How to change your skype username. Changing the login in the program in Skype

Hello friends. Today, I want to tell you about how to change your Skype login and whether it is possible to carry out this procedure at all. In fact, the need to change the login occurs very often among users, mainly due to the haste when registering a new Skype account (when a person enters any free login, and then he does not like it), or because of the annoyingness of his already boring login . In any of the above cases, It is impossible to change the login in Skype!!! Unfortunately, this procedure is not provided by the developers of this service. But, this does not mean that I will not help you at least partially solve this problem. There are still some tricks and now, I'll tell you about them.

How to change your Skype username on PC

To begin with, let's consider the option of automatically authorizing your account in Skype when it starts. In this case, we will not need to constantly enter a bored login.

That's it, now when you start the program, you do not need to constantly enter an annoying username and password.

If you didn’t see such a window when you started Skype and authorization was automatic, then you don’t need to change anything.

Change the display name

Very often there are situations when Skype users may have the same login with the display name.

Because of this, they want to change their username, not knowing that they can simply change their display name and other users will find you by it. How to change the display name, I described in detail in this.

Important! Users who are in your contacts can set any display name for your account, but only in their program (for example, my set name in Skype is Alexander Melnichuk, and for the user, I will be displayed as Sanya or Consultant on Sape, this is at his request). This is done for the convenience of each user of the service.

If these tips are not enough for you, and you intend to get a completely new login in the system, then you will have to go through the procedure. This will entail deleting all contacts that you previously had, as well as the entire history of correspondence with them. Also, if you had previously paid invoices on the old account, it will not be possible to transfer them to the new one. Therefore, think again about the appropriateness of this action.

If the decision to register a new account is made, I advise you to transfer existing contacts to new account(naturally, if you need it), in order not to look for them, then manually and add each of them.

To carry out this procedure, launch Skype and the top horizontal menu select Contacts - Advanced - Make backup contact list.

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Do not attach special significance creating a beautiful and easy-to-remember login. Especially in public data and contact lists, it is visible as an account name. As a result, there is a desire to change the Skype login to a more original one, but unfortunately it is impossible to do this, since the developers have excluded this type of settings for security purposes.

The only option to change your Skype login is to create a new account, but if you want users to see your nickname or name instead of your login, then follow detailed instructions on screenshots.

Instructions - how to change the login in Skype

Step 1. Open the application on your computer and select the " Tools". In the list of options, click on " Settings».

Step 2. In the settings window, click on " Include contact details in your dossier».

Step 4. The system will "transfer" you to the official Skype website, where you need to log in - enter your username and password.

Step 5. After entering the service, in the upper right corner, go to the section " My Account ».

Step 6. In the options and settings at the bottom of the page, select the command " edit personal data».

Step 7. Now in the personal information editor, click on the item " Add name" or " Add last name».

Step 8. Now you need to enter your initials or the desired two-word nickname (instead of the first and last name). You must also fill in the fields Add language" and " Add country". To do this, click on the arrow and select the required data from the proposed list.

If you want to change your Skype login, then we have to disappoint you - this parameter cannot be edited. As you remember, when registering, you were asked to choose an interesting name that will always be displayed in your account, it is by it that friends identify you and new users can find you. Accordingly, deleting it may cause your profile and the entire system to work incorrectly, so Microsoft developers have ruled out such a possibility that all users thoughtfully invent and choose a login!

The very first and easiest option is to delete your account and create a new one. It should be noted right away that it is impossible to completely erase an account. You may not enter it. for a long time and only after that it will disappear in search engine, but get out of address books your friends will be impossible.

We propose to consider another, less drastic way to change the user's display name.

How to change your Skype username without deleting your account?

After registration, the user receives two nicknames: name and login. The latter is used in two cases: when you need to log in to the program and when another user wants to find you and add you to his contact list.

The default display name will be exactly the same as the login, and you can change it! This nickname is displayed in the contact list, when chatting with friends, as well as video conferences. To change it, you should open Skype / Personal data / Edit.

In a new window that will appear on the screen, you can change the name by clicking on it.

It should be noted that your friends can independently sign you with any names and nicknames (naturally, only in their profile). What nickname will be assigned to you is almost impossible to find out, unless you ask your interlocutor about it.

Login and password for Skype are set at the stage of account registration. In the future, they are responsible for logging into the account. Therefore, it is important to initially correctly set this data. But in some situations, it becomes necessary to change the login in Skype. In this case, this guide will help.

Skype program is the property of Microsoft, so it has tight integration with other services of the corporation. It also has a single account. In this regard, there is an easy way to change your Skype login. If you want to implement it, you need to link your account to a Microsoft account. Then to enter it will be enough to enter email and password.

You can make the association on the site. There you need to log into your Skype account and agree to upgrade it. Then just follow the instructions and complete the procedure. You can now use your Microsoft account to sign in.

There are no other ways to change your Skype username. Can contact technical support with this question, but they are unlikely to help you. You can only edit the password. Accordingly, to set up a new login, you will need to register another account. But it should be borne in mind that you will have to transfer all contacts from the old account to the new one, but this will not work with correspondence. It is also impossible to transfer money from one account to another, they must first be spent.

Before creating a new account, you must log out of the old one. To do this, open the program, click on the Skype item in the toolbar and select "Exit ...". Then an authorization window will appear. And there you can already create a new account by specifying the desired username and password. Registration procedure Pretty simple, just follow the directions.

If the previous option does not suit you, then there is an alternative possibility. It is easy to change the display name in the program. It is located just below the toolbar in Skype. In this case, the login will remain the same, but you will be shown differently to other users in the contact list and search.

Previously, the name could be changed in the program itself, but in latest versions Skype removed this feature. Now you can edit the data only on the site. To open the desired page, run the program, select Skype, and in the pop-up list, click on "My account ...". The page will open in a browser.

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