issued a license. In this case, the telecom operator is obliged to provide telephone services in accordance with the license conditions provided for in the license issued to the telecom operator.

The provision of telephone services may be accompanied by the provision by the telecom operator of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with telephone services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, subject to the requirements provided for in paragraphs 56 and 57 of these Rules.

11. The ability to call emergency operational services is provided by the telecom operator providing local telephone services to each subscriber and (or) user free of charge and around the clock by dialing a number (numbers) uniform throughout the Russian Federation for the corresponding service (services). Emergency services include:

a) fire service;

b) emergency response service;

c) police service;

d) emergency medical service;

d) emergency service gas network;

f) “Antiterror” service.

12. The telecom operator is obliged to create a system of information and reference services in order to provide the subscriber and (or) user with information related to the provision of telephone services.

13. The information and reference service system consists of information and reference services, as well as information and reference printed publications (telephone directories) on paper and (or) electronic media, containing information about the telecom operator, subscribers and their subscriber numbers, as well as other information necessary for using telephone services.

14. The information and reference service system provides paid and free information and reference services.

15. A telecom operator providing local telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

a) issuing a certificate of the telephone number of a local telephone network subscriber (citizen and legal entity), about tariffs for local telephone services, about the status of the subscriber’s personal account and about local time;

b) calling a local telephone network repair bureau;

c) receiving information about a technical malfunction that prevents the use of telephone services;

d) provision of information related to the provision of universal communication services.

16. A telecom operator providing intrazonal telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

a) issuance of a certificate on the intercity code of the locality, on tariffs for intrazonal telephone communication services, on the status of the subscriber’s personal account, on the procedure for using automatic intrazonal telephone communication and on the service numbers of the telecom operator for ordering an intrazonal telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator;

17. A telecom operator providing long-distance and international telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

a) issuance of a certificate on the intercity code of the locality, on the international code of the country and foreign locality, on tariffs for long-distance and international telephone services, on the status of the subscriber’s personal account, on the time difference with the called locality located on the territory of the Russian Federation or outside its boundaries, on the procedure for using automatic long-distance and international telephone communications and on the service numbers of the telecom operator for ordering long-distance and international telephone connections with the help of a telephone operator;

b) receiving information about a technical malfunction that prevents the use of telephone services.

18. The list of free information and reference services established by paragraphs 15-17 of these Rules cannot be reduced.

19. The telecom operator independently determines the list and time of provision of paid information and reference services.

20. The telecom operator includes in telephone directories the following information about subscribers of its communication network (with their written consent):

a) last name, first name, patronymic and allocated subscriber number (for a citizen subscriber);

b) name (company name), address of equipment installation, numbers specified by the subscriber from among the numbers allocated to this subscriber (for a subscriber - a legal entity).

When determining the method of distributing information and reference publications, the telecom operator takes reasonable measures to ensure the availability of this information for subscribers and users.

The telecom operator updates the information posted in telephone directories at least once a year.

21. Multiple telecom operators can create unified system information and reference services, including unified information and reference publications.

22. The telecom operator is obliged to provide the subscriber and (or) user with the information necessary for concluding and executing the contract. The specified information in Russian (if necessary in other languages) in a clear and accessible form is brought to the attention of the subscriber and (or) user free of charge through the media, information and reference services, as well as in places where telephone services are provided.

23. Information provided by the telecom operator to the subscriber and (or) user when concluding an agreement includes:

a) the name (company name) of the telecom operator, a list of its branches, their locations and operating hours;

b) details of the license(s) issued to the telecom operator to carry out activities in the field of provision of communication services (hereinafter referred to as the license) and the content of the license conditions;

c) a list of telephone services, conditions and procedure for their provision;

d) list of codes for selecting zonal, long-distance and international telephone networks;

e) list and description of advantages and limitations in the provision of telephone services;

f) name and details regulatory documents, defining the requirements for the quality of telephone services provided;

g) tariffs for telephone services;

h) the procedure, forms and systems of payment for telephone services;

i) the procedure and time frame for considering an application for concluding an agreement;

j) the procedure for considering claims of the subscriber and (or) user;

k) a list of equipment that has a document confirming compliance with established requirements;

l) telephone numbers of information and reference services and repair bureaus;

m) indication of the places where the subscriber and (or) user can fully familiarize themselves with these Rules;

o) an indication of the specific person who will perform the work (or will be responsible for its implementation) related to the provision of telephone services, his last name, first name, patronymic and position, if this is relevant based on the nature of the service.

The telecom operator is obliged, at the request of the subscriber and (or) user, to provide him with additional information related to the provision of telephone services.

II. Procedure and conditions for concluding an agreement

24. Telephone services are provided on the basis of fee-based contracts.

25. The parties to the agreement are a citizen or legal entity or individual entrepreneur, on the one hand, and a telecom operator, on the other hand.

26. To conclude an agreement, an application is submitted to the telecom operator, the form of which is established by the telecom operator.

A citizen aged 14 years and until he reaches 18 years of age submits an application for concluding an agreement with the written consent of legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, trustees).

The application is filled out in 2 copies and registered by the telecom operator. One copy remains with the telecom operator, the other is given to the applicant.

The procedure for registering applications for concluding an agreement is established by the telecom operator.

27. An agreement (agreements) may be concluded with citizens living in a communal apartment providing for the provision of telephone services with collective and (or) individual use of equipment.

28. An application for the conclusion of an agreement providing for the provision of telephone communication services with the collective use of equipment is submitted to the telecom operator by a citizen, an authorized representative of each family living in this communal apartment and intending to use telephone communication services.

The citizen’s authority to submit an application is confirmed by a power of attorney executed in the prescribed manner.

29. When submitting an application for concluding an agreement, a citizen presents a document proving his identity.

When submitting this application, a representative of a legal entity presents a document confirming his powers (power of attorney or decision to elect a sole executive body).

30. When submitting an application for concluding an agreement, a citizen submits the following documents to the telecom operator:

a) a copy of the document confirming the right of ownership or use of the premises in which the equipment is installed;

b) written consent of legal representatives (in the case specified in paragraph 26 of these Rules);

c) power of attorney (in the cases specified in paragraphs 28 and 29 of these Rules).

31. When submitting an application for concluding an agreement, a representative of a legal entity submits the following documents to the telecom operator:

a) a copy of the certificate of state registration legal entity;

32. When submitting an application for concluding an agreement, an individual entrepreneur submits the following documents to the telecom operator:

a) a copy of the certificate of state registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur;

b) a copy of a document confirming the right of ownership or use of the premises in which the equipment is installed.

33. The documents specified in paragraphs 30, 31 and 32 of these Rules are stored by the telecom operator.

34. An application for concluding an agreement may be submitted to any telecom operator providing telephone services in the territory of the municipality where the premises in which the equipment is installed are located. The telecom operator does not have the right to refuse the applicant to accept and consider the said application.

35. The telecom operator, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement, checks the availability of technical capabilities to provide access to the local telephone network. If such a technical possibility exists, the telecom operator enters into an agreement with the applicant.

36. If there is no technical possibility of providing access to the local telephone network, the application for concluding an agreement is accepted for registration in order to determine the priority of concluding an agreement.

The priority for concluding an agreement is determined based on the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement and taking into account the advantages established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties. The order of the queue for concluding a contract is determined by the telecom operator.

37. The telecom operator, within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement, reports (in writing) to the applicant about the expected period for concluding the contract, and in the absence of the technical possibility of providing access to the local telephone network - also about the serial number of his application in the queue.

38. An application for concluding an agreement may be reissued in the following cases:

a) change in the place of residence (location) of the applicant;

b) replacement of the applicant.

The application for concluding an agreement is reissued on the basis of a written request from the applicant, his heir (legal successor) or a person authorized by the applicant.

39. An application for the conclusion of an agreement submitted by a citizen may be re-registered to another citizen who, on the day of applying for re-registration of the application, has been registered at the applicant’s place of residence for at least 6 months or is a participant in the common ownership of residential premises, the address of which was indicated in the application and in where the equipment will be installed.

The application may be reissued in the name of a family member of the applicant who is registered at the applicant’s place of residence or who became a participant in the common ownership of the residential premises later than the date of filing the application.

The application can be re-issued in the name of a family member of the applicant who was a minor on the date of filing the application, from the moment he reaches 18 years of age. Moreover, until the age of 14, his legal representatives have the right to re-register an application on behalf of a minor.

In the cases specified in this paragraph, the serial number of the reissued application in the queue for concluding an agreement remains the same as that of the reissued (initial) application.

40. When renaming or reorganizing the applicant - a legal entity, the application for concluding an agreement is reissued indicating the new name of the applicant - legal entity or legal successor. When reorganizing in the form of separation or division, the question of which of the legal successors should re-register the application is decided in accordance with the separation balance sheet.

41. If the place of residence (location) of the applicant changes within the service area of ​​the same communication center of the local telephone network, the application for concluding an agreement may be reissued indicating a new address for installation of the equipment. In this case, the serial number of the reissued application in the queue for concluding an agreement remains the same as that of the reissued (primary) application.

If the place of residence (location) of the applicant changes within the service area of ​​the local telephone network of the telecom operator to whom the application was submitted, but outside the service area of ​​the communication center, which included the equipment installation address specified in the application, the application is reissued indicating the new equipment installation addresses. In this case, the priority of concluding an agreement with the applicant is established based on the date of registration of the reissued (initial) application.

42. An application for concluding an agreement is removed from the register if the applicant, without good reason, within 30 days from the receipt of written notice (with acknowledgment of delivery) of the telecom operator’s readiness to conclude an agreement with him, has not contacted the operator to conclude an agreement or with an application on granting a deferment from concluding a contract.

43. An agreement concluded with a citizen is public. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period. At the request of the applicant, a fixed-term contract can be concluded.

44. The telecom operator has the right to refuse to conclude an agreement if it is not technically possible to provide access to the local telephone network.

In case of refusal or evasion of the telecom operator from concluding an agreement, the applicant has the right to apply to the court with a demand for compulsion to conclude an agreement and for compensation for losses. The burden of proving the lack of technical ability to provide access to the local telephone network lies with the telecom operator.

45. The lack of technical ability to provide access to the local telephone network to one applicant is not an obstacle to concluding an agreement with another applicant, including those who submitted the application later, but indicated in it a location for installing equipment where it is technically possible to provide access to the local telephone network communications.

46. ​​The telecom operator, in the absence of applications for concluding an agreement from other persons requesting installation of equipment within the service area of ​​the local telephone network communication center specified by the applicant, has the right to enter into an agreement with the applicant providing for the provision of access to the local telephone network and installation of equipment in the premises, in which the equipment is already installed.

47. An agreement with a citizen applicant providing for the installation of equipment in non-residential premises may be concluded subject to the requirements specified in paragraph 46 of these Rules.

48. The agreement is concluded in writing in 2 copies, 1 of which is handed to the subscriber, or by carrying out implied actions.

By carrying out conclusive actions, a fixed-term agreement is concluded for the provision of one-time telephone services using payphones or public access means. This agreement is considered concluded from the moment the subscriber and (or) user makes a call.

49. The telecom operator has the right to instruct a third party to enter into an agreement on behalf and at the expense of the telecom operator, as well as carry out settlements with the subscriber and (or) user on its behalf.

In accordance with an agreement concluded by a third party on behalf and at the expense of the telecom operator, rights and obligations arise directly from the telecom operator.

50. A telecommunications operator providing intrazonal and/or long-distance and international telephone communication services cannot refuse to conclude an agreement for the provision of intra-zonal and/or long-distance and international telephone communication services, respectively, to a subscriber and/or user of the telecom operator of a local telephone network .

51. In an agreement providing for the collective use of equipment, the subscriber is a citizen authorized by a representative from each family living in a communal apartment and intending to use telephone services.

52. Co-subscribers have equal rights and obligations to use telephone services. Capable co-subscribers bear joint and several liability with the subscriber for the obligations arising from the contract.

53. An agreement concluded in writing shall indicate:

a) date and place of conclusion of the contract;

b) name (company name) of the telecom operator;

c) details of the current account of the telecom operator;

d) details of the license issued to the telecom operator;

e) information about the subscriber (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, details of an identity document - for a citizen, name (company name) - for a legal entity);

f) equipment installation address;

g) type (type) of equipment;

h) collective or individual use of equipment;

i) the subscriber’s consent (refusal) to access intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone services and to provide information about him to other telecom operators for the provision of such services (for contracts for the provision of local telephone services);

j) the subscriber’s consent (refusal) to use information about him for information and reference services;

k) address and method of delivery of the invoice for telephone services provided;

l) rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties;

m) the obligation of the telecom operator to comply with the deadlines and procedure for eliminating faults in the telecom operator’s communication network that impede the use of telephone services;

o) the duration of the contract.

The requirements of subparagraphs “e” and “h” of this paragraph do not apply to an agreement concluded with the allocation of an additional subscriber number for the provision of telephone communication services.

If the subscriber agrees to access intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone services, by the subscriber's decision, the contract specifies the names of telecom operators and codes for selecting zonal, long-distance and international telephone networks, which are determined by the subscriber to receive intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone services, respectively (pre-selection), or the subscriber's decision to select operators of zonal, long-distance and international telephone networks for each call made to receive the corresponding services (selection for each call).

54. The contract must indicate the following essential conditions:

a) subscriber number (additional subscriber number);

b) telephone services provided;

c) equipment connection diagram (for an agreement on the provision of local telephone services without the use of public access means);

d) payment system for telephone services;

e) procedure, terms and form of payments.

55. In an agreement providing for the collective use of equipment, the payment system for local telephone connections is established on the basis of a common decision of all co-subscribers. If co-subscribers fail to reach agreement, a subscription payment system is established.

56. When concluding an agreement, the telecom operator does not have the right to impose on the subscriber and (or) user the provision of other services for a fee.

57. The telecom operator does not have the right to condition the provision of some telephone services on the mandatory provision of other services.

58. An agreement with the applicant, a legal entity, cannot be concluded on the terms of using a dual connection scheme for equipment.

III. Procedure and conditions for execution of the contract. Rights and obligations of the parties when executing the contract

59. The telecom operator is obliged:

a) provide the subscriber and (or) user with telephone communication services in accordance with legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, these Rules, license and agreement;

b) eliminate within the established time frame any malfunctions that impede the use of telephone services;

c) provide the citizen subscriber with the opportunity to choose a payment system for local telephone connections;

d) notify subscribers and (or) users through the media about changes in tariffs for telephone services at least 10 days before the introduction of new tariffs;

e) create conditions for unhindered access of subscribers and (or) users, including people with disabilities, to communication facilities designed to work with users, including places where telephone services are provided and places where they can be paid for;

f) set, in agreement with the subscriber and (or) user, a new deadline for the performance of telephone services, if failure to comply with the deadlines was due to force majeure circumstances.

60. The subscriber is obliged:

a) pay for the telephone services provided to him and other services provided for in the contract in full and within the terms specified therein;

b) do not connect equipment to the subscriber line that does not have a document confirming compliance with established requirements;

c) inform the telecom operator within a period not exceeding 60 days of the termination of his right to own and (or) use the telephone premises, as well as of a change in his surname (first name, patronymic) and place of residence, name (company name) and location;

e) follow the rules for operating the equipment.

61. The user is obliged:

a) pay full payment to the telecom operator for the telephone services provided to him;

b) comply with the rules for using payphones and public access facilities established by the telecom operator.

62. The subscriber and (or) user has the right:

a) demand the provision of advantages in the provision of telephone services provided for this subscriber and (or) user by international treaties, the legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

b) unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract at any time, subject to payment of the costs actually incurred by the telecom operator to provide this subscriber and (or) user with telephone services;

c) refuse to pay for telephone services provided to him without his consent;

d) assign, in agreement with the telecom operator, a new period for the provision of telephone services, if failure to comply with the terms was due to force majeure circumstances, which were notified to the subscriber and (or) user before the expiration of the appointed period for the provision of telephone services.

Features of the provision of local telephone services

63. The telecom operator, on its own initiative, has the right to replace the subscriber number allocated to the subscriber only if it is impossible to continue providing telephone services using the specified number. In this case, the telecom operator is obliged to notify the subscriber in writing and inform him of his new subscriber number at least 60 days before the replacement date, unless the need for replacement was caused by unforeseen or emergency circumstances.

In the event of a mass replacement of subscriber numbers, subscribers are notified through the media and using the communications equipment of the telecom operator (automatic informer).

64. The subscriber number can be replaced by the telecom operator at the initiative of the subscriber.

65. Switching a subscriber number to another subscriber line to a premises located at a different address and owned or used by this subscriber can only be done upon a written application from the subscriber.

66. In order to connect to the subscriber line communication means that provide simultaneous sharing 2 telecom operators of 1 subscriber line for the provision of various telephone services, the telecom operator of the local telephone network is obliged to change the switching scheme of the equipment operating on a separate subscriber line upon receipt of an application from another telecom operator about such a change, agreed in writing with the subscriber. At the same time, the procedure and conditions for making such changes are regulated by an agreement concluded between these telecom operators.

Features of the provision of intrazonal, intercity and international telephone services

67. A telecom operator that has received a license (licenses) to provide intrazonal and/or long-distance and international telephone communication services, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date of receipt of the communication network selection code, is obliged to publish a message in the media about the beginning of the provision of by this telecom operator of the corresponding communication services and the communication network selection code allocated to it. At the same time, the telecom operator providing long-distance and international telephone services ensures such publication in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

68. Telephone connections for intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone communications can be established automatically or with the help of a telephone operator.

At automatically To establish a telephone connection, the subscriber and (or) user dials a specific sequence of numbers to uniquely determine (identify) the equipment being called.

When establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator, the subscriber and (or) user provides the telephone operator with the information necessary to place an order for the provision of telephone services.

69. The following telephone connections, established with the help of a telephone operator, are provided in accordance with priorities (in descending order):

b) government (state);

c) official;

d) privileged (password);

e) private (ordinary).

The procedure for providing telephone connections specified in this paragraph is established by the Ministry information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation.

70. Establishing telephone connections with the help of a telephone operator is provided through an immediate or custom service system.

71. The telephone operator begins to establish a telephone connection immediately after placing an order using the immediate service system.

72. The time during which a telephone connection must be provided under a custom service system cannot exceed 1 hour from the moment the order is placed, unless a later date is specified by the subscriber and (or) user.

The order execution time is communicated to the subscriber and (or) user by the telephone operator when placing the order.

73. Informing the called person about the time of establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator is carried out according to the local time of the subject of the Russian Federation where the called person is located.

74. When providing telephone services using a telephone operator, a telecom operator has the right to introduce restrictions on the duration of connections and the number of orders.

The subscriber and (or) user must be notified by the telephone operator when placing an order or providing the subscriber and (or) user with a telephone connection about the introduction of restrictions on telephone services.

75. The validity period of an order for establishing an intrazonal or long-distance telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator ends at 24 hours local time on the day the order is placed, unless, by agreement with the subscriber and (or) user, the execution time of the order has not been postponed to the next day.

The validity period of an order for establishing an international telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator expires at 8 o’clock local time on the day following the day the order is placed, and for a personal (with an invitation to a citizen specified by the subscriber and (or) user) conversation and conference call - at 8 o’clock local time on the 2nd day following the day the order is placed.

The order can be canceled by the telephone operator at the request of the subscriber and (or) user.

76. The minimum duration of a telephone connection payable when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator cannot exceed 3 minutes. In this case, a telephone connection that lasted less than its prescribed minimum duration is paid for as a minimum duration connection.

77. At a call center, an agreement for the provision of one-time intrazonal and/or long-distance and international telephone services is drawn up by the telephone operator filling out (according to the user and in his presence) an order form, the form of which is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In this case, the user is given a tear-off coupon of the order form filled out by the telephone operator, confirming the conclusion of the contract.

Features of the provision of telephone services using payphones

78. Using payphones, users can make outgoing and receive incoming telephone calls.

79. A telecom operator providing telephone services using payphones, in addition to the information provided for in subparagraphs “a”, “b”, “c”, “g” and “m” of paragraph 23 of these Rules, is obliged to bring to the attention of users information about the actions , which must be completed to receive telephone services, including to gain access to telephone services of other telecom operators.

80. A telecom operator providing telephone services using payphones that accept tokens and payment cards for telephone services is obliged to inform users about the places where these tokens and payment cards for telephone services are sold.

The information must be posted by the telecom operator in a convenient and accessible form on the payphone, payphone booth, or brought to the attention of the user in another way.

Features of providing telephone services to a citizen subscriber

81. Changing the terms of use of equipment installed in a communal apartment on the basis of an agreement providing for individual use of the equipment can only be carried out with the consent of the citizen subscriber.

In case of disagreement of the subscriber-citizen, an application from other residents of the communal apartment to conclude the specified agreement is submitted in accordance with the general procedure.

82. If the agreement provides for the collective use of equipment, a change in the installation address of the equipment is made with the written consent of all co-subscribers.

83. It is not allowed to change the switching circuit of equipment operating on a separate subscriber line without the written consent of the subscriber.

84. The use of a dual connection scheme for equipment is not allowed in the telephone room in which a disabled person registered at this place of residence lives, or in a communal apartment if the agreement provides for the collective use of the equipment.

85. It is not allowed to use a parallel connection scheme for equipment installed in residential premises located in different buildings (structures) or apartments.

86. An application to change the payment system for local telephone connections is submitted by a citizen subscriber no later than 10 days before the end of the calendar month. Subject to the specified deadline for submitting the application, the telecom operator transfers the citizen subscriber to the selected payment system from the 1st day of the month following the month of submission of the application. If the specified deadline for submitting the application is not met, the transfer to the selected payment system is carried out from the 1st day of the 2nd month following the month of submission of the application.

87. As equipment operating according to a paired connection scheme, only telephone sets are allowed.

The use of a parallel connection circuit for telephone sets in a paired connection circuit is not allowed.

Telephone sets operating according to a paired connection scheme are installed within one entrance of a residential building.

Form and procedure for payment for telephone services provided

88. Payment for local telephone services can be made using a subscriber or time-based payment system.

89. The fee for providing access to a local telephone network by a telecom operator is charged once when installing equipment in a non-telephone premises. The tariff for the provision by a telecom operator of access to the local telephone network is established by the telecom operator, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the tariffs for the services of this telecom operator are subject to state regulation, at the request of a citizen subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged to provide him with the opportunity to pay for the provision of access to the communication network in installments of at least 6 months with an initial payment of no more than 30 percent of the established fee.

90. When making an amendment to the contract regarding the replacement of a citizen subscriber, as well as in the case specified in paragraph 126 of these Rules, a fee in the amount of a month is charged for providing access to the local telephone network by the telecom operator subscription fee, established for its subscribers using the subscriber payment system for local telephone services.

91. The tariff unit for local (if there is a system of time-based recording of the duration of local telephone connections (hereinafter referred to as time-based recording), intra-zonal, long-distance or international telephone connection is established by the telecom operator, but cannot be more than 1 minute. Accounting for the duration of local (with time-based recording), intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connections are carried out in accordance with the tariff unit adopted by the telecom operator.

92. The duration of a telephone connection, used to determine the amount of payment for local (with time-based accounting), as well as for intra-zonal, long-distance or international (with an automatic method of establishing a connection) telephone connection, is counted from the 1st second after the called equipment answers until the moment of disconnection calling or called equipment or equipment replacing the user in his absence. A telephone connection lasting less than 6 seconds is not taken into account in the scope of telephone services provided.

93. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of payment for an intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection (when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator) is counted from the moment of the user’s response specified in the order form, or the equipment, the response signal of which is equivalent to the user’s response , until the calling or called user or the equipment replacing the user in his absence hangs up.

If, when establishing a telephone connection, the telephone operator determines that equipment is installed on the side of the called user that replaces the user in his absence, he is obliged to inform the calling subscriber and (or) user about this. Continued connection establishment is possible only after the consent of the subscriber or user. In this case, the service fee is calculated based on the actual duration of the telephone connection between the calling subscriber or user and the called user or the equipment that replaces the user in his absence.

If the subscriber and (or) user refuses to establish a telephone connection with equipment that replaces the user in his absence, no charge for the telephone connection will be charged.

94. Tariffs for telephone services, including the tariff used to pay for an incomplete tariff unit, are established by the telecom operator, unless a different procedure is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

95. Tariffs (tariff plans) for telephone services can be established separately for legal entities, citizens using telephone services for personal, family and household needs, as well as citizens using telephone services for other needs.

The tariff plan may establish differentiated tariffs by time of day, days of the week, weekends and non-working holidays, as well as by the range and volume of telephone services provided.

96. Payment for local (with time-based metering), intra-zonal, long-distance or international telephone connection is determined based on its duration, expressed in the number of telephone connection tariff units.

97. Equipment, the response signal of which is equated to the response of the called user and serves as the beginning of the countdown of the duration of the telephone connection during automatic telephone communication, includes:

a) telephone modem;

b) fax machine;

c) equipment with an answering machine function;

d) a telephone with an automatic caller ID function;

e) private telephone exchange;

f) payphone;

g) other equipment that replaces the user in his absence and provides (or imitates) the exchange of information.

98. Depending on the urgency of providing intrazonal, intercity or international telephone services with the help of a telephone operator, the following types of tariffs are applied:

a) ordinary;

b) urgent.

The urgent tariff is determined by applying to the regular tariff a multiplying factor established by the telecom operator, which cannot be more than 2.

99. If the deadline for providing an urgent intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator is violated, payment is made at the regular rate with the difference in payment being returned to the subscriber and (or) user if the payment was made in advance at the urgent rate.

100. Payment for an intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection of the "distress" category, established with the help of a telephone operator, is made at the usual rate.

101. Payment for local (with time-based metering), intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connections is made at the tariff in force at the time the corresponding telephone connection begins to be established.

102. Payment for intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection established with the help of a telephone operator is not charged if it failed through no fault of the subscriber and (or) user.

103. Registration of the order form and making changes to it are not subject to payment.

104. If the subscriber and (or) user, when ordering an intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection, indicated the incorrect subscriber number of the equipment being called, then he pays for the established telephone connection in full.

105. International telephone connections provided to the subscriber and (or) user on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for those established with the help of a telephone operator, with payment at the expense of the called person, are paid in the Russian Federation.

106. The basis for invoicing the subscriber and (or) user for the provided local (with time-based accounting), intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connections are data obtained using equipment used to account for the volume of telephone services provided.

107. Settlements with the subscriber and (or) user on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out in Russian rubles.

108. The payment card for telephone services contains information encoded in a certain way that is used to communicate information about payment for telephone services to the telecom operator. The following information is indicated on the telephone service payment card:

a) name (company name) of the telecom operator that issued this map payment for telephone services;

b) the name of the types of telephone services paid for using a telephone payment card;

c) the amount of the advance payment to the telecom operator, the payment of which is confirmed by the payment card for telephone services;

d) validity period of the payment card for telephone services;

e) reference (contact) telephone numbers of the telecom operator;

f) rules for using a payment card for telephone services;

g) identification number of the telephone payment card.

109. The subscriber and (or) user has the right to contact the telecom operator for a return of the funds paid by him as an advance.

The telecom operator is obliged to return the unused balance of funds.

110. The billing period for telephone services should not exceed 1 month.

111. The payment period for telephone services (except for subscription fees) should not be less than 15 days from the date of invoice. A longer payment period may be specified in the contract.

When paying for telephone services using a subscriber payment system, payment for telephone services provided is made no later than 10 days following the end date of the billing period.

112. Payment for intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connections provided under an agreement providing for the collective use of equipment is carried out by the person who received these services. If such a person is not identified, telephone services are paid for by the subscriber.

113. An invoice issued to a subscriber for telephone services is a settlement document that reflects data on the subscriber’s monetary obligations.

114. The invoice issued to the subscriber for local telephone services contains:

a) details of the telecom operator;

b) subscriber details;

c) the billing period for which the invoice is issued;

d) subscriber’s personal account number (for advance payment);

e) data on the total duration of local telephone connections for the billing period (with time-based accounting);

f) the amount requested for payment;

g) the amount of the balance on the personal account (in case of advance payment);

h) date of invoice;

i) due date for payment of the invoice.

115. An invoice issued to a subscriber for intrazonal and/or long-distance and international telephone services, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 114 of these Rules, must contain:

a) the amount presented for payment for each type of telephone service and each subscriber number;

b) types of telephone services provided;

c) codes of geographically defined numbering zones or codes of geographically not defined numbering zones, the numbering resource of which includes subscriber numbers with which telephone connections were made;

d) the date of provision of each telephone service;

e) the volume of provision of each telephone service.

116. The telecom operator is obliged to ensure delivery to the subscriber of an invoice for payment of telephone services within 5 days from the date of issue of this invoice.

Upon request from the subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged to detail the invoice, which consists of providing additional information about telephone services provided, for which a separate fee may be charged.

117. The subscriber and (or) user has the right to demand a refund of funds paid for the use of telephone services for the period of inability to use telephone services through no fault of this subscriber and (or) user.

IV. Procedure and conditions for suspension, modification and termination of the contract

118. In case of violation by the subscriber of the requirements related to the provision of telephone services and established by the Federal Law "On Communications", these Rules and the agreement, including violation of the terms of payment for telephone services provided to the subscriber, the telecom operator has the right to suspend the provision of telephone services until eliminate the violation by notifying the subscriber about it.

If such a violation is not eliminated within 6 months from the date the subscriber receives a notice (in writing) from the telecom operator of the intention to suspend the provision of telephone services, the telecom operator has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

119. The telecom operator has the right to suspend the provision to the subscriber only of those telephone services for which this subscriber has violated the requirements specified in paragraph 118 of these Rules. In this case, the telecom operator has the right to suspend providing the subscriber with the opportunity to make a free round-the-clock call to emergency services only if the technical and technological features of the communications network of this telecom operator do not allow maintaining this opportunity simultaneously with the suspension of the provision of telephone services to the subscriber.

120. Upon written application of the subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged, without terminating the contract:

a) suspend the provision of local telephone services to the subscriber who submitted the application. In this case, the telecom operator, in accordance with the tariff established for such cases, charges the subscriber for the entire period of time specified in the application;

b) suspend the provision of access to intrazonal, intercity and international telephone services and (or) information and reference services.

121. At the written request of the subscriber, in the case of renting (subletting), leasing (subleasing) a telephone premises, including residential premises, the agreement may be suspended for the duration of the lease (sublease), lease (sublease) agreement. An agreement may be concluded with the tenant (subtenant), tenant (subtenant) of a telephone premises for the duration of the rental (sublease), lease (sublease) agreement with the allocation for these purposes of the same subscriber number that was allocated when concluding the suspended agreement.

122. The telecom operator does not have the right to suspend the provision of telephone services to a subscriber in the event of non-payment by the subscriber for services provided using telephone services, but which are not telephone services.

123. In the event of termination of an agreement concluded with a telecom operator of a local telephone network, the fulfillment of this telecom operator’s obligations to provide the subscriber with the opportunity to access telephone services of other telecom operators is terminated.

124. A change in an agreement concluded in writing, including a change in the way a subscriber selects a zonal, long-distance and international telephone network, a payment system for local telephone services and a scheme for switching on equipment, is formalized by an additional agreement to the agreement.

125. If amendments to the contract entail the need for the telecom operator to perform relevant work, these works are subject to payment by the party on whose initiative the changes were made to the terms of the contract.

126. If the subscriber’s right to own and use the telephone premises is terminated, the contract with the subscriber is terminated. In this case, the telecom operator with whom the contract is terminated, at the request of the new owner of the specified premises, is obliged to conclude an agreement with the new owner within 30 days.

127. Before the expiration of the period established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for accepting an inheritance, which includes a telephone premises, the telecom operator does not have the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

The person who accepted the inheritance must submit an application to the telecom operator to conclude an agreement within 30 days from the date of inheritance.

The telecom operator is obliged to conclude an agreement with the heir within 30 days from the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement.

The heir is obliged to pay the telecom operator the cost of telephone services provided for the period before entering into inheritance rights.

If the application is not submitted within the prescribed period, the telecom operator has the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

128. With the written consent of the subscriber, an amendment may be made to the contract regarding the indication of a new citizen subscriber in it. In this case, the new subscriber can become:

a) a member of the subscriber’s family, registered at the subscriber’s place of residence or who is a participant in the common ownership of the telephone premises;

b) a family member of the subscriber who is a minor citizen on the date of amendment of the contract. Moreover, until the age of 14, his legal representatives have the right to submit an application to amend the contract on behalf of a minor citizen.

129. When reorganizing or renaming a subscriber - a legal entity (except for reorganization in the form of separation or division), an amendment may be made to the agreement regarding the indication of a successor or a new name of the subscriber - a legal entity. When reorganizing in the form of separation or division, the question of which of the legal successors should enter into an agreement is resolved in accordance with the separation balance sheet.

V. Procedure for consideration of claims

130. The subscriber and (or) user has the right to appeal the decisions and actions (inaction) of the telecom operator regarding the provision of telephone services.

131. The telecom operator is obliged to have a book of complaints and suggestions and issue it upon the first request of the subscriber and (or) user.

132. Consideration of a complaint from a subscriber and (or) user is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

133. If the telecom operator fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills its obligations to provide telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user, before going to court, submits a claim to the telecom operator.

134. The claim must be submitted in writing and must be registered on the day it is received by the telecom operator.

Claims regarding issues related to the refusal to provide telephone services, untimely or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract are made within 6 months from the date of provision of telephone services, refusal to provide them or issuance of an invoice.

135. Attached to the claim is a copy of the contract or a tear-off coupon of the order form, as well as other documents necessary for consideration of the claim on the merits, which must indicate information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, and in the case of a claim for damages - about the fact and the amount of damage caused.

136. The claim is considered by the telecom operator within no more than 60 days from the date of registration of the claim.

The telecom operator must inform the subscriber and (or) user who submitted it (in writing) about the results of the consideration of the claim.

If the claim was recognized by the telecom operator as justified, the identified deficiencies must be eliminated within a reasonable time specified by the subscriber and (or) user.

If the telecom operator recognizes the subscriber’s and (or) user’s demands for a reduction in the amount of payment for telephone services provided, for reimbursement of expenses for eliminating deficiencies in the work performed on its own or by third parties, as well as for the return of the amount of money paid for telephone services and compensation for losses, caused in connection with the refusal to provide telephone services, if justified, they are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date of presentation of the claim.

If a claim is rejected in whole or in part or a response is not received within the time frame established for its consideration, the subscriber and (or) user has the right to file a claim in court.

VI. Responsibility of the parties

137. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, the telecom operator is liable to the subscriber and (or) user in the following cases:

a) unjustified refusal to conclude a contract or evasion of its conclusion;

b) violation of the deadlines for providing access to the local telephone network;

c) violation of the terms established in the contract for the provision of telephone services;

d) provision of not all telephone services specified in the contract;

e) poor quality of telephone services, including as a result of inadequate maintenance of the communication network;

f) violation of the confidentiality of telephone messages;

g) violation of established restrictions on the dissemination of information about a citizen subscriber that has become known to the telecom operator in connection with the execution of the contract.

138. When providing telephone services to a citizen subscriber solely for personal, family, household or other needs not related to business activities, the telecom operator is also responsible for failure to provide, incomplete or untimely provision of information related to the provision of telephone services.

139. The telecom operator for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the contract bears the following property liability:

a) in case of violation of the deadlines for providing access to the local telephone network, pays a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the fee for providing access to the local telephone network for each day of delay until the start of providing access to the telephone network, unless a higher amount of the penalty is specified in agreement, but not more than the amount of the specified fee;

b) in case of violation of the established deadlines for the provision of telephone communication services, pays a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the cost of telephone communication services for each hour of delay until the start of the provision of telephone communication services, unless a higher amount of the penalty is specified in the contract, but not more than the cost of the telephone communication service .

140. If the telecom operator violates the established deadlines for the provision of telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the violation of the specified deadlines.

141. In the event that not all telephone services provided for in the contract are provided, the subscriber has the right, at his choice:

a) demand a proportionate reduction in the cost of telephone services;

b) refuse to fulfill the contract.

142. In case of poor-quality provision of telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user has the right to demand, at his choice:

a) gratuitous elimination of deficiencies in the telephone service provided;

b) a corresponding reduction in the cost of telephone services;

c) reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to eliminate deficiencies in the telephone service provided on his own or by third parties.

143. In the event of a violation by a telecom operator of the secrecy of telephone messages and demands to limit the dissemination of information about a citizen subscriber that has become known to him by virtue of the execution of the contract, the telecom operator, at the request of the subscriber, shall compensate for the losses caused by these actions, as well as moral damages.

144. In case of failure to provide, incomplete or untimely provision of information on the provision of telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user have the right to refuse to fulfill the contract, demand a refund of the amount paid for the telephone services provided and compensation for losses incurred.

145. The subscriber and (or) user is responsible to the telecom operator in the following cases:

a) non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment for telephone services;

b) failure to comply with the rules for operating equipment;

c) failure to comply with the ban on connecting to the subscriber line equipment that does not meet the established requirements.

146. In case of non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment for telephone services, the subscriber shall pay the telecom operator a penalty in the amount of 1 percent of the cost of unpaid, not paid in full or late paid telephone services, if smaller size not specified in the contract, for each day of delay up to the day the debt is repaid, but not more than the amount due.

147. If the subscriber fails to comply with the rules for operating the equipment or fails to comply with the ban on connecting equipment that does not meet the established requirements to the subscriber line, the telecom operator has the right to go to court with a claim for compensation for losses caused by such actions of the subscriber.

148. The telecom operator is released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract if it proves that their non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment occurred due to force majeure circumstances or the fault of the other party.


On approval of tariffs for local and intrazonal telephone communication services provided by PJSC MGTS in the territory of Moscow

Lost force on February 11, 2019 on the basis of
Order of the FAS Russia dated December 25, 2018 N 1843/18

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law of August 17, 1995 N 147-FZ “On Natural Monopolies” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 34, Art. 3426; 2001, N 33 (Part 1), Art. 3429; 2002 , N 1 (part 1), art. 2; 2003, N 2, art. 168; N 13, art. 1181; 2004, N 27, art. 2711; 2006, N 1, art. 10; N 19, art. .2063; 2007, N 1 (part 1), art. 21; N 43, art. 5084; N 46, art. 5557; 2008, N 52 (part 1), art. 6236; 2011, N 29, art. 4281; N 30 (part 1), art. 4590, art. 4596; N 50, art. 7343; 2012, N 26, art. 3446; N 31, art. 4321; N 53 (part 1), art. 7616 ; 2015, N 41 (part 1), art. 5629, 2017, N 31 (part 1), art. 4754; art. 4828), with paragraph 2 of article 28 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 126-FZ "On communications" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 28, Art. 2895; N 52 (part 1), Art. 5038; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; N 45, Art. 4377; 2005, N 19, Art. .1752; 2006, N 6, art. 636; N 10, art. 1069; N 31 (part 1), art. 3431, art. 3452; 2007, N 1 (part 1), art. 8; N 7, Article 835; 2008, No. 18, Article 1941; 2009, No. 29, Article 3625; 2010, No. 7, Article 705; N 15, art. 1737; N 27, art. 3408; N 31, art. 4190; 2011, N 7, art. 901; N 9, art. 1205; N 25, art. 3535; N 27, art. 3873; N 27, art. 3880; N 29, art. 4284, art. 4291; N 30 (part 1), art. 4590; N 45, art. 6333; N 49 (part 5), art. 7061; N 50, art. 7351, art. 7366; 2012, N 31, art. 4322, art. 4328; N 53 (part 1), art. 7578; 2013, N 19, art. 2326; N 27, art. 3450; N 30, (part 1), art. 4062; N 43, art. 5451; N 44, art. 5643; N 48, art. 6162, N 49 (part 1), art. 6339, art. 6347; N 52 (part 1), art. 6961; 2014, N 6, art. 560; N 14, art. 1552; N 19, art. 2302; N 26 (part 1), art. 3366; Art. 3377; N 30 (part 1), art. 4229; Art. 4273; N 49 (part 6), art. 6928; 2015, N 29 (part 1), art. 4342, art. 4383, art. 4389; 2016, N 10, art. 1316, art. 1318; N 15, art. 2066; N 18, art. 2498; N 26 (part 1), art. 3873; N 27 (part 1), art. 4213, art. 4221; N 28, art. 4558; 2017, N 17, art. 2457; N 24, art. 3479; N 31 (part 1), art. 4742; N 50 (part 3), Art. 7557), with paragraph 2 of the Regulations on state regulation of tariffs for public telecommunications and public postal services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2005 N 637 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 44, Art. 4561; 2007, N 40, Art. 4797; 2011, N 46, Art. 6535; 2013, N 27, Art. 3602; 2014, N 15, Art. 1766; 2015, N 37, Art. 5153 ), based on subparagraphs,,, of the Regulations on the Federal Antimonopoly Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 331 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 31, Art. . 3259; 2006, N 45, art. 4706; N 49 (part 2), art. 5223; 2007, N 7, art. 903; 2008, N 13, art. 1316; N 44, art. 5089; N 46, art. 5337; 2009, N 3, art. 378; N 39, art. 4613; 2010, N 9, art. 960; N 25, art. 3181; N 26, art. 3350; 2011, N 14, art. 1935; N 18, art. 2645; N 44, art. 6269; 2012, N 27, art. 3741; N 39, art. 5283; N 52, art. 7518; 2013, N 35, art. 4514; N 36, art. 4578; N 45, art. 5822; 2014, N 35, art. 4774; 2015, N 1 (part 2), art. 279; N 10, art. 1543; N 37, art. 5153; N 44, art. 6133; N 49, art. 6994; 2016, N 1 (part 2), art. 239; N 28, art. 4741; N 38, art. 5564; N 43, art. 6030; 2018, N 5, art. 772; N 9, Art. 1399), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2014 N 1342 “On the procedure for providing telephone services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 51, Art. 7431; 2016, N 6, Art. 852 ; 2017, N 44, Art. 6522), Procedure for calculating tariffs and tariff plans for local telephone services, approved by order of the FTS of Russia dated September 5, 2006 N 189-s/1 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 11, 2006, registration N 8372 ), as amended by order of the FTS of Russia dated August 3, 2007 N 140-s/1 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2007, registration N 10000),

I order:

1. Approve the maximum tariff levels for local telephone services provided by PJSC MGTS in the territory of Moscow, in accordance with Appendix No. 1* to this order.

2. Approve the maximum tariff levels for the service of providing an intrazonal telephone connection to a subscriber (user) of a fixed telephone network for the transmission of voice information, fax messages and data, provided by PJSC MGTS in the territory of Moscow, in accordance with Appendix No. 2* to this order .
* See the application at the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

3. Recognize as invalid the order of the FTS of Russia dated April 28, 2015 N 107-s/3 “On approval of tariffs for local and intrazonal telephone services provided by OJSC MGTS in the territory of Moscow” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 12, 2015 , registration N 37247).

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
June 1, 2018,
registration N 51266

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information, 06/05/2018,
N 0001201806050019

According to these Rules, the telecom operator provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

a) providing information about the intercity code of the locality;

b) provision of information on the procedure for using automatic telephone communication and on the service numbers of the telecom operator for ordering a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator.

89. In addition to the information and reference services provided in accordance with paragraph 88 of these Rules, the telecom operator providing long-distance and international telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

a) providing information about the international code of the country and foreign locality;

b) providing information about the time difference with the called locality located on the territory of the Russian Federation or beyond its borders.

90. A telecom operator that has received a license to provide long-distance and international telephone services, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation assigns selection codes for this telecom operator, is obliged to publish a message in the media about a single date for the commencement of provision by this telecom operator of the relevant telephone services in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the codes assigned for the selection of this telecom operator. At the same time, the telecom operator ensures such publication in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

91. The following telephone connections, established with the help of a telephone operator, are provided in accordance with priorities (in descending order):

b) government (state);

c) official;

d) privileged (password);

e) private (ordinary).

92. The procedure for providing telephone connections specified in paragraph 91 of these Rules is established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

93. Establishment of telephone connections with the help of a telephone operator is provided through an immediate or custom service system.

94. The telephone operator begins to establish a telephone connection immediately after placing an order using the immediate service system.

95. The time during which a telephone connection must be provided under a custom service system cannot exceed 1 hour from the moment the order is placed, unless a later date is specified by the subscriber and (or) user.

The order execution time is communicated to the subscriber and (or) user by the telephone operator when placing the order.

96. Informing the called person about the time of establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator is carried out according to the local time of the subject of the Russian Federation where the called person is located.

97. When providing telephone services using a telephone operator, a telecom operator has the right to introduce restrictions on the duration of connections and the number of orders.

The subscriber and (or) user must be notified by the telephone operator when placing an order or providing the subscriber and (or) user with a telephone connection about the introduction of restrictions on telephone services.

98. The validity period of an order for establishing an intrazonal or long-distance telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator ends at 24 hours local time on the day the order is placed, unless, by agreement with the subscriber and (or) user, the execution time of the order has not been postponed to the next day.

The validity period of an order for establishing an international telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator expires at 8 o’clock local time on the day following the day the order is placed, and for a personal (with an invitation to a citizen specified by the subscriber and (or) user) conversation and conference call - at 8 o’clock local time on the 2nd day following the day the order is placed.

The order can be canceled by the telephone operator at the request of the subscriber and (or) user.

99. At a call center, an agreement for the provision of one-time intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone services is drawn up by the telephone operator filling out (according to the user and in his presence) an order form, the form of which is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In this case, the user is given a tear-off coupon of the order form filled out by the telephone operator, confirming the conclusion of the contract.

100. Tariffs for long-distance and international telephone communication services may vary depending on the method chosen by the subscriber to access these services.

101. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of payment for an intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection (when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator) is counted from the moment of the user’s response specified in the order form, or the equipment, the response signal of which is equivalent to the user’s response , until the calling or called user or the equipment replacing the user in his absence hangs up.

102. The minimum duration of a telephone connection payable when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator cannot exceed 3 minutes. In this case, a telephone connection that lasted less than its prescribed minimum duration is paid for as a minimum duration connection.

103. Depending on the urgency of providing intrazonal, intercity or international telephone services with the help of a telephone operator, the following types of tariffs are applied:

a) regular tariff;

b) urgent tariff, determined by applying to the regular tariff an increasing factor established by the telecom operator, which cannot be more than 2.

104. If the deadline for providing an urgent intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator is violated, payment is made at the regular rate with the difference in payment being returned to the subscriber and (or) user if the payment was made in advance at the urgent rate.

It is unlikely that the majority of subscribers using Rostelecom intrazonal communications know what it is. Few people know about the principles of its operation and main characteristics. However, the term denoting this type of connection can be found in descriptions of tariff plans and other Rostelecom products, which is not surprising, because this concept is relevant for users of both home and cellular telephone communications.

You can learn about what an intrazonal connection is from special regulations of the Russian Federation, which provide not only a clear definition of the term, but also present fixed prices for communication services for various types numbers:

  • stationary;
  • mobile;
  • federal

A characteristic feature of intrazonal calls is their location. That is, it is more profitable for the client to contact those who are located in the same territorial entity or region as himself.

Rostelecom’s operating principles for such communications are no different from those typical for other operators. It is a type of telephone connection designed for subscribers who belong to the same federal subject.

There are two main types of numbering zones required to make this type of connection:


Intended for subscribers using landlines. They are encrypted in ABC format and visually resemble a region code, for example, 499 or 495.

Not geographical

Applies to mobile communications, as DEF format codes, that is, in the form of the three numbers following the first eight: 8-(906)-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

Rostelecom has been trying for several years to achieve the formation of a single holding of leading telecommunications companies. For quite a long time, no changes occurred, and telephone connections were provided only by the same operators that belonged to the corresponding territorial entity.

However, since April 2011, several operators in the southern region (UTK OJSC, Dagsvyaz, Svyazinvest) decided that the time had come to unite. At the moment, they provide clients with intrazonal and local communication services on behalf of Rostelecom.

Cost of intrazone connection Rostelecom

Tariff plans designed for a Rostelecom subscriber to make calls within their home region are usually the most profitable. For representatives of small businesses, there is even a special system that helps determine the cost of calls made depending on location:

  • within the municipality:
    • to home phones – free of charge;
    • for mobile phones – 1.5 rubles per minute.
  • V tariff zone with a length of 100 km, calls to landline and cellular devices are priced the same - 2 rubles per minute;
  • within 600 km – from 2.6 rubles/min (the exact figure will depend on the region).

The main line of tariffs offered to other customers for making calls within the municipality is represented by three names:

  • “Region Maximum” – RUR 3,011/month. ( unlimited amount calls to cellular or landline devices located in the region);
  • "Region Mobile" - 2430 rubles/month. ( unlimited communication with mobile device users);
  • “Region Standard” – 1162 rubles/month. (no restrictions on conversations with subscribers using landline devices).

Rostelecom clients can subscribe to packages designed to provide not only local or intra-zonal conversation minutes, but also unlimited long-distance communication with people using landline phones. The most popular tariff plan in this regard is “Unlimited Russia”.

Telephone communications of any type are available to subscribers in all major cities of Russia. By choosing a suitable tariff, the operator’s clients can significantly reduce their costs for all types of calls.
