Closing a Deal: Techniques and Methods Used in Sales. Successful deal cycle

Trouble-free sales: 10 ways to make deals Nezhdanov Denis Viktorovich

Chapter 9 Making a Deal

Make a deal

Better once on time than seven times perfect.

In this chapter, you'll learn about 10 ways to close a deal, how and when to use them, and how to end the closing phase.

Creating firm agreements at the stage of concluding a deal is an important technology for a seller that allows you to bring the sale to a result. In some cases, however, it is not immediately possible to obtain a positive decision. This applies, for example, to strategic sales, when the decision is made by the client in several stages. In such a situation, agreeing on the next step, namely the discussion of the terms and volumes of the provision of services or the delivery of products as such, will be an important step indicating that your sale is going well. But with all this, it is quite obvious that the sale took place only when all the money (100%) from the client was received and all obligations to him were fulfilled without presentations and fundamental disagreements. It is obvious that for this it is necessary to resort to special sales technologies.

There are several reasons why a deal falls through. What are they? Let's start with one simple problem: poor seller initiative.

Personal experience

The last few years I have been sincerely surprised by the situation in the automotive market. We come to the car dealership. We will be shown cars, consulted on configurations, given a booklet and a business card… and that’s it. Managers seem to assume that this is the end of their work. But this is short-sighted! At this stage, the work of the manager is just beginning! In the best case, you will be told about the possibility of a test drive or test drive and left to “mature” until another, more efficient manager picks you up as a client. Remember, the transaction is completed only on the third or fifth contact with the buyer, depending on the complexity and price of the product or service. Therefore, you and I lose money with a probability of 50 to 90% when we give a business card to a client and wait for his call.

I am convinced that every potential client should be listed in the database. Everyone needs to get a cell phone number and email address, and ideally agree on the timing of the next contact. To do this, you should never give the client completely exhaustive information about the product or service. You should always have a trump card up your sleeve, which will be a reason to call the client, invite him to get acquainted with the new conditions, to an open day, to a meeting with your expert or, finally, to your company's open birthday or another presentation. Do not leave the client to the mercy of fate, become his friend and agree to keep in touch. Always mark all agreements in your diary and follow them if you want the client to entrust you with another ten, one hundred thousand, a million or more.

In other words, the initiative should always be on your side, no matter how difficult it may seem.

What is a "sales initiative"? This means that you should always be able to offer the next step of the sale to your client, and it is very important to do it in a way that the client agrees. To do this, you must always offer the next step with a benefit for him. And the benefits can be very different:

The ability to buy what is in short supply or what is left in limited quantities;

Accelerated terms of receiving an order with advance payment;

Possibility to receive special conditions of a complete set or delivery;

Privileged price;

The opportunity to receive an additional gift "in the theme" of the order, for which you usually have to pay extra later;

Opportunity to participate in the drawing of a valuable prize.

All of these benefits associated with buying from you should be communicated to the customer after you have politely and unobtrusively made an offer.

Now let's look at the five steps of making a deal using the Fi.S.E.Q method.

The first step in making a deal is an offer.

Learn to offer to the client. The form of submitting your proposal may be different, but the essence is always the same - your initiative, which is associated with one or two scenarios in interaction with your client. Naturally, both options should lead to the desired occurrence of events - the client's decision to cooperate. Let sometimes the amount of the transaction be less than you would like, if the client is new, you can start cooperation. Well, if the client is regular, you, apparently, incorrectly formulated the goal and intention in working with him. So what's the best way to propose?

For example, you have retail sales. You are a realtor, loan officer, sales assistant and you can use the following formula: “What would you say if I offered (a) to make a purchase (agreement, contract) today?”

If the client is mature, you will avoid delaying the deal. If not, you will receive new objections or doubts, having worked out which you will need to re-offer, showing additional benefits. Sometimes it is enough to say that the working day is over or you need to go to another meeting. The prospect of starting a conversation from the beginning may not be very attractive to the client.

If you have complex B2B, B2State (and B2Goverment) sales and you have to conclude an agreement with a hierarchically complex structure: a distribution network, a factory, a SMU, a government agency, I recommend approaching the proposal differently: “What can we do to conclude an agreement (hold testing, signing a letter of intent) next month (next week, next quarter)?”

Here your question-suggestion does not even imply a negative answer! The question sounds like “what can we do with you?” All offers like “maybe we can start cooperation?” or “Are you ready to get started?” are closed questions, the answers to which will be 50% associated with failure. Zest trouble-free sales is that our task is to always get consent, a positive opinion, so that sales do not come to a standstill.

With a closed question, the answer is 50% yes and 50% no.

With an open question, you will hear “yes” in 100% of cases, plus the logic of the necessary actions to start cooperation will be described. The logic that came out of the mouth of the client is usually not subject to cancellation. The client, as a rule, knows exactly what you have to do in order to sell him to the company or to him personally. Secondly, he will go out of his way to prove that he was right and that the company had to do just that in order to sell it.

The second step can immediately follow the sentence.

Remember: your proposal must contain the benefit for the client from a quick decision in working with you. You can come up with these benefits “on the go” or prepare in advance, and we will help you with this. 10 ways to conclude (complete, close) a deal which I recommend.

1. Natural- the buyer offers to close the deal. At the last stage, special wisdom is not needed in this. If you did everything right at the previous stages of the sale, the chances of a natural completion of the transaction increase exponentially, and vice versa, the more competitive the market, the less these chances.

2. Completion on offer. In this situation, the seller offers to conclude a deal. We have discussed these methods above.

3. Completion based on the alternative. Here you offer to select two or more alternatives for the client, each of which leads to a sale:

? “Will you take two models or three?”

? “Would it be more convenient for you to sign the contract this week or next?”

? “Would you like to conduct a trial test or immediately order a delivery?”

? “Can you make the decision yourself or do you need to get management approval?”

4. Ending with risk. In this case, you take a little risk. If the client is not “ripe”, he may feel your insincerity, but every salesperson should be a little adventurous inside. You have to be ready to bluff. The conclusion with the risk is based on the indication of the shortage of goods, the expiration date of promotions, etc. For example: “Let's fill out an application today so that I can personally control the delivery to you on time before my vacation and you don’t have to ask a new manager who will deal with your order."

5. Completion due to future events (at the client). This already applies to a beautiful perspective, working with idealistic clients - purposeful and suggestible or emotional. You can draw a beautiful perspective: “I suggest you make an advance payment today so that after your vacation you can immediately move into a new apartment” (get into a new car, have enough working capital before the start of the season and don’t bite your elbows if there is a loss of profit with a lack of finance).

In this case, the conclusion of the transaction is associated with some future event planned by the buyer, when the purchase decision will allow the client to take advantage of the privileges, opportunities or advantages of the transaction at the time when it is necessary, without any worries. The client is invited to make a decision now in order to avoid wasting time and effort on making decisions in the future in a situation where there may not be resources for this. For example, in the corporate sales standards of one federal airline, developed using the Fi.S.E.Q. Denis NEZHDANOVA, an example is included when, in order to overcome doubts regarding the purchase of a flight payment certificate on board, flight attendants, as an option to complete the transaction, can offer the client the following option to stimulate his determination: “You can buy a certificate right now so that your next flight to the conference in a week will cost you would be cheaper - from 10 to 30% thanks to participation in our program.

The product can be anything, but the benefit must be relevant to the client. Think and talk about his interest.

6. Completion by Major Benefit suggests that you are focusing on a key factor for the client (it is assumed that this factor is in your pocket). We can talk about the color of the car that the client likes, but he is not satisfied with other characteristics; about the absence of mandatory strict requirements to present tons of certificates for obtaining a loan; about the timing of the tour, where other parameters may not satisfy the client.

Your job is to say, “This is exactly what you wanted. Imagine that everything else is perfect, but the color is not yours, the provision of references is not suitable for you, the departure dates do not tire you - will you enjoy it? I think no". And then you can apply several ways to complete the transaction at once. Fortunately, they have a whole arsenal.

7. Completion on a set of secondary points. In this case, you weigh the facts and preferences of customers and say: “Well, the color is not yours (the deadline is not at all suitable, more documents are needed), but nevertheless, I think this is the best option for you, because it has a rich package, special price , the economic interest rate, etc. All of this greatly outweighs other nuances.”

If you stay confident and guided by the client's benefits, you will close any deal.

Personal experience

Once my mother, a talented psychologist, daughter of a counterintelligence officer, helped her husband sell a white Grand Cherokee while on vacation with friends in Spain. She and her husband came to see friends in a white jeep. The task was to sell it and have a good rest. In general, go with benefit and with pleasure. No one really found out the need, so the key objection of potential customers was white - like the color of an ambulance. Mom objected that the ambulance, for example, in Germany is yellow, and white cars heat up less in the sun and are not so hot in them under the scorching rays of Spain. The deal went through, although initially the clients were irreconcilable. This example shows how you can neutralize a customer's objection before closing a deal with them.

8. Assumption Completion that the deal is already a done deal. The conversation with the client is conducted as if they had already made a decision and no additional discussion is required: “So, this week you fill out a specialization, we approve it, make payment, and you just have to wait for the order, which will be brought to you according to your needs. address, where you will sign the documents.

In this case, we do not even ask the client whether he agrees or not. After a long tirade about how everything will happen, you can clarify how everything suits the client in this logic of actions, and you can move on to the next step in concluding a deal.

9. Summing up the end occurs when the seller lists all the basic needs of the client and the corresponding qualities of the goods, services: “So, you said that you need an economical red car with an automatic transmission. The RIO car is what you need: it consumes less than 10 liters per hundred, there is a red color available and the price will pleasantly surprise you.”

10. With concessions- the seller offers to conclude a deal on the condition that a concession is made on his part in exchange, for example, for signing an agreement and making an advance payment by the end of the week: “In the event that you make an advance payment for an apartment today, we take paperwork from the Fed myself!"

Ways to create agreements and close a deal

1. Natural- the buyer himself offers to conclude a deal at the end of the conversation.

2. By the proposal- the seller directly offers to conclude a deal.


3. Based on the alternative- the seller offers completion by listing two or more possible options.


4. Completion at risk- the seller offers to conclude a deal, indicating a shortage (of goods, the duration of discounts, etc.).


5. Conclusion on the most important point(main advantage).


6. Completion on the aggregate of secondary points - the seller, offering to conclude a deal, emphasizes the advantages of his offer compared to competitors.


7. Summing up- the seller lists all the basic needs of the client and the corresponding qualities of the goods, services.


8. With concessions- the seller offers to conclude a deal on the condition that a concession is made on his part.


9. Assumption Completion- the dialogue is conducted as if the conclusion of the deal is already a settled matter.


10. In view of future events- the conclusion of the transaction is associated with some future event planned by the buyer.

The third step in making a deal is an alternative question.

At this stage, we ask the client to make a decision on how we will process the transaction: “Would it be more convenient for you to make an advance payment today or tomorrow?”, “Do you want to receive a draft cooperation protocol for signing by fax or e-mail?” just the printer or the cartridge too?”

This is where your deal trap closes, the client has to make a decision, and that's okay. And you did everything necessary for the transaction to be successful.

The thought is material, therefore, in order for what you need to take place, it is very important to draw and fix it in the mind of the client. And such a sketch is the fourth step in completing the transaction.

The fourth step in closing a deal is summarizing.

You can repeat your agreements with the client. The more detailed and firmer they are, the more reliable and confident the client's desire to purchase a product or service and comply with your agreements with him.

What is a summary? In fact, this is a summing up of a meeting or a call. The decision has been received, it remains to consolidate it in a specific chain of actions on both sides: “So, you said that it is more convenient for you to make an advance payment tomorrow (it is better to sign an agreement on Thursday). Okay, let's schedule four hours tomorrow. It's comfortable? Good. Tomorrow drive up to our office, make an advance payment in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. We will issue you a credit slip and place a claim. Take your passport with you!” Or in other words: “Okay, tomorrow I will send you a letter of intent and call back the day after tomorrow to make sure that you received everything. How do you look at it? Excellent!"

And from this it follows logically The fifth step in making a deal is wishing well.

At the end of the meeting, wish a good day, week, weekend, vacation, interview (if your client gets a job or hires someone for a position in his company). Remember that any client is first of all a person. And any person is always pleased with personal individual care, which cannot be connected with the outcome of the transaction. Wish you well if the client is gone to think. It doesn't mean that you did something wrong. It just happens that a client needs time, his need has not fully matured, and you need to clarify what can affect his decision and what we can do to be in the priority of his choice. The sale continues even when the timeout is taken. But at the same time, be sure to agree with the client how much time he needs and when it would be better to contact him. Here you can also agree that you will inform him about the news of your company and special offers. And again wish you a good day, evening, week, month, etc. Remember how Stirlitz said: the first and last phrases are remembered. Everything that was “not very good” in the center will disappear without a trace, and you will be remembered as a pleasant person who cares about the client’s benefit. And then the client will look for you himself. Works flawlessly!

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6. Closing the deal The sixth stage of the sales process is the closing of the deal. It ends with you asking the customer to make a buying decision now. There's a saying in golf: "You hit the ball for the show, you put it in the hole for the money." In sales everything you did

  • Rules for the "boost" of the buyer.
  • Methods and rules for closing a deal.
  • Common mistakes made when closing a deal.
  • Closing techniques that no client can resist.

What closing the deal and how can it be done in reality? Today, this is one of the most important problems of trade, which raises a lot of questions for every sales manager - both beginner and professional.

How to Determine the Right Moment to Close a Sales Deal

With a competent attitude to the sale, closing the transaction should not cause problems. But in the mind of the client, doubts may arise or the person may lose interest in your services. The sources of such annoying situations are most often mistakes made at the preliminary stages of sales. So remember that the amount of effort put into the first stages of sales is inversely commensurate with the time it took to close the deal.

Strive to seize the moment to end the sale in time. If the buyer has already decided on a decision after your main arguments, you do not need to bore him with other details. Experience shows that by acting in this way, you run the risk of changing the client's decision, and not at all in your favor. When you, on the contrary, rush to complete the transaction, the client, still far from a choice, will simply change his mind about buying the product and leave you forever.

How to accurately determine the optimal time to end the sale?

Slowly, but confidently pull the buyer to your side, using the most compelling arguments. Ask him a maximum of closed questions that will require only consent from him and nothing more. Answering in the affirmative, the client personally convinces himself of the exclusivity and necessity of the purchased goods.

At the end of the presentation, once again announce to the interlocutor all the benefits that he will have after the purchase, and emphasize every missed chance when refusing your offer. In this way, you allow the buyer to rethink their decision and make sure that the option is a win-win.

Ask yourself five questions to make sure it's appropriate to close the deal.

  1. Does the customer really want to buy my product?
  2. Does he trust my company and its products?
  3. Did he realize his benefits from this deal?
  4. Was his choice well thought out?
  5. Does the client doubt his decision?

If, at the closing stage of the sale, the buyer suddenly admitted that he needed to rethink the proposal, it follows that:

  • he really needs to think things through;
  • he is embarrassed by some things, but he does not talk about it for a number of reasons;
  • the client changed his mind about buying the product, but does not recognize you out of courtesy;
  • the buyer is almost ready to complete the transaction, but something is holding him back.

In order not to lose a client, specify what caused the need to weigh everything additionally. Ask the question: “Is something holding you back from buying? Do you need to think a little, or is there something that worries you, doesn’t suit you? After that, it will be easier for you to understand how to proceed with the buyer.

The client is ready to close the deal when he:

  • openly stated that he really intends to make a purchase, and clarifies further terms of the transaction with you;
  • shows signs of approval of the arguments you make and generally agrees with your beliefs;
  • expresses agreement with his facial expressions and movements (for example, smiles or nods his head in confirmation of your words). When interest appears, you will see a noticeable change in emotions on the face of the buyer;
  • asks for the opinion of his companions or calls acquaintances. This suggests that he has already decided to make a purchase and wants to enlist third-party support;
  • asks to demonstrate the capabilities of the product.

The buyer doubts the transaction if he:

  • shows this by his behavior (scratching his face, looking into nowhere, sweating, falling silent for a long time or fiddling with objects in his hands);
  • asks to show some documents for reading again;
  • again begins to study the characteristics of the product.

Such signs indicate that the consumer has not yet made a final decision to purchase your product. Most likely, he is not yet sure of his choice or wants to get some additional information. To determine what such a client lacks, what else he wants to know for a purchase, ask him open-ended questions. Then help your buyer make the right choice to close the deal.

At the end of the transaction, the client may behave differently, which may signal problems. Consider options for completing a purchase in sales and some solutions to problematic situations when a client:

  • not tuned in to dialogue, which is most often caused by poor-quality contact or simply a person’s bad mood (this is his right);
  • neglects communication, avoiding dialogue, not reporting the lack of information and not voicing his negative decision;
  • does not ask questions (in some cases, you need to be wary when the buyer does not specify anything about the product and the contract, does not bargain at the price and conditions). To eliminate the possibility of your own paranoia, invite the buyer to express an opinion about the product, ask about the advantages of your offer compared to previous attempts by the client to buy a similar product. If the interlocutor willingly tells his stories, hopes for mutual cooperation, but does not name certain dates, numbers, scales and drags out the conversation, most likely he is not yet “ripe” to close the deal. When the situation does not improve (meetings are shifted, and the deadlines are “creeping”), you need to invite the client to resume a joint dialogue a little later, when his and your circumstances can change.

If the seller is energetic, positive, able to arrange the interlocutor and establish the necessary connections, then there is no need to worry about the success of the transaction. The main thing is not to forget about the “need”, that is, the excessive importance of the sale, and not to demonstrate it too much in the final phase of the purchase. Sophisticated negotiators often use this technique: seeing the seller's actions as a need, they immediately set tough conditions for the interested party. The ability to restrain one's emotions and a non-verbal demeanor are the qualities that allow you to successfully close any deal.

When it comes to completing a purchase in sales, one should pay attention to the degree of qualification of the responsible manager and the authenticity of the information. Most of all, this applies to inexperienced sellers and persons who are not sufficiently competent in the technical features of the goods. Here it is important to make sure that the buyer has full information about the product he needs. If the consultant is unsure of the accuracy of his answers to the client, it is better to seek the help of technical experts and even management. It is not worth misleading the interlocutor and beating around the bush at any stage of the sale, as this will make closing the deal much more difficult.

Close deals like Donald Trump

Donald Trump is considered the ultimate dealmaker. The editorial staff of the magazine "General Director" reveals the secrets, thanks to which he manages to "pull out" hopeless negotiations and choose profitable projects.

Methods and rules for closing a deal

Direct deal method

Ask the customer with a closed question whether he is ready to buy. This must be done clearly and with conviction. Of course, this technique is quite risky, because you risk easily getting rejected. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, try to say a prepared phrase that will set the client up for the desired answer.

Initiative deal method

After discussing with the buyer all the advantages of the proposed goods (services) and processing the objections voiced by him, tell the interlocutor that the selected product is 100% suitable for him, and start closing the deal. In this case, the word “let's” should be used, since practice shows that it is this expression that gives an effective incentive when other methods did not work and the client was left unprepared.

Trial trade method

To convince the buyer of his real desire to purchase your product, use this method at any stage of the sale. For example, ask him when it is more convenient to make a delivery. And if he indicates the exact date, then feel free to close the deal.

Method for removing objections (the technique of three "yes")

When your client is in doubt and is about to think things through, try this technique. Its essence consists in closed questions, made up of arguments that imply only an affirmative answer. Your task is to get as many positive responses as possible from a potential buyer in a row. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that after a series of affirmative decisions it becomes difficult to deny anything. And even if the client disagrees, he will have to justify this answer.

Form filling method

If, as you think, you did the job right, but the buyer still did not decide on a deal, start filling out the paperwork for the purchase. As you receive information from the client to fill out each item on the form, the probability of closing the transaction gradually increases. If we are talking about strict reporting forms, this method, of course, does not suit you, because if you fail, you will ruin the documents.

Of course, there are many techniques for closing sales, where each seller uses his own personal approach. Nevertheless, they all pursue a common goal - customer retention. To achieve it, you need to adhere to several principles:

    1. Do not wait until the buyer is “ripe” for a deal, as doubts may visit his head. Immediately take the "bull by the horns" in the form of leading questions.
    2. If a potential buyer asked for time to think, be sure to ask him the reasons for this decision.
    3. Your task is to manage the transaction process on your own, and the client becomes an object for your influence.

How to close all deals: action algorithm and shock phrases

The editors of "CEO" collected the author's methods of extreme selling expert Dan Kennedy. He believes that there are only 6 steps between a greeting and closing a deal.

Ways to close a deal

Techniques for closing a deal in sales are well-established techniques, phrases that help you quickly get the desired result. The result of the completion of the transaction may be a contract and payment, or it may be the refusal of the transaction. It is important to feel the client's mood well and make several attempts to close the deal. Observe the behavior of the client and listen carefully to what he says.


A common and effective method for both retail and wholesale sales is the "clarification" technique. You can clarify with the client the method by which he is ready to make a calculation, the volume of purchases, the range of goods (ask for old applications, new needs), and a counterparty card. If we are talking about b2b sales, then it makes sense to clarify who to contact regarding the contract, payment, acts of work performed, documents. There are a lot of options. Clarifying questions can be thought up for each type of product or service.

Purpose: to track the reaction of the interlocutor and set the vector for the completion of the transaction.

The clarification refers to the direct types of completion of the transaction.


In almost any sales, it makes sense to use the “deficit” technique when boosting a client. Deficiency can be:

  • validity period of the commercial offer (with a subsequent increase in cost);
  • the duration of the discount, promotion;
  • limited quantity of goods;
  • the manager's time to sign the contract.

Proper use of technology will help speed up the decision-making process by creating an additional source of urgency. This is a manipulative technique. It is worth using it to the point and not contradicting your own terms and conditions: this is quickly detected by customers, and the seller risks being in an uncomfortable position.

Unlucky professor

Using some closing techniques in sales requires skill and a certain degree of artistry. For example, the technique of the "unlucky professor" - otherwise in the sources it is called the "Colombo effect", in honor of the idiot detective who won the hearts of millions of viewers. How can you use this image to achieve sales success? Easily. First, people like to be in order. Don't be afraid to be imperfect, be afraid to be insincere. Secondly, a question asked out of logical sequence causes a slight confusion in the client and, most likely, provokes him to say what he really thinks. How does it work with examples? After the meeting, the seller can return to the decision maker's office for a forgotten pass, phone, handkerchief, pen, and casually ask: "Tell me, please, what prevents you from signing the contract?"

The well-known business coach Radmilo Lukic liked to ask clients at the stage of closing a deal: “What stands between you, me and happiness?” This is also an example of the use of this technique.

By experimenting with different options, each seller will find their own tool that will help open the hearts of customers. Practice, and only practice, will make the average salesperson an effective closeout salesman. To pump up the skills of successfully closing deals, sign up for.

Closing techniques that no client can resist

Closing the sale by agreement

This method is perfect for selling consumer goods. The main difficulties with customers can arise even during the presentation of the product.

In order to avoid problems in the initial phase of sales, a simple but very effective method is used. Tell the customer that your goal is not to get them to buy, but to show them the benefits of your products that keep consumers buying them consistently for years. And all you want from the buyer is to evaluate the merits of the product and determine its need for yourself.

As a rule, consumers agree with such arguments. You only need to agree with a potential buyer that you will not put pressure on him, and he will listen to you without arguing.

Usually the client agrees to this offer and silently heeds your words. Next, you present the product according to the planned plan, after which your interlocutor is deprived of the opportunity to take a pause for reflection.

Remind the customer of the promise to answer how the product suits them. Emphasize that based on his assessment, it can be concluded that the product is ideal for the buyer. Then you can start closing the deal.

Closing a deal using the "red button" method

Most sellers find this method to be the most effective way to complete sales. The “red button method” is that the choice of the consumer is only 20% determined by the merits of the product itself. Of course, the ratio is approximate, since the real figure is directly proportional to the skills of the implementer.

The main highlight of this method of closing a deal is to offer the client what he most needs. After finding out the needs of the buyer, all the time put pressure on his weak point so that the desire to purchase this item grows steadily. If you start talking about some less significant things, the buying interest will disappear.

To successfully sell anything, you need the ability to listen to the client. Your main tool is the possession of information about the interlocutor. The better you know the buyer, the more accurately you will determine what he needs. Each person wants to have something important for himself and until he hears this advantage, he is unlikely to buy from you.

Therefore, the main task is to find the so-called button of any client and press it over and over again. Many salespeople make the mistake of wasting time on the presentation instead of asking questions and just listening to the customer.

Closing the deal - guess

This procedure for closing a deal is based on the strong dependence of many people on the opinions of others. Suppose a person is inspired by a great desire to acquire the thing he needs. And so strong that his idea affects others, and they begin to show interest in it. No wonder they say that enthusiasm is contagious and quickly spreads to others.

How to apply guess to close a trade? Arouse emotions in the buyer using words or pictures. Tell him a story about a friend of yours who bought this product and is delighted with how useful it was to him. The best example for this is a smartphone or a car that perfectly fulfills their daily purpose.

In other words, you describe your product, imagining that the client already has it and gets great pleasure from using it. Talk to the prospective buyer with an emphasis on the fact that he is already confident in purchasing this product. Keep painting him pictures of the benefits of the product and the enjoyment of the benefits it brings.

That is, you are talking with the buyer from the position that he is already definitely buying the product. Paint him mental images of the benefits and convenience from the perception of the product, tell him what its use is associated with.

With a dialogue in this vein, the interlocutor no longer thinks about the need for this purchase. On the contrary, he wants to quickly enjoy the use of his acquisition. You need to speak with energy and conviction about the product as if it were the real property of the customer. This will evoke in him the very emotions that lead to closing the deal.

Invitational closing of the deal

The purpose of the method is for the buyer to make a positive decision only at the seller's suggestion. In other words, you are hinting to the interlocutor that, in essence, making a choice is not difficult, you just need to try this product.

For example: "You can just try this phone in action!". In this way, you let the client understand: if the model does not suit him, he may well choose something else. It is this offer to try that has a real impact on the interlocutor due to the fact that the final choice is still left to the buyer.

There is another phrase that is similar in action to the previous one. "Why don't you buy it?" According to realtors, this technique can increase sales by 50%. When an agency employee shows an apartment to potential clients, he asks if they are interested in this option. With an affirmative answer, he asks the question: "Why don't you become its owner?" Incidentally, the results are shocking - the vast majority of customers agree to purchase.

But there is another option: you push the interlocutor to the final decision with the following phrases: “How much do you need? What color are you interested in? Is it perfect for you?" Keep in mind that the buyer will not be offended by your offer to complete the transaction only when he has shown interest in the benefits of your products. Don't be afraid to ask someone to make a purchase!

"Sudden death"

This method of closing a deal is based on the presentation of an ultimatum. When a client finds it difficult to make a decision, most likely, he will want to rethink the proposal. He will not give a specific answer and will just play for time. In this situation, this method is perfect for you, just remember that it is effective for half of the cases.

You must complete the contract form in its entirety so that only the signature is left for the buyer. Then you give it to the client and state that the discussion of the product has taken you a lot of time, so a quick decision is needed, regardless of whether the product is suitable for the buyer or not.

Then you say that after signing the document, you immediately begin to cooperate, and shut up! The pause is very important, because the secret of this method is waiting in silence. Of course, the pause can drag on for a long time, but be patient and keep quiet. Your endurance will be rewarded with a high probability of closing the deal.

The fact is that silence has a powerful psychological effect on the interlocutor, so use this method immediately after the presentation, when the client is maximally prepared for the purchase and fully informed about the product.

Closing a deal at an acute angle

Ending the sale at a sharp angle is optimal if the client shows interest in buying, but under various pretexts does not make it. These reasons are not so important as to prevent the acquisition. Let's say the buyer suddenly declares that he is unlikely to cope with the monthly fee for the goods.

The point of this closing procedure is to turn objections on their head in order to make them the main motivator of the purchase. Let's say you say that you can increase the installment period while simultaneously reducing the amount of monthly payments. After you've used the objection as a sales stimulus, ask the customer if they're happy with everything now. It turns out that the driving force behind the sale is that it has been hindering it before.

This tricky way forces the client to agree to the purchase and, because of the reasons he named, it is not worth canceling the transaction. In addition, using a similar script for closing a deal, you will see what exactly the person doubted.

Secondary closing of the deal

This technique is also quite popular in modern trade. Use it unexpectedly at any suitable moment. This approach is also called a random closing question. For example: you are selling a car and ask the client which radio is preferable. Here it doesn’t matter what he likes, because for himself he has already decided the main thing - he bought a car.

Imagine a situation where you are selling a home and asking the client what date it is more convenient to set a monthly payment. The person has already entered the image of a happy buyer, and you practically closed the deal with this question. These simple tricks make it much easier to move the buyer to the final decision.

You can always find a closing question for the interlocutor, the simplest of which is “Which payment method is convenient for you?”.

take away for me

This method is not related to the decision of the client, since it assumes that the product is not available or will not be available at all. Sometimes people do not understand that the thing they need is in very limited access.

For example, you finished your presentation and your client still hasn't made an important decision. And you have to keep processing his objections. He refers to the lack of money, complains about the too high price and admits that he cannot afford the purchase.

Then you inform him that the model (product) he needs is very popular and may already be sold out. To do this, you need to contact the warehouse to check availability. The main thing is to make a call from the buyer's phone. He gives you the device, you immediately call, and in the meantime the client understands that he urgently needs to take it, and tells you about it. Without waiting for the storekeeper's response, you reply that the interlocutor is lucky and there is one model (or several) that will be set aside specifically for him.

Most people, without realizing it, experience a huge craving for things, the number of which is limited.

Closing "Get a Puppy"

This is one of the most effective methods, based on the legend, when in a pet store a child asks his parents to buy a puppy, and they do not agree to do it. Then the family is given an animal for a week, after which they get used to the pet and make a purchase.

The technique really works so far. Time after time, by giving the customer the opportunity to touch, taste, feel, smell or use the product, you use the “take a puppy” method. A company that sells cars for production introduced a similar technique and gave them free use for seven days. Due to this, the company's sales quickly jumped up.

Closing Ben Franklin

This method is effective in that it works on the contrast of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular proposal. It is called the "Ben Franklin method" because Ben used two columns of pros and cons separated by a vertical bar to exit the trade. He analyzed the list and concluded what to do with this purchase. For information: B. Franklin is one of the first millionaires who independently made their capital.

Regardless of the subject of sale, the method works flawlessly. Let's see this in practice. Lay a sheet of paper on the table and draw a vertical line down the center. Now reflect all the reasons for buying this product. Then list the customer's benefits from this purchase and say, “Remember we discussed how important this position is. In addition, we noted this and this, which means that this benefit is very important.” As a result, your interlocutor writes down all the benefits discussed with you. Then you read this list of benefits and ask, “Is that all? Or something to add? The buyer replies: "No, that's it." You continue: “Great! Now let's write the second column. And give him a completed sheet of paper with a pen.

In the end, after looking at the list, you conclude: “Okay, (client name), it looks like you have made a decision.” Most often, the client replies: “Yes, I think I understand.” Now you move on to closing the trade or settlement.

Similar story

This technique targets your buyer's right brain, which is better at processing stories and pictures. You recreate the image in the client's mind using infographics and physical pictures, or tell suitable stories. This will allow you to motivate the interlocutor to buy. The trick is that people remember stories for a long time, and they immediately forget the technical nuances.

You can choose a story similar to the client's option to push them to close the deal. For example, a situation where the buyer also doubted the purchase, and then regretted it very much, having got into an unpleasant situation. On the contrary, you can tell a happy story where a doubting person made the right decision in favor of the product and did not regret it at all in the future.

close the door

The “close the door” technique can be used when the sale hangs in the balance and there are no other options. So, you've made a high-end presentation, but still the client didn't dare. He still has a major objection, which he hides from you so that you, having learned the reason, do not persuade him to buy.

You have tried all the ways, asked a lot of the right questions: “Do you have enough money? How far are we from your possibilities? What do you need to do to complete the purchase? On what terms can we agree?

The buyer again for his own: "I'm not sure yet and I want to think." In the end, he just doesn't want to admit to you what's holding him back. And you are sure that the purchase is feasible for him, he likes the product, he wants to have this thing, etc. Finally, you declare: “Dear customer, thank you for your attention. I appreciate your busyness and the fact that you took the time to listen to me. Now I'm leaving."

You take your bag and head to the exit. Approaching the door, take hold of its handle. At this time, the client begins to think about what to do while you are still here. His opposition is reduced.

And then you turn around and say: “Before leaving, I still want to clarify something for myself. I understand that you don't want to buy anything today. But I would appreciate your help for my presentation. Could you just say why you canceled a purchase today? What was the reason for this decision?" Most often, the client agrees: “Okay, I’ll explain. Actually, that's the reason."

Then you let go of the door handle, come back, sit down on a chair and again remove your goods from the bag with the words: “I am very glad that you pointed out my mistake. I myself am to blame for the failure. Perhaps I didn't explain this point to you enough. Could you give me some more time?" Now you have a real reason for failure. With correct answers, you will be able to close deals with 50% of such clients.

So your buyer has agreed. Don't forget to keep your former friendliness and slowness. There is no need to let yourself be overly businesslike, since an obvious change in demeanor will alert and scare the client. Therefore, do not fuss!

Be ready to close the deal anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances, no matter how unusual they may be. Always keep working documents in perfect condition with you, otherwise the client may think that he is not the first of those to whom you want to sell your goods.

How to close a deal if the client delays payment

Closing a deal is a major phase in b2b sales. When you have finally agreed with the buyer, and he does not transfer money to your account, the main goal of the manager is to complete the purchase. How to motivate the client to the final step, we will tell further.

You need to “squeeze” the buyer carefully. If you get the wrong idea of ​​who and when to convince, you risk losing your potential audience. Please note: the client is “squeezed out” only when there is a cooperation agreement and work is already underway, when the partner is satisfied with all the circumstances and your product, but nevertheless he does not pay money. How to guess when to "attack" the client?

If during the negotiation process the customer pauses, this means that he hesitates or communicates with competitors. The second option: the client violates the terms of payment in order to obtain the greatest benefit and transfer funds upon completion of the work. In any case, “press” on him to dispel doubts and speed up the closing of the deal.

To find out when to “squeeze” the partner, even during negotiations, establish when he expects to receive goods or start work. Let's say you agreed that you will start work on the first of June, and your customer is late in paying. Therefore, even a week before the appointed date, disturb the client by using one of the four dialogue scenarios .

Rules for "boosting" the buyer

“Squeeze” gradually. Remind the client in advance that you are waiting for payment by phone, email or personal visit. If you notice that the partner hesitates, once again indicate to him the benefits of cooperation or ask what does not suit him. Often there are situations when the customer is ashamed to say that he does not like the price or the guarantees are too low. In such a situation, a mutual compromise or a short-term refusal to interact will help.

Use mutual concessions. If the partner seeks to reduce the cost of goods (services), then agree. In return, ask for a reciprocal concession, for example, an extension of the contract. Explain to the client that you are ready to reduce the price, but want to cover the losses by extending the period of cooperation. Our experience confirms that the honesty of a partner captivates and clients are always ready to make concessions.

Don't force it. Many customers first want to see the result of your work, and then pay for the services. They are in no hurry to transfer funds. Here, the “you won’t be forced to be nice” method is suitable. Here is an example: we offered one of the partners from the b2b-sales sphere to cold call clients, and he thought that within a few days he would receive a lot of “warm” contacts. When it was explained to him that it would take much longer, the client stopped the negotiations. Then he went to a competitor who promised instant results. Of course, we understood that the result was unattainable in such a short time, so a month later we contacted him again. As it turned out, he was very dissatisfied with the quality of the work of another company. We have resumed cooperation.

Remember that as a result of the “boost”, 50% of the hesitant partners who delayed the payment go to close the deal.

7 common mistakes made when closing a deal

Be sure that marketing materials can close the deal. Your email newsletter, flyers, and indeed your website are only useful in the beginning, when you need to establish a connection with a client. Apart from buying basic devices that are ordered online without hesitation, people first weigh their needs and are convinced of the benefits of buying from you.

Trying to close a deal too early. If you try to get a customer to buy at the beginning of the conversation, you will seem pushy. The result will be the opposite - you will alienate the interlocutor and destroy his desire to purchase your product. Don't forget the simple law of physics "Force of action equals reaction".

At the request of readers, I continued the paramount topic for each company - the effective cycle of the transaction.

In this article, we will look at practical examples that will help you better understand the cycle itself and the need to implement it in your company. In addition, I will show the versatility of this algorithm and the possibility of its use in any company structure and for any type of sale.

The transaction management cycle is a sequential process that starts from the initial touch with a potential client. It continues with the process of forming a client, posting him according to a certain algorithm and, subsequently, transferring him to the next cycle on the same or new conditions.

  1. involvement;
  2. input;
  3. lapping;
  4. contract;
  5. execution;
  6. closing;
  7. output with the construction of a new possible input.

Depending on the size of the company, each stage can be carried out by a professionally trained employee or a whole department of specialists. However, it is possible when one person carries out the full cycle of the transaction. It is important to know and understand all the nuances, possible variations in each link of this single process chain.

Only at the engagement stage can a whole PR department and so-called “packers” work, who demonstrate your brand to the world in various ways and methods. And if you are not a brand yet, then the process of involvement should be more active. And in this case, both the push strategy (trans. “push”) and the pull strategy (trans. “pull, pull in”) work. Most companies use both strategies at the same time. The sequence of the transaction cycle is also unchanged, but the execution itself at each stage in each link is carried out differently. Which strategy to choose and how to tactically build interaction in each section of the chain depends on the type of sales.

The transaction management cycle itself is universally valid for any type of sale.

We list their types:

  • active;
  • passive;
  • personal;
  • impersonal;
  • straight;
  • indirect;
  • simple;
  • complex;
  • long;
  • complex;
  • industrial;
  • design;
  • regional;
  • two-stroke;
  • conveyor;
  • cascading;
  • information sales;
  • boxed;

And for all these types of sales, you choose your own push or pull strategy, or a mixed one. However, the transaction cycle, its sequence remains unchanged. It is continuous and requires sequential passage of each section of the circuit. Depending on the type of sale, there may be different tactics and time spent at each stage of the transaction.

Consider a specific example with a direct sale:

They sell strawberries near the subway.

Involvement:“Buy! Ripe, delicious, like you girl. Wow!"

The person stops, considers, makes a decision. This is the entrance.

Lapping:“Buy two kilograms, I’ll give you the third one, you will make the children happy.”

Contract: in this case, it can be a verbal form of desire to buy strawberries.

Execution: this is a service, how they pack strawberries for us, for example.

Closure: you pick up the strawberries and thank the seller.

Exit:“Next time you come with a girlfriend, I will give you two gifts!”

A simple example of street or market trade.

Of course, the other type of sale differs in tactics and execution, but the sequence of the deal cycle remains the same.

I'll give you another type of sale.

Consulting company NFP, its managing partner Sergey Lozhkin.

The mission of the company and its common core, regardless of different areas: "We help organizations develop sustainably" Clients of this company: Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, Transneft, Leroy Merlin and many others.

The company has been on the market for several years, but we know how quickly things are changing and how the speed of these changes has been accelerating in recent years. What was effective a year ago is no longer working today, either in terms of management or marketing.

We have introduced a whole line of robots into the company, which has just begun to develop actively in our country. It played an active role in the engagement process: thanks to robots, we attracted interest, and all other areas actively became in demand and received an influx of customers. The company entered serious customers, but then you understand how the law of large numbers works.

In other words, through the correct construction and structure of the company, its core, i.e. mission, through the correct activation of the first link - involvement, we open the "faucet of opportunities." However, without having worked through the links of the entire chain, there are as many cases when the “faucet of opportunities” is open, but that’s where it all ends. There is interest in you, your product, but there is no final result in the form of a deal.

For example, in this company, we had to strike a balance between engagement and other stages of the deal cycle. The flow of customers is great, but only if you have enough resources, when you do not lose quality in service and bring the whole cycle to the result, otherwise this flow will go to the sand.

Why is this happening? A link breaks somewhere. To prevent this from happening, the manager and / or owner must clearly understand who is responsible for each section of the chain of the transaction management cycle. However, this is often not enough!

Dealing with this problem, I came to the conclusion that both the management staff and the performers are afraid to face any problem, with novelty. The response to a problem (which is equivalent to a novelty) is programmed into our body, and it is quite normal and predictable:

  1. flee.
  2. head in the sand, not seeing anything and not wanting to know.
  3. defensive reflex, usually aggressive.

The key to the success of any organization is a balanced, professionally and consistently worked out deal cycle. This requires the desire and ability of each employee to solve problems of different levels, translating them into tasks.

Having professionally trained people, especially managers, to consistently see and solve problems, we are able to flawlessly carry out productive activities at any stage of the transaction cycle and come to an optimal result.

As I already wrote in the previous article "", the crisis of management is a collision with novelty. This is the problem that leads to the failure of the closing of the transaction cycle on any part of the chain. If we are able to overcome this crisis, technologically passing it, there is a desire to solve problems. As you and I know, the size of a company is measured by the volume of problems that the organization can solve.

  • Consistent, competent and professional completion of each link in the transaction cycle ensures stable growth and development of the company;
  • overcoming limitations and psychological blocks in solving problems helps to effectively move in each section of the deal cycle chain;
  • the deal cycle, its algorithm and sequence is universally valid for any type of sales. Technologies and time spent in the chain in a particular link may differ, but the sequence and passage of the entire chain are unchanged;
  • in order not to get stuck at the very beginning of the transaction cycle chain, it is necessary to keep up with the speed of changes both for the company itself and for the manager personally;
  • educate "special forces": specially trained people who are ready to lend a shoulder at any stage of the transaction cycle in case of difficulties.

In conclusion, I want to say that the well-established chain of the transaction cycle in detail, detail and in all nuances will inevitably lead to a steady, stable and often “explosive” growth of the company.
