How to put a password on a computer with any version of Windows. How to put a password on a computer with any version of Windows Password to enter windows 7

Hello dear readers. Today we will learn with you how to create a password for a user in operating system Windows 7. Usually on home computer, at Windows installation, a single user is created, which by default is local administrator on this computer. Thus, when the computer is turned on, the profile of this user is automatically loaded.

One of the ways to protect information and personal data is to set a password to enter the operating system. This may be needed by parents who want to protect their child from the negative effects of the Internet and computer games, as well as the children themselves, who are trying to save their computer from annoying parents.

So, to set a password on the computer, click Start and click on the account icon.

In the window that opens, press .

Enter New Password twice. You can also write a hint in case you forgot your password.

We press the button Create a password.

Now, at the next Windows boot, the system will ask you to enter a password.

Creating a new user

An alternative to setting a password for the only user on the system is to create a new user and also protect his account with a password. This is convenient if several people use the computer.

To do this, press Start/Control Panel.

Set the control panel view as small icons, and press the item user accounts.

In the window that appears, press .

In the next window, you need to enter the name of the new account, and also select the access level - General access or Administrator. After that, press the button.

That's all, so a new user appeared in the system.

Putting a password on windows 7 is not difficult, this action can be done in a few clicks, the main thing is to choose strong password that you could remember and never forget. So there are ways to reset the password in windows, but I will talk about this at the end of this article. But why get complicated when you can just remember a password that will protect your confidential information from prying eyes.

There are many sites that can help you generate your password and choose the right one from the list. For example, if you wish, you can use it if nothing reliable comes to mind. In general, I recommend creating a password consisting of small and large Latin letters with the addition of numbers between them, such a password will definitely not be hacked, unless of course this is done by a hacker from the Pentagon :). Maybe for some reason it will be difficult for you to remember the password from Latin letters, then you can put it from Russian letters, but in Latin transcription.

Let's open the menu first. start and go to control Panel our computer.

Here we are interested in the tab user accounts and family safety, click on it.

In the next window, click on the tab user accounts.

On this page, as you may have guessed, you need to go to the item create a password for your account.

In the first field, enter the invented password, in the second, you must confirm it by re-entering it. You can also enter a password hint to remember it if you forget it. The hint is a word that is associated with your password. For example, if I have a turbulence password, then most likely I will enter a hint of an airplane. Then click the Create Password button. The answer to the question of how to set a password in windows 7 ends here.

Now restart your computer and a line will appear in the welcome window in which you must enter your password.

How to remove the created password in windows 7

To delete, you also need to go to user accounts and click on the item deleting your password.

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In the conditions of such a dynamically developing world and technologies, it is worth thinking about the security of your data on personal computer. Of course, most problems arise due to the mistakes of the users themselves, as well as when ignoring elementary advice ...

And now we are talking not only about antivirus. For example, many users do not know how to put a password on Windows computer 7, 8, 10 and secure your data. It is important not only to close access to outsiders, but also to come up with a complex key. Most PC and laptop owners have on their devices confidential information varied nature. To protect your privacy and avoid leakage of valuable data, create a password to access your account. This security feature is built into all versions of Windows.

Password importance

In addition to such confidential data as photos, videos and documents, personal devices may contain passwords for Internet accounts, a history of personal correspondence, financial account numbers, mail and other information that is not intended for access by unauthorized persons. Creating a code combination of characters that will need to be entered every time the device is started will help protect your data on a PC.

How to set a password?

There are several options for setting a password on Windows.

  • Using the control panel.
  • Through the "Local Users and Groups" menu.
  • With the use of additional software.

There are plenty of options for setting a password, you can use the built-in security features of your device or download an additional software. Which method should you choose? Of course, a more reliable way would be to use the built-in features of your device's operating system.

When downloading third party programs from an unverified source, there is a high risk of infecting the PC with viruses or installing spyware, and we are here trying to figure out how to increase security. Therefore, in this article we will consider ways to create a password for a user without using third-party programs.

How to set a password on Windows 7, 8, 10 through the control panel?

This method is the easiest, and even a novice user can set a password. To do this, follow the simple step-by-step instructions.

In the lower left corner, launch the "Start" menu and click on "Control Panel".

In the window that opens, select the subheading "User Accounts and Family Safety".

Click on the first option - "User Accounts".

A settings window opens, which will help you create a password combination. Enter the code combination twice to exclude possible error, then confirm your choice - click on the "Create password" button.

Are you convinced that everything is elementary?!

  • It must be at least 8 characters long and can be upper and lower case letters and numbers.
  • It should be both memorable for the user and heavy enough for outsiders not to be able to pick it up logically.
  • It is better not to use the names of close people and significant dates in your life, because it is through them that hackers first of all pick up the password.
  • Also, if possible, do not use whole words, and those passwords that are already somewhere.
  • Ideally, best password is a random sequence of various characters, simply memorized for this.

During the process of creating a password, the system will prompt you to choose a hint in case you forget it. It can be absolutely any word, question or combination of numbers that will help you remember the password or restore it if necessary. The hint will be available to all users who have access to this device, so be extremely careful not to make the answer too primitive.

If you have correctly followed all the above steps, then we can assume that the PC is finally protected. And now, when you turn it on, a special window will appear every time, in which you must enter the created password, as confirmation of your identity. In the account creation window, you can also set a name that you like, and also select a picture from the list provided as an avatar or upload an image from a computer.

In such a simple way, you can set a passphrase for authorization in the system to any user of a PC or laptop. In a similar way, you can put a code word at the same time and for several users using the " Local Users and groups.

Be careful, because not all versions of Windows support the creation of groups, for example, such as: Starter, Home Basic, Home Advanced.

Setting a password using "Local Users and Groups"

Windows OS supports the ability to create not only different users, but also groups that have equal access rights. One group, as a rule, includes two or more accounts that are created on this PC. They put one password for them, they can still be endowed or limited in certain rights to this device. This feature is widely used on office PCs when more than one person is using them.

How to create a user group?


So, with the help of simple manipulations, you significantly increase the security of personal information that is stored on the hard drive of your PC. At the same time, the user does not need sky-high knowledge about the bowels of the operating system used, and a lot of time is saved on long proceedings with software of dubious origin.

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Removing the password when logging into Windows 7 is quite simple. This will require a minimum amount of time, as well as knowledge. This kind of operation usually takes no more than a couple of minutes.

It can be done in various ways: through a special console, command line, or by resetting these keys from SAM. Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Why set a password

It often happens that some important and confidential data is stored on a PC, access to which should be limited. Microsoft Windows makes it possible to easily restrict the circle of people who have access to files on a computer by installing a special key. It can be their own for each person, if there are several users.

Also, an access code is required to protect information on a PC to different owners from each other. For example, parents often need this so that curious children cannot get acquainted with some information that is not due to them.

We remove the password through the "Run" console

One of the most easy way disabling the entry of the access key on the OS - using the "Run" item. Access to it is quite simple - just click on the "Start" button. Most often, the item in question is present on the right side of the window that opens.

Command entry

To disable the function in question, you must enter a specific command. It will open a special applet that allows you to do this.

The process of entering the command itself is as follows:

  • open the Start button menu;
  • click on the "Run" item;
  • in the field that opens, write "control userpassword2".

After completing these operations, a window called "User Accounts" will open.

It has two tabs:

  • "Users";
  • "Additionally".

It is necessary to stop your attention on the first tab. Since it is in it that all account settings are carried out, including changing the login, access key and other attributes. In addition, if desired, you can easily add new accounts or delete old ones.

Disable the password

To disable Password, just open the appropriate window ("accounts" -> "users"). In it, you need to uncheck the box called "Require username and ...". In such a simple way, you can disable the need to enter Password.

Confirm user

You can also completely disable the Microsoft Windows login window.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • in the window called "Accounts" double-click on the desired line (admin, user or something else);
  • press "OK".

A window will open containing three fields. Only the top one should be filled in, login is written there. The rest are left empty. After that, click on "OK" again. After performing these operations, Microsoft launch Windows will not need Water Password. Which is quite convenient if only one person has physical access to the PC.

video: Reset password

We remove the password when starting Windows without programs

Also, Password in the operating system in question can be unstuck without using the "Run" item, as well as various kinds third party applications. To do this, just use a special command line. In this way, you can avoid having to enter the Password when turning on the computer, as well as when it wakes up from sleep mode.

Command line setup

In order to make settings command line, you must use the disk with the Windows distribution. This way setting and resetting the access code is suitable if it is forgotten, and otherwise it is not possible to start the OS.

First of all, you need to install the boot from the CD or other device containing the distribution through BIOS. After that, you should reboot and start the installation.

After that, the following steps are performed:

  1. CmdLine - enter cmd.exe;
  2. SetupType - replace parameter 0 with 2;
  • select section 999 and click "Unload hive";
  • extract the distribution and restart the PC.

Reset password and login

After loading the operating system, the user will immediately see the command line window. To reset the password, enter the following command: net user username

If for some reason User forgot the name of the account, then you can simply write net user without parameters. This will display all available titles and select the one you need.

If the use of a new Password is not expected, then it is enough to leave the field empty.

If you need to enter a new one, then the command will look like this: drivename:Windowssystem32net user username newkey.

It is also often necessary to create a new account without access key.

To do this, you need to run the following commands in strict order:

These commands perform the operations in strict order:

  1. creating a new User;
  2. adding it to working group administrator;
  3. removal from the Users group.

The reset method under consideration is rather complicated, but quite feasible even for not very experienced PC owners.

Method for resetting key data from a SAM file

There are a huge number of different ways reset the login code. But all of them only change the information stored in different ways. special file called SAM. It is he who is used by the OS to place data in it regarding both User and Password. This abbreviation stands for Security Account Manager.

The file in question does not have an extension, since it simply does not need it. It is a direct part of the registry, located in the directory systemrootsystem32config. There is also a copy of the file in question on the rescue disk, if given function for some reason it was not disabled earlier.

Editing given file to change the login parameters of the operating system is the most difficult way. To work with SAM, you need specialized software from third-party developers. All operations with SAM must be performed as carefully and accurately as possible.

How it works

The most popular application for changing data in a SAM file is active password changer. Before you begin, you must copy the application to some media or other HDD FAT32.

After performing this operation, you must:

  1. run file from password folder BootableDiskCreator;
  2. in the window that opens, select Add USB...;
  3. activate the button Start.

After completing all the above steps, a bootable USB flash drive will be created.

The process of changing data using the application in question is as follows:

This way of working with accounts and their attributes is the safest possible. Since it allows you to avoid editing the registry and other manual operations. This is sometimes difficult for not very experienced users who have started working with their PC relatively recently. The probability of harming the operating system in this case is almost zero.

Another important advantage of this program is the ability to set a schedule for the use of a PC by individual accounts.

The disadvantages include the fact that some outdated models motherboards do not support launching from USB. In such a situation, one has to look for some alternative options: a floppy disk, a CD, or something else.

Quite often, especially with beginners, situations arise when the combination of characters required to enter the OS is forgotten or lost for other reasons. There are many ways out of such a difficult situation; reinstalling the system is not always required. Moreover, any computer owner who has minimal skills in interacting with equipment of this type will be able to cope with resetting the access code to the OS.

A computer