Run not as administrator. How to run the program as administrator

Many Windows users have probably at least once encountered the problem of lack of access rights at startup or while a particular program is running. In this case, running the program as administrator almost always helps.

But every time running the program as administrator through the context menu is completely inconvenient. It is much more convenient to assign the program to run permanently as an administrator. How to do this, we will tell in this article. We will immediately warn you that the method works for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

We make the launch of the program or game always on behalf of the administrator

The usual way to run as administrator is to right-click on the application shortcut and select "Run as administrator" from the context menu.

In order to specify to do this always and at the same time launch the application with the usual double click, you need to do the following.

Right-click on the shortcut of the program that you want to always run with administrator rights and select "Properties" in the menu that opens.

Application Shortcut Properties

In the window that opens, go to the "Compatibility" tab and check the "Run this program as an administrator" box.

Setting Permanent Administrator Rights

Now you can make sure that when you start the program with a double click, you open it with administrator rights and errors about lack of access rights do not appear.

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I think that each of you has repeatedly encountered a situation when, when starting a program, application, or, more often, a game, an error or notification appeared that you need to run it as an administrator. However, do not think that if you log in with an administrator account, the program will start as if by magic - it is not.

There are several ways to run the program as an administrator in order to open it correctly. And in this article I would like to tell you about these methods, because such information will not be superfluous for anyone. Perhaps experienced "fighters" already know a lot, or maybe they will learn something new for themselves, but for beginners, this information will definitely benefit.

How to run as administrator

So, the easiest and most proven way to run as administrator windows 7 is as follows:

  • click on the shortcut of the program you need with the right mouse button on;
  • a menu will drop out in which one of the first positions will be the line "Run as administrator", press.

However, it is not interesting to perform these actions every time, because we all strive for the minimum number of movements and the maximum result. So I suggest doing this:

  • right-click on the program again, then select "Properties" at the very bottom of the context menu;
  • a new window will open with several tabs, select the one called "Compatibility";
  • now pay attention to the very bottom of the window. There is a "Permission level" field, next to which is the "Run this program as an administrator" item. Check the box and save the changes (Apply - OK).

That's all, now you can run any program in the usual way, that is, by double-clicking the mouse, and it will run as administrator. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated.

other methods

I also want to tell you about other ways to run applications as an administrator without disabling User Account Control.

  • for example, you can use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Enter. To do this, open the start menu and enter the named combination in the search line. In this case, the request "Control ..." will be displayed;
  • you can also use the task scheduler;
  • launch applications through, etc.

There are many options, but they are still designed for a more experienced user. Therefore, if you are not yet confident in your abilities, use the proven method described at the beginning of the article.

To fully work with some programs, they must be run as administrator. This need arises especially often if you work under a user account. In this guide, we will look at several ways to run the program as an administrator in Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems.

Easy Ways to Run Programs with Administrator Rights

First, let's look at some of the easiest ways to run programs as an administrator. The easiest option is to launch the program using the context menu. To do this, right-click on the application shortcut or on the executable EXE file itself and select "" in the menu that opens. After that, a warning window from the UAC system will appear, you just need to click on the “ Yes" button and the selected program will start with administrator rights.

An alternative option is to launch the program through a search in the Start menu. To do this, you need to open the "Start" menu, enter the name of the program you want to run in the search box, right-click on it and select " Run as administrator". The screenshot below shows how it looks in the Windows 7 operating system.

This method works the same in both Windows 7 and Windows 10. For example, the screenshot below shows the launch of the program through the Start menu in Windows 10.

These two methods are used in most cases when an application needs to be granted administrator rights. But, in some situations, more complex solutions may be required.

How to always run a program as administrator

If there is a need to always run the program as an administrator, then the methods described above will be inconvenient. Instead, you can resort to some tricks that allow you to solve this problem much faster.

So, if you need the program to always run with administrator rights, then the easiest way to solve this problem is through the properties of the shortcut. To do this, right-click on the shortcut, select " Properties"And in the window that opens, click on the" Advanced». As a result, another small window should open in which you need to activate the option " Run as administrator", After which all windows must be closed by clicking on the" OK". As a result, when you run this shortcut, the application will always start with elevated rights.

In addition, there is an alternative option that works exactly the same. In this case, you need to open the properties of the shortcut, go to the tab " Compatibility"And enable the option" Run this program as administrator". Enabling this option works in a similar way, each time the application is launched, it will start with elevated rights.

Using settings for shortcuts is a very handy feature that allows you to easily and quickly launch programs with elevated rights, avoiding additional steps and saving time.

Launching programs through the Task Scheduler

If you are running Windows 7, then you can run programs with Administrator rights without the UAC system warning window popping up. To achieve this result, we need "". In order to run it, follow the path " Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Task Scheduler" or click "schtasks".

AT " Task Scheduler"You need to create a new task that will launch the program we need, to do this, click on the link" Create task"On the right side of the window.

After that, enter a name for the new task and check the box next to " Run with highest privileges».

After that, click on the change user button and select the administrator account.

In the window that opens, click "Browse" and select the required application (exe file). After that, we save the new task by closing all windows by clicking on the " OK".

After that, you need to create a shortcut on the desktop that will run the task we created. To do this, right-click on the desktop and select the context menu item " Create - Shortcut». As a result, a window for creating shortcuts should open. Here in the field Property location"You need to enter the command" schtasks / run / tn test". Where "test" is the name of the job in the Task Scheduler.

As a result, you will get a shortcut on your desktop with which you can run the program as an administrator without UAC system warnings.

It should be noted that this method of launching programs also works in the Windows 10 operating system. But, in the case of Windows 10, a warning window will appear anyway.

Sometimes it is useful for a program to have more rights than others. For example, such programs include those that support your security in the system, in other words, these are all sorts of utilities for checking your computer for viruses.

But what does running as Administrator give? More rights. And the whole point is that viruses can make them run on behalf of the System, then you won’t be able to delete them even in the Task Manager, in any way, since you simply won’t have the right to do so. And the programs that you run, they have the same rights as you, so in the Task Manager it says that it is running on your behalf (or rather, the user).

What to do? Everything is very simple, let's imagine that we want the Mozilla Firefox browser to always start with extended rights, what are we going to do? Open the shortcut properties:

Now in this window we go to the Compatibility tab, there will be a checkmark at the bottom about running as Administrator, put it accordingly and click OK:

Now, when you start Mozilla Firefox, it will always run as Administrator.

But this is just an example, of course, such a feature is useless for a browser, but for utilities that remove adware viruses, it’s just right. But there is a downside, it’s not always necessary to do this, for example, if you like to play games, then you probably know what trainers are, but in no case should they be run on behalf of the Administrator, and to be honest, these trainers are often themselves contain viruses (however, like all sorts of keygens). It is not for nothing that many antiviruses swear at them, saying that this is potentially dangerous software.

How to find programs and features in Windows 10?

Well, now I think I need to write more about how to open this window, where all the software is installed. Well, that is the Programs and Features window. Hope this info is useful to someone.

So, look, everything is simple here - you need to right-click on the Start icon, there will be a menu, here at the top select Programs and Features:

By the way, this menu can also be called up with the Win + X buttons! Here you clamp them and the menu appears!

This will open a window with the following list:

You see, all that is here is all your software. It’s just that I don’t advise deleting anything here, because this, well, there may be serious glitches. Also, if you are suddenly a more or less advanced user, then I advise you to use the utility to remove

In order to open a program or any game as an administrator, the user may have several reasons:
1. The application does not start normally;
2. Reduced functionality in normal mode, and the necessary functions can only be performed on behalf of the administrator;
3. Restricted access to the game or program.
In fact, there are many more reasons, just the main ones that an ordinary ordinary user may encounter are these three.
There are many different programs, add-ons, extensions to set the rights when opening a particular file. But as practice shows, most often the usual standard several ways to configure the launch are enough to finally solve all the problems that arise.

Run as administrator using the context menu

This is the simplest and most common way to run programs as an administrator, since it requires absolutely no extra effort or knowledge from the user. You need to right-click on the desired shortcut and find the “run as administrator” item there, after clicking on which the program will automatically start. When you open the program, you will not notice any special changes, because. The differences will be only at the software level. As a result, some additional functions may open up for you. Consider the example of the UltraIso program. This program can be easily used and usually, but it is possible to start writing a disk image to a flash card only as an administrator.

Configuring Always Run as Administrator

Some programs always need to be run as an administrator, so it's best to set them up automatically. These settings are made in order not to forget that such a launch is required and not to waste time working in the wrong mode.
To make these settings, you need:
1. Right-click on the icon of the program or game, which must always be run as administrator and click on the "Properties" button in the drop-down menu;
2. A window of all program properties is opened in front of you. At the top of which are subcategories from which you need to select "Compatibility";
3. In this subcategory, you need to find the item "Level of rights", in which check the box next to the item "Run this program as an administrator"