Disposable mail. Review of the best temporary mail services Temporary mail without registration

Quite often you need to register on some site that you plan to use only once. Forums, blogs, file sharing services and even some general Wi-Fi points asking for your address Email. Then you discover that your mailbox is full of spam, promotional messages and other nonsense that they send you from wherever you registered.

Temporary email services are designed to solve this problem. With disposable mailboxes, you can register where you need to without worrying about being harassed by unwanted correspondence.

Please note that some sites and forums do not allow the use of a temporary email when registering. You can work around this limitation by trying to select a different email domain.

Popular one-time email service. To use it, you need to indicate your real mailing address where messages will be forwarded. The number of messages sent can be configured. Additionally, you can choose how long the temporary mailbox will function.

Registration with TrashMail is optional, but registered users can create multiple temporary addresses. You can choose from 16 email domains.

If you need a lot of disposable email addresses, you can sign up for a TrashMail Plus account for $21.99 per year. A paid account allows you to create up to 5,000 temporary email addresses with unlimited quantity forwarded messages.

TrashMail has extensions for Chrome and Firefox that make it easy to sign up quickly.

Guerrilla Mail is one of the oldest disposable email providers, operating since 2006. Unlike TrashMail, Guerrilla Mail does not allow you to create multiple email addresses and does not ask for your real email.

The received address will only be valid for an hour. But Guerrilla Mail is much easier to use and completely free.

In addition to the web interface, there is an Android application.

3. nada

nada - disposable mail service from the creators of the popular mail client for Mac and iPhone. nada does not require registration or a real address. In addition, the service is absolutely free.

nada allows you to create up to 10 addresses at the same time. You can use a randomly generated address or create your own by choosing from ten email domains.

The service stores received messages for a week. The number of attachments in incoming emails is unlimited.

The mobile version of the nada web interface allows you to work with the service on any smartphone running Android control and iOS.

Easy to use disposable mail service. The working time of the created mailbox is not limited, the address is available until you refresh the page. In addition, you can create an unlimited number of mailboxes.

DropMail has a built-in forwarding feature, so you can make your temporary address permanent if necessary. DropMail works very quickly and does not require registration.

Mailinator has one special feature. When creating a one-time mailbox, you can enter any address. If it's already taken, you can still use it. You can read all messages in mailboxes created by other users. They will be able to read your letters too. So Mailinator should not be used when registering on really important sites and forums.

If necessary, you can register for Mailinator, making your temporary mailboxes private and inaccessible to other users. In addition, the service provides special tariff plans for developers and businesses, but for personal use The free version is enough.

This is a popular and free disposable email provider. Fake Mail Generator allows you to create your own email address and choose one of ten domains. The mailbox is valid for 24 hours.

Like Mailinator, Fake Mail Generator allows all users to read letters in any disposable mailboxes if their address is known.

Temp Mail is a fairly well-known disposable mail service. It is very simple and virtually devoid of settings. Just open it and copy your temporary email address. Your mailbox is valid until you delete it, but all received messages disappear within an hour.

In addition to the web interface, you can interact with the service using extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Opera, as well as through applications for Android and iOS.

10MinuteMail differs from most similar services in that it allows you to reply to received emails. In addition, they can be forwarded to your real mailing address.

You don't need to register to use 10MinuteMail. Just open the service in your browser and copy the created address. It is unique for each user, so no one else can read your emails.

As the name of the service suggests, mailboxes they live here for ten minutes. But if necessary, you can extend this period. The service is absolutely free.

While surfing the Internet, you often have to register on a particular site for some purpose. Typically, when registering, you are required to provide an email address - for communication or, more often, to confirm registration. Real work or home email address in such cases, it is strictly not recommended to indicate - unless the registration is made on a carefully verified service, where a real address is necessary for long-term work using verifiable personal data.

  • Preface
  • How to use a temporary mailbox
  • Disposable mail: list of online services

Ideally, for such authorizations, one-time mail or, as they also say, a temporary mailbox is suitable, which you, as a rule, create on a service specially designed for this purpose without filling out a complex registration form and letters in which are stored from several minutes to several months. Then, when registering on any site, you can indicate the email address of one of your temporary mailboxes. Once you receive an email with a registration confirmation link, you will activate account by clicking on the link in the letter, and you can close the temporary mailbox and forget about it - it will be automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

Most often, on such services you only need to indicate your login, i.e. the first part of the email address, up to the @ symbol, after which you get access to the contents of the mailbox. There are also services that allow you to create a temporary mailbox, in which mail received will be automatically forwarded to your real email address.

This is especially dangerous if letters with your registration data were sent to your mailbox (as some sites do). We talked about similar cases in the article “”. Therefore, to increase the level of security, it is recommended to create temporary mailboxes with address names (logins) in the form of a chaotic set of characters - for example: or

How to use disposable mail

In this chapter, using the Yopmail service as an example, I will show how to correctly register a temporary mailbox.

So. We go to the temporary mail website and enter the email address of your choice in a special form. I highly recommend coming up with a more complex address. The more complex and longer the email address you come up with, the less likely it is that someone else will be able to temporarily register it and view the contents of the mailbox. Of course, aliases are provided for these cases, but this is not a panacea.

Have you chosen a name for yourself? Don’t rush to click on the “Check Email” button.

Disposable mail YopMail

Before you register a temporary mailbox, I recommend checking that your chosen email address exists. You can do this on the website.

Go to the 2ip website, enter the selected address and click the check button. This method does not work for all services. This won't work with YopMail. This service will always show the existence of the Email.

Checking mail existence

Now you can click the “Check Email” button and start using the service. You can copy the mailbox address and paste it into site registration forms.

Disposable mail YopMail

Keep in mind that some of these sites leave cookies on your computer, and if you later go to a temporary mail site, the previously registered mail address will automatically open.

It is also worth noting that some similar services are designed for the fact that the mailbox is being used here and now, and the browser window will not be closed, so there is no provision for restoring the contents of the mailbox after closing the window. When choosing such a service, pay attention to the description.

When should you not use temporary mail?

In some situations, instead of disposable mail, it is better to use one or more registered mailboxes and use them for all sorts of garbage. The fact is that temporary email addresses are convenient in cases where you need to perform several registrations or periodically register with the server in order to get several accounts.

If you often use various websites that require registration to view certain content, then multiple accounts are not needed. It is enough to create an email account of the following type and indicate it when registering on all such websites. This is very convenient for several reasons.

  • Firstly, you will always remember your email address when you need to specify it as a login (if a unique name is used as a login, then you can specify, for example, the first part of the email address: pupkinvasya).
  • Secondly, sometimes the mailbox address is used during password recovery - and if registration was carried out using a temporary mailbox, then you most likely will not receive the treasured letter with password recovery data. A permanent email address will exist for a long time while you use it.

Most importantly, do not associate your real Email addresses with your left ones.

Disposable mail: list of services

URL Term In. attachments Add. information
10 minutesNoReply to letters.
10x915 minutesYes Reply to letters.
60 daysYes>10mb
7 daysNo
24 hoursNoReply to letters.
4 hoursNoReply to letters.
60 minutesNoReply to letters.
1 day-
1 year
60 minutesNo
2 hoursNoReply to letters.
12 hours-
90 days
Yes>10mbRedirecting emails (does not work with gmail).
~7 hoursYes
Mail-it247 daysNoReply to letters.
30 minutesNoReply to letters. Redirection of letters.
neogr.Yes~500kbSupport for messages in UTF. The last 30 letters are stored. Keys (as attachments) do not arrive from Kaspersky Lab.
24 hoursNoAll your IPs are saved. And who “looked” at which box?
Spam.la~48 hoursYes

The “Anonymizer” function has appeared in the settings of the mail service of the Mail.Ru portal. With its help, you can create a temporary email address and use it

  • for on various forums and sites that do not inspire confidence,
  • in coupon services,
  • or in dubious, unreliable online stores,
  • as well as when submitting advertisements for the sale of something (to communicate with possible buyers), etc.

Then, when the temporary e-mail is no longer needed, you can easily delete it.

Anonymizer Mail.ru is a service for creating temporary mailboxes inside your main, permanent mailbox on Mail ru.

It is a generator of temporary email addresses inside the main mail.ru mail.

How to create temporary mail.ru

You can create a one-time mailbox (in other words, temporary mail ru) after 6 steps:

1) you need to go to your mailbox mail ru official website:

2) enter your username, password,

3) in the right top corner click on your login. A menu will open in which you need to click “Mail Settings” (2 in Fig. 1):

Rice. 1 Where are the Mail settings in the Mail.ru mailbox

4) At the end of the “Mail Settings” menu, select the “Anonymizer” item (1 in Fig. 2):

Rice. 2 Anonymizer: Add a temporary address to Mail.ru

5) In the “Anonymizer” form that opens, click on the “Add temporary address” button (2 in Fig. 2).

6) The “Create a temporary address” window will appear (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Create a temporary address for your Mail ru mail

To create a temporary mail inside your Mail ru mail, all that remains is:

  • 1 in Fig. 3 – agree with the proposed name for temporary mail mail.ru, or enter your address (of course, provided that such a name has not previously been occupied by other users).
  • 2 in Fig. 3 – agree with the mail domain (that is, mail.ru), or click on the small triangle and select another domain from the proposed list: inbox.ru, list.ru or bk.ru.
  • 3 in Fig. 3 – it is advisable, but not necessary, to write a comment for yourself so as not to forget why an e-mail was once created.
  • 4 in Fig. 3 – select the folder in which incoming correspondence will be collected. By default, a folder of the same name is created (with the same name as temporary mail), but you can select a folder from others that already exist in your Mail.Ru mailbox
  • 5 in Fig. 3 – enter the code from the picture. If the code is unclear or hard to see, you should click on the “I don’t see the code” link.
  • 6 in Fig. 3 – click on the “Create” button.

Rice. 4 How to copy and how to delete temporary Mail ru mail.

As can be seen in Fig. 4, temporary email created – [email protected].

How to use a temporary box

Opposite the temporary email, click on the “Copy” button (1 in Fig. 4), after which the temporary email will be copied to the clipboard, that is, placed in the temporary memory of the computer. Please note that the “Copy” button (and the “Delete” button) appears (“pops up”) only after you move the mouse cursor over the name of the temporary mail.

Now go to where you need to specify this temporary email, place the cursor there and press Ctrl+V (in order to paste what was copied to the clipboard). After this, a temporary email will be placed where it is needed for registration or anything else.

Useful points

You can create many such temporary boxes. The main thing is that the user himself does not get confused in them later.

We must remember that all temporary mailboxes are accessible only through the main Mail.ru mailbox. In other words, you can only access temporary mailboxes if you log into your main mailbox. Temporary mailboxes are accessible only using the login and password of the main mail.ru mailbox. This is roughly how we get into our house: first we go into the corridor and only then can we get into other rooms.

After the temporary mail has been created, you can go to your main mail.ru mail. There you should find a new folder (Fig. 5), which will have the same name as the temporary mail. Compare the folder name in Fig. 5 with the name of the temporary e-mail that was created earlier, in Fig. 4. It is clear that the names are the same.

You can open a letter with additional information, which arrived in a new folder. It will have the following title: “You have created a temporary address. Mail.ru recommends that you read this letter.”

Rice. 5 Folder with new temporary Mail.ru mail inside the main mailbox

What are the benefits of temporary boxes? Of course, because they can be removed. In this case, the main mailbox will remain safe and sound.

How to delete temporary mail.ru mail

After deleting temporary mail, letters will stop coming, but old letters will remain in the folder.

To delete temporary mail, you need to follow the steps described above, I will repeat them here:

  • you need to log into your main mail.ru mailbox by entering your main mail login and password,
  • click on your login, that is, on the name of your email (Fig. 1),
  • go to “Mail Settings”,
  • click on “Anonymizer” (Fig. 2),
  • Move the mouse cursor to the temporary mail that you want to delete. Only after this the “Copy” and “Delete” links will appear,
  • click on the “Delete” link (2 in Fig. 4) opposite the temporary e-mail that is no longer needed.

Other methods for temporary emails

Often, after registering on some resource, intrusive mailings begin to arrive. Spam filters in Mail.Ru mail do not always cope with their function. The Mailru anonymizer will help compensate for this shortcoming. Although, in principle, there is nothing new in this function.

There have long been resources for creating temporary e-mails, for example:

  • 10minutemail.com (more details),
  • mailinator.com.

The only difference is that Mail.Ru combined temporary e-mail with the main mail service. The main mailbox can now only be used for correspondence with real people.

How to delete the main mail.ru mail

The temporary mail.ru mailbox can be deleted without much thought, that’s why it’s temporary. But with the main mail.ru mailbox, you need to think carefully and remember everything that can be connected with it: in addition to the bad, then (alas, often only after deletion) both good and valuable may be discovered there.

The fact is that after deleting the main mail.ru mail, it will be possible to restore the login (name) of this mail. But all the information that was previously stored in this mail and that was associated with this account, alas, can no longer be restored. Therefore, before deleting the main mail.ru address, it is necessary that they are linked to this account, because after deletion, all information from these projects will be lost without the possibility of its recovery.

If you have a firm decision to delete your main mailbox on mail.ru, and also have access to the mailbox (i.e. you know your mail login and password), then enter the link in the address bar of your browser:

To delete, you will need to enter your email name, password, and indicate the reason for deletion. After this, the mail.ru mailbox will be deleted along with all information and all projects that were associated with this email.

P.S. Other resources on computer literacy that go well with this article include:

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Sometimes we all need an inbox for “five minutes.” Register on a forum, or some website, just to download some the desired program, or for “one-time” correspondence with a person who does not want to provide his main email.

In such cases, temporary email services come in handy. They can be used without fear that your main email address will be exposed in spammer databases or used for commercial mailings. Disposable mail can be used in other cases, for example, to send anonymous letters.

All the services discussed below operate using the HTTPS protocol and most have a Russian interface. If one of them does not work, use the next one.

Attention! Do not use temporary email to receive important emails containing personal data or information that could be used to access resources you value. Basically, mailboxes created in such services are public and can be viewed by anyone.


Tempr.email is an advanced temporary mail service that provides the user with many useful features. You can use a random email address or set your own by choosing one of several dozen domains. For some domains it is possible to use a password.

Mail on each of the created mailboxes is stored for 30 days. Users have the opportunity to receive letters in text and HTML formats with attachments (up to 10 MB), writing and replying to letters, printing and saving letters, managing your spam list, using a direct link to access your mailbox, and viewing letters in an RSS or ATOM feed.

Among the advanced features, we should mention the ability to use your own domain for mailboxes. In this case, you can choose whether you want to make this domain public or private.


This temporary mail service creates for you, when you visit its website, a mailbox, the letters from which are deleted an hour after receipt. The mailbox itself does not have an expiration date, but if desired, you can quickly delete it or create a new one. By default, the email name is generated in automatic mode, but it is possible to change it by the user. It is also possible to choose one of the available 11 domains if one is blocked on the site on which you plan to use mail.

The service understands HTML perfectly and accepts emails with attachments. GuerillaMail also allows you to send letters and attach files up to 150 MB in size. In addition to the web version, this service has applications for Android (with somewhat reduced capabilities) and an extension for the Chrome browser.


When you first visit the site, an E-Mail will be created for you. If for some reason you are not satisfied with it, you can change it using the name you came up with and one of the 10 proposed domains.

You can use TempMail indefinitely. It will be valid until you delete it. The only thing is that received letters are destroyed after 60 minutes. There is no possibility to send letters.

In addition to the online service, TempMail offers its users extensions for Chrome browsers, Opera and Firefox, as well as applications for Android and iOS. Interface of this service temporary mail has been translated into many languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian).


As with many other temporary mail services, a DropMail mailbox is created immediately when you visit the service’s web page. With the click of one button, you can create additional addresses with one of six available domains or “multiply” an existing address using a template. Each temporary address is unique and is issued only once.

The service provides the ability to configure the forwarding of letters from a temporary mailbox to a permanent one. You can also enable notifications of new emails using browser pop-ups. To save letters on your computer, you can download them all as an archive or download them individually.

Unlike other similar services, a mailbox on DropMail is provided without any time restrictions. It will exist until the page is refreshed. If you need access to previously created mailboxes, use the “Restoring Access” section, but remember that this way you can only restore email addresses, but not the letters themselves.

The DropMail interface is available in Russian and Ukrainian, displays Cyrillic correctly and works with attached files. But it is impossible to send letters from it.


Moakt is a temporary email with a simple and intuitive interface. It is possible to specify the address yourself or use a random one. Mailboxes are public - anyone who enters the same address can view its contents.

All information about the mailbox is deleted an hour after receiving it, but its lifetime can be extended. Among the advantages is the ability to send letters and receive attached files.


Mailsac's disposable email service allows you to create a temporary address with the name you specify. In this case, you can use a public (available to everyone) or private (registration required) mailbox.

Without registration, you are only allowed to receive and read letters. After registration, users have the opportunity to create an unlimited number of addresses, save letters, and access via POP3 and SMTP.

Temp Mail Address

An email address consisting of a randomly generated first and last name is created in this service immediately upon entering it. home page. By default, you can use it for 60 minutes, but you can set it to a different time – up to two weeks. You can delete the address (a new one is immediately created) or create your own.

A nice little thing - Temp Mail Address immediately offers you a randomly generated password and avatar for use on the site where you are going to register using this temporary mail.

10 Minute Mail

When you enter the website of this service, you will immediately be allocated a temporary randomly generated eMail address. There is no option to set your own or change your email address.

Any letter sent to this address will appear on the 10 Minute Mail page. You will be able to read and answer it. By default, the mailbox will self-destruct after 10 minutes. You can increase its lifespan with a special button, each click of which resets the counter to 10 minutes.

10 Minute Mail allows the use of HTML, but does not accept emails with attachments. It is possible to reply to letters and forward them. The service has been translated into many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.


NADA is a service that provides its users with a “permanent temporary” email account. It will be active as long as the domain on which it is hosted is active. With NADA, you can create multiple aliases and domain combinations for your email, and after using them, delete them if necessary. For this purpose, the service provides 10 domains.

From time to time, developers drop something that is too familiar domain names and replace them with others. At the same time, a month before such an event, they inform users about this so that they can transfer their mailbox to another domain without haste.

Despite the durability of the mailbox, individual messages are stored in it for only 7 days, which, however, is much longer than on some other similar services.

Unfortunately, you cannot send emails using NADA, nor can you receive files attached to incoming emails. Another disadvantage is that anyone who enters their name can gain access to a particular mailbox. After all, it is impossible to password protect “your” email here. Among the advantages is the presence of an extension for the Chrome browser.

Crazy Mailing

The CrazyMailing service provides a temporary mailbox for 10 minutes. Just go to his page and you will receive a randomly generated email address (you cannot choose the email name yourself). If the default time is not enough, you can extend its lifetime by pressing the “+10 min.” button the required number of times. In this case, the maximum period of activity of the box is limited to 30 days.

CrazyMailing allows you to accept emails with attachments and displays the Cyrillic alphabet correctly. The website interface has been translated into many languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

To provide greater ease of use of the service, developers offer extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers that make it easy to create and use CrazyMailing. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the extension for Firefox is outdated and cannot be installed on latest versions this browser.

After logging in using social networks, Crazymailing user receives additional features– sending mail with attachments up to 10 MB, forwarding incoming letters to the main mail, generating up to 10 additional addresses, button to increase the service life of the mailbox “+30 min.” etc.

My Temp Mail

My Temp Mail - simple and convenient service temporary email. Go to the main page of this site, click the “Start Here” button and you will be redirected to view the incoming letters of the newly created address. Click, if necessary, on the “New Inbox” button and you will create another address.

Among the useful features of this service are the ability to send letters, the ability to link your own mailbox domain, automatic opening of links in received letters, and notifications about the receipt of letters. Disadvantages - only English version of the interface.


Go to the AirMail website and click on the “Get temporary mailbox” button so that the service will generate a unique email address for you and move you to the “Inbox” page. Here you can copy the newly created address, replace it with another one and view the received letters. Like most similar sites, AirMail does not have the ability to send emails, does not support forwarding, and does not allow you to receive attached files.

You can access your mailbox on this service using a unique link, so you can leave the page (after saving it in your bookmarks) and return to it later. But you should remember that AirMail deletes letters and journals every 24 hours.


Tempail provides everyone with an e-mail address that will be destroyed after 1 hour. To receive it, you just need to go to the main page of the site.

There are few available options in this service. You can use the QR code to access the page with mobile device and delete the mailbox (a new one will be generated immediately). The service has been somehow translated into Russian and Ukrainian.


As the name suggests, the MailForSpam service is designed to receive spam. Messages are stored on it for a limited time and are deleted as needed in free space on the server (this can happen several times a day or once a month).

Logging into your mailbox on MailForSpam is easy. You just need to enter in the form on home page address and click the “Login” button. There is no option to send emails or receive attached files.


Flashbox is a simple Swedish service that provides basic capabilities for creating and using a temporary email address. Just enter the desired address or use one created by chance and go to your inbox.

Letters from the mailbox (which holds 200 letters) are deleted 30 days after the last message was received. There is no option to receive attachments or send emails. Since all created mailboxes are password-free, be careful not to use this mailbox for important correspondence.


When you enter the main Mailinator page, you are immediately prompted to create a name for your temporary mail. Just enter it in the form and click the “GO!” button, after which you will be taken to the web interface of the newly created mailbox. Subsequently, you can check mail coming to this address simply by entering his name in the appropriate field. Of course, there is no need to talk about any privacy here. The lifetime of letters is several hours.

The free version of Mailinator only works to receive emails. Service understands HTML markup and Russian language, but does not accept attachments (they are simply deleted from letters). Paid version This service has great capabilities (saving letters, forwarding, chat, API access, private domain...).


You can create a temporary email on the EmailOnDeck service in two clicks - the first is to pass the captcha, the second is to receive an automatically generated email address. You cannot change the name of this address or add additional addresses to your mailbox in this service. There is also no ability to send letters and receive files attached to letters, but there is the ability to restore access to the mailbox using a previously saved token. The interface has, among others, Russian.

The EmailOnDeck developers do not set any lifetime for the temporary address. What is known is that it “must be valid for more than an hour.” If you close your browser or clear your cookies, you will lose access to it sooner.

In addition to free functionality, this service also has paid features - custom mailbox names, saving addresses, exclusive domains, secure deletion of logs, private letters, etc.


TempMail is another public temporary mail service. This means that if two or more people choose the same name for a mailing address, they will use the same mailbox. And they will be able to read all the letters coming to him. According to the creators of the service, they do not save any information and delete the mail after two hours. The advantage of the service is the ability to receive attachments up to 30 MB.

In addition to the temporary mail service, TempMail also provides the opportunity to use toll free numbers phones to receive SMS.


The service with the self-explanatory name HarakiriMail destroys letters received at the address you entered 24 hours after they were received. You won't be able to set a password for your mailbox here. You can't send emails, just like you can't receive attachments. Pros: Availability of an application for iOS and extensions for popular browsers.


Mailgutter, like the other sites on this list, allows you to get a free temporary email address. You can choose between an automatically generated address, or enter one yourself. A password is not set for the mailbox, so anyone who enters the address in the form on the main page of the service can view the letters in it.

A temporary or one-time mailbox is an email address intended for one-time use. Another advantage is that no registration is required.
Why do you need a temporary email? An active Internet user often has to register on some resource just to gain access to information, download a file or leave a comment. In these cases, you are required to provide your E-mail address. But this is not always advisable, because The mailbox address can be used for spam mailing or simply hacked, with subsequent unpleasant consequences - most often the theft of confidential data. Of course, you can create a separate mailbox, but again, you will need to register and spend time on it.

In this situation, using temporary mail helps and your main mailbox will remain safe and will not be exposed.

It is worth saying that you should not use temporary mailboxes on those sites that you plan to constantly use and receive important information from there.

There are quite a lot of similar resources on the Internet that allocate a mailbox for a while. The validity period of the box can be from several days to several minutes, with the possibility of extension.

Temp-Mail.org– when switching to the service, a temporary email address is automatically generated.

The ability to send emails is not provided and is not planned due to the high risk of spam, as stated in the site description. You can delete your mailbox yourself at any time using a special button on the main page. Messages and data stored on the service are deleted after 1 hour. The lifetime of the box itself is not limited. Attachments in letters can be downloaded. Russian interface is present. The service also has nice additions in the form of browser plugins and mobile applications.

10 Minute Mail– a popular service of disposable E-mail addresses.

It has a Russian interface and provides a mailbox for ten minutes. If desired, the time can be extended. Upon expiration, the temporary E-mail will self-destruct. The advantage of this service is that it is very easy to use; it allows you not only to receive letters, but also to respond to them. There is a countdown timer showing the time until the mailbox self-destructs.

Yopmail– a service of disposable email addresses with a Russian interface.

Temporary email addresses of your choice are instantly created. Messages are stored for eight days. Dispatch emails from this service is prohibited.

Discard.Email– a service of disposable email addresses that allows you to choose any name and domain of an email address.

The service is foreign with the ability to support the Russian language. Sending emails from this service is permitted. Mail is stored for up to 30 days.

Crazymailing– a free service for creating temporary email addresses.

When you go to the site, an email address is automatically generated, which is valid for 10 minutes with the possibility of extension. It is possible to write and send letters. Russian language is supported.

P.S. There are many such services on the Internet. The sites presented in the article are very easy to use, and most importantly, they support the Russian language. But you can find other similar services on the network, with more advanced functions.
