How to crimp an internet cable with a screwdriver. How to crimp a network cable without a tool (screwdriver)

Despite the apparent simplicity of the question and the availability of the necessary information on the network, it may be difficult to crimp a twisted pair cable, especially for those whose professional activities are not related to the installation local networks. In this collection, we have tried to collect all the information that reveals as much as possible this topic, ranging from the required tool to various crimping patterns.

What is needed for crimping?

When choosing a crimper, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The instrument must be large enough. Light pliers, as a rule, do not have sufficient strength and quickly fail. On the other hand, a heavy tool will cause rapid fatigue.
  2. Tong press halves should not be curved (shifted) relative to each other. The slightest displacement leads to breakage of the connector during crimping.
  3. Ergonomics, the tool must be comfortable.

The advantage of this tool is that when removing the outer insulation, the coating of the wires is not damaged. Please note that the stripper is not allowed to cut the FTP cable (having a foil screen, that is, shielded).

As a rule, simple models with a minimum set of functions consist of two blocks: main and remote, the accepted designation in English is master and remote, respectively. Each block has LEDs numbered 1 to 8 and a ground wire G.

Testing is done as follows:

  • The tested cable is connected to the main and remote module.
  • If the conductor is intact, the corresponding indicator lights up green, if there is a break, the LEDs do not light up, in the event that the pairs are reversed or there is a short circuit, red is displayed. Some devices, in addition to the light indication, can also give tone signals.
  • Cross crimp tool, used when connecting sockets, patch panels, etc. It is not used for crimping the cable, we brought it because it is included in standard kits for cutting twisted pair.

Actually, universal pliers will be enough for crimping, but it is more convenient to strip the insulation with a stripper, and use a tester to test the correct wiring.

On the Internet, you can find a description of how to crimp connectors with a flat screwdriver. This is indeed possible as a last resort when the crimper is not available. The quality of such a connection will be unreliable, therefore, at the first opportunity, it is necessary to pinch the cable using pliers.

Crimping sequence 8 core twisted pair + schematic

There are two standards for crimping 8-wire twisted pair: T568A and T568B. Below is the accepted pinout for these standards.

Now let's move on to the UTP cable crimping process. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Crimping with a screwdriver

We will briefly talk about this method, although we do not recommend using it, but if there is no tool, then this option may be the only alternative. If we take the above described instructions as a basis, then it will be changed only in the fourth paragraph. With a flat screwdriver, we press the knives in the connector (8 pieces).

Then we clamp the plastic tongue that fixes the cable. We recommend preparing several connectors for this process, as practice shows, without having the experience of breaking a connector in the process of “barbaric” crimping, it’s elementary.

Twisted pair for 4 cores: crimping rules + diagram

A twisted pair of 8 cores is used for a gigabit network, if a 100 Mbps LAN is planned, then 4 cores will be enough. In the connector in such cases, contacts "1", "2", "3", "6" are used. Three possible pinout options for a 4-wire twisted pair are shown below.

Crimping and cutting is carried out according to the same principle as for a 4-pair cable.

Straight and cross crimp

Now let's move on to crimping options. They are of two types:

  1. Straight, that is, both ends of the twisted pair are crimped according to the same standard.
  2. Cross, in this case, one of the ends is crimped according to the T568A standard, the second - T568B.

Figure 12. Direct (A) and crossed (B) connection

This specificity is associated with the connection scheme. Actually there are three options:

  1. Router router. In this case, the cross line connects two routers or hubs.
  2. PC-PC. Everything is clear here network cable is used for direct connection two personal computers.
  3. Router-PC. That is, Personal Computer connected to a network node.

Let's take a quick look at the listed connection schemes.

Crimping a twisted pair according to the router-router scheme

With this connection option, it is supposed to use a direct circuit (see A in Fig. 12). But, when using smart nodes in the network topology, this restriction is not necessary to observe. That is, a direct and cross connection scheme is allowed, since the router is able to recognize its type. But, it is considered correct to adhere to the chosen standard for a particular LAN.

Crimping a twisted pair according to the computer-to-computer scheme

A completely different situation arises when connecting a PC to each other. In this case, only a crossover circuit can work - a crossover. This type connection has been demonstrated in Figure 12(B).

Crimping a twisted pair according to the router-computer scheme

This type of connection is usually performed in a straight line. For smart switches (switches), this condition is not necessary, but nevertheless, it is considered “good form” to adhere to this condition.

Summing up

In this collection, we have collected all the necessary information, thanks to which it will not be difficult with our own hands, using the necessary tools, to crimp a twisted pair cable for a particular connection scheme. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, it will not be superfluous to repeat them again:

  1. Crimping must be done in accordance with the color scheme.
  2. It is important to follow the rules for cutting the cable. Recall that the wires should rest against the stop of the channels. The clamp should fix the cable without stripped insulation (see Fig. 8).
  3. The crimping order allows a direct and reverse method, but it is unacceptable to connect a four-wire and two-wire connection scheme.
  4. While smart hubs allow you to combine direct and crossover connections, it is recommended that you stick to one type of standard.
  5. Checking the cable with a tester allows you to quickly detect the problem.
  6. A quality tool guarantees the right result. You can also purchase Chinese tongs, but in this case, the crimp quality and tool life will be on the manufacturer's conscience.

Read articles in the topic on the site:

Good time at fast-walker! Alex is here! I just finished my move; in the new apartment there were not even light bulbs and normal sockets (not to mention the Internet).

So I had a rather long break from work, moving is a rather long and troublesome thing ... In addition, we need the Internet, here we also had to work hard to get it through.

Here you can ask the Internet for a cable of the required length and crimp them yourself. For high-quality and fast work, you need a cable, RJ-45 connectors and a special tool. All this can be purchased at the store, and the tool can be asked from friends.

How to compress an Internet cable by color?

A good cable should be Category 5. It looks like a thick (usually grey) cord with eight copper wires that are intertwined in pairs. This is done in order to dampen interference from the signals of neighboring pairs.

Each wire has its own color marking. It is standard and the first thing you will need to get used to is to arrange them correctly in a row. There are two cable crimping schemes - direct crimping and cross crimping. Personally, I have never used a crossover. Today we will study the direct crimping scheme:

In order to understand how to proceed, keep the following diagram in front of your eyes while you work:

The main difference between direct crimping and cross crimping is that the wires on both connectors are arranged in exactly the same order (from left to right, the connector is turned “tongue” outward):

  • white-orange;
  • Orange;
  • white-green;
  • blue;
  • white-blue;
  • green;
  • white-brown;
  • brown.

A direct scheme is used to connect the router and the computer. Just what you need. All that is left for us is to compress it qualitatively. Read on.

How to crimp an Internet cable?

To do everything well, with minimal time and effort, you still need a special tool. We will need:

We also need the category cable itself, not lower than the fifth, and some stock of RJ-45 connectors (“glasses”), I have a few pieces:

Let's get started. I have already crimped one end of the cord and if you turn the connector with the "tongue" outward, we will see how the wires are located in the connector itself. Straight crimp looks like this:

The first thing we do is cut off the insulation of the Internet cable about three centimeters from the end:

Then you need to unwind the wires according to the scheme (from left to right) yellow-orange, orange, white-green, blue, white-blue, white-brown, brown. This is the most time-consuming and thorough moment in the whole business.

After the wires are selected, they all need to be cut evenly:

We carefully check the correct location of the wires according to the diagram; if you need even more, but so as not to cut off the excess. Then, turning the RJ-45 with the tab outward, insert the wires into the connector until it stops, so as not to disturb their location:

After we pull the wires back out of the connector for testing; make sure the order is not violated.

If any of the wires “popped out”, looks shorter than the others, then we make sure that all the wires become the same length. This is critical!

This is how the “wrong” crimping of the cable looks like, this one will not work:

And this is what the "correct" cable looks like:

If you did well, then CAREFULLY insert again our wires into the connector until it stops. We inspect at the transparent end - do all the ends fit snugly? We take pliers and only now we compress.

The video shows how to use the tools:

To check the finished cable, it is enough to connect it, but if you plan to regularly do this business (at work, away, etc., I recommend purchasing a special device (BNC indicator). It helps a lot and is indispensable when laying local area networks.

They can easily check already laid cables for serviceability; if one of the wires is damaged, you will immediately find it.

How to compress a 4-core Rostelecom cable for the Internet?

Rostelecom pleased me by leaving a certain amount of 4 core cable in reserve. Once upon a time, ADSL connected to 8 cores, fiber optics already to four ... Probably, if there is no difference in speed within the network, then why pay twice as much for copper? So you decided to save on purchases? Okay, let's see what's inside.

There are four copper wires inside instead of eight; white-orange, orange, blue, white-blue. The arrangement of cables by color is already different from what we saw. In such a cord, the pinout is in order (if the connector is turned with the tongue out, from left to right):

  1. white-orange;
  2. Orange;
  3. white-blue;
  4. empty;
  5. empty;
  6. blue;
  7. empty;
  8. empty.

Arranging four wires in a row is much easier and faster than eight. It is critically important to cut the wires evenly, use the cutter again.

It is very easy to insert the wires into their places, first blue, then the other three. Here you can no longer pull out the wires to check, everything is already visible. After making sure that everything is smooth and correct, we crimp the connector with tongs.

How to crimp an internet cable without a tool

Have you already made sure that crimping is a rather painstaking and thorough process? The tool is designed to save time and ensure a decent quality of work. If there is no way to get or ask for a tool, you can think of something ...

The quality is not guaranteed, a significant part of the “glasses” must be kept in reserve, since the first attempt to compress even with a tool does not always work out. In the picture below, the new "glass"

I recommend using a 4 core cable, it will be easier with it. How will we act? We need to ensure that the sharp contacts inside the connector pierce the wire insulation, dig into it and make contact with the copper wire at three points:

The pliers push the contacts deep into about a millimeter and a half:

For even cutting of wires, you can pick up sharp side cutters with a long edge so that the wires are bitten off evenly and all at once. We still need to come up with some kind of adaptation that could correctly push the necessary contacts.

It can be a needle or thin steel tweezers. The connector with inserted wires must be securely and firmly fixed - for example, in small vices. Lastly, we push the place on the connector where the gray insulation begins with a screwdriver so that the cable does not pop out. Will have to move…

For comfortable work, it is recommended to have magnifying glasses, since the RJ-45 contacts are miniature. With a short sharp pressure, they can break, bend if the force is not directed correctly. As you can see, you can’t do without tools at all ... But, theoretically, everything can work out if you do everything slowly, even if not on the first try! Good luck!

Despite the development wireless technologies data transmission, the classic wired network does not lose its relevance - largely due to its stability and high speed. In the process of creating such a network, it may be necessary to properly crimp the RJ-45 cables. How to do it - in this article.

  • actually, the cable itself, and the fifth category. The most common type, so with a high degree of probability you have just that - there would be eight veins;

  • crimper. A special tool that looks like ordinary pliers. Needed to secure the connectors at the ends of the cable, or simply - for crimping;

    Note! The crimper is expensive, and if you need to crimp, you can do without it - a regular kitchen knife and a flat-head screwdriver.

  • two RJ-45 connectors. We need two - one for each end of the wire, but it is still recommended to take four. The product is cheap, and in case something goes wrong, there is always a fallback option;

  • stripper. Tool for stripping protective insulation from wires. Not so much needed, since most crimpers have the right blade. If there is no such tool, it is quite possible to live;

  • cable tester. A useful thing that rarely anyone has, is expensive and very few are sold anywhere. Usually, the wire after crimping is checked by connecting to a switch or computer, that is, to the place where it is intended. But this method has serious drawbacks: it is not always possible to identify a malfunction, and it is not clear where to look for it. The tester also shows in which wire there is an open or short circuit. Comfortable.

Decide on a goal

For what purpose do you need the cable that you are going to crimp? In general, a lot depends on the answer to this question: there are several standards for the location of twisted-pair cores in the connector, and each of the types implies use only in certain situations.

So let's look at these types:

  • straight cable - usually such cables connect the computer to a switching device, for example, a router or a switch. One of the most common types of cable;
  • a crossover cable, also commonly called a crossover, is a different type of twisted-pair crimping, used mainly to create computer-to-computer wired networks without the use of routers.

Each of these standards has its subspecies. So, a direct connection has two standards: T568A and T568B (see figure). Here are the crimping schemes for both standards, however, it should be remembered that it is the second that is most common.

With a crossover cable, everything is somewhat simpler - it is not divided into subspecies, its only crimping scheme is as follows.

Note! Thus, there are a total of three twisted-pair cable crimping options. If you have decided which one you need to use in your particular case, then we proceed to the next stage of our work - to the crimp itself.

Crimping the cable

First of all, make sure that your crimper has blades for cutting and stripping the cable. If there are none, stock up on a stripper or at least a clerical knife:

  1. Cut the wire near its end. The cut must be perpendicular. Pay attention to the fact that all eight strands of the wire are the same length - otherwise there is a risk of making a non-working cable.

  2. Now step back about two centimeters from the end and, using a special (or not very) tool, cut off the outer insulation so that the cores are released and can move freely in space. Don't overdo it!

  3. Try plugging the wires into the connector. If the outer insulation does not reach the connector, the cores should be shortened somewhat: such a design may lead to chafing of the cable in the future.

    Note! Stripping the veins themselves, contrary to popular belief, is absolutely not necessary. It is much more necessary to take care that their length along the entire connector is uniform.

  4. Distribute the sequence of strands in the connector as the connection standard of your choice implies.

  5. Now place the connector in the crimper, in the hole labeled "8P". Start squeezing the crimper handles until you hear a distinctive click.

  6. After that, you should remove the cable and check the strength of the resulting connection. To do this, simply grab the connector and the cable itself and pull in different directions. Doesn't fly? Did the wires get mixed up during the crimping process? Then you can move on to the other end of your cable. Repeat all the above steps.

It differs a little: you also need to strip the outer insulation, place the cores in the connector and crimp them. However, for crimping, we will not use a crimper (because we don’t have one), but an ordinary thin flat screwdriver or a kitchen knife. Place the slot of the screwdriver on the metal pad of the outer contacts of the connector and gently, without much effort, start pushing the contact pad inward. And so with each of the eight lived.

This method is somewhat longer, but in an emergency it is quite suitable.

Checking the crimped cable

So, now that we have both ends of the cable crimped, it's time to check our creation for performance. For this:

When you finally achieve a successful connection, you can safely use the resulting wire for its intended purpose. Ready!

Video - How to crimp a twisted-pair Internet cable

Twisted pair crimp circuit. What is it and what is it eaten with?

twisted pair is special cable, consisting of four pairs of copper wires twisted together.

Thanks to this design, it is possible to significantly reduce the impact of any kind of interference.

Cables are widely used in – this way transmission and receipt of information deservedly remains the most reliable, fast and convenient.

twisted pair crimping

Twisted pair crimping refers to the procedure for securing special connectors located at the end of the cord.

Connectors are usually 8-pin 8P8C connectors, known to most of us under the name RJ-45. Connectors can be of two types:

  • unshielded - designed for UTP wire;
  • shielded - for cables or STP.

The choice of connector should be taken very carefully, some of them are used only by professionals, because their installation requires knowledge, experience and skill.

Note! It is better not to buy connectors with an insert - their purpose is designed specifically for soft and, in particular, stranded wires, and it is very inconvenient to use them to fix a solid copper cable.

It is easy to figure out the connector on your own, its design is quite simple and understandable - inside the device there are 8 recesses-grooves (for each copper core of the cord), at the top of which there are metal contacts.

To correctly determine the numbering of the contacts, you need to turn the connector so that the contacts are located at the top, with the latch towards you.

In this case, the input connector will be opposite. In this position, contact No. 1 will be on the right, and No. 8, respectively, on the left.

The numbering is important information, during the crimping procedure.

Therefore, be sure to remember how to correctly determine, this will help to properly fix the wire and establish a connection.

There are a couple of distribution schemes: EIA/TIA-568A and EIA/TIA-568B. The difference between the schemes lies in the location of the cores.

Since all four pairs of cores twisted inside the cord are insulated different color, then everyone can repeat the connection scheme on their own.

Important! We always start laying from the first contact to the eighth.

The color arrangement of the cores in the scheme 568A:

  1. white-green;
  2. green;
  3. white-orange;
  4. blue;
  5. white-blue;
  6. Orange;
  7. white-brown;
  8. brown.

Twisted pair crimp circuit 568A is used to connect computers to each other when creating a local network.

The color arrangement of the cores in the 568V scheme:

  1. white-orange;
  2. Orange;
  3. white-green;
  4. blue;
  5. white-blue;
  6. green;
  7. white-brown;
  8. brown.

This table is useful if you need to establish a connection between the router and the computer.

Crimping methods

Network wires designed to connect computers and different types of network equipment to each other use two cable crimping options - crossover and straight.

Direct crimping of the cord is used in the manufacture of a cable that will serve to connect different types network equipment and client devices to a computer, as well as for connecting network equipment to each other.

This crimping method is the most common and frequently used.

The cross crimping method is used in the manufacture of wire intended for interconnection.

At the same time, additional equipment is not involved in the switching.

Less often, a cross cord is used, combining the old ones into a network through up-link type ports.

For the manufacture of a direct view, you can use any crimping scheme, the main condition is that both ends of the cable are crimped identically.

Most often, when creating a direct power cord, the 568V circuit is used.

Sometimes, to make a straight type, you can use not four twisted pairs, but only two.

Using such a cable, you can connect two pieces of computer equipment to the network.

This method of twisted pair crimping in RJ-45 is used if there is no high local traffic in the plans, the data exchange rate will be equal to 100 Mbps.

For example, an rj45 pinout diagram is shown, in which green and orange are involved. For another type of crimp, brown replaces orange and blue replaces green.

But the instructions for connecting contacts remain unchanged.

If you need to make a crossover cable, one end is 568A, and the other is 568B.

In the manufacture of such a cable, all eight copper cores are certainly involved.

If you need to make a crossover that will provide data exchange rates between computers up to 1000 Mbps, use a special crimping method.

One end will be crimped according to the example of the 568B circuit, and the other end will have an rj45 pinout by color:

  1. white-green;
  2. green;
  3. white-orange;
  4. white-brown;
  5. brown;
  6. Orange;
  7. blue;
  8. white-blue.

This crimping scheme differs from the 568A we are already considering - the brown and blue pairs have mutually replaced each other, retaining the overall sequence.

If both ends of the cable are clamped according to the 568V scheme, we get a straight network cable that is suitable for connecting a PC to a switch.

If one end of the cable is crimped according to the 568B scheme, and the other end is crimped according to the 568A scheme, we have a crossover cable suitable for connecting computers.

If you want to make a gigabit crossover cable, you must use a special crimping scheme.

Crimping twisted pair in RJ-45

To crimp a twisted pair in RJ-45, you need a special tool - a crimper, a special type of pliers with several working areas.

Twisted pair crimp. Lesson: how to crimp an internet cable

Video on how to crimp twisted pair at home.

A computer