What happens if you open spam mail. What is email spam and how to deal with it

Even the most inexperienced Internet user must have encountered such a problem as spam. Someone simply does not pay attention to the intrusive mailings of spammers, someone expresses indignation about this. However, spam victims often do not know how to protect themselves from the actions of intrusive advertisers.

What is internet spam?

The category of spam includes messages that are sent to users in large volumes. The recipients of such messages generally do not need the information that is offered to them. Mailing lists are most often of an advertising nature, their purpose is to distribute some kind of product or to impose services.

The means for spreading spam are forums, sites, but email takes the first place in this area. It is through the mail that the bulk of messages with intrusive advertising passes.

Spam classification

Depending on the goals pursued by spammers, their activities on the Internet can be divided into several categories:

  1. Product manufacturers need to somehow promote their product, in which advertising effectively helps them. Messages with an offer to buy something are a type of spam that can rightfully be ranked first in the ranking of intrusive mailings.
  2. Illegal businesses also need to win over their audience of customers. Another category of spam is sending advertisements for illegal products.
  3. Business is impossible without competition. The fight for potential customers is not always carried out by legal means. A prime example is anti-advertising. Another type of spam is when the messages sent out contain negative information about competitors and the products they produce.
  4. The so-called are actively used in order to obtain large benefits through small investments. People receive messages that describe a problem that requires an impressive amount of money to solve. All that is required from the recipients of the letter is a small financial investment.
  5. One of the most unpleasant types of spam is sending emails, opening which the user launches a malicious one on his device.
  6. The activities of spammers aimed at obtaining passwords, logins and other information, which should remain a secret, is referred to as .
  7. A relatively harmless form of spam on the Internet is chain letters. This mechanism is aimed at collecting user email addresses and replenishing the mailing list.

Spam - safety precautions

In order not to fall into the trap of spammers, you need to learn how to identify their messages among the necessary correspondence. The first thing that should alert the owner of an e-mail is an unfamiliar address of the sender of the letter. Even if at first glance the email seems familiar, it is advisable to check each character, because it is the inattention of their addressees that senders of dubious letters most often use. Spam can also be sent from hacked accounts of your friends. Therefore, when you receive a message from your friend, where he asks you to follow the link and, for example, vote or rate the product offered on the site, you should assume that this is spam.

The first and surest way to email from spam - to prevent it from getting into the mailing lists. It is important to take care of the minimum distribution of your email address, that is, if possible, do not leave it on dubious Internet resources. Especially for registration on sites, even such well-known and popular ones as Avito, you can create a separate mail.

Coming up with an email address, it is better to give preference to long intricate combinations of characters.

When choosing a site for creating email, you should use large and reputable resources, such as Yandex or Gmail. These services have an important and quite effective anti-spam function. It consists in the fact that letters defined by the service as spam are automatically placed in a folder with the same name. Owners Rambler mail can set up in their profile forwarding of incoming letters to another email box registered on a more popular resource.

The second paragraph of the same law prohibits the use of electronic networks for the dissemination of advertising in the event that the mailing is carried out in automatic mode and no human is involved.

Violators of the law are brought to civil, they face the following types of punishments:

  • to individuals– fine from 2000 to 2500 rubles;
  • officials a fine in the amount of 4 to 20 thousand rubles is imposed;
  • penalties for amount to 100,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Spamming can be done for various purposes. Most often, this is an expansion of the audience of consumers of some products or by deceiving other people. The best tactic in this case is to ignore such messages. Also, a law may come to the aid of spam victims, violators of which will have to pay a fine.

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E-mail is one of the most popular means of communication today. Naturally, social networks and instant messaging services have pushed a little electronic boxes, allowing you to exchange letters, but this method is still very popular.

Most people have their own personal mailbox on the network in order to receive messages not only from friends, but also from the resources they subscribe to, advertising and promotional offers from the stores where they shop, and so on. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that email is still one of the key elements communications at the business level, so it is not surprising that even with the advent of "messengers", the number of mailboxes is growing, not falling. But at the same time, there is one problem that cannot be overcome one hundred percent, and it torments all email users. We are, of course, talking about spam. What is email spam? This is what will be discussed in this article. You will learn absolutely everything about what spam is, in what forms it appears in the mail, how to deal with it, and so on. Knowing what email spam is will help you protect yourself and your computer, so this information is very helpful.

What is spam?

So, first of all, of course, you need to consider what spam is: in email, on forums, in messengers, and so on. Spam is the commercial distribution of advertising or any other messages to people who have not given their consent to receive them. It is distinguished by its mass character. The spammers are not trying to work with individual clients to convince them to use their services. They focus on mass character, sending out hundreds of thousands of messages every day. The result is that spam becomes incredibly nasty and intrusive, which is why no one likes it. Moreover, it can even be dangerous, but this will be discussed in more detail later. Now you are probably wondering what this word means. After all, until recently it was not in the dictionaries of either Russian or even English. Now that you know what email spam is, it's time to learn a little about the origin of the term.

Origin of the term "spam"

And indeed, this is a rather interesting word, which did not exist before even in English language. After all, it usually happens that the term is called in English, and then goes into Russian without translation. But this time the term appeared after the Second World War, and the history of its occurrence is rather curious. Hormel Foods, a food company, produced canned foods called SPAM during World War II that were given to American soldiers. However, when the war ended, the company had a rather impressive stock of these canned goods, which could be sold in standard ways it would be impossible - they would have expired. The result was an advertising campaign of unprecedented proportions. The word SPAM was on every corner, advertisements for these canned food were broadcast on television and radio almost without interruption, advertising messages could be found in every newspaper and in every other printed publication, banners with this word were on the walls of houses, above the roadway, that is in other words, everywhere. Thus, it was impossible to hide from this annoying advertisement, because it was everywhere.

Decades later, with the advent of the Internet, there were also those who wanted to impose their products and services in the same way. In those days, the main means of communication were e-mail and guestbook, and both of these media began to be bombarded with numerous advertising messages. As a result, such mass mailings began to be called spam in honor of the very advertising campaign canned SPAM. And now no one remembers that a few decades ago there was such a company, such a product and such advertising campaign, but everyone knows what "spam" is on the Internet.

What is spam?

As you already understood, previously there were not so many communication options on the network, so spam was limited to email and guest mail. But now, in the era social networks, spam also began to flourish. Now you can receive an advertising message for which you did not give your permission everywhere: in such “messengers” as Skype or Viber, on the social networks VKontakte or Facebook, and, of course, in the old good email. It has already been said above that email remains one of the most popular methods online, so for those who send spam, this particular communication method is one of the most attractive. Given that this article is specifically about email spam, this moment worth going into more detail. You should definitely understand when an email address is protected from spam. And to understand how in fact he can be protected from it.

Spam in email

Everyone would like to know that their email address is protected from spambots, that is, from programs that send out spam messages. However, this is not so easy to do. The fact is that in the case of e-mail it is impossible to clearly distinguish spam from an advertising message of an adequate nature. Therefore, mail services introduce a wide variety of protection systems to allow users to forget about spam. But this has consequences. In some cases spam messages get past the filters, in others quite normal messages are filtered out, and sometimes both. So if you use email, you just need to understand that spam is an inevitable part of the process. And only you can fully protect yourself from negative consequences. However, why is it so important to know that your email address is being protected from spambots? Are a couple of extra emails really annoying enough to make a big deal out of it? It turns out that the situation is much more sad than one might initially think, and this issue is worth dwelling on in more detail.

What threatens spam?

Is your email address being protected from spambots? Should you keep spam protection enabled on your inbox at all times? Many people think that the negative impact of spam is exaggerated, and that it's okay to receive various promotional messages. But in reality, everything is far from being so simple, and the situation is much more unpleasant. The fact is that there are several directions in which spam can harm you. Firstly, its amount can negatively affect e-mail servers, causing problems when using it. Secondly, you yourself are unlikely to enjoy using a mailbox filled with unnecessary messages, and you will also get tired of constantly clearing them. Thirdly, among a lot of spam, you can easily lose important messages, so this can cause you serious harm, especially if it is a mailbox used for business correspondence.

More serious consequences

But it's far from the worst thing that could happen. The fact is that spam e-mails can contain not only harmless, albeit annoying ads, but also malicious programs. For example, you may be asked to follow a link or open a document contained in an email, after which virus program that infects your computer. It is also worth noting that many spam emails can be categorized as "phishing".

Phishing is an Internet scam, and it got such a name for the reason that users are literally squeezed out of money using a wide variety of schemes, methods of luring and extortion. Accordingly, spam is not limited to harmless extra emails that end up in your inbox. But how to deal with it? Protecting email from spam is largely the responsibility of the service, but you also play a very important role in this process.

How do spammers work?

If you think about it, it is not profitable for a person who distributes this kind of information to simply send spam e-mail to one user, then another, and so on. This takes too much time, and given the fact that hundreds of thousands of messages are sent out per hour, it's worth considering how spammers work. It turns out that there is one secret that you need to know in order to effectively deal with spammers. The secret lies in the databases of email addresses. It is these databases that spammers use, as they allow you to send a large number of messages to a large user base.

Databases of email addresses

How can your address be in such a database? There are millions of ways your address could fall into the wrong hands. In most cases, this happens when you fill out an online form and enter your email address. Naturally, if you do this on a trusted site, then you don't have to worry about your address falling into the wrong hands. But if this is an unverified source, then there is a high probability that your mail will fall into just such an address database, which will then be used for mass spam mailings. Want to have spam-free email? Then you can draw the first conclusions now.

How to deal with spam?

As you can see by now, the first step to spam-free mail is self-awareness. If you have an email address, then in no case should you leave it on unverified sites, otherwise you are at serious risk of being in one or even several databases of mailing addresses. And you can already imagine the consequences of this.

Also, you should pay attention to the spam filters that your service provider offers you. If you use common services such as Gmail or Mail.ru, then high-quality filters are already installed there, so everything else is up to you. If you use less popular services, then you should definitely check your email for spam and consider switching to a more spam-safe service.

Mark as spam

Another very important point is the fight against spam after receiving it. Even if you take all the security measures, there is a chance that spam messages will seep into your mailbox. And each person, most likely, first of all will think about deleting this message or simply ignoring it. However, there is a much smarter solution. You can mark the received email as spam - this feature is offered by all email services. When you mark a message in this way, it will no longer be visible to you, and this mark will inform the service that you do not want to receive more messages from the sender. Moreover, the sender enters the service database, and if complaints are received against him in the future, all his messages will be considered as spam and, accordingly, filtered.

Normal mailings

However, here another question arises: what to do with promotional emails that come to you from trusted sources. For example, you made a purchase in an online store and allowed it to send you promotional messages. Perhaps for some time you even looked at the letters from this mailing list, but after a while you decided that you no longer want to receive these letters. In this case, you should not mark the email as spam, just use the unsubscribe form at the end of the email.

Everyone with email has experienced spam. Spam- this is a mass anonymous mailing of advertising that does not have the consent of the recipient.

Usually these ads are sent from different computers through a spam network. At the same time, the owners do not always know that spam is being sent from their PC, and the recipients, in turn, usually ignore the incoming ads and simply delete them.

What is internet spam

Spam is ubiquitous on the World Wide Web:

  • when searching for the necessary information;
  • communicating in social networks;
  • when downloading an interesting movie, etc.

Why is spam dangerous? The answer will be: because he is the culprit of numerous troubles. Firstly, it can cause virus infection. Secondly, spam emails create huge traffic, thereby overloading the network resource: internet starts to slow down, and users have to overpay for traffic.

In addition, spam interferes with viewing the material of interest, with its help, fraudulent letters are distributed, which are of two types:

  • Nigerian- a request for help, usually financial, for an operation, etc. The name comes from the large distribution of such letters in the African state of the same name.
  • Phishing(from English - fishing) - pursue the goal of extorting data on bank accounts, credit cards etc. Moreover, the design of these letters can exactly repeat the style of your bank, and the name differs by one or two letters. You should be very vigilant when receiving this kind of correspondence.

Main varieties

  1. Pop-up spam ads on some sites. This brings income to the author of the resource.
  2. Spam mailing - repeated sending of messages to e-mail (the main source of the described problem). Often the reader subscribes to the newsletter in order to receive information of interest to him. If you encounter spammers, ads will come daily and off topic.
  3. Guestbooks on some sites are also clogged spam ads. They can also be found in comments to content on blogs or forums. These are general comments (for example, this is a useful article) containing a link to another resource.
  4. Spam is also present on bulletin boards, forums and chat rooms.
  5. Invisible text. In order to increase site traffic, sometimes cunning webmasters try to fool search engines around their fingers. To do this, they fill their project with popular words with a font color that matches the background of the resource. Thus, the user will not see it. Because of this, often when you enter a query in the search box, you can often find completely incomprehensible pages in the results.
  6. Spam in social networks is distributed through private messages. Often, attackers steal an account and send a newsletter from it to the friends of the person from whom they stole it.
  7. Mobile fraud in SMS messages. Mobile operators even created a blacklist of such SMS.

How to deal with spam

To get rid of spam email, you need to cancel subscription. Usually this feature is provided at the end of the letter, but not always. If this feature is not available, you will need to mark annoying messages as spam yourself. To do this, check the box next to unwanted emails and click on the "This is spam" menu.

Everything selected is automatically moved to the Spam folder. This folder can be cleared manually, if this is not done after 30 days, the messages are deleted automatically. Mail server in turn remembers the unscrupulous sender. Now almost all major mail services (Yandex.Mail, Gmail, etc.) have these anti-spam filters.

If possible, delete (manually or using plugins) your comments on suspicious sites.

Avoid questionable resources with large quantity pop-ups. These steps will help you avoid infecting your computer with a virus.

Never respond to such correspondence, do not click on the links contained in it, and do not give permission to download a picture, because your address is immediately marked as active in the spam network. If this is not done, unexpected advertising will only increase in the future.

Important point! The problem can become uncontrollable after the user's email address gets into the spam database. To prevent this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Create two addresses: public - for public sources (chats, forums), private - for personal correspondence.
  • The mail password and address should be heavy and long.
  • To register in online stores and other resources, use your public address.
  • Use modern anti-spam filters (on your computer or with the help of an ISP).
  • Modern antivirus programs are also equipped with spam protection.


The topic of spam is very relevant. Bulk mailing can bring a lot of trouble for an ordinary Internet user and a simple owner of a web resource. Keeping a few simple simple rules, you can prevent mailbox clogs.

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If you still don’t know the answer to the question “What is spam on the Internet?”, then you run a big risk of getting a virus on your computer, losing confidential data (logins, passwords, payment details, etc.), and just wasting your personal time wasted. Spam messages are the #1 nuisance on the Web. This article will bring you up to date: tell you what this scourge is, how it manifests itself, and how protection against spammers is organized.



The term "SPAM" owes its name to a story about canned meats from the Hormel Foods Corporation. In an abbreviated version, they were called like this - trademark SPAM, which meant SPiced hAM (sharp ham). The first samples of this product appeared in 1936. And during World War II, Hornel Foods Corporation supplied these canned food to the American army and its allies.

After the victory over fascist Germany, a huge stock of spam canned minced meat remained in the company's food warehouses. In order to quickly sell the "stale" products, the manufacturer, without hesitation, decided to launch a grandiose advertising campaign. Bright signs and announcements inviting to buy canned food "SPAM" could be found everywhere: on buses and trams, at intersections and street facades, in grocery store windows, in newspapers. In addition, the radio was broadcasting about the SPAM delicacy: the announcers continuously repeated from the loudspeakers about the unique opportunity to purchase delicious canned food.

In 1969, the TV show Monty Python's Flying Circus aired a sketch about "legendary" canned food. The heroes of the scene, a husband and wife, having made an order in a cafe, found “SPAM” in every dish. They suspected something was wrong and asked the waiter to bring something edible, but without Spam. At the request of customers, he responded with a new proposal: "I can offer you dishes with a little spam." At the end of the sketch, visitors are indignant at such “intrusive” service and swear at the cafe staff. And against the background of their murmurings, the Viking choir at the neighboring tables solemnly praises the canned food: “Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! (Beloved… Wonderful spam). Having gained due popularity among viewers, the sketch became the reason for the labeling of annoying advertising with the word "Spam". Still would! After all, the name of the product sounded in it 108 times.

The next step in strengthening the terminology took place in 1986, when Dave Rhodes began sending letters in large numbers inviting him to join his financial pyramid. This proposal became so boring to subscribers that they involuntarily began to associate it with the "legendary" canned food from the popular sketch.

The “new meaning” gradually took root in Everyday life and unrestrained information flow. And soon it successfully "migrated" to the computer industry. Now, for ordinary people, the concept of SPAM is more associated with PCs and web technologies than with canned food and TV.


All spam is conventionally divided into two broad categories:


2. Illegal, illegal advertising. Spammers send ads to e-mail, the placement of which is officially prohibited by the letter of the law on the Web: information about web resources containing adult content, sex services, hacked software, propaganda of terrorist groups, etc. The spam distribution service also falls into this category (that is individual or a group of persons for a certain fee organizes the mass distribution of the client's advertisement).

3. Anti-advertising. Manufacturers defame the goods and services of their competitors in front of potential buyers. These ads are full of slogans “Do not take!”, “Do not buy!”, “There is no quality here!”, “No guarantee!” etc.

4. "Letters of Happiness" Messages asking the reader to reproduce and distribute them further (send to other users). If this condition is met, they predict soon an improvement in financial well-being, increased attention of the opposite sex, arrangement of personal life, omnipresent luck and other benefits that almost every person dreams of and strives for.

5. Propaganda. “Dispatches” trying to change political views, to convince of something, to instill fear and confusion in the mind through both truthful and false statements and data. They can tell about a specific person, party, group, law or event.

6. Politics. Election campaigning, invitations to join a political party, etc.


1. "Nigerian Letters"- a special kind of spam stream, fraudulent scheme aimed at extracting money. Received such a name due to the fact that the first letters of this content were sent mainly from Nigeria.

The sender of the "Nigerian" message, who is also an intruder, asks the reader of the letter to help him get a large amount of money. But he, in turn, must send him some money, which is supposedly necessary for opening a bank account, paperwork.

If the user, after reading the fake email, responds to the request, sends cash at the specified address, - of course, he does not receive an answer, and the spam villains rub their hands contentedly when they see the replenishment of the account. And if suddenly the victim decides to complain to whomever he should about what happened, the authors of this “cunning message”, in turn, will promptly hide or delete their address and payment details.

However, this is just one of the many scenarios for luring money. The most common options are:

  • There is a profitable vacancy to work abroad, but you need to pay permission and registration.
  • Congratulations, you inherited from your uncle across the ocean, but .... need to transfer money for ... .
  • You won the lottery, all that remains is to pay for the procedure for receiving the winnings.
  • Donate funds...

2. Phishing - fake mailing to steal the user's confidential data. In letters of this kind, scammers under the guise of the administration of social networks, online stores, electronic payment systems they ask you to provide credentials (login, password), payment details, passport data as if to confirm information, technical work, paperwork, etc. But data entry is carried out on a fake site (disguised as a trusted service), a link to it is provided in a letter in a hidden form.

3. Viruses - letters with infected files and hacker scripts. They in every possible way motivate the user to download the offered files to his computer, open a picture, video, etc. If the user reacts properly, the malware embedded in the email will attack the PC system. The consequences of their activities can be of the most deplorable nature: arbitrary deletion of programs and content from the hard drive, system disruption, theft of confidential data, remote exploitation of computer resources, distribution of an infected letter through a hacked user's e-mail, etc.

Anti-spam methods


Block in the mailbox the addresses from which spam comes: add them to the blacklist.

Adding e-mail to the spam filter on popular services is as follows:

  1. Mark the email in your inbox. If it is already open, immediately proceed to the second step.
  2. AT horizontal menu click the "This is spam!" button.
  3. A potentially dangerous message will automatically be moved to the Spam folder, subsequent letters from the blocked address will be placed in the same directory.


Click the "Exclamation Mark" icon in the top bar to add to the list of spam addresses. You can also remove the advertisement by clicking the "trash can" button.

To view and clear the filter directory:

1.Click on vertical menu on the left is "More".

(Internet Protection → Mail Protection → Scan/General)

Use temporary mailboxes to register on dubious services and to forward messages and mailing lists to real e-mails. Thus, you will reduce the risk of your address getting into the spam database.

Email clients

Choosing mail client to work with a large number of mail profiles, first of all, find out if it has a virus and spam protection module. This is a priority for software this category.

Trusted clients include:

  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Zimbra etc.

Spam Prevention

  1. Do not publish your e-mail in the public domain (in signatures to letters, social networks, chats, forums), do not indicate it in registration forms and in subscriptions to dubious services.
  2. Do not under any pretext open spam messages, do not click on links and interactive elements placed in them.
  3. Use whitelists and blacklists to receive emails only from specified addresses and block spam emails.
  4. Regularly update the signature databases of anti-virus software.

Good luck fighting spam in your mailboxes!

Every Internet user at least once received an email from an unknown addressee.

Political advertising, a call to visit a site, or an offer for a promotional product repeatedly littered the mailbox, preventing access to important messages. This phenomenon is called unsolicited distribution of information or in other words - spam.

Interesting! The word "spam" appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Then the so-called expired canned food that consumers did not buy. One day, the manufacturer sent a batch of such canned food to the American Navy, emphasizing the need and benefits of these goods. Then spam began to be associated with unsolicited mailings that did not bring any benefit.

Today, the definition is most often used in the Internet environment, denoting with this word all types of advertising sent to users without their consent or request.

What is email spam

It's hard to imagine, but 80% of all email content is spam. Offers of joint cooperation, congratulations on a non-existent win, and even threats come to the mail. There are also quite funny messages from foreign spammers who use Google Translate to compose the text.

In general, three main groups of such messages can be distinguished:

  • Legitimate advertising (used by small companies that want to attract potential customers. Most often, such correspondence does not pose a threat to the operation of the device, and sometimes it provides the recipient with interesting information: sales announcements, information about the opening of a new department, etc.).
  • Illegal advertising (promotion of prohibited goods or illegal services).
  • Game advertising (enticing messages with offers to take part in various games: letters of happiness, flash mobs).
  • a catchy headline (“Win a million dollars!”, “Receive an inheritance from a deceased relative”, “Participate in the prize draw”, “URGENT! Invest money at a favorable interest rate” and the like);
  • unknown addressee (often foreigners act as the sender);
  • absence useful information or the presence of links to dubious sites.

Why email is attractive to spam

This question is of interest to many who have encountered such a mailing list. Indeed, sometimes the meaning of the message is so veiled that users do not understand why spammers spend their time on such operations. There are still reasons:

  • Cheap advertising (70% of all unsolicited messages on the RuNet are custom-made, which indicates a high concentration of advertising messages. Small shops, illegal institutions and any other enterprises that want to save on advertising use mailing lists as a method of promoting their goods and services).
  • Theft (links to malicious programs that "infest" received messages are aimed at infecting operating system which, as a rule, is accompanied by the theft of personal information, including information about bank accounts and deposits).

How to get rid of spam mail

Of course, everyone who has encountered "garbage" in their box tries to get rid of annoying letters and restore the correct operation of the device. But this process is not always achieved by pressing one key, sometimes you need to try very hard to protect yourself from "malicious" mail.

No matter how obvious it may sound, but the simplest and most reliable mail protection against spam is the security measures that every Internet user must take. What not to do while working on the Web:

  1. Leave your email address on sites with open access. Forums, comments and announcements are the main sources from which spammers draw new "victims".
  2. Use one box for all occasions. It is best to have several email addresses, for example: for work, personal correspondence and entertainment. Then you can use one mail for business correspondence, another for communicating with friends, and a third for registering on various resources.
  3. Do not read the license agreement. When registering on online platforms, it is necessary to study the information in full. More and more stores and blogs offer to subscribe to the newsletter, automatically checking the box indicating the user's consent. Having studied in detail all the nuances of registration, you can unsubscribe.
  4. Conduct correspondence with the addressee. Some recipients of unsolicited emails try to remove themselves from the mailing list by writing about it in a return email. This is a huge mistake, giving the "green light" to the addressee. A response to a malicious message informs the spammer that the mail is "live", there is a real person there, which means that there is an audience for advertising.

We have reviewed methods that warn users against malicious mailings, but what about those who made a mistake and disclosed data about themselves to third parties?

So, a lot of spam comes in the mail. What to do?


In some messages there is a special button that allows you to refuse it. spam. But even here you have to be very careful. The fact is that many scammers use this button to signal that the mail is active, and vice versa, add the address to the priority list for mailing. That is why it is recommended to use this option only when letters come from a known address (for example, from a popular store or company).

Spam filters for mail servers

The most common and reliable mail protection against spam. Filtering occurs automatically and allows you to filter out unnecessary messages from really important messages. There are two ways in which mail spam filters work:

  • The first option involves a comprehensive assessment of the address from which the letter was sent. So, messages coming from a server with a low rating are automatically marked as spam and are not opened. In this case, the filter must be installed on the mail server;
  • The second option involves evaluating the message itself according to the special criteria discussed above, highlighting "virtual garbage" among ordinary letters. If the system determines the malicious nature of the message, the mail falls into spam. In this case, the filter can be installed both on the server and on personal computer user.

Blocking spam using mail settings

Each mail service has a system for filtering unwanted messages. We will show the process based on one of the most popular resources. So, how to block spam in Mail?

The first step is to determine the exact nature of the message, since this method suitable only for those letters that are undoubtedly spam.

Then you need to follow a few simple steps:

Important! The procedure should be repeated several times. This is necessary so that the mail service remembers the addressee and automatically highlights such messages as spam. Mail spam protection in this case automatically transfers messages to the junk mail folder.

Am I a spammer?

And what if the messages do not come to the user, but vice versa - they are sent from his mail. This situation is becoming more and more common in recent years. Trying to protect themselves, scammers hack mailboxes and produce mailing from someone else.

So, spam is sent from my mail. What to do?

change Password

by the most in a reliable way protecting your mailbox is to change your password. You can use the prompts of the mail service or use complex, combined alphanumeric passwords for your account.

Attention! It is unacceptable to use data available to attackers as a password: first name, last name and date of birth. And also banal passwords are easy to crack:

11111, 12345 or qwerty1234.

Checking mail for spam list

An important step that is necessary for the correct operation of your email. There are many programs on the Web (for example, https://whoer.net/ru) that allow you to quickly check for the presence of IP in the black list.

Why is it important? It's simple: if the account is marked as malicious, the sent mail will not reach the recipient.

The presented methods of email protection are simple and accessible to every user. Remember that spam elimination begins with the implementation of security measures and non-disclosure of personal data in open sources.
