Adobe Audition - how to extract voice (vocals) from a song. How to separate voice from music

Karaoke lovers have probably wondered how you can get a music track without vocals. This article will describe in detail the process of obtaining a minus from the original composition.

The backing track represents musical composition with muffled or cut vocals. In professional recording studios, the process of creating a backing track is quite simple. The sound engineer uses a remote control to lower the pitch of the voice to a minimum or record an instrumental version using instruments such as a synthesizer, midi keyboard and others. At home, various things come to the rescue online services and available programs.

Best services

Now it’s worth talking about specialized online resources, which will help you quickly solve the problem and drown out the words in the song.


The program is intended for arranging and creating tracks. It is created for both professional musicians and amateurs.

Its essence lies in the selection of chords for the future instrumental composition (minus). The user has access to such options as changing the tempo, frequency and other characteristics of the musical composition.

The only negative is that to work in this program you will need to use a midi keyboard or synthesizer. It is with their help that this software makes it possible to create a backing track.

Sound Forge

Music editor used by both professional sound engineers and amateurs. Here are ample opportunities to create a minus of excellent quality.

Disadvantage of using program for creating backing tracks is that to access the full functionality you will need to purchase the software. In addition, using the “Stereo to Stereo” plugin is possible only when the vocals on the source track do not have various types of effects (autotune, echo, invert). In this case, it will be impossible to completely drown out the voice, because the quality of the instrumental part will suffer.

Remove background vocals

All of the above editors are suitable for removing backing vocals from a track: both online APIs and computer programs.

Consider the series best services that allow you to complete the task.


This online service uses the principle of channel phase difference. First, duplicate sounds for the left and right channels are calculated and then removed from the track.

In most cases, the process is completed without loss of quality. Of course, if the recording was not originally recorded with high quality, then after processing nothing will change. Be that as it may, the program works and performs its function just fine.

To use it, do this:

  • Go to
  • Drag with the mouse cursor original file in the appropriate field. You can also click on it and manually specify where the song is located.

  • After this, reading and processing will occur. On the next page, use trial and error to find the most optimal filter frequency.
  • Finally, click “Download”. Before this, you can select the format and number of kilobits per second.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. It is worth noting that there are many other services on the website. For example, you can trim a song online, change the key, tempo, record your voice and much more. Useful site!


Another fairly functional and high-quality resource that allows you to remove a voice from a music track.

Here it is immediately clarified that for a high-quality result, the bitrate of the source must be at least 320 kb/s. It is also said that not every song can be processed. But the editor is still of fairly high quality and removes voices well.

The process of using it is as follows:

  • On home page click the file selection button and indicate in which folder the source song is located. Next, click the “Download” button on the right.

  • After downloading, click on the “Make crush” button. It will appear as soon as the song is uploaded to the site.

In general, the site is the largest collection of backing tracks, that is, melodies without a voice.

If you want to make a minus from a song, perhaps you will find what you need in the site catalog. To do this, use the search at the top - you can enter the name of the song or see what is available for different letters of the alphabet.


This site is quite difficult to find. For some reason the main address is blocked, but there are several mirrors. Perhaps in the future they will not work either. In this case, search the Internet for “”. There are very good editor to remove a voice from a song.

To use this service, follow these steps:

  • Go to the website and download the source file. To do this, you can drag it with the mouse cursor into the appropriate field or click on it to specify the location manually.

  • Use the appropriate slider to adjust the cutoff frequency. Achieve the maximum high-quality sound track.
  • Finally, select the type of file you will download. Only mp3 and wav are available here. The second option will load faster. Click on the “Make crush” button. The song without voice will be loaded.

As you understand, you should not pay attention to the message “Your browser is not supported.”

Currently, only these three services are operational. You can find others on the Internet, but they will not work.

If you have a desire to make a remix of your favorite song, immediately sit down at the computer and do it. It doesn’t matter if you lack hearing and sense of rhythm. A huge number of programs have been created that will allow you to create a musical masterpiece without having the talent of a composer. I propose to start creating a new remix of the brilliant song “Iceberg” performed by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. Today we will complete the first stage of our work and try to extract vocals from the original composition. And the audio editor Adobe Audition will help us with this.

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I want to make a reservation right away: cutting vocals from an audio composition is almost impossible. Therefore, the final result should not be accepted, it is too critical. The only thing I can assure you is that the cut vocals are one hundred percent suitable for our future remix.

However, enough of the lyrics. Open Adobe Audition. In fact, this editor, among other things, is a studio for mixing audio tracks into a single project. This is a kind of recording studio on your monitor screen.

Adobe Audition allows you to work in three modes, of which I want to highlight only two:

1. File editing mode - actually in this mode Adobe Audition works like a regular audio editor
2.Multi-track mode - in this case the program turns into a studio for mixing audio tracks

Today we will work exclusively in the first mode. Therefore, click the “Edit” button at the top of the screen, then select “Open” in the main File menu, find the required audio file on the computer’s hard drive and open it.

Now I propose to do some preliminary work. We find a small fragment in our song where there is no voice, but the instruments sound in full. Select it with the mouse.

To make it more convenient to find and select fragments, I highly recommend using the magnifying glass, which is located at the bottom of the main program window. It zooms in, allowing you to select and edit very small portions of a musical composition.

After the fragment is selected, go to the main menu Effects, there we find the “Restoration” item and in the drop-down list we select the “Capture Noise Reduction Profile” item.

After clicking on this item, the following window will appear:

Here we are in the clear English language explain that the selected fragment will be remembered and subsequently used when working with noise removal effects. To make my actions more clear, I’ll explain: you and I have selected a fragment with music, but without a voice, and indicated to the program that it is just noise, which will subsequently need to be dealt with.

Now I propose to select a fragment of music with a voice that will be needed for our future remix.

To begin with, I suggest cutting off unnecessary frequencies. Let's use one of the Adobe Audition filters; to do this, go to the main menu Effects, select the item “Filter and EQ” and in the drop-down list click on the item “FFT Filter”

A new window will appear:

Pay attention to the graph in the center. Holding down the left mouse button, we try to change its appearance and position of the curves. As a matter of fact, I set the values ​​shown in the figure, thereby sacrificing low frequencies in favor of cutting out the voice.

Clicking on the “Preview” button allows you to listen to the preliminary result and if you are satisfied with it, it’s time to click on the “OK” button, thereby allowing the program to make changes to the selected fragment of audio material.

After the program has made the changes, we see that the selected fragment has changed. Accordingly, its sound changed.

Let's continue torturing our song and go to the main Effects menu, where we will again visit the “Restoration” section, but this time we will click on the “Noise Reduction” item.

In the new window, I suggest immediately clicking on the “Preview” button, and then moving the slider called “Noise Reduction Level” to find the position where the loss in quality will be minimal, but the level of background music will be as quiet as possible .

I would like to point out right away: do not expect original quality. He won't be there. However, our task is to obtain such an option that the original voice of the performer can be guessed, all the words of the song can be heard, and you can subsequently add your own accompaniment without worrying that it will become clogged, for example, with the drums from the original composition.

So, we click the “OK” button and listen to the result. We hear that a lot of the noise from the original song remains. You can try the noise removal procedure again.

This time you need to select the music without voice already in the edited fragment, click on “Capture Noise Reduction Profile” and then go to the “Noise Reduction” window again.

I want to tell you some things. You will get a more successful result if the accompaniment does not include instruments such as a guitar, saxophone, in general, instruments that sound at the same frequencies as the human voice.

After you have cleaned the selected fragment again and come to the conclusion that you have obtained the maximum possible positive result, it makes sense to clean up those places in the selected fragment where there are no words. That is, the performer does not sing.

To do this, use a magnifying glass to zoom in and sequentially select such fragments, and then mute them by selecting the “Mute” item in the main Effects menu.

Since our vocals have undergone terrible changes and have become barely audible, let's normalize their volume. To do this, go to the main Effects menu and select the “Amplitude and Compression” item and then click on “Normilize” in the drop-down list.

In the new window, simply click the “OK” button.

Now I propose to put “ECHO” on our vocals, which will allow us to “revive” it after all the abuse.

Go to Effects, select the “Reverb” item and in the drop-down list “Full Reverb”.

In the new window, adjust the “echo” level to your taste.

I won't mind if you set the settings shown in the picture.

In principle, the work is finished. To give you a little idea of ​​what I accomplished, I am attaching a file with the resulting vocals to this article. You can download the file here.

Once again I want to justify myself: this result far from pretending to high quality, however, it’s quite suitable as material for a remix. And to be honest, then the best option it will happen if you learn to sing and sing this song with your unique voice. However, one caveat should be made: no one will perform this song better than Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

In the following materials we will make timid attempts to add accompaniment to our voice. For now: goodbye.

Best regards, Gosha Computer

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Getting so-called backing tracks is a useful thing, especially if you are training vocals or want to add other words or effects to the music. However, on the Internet it is almost impossible to find the original original phonogram, divided into tracks, in order to then make a full-fledged phonogram from it. But it is quite easy to extract a voice or musical part from a recording.

One solution to this problem is the Adobe Audition program.

So, instructions for division:

1. To begin, select the phonogram itself that you need for processing and make three copies of it with different names (there will be four files, one is the original, the other is mid frequencies, the third is high and the last is low).

2. Open Adobe Audition and load all four files into it. Select the original and pay attention to its sound wave. Right-click on it, select the “filters” section and then “center channel extraction”. A window will open and the settings will change.

3. Now, by adjusting the channel volume (in the “center channel level”), we set the required cutting width. By moving the slider left and right, you can click “view” and monitor the changes. Tune everything to your perfect listening experience.

4. Open the low-frequency track in the same way as step 2. Click on the wave, but in the menu now select the “scientific filters” tab and select “Butterword”. The cutoff frequency should now be 800 Hz. All changes can be tracked using the “view” button.

5. Adjust the mid and high frequency tracks in a similar manner. In the "bandwidth" area, set a number between 800 and 6000 Hz, listening to what you get, and then cut the center channel.

6. Perfect the extraction of the minus, so that the voice disappears, and the musical part does not lose some of the instruments and sound quality.

7. From the resulting four tracks you can now make the backing track you need, add the ones you need in the working window, check, listen and then save as an audio file.

That's all, now you have a backing track for karaoke or a backing track for your track.
