What awaits nem xem in the year. Altcoin News: NEM Rise, Cautious Forecast for XRP

There has been an oversupply in the cryptocurrency market for a long time. That is why many experts predict a collapse, due to which only the most reliable digital money will remain on the market. Along with this, new cryptocurrencies appear every month. As a result, investors have to carefully analyze the digital coin market before making an investment. In this article, we will focus on how promising the NemXem currency is.

Today, in terms of capitalization, it is in the top ten. This phenomenon speaks of the constant infusion of funds into NemXem and the trust of users in this coin. That is why many analysts confidently predict a rise in the price of such a cryptocurrency. However, some of them argue that it will become the main currency in Asian countries in the foreseeable future. Other analysts do not make such serious predictions, however, they say that NemXem will be among those cryptocurrencies that will stand confidently on their feet. Both of these opinions speak in favor of investing in this type of digital coins.

Reasons for NemXem Price Increase

When analysts make a Nem Xem forecast for 2018, they rely on certain factors. We decided to voice the main reasons for the prospects of such a cryptocurrency in the future:

  • Almost instantaneous transaction processing speed - about 20 seconds. Due to this, many companies can pay attention to this cryptocurrency in order to make quick transactions.
  • Low commission. Its size is fixed and is 0.01%. This option is the most convenient, because it allows you to control costs by varying the amount of the transfer. In many other cryptocurrencies, a certain rate, for example, $5, acts as a commission, which does not change, even if only 50 cents are transferred.
  • The chain technology was thoroughly tested on a private blockchain before the network was launched. It can process up to 4000 transactions in one second. If we compare such an indicator with the VISA system, where about 1600 operations can be performed per second, then it immediately becomes clear that the throughput of NemXem is very high.
  • Cryptocurrency works on an open source, which excludes anonymity. This fact makes it relevant for integration into the financial systems of countries.
  • NemXem is based on advanced POI and Eigentrast++ algorithms. Thanks to them, it was possible to create a unique type of cryptocurrency, which surpasses existing digital coins in many respects.
  • The level of security increases in proportion to the amount of issued coins. How more money becomes online, the more reliable their storage is.
  • Integration of the NemXem currency as a means of payment in the popular WeChat manager, which is already used by more than 900,000,000 people. Due to this, the demand for such a cryptocurrency will only grow.
  • By the end of the year, the creators of NemXem will present an updated blockchain, it will be even faster and scalable.
  • At the beginning of 2018 will be presented new map project, where development plans for 1-2 years will be announced, which will attract even more attention to this cryptocurrency.

NemXem forecast for 2018

There are many reasons why NemXem will increase in price in 2018. It is safe to say that its cost will increase at least 2-3 times. At the same time, some analysts predict a 10-fold increase in the price of NemXem, which is quite possible. Such a cryptocurrency has good prospects for development in the future. That is why you can invest your money in it now. Moreover, the cost of such coins is not so high that it will not require you to invest a lot of money in NemXem.

Cryptocurrency NEM (XEM) appeared not so long ago, but it shows impressive growth rates and has the prospect of further strong rise in price. As a result, many people are interested in the XEM cryptocurrency forecast for 2018. But in order for the investment to give the expected result, it is worth understanding what is the peculiarity of NEM and what distinguishes it from other assets.

In this regard, below the reader is offered a forecast for 2018, 2019 and 2020 for the NEM cryptocurrency, as well as an overview that helps to understand who is behind it and what is the key idea behind it.

What the experts say

First, let's look at the forecast for the XEM cryptocurrency for 2018 and subsequent years. But before doing this, it is worth remembering something about the situation in the cryptocurrency market in 2017. Cryptocurrency NEM was one of the 5 fastest growing until October 2017, but due to the activation of competitors in the TOP 10 and the explosive growth of Ripple, Cordano, DASH, NEM (XEM) fell back to 9th place.

But the situation is poised to change drastically, as the NEM project has announced a number of important news. Among them, the most significant was the news that the popular messenger WeChat (an analogue of Telegram from China) has confirmed its partnership and, in accordance with the forecast, will use the XEM cryptocurrency blockchain in 2018 to introduce the NEM (XEM) mobile wallet. Using this wallet, users will be able to control the balance of funds and make transactions.

This news provoked the growth of the coin by 3 times, but the prospect of further growth still remains, since NEM is still very undervalued. Because of this, in their forecast for the XEM cryptocurrency for 2018, experts confidently assert that the growth rate that the coin showed in 2017 will continue and can only be higher, but certainly not lower. At the same time, the forecast does not take into account another important factor, which will undoubtedly play a role and make the growth dynamics of NEM in 2018 and 2019 more intense. The point is that today the masses are already convinced of the reality of cryptocurrencies, and therefore the demand for inexpensive and promising coins is growing strongly. Here, the XEM cryptocurrency, along with its value of $1.34, looks like a very tempting investment object.

Now, regarding the XEM cryptocurrency forecast for 2018:

NEM Price Prediction

Thus, anyone who buys NEM at current prices has a good chance of increasing their deposit within x30-x40.

The only fly in the ointment that clouds this forecast is that the Chinese authorities are a very mysterious thing and there is a slim chance that they will make the NEM (XEM) cryptocurrency available for practical use only within the PRC. In this case, there is no doubt that investors will prefer to pour their capital into other channels so as not to depend on the extravagant Communist Party. The risk of such a development, once again it is worth repeating, is extremely small, but still worth knowing about it.

Description of NEM features

After studying the forecast, you can move on and make short review cryptocurrency NEM (XEM) to describe its features and key idea. This will help you make investments and build your portfolio consciously, and not on the emotional upsurge generated by the phenomenon that is commonly called Panic Buy today.

So, the XEM cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer network from the Smart Asset block chain. This blockchain was created using a unique encoding in Java and JavaScript. However, this is not just a cryptocurrency, but a whole data management platform that has a wide scope for practical application in the business field due to new functional features introduced using the Proof-of-Importance protocol (confirmation of importance). In addition, the NEM network provides:

  • built-in peer-to-peer scheme for the exchange of encoded messages;
  • Eigentrust++ reputation system;
  • multisig accounts.

The ICO of the NEM cryptocurrency took place in 2015, and at the time of the first addition to the exchange, the XEM rate, namely, under this ticker, the asset fell on trading platforms, amounted to 0.0004 USD against the dollar.

The very name of the XEM cryptocurrency is an abbreviation that stands for New Economy Movement, hinting that the asset is based on a serious economic basis. Created by NEM by a Chinese team, which will be discussed in more detail below, it originally appeared as a result of a fork of NXT. True, now the NEM platform is an original product, since it was recoded from scratch.

The prospects for the NEM cryptocurrency can be judged at least by the following fact. Today, blockchain as the New Economy Movement is used in the Mijin software used by financial companies and some banking institutions in the Land of the Rising Sun.

How NEM works

The platform has an original architecture that includes two main elements:

  • node (NIS), which is also called the infrastructure server;
  • a participant that interacts with individual nodes.

For the purchase and storage of XEM in the conditions of this platform, a specially designed wallet for the NEM cryptocurrency is used, which is called NanoWallet. It is based on JavaScript and HTML, which allows it to be used on any platform through a regular web browser. During operation, NanoWallet exchanges data with all NIS nodes, sending transactions and receiving data about events on the network.

To start using NEM, you must first download it from the official website. It is then installed, after which NIS connects to the P2P network, acting as a gateway to the NCC that comes with the XEM Nano Wallet.

One of the main advantages of the NEM cryptocurrency wallet is that it guarantees protection from outside intrusion. If the wallet is connected to the network through a firewall and NIS, then there is no way to hack it. Moreover, the wallet can be used for its intended purpose on any PC, and the node itself (NIS) will be located in some remote location.

Simply put, a wallet created for the NEM cryptocurrency is capable of the following:

  1. Owners of weak PCs or those working on the platform via a smartphone with a stable Internet will not experience discomfort during work.
  2. Even if, for some inexplicable reason, attackers gain access to public NIS nodes, this will not give them anything, since there is no direct connection between the node and the NEM wallet for a cybernetic attack.

Characteristic differences of the platform

When studying the differences between the NEM platform and its competitors, one should definitely mention the following specific features:

  1. Despite the fact that the NEM (XEM) platform was originally developed as a fork of NXT, that is, it was created by analogy with the blockchain of other popular cryptocurrencies, it was subsequently rewritten from scratch, having received a completely new base encoding.
  2. Instead of the "heavy" POW (proof of work) algorithm that is used in Bitcoin, NEM uses POI - proof of importance.
  3. The platform works on a user-server model, where the NIS node functions without a direct connection to the NCC, which allows owners of weak PCs and smartphone users to work in a comfortable environment without having to download the entire blockchain.
  4. The POI algorithm is used in the NEM blockchain for time-based transfers, and the very concept of importance is determined by the number of XEM cryptocurrency coins in the wallet. That is, there is no NEM mining as such, and in order to receive new coins, you need to have and hold a large number of XEM coins in your wallet.
  5. The platform has an open source code sealed source. That is, the client (distribution) itself can be downloaded from GitHub with open source, but NIS is closed and has encrypted binary code that cannot be decompiled.
  6. The platform supports a system of domains called Namespaces. It is similar to ICANN, which has long been known on the Internet. Users have the ability to register domains, as well as high order subdomains, allowing each owner of one domain to form different subdomains. With their help, various independent projects or external accounts for doing business are created. The owner of a sufficient amount of XEM cryptocurrency can register unlimited quantity domains and subdomains.
  7. Mosaics- unique system, which reflects the value of real objects through the possibilities of cryptocurrency, but not through monetary value, but in the form of their other properties. A similarity of such a mosaic is found in Nxt, where it is represented by the so-called colored tokens.
  8. The platform has a built-in Eigentrust++ - a reputation evaluation scheme for each individual NIS node. With its help, there is a constant check of how the individual node works. As a result, the quantity and quality of his work are measured, which increases the already very high level system operation.
  9. Mining of the NEM (XEM) cryptocurrency occurs, as already mentioned, through the POI protocol, which provides for confirmation of importance. To start mining, you need to have a wallet installed and synchronized on your PC, which contains over 10 thousand XEM coins. Using such wallets, the platform periodically generates new blocks, which are distributed in accordance with the shares of NEM mining participants. Curiously, the platform has a feature that allows you to delegate money. That is, some participants can turn to others for help in creating and processing blocks on their behalf.
  10. Supernodes - supernodes are a program integrated into the platform that motivates people to create new powerful nodes in order to ensure the functionality and security of the network. To pay for the services of the owners of such supernodes, 140 thousand NEM cryptocurrency coins are allocated daily! Supernodes must meet a number of high technological requirements put forward by the NEM Foundation, and their task is to ensure fast support comfortable working conditions for owners of light wallets.
  11. Network participants can exchange messages when conducting transactions within the platform using one of the following 3 formats: hexadecimal, unencrypted and encoded. At the same time, the sender does not have to transfer XEM cryptocurrency coins in order to send such a message, but it is necessary to pay a certain amount of commission in accordance with the number of characters.
  12. The multi-signature is used to prevent the user's funds from being wasted if his wallet is suddenly hacked. This is implemented as follows: in order to send funds from the wallet, you need to receive a certain number of confirmations from other network members. That is, even when gaining access to the wallet of another user, the attacker will not be able to dispose of his funds, because he does not know who and how should confirm the transactions. This moment is extremely important, given that more than 1/3 of the NEM cryptocurrency coins are on the balance sheet of its community.

Smart Asset System (Smart assets)

The use of the special-purpose system Smart Asset System allows flexible configuration for working with the blockchain network, which is completely protected, and transfers are processed in global network NOD nodes where the main software from NEM operates. That is, the blockchain network is used as a server for the API gateway.

The Smart Assets system is based on the use of mosaics, allowing application developers to use them to create their own tokens, signatures, statuses, etc.

What is Mijin

As already mentioned, the impetus for the growth of the NEM cryptocurrency was given by a partnership with Mijin, a private blockchain that was created on the basis of its platform. Mijin offers a turnkey solution for fintech NEM applications that will reduce banking costs by up to 90% while making banking completely safe.

mijin on this moment is being tested all over the world and is already having a big impact in Japan, where several reputable banking institutions and financial institutions have already implemented it in their online banking service.

All the benefits that the NEM cryptocurrency platform opens up for network members are also available through the Mijin network, but the latter has two key features- support for smart-contracts and higher transaction speed. The main goal that Mijin sets for itself is to reduce the cost of servicing the bank's infrastructure by 90% by the end of the current 2018.

Catapult Technology

Continuing to study the features of the NEM cryptocurrency, one should also pay attention to the so-called Catapult technology as part of the creation of software for Mijin. This technology is being created by a Japanese startup, which began its activities under the wing of the Zaif exchange service.

The development of Catapult technology has been underway since the winter of 2016, and the task of this technology is to become an improved version of NEM and corporate Mijin. This software is created using the C ++ programming language, and it is intended to expand bandwidth and optimize communication within the network, which will allow it to be scaled and expanded functionality.

NEM Foundation

The project is managed by the NEM Foundation, which is a non-profit structure registered in the state of Singapore. The main goal of this foundation is to advance the technology and, admittedly, the foundation is actively working, thanks to which its NEM platform is officially considered one of the most successful and funded.

The NEM team is made up of professionals, many of whom need no introduction.

Outcomes of the NEM review

The NEM cryptocurrency has great prospects, so there is no doubt that its rate will grow even better than forecasts for 2018. This statement is supported by cooperation with WeChat, the consequences of which have not yet been fully played out by the market, as well as the introduction of Smart Asset System and Catapult. Therefore, buying XEM for the long term definitely makes sense.

New tokens/cryptocurrencies are constantly appearing on these exchanges, which are pumped very quickly and strongly. You can increase your deposit very quickly.

NEM (New Economy Movement) can be translated as "promoting the new economy." In the new cryptocurrency platform, the developers have laid the principle of equal opportunities for its participants. Letter designation the internal digital currency of the network - XEM. What is it and what are its prospects in 2018, we will now try to find out.

XEM is a promising cryptocurrency that interests investors

The system is decentralized, not controlled by anyone from the outside, it is built by all users together. According to the authors, their project carries almost unlimited possibilities. However, such bold statements are made by all startup developers. It is best to assess the potential of new digital assets by their actual technical performance and performance.

Cryptocurrency XEM and its features

NEM (XEM) is a relatively new one, created at the beginning of 2015 and showing stable growth. Its advantage over similar projects is that it has a unique open source and several useful innovations at once. One of them is the PoI (Proof Of Importance) algorithm.

Unlike the PoS algorithm, which takes into account only the share of the miner, in this algorithm the definition of a participant for calculating a new block is carried out taking into account its total contribution to the promotion of the NEM network using mathematical functions system clustering and rating.

This is the most honest way to distribute opportunities, in which, along with the amount of currency in the account, the activity of the participant, i.e., his transactions, is taken into account. PoI is somewhat similar to the proof of stake protocol, but with large quantity values.

PoI provides an opportunity to solve two important problems:

  • accumulation of coins without transactions. The operation of the network is built in such a way that it is more expedient for participants to trade, rather than collect real estate assets;
  • the ability to assign the status of a collector for generating blocks, taking into account the activity and importance of the user's account without delaying the fork.

The NEM platform is written in Java. Among other know-how: a unique system for the exchange of encrypted information, the use of Eigentrust ++ multi-signature.

NEM is a Proof of Importance Cryptocurrency

In the NEM network, validators are called harvesters, and the reward is called harvesting. Anyone who installs on a computer can try himself as a harvester. There is one more obligatory condition - the presence on the account of 10 thousand XEM. Block generation time is about a minute.

NEM network e-wallets come in several formats and are very easy to use. Software can be installed in just a few minutes. XEM coins are used for any payment transactions that occur instantly. The network security system is well protected from hacker attacks and other circumstances; there have been no cases of hacking in the two years of its existence.

There are 9 billion XEM in circulation today and the issue has already been completed. As planned by the developers, the amount of this currency should be limited to this particular amount.

What results does the XEM cryptocurrency show

Many traders are waiting for the XEM cryptocurrency to go “to the moon”

In the market capitalization ranking, the XEM cryptocurrency is consistently in the top ten, ranking 7-8. This indicator is very important, since it determines the popularity of a particular crypto asset. The economic component is also calculated by capitalization, and not by quotes, as many people think.

In the summer of 2016, there was an intensive growth in the XEM rate, which was somewhat knocked down at the beginning of 2017. It was this moment that was the most advantageous for investments, since after three months there was a rapid breakthrough and a tenfold strengthening of the coin, or an increase of 1,147%.

A comprehensive analysis carried out by specialists showed good prospects for this currency, especially considering the innovations and tools constantly introduced by developers for the convenience of participants.

Where to buy XEM cryptocurrency

So far, the new coin is only traded on a few exchanges. Those wishing to purchase it are invited to use special resources finding a favorable exchange rate. Meanwhile, the lack of widespread use can rather be regarded as a plus, not a minus: a new promising exchange product implies the possibility good earnings for those who invest in it before others.

In this case, it is worth considering several rules that are relevant for traders:

  • before entering the market, analyze growth trends, trading volumes of this digital asset;
  • jumps are more significant than on the stock exchanges. This has both great risks and great attraction for traders;
  • take note last news countries that have an impact on the crypto economy, primarily the United States, Japan and China.

Payouts in NEM

The NEM cryptocurrency has an unusual corporate logo

The NEM network and its cryptocurrency function thanks to the participants who allocate the power of their computers for this. Compared to other similar platforms, NEM is not as demanding in terms of power, consumes less energy and is the most environmentally friendly. The generation of each new block brings the participant a certain reward.

An important feature of the network is in the calculation of commissions for payment transactions. There are no fixed rates, in each individual case the fee is different depending on the amount of assets of the participants in the transaction and their activity, as well as the level of security of the operation. With an increase in balance, commissions also increase, which motivates users to use XEM more actively in mutual settlements.

The cryptocurrency market is bursting at the seams every day. Probably, only the lazy one does not know the word cryptocurrency, token, but when faced with reality, he realizes that he is poorly versed in this topic, which can become rich and successful at one moment.

Cryptocurrency NEM in 2018 is a good start for profitable investment, which just a couple of months ago had no prospects for steady growth.

The crypto asset marker is XEM.

At that time, the Japanese were the leaders of the cryptocurrency segment, and only other participants.

In Singapore, 6 desperate developers decided to do an all-in, which justified itself after some time.

Algorithms for NEM - a proven way of reliability

Each currency has its own unique meaning and no less interesting history.

interpretationNEMcan be literally translated as New Economic Movement.

The currency system itself is adapted on the Mosaics platform.

The developed algorithms for the functioning of the crypto asset are tied to the systems - POI and, additionally, Eigentrast ++, which are practically not used anywhere (recall that the priority direction of cryptocurrencies works mostly on algorithms and POW).

If you understand the essence of POS and POW enough, then POI and Eigentrast ++ will be a curiosity for you.

Below we will understand what the essence of all four algorithms is.

1 POS- the literal translation of this technology is "proof of stake", from the derived meaning. That is, the full operational security of a cryptocurrency account will depend on the quantitative indicator on users' crypto accounts.

4 Eigentrast++, a node reputation criterion. This algorithm takes into account the direct proportionality of the database for successful transactions.

Considering that the NEM user uses only the last two algorithms for work, it is automatically set by the node or node.

What is the work of the node, this is a constant mode of checking all transactions and full protection of all actions in the working network.

The role of the algorithm– POI distribution of active rewards between all nodes according to activity parameters, while taking into account computing power, as well as the total amount of funds on wallets.

Eigentrast++ has a procedure that only works when nodes with a proven reputation work.

Banks trust XEM like no other

The predominant factors of the NEM cryptocurrency in 2018 include the requirements for mining coins in smaller size in the future - no more than 9 million.

Accordingly, the pluses can be attributed to the smaller.

The development team believes that there are prospects, and not bad ones at that.

Negotiations are underway with the financial sector of the economy of different countries, where the world's leading banks are connected, which are ready to work directly with NEM crypto assets.

Very soon the banking sector will become a driver forXEM.

What's in store for NEM in 2018?

Experts' forecasts vary greatly about the growth of NEM in 2018.

The most optimistic forecast is $20, but most tend to believe that the real figures will be in the range of $5-10.

The total total capitalization changes almost every day. For example, let's take the latest data for January 2018.

On January 17, the total capitalization at 20 pm (Moscow time) was $6859016363.64, and on January 18 literally in 16 hours it was $10807865227.53. Over this timeNEMincreased from $0.76 to $1.2.

Growth continues, although there are moments of decline within 1 day.

Even these data allow us to state that the crypto-coin remains in the top 10 leaders, taking about 7th place.

Given these data, we can safely say that in the long term, XEM will continue to grow upwards.

Growth factors are obvious

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the NEM cryptocurrency will be one of the most promising according to two main parameters:

  • Unique algorithms that are rarely used in the cryptocurrency asset environment.
  • Connecting the banking sector to the promotion of NEM.

The last accent remains in the most difficult position, since.

China and the US are not going to implement any regulation in this direction at the moment.

Until now, many countries do not know which category to include crypto funds.

Cryptocurrency has been adopted in South Korea, but regulation has become strict.

Despite this, South Koreans are actively participating in the system, even agreeing to undergo verification and identification, and mobile applications exceeded the popularity demand dozens of times compared to last year, where NEM occupies a worthy place in popularity and demand.

But cryptocurrency has come to change the world, so there is hardly anything now that can prevent this.

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