All for 800 how to go. Tariffing of services after spending package limits

Are you used to talking on the phone a lot, often use the mobile Internet and at the same time would not mind reducing your communication costs? Nothing could be easier! We present to your attention the youngest of Beeline family tariffs “Everything!”tariff plan Beeline "All for 800".

This tariff plan will undoubtedly appeal to those who want to get a decent package of services at an affordable price. And those who often travel around the country will certainly like that on this tariff, calls within the network are free, even in national roaming. We have prepared detailed description Beeline's "All for 800" tariff so you can learn more about all its capabilities and nuances.

Detailed description of the Beeline tariff plan “All for 800”

This tariff is, one might say, the golden mean of the Beeline “Everything” tariff line. The package of minutes in it is significantly larger than that of "" and "", as is the volume of Internet traffic, and the cost remains more affordable than that of the older tariffs - "" and "".

At the same time, Beeline’s “All for 800” tariff is already participating in the “Everything for the Family” campaign, which has an attractive feature - the ability to share service packages with other Beeline subscribers. This is very convenient for families, because it allows you to pay for communication services on only one number with a big discount, and everyone can use minutes, SMS and traffic, while saving the family budget.

You can activate the additional Beeline service “Everything for the Family” in personal account. The maximum number of connected SIM cards is 5 pieces.

The basic characteristics of the tariff plan are presented in the table:

Subscription fee is charged in equal parts daily for 26.66 rubles.

After the free packages of minutes and messages have been exhausted, as well as for calls outside the region where the SIM card is connected, individual prices apply for communication services:

Please note that the specified data is relevant for subscribers in Moscow and the region; in other regions of Russia, tariff parameters and the cost of additional services may differ.

The tariff plan includes the services “”, “I have a contact” and “Welcome to Everything” for free.

In addition to the tariff with a prepaid payment system, there is a similar tariff “All for 800” postpaid, which has some differences - large quantity free minutes included in subscription fee and unlimited internet.

The tariff plan participates in the “all in one” promotion and gives the opportunity to connect.

Internet at tariff

As part of the “All for 800” tariff from Beeline, the subscriber is provided with 7 GB of Internet traffic monthly. Traffic (as well as free minutes and SMS) is credited every first day of the month. You can use it both in your home region and in national roaming.

When the packet traffic ends, it automatically connects, which extends high-speed traffic by 70 MB for 20 rubles. If this traffic seems insufficient to you, or its cost is not acceptable, then the subscriber can disable auto-renewal and activate the “ ” or “ ” services themselves with additional packages Internet.

How to activate the “All for 800” tariff on Beeline?

It will be quite easy for subscribers of other operators to switch to Beeline’s “All for 800” tariff plan. You can do this in your personal account or mobile application, you just need to have a sufficient amount in your account for the transfer. You can also switch to the “All for 800” tariff at the company’s office or by calling the tariff connection number 0674000800.

Reviews about the “All for 800” tariff plan are predominantly positive. Its main advantage is the ability to use it for the whole family, although for a large family the free packages of minutes and Internet traffic may not be enough.

There are many different options available for Beeline subscribers advantageous offers, among which one of the most popular is the “All for 800” tariff package. Go to this tariff will be especially beneficial for those who are forced to communicate a lot via cell phone and at the same time cannot do without the Internet. It is also suitable for those who often travel around the country - this package provides free calls within Beeline throughout Russia.

Description of the Beeline tariff “All for 800”

This package provides more features than the previous packages “All for 300” and “All for 500”, but it is more affordable in terms of price than the others.


InternetMinutes of communicationSMS messagesPackage cost
14 GB1100 min.500 SMS800 rub. per month

Switch to tariff - 0 rub.

After the provided limits have been exhausted, other tariffs begin to apply:

  • Calls to numbers of other operators in Moscow and the region - 1.6 rubles. in a minute
  • Calls to numbers of other operators in Russia - 3 rubles. in a minute
  • Calls to Beeline numbers in Russia - 0 rub.
  • SMS message to numbers in the Moscow region and region - 1.6 rubles.
  • SMS message to numbers in other regions of Russia - 3 rubles.

The tariff package includes a number of additional free services: “Welcome to everything”, “Have a contact” and others.

For the “All for 800” package, the “All in One” service is available, which allows you to connect to your home Internet with a subsequent monthly payment of 1 ruble.

To find out your account status, you need to dial *102# and press the call key.

Option “Everything for the family” on the “All for 800” tariff

Those who have switched to this tariff can take advantage of the rather attractive “Everything for the Family” option, after activating which you can connect up to five Beeline numbers to one SIM card. This means that all subscribers whose phones are connected to the number can equally use all the services provided by the “All for 800” tariff plan.

To connect to this option, you need to go to Beeline Personal Account and list the required phone numbers in a special column.

Internet on the Beeline tariff plan “All for 800”

Customers who connect to this program are given 7 GB of high-speed Internet traffic every month. Traffic updates are carried out on the first of every month. Internet services can be used throughout Russia.

When packet traffic limits are exhausted, automatic mode The "Auto speed renewal" option is activated. Moreover, the cost of every 70 MB is 20 rubles. If such conditions are not suitable, then you can disconnect from this option and instead connect to Highway or other more profitable services.

How to activate the “All for 800” tariff?

Those who already use the services of this operator can choose one of two methods:

  • Call the number;
  • Dial 0781

Subscribers of other operators must:

  • Purchase a tariff package at branches of the mobile operator Beeline;
  • If you want to keep your existing number, you must submit an application to connect to the tariff at any Beeline branch or on the company’s official website.
You should know! To switch to the “All for 800” tariff package, you must have an amount equal to 500 rubles in your account. This amount is a guarantee fee and is returned to your phone account for the 4th month of use (subject to payment for 3 months).

And if less than 30 days have passed since the last tariff change, then there should be an additional 100 rubles in the account. In other cases, there is no connection fee.

“All for 800” in roaming

Travel within the country

If there is some amount of money in the account, that is, the balance is not zero, then roaming services are activated automatically, the main thing is that the phone is registered in the home network.

Tariffs for national roaming with the tariff package "All for 800":

  • Outgoing calls to all Beeline numbers throughout Russia - 0 rub.
  • Internet, SMS and minutes from the package are spent on trips throughout Russia

Travel outside the country

When traveling abroad, you should check your account balance - the balance must be at least 600 rubles. If the amount decreases to 300 rubles, communication services may be blocked. You can take express payment cards on the road, the activation of which is free, regardless of where you are staying.

The cost of services abroad is much higher than in the Russian Federation. Moreover, each country has its own tariffs, so before traveling you should familiarize yourself with the prices for services mobile communications on the website or in Beeline branches.

Connecting the option "Most profitable roaming"will allow you to significantly save on communication services outside of Russia. The fee for subscription services is 100-200 rubles/day. Subscribers are provided with package minutes, SMS and mobile Internet.

How to disable the “All for 800” tariff?

It is impossible to disconnect from this tariff package; you just need to select another more suitable tariff plan and switch to it. In this case, disconnection from the “All for 800” package occurs automatically. There is no other way.

Desire to reduce costs cellular communication quite natural for users mobile network. Beeline subscribers have the opportunity to do this using the “All for 800” tariff.


The monthly subscription fee is 800 rubles; for this tariff, payment is available in two ways: postpayment and prepayment. The “All for 800” tariff plan allows Beeline subscribers to make calls within the network completely free of charge from the beginning to the end of the month. After the free service packages are used up, services are charged as follows:

Internet traffic is updated monthly, every first day of the month. The same happens with minutes and messages - updated every month. If the traffic was not enough for a month, then you can connect additional options for extension: “” or “”. Thanks to these services, you can connect to additional traffic at a low cost.

Please note that in the “All for 800” tariff, Internet traffic is automatically extended using the “” service, but it is quite expensive, since 15 MB costs 20 rubles. To disconnect, you need to dial the following number 067 471 778 0 or the command *115*230#.

Note! The cost and connection conditions may vary in different regions, which is why it is best to contact the official website.

The “All for 800” tariff plan is convenient when traveling around Russia, since you can use free service packages, and when they run out, you are charged the same as written above. More details about the tariff can be found on the official Beeline website.

Before connecting to this tariff, you need to know what prepayment and postpayment are.


A prepayment is a fixed payment amount that must be paid in advance or at least one part of the funds must be paid.

With monthly prepayment you receive:

Switching to a tariff is free if more than 1 month has passed since the previous shift. If less time has passed, then it will cost you 100 rubles.


The postpaid payment system involves first using the service, and only then paying for it. But there is no need to confuse postpaid and these are two completely different things. Advantages of this type of payment:

  • No need, you know how much you have to pay at the end of each month.
  • You have 25 days to pay the invoice.
  • There are no additional fees for deferred payment.
  • There are free messages that inform you about the amount.
  • Can be connected free service, which is called “Family”. You can connect 5 of your relatives to your number and call them for 10-20 kopecks.

Monthly with postpayment you receive:


In order to connect to this tariff plan, you need to use any of the methods below.

Beeline subscribers in search favorable tariffs They cannot ignore the “Everything” line, in which, for a set fee, you can connect services for a whole month and forget about constant replenishment. A profitable transition to Everything for 800 postpaid will be of interest to those who like to communicate a lot not only through calls, but also SMS, and also cannot do without the Internet.

Will do new service and for those who cannot live without traveling, the package includes a free limit for calls throughout the country.

The service of 2016 can be described in two words: unlimited calls in Russia on the Beeline network, and minutes and SMS to other operators are offered at a comfortable price.

Using a postpaid tariff may be unusual at first, but it is quite convenient for busy individuals who are ready to pay the bill once a month.

The standard package of services does not include only MMS messages that cost 7.95 rubles, but are not particularly in demand. Payment in excess of the provided limit is also acceptable for many customers, given that Beeline communications are widespread in every area.

Detailed description of the Beeline tariff “All for 800” (postpaid)

Unlike previous brothers for 300 and 500 rubles, new tariff is seen as more prestigious. By price factor it is accessible and extensive on the promotions offered:

  • 500 sms.
  • 14 GB.
  • 1100 minutes for communication.
  • Free transition.

The tariff plan has separate offers for Moscow, which are valid within the region. Considering that the service occupies the second level in the line of the same name, it is in demand not only among mobile communications users in the capital.

The tariff is suitable for subscribers who use the Internet moderately and are satisfied with the proposed limit on calls and short messages. But if you travel often, then it is better to activate “All for 1800+ roaming”.

Postpaid invoices must be paid within 20 days, after which the number may be temporarily blocked. After repaying the debt, all limits are automatically restored. The subscription fee is charged once a month and is 800 rubles.

Calls to other cities and countries

International communications are charged differently here:

  • 30 rubles/minute for a call to Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries of a similar direction.
  • 50 rub./minute for calls to the EU.
  • 80 rub./minute for other calls.

Internet on a tariff plan

High-speed Internet traffic allocated every month in the amount of 7 GB. The limit is updated monthly on the first day, and you can use the services throughout Russia.

When the specified traffic is exhausted, a message comes with an offer to automatically extend the speed for a fee. If the conditions for using the Internet are not satisfactory, then you can connect the “Highway” option separately.

The Internet in the new package is not available in all areas. Limited access present in Yakutia, the Magadan region, the Autonomous Chukotka Okrug, the Kamchatka Territory and throughout the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

The cost of 1 MB in these parts is 9.95 rubles, but you can use more affordable tariffs in addition to connecting to this package.

Other tariff options

The “All for 800” tariff has the availability of other services that allow you to use home Internet with a ridiculous monthly payment. An equally attractive option is the offer for families, which allows you to connect up to five numbers to the Beeline network.

All subscribers connected to such a chain can take full advantage of the new package offers.

Interesting additional services are:

  1. Conference call (RUB 70).
  2. Freeze a room for 400 rubles.
  3. AntiAON (88 rub.).

Tariffing of services after spending package limits

If the subscriber has exhausted what the tariff provided, then subsequent charging is carried out as follows:

  1. Calls to Beeline numbers are free.
  2. Calls to Moscow numbers 1.6 rub./minute.
  3. Calls to others mobile numbers3 rub./minute.
  4. Sending messages within the Moscow region: 1.6 RUR.
  5. Sending messages to other operators is assessed the same as calls to other operators.

Video on the topic:

Connecting and disconnecting the “All for 800” tariff (postpayment)

To switch to a new tariff of a mobile operator, the subscriber’s account must have at least 500 rubles, which is a guarantee deposit. The cash bonus is returned on the 4th month of use if payments have been made on time throughout the previous three months.

To connect to the service, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Dial 0781.
  • Call 0674000800.
  • Use your personal account.

There is no option to disconnect from the tariff plan, so if you decide to change it, you need to select a more suitable package and switch to it. After such manipulations, the shutdown is carried out automatically, and this cannot be done in any other way.

Beeline's all-for-800 tariff, the description of which is presented on the page, is in demand among customers. Despite high cost, it includes the full scope of services that may be required in the future.

What are the main advantages of the presented tariff plan? The main advantage is ample opportunities for communication. It is designed for those people who are not used to limiting themselves in anything. For a subscription fee you get minutes, traffic, SMS, and you will always stay in touch.

It is impossible not to note the presence additional service for connecting third-party SIM cards of the same operator.

You can add 5 more numbers to the tariff so that you and your loved ones can use the packages. Thus, it turns into a family one.

You can pay 800 rubles per month and use the services with the whole family. In this case, the AP no longer seems high. It is important to study all the features of the pricing plan in order to make the right decision.

The tariff is presented in various regions of Russia.

Please note that in some cities conditions may differ from those indicated.

To clarify, you should go to the official website and receive detailed information there.

If you are interested in the Beeline all-for-800 tariff and a detailed description, then the following conditions are offered for it:

  1. 1000 minutes are provided for calls in your home region.
  2. 500 SMS are allocated.
  3. You get 7 GB of traffic.
  4. Subscription fee – 800 rubles per month, or 26.66 per day.
  5. After the end of the package, calls within your home region will cost 1.6 rubles.
  6. Calls within the network are unlimited.

One of the main advantages is unlimited calls within the network. If you connect the whole family to one tariff, then the numbers will belong to this telecom operator. You will be able to fully communicate with your loved ones without restrictions.

What are the disadvantages?

There are conflicting reviews about any tariff, regardless of the conditions. Customers will always be dissatisfied with something; it’s difficult to please everyone. The main reason for negative reviews is the wrong choice made by subscribers. They did not take into account their own needs when making a decision, and as a result they connected an inappropriate tariff plan.

What disadvantages can you name?

  • Minutes may not be enough if you are connecting several people.
  • Subscribers rarely use SMS, so many clients do not need them.
  • The traffic is enough for two, maximum three people to fully surf the web. For a large family this volume is very small.
  • If the Internet package runs out, you will have to buy it again.

Nowadays without mobile internet difficult to get around, many people use it. But limited traffic causes serious inconvenience; this fact should be taken into account when choosing a tariff plan.

How to switch to the Beeline tariff for 800 rubles per month: details

How to connect this program? There are several options for this:

  1. Contact specialists.
  2. In your personal account.
  3. By special number.
  4. In the smartphone application.

Which method is best for you? To decide, you need to study all the solutions and then make a choice among them.

Call the contact center

You can always call 0611 and contact the company’s specialists.

To do this, listen to the menu, the system will indicate what needs to be done to connect with an employee.

The specialist will listen to the client and help make the connection. But with increased load on the subscriber service, you will have to spend a lot of time waiting for a response. Therefore, few people use this option.

In your personal account

Go to the operator’s website, you will see a button to log in. Click on it, the system will take you to a special form. Enter your number and password into it. If you have not been to LC before, then you need to request a temporary code on your phone.

What to do in your personal account?

  • You will see an item for managing tariff plans.
  • Go to it, a list of offers will appear.
  • Select the one you are interested in and click on it.
  • You can immediately study the conditions and then make a direct connection.
  • You will receive a notification that your tariff plan has changed.

Call to automated service

You can simply call 0674000800. The system will help you connect to the tariff plan you are interested in. This is a simple option that has a lot of advantages over other solutions:

  1. The entire procedure is carried out within a short time.
  2. No need to have internet access.
  3. You definitely can’t go wrong, because the number leads to one tariff plan.

Flaw this decision– you need to know the number directly to carry out the operation. But if you clarify it in advance, this fact will not become a serious problem.

In a programme

Exists special program"My Beeline." It allows you to manage your account and receive all the information you need. The application is easy to use, there will be no problems in the future.

Initially download the program from official store. It will be quickly installed on your smartphone and you can launch it directly. Authorization occurs automatically.

You will then be taken to the main menu. In it you need to select the item with tariffs, then proceed to the one of interest. All you have to do is click on the connection item and the transition will be completed.

Why should you use the application?

  • There is no need to authorize it.
  • This is the most comfortable option.
  • A simple and intuitive interface is provided.
  • You will be able to fully manage not only the tariff, but also additional services.
  • The program is designed for major mobile operating systems.
  • It is simple and runs on most smartphones.

How to disable the all-for-800 tariff on Beeline

You cannot directly disable the tariff, but you can switch to another program. To do this, you should study the available offers on this moment. All that remains is to make a choice among them and connect. But if less than 30 days have passed since the last change in the tariff program, then you will have to pay 100 rubles.
