A 5 adding a new article. Creating and displaying articles (content) in Joomla using sections and categories, a blog on Joomla and a More button

If you've been thinking about giving users the ability to add articles and content to your Joomla site, you've probably already discovered that this seemingly simple task is not so easy to solve. Initially, you have at least two paths. The first is to use the standard functionality, because the control system Joomla content has many built-in useful features, including adding articles from the site. And the second is to use third-party modules and components, including various CCKs. Having skimmed through the features and descriptions found in other reviews, you will most likely want to use third-party components, as they clearly provide a wider range of settings and features. However, a detailed study with the installation of components on test systems showed that not everything is as good as described.

Existing solutions for organizing users to add articles and materials to the Joomla site

Before proceeding, it is worth specifying the criteria that were taken as a basis:

  • The solution must either do not make changes to standard mechanisms, or make them so minimal that later you can easily add other modules and components to the site.
  • Required moderation added materials.
  • It is necessary that the user couldn't randomly mess up the current site structure somehow or add materials to those categories that are used only for organizing the internal tasks of the site.
  • If there is a need to make edits to the code (finishing), then they should be minimal. It's one thing when you already have a stream of articles and know the specifics of what you expect from users. Accordingly, you understand that your work will be useful. Another thing is when you just add functionality and it is not known whether there will be a flow and if so, which one. After all, you should always remember that if someone really wants to add material, then it will not be difficult for him to send word document, or OpenOffice, or even html to email.
  • It is desirable that there are all sorts of convenient functions, such as the ability for the user to see the status of his articles, organizing the process of moderating articles, adding tags, adding pictures, and others.

The criteria are quite basic, but even they were enough to eventually stop at adding materials in a standard way. But first things first. The first to consider were various CCK, such as ContentBuilder and K2. The main problem was the change in standard mechanisms and the need to make a sufficiently large amount of edits, so they had to be abandoned. For example, after downloading from the official site and installing K2, which, according to statements, should already have a convenient functionality for adding materials, it turned out that all content should be used only through K2 (hence, almost all modules for Joomla without K2 support become useless) and that the form for adding materials still needs to be adjusted to fit your needs (for example, the availability of all categories to the user). Of course, it is quite possible that after a certain time of studying K2, this task could be solved much easier, but transferring everything that is, just for the sake of one function, and looking for analogues to existing modules is not rational.

Note: Remember that this is only about the task of adding content by users. Of course, with the help of CCK you can build complex and powerful sites, but this is not required in the current task.

The following modules and components were considered, which are also are CCKs but do not change the standard structure. These are Zoo (like CCK), SobiPro (like a catalog) and ChronoConnectivity (separate words about it). Free version Zoo provides a ready-to-publish module. However, after viewing the finished forms and finding solutions to problems with security settings, it became clear that, in addition to the fact that all added articles will go alone(in other words, many questions remain about how to relate custom articles and categories to site articles and categories), need to make a lot of edits into display templates in order to organize the moderation process (accepted, rejected, under moderation, and so on) with the ability for users to view the status of their articles. SobiPro is a pretty good catalog, but it has the same problems as Zoo. You will need to make edits and think about the relationship between SobiPro content and standard content. ChronoConnectivity is a very powerful component for building all sorts of forms and synchronizing within the database. If you need to completely sharpen the whole process of adding materials or something to your needs, then this can be easily done with it. However, there are no pre-installed options in it, so absolutely everything will have to be configured from scratch. And this is a very long time.

After researching in the field of CCK, it became clear that it was worth looking at more mundane solutions. And the most obvious these are blogs. However, as it turned out, there are not so many free blog components. And those that met, by and large, turned out to be similar to the standard mechanism. So there is no point in using them. However, two fairly good free blogging components caught my eye: Hekima Blogs and UAM. However, it became clear to them that will have to make some adjustments to fully organize the moderation process and fix some bugs.

Gradually considering solutions from the most complex and eventually reaching the blog components, it became more and more clear that initially on almost any site (if it was not originally conceived for the flow of articles) it is quite enough to use the standard Joomla mechanism. However, there were no normal instructions on the Internet for setting it up and solving such a banal issue as separating user images from the general catalog of site images. Only fragmentary solutions of individual subtasks. Nevertheless, having collected the solutions together, we got a fairly simple and convenient instruction for setting up the addition of materials by users.

Configuring users to add materials and articles to the Joomla site using standard tools

The final instruction for setting up users to add articles and materials to the Joomla site turned out to be large in terms of the number of points, but actually quite simple to organize. The first thing you need is download and install free editor JCE with localization (link to the developer's website; there is a Russian language there; in extreme cases, you can always download it from other resources). Unlike the standard TinyMCE Editor, it has a customizable and quite convenient picture manager. Now, you can start setting up.

1. Open " Website - General settings" and set the default editor " Editor JCE". This must be done so that all users enter articles from this particular editor.

2. Open " Material Manager". Then click the " Settings". Go to the tab " Rights"and for the group Registered set the permission to create material (item "Create"). Leave the rest of the items disabled. This setting will allow users to add content and articles from the site, but not publish them. In other words, once added, articles will be unpublished by default. In general, simple moderation.

3. Open " Category manager" and create a category " For consideration". Subsequently, all added articles will fall into this category (for convenience).

4. Create a hidden menu if you don't have one. A hidden menu is the same as a regular menu, but placed in a position that is not in the template.

5. In the hidden menu, create an item with Alias ​​" add material"and title" Add article". Select item type "Create material". Set access level " Registered" (on the left side) and the default category "For Consideration" (in the main settings area). This is done so that an unauthorized user, when selecting an item, gets to the login page and that all materials fall into one category (for subsequent sorting).

6. We create an item already in the menu, which is shown to all users. Set item type Nickname". Specify as the target point previous paragraph from the hidden menu. open item is needed so that all users can see that you can create material on the site. When clicking on such an item by unauthorized users, they will be redirected to the authorization page.

Now, let's get started setting up the JCE editor

7. Open the JCE editor in the menu " Components". Go to the tab with profiles. Enable the profile " front end". This is exactly the profile that will be applied to users when adding an article from the site.

8. Open profile" front end and set the following settings

8.1. In the first tab in the " Users"check the box next to the group" Registered" to apply the settings to registered users.

8.2. Go to tab " Features and Layout". Set the item "Editor Switch" to No to eliminate the possibility of submitting bare html.

8.3. Create on the site in the directory " images"directory" reviews". This directory will store pictures of user articles for the duration of moderation.

8.4. Return to the admin panel and go to the tab " Editor Options". Then on the left side select the tab " File system " and indicate in paragraph " Path to file directory" path " images/reviews"

8.5. In the same tab, disable the item " Folder tree"

8.6. In the same tab, specify maximum size images, for example, 100.

8.7. In the same tab, specify actions in case of conflict " Create unique name...". This is done so that the pictures of other users cannot be overwritten. After all, after the article has been moderated by you, you can always transfer the pictures to the public folder.

8.8. We save the settings.

8.9. Go to tab " Plugin Options" and on the left side of the screen select the tab " Image Manager". Then set the file size limit, for example, 100 (as before).

8.10. Disable the items "Delete folder", "Delete file", "Rename file", "Cut, copy" (for a directory and file), "Rename folder".

8.11. Specify the path to the directory of image files " images/reviews"

8.12. We save the settings.

8.13. In the tab " Plugin Options"open tab" Link" on the left side. And specify the desired settings for default links. For example, the goal " in a new window".

8.14. In the same tab, disable all items with access to the link structure (search, etc.), as well as pop-ups. This is done in order to access internal structure at ordinary users did not have.

8.15. Save and close the editor.

9. We are trying to open the item " Create material" under an unauthorized user and we see that the login form has opened. We are trying to open the same item with a logged in user and we see that the material editing form has opened, but with a bunch of extra areas that users do not really need.

10. First of all, open " Extensions - Plugin Manager"and expose the group" Special" for all buttons (Image, Page Break, Material, and so on) except the button " More". This will hide the buttons for normal users, but leave them open for those users who have access to the admin.

11. Unfortunately, it is not possible to hide blocks from the form that are not needed, as well as add an introductory text, with the settings. Therefore, you will have to copy the display template file from the component to the site template, and then edit it.

11.1. open the way" %site root%/components/com_content/views/form/tmpl" and copy the file " edit.php"to your template along the way" %your template%/html/content/form/".

11.2. Open the file "edit.php" in any text editor and add the introductory text you need, as shown below (the text comes after the 44th line or search for "

Add article

First of all, remember that an article is a useful, polite, meaningful and well-formed text (for more details, read the rules section of the articles).
Adding material means that you agree to the rules of this resource.
item->id); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm" class="form-validate">

11.3. Now, to hide blocks, it is necessary for all tags fieldset, except for the first one, add display hiding via style, like this:

Note: Of course, you can use other hiding methods, such as styles with " :first child", but this may not work for older browsers. Alternatively, you can add a field class for the right fieldset and hide it through the styles of the added class. It's more convenient for someone here.

11.4. Save the file.

12. Adjust styles the way you like. For example, currently on the site website this form is used and it looks like this.

As you can see, despite the fact that there are really a lot of points, they are very simple and by and large done in 15 minutes(not counting CSS - it's up to you).

So now, you will always have a simple and reliable way to provide your site users with pre-moderation, a convenient WYSIWYG editor and an image manager.

A5.ru is one of the old-timers of the Russian market (it has been operating since 2011) and has one of the widest audiences in the CIS - at the time of publication of the article, the number of users is approaching 2,000,000 people.

It requires a minimum of knowledge, while it has a fairly wide functionality as a site builder. Ideal for small and medium businesses who want to create a website on their own without having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to web studios.

You don't need to program at all. Huge library of ready-made website templates, free visual editor, full drag & drop. And you don’t need any Photoshop, although there is the possibility of editing photos in the constructor.

About the site

The first version of the A5.ru constructor appeared back in 2011, where you could create your own flash site. The editor itself was, in fact, copied from one of its Western counterparts. The team consisted of two people who at that time were residents of the HSE business incubator.

By the beginning of 2017, there was no trace of that editor. A5 has grown into a huge platform with millions of followers and is no longer limited to just one online website builder. I will not enumerate the list of their services, it is better to return to our sheep.

Working with pre-made templates

Working in the editor

The interface of the A5.ru editor itself consists of 4 buttons, and that's all you need. Almost a joke. In fact, all editing tools are really scattered across 4 categories:

Site pages

Here we have a list of existing pages and a button to add new ones. Everything.

By the way, cool feature "Master Page". If you place any element on it, then it will be displayed on all pages of the site. This is necessary, first of all, to set the site header, navigation menu and footer once. You don't have to copy-paste on every page.


Here are the page settings. The name, url, width and background change. In a separate tab SEO settings for search engines. There is nothing special to say, everything is clear.


Here, it's more interesting. Here we have a set of those elements that are available for placement on the site. It is also possible to insert third-party widgets using HTML code, however, this can only be done on paid plans. But about them later.


The file manager is located in the "Files" tab. Here you can upload your photos, documents and more. Here we also find a bunch of downloaded cliparts, which are kindly provided to us by the A5.ru service.

Top Menu

The top menu also has several controls:

  • List of recently edited pages
  • Forward/backward undo buttons
  • For some reason, copy-paste buttons (do users really not know about ctrl + c and ctrl + v?)
  • The save project button is also superfluous, changes are saved in real time every 2-3 minutes. For the user's complacency, they probably did.
  • Reviewing the resulting site before publishing
  • Publish button

Tariffs and prices

A distinctive feature of the A5 constructor is the absence of time restrictions for free use. After creating the site, almost all the functionality of the editor, except for the use of third-party widgets, is available to you immediately. The only inconvenience will be a branded advertising banner placed on your site.

The exception is online stores, where a 14-day trial is available, after which you still have to pay to continue using the editor.

Let's get closer to the numbers

Tariffs are divided into "Standard" and "Stores", and the difference in price is significant. There are 3 standard rates and 2 for online stores. Let's look in more detail.

Standard Rates

If you just want to remove an advertising banner from your site, then choose the "Minimum" tariff, it will cost you 290 rubles per month of use. This is if you pay for 3 months (the minimum possible payment period). If you throw money at once for 2 years, then the tariff will cost you 162 rubles per month.

When you buy "Business" or "Premium" you get a second-level domain as a gift. The value of the second tariff, by the way, is very doubtful, and at an increased cost relative to the minimum, it does not give any special advantages.

For a serious study of the resource, it is worth buying "Business", the price-quality ratio of which is the most attractive.

  • domain as a gift in several zones to choose from (.ru/.com/.rf/.rus)
  • 10 GB disk space
  • personal setting of corporate mail
  • a personal manager who answers your questions faster and in more detail than standard technical support.

Online stores on the constructor

Online stores are created on A5 in the same way as on most other designers. To do this, they use third-party development Ecwid, which is presented on almost all site builders of this class.

Stores cost money. This is where you really have to splurge. It is understood that if you want to open an online store, then you have money for its development (strange, otherwise).

For the tricky ones: It is possible to buy a regular plan and pay for the use of the store widget directly in Ecwid, but it certainly won't be cheaper.

So, to the numbers

Two tariffs are available: "Start" and "Profi". The main difference is the limitation on the number of goods. In the first case, the ceiling is 100 products, in the second 2500.

If you want more, then it is possible, but you need to personally negotiate with the managers. The price will also be individual.

"Start" by default costs 990 rubles per month. A year of use will cost you the price of 10 months. The company is set up for long-term cooperation and shows this to users in every possible way.

To summarize:

For non-commercial resources, it is most profitable to connect the minimum tariff in order to remove the advertising of the service. If you plan to monetize your site, then the Business plan is your choice. One way or another, you won’t be able to build a digital business for free, without registration and sms.

Search Engine Optimization SEO and Promotion

If you are a search engine optimization specialist, or at least have an understanding of what kind of animal it is and what it is eaten with, then everything will be simple for you.

robots.txt and sitemap.xml are generated automatically. Editing the robots file is available only on the "Business" tariff and stores. However, you can disable pages for indexing simply from the editor's interface, you don't need to get into the code.

For each page, settings for title, keywords and description meta tags are available.

The favicon is also configured in the master page settings.

Additional services

In addition to the fact that A5 is a platform for self-creation of sites by users, the guys are also a full-fledged web studio.

Additional services include:

  • Creating a website on a constructor, CMS or even a self-written resource
  • SEO optimization for search queries
  • Copywriting services
  • Building Email Marketing
  • Setting up contextual advertising Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords
  • SMM - targeting in social networks and maintaining groups
  • Formation of a marketing funnel on a turnkey basis
  • Consultations with a marketer
  • Drawing animated commercials (animated ads)

Plus, on the basis of A5.ru, there is training in Internet marketing, creating selling sites, setting the context, etc. If desired, any owner of an Internet resource, even one who is generally far from online advertising, can learn how to create selling pages, describe his offer and catch people up on his resource.

Drawing conclusions

A5.ru is a strong site builder with a lot of freedom of action. Many ready-made templates, prices do not bite. Plus training and the opportunity to communicate live with professionals in their field.

At the moment, the team is aiming for more than just another online service. A5 build an empire by forming a community of like-minded people. And the first steps have already been taken.

Today it is impossible to imagine any business ( business, creative project, informal association) without a website. However, it is costly. Not everyone can afford to pay famous designers or carve out hours in graphics to master this art.

However, there are ways to set up a virtual representation effortlessly and completely free of charge. There are website builders that are available even to users who do not have serious knowledge of HTML and web design. An example of such an online constructor is the A5 project.

What do you need to create a website from scratch?

Today there is a huge selection of tools for creating websites - from giant packages like Front Page to specialized design programs.

The old school of webmasters highly valued manual coding in the standard Notepad program and did not recognize automation. But in any case, the author of the site requires a deep knowledge of the basics of HTML and its specific features.

Is it possible to create a website with your own hands without spending months or even years learning web design and HTML, not to mention PHP and other “shamanistic” practices? Yes, you can.

There are special services that help generate a simple web page without specific knowledge. Their interface is intuitive, and creating a free website with their help is a task that does not require superhuman effort.

Service A5 - a simple website builder

Fortunately, there are many tools and special services that help to create a free website these days. An example of such projects is the A5 website builder.

With it, you can create a business card site, a page with a brief description of your project or a sketch within minutes, on the basis of which you can start "serious" work.


Before you create a site from scratch on the Internet using the A5 service, you must register. It's simple and doesn't require any personal information from you other than your email address.

The registration form is exceptionally simple, even by today's standards. You don't even need to enter your phone number. If you wish, you can not register at all, but use your account on a popular social network (Facebook, My World and VKontakte are supported).

Even when (or rather, if) it comes to buying paid services, you do not have to enter your personal data in order to replenish your account.

Web-sites' templates

As a rule, creating a one-page site for free is necessary for those who do not have the time and money to order a professional site. Therefore, the process of creation and filling should be simplified and accelerated as much as possible:

The best way to quickly create your page is to take a ready-made layout and slightly modify it to fit your needs. As part of the A5 constructor, you will find a large selection of templates that are suitable for resources of various kinds.

After selecting the template you like, click on the " Create a site on this template» ( it is above the preview area and highlighted in green):

The edit menu will allow you to change the background of the site, add various components ( hit counters, HTML widgets, design elements), edit text.

Move the cursor to the desired icon in the column on the left to see what options are available in the selected menu item:

Create a website from scratch with A5

If you don’t like any of the templates, you can select the item “From scratch”, located on the left under the rubricator. After that, the creation of pages begins without any basis, using the built-in editor tools.

When you open the creation menu, it becomes clear: the administration of the A5 project has thought out an approach to users who do not yet know how to create their own site. A video with a visual guide to creating a site is the first thing you will see when you start the editor.

It explains in detail what a “master page” (it’s also home), what widgets are ( in this case, these are the visual elements of the page), how to change them in the built-in editor, how to change the location of different parts of the design.

The explanation is richly illustrated, it is easy to learn the basics of building a site in the constructor.

Now you can create a website for free in the online constructor without resorting to templates. This will give you a little more creative freedom, but it will require a clearer idea of ​​​​the desired result.

Select the elements you need from the proposed elements - backgrounds, buttons, widgets, counters, arrange them in the required order. If you have your own photos or drawings that you want to use in the site design, you can upload them through the file manager in a special menu and use them along with standard design elements.

Any element can be resized. When you hover over a button, image, or text field, you'll see markers around the edges and corners. By dragging any of the eight markers, you can change the size and position of the field.

For editing text fields, a visual editor is designed, similar to a simplified version of Word, or rather, post editors on forums and social networks. You can choose the type and size of the font, highlight part of the text in italics or bold.

Editing, updating and publishing the site

In the upper right corner of the page, you will see a set of service buttons. Here you can copy and paste a variety of content, undo or redo the last action. Disk button ( like all programs) is set to Save. This way you save the results of your last actions and continue to edit the site.

You can see what the result of your efforts looks like by clicking on the eye icon. Your site will open in a new browser tab in the form in which visitors will see it:

When you have finished editing the page and are ready to put its updated version on the Internet, click on the button " Publish" ( it is the last one in the row, and is highlighted in green).

This is the final step needed to create a free website. From now on, your, so to speak, representation on the network is available to anyone who knows its address, and search engines will be able to find it by keywords.

If you need to change any site data ( for example, you just changed your contact information or name, added a type of activity, or want to publish news), you can always do it through the page edit form. This is fundamentally no different from creating a new page.

Step-by-step creation of a site based on a ready-made template

Let's try to approach the example ironically and create a website for the Association of Hungry Artists named after Knut Hamsun " Million Scarlet roses". After all, if we could afford a website for a few thousand dollars or euros, would we be looking for a way to create a free website?

The first thing we do is find a suitable template. Of course, we found it in the Design section, and we liked it:

The second step is creating the pages. Don't let the empty field fool you:

As soon as you select the option to create a page, you will see a picture familiar from the template.

You can edit any individual field. So, instead of virtual Elena Pukhova, we will enter the name of our society, instead of her profession - the full name of our association:

The picture should also be replaced with a more appropriate one. Let's temporarily put the first image of a field of roses, downloaded from the Internet. If we somehow offended the interests of copyright holders, we apologize:

By double clicking on the links leading to other pages of the site, we open the editor and change the names of the pages so that they better reveal the essence of our association. These pages themselves do not yet exist - they will need to be created in the same way as we created the first page.

Then we create additional pages. To fill them in, we need additional text fields. To do this, we open the Widgets menu, select the Text widget there and drag it to the place where the text should be located:

Widgets also contain other tools. In the lower right corner we have a hit counter, for example, from Google. So we will know exactly who and when visited our page. And for sure we will not miss the line of patrons who want to make the society of artists happy:

To add an image gallery to the page, use the corresponding widget. In its settings menu, you can add files one by one from the already provided gallery or upload your own.

The size and number of files are limited by the amount of free space on the hosting - only 5 MB. One photo taken with a decent camera can be larger. Therefore, pre-process the photos so that they take up a minimum of space.

Now it would be nice to give the site a meaningful name instead of the serial number that the service assigns to the site by default. "Registered" the society of hungry artists will be at http://million-alih-roz.mya5.ru. To do this, we save and publish our site, after which the system immediately offers to bind your domain name:

When we registered the name million-alih-roz , it was free ( now, of course, already busy). Now there is a site of our association, created literally in half an hour.

Subsequently, we will be able to edit this site. For example, fix the page " Our names for the future”, when at least one artist appears in the association. Or correct the prices for the services indicated in the template, although for now they suit us.

A5 Service Restrictions

It is hard to expect that the creators of the A5 constructor decided to selflessly help everyone. Therefore, you will not be able to fill the site unlimitedly.

Firstly, you will not be able to publish large files - hosting space is limited to 25 MB. Secondly, the name of your site will certainly be tied to the service and will look like ( your_site_name).mya5.ru.

Purchasing a premium plan will help you get a decent website name with a .ru or .com domain, your mail and analytics tools. It may be easier for you to modify a resource that you started creating on a free hosting than to create a new one from scratch.


If you have an urgent need to create a website yourself, the A5 service will be an excellent tool for this purpose. You can choose from a variety of beautiful or austere templates, or build your page from scratch.

What is this service good for? To quickly create a small business website or personal page. To master the basics of website building ( like a trainer). To quickly create rough layouts that the designer will focus on when creating an author's project from scratch.

However, in the free version, you are surrounded by restrictions: the amount of space for uploading your own data is limited.

The pages themselves, created on the basis of this constructor, are only suitable for creating a business card site. In addition, for the image of your company ( unless it's a society of hungry artists) a site hosted on a free hosting will rather play a negative role.

Of course, the A5 builder has much more to offer: more disk space, additional services, your own e-mail, and so on.

However, for this you need to purchase a premium account to expand the features. With the same success, you can purchase a domain and hosting from any provider and create a website really from scratch.

Now creating a website is very easy. If earlier you would have to learn programming languages, now you can use the website builder. It allows you to create a full-fledged website in a very short time, while you do not require any knowledge. This is done thanks to numerous templates, as well as a large number of tools.

A5 - this is the name of the service that allows you to create your own website based on any of the 300 templates. The site can be created both with the help of an HTML-5 editor and with the help of flash. Before moving on to an overview of the service itself, let's look at its advantages and disadvantages.


1. The first advantage is a convenient site editor. You do not need to look for anything, everything is already at your fingertips. With it, you can add new elements, change the style of your page, and perform a number of other actions.

2. You are free to create your own template! Not all website builders provide this option. Many do not want to give it, but not A5. By making your own template, you get a completely unique website at the end!

3. The A5 website has very responsive support. If you have any problem - just contact her and you will get an answer!

4. It is not difficult to understand the functions of the site, but even if you have any difficulties, you can always watch high-quality video tutorials. They clearly show all the functionality of the site, and also tell how to rationally use it.

5. Good value for money. Affordable rates, as well as many features will convince you of this!


  1. Non-memorable third-level domain. Everything is standard, in the free version you will have a domain that you really can’t remember. Something like 1772479.mya5.ru, it's not very convenient, let's say. You can get rid of such a domain by paying money.
  2. Interferes with advertising, in the right corner, but again, it can be removed for a certain amount of money.

Understanding inside the A5 constructor

First of all, let's go to the site http://www.a5.ru/. Click the button in the upper right corner "Registration". In the window that opens, you will need to enter your real mailing address. You will also need to come up with a password. You can also enter your phone number, but this is not required.

After registering, you will immediately see a button "Create a website". Feel free to click on it and proceed to the choice of templates. There are many, many of them here. You can choose any topic, from cars to construction templates. Before choosing a template, you can examine it in detail, all tabs are available. If you are satisfied, click "Choose template". It will take a few seconds and you will be taken to the editor.

In the finished template, you can do whatever you want. First, try changing the text. Click on the desired word and delete it. Now enter your text. Here you can also change the font and size of words, you can change the position of the text (along the left, in the center, etc.). Another important feature is that you can insert a link or a file into a word.

Understand the texts. Move on. What else can you do? Of course, add, delete or change pages. You can go to the second, third, fourth pages. You can also add your own text, change images, and so on. In the settings, you can make any page the main one. You can also change the color, background and size of the selected page. All this is very easy to do.

In widgets, you can add a button, a youtube video, a feedback window, and much more to the site. To add, you just need to drag the widget to the desired page. You can add your own images, documents to the files, which can then be added to the site. In the upper right corner there is an option to save and publish the finished site. Very comfortably.

About prices

The free version of the A5 constructor is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, we can choose any paid plan of our choice. The best choice is the fare "Business", the cost of which is 133 rubles per month. You get 10,000 megabytes of disk space, your own ru or com domain, the number of pages is unlimited. You also get the option to use third party websites and a personal manager for quick help.

A computer