An unexpected error occurred while installing Windows. Solving the problem: “The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error

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The essence of the problem: When installing Windows 7 at the last stage (after an error occurs, after the blue screen or after an emergency shutdown), the computer reboots cyclically and the following message is displayed:

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot continue. To install Windows, click OK to restart your computer, and then restart the installation.

in English:

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows click OK to restart the computer and then restart the installation.

Solution to the problem:

When this error appears, press the Shift + F10 keys on the keyboard, the command line will open, enter the regedit command, thus launching the registry editor. We are looking for the section HKLM\System\Setup\Status\ChildCompletion. There is a key in the section called setup.exe. If the key is assigned the value 1, then double-click it and change it to 3. Then close the registry editor and restart the computer

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If you have the problem “The computer restarted unexpectedly... (The computer restarted unexpectedly...)”, then you can solve it by reading this article.

I had a problem with an unexpected reboot and I couldn’t solve it for about a week and didn’t understand what was going on, because it was the first time I’d seen this. And I tried different methods. The described method helped me, but temporarily, after 2-3 reboots of Windows or installing some Windows drivers no longer loaded with an error.

I tried different ones Windows versions, formatted my SSD drive via LiveCD, via Paragon. I did both quick and full formatting, which takes much longer than the quick one that can be done when installing Windows. Recorded bootable flash drives different, tried a bunch of options, but nothing helped - after a couple of reboots, Windows would no longer boot.

To solve the problem of unexpected reboot, when this error occurs, press Shift + F10(press Shift key and press F10) to open Windows console. Further type regedit and press Enter to open Registry Editor.

Next you need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > Setup > Status > ChildCompletion. To open the folder structure, double-click first on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, then twice on SYSTEM, then twice on Setup.

There will be a setup.exe parameter and a value of 1 in hexadecimal.

Instead of 1, put the number 3 and click OK.

After a couple of minutes or ten minutes, Windows will install and you can continue or start working.

Why does the error “The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot continue. To install Windows, click OK to restart your computer, and then restart the installation."

In the end I understood the problem. , and later. After SSD installation There were no big problems with the disk, although they always appear on my laptop, but I solve them. But after changing the RAM, an unsolvable problem appeared for about a week and no internet advice helped.

I decided to act: I took out my old 2 sticks of RAM and installed a new one. The computer worked, the memory test was normal, I tested the memory for about 2 hours and no errors. But having removed the new RAM and installed old problem decided. I was even able to enable AHCI mode for the SSD drive and install all versions of Windows.

Therefore, if you have a problem installing Windows and receive the error “the computer rebooted unexpectedly...”, remember what you recently changed in your computer and remove it by returning the old one.

I will still order more RAM, but now I will only buy Samsung, just like I have an SSD drive Samsung and a Samsung laptop. Before that, I checked the RAM and it should have been suitable for the voltage of 1.5 Volts and the megahertz and volume supported by my motherboard. But in the end, after a long search for a solution, the problem turned out to be exactly that. It is not compatible with my laptop for some unknown reason.

But as I recently looked at the intel website again and in aida program 64, it turns out my laptop supports a maximum of 1066 MHz, but for some reason it seemed to me earlier that it supports 1600 MHz. This is exactly what I think was my mistake. There was an incompatibility in the MegaHertz memory.

Here is a video on this topic.

One of the most alarming and unpleasant signals for any user is the appearance on the screen of a system message that the computer has unexpectedly rebooted or an unexpected error has occurred. Naturally, a spontaneous restart can frighten anyone. The saddest thing is that such an error can appear in completely different situations and indicate both conflicts in the software environment and possible problems with hardware. Next, we will consider the most typical situations in which this failure occurs, as well as the simplest methods for eliminating problems that arise.

The computer rebooted unexpectedly or an unexpected error occurred: possible reasons for the failure

As for the occurrence of problematic situations, there can be quite a lot of them. For some reason, it is believed that in most cases the appearance of a notification that the computer has unexpectedly rebooted or an unexpected error has occurred is associated solely with the computer hardware. This is not always the case, although it could be the root cause. Even when installing drivers or other software, the possibility of such a failure cannot be ruled out.

But among the main situations, several of the most common ones can be identified:

  • exposure to viruses in a running system;
  • clean installation or reinstallation of the OS;
  • mismatch between drivers or installed programs and hardware;
  • performance problems hard drives and planks random access memory.

The impact of viruses and methods of neutralizing them if the system cannot be loaded

It goes without saying that a viral effect on the OS cannot be ruled out. Many modern threats capable of disabling any system. For example, you can even find those that focus the maximum light power at one point on the monitor, which is why it simply burns out. But this is just an example.

If the failure is really related to viruses, and it is not possible to restart the computer in normal mode or with a safe start (the error appears again), the user has no choice but to check the system for possible threats exclusively using boot utilities like Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Such programs are recorded on removable media(optical discs, USB devices), have their own boot records to start even before Windows boot and can find deeply hidden threats not only on hard drives, but also in RAM. After starting from such a disk, in order to identify all possible threats, it is better to set not the standard scan offered in the default settings, but to select all logical partitions and boot records using deep scanning.

Installing or reinstalling the system

Perhaps the most common situation is when a failure manifests itself at the system installation stage. In this case, a message is also displayed stating that the computer rebooted unexpectedly or an unexpected error occurred. Few people know how to fix this problem. The situation is aggravated by another unpleasant factor. The fact is that you can restart the computer, but in most cases the error occurs again, and during subsequent restarts it goes in cycles.

The saddest thing is that no means help, except one. When a failure message appears on the screen, the first thing you need to do is call the command console using the combination Shift + F10 and enter the call string in it registry editor(regedit).

In the registry, in the HKLM branch, through the system directory, installation and status folders, get to the ChildCompletion section, in which the setup.exe key will be shown on the right. Either through RMB or by double-clicking, you should enter the parameter editing and change its value from one to three, confirm the actions by pressing the OK button and restart Windows installation after restarting the computer or laptop. Usually after this the problem disappears.

Possible Windows errors during the installation of drivers or user programs. What to do?

Unfortunately, a failure with a notification that the computer has unexpectedly rebooted or an unexpected error has occurred can also manifest itself in a running system, when the user independently installed drivers for some devices that are not suitable for them, or software, incompatible with either the system or the hardware. The problem, although unpleasant, is solvable.

If a normal restart does not eliminate the error, you can try to restart the computer and roll back by selecting from the start menu called up by pressing the F8 key, loading the last known successful configuration, or try to start in safe mode, and then remove faulty drivers or programs that were installed recently and caused malfunctions in the OS.

RAM conflict issues

An equally common problem is malfunctioning RAM strips. In particular, this applies to replacing them or increasing existing RAM by installing additional sticks.

In this case, you will have to remove each strip one by one and reboot the system. If a problematic strip is identified (when the system boots in normal mode), it will need to be replaced. Particular attention should be paid to specifications memory and motherboard. This applies to supported volume, voltage and operating frequency. In other words, in a motherboard slot designed for 2 GB, 4 GB of RAM will not work. The same applies to installing memory with support for 1600 MHz in a slot oriented only at 1066 MHz. Well, it goes without saying that the operating voltage should be taken into account.

Problems with SSD drives

Finally, the most unpleasant situation concerns SSD hard drives. For some reason, it is on them that such a glitch appears most often. Of course, at the system installation stage, you can try to delete all logical partitions or perform a full format hard drive, but, as practice shows, in most cases such actions do not give the desired effect.

One solution could be to switch the operating mode when installing the system to IDE (this is a prerequisite), and use AHCI in a running system. These settings can be changed directly in the primary BIOS/UEFI I/O system.

Brief summary

If we draw a line under all of the above, we can note the fact that in most cases the error appears at the stage of system installation. Other situations are not so common. If we talk specifically about RAM and hard drives, it is better to select equipment of the same brand, for example, install it on Samsung laptops both the hard drive and memory are only from this manufacturer. In this case, the occurrence of conflicts is eliminated almost one hundred percent.


When working with a PC, users often notice that The computer restarted unexpectedly or an unexpected error occurred . Such an error can make anyone panic: unsaved data, loss important information, loss of time and money for unplanned repairs. Most often, such a window appears when reinstalling the operating system, instilling anxiety in us. But don’t rush to panic, below we will tell you what needs to be done in such situations.

Finding out the cause

First you need to determine why this error appears. The answer to this question will make your task at least half easier. Here are the most common reasons and situations in which an error appears on the PC screen or it reboots on its own:

Reinstalling the operating system

Most often, sudden reboot and error pop-up occurs when reinstalling the system. There are quite a few reasons for this PC behavior. However, solving them will require skills in working with the registry. If you don't have such skills, it's too early to get upset. Perhaps the matter is completely different. If you are not afraid to enter the registry, when you reboot or see an error displayed on the screen, click Shift + F10. IN command line that appears on the screen, write regedit. Find the parameter setup.exe by the address HKLM-System-…, change the key value to

Rebuilding the hard drive

If the method of entering the registry does not solve the problem, use the following method: Delete and re-create the partition on the hard drive on which the operating system was located. This will require special programs and utilities, or the installer itself Windows(disk or flash drive with OS).

The easiest way to solve the problem of reboots and errors is to use the installer. Click " Disk setup" in the installation window during the installation process. In the window that appears, you can begin to recreate it. Clicking the " Delete partition" will lead, accordingly, to deleting the section. Button " Create a section» will add a new cell. The main thing is to select the necessary parameters and enter the required volume. Next, save the changes and continue the installation. The problems in question should disappear.

Replacing the hard drive

However, there are situations in which problems with hard drive It can't be solved that easily. An unpleasant signal can be a pop-up unexpected errorSSD or sudden computer reboots. This is a particularly unpleasant signal for users who have already tried to troubleshoot problems using the above methods.

All this can also happen due to a failure of the hard drive installed in your computer. Moreover, it will most likely not even be possible to repair the disk. The problem will be solved by completely replacing the faulty unit with a new one. This method is not the easiest, but effective. After replacing, change again to 3 parameter setup.exe, as described above. This method, will help you avoid unnecessary problems associated with reinstalling the OS.

Problematic applications

While working with the installed operating system Windows system? There may be several options for solving the problem. You still shouldn’t rely on them 100% if you don’t have at least basic knowledge of computer diagnostics. We have already talked about errors associated with the installation of utilities, dubious games and programs. We advise you to delete everything installed programs, which could cause errors and reboots. This can be done standard means OS, opening in " Control panels" chapter " Installation and removal of programms».

In most cases, this will solve the problem. You can also use standard features Windows to perform a system rollback. A few minutes and your problem will be solved. However, it is better to say goodbye to dubious applications.

Attack of evil viruses

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error is a problem that requires a timely response. Perhaps this is a consequence of the attack harmful viruses. First, try to deal with the problem by scanning your computer with an antivirus.

On our website you can find an article about .

If it doesn't help, roll back the system. It is advisable not to delay this in order to avoid infection of all sections of the system. The registry needs to be cleaned. As a last resort - reinstall operating system . If in any doubt, use the services of specialists. They will return your computer to life, its previous performance, and fix problems quickly and without unnecessary loss of your nerves and information.

Actually, that's all, now you know what to do if The computer restarted unexpectedly or an unexpected error occurred. Enjoy and, more importantly, stable PC use!
