Antique testimonials html. Testimonial

Consider the main features and features of the Freestyle Testimonials Lite extension.

  • Displaying reviews in the module and on a separate page using a special type of menu item.
  • The possibility of preliminary moderation (checking, approval / rejection) of reviews from the administrative and frontal parts of the site.
  • Setting up user groups whose reviews should be moderated.
  • Sending emails by administrator when adding reviews.
  • Captcha when entering a review. ReCaptcha or built-in.
  • Compatible with Joomla 2.5, 3.
  • Flexible customization of styles and layout of emails and extension template.
  • The presence of a Joomla feedback module with various settings.
  • Flexible settings of the extension itself.
  • Ability to add reviews to VirtueMart products.
  • Archiving and restoring the database from the administrative part of the site.

Let's move on to reviewing the Joomla Reviews component settings. They are divided into three tabs:

  1. Basic settings.
  2. Visual.


basic settings

Despite the fact that most of the Freestyle Testimonials Lite options are equipped with prompts in Russian (my translation) or are obvious from the name, let's consider them in order to get a more complete picture of the component directly from the article without installing it. It is also worth noting that you will only be able to see the effect of some options when using the Freestyle Support Portal component, since Freestyle Testimonials Lite is part of it.

  • Hide text " Powered by Freestyle Testimonials". Activating this option will hide the Freestyle Testimonials logo at the bottom of every page.
  • Enable jQuery. Freestyle Testimonials Lite requires jQuery library. Several options are available for this option: Automatically– the component will determine whether the given library is loaded on your site or not. If not, it will be loaded, and if so, the existing one will be used (this is designed to reduce the load on your site); Yes– the library will be loaded regardless of its availability; Yes, without noConflict– use this parameter to disable the function of minimizing conflicts with objects from another library; Not– the library will not be loaded regardless of its presence.
  • Use Joomla permissions for moderation. Activating this option allows any user in the Joomla "Editor" and "Publisher" user groups to moderate comments and reviews.
  • Captcha type. Activates captcha when entering feedback. You can choose an option built-in– to use Freestyle Joomla captcha; ReCaptcha- allows you to use the ReCaptcha service; a Nothing- cancels captcha entry. In my opinion, it is better to disable captcha input, but to moderate (check, approve / reject) manually all reviews before they are published.
  • By default, hide the comment form, and display it by clicking on the "Add comment" button. This affects the display of comments. If this option is enabled, the form for adding a comment will be hidden, and when clicking on the link Add a comment- displayed. If this option is disabled, the entire form will be shown.
  • Recaptcha public key, Recaptcha private key. If you want to use your own ReCaptcha keys instead of the default keys, enter them in this field. Otherwise, you won't need to enter anything for ReCaptcha to work.
  • Recaptcha theme. Choose a topic ( Red, White, Black glass, Clear) that will be applied to the ReCaptcha.
  • Short Date and Time Format, Long Date and Time Format, Short Date Format, Short Time Format. You can choose to display different date and time formats. See this section of the documentation for more help. Leave these fields blank to use Joomla's built-in format. For example, "F j, Y, g:i a" (without quotes) would result in "March 13, 2015, 9:48 pm" and "m.d.y" would result in "13.04.15"; "j, n, Y" - "13, 4, 2015", "D M j G:i:s Y" - "Mon April 13 09:50:10 2015".
  • Time zone shift. Change the value from 0 to change the timezone that Freestyle Testimonials uses. Use this only when the time is incorrect in the Joomla 3 feedback module.
  • Test date and timezone format changes. Use this button to test the date format and time zone changes you made in the settings above.

This tab (picture below) contains the main settings of the Joomla review page.

  • Reviews are moderated before display. Determine which reviews should be moderated after the user adds them: All reviews are moderated, Moderate reviews of unregistered users, Moderate reviews of registered and unregistered users, Do not moderate reviews.
  • Allow basic reviews. The main reviews are all reviews, except those left for the products of the VirtueMart online store. Activate this option to create "master reviews". They will be displayed separately, on the side of product reviews.
  • Hide empty elements when enumerating. You can specify whether to display products without reviews when listing products on the reviews page. Reviews for these products can be added on Joomla's main reviews page.

  • Who can add reviews. Determines which users have rights to add reviews. Anyone– all site visitors can add reviews; Only registered users– only users registered on your site can add reviews; Moderators only- only those users who can moderate reviews will be able to add them. Plus, you can specify which users belong to which access level in your Joomla 3 user manager (not to be confused with user groups).
  • E-mail addresses to which the letter will be sent after the review is added (leave blank if you do not want to send letters). If you entered addresses Email in this field, when adding a review, an email with details will be sent to these e-mail addresses.
  • Use email field. Whether to display the email address field when adding a review from the front of the site (picture below).
  • Use field site. Whether to display the site field when adding a review from the front of the site (figure below).
  • Reviews per page. How many reviews should be displayed per page. This only applies when viewing a single item. It is not possible to display pagination for the accordion mode (this mode can be enabled\disabled in the section , option Item List Mode(discussed below in the article)).


On this tab (picture below) Freestyle Testimonials Lite gives you options to customize the Joomla 3 testimonials style.

  • Use theme style for pagination. Whether to apply a template style when displaying pagination elements. Many templates do not contain pagination styles, leaving this option disabled will result in the Freestyle Testimonials inline style being applied.
  • Use page title prefix. Show/hide prefix in page titles. If this option is enabled, then the titles will be presented in the following format "FAQ - Category Name". If this option is disabled, it will simply be "Category Name".
  • Use Joomla settings to display page title. If this option is enabled, then the page title will always be shown. Turn off this option and Freestyle Testimonials will use the settings of the current Joomla menu item.
  • Illumination color. Changes the hover color of an element used in Freestyle Testimonials.
  • Border color. Changes the color of the border used in the Joomla 3 testimonials module.
  • The background color of the tab. Changes the background color of the page tabs. This is needed if your template has a dark background color.
  • The color of the message to users. Allows you to set what color the highlight of user messages should be when viewing tickets technical support users.
  • The color of the originator's message. The Joomla feedback component allows you to specify what color the highlighting of user messages should be when viewing technical support tickets by administrators.
  • The handler's private message color. Specifies what color the highlighting of personal user messages should be when users view technical support tickets.



Template settings are divided into two tabs:

  2. Visual.

On the first tab (picture below) you can change template layouts by adding/removing various fields.

Use custom template. Activate this option to override the template that is used when moderating comments and reviews.

Use custom template for feedback module. Allows you to change the layout of the Joomla 3 reviews module.

Custom Template. This is where the direct change to the layout of the comment moderation template comes into play. Available fields for both the moderation template, the feedback template, and the module template:

  • (custom) – List of custom data fields.
  • (created_nice) - Date and time of creation.
  • (date) – Creation date.
  • (name) - Name.
  • (website) - Website.
  • (modcolor) - Styling for moderation.
  • (email) – E-mail.
  • (created) – Date and time of creation (mysql format).


On this tab (picture below) you can change css style template and title.

  • CSS page overrides. This CSS is inserted into the main content of the page instead of the stylesheet, allowing you to override the template's CSS. For example, make the comment background red.
.fst_main ( background-color: red; )

CSS popup overrides. Similar to the options above. For example, make the background of the pop-up window red.

Fst_popup ( background-color: red; )

  • Page Header. The Joomla 3 Reviews Component allows you to add HTML code that will be added to your upper part any home page Freestyle Joomla.
  • Page Footer. This HTML code will be added to the bottom of any Freestyle Joomla master page.
  • HTML page title. This HTML code will be used for the title of the page. Use "$1" (without quotes) in the text, this will be replaced by the title line.
  • HTML page subtitle. The Joomla Reviews Extension allows you to add HTML code that will be used for the subtitle of the page. Use "$1" (without quotes) in the text, this will be replaced by the title line.
  • HTML page section header. This HTML code will be used for the bottom level headings of the page. Use "$1" (without quotes) in the text, this will be replaced by the title line.
  • Popup Title HTML. Freestyle Testimonials Lite allows you to add HTML code to be used for popup titles. Use "$1" (without quotes) in the text, this will be replaced by the title line.

The options on this tab (picture below) are mainly intended for setting up reviews for VirtueMart products.

  • Item List Mode. Allows you to set how you want to display products when viewing reviews: Regular list, Reviews per line, Reviews accordion.
  • Use pages for review list. Whether to display testimonials on pages when viewing them.
  • Always display the product section when adding a review. Allows you to set whether you want to display the section with products in the form of a drop-down list when viewing reviews, even if the product is already selected.

On this tab (picture below), you can create review categories or import VirtueMart products. Unfortunately, I was unable to import products from VirtueMart 3.0.7 RC into Freestyle Testimonials Lite 1.12.3.

  • Translate. By clicking on this button, a window will open in front of you, in which you can set the translation for all fields that are available when creating a category. This is necessary for multilingual sites.
  • Title. name of category
  • Access. Access level. In fact, it determines which of the users belonging to a particular access level in your Joomla 3 user manager (not to be confused with user groups) can write reviews in this category.
  • Image. Review category thumbnail.

The figure below shows an example of adding a review to a specific category.

And so (figure below) the already added review looks like.

This section (picture below) displays a list of all reviews (published and not published). You can post a review, unpublish it, edit it, create your own, or delete it entirely.

When creating\editing a review (picture below), a number of settings will be available to you:

  • moderation status. Three statuses are available: Awaiting moderation(review added by user, but not yet reviewed) , Accepted(review added by the user, verified and published on the site) , Rejected(the review was added by the user, has been verified and is not allowed to be published on the site).
  • Chapter. Feedback section. This option is only relevant when using the Freestyle Testimonials Lite component in conjunction with the Freestyle Support Portal.
  • Product. A VirtueMart product that has a review or review category added, unless Freestyle Testimonials Lite is used in conjunction with the Freestyle Support Portal. If used in combination, this option can act as a subcategory.
  • Created. The date and time the feedback was sent.
  • Name. The name of the sender of the feedback.
  • E- mail. The sender's email address.
  • Website. Sender's website.
  • Content. The text of the review.

On this tab (picture below) you can assign any user registered on the site as a moderator.

To do this, click the button Create, select from the drop-down list User the user you need, activate the option Moderator and save the changes (picture below).

On this tab (picture below), you can proceed to edit the template of the letter sent to moderators when a new review is received that is awaiting verification. Be sure to change it as it is in English by default.

When editing a template (picture below), the following fields are available to you:

  • If this option is enabled, you will be able to format the email using the Joomla editor. Please note that in this case it will be sent by mail with HTML tags. Otherwise, it will be plain text.
  • Topic. Letter subject. It can use placeholders.
  • Sample. The content of the letter. It can use placeholders.

The following placeholders are available:

  • (moderated) - Sets if the comment requires moderation.
  • (email) – E-mail addresses.
  • (website) - Website.
  • (linkmod) - Link to comment moderation.
  • (linkart) - Link to the article or product that the comment refers to.
  • (article) – The title of the article to which the comment relates.
  • (name) – The name of the comment post.
  • (article_type) - Type of comment posted.

You can also add the placeholder (product_start)Product: (product)(product_end) to the template. This will only be shown if the (product) field is not empty. This is useful in cases where you want to hide a field. You can use this to hide custom fields that don't have values ​​yet.

This section (picture below) contains tools that will help you update the component, create backup extension database and restore it if necessary.

If you are interested in the topic Reserve copy site as a whole and / or its individual parts, then read the article “Overview of Akeeba Backup Pro, Core”.

Freestyle Testimonials Lite has a module (picture below) that can be displayed in any position on the site. Let's consider those of its settings that are "unique" and are not found in the "standard" Joomla modules.

  • select product. Allows you to select which VirtueMart product review (or "categories" of reviews) will be displayed in the module. You can select all reviews - All Products, main reviews (reviews not for products) - General Testimonials, or you can select a "category".
  • Which Testimonials. You can specify the display of random ( By chance) or recently added reviews ( Most Recent).
  • Number of testimonials to display. The number of testimonials to be shown in the module.
  • Maximum Height. The maximum height of reviews. If they take up more space, they will scroll. Specify "0" (without quotes) to remove restrictions.
  • Scroll Speed. Hide review scrolls if their height exceeds the height specified in the field Maximum Height.
  • show More Testimonials button. Activates the display of the "Show more reviews" button\link in the module. By clicking on it, the user will be redirected to a page with a general list of reviews.
  • show Add testimonial button. Activates the display of the Add Feedback button/link in the module. By clicking on it, a form for adding a review will appear.
  • loop scrolling. Specifies whether to display reviews by scrolling them in a circle, or move to the top when the bottom of the reviews is reached. If the height of the reviews exceeds the height specified in the Maximum Height.
  • maximum. The maximum number of revocation characters to display in the module.
  • Read more link. The link to which the user will be redirected by clicking on "Show more reviews". If the field is left blank, the default address will be applied.
  • add link. The link to which the user will be redirected by clicking on "Add a review". If the field is left blank, the default address will be applied.

An example of what a feedback module might look like on the front of the site is shown in the figure below. Its appearance depends on the settings and your template.

Menu items

There are three types of Freestyle Testimonials Lite menu items available to you in the Joomla menu manager:

  1. Reviews: Create.
  2. Reviews: List.

Let's look at the options available to customize these menu items in more detail. Only the "unique" options of that menu item type will be affected.

. This menu item is used to display a form and a list of reviews awaiting moderation in the front part of the site (figure below).

It is a simple looking but useful testimonial plugin for your website. You can show unlimited testimonials without a headache. It can also be inserted anywhere in the template file|

OT Testimonial is a high-customized Wordpress plugin without fee. It helps you to show testimonials from customers, readers and other users. Normally, people want to know users’ opinions before making a decision. That's why testimonials should be shown on your wordpress website. OT Testimonial is built on the base of Bootstrap Carousel , and be easily to turn into action on wordpress theme which are developed on bootstrap 3 .

It is a simple looking but useful testimonial widget for your website. They are able to show unlimited testimonials using widget setting, add on more testimonials that you want on the wordpress website with diversified layouts, such as:

Testimonials slider with 1 column
+ Testimonials slider with 2 columns
+ Testimonials slider with thumbnails
+ Testimonials with grid layout
+ Testimonials with list layout

Note: OT Testimonial is compatible with most of all the browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer(IE9+), Chrome, Opera, Safari etc.


You have various ways to display the testimonials from customers or clients: in a slider form or with grid and list layout. Just one click and will have a beautiful testimonial section that fits your website's design.

OT Testimonial Widget comes with responsive design. You can view the module display perfectly on any mobile device as well as desktop. For mobile edition, the module is very lightweight due to our high optimization.

It's dead-easy to use OT Testimonial Widget.

You will find it simply to create your own slider style suitable for your template without knowledge of PHP, HTML, or CSS. The slider preview in admin panel will let preview it live before publishing.

Testimonial (testimonial) - a marketing technique when promoting a product and (or) service, based on the active use of someone else's positive opinion about the marketing object.

The term testimonial originates from English testimonial - evidence.

Target Testimonial– popularization of goods and services, increase in their sales, creation of a positive image of the subject of marketing.

Types of testimonials:

  • recommendation letter;
  • author's laudatory characteristic, consumer feedback;
  • direct advertising by a famous person - a consumer who gives the product a positive assessment;
  • using the image of a famous person in indirect advertising.

The essence of the testimonial- a respected character or an ordinary consumer talks about his personal positive experience of using the product. Testimonial is often the use of paid positive opinions and opinion leader statements that are authoritative for specific target audiences, popular faces, pop and sports stars, politicians and other celebrities.

Application of testimonial. This marketing tool is used to promote products that people choose based on advice. Today, “conscientious” testimonial has practically filled the domestic advertising of FMCG products, food products, and banking services. In addition, testimonial is used to popularize complex services and goods, when a complex topic is revealed, as if from a private person, in a language accessible to the mass consumer.

Testimonial became an active marketing tool with the advent of the era of social marketing (Marketing 3.0 according to F. Cutlet).

In addition to the sphere of mass consumption, testimonial is actively used in the b2b segment. In this case, the company distributes praise about its activities, products or services received from customers or partners / affiliates.

Testimonial in internet marketing. Testimonial is used both in off-line marketing and in Internet marketing. In this case, the testimonial exists under the guise of messages in forums, chats, in social networks, blogs, etc.

The activity of using testimonial was the reason for the formulation of the principles of a new "technology for managing virtual consumers" (Management of Virtual Consumers, МVC)

What distinguishes ordinary communication from testimonial communication? The main goal of a testimonial website, brochure, presentation is to show people that:

  • they are not the first to use the services and/or products of the company;
  • that they did not come here in vain, and here they will not be deceived;
  • using a complex product or using a complex service is simple;
  • the topic can be covered in a non-professional, simple and accessible language.

Principles of testimonial communication.

Click on fields and remove the redundant ones. You can add your own, arbitrary.

Strong Testimonials - setting custom fields

I left: Name, Review, Photo. Click save.

Creating a comment list display

Setting custom fields in the first view

We carefully read what is related to what. Don't forget to add your custom fields to our new view being created and remove the ones that no longer exist.

comments for wordpress - view customization

Customizing Styles

Yes, you can leave everything as is. You'll figure it out later.

  • Template is a template. Play as you like or leave the default.
  • layout- in one column or two, rectangular reviews or not, it's all about taste and color. We leave it as it is, because the view can be changed later.
  • background- the background. Leave it as is or play as you wish.
  • CSS Class Names- and here it is better to specify your class. for example my_otziv
  • Click the save button

Create a new page and name it − Reviews. Insert the shortcode of our first type there — this shortcode is responsible for displaying the comments themselves. id can be anything.

Creating a form in the Strong Testimonials plugin

On the left, in the menu, we find testimonials> views, go to our views and create another new one. Yes, yes, another new look.

click save on the page and view it. As you can see, we have a page with a feedback form. But there were problems. You need to embellish it and make it in your own language. Not satisfied Required Field and Add testimonial etc…

Additional settings

Go to menu -> testimonials -> settings -> form

we replace the descriptions of the forms with our own. See photo:

Add reviews through our form on the created page Reviews. Go to admin -> menu -> testimonials -> and approve or block them.

Any little thing is configured in this plugin, for example: What is your name? (first name or full name) — this is editable in the fields . This expression can be put inside a form. Rearranging this phrase with Label on the Clue- see the constructor on the right! You can separate the form from the output of comment lists with a heading.

CSS Styles

since we set our own style for each species:

  • my_otziv- to display reviews
  • my_form_onziv- to display the form

then, outwardly, you can adjust the display of the review list view and the form itself to match the style of the site.

Video: Feedback page. Full step by step instructions


Strong Testimonials - plugin, thanks to which you can easily organize an arbitrary connection with visitors who can easily share their impressions of your services.


  • Creating custom fields, resembles a constructor
  • Intuitive interface
  • Easy integration of shortcodes into blog pages
  • Creating Widgets
  • good rating
  • Constant update
  • Partial Russification

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