Is correspondence in direct Instagram readable? How to recover Instagram messages that were deleted from your phone

For many modern people Instagram has long become an integral part of Everyday life. Regardless of gender and age, users of the application daily publish their pictures, comment on friends’ posts and like photos of famous personalities. However, not everyone knows that there is one more thing in this service. Such ignorance may seem strange, because you can use Direct on Instagram since 2013.

In addition, developers are working tirelessly to improve the messenger, and today, in terms of its capabilities, it can already seriously compete with such popular applications as VK, Viber, WhatsApp. In order to be in trend and keep up with technical innovations, let's figure out what direct is on Instagram and how to use it.

Direct Instagram is a special service that successfully operates inside the Instagram application and is intended for communication between account holders. Today it has the following functions:

  • exchange of private messages between users;
  • sending photos and videos;
  • forwarding records of other users;
  • saving your favorite materials;
  • creating group dialogues.

Of course, this is a very necessary and long-awaited feature, because going to Direct on Instagram and sending a message is much easier and faster than opening another messenger, searching for a long time for the right dialogue and diligently explaining to the interlocutor what we are talking about.

How to log in to direct on Instagram

So, where is Direct on Instagram and why did the developers hide such a wonderful innovation? In fact, everything is very simple. The service strives to maintain a modern, lightweight design that is not overloaded with unnecessary inscriptions, and therefore different functions are indicated by special icons that do not have text explanations.

The direct message on Instagram is located in the news feed (where new posts from subscriptions appear) in the right top corner and looks like a paper airplane. You need to click on this icon once, it becomes absolutely clear how you can access Instagram Direct from your phone. It turns out that this “magic” button has always been in the same place, but many users simply did not notice it.

After clicking on the “paper airplane”, a list of active dialogs opens. On this page, you can do things like read incoming messages or send something via direct message to your friends.

Write to Direct

To start a new dialogue, you need to click on the plus icon in the upper right part of the window. On the next screen a list of subscribers will appear from which you can select the recipient for the message on Instagram. At the top of the page there is a quick search bar that will help you quickly find the right person, even among many thousands of subscriptions. In this case, you do not need to enter the name of the account you are looking for, down to the character. If the user's profile contains a real name, the program can easily find it in a matter of seconds. Once the recipient of the message has been identified, there is nothing left to do but write in a direct message on Instagram what was originally intended: a text entry line automatically appears in the lower field of the screen. In order to close the direct message, you need to click on the left arrow in the upper left corner.

Important! For ease of use, the application displays latest dialogues in a certain order, based on the history of previous correspondence, time of adding and number of likes. If the desired recipient is not on the list, there is no reason to panic. You need to find his name manually using the search bar.

In order not to miss new incoming messages, you can set notifications in the application settings. For those who like to be in silence and not be distracted by trifles, this function can be disabled.

How many messages can you send via direct message on Instagram?

In order to limit resource users from excessive amounts of spam and mailings, the developers have imposed certain restrictions on the parameters of correspondence.

  1. First, in order to start a dialogue with a user who is not on your subscriber list, you need to ask him for permission to send something. After confirming the correspondence request, this user will be able to read what was sent to him.
  2. Secondly, Instagram has set limits on how many direct messages can be sent during the day: no more than 50 to third-party users and no more than 100 to one’s own subscribers.

People who use Instagram direct solely to chat with their friends may not think about any limits. The restrictions are designed to eliminate spam mailings associated with unauthorized commercial activities. Entrepreneurs who maintain an account for advertising purposes will often massively disseminate information about their services and promotions. In these cases, there is a possibility that the account will be blocked indefinitely. Speaking of restrictions, you can also note how many characters are allowed in a direct message on Instagram: in one message you can use no more than 500 characters without spaces.

Sharing multimedia files is a mandatory feature of any modern messenger. On Instagram, this is doubly convenient, firstly, because you can write a direct message from both an iPhone and an Android, and secondly, because the application is always open. Indeed, according to statistics, the Instagram resource is in the top of the most frequently used applications all over the world.

  • Photo in your favorite post from the news feed
  • Image from internal memory phone (from “Gallery”)
  • A new camera photo that will be taken right now.

In the first case, the message is sent directly from the feed. Below the photo itself there are several icons. Most often they are used to like or comment on a post. However, if you look more closely, there is also a “paper airplane”, clicking on which opens a window with a list of names. This is the choice of the recipient of the private message that you want to send.

After taking and saving a photo, you can send it to a friend via direct. The exact same scheme is used when you need to send a video file.

In some cases, there is a need or video from direct message on Instagram. Some users struggle with this for a long time and never find a solution to the problem. The fact is that in the application, sometimes the sender sends so-called “disappearing videos” into the dialogue. After viewing, these videos are not saved in temporary memory and become unavailable for downloading. But what to do if the material was not endangered? Here is a brief instruction on how to save a video from a direct message on Instagram: all you need to do is press and hold the message with the desired material with your finger. After a short period of time, a pop-up menu should appear in which you must select the desired option.

How to know if a message has been sent

Frequent users social network They are wondering how to find out if a message in a direct message on Instagram has been read. This problem is very relevant in cases where the interlocutor does not give an answer for a long time. The solution is on the surface: you just need to go into the chat and look at the last message. If the recipient has already viewed it, a small eye icon will appear below it. Next to the symbols is the user's nickname - this is intended primarily for participants in group chats.

Group chat in Direct

Instagram provides , for which all the same functions are available as for one-on-one chats. Most often, they are created for organizational and administrative purposes and help to significantly save time when discussing any collective issues. To create a group, at the stage of creating a dialogue, you must select not one participant, but several. Maximum permissible quantity There are 15 participants in a group conversation.

How to communicate via direct message from a computer

Many account owners have long known how to write direct messages on Instagram from a phone, but when working from a computer, they fall into a stupor due to the fact that they cannot find the required “paper airplane” on the service’s website. The fact is that the Instagram website today is deprived of many of the features that exist in mobile version. This is due to the resource policy aimed at working in real time anywhere in the world (that is, far from the computer). In order to bypass the rules and, you can resort to the help of the BlueStacks Android emulator, however, this may complicate the process of working with many other programs installed on the computer. In this case, you need to correctly prioritize or search alternative ways connections accessible from a computer.

Troubleshooting problems and errors in Direct operation

How to restore correspondence in direct message on Instagram

Unfortunate circumstances, such as device malfunctions or accidental clicks, sometimes force people using Instagram to face the problem of how to recover direct messages. Unfortunately, the resource does not provide a standard way out of this situation, but there are methods that can sometimes give a positive result.

First of all, you can simply ask your interlocutor to forward the lost data. If this option is not available, you can try using special programs for data recovery (for example, FoneLab for iPhone). However, you need to understand that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee. In order not to encounter a similar problem in the future, it is recommended to take care of the possibility of data recovery in advance and use special backup software.

Errors sending to Direct

Some Instagram users periodically complain that messages in Direct are not sent. This may be due to several reasons:

  1. lack of Internet connection;
  2. developer updates that caused an error;

Most often, the problem disappears on its own after some time or is solved by simply rebooting the device. However, if it is not related to the above reasons, the sender did not exceed sending limits and did not violate any rules of the service’s internal policy, you must contact the technical support service, which will certainly try to help find a way out of the situation.


Direct is a popular add-on Instagram service, which finds more and more fans every day. And this is not surprising, because what could be easier than logging into Instagram direct from your phone at any time and anywhere. This feature allows you to stay connected 24 hours and communicate with friends and partners without interruption.

Don't know how to delete and restore deleted messages Instagram? As you know, Instagram has long since moved on. From the status of an application for viewing photos to the status of a full-fledged social network. Thanks to the introduction of Direct on Instagram. It has become possible to write messages and share all the most interesting things in personal correspondence with friends.

Getting into Direct is very simple: you can simply swipe left or click on the airplane icon in the top right. This section of Instagram displays all correspondence and messages. Here you can both re-read all messages and send new ones. Messages can be either regular or disappearing. Regular messages are saved and form a correspondence history.

Disappearing messages can only be viewed once. After which they will disappear. The only exceptions are those disappearing messages in which the sender has allowed re-viewing. But the latter can be viewed again only in case. If after the first viewing the message was not closed.

Message history is an opportunity to control your correspondence and store important video and photo materials sent by friends. But this is not always necessary. Sometimes messages sent to friends need to be deleted for one reason or another. What to do in such cases? It's simple: they need to be removed. And here there will be only two options - to delete the entire correspondence or only individual messages from it.

To delete all message history, you will need to log in to Direct using any of the methods described earlier. Next, you need to find the message history that you want to delete. Long pressing on a story will bring up a menu. You will need to select the “Delete” option. But it is worth remembering that all history will be destroyed.

How to delete one message on Instagram - something specific

If you need to delete a specific message, then you need to act differently. First, you will need to log into Direct, then find the necessary correspondence and select the message that is to be deleted. You will need to hold it down and select the “Cancel sending” menu item. It's quite strange. After all, if the message was read. It is simply impossible to cancel the shipment. And even by clicking on this option, you can only delete the message from yourself. It is important that sent messages can only be deleted with history. It is impossible to remove them individually.

  • Delete one specific message, perhaps using the button - cancel sending. But the user to whom you sent the message will not have it deleted. There is no function to delete a message for both participants in the correspondence, but there is no option on Instagram. Therefore, deleting one message practically equates to zero. Purely, just for yourself.

How to recover deleted messages

How to delete and recover deleted Instagram messages? We've sorted out the deletion. But what to do if you need to restore correspondence? It is worth knowing that all messages on Instagram are stored not only in the users’ application, but also on servers. This means that, even if the correspondence history. It will be erased from the application memory - it will remain on the server. This is very good, because it means that you can restore messages by contacting technical service support.

  • A completely absurd option, you can try, but Instagram is unlikely to respond to your request, in technical support restore messages or correspondence.

In addition, you can simply ask the second participant in the correspondence to copy and send it. If the two methods described above still do not work, you can use various applications, restoring application history. They will help you recover important data. Which have been lost, but will require many permissions and application installations. In addition, if there is a possibility of messages being accidentally deleted, then it is best to use backup. Today you can find many programs that perform this option and allow you not to lose necessary information. By using them, you can guarantee complete safety of information and not only in the Instagram application.

Since the Direct function appeared on Instagram, the social network has significantly expanded its capabilities. If before, in order to continue a conversation started in comments at a private level, you had to go to other platforms (VKontakte, Facebook), now you just need to click on the white airplane in the right corner of the screen and perform all the necessary actions in one place. To use a personal account to its full potential, you need to know what it is capable of. Anyone can write a message, but what if you need to get rid of it? In this article you will find the answer to the question of how to delete messages on Instagram direct.

Is it possible to delete a message?

Deleting messages is necessary under different circumstances. Starting from simply cleaning up unnecessary texts to hiding information from those who might get into your phone, for example, from your husband or wife.

Any social network user can delete data. It doesn’t matter whether you access the application from an iPhone or Android. Below we will look at the main ways to delete from you, your interlocutor, an individual message or an entire group. And most importantly, we will answer the question of whether they can be restored.

How to delete messages on Instagram direct?

Getting rid of information begins with logging into the application and the direct section. The further procedure will depend on what exactly you need.

  1. If you need to remove your message, then click on the unnecessary text and pause for a second. A menu will appear to you. Select “Cancel sending” and your message will be deleted. It will not be in your history, nor in your interlocutor’s, even if he has already read it.
  2. If you need to delete all correspondence, then in the direct section, find the dialogue you want to get rid of and swipe from right to left. Click "Delete".
  3. If you want to remove a specific message from someone else, you can only do this by asking the person himself to unsend it, complain, or block the user.

Disappearing messages

There is such a feature on Instagram - disappearing messages. It looks like this: you send a message to your boyfriend/girlfriend/acquaintance, he can open it twice and after that it will be inaccessible.

Go to the conversation, select the camera icon to the right of the text input line - take a photo or attach a file from the gallery (see the article “ “). You can also shoot a video using a boomerang, superzoom, reverse shooting or hands-free. The submitted content looks like this:

It’s important that you can send not only photos and videos this way. To send text, go to the camera icon and the “Text” tab. Select the font, background color, and text placement.

But when using this security method to preserve secrets, do not forget about screenshots. If the person you are sending a message to is aware of disappearing pictures, he may be ready and press the necessary buttons to take a photo of the phone screen.

Is it possible to recover deleted messages?

If you accidentally deleted a message and scoured the Internet trying to find a way to get them back, you can calm down. There is no such method. Alas, and unfortunately Instagram did not provide for canceling the action. Maybe just for now!


Above we looked at different ways deleting information in direct messages. And found out what to cancel specified action impossible. But Instagram is the fastest growing network and every update of the application brings new useful features. Perhaps in one of next versions the developers will take this point into account, and we will be able to restore messages.

Want to delete your Instagram account?

Luckily, Instagram now has a useful new feature that makes this quick and easy. You just need to send a request to download the archive. You will then receive a link by email. Download the archive, open it, and you can view all the data you shared in the application.

How to download all your Instagram account data

If you've ever requested an archive from Facebook, you already know how this process works.

1) Use a browser on your computer to access the site.

T.I.P.: Or you can simply go to, click on your profile in the upper right corner, go to settings, select Privacy and Security and press Request a file in section Downloading data.

2) Enter email address, where you want to receive the file, and then click Further.

3) Enter your password and click Request a file.

Note: Instagram can only process one request from one account at a time.

You will see a message confirming the creation of the archive. After this you will receive a link to download it on your email, which was introduced earlier. The wait can last up to 48 hours, so you'll have to wait a while.

4) Check your email for an email from Instagram with a download link. When you receive it, click on the link at the bottom of the email.

5) A confirmation page should open. Click Download file, to continue.

6) Once the download is complete, open the ZIP file with your username in the title. Unzip it.

7) Open the extracted folder with all your Instagram data.

Here you will find several additional folders and files with the .JSON extension.

The folders will contain all the data you shared in the application, including photos and videos, archived stories (only after December 2017), profile pictures, messages, etc.

Content that is not media files, such as comments, likes, contacts, subscriber and subscription usernames, message text, profile information, search history, post captions, account settings, etc., will be located in JSON files.

Files with the .JSON extension can be opened in a text editor.

This feature is very useful if you want to delete your Instagram account. With its help, it has become easier to switch to other services and applications.

On this moment The “Download data” function is available only in the web version of the service, but it will soon appear in applications for iOS and Android.
