How to search a skype contact by number. How to find a person on Skype: top tips

Skype is very useful program to communicate with people via the Internet. It is not difficult to find the right person in it, because a convenient search functionality is available. But if you have mastered the program quite recently, or do not figure out where to find user search in the new interface, we will help you in this article.

On a note! It is important to say that there can be many versions of Skype. But we will consider only the versions for the computer and mobile phone. In any case, the program interface on all devices is approximately the same.

How to find a friend on classic Skype

After that, the application for adding to friends will be sent, it remains only to wait for confirmation, or immediately call and write to this person.

How to find a friend in the updated version of Skype

On a note! In the updated Skype versions and on Windows 8/10, the procedure will be the same, but you need to send a short message so that your interlocutor appears in the contact list. You can also call, then he definitely will not disappear from your friends list.

Where can I find search data?

The right person, you need user data. In this chapter, we will tell you how to find them if you first encountered the Skype interface.

How to find a username

The easiest. Username is your first and last name that you provide when registering. Finding it is not difficult. It is enough to turn your gaze to the upper left side of the screen.

Skype user ID

This is usually the same as your username, the name you enter in the first field, before your login password.

How to find email on Skype profile

In the new version:

In the classic version:

On the phone to Android based Unfortunately, the title cannot be found. Email.

Didn't work and have problems?

Try to clarify the data with your friend, send him a link to our article so that he can find all the missing data. Or dictate your own.

Can't find the search string?

Yes, it's barely noticeable. On phones and tablets, it is usually located on top.

Search results not showing up?

You may have been given incorrect information. Or you have the search string configured incorrectly.

That's all. Now you can easily find any user on Skype and talk, chat anywhere in the world where the Internet is available.

Video - How to find a person on Skype

The first thing to do after registering with Skype- this is to replenish your contact list, because you installed the messenger and registered in it, most likely, just for communication. How to find a person on Skype by phone number? The question is ambiguous, since latest versions there is no such possibility in the program, basically the search is carried out by first and last name, or by login, if the person has one.

However, searching in Skype by phone number is still possible - if you use this data as clarifying information.


As we have already said, in older versions, in order to find a person by mobile phone number in Skype, you just had to enter the necessary numbers in the search bar, and the system itself produced the results. Now such an attempt is unlikely to lead to anything, you will have to look for workarounds:

    • You probably know the name of the friend you need to contact. If so, half the job is done!
    • Write his first and last name in the search bar.

    • Of course, you will have many options, unless, of course, your parents named your friend somehow especially rarely.
    • To find a Skype user by phone number, you need to remember that when registering, this data is now indicated as a login

    • We can look at the subscriber's login like this: click on any name that appears in the search, right-click and select the "Personal information" line. It is here that you can peep the numbers you are looking for that are not displayed in the search bar. Additionally: .

  • Note - there is a possibility that the subscriber will indicate an email address as a login or hide personal information, but you can try.

Congratulations! Now you can chat with your friends - call, write messages to them and.

Of course, finding a contact on Skype by phone number is not as easy as, for example, by login. By the way, in our other article it is told in other ways.

What should I do to find a person on Skype? Just write his first and last name in the search? And if there are thousands of Ivanov Mikhailov, for example? Initially, people registered by username (login) and told it to their friends. In the current realities, this is very inconvenient, so you can search for a person not only by nickname.

Communication may not take place if all the information you know about a person is his full name. But you can know his phone number, or the city where he lives. Unfortunately, the latest versions of the software cannot be found by phone number, but you can only add it as a contact for further paid calls. But the city is just the information that can help in the search.

1. Find by full name

The simplest thing that comes to mind is to try to find the right person by name and surname. To do this, click on the word "Search" in the upper left corner of the program window and write desired name, and press the button " Skype search».

We see a number of people with that name, with a photo (if any), with the name of the city, region and country of residence that the user indicated in his profile. If you see among them the person you were looking for, click on him and in the right part of the window you will see the options that you have - call the person, write, add to the contact list.

If you can't find it this way, try one of the following options.

2. Search by username

Search for friends by login is the easiest and reliable way, because the login is unique and there cannot be another person with such a login. Here you need only one thing - carefully write down the user's name and write it in the search similarly to the search by full name. The search will return all people whose login uses the combination of letters and numbers that you entered. If you only know part of the login, this will help you find the right user. If you have entered a full exact login, the person you need will be the first in the list.

3. Find by place of residence and full name

What to do if the list of people with the required full name is large or you cannot understand who is the one you need? Without knowing his login, you can try to add information to the search, for example, search by city and name.

To do this, write your full name and city, separated by a space in the search bar. Skype will issue people from the desired city.

4. Find by e-mail

It often happens that you need to contact a person at work and you know his e-mail. You can use an email search. In the order of actions, such a search is similar to the rest - we write e-mail in the search bar and press the button. However, such a search will most likely not be successful, since information by user's mail is confidential in the understanding of the program developers, respectively, the application will not give you the right person. But if that's all you know about him, try anyway.

5. How to find interesting people

And if you just want to chat, learn something new? How to find friends on Skype? Unfortunately, this application does not provide a search interesting people or recommendations for you, like in social networks. It's still a program more like a phone than a dating site. But with due perseverance, you can find people, for example, from your city with a certain name. Just enter in the search who you want to find and write to this person. It’s not a fact that a person wants to communicate with you, but what if?

Please note that if you have found a person, but there is no call or video call icon, this may mean that the person has limited communication with people outside their contact list. In this case, best solution will press the button Add to contact list"and write a message when adding who you are and what you want from a person, and press the button" Send».

Oddly enough, but many avid users of the application still do not know how to find a person on Skype by login or name, city, mobile number etc. Most likely, this is a global laziness to delve into the interface or friends were added themselves as they communicated, in general, let's say one thing, this is such a banal thing that everyone should know it. There are situations when we urgently need to find some important contact, and we don't even know which button to press. Therefore, we recommend that you read our detailed instructions and find out:

  • How to find a person in Skype by login.
  • How to find a person on Skype by city and name.
  • How to find a person by mobile phone number.

How to find friends on Skype

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. In the main window, under your photo, there is a special contact search field where you can enter any data. The word "any" means the login, name, phone number or place of residence of this person. Also in Skype you can find and add to the list of friends from the popular social network Facebook. There is a separate button for this. And now about everything in order ...

How to find a person on Skype by login

The most win-win option would be to enter your login into the search, if you know it. When registering, the user is assigned a unique nickname, by which he can be found not only in the program, but also through the search resources of the browser. How to find a person in Skype by login is shown in the screenshot. To get started, open the application, enter the username in the search and click on the " Skype search».

Select the appropriate person from the list from the photo. If you click on a user, his profile will be displayed and more detailed information, for example the city where he lives and the real login. When you find the right person, then click on the button " Add to contact list” and the application will send him a confirmation request.

How to find a person on Skype by city and name

To do this, you need to act in exactly the same way as described above. We enter the name and city in the search form, it is advisable to write the last name, since there may be several thousand people with that name. Next, select the desired contact from the list and add it to your list.

How to find a person by mobile phone number

Let's say right away that you can only find a user by phone number from your contact list. To do this, enter in the search bar telephone number with a country code, for example, for Russia +7. The system will notify you that you have no friends with this number. Press " Save phone number».

When entering, in the drop-down list, click on the desired contact and confirm with the button " Add number". You can now make Skype calls to mobile phone user for a small fee.

How to add Facebook friends to Skype

And in conclusion, a few words about the excellent service - adding friends to the list of contacts from the most popular social network. On the home page, click on the button « Search for friends from Facebook».

After a minute, a list of friends will appear in the next window. You can add them to your contacts by clicking on the user's nickname.

Then click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen.

We are looking for a person on Skype by name, surname, phone number, city and country. Adding a person as a friend. Let's find out why sometimes there are problems with finding people.

How to find a contact on Skype? Many users ask this question. Let's discuss how to find new contact on Skype. It's very simple. But first of all, it should be said that if the program does not find contacts, then you need to update it. Thus, the problem will be solved. Also, if the application does not search for people's contacts, the problem may be that the account has not been online for more than three days. In this case, it will not appear in the search results. So, how to search for contacts?

However, as you can see, just a name is not enough, as it will be very difficult to go to the right person in this big list.

How to find a person on Skype by first and last name? You just need to enter this data in the window.

Finding a person by last name in the new Skype is easy. We enter the last name in the window and immediately see the result.

Now all that remains is to wait for the user to confirm that you are his friend.

And here is a video tutorial on how to find friends on Skype.

So, we figured out how to search for people on Skype. So you can find your old acquaintances, friends, colleagues. But not everyone wants to look for acquaintances - many want to make new acquaintances. Sometimes it's good to expand your social circle. Especially for those who are often online and love to chat.

Search by phone number

Let's look at how to find a person on Skype by phone number.

In fact, in the new version of the program, this, unfortunately, cannot be done.

If the digits of the number are not present in the login or email address, then it is unlikely that you will be able to find someone.

However, try searching by phone number in search engines like Yandex and Google. Perhaps in the contacts, where the phone number will be indicated, there will also be a Skype login, the first or last name by which you can reach the desired acquaintance.

If you enter a phone number in the search box, you are unlikely to find someone.

Not the fact that the right person will be found, but you can try. In the old version of Skype, there was a special search by phone number, where you could find a person with a higher probability.

Search by city

How to find a person on Skype by city that is known? This is also a problem in the new version. Try to search the Internet using search engines for known data - Skype search data - first and last name, Skype username or email address.

Search by country

To find a person by country, try the algorithm already described above. Search for contact information through search engines.

Search problems

But some users have unforeseen problems. For example, people cannot understand why contacts are not being searched.

This is most likely due to the fact that an old version of the program is installed. Therefore, if you understand: I can not find a person, you should install new version. This has already been discussed before. How to recognize a Skype person when the search does not work? That's right, no way. Therefore, you need to act if you want to find the "address" of the desired acquaintance. Moreover, the problem is solved very easily.

Many are interested in whether there is an advanced search in Skype. People want to use just such a search, because it is very convenient. So that you can search in Skype for the city, for example. The bitter truth is that today it is available only in the old version of the program. In the new one, advanced search is not provided. But you need to be glad that there is at least such a search for people in Skype. Finding a person is more difficult, of course, but still possible. Such user search Skype is better than nothing. But if you have previously used old version, then it will probably be difficult for you to get used to such inconveniences. One can only guess why the developers made such a search for subscribers. And if there are still some problems with him, then it becomes generally insulting. For example, search results may not load. But we have already considered why people search does not work in Skype. You already know what to do in this situation. It will not be superfluous to note that there is a program for finding contacts in Skype. It is called VKSkypes. It is very easy to use, you can try it.

Who is online?

How to find people online in Skype? You just need to look into your contacts and see who has a green icon opposite the name. It means that the person online.

You can also use the service, which helps you search for users online ( Find online Skype users) worldwide. Also using this service you can find new friends on skype.

Now you know how to find people on Skype who are online. It's not difficult at all. But the main thing is that you learned how to find people in Skype and add them as friends. Whether they are online or not is not so important. You can find a user, add him, and chat with him later when he comes. The person may be busy.


Try to find the address of your old friend who you haven't talked to for a long time. Perhaps he is also looking for you, but cannot find you. In general, Skype exchange is a good thing. It just needs to be done ahead of time.

Want to see friends of friends? Be aware that Skype does not have this option. Only with cunning and workarounds can you get this information.

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