What additional features are provided to users. Local computer networks

Documents in the archive:

o Local computer networks- topic of the lesson

o Informatics and ICT subject,

o Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT: a textbook for grade 9 / N.D. Ugrinovich.-2nd ed., corrected. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009.-295 p. : illus.

www.5byte.ru - "Informatics for five" (Informatics and ICT)

www.klyaksa.net - Information and educational portal for teachers of computer science and ICT "Computer science and information and communication technologies at school"

http://www.videouroki.net - "Video lessons on the Internet"

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Document's name Lesson summary.doc

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 18 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union

Eduard Dmitrievich Potapov"

Lesson summary on the topic:

"Local computer networks"

for grade 9

teacher Zatsepina Elena Mikhailovna



    introduce the concept of a local computer network,

    learn how to transfer data local network;


    develop curiosity,

    development of group work skills,

    computer skills, self-control;


    education of accuracy, discipline, perseverance.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, have a seat. Let's get ready for active work, put pens and notebooks in front of us, concentrate. Let's start the lesson.

2. Checking homework. front poll. Solving problems by options.

In the last lesson we started learning communication technologies. Let's repeat the material.

3. Preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material.

When working on personal computer V offline users can exchange information (programs, documents, etc.) using optical disks, flash memory. However, moving a storage medium between computers is not always possible and can take quite a long time. It was necessary to look for ways to solve this problem.

4. Explanation of new material.

The creation of computer networks is caused by the practical need of users of computers remote from each other for the same information, quick access to information resources other computers, as well as printers and other peripherals. Networks provide users with the ability to even process the same documents at the same time on computers located at a relatively short distance.

Write the topic in a notebook. Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the device of local computer networks.

By studying the topic, you will learn

    what is a computer network;

    about types, structure, principles of functioning of a computer network;

    what hardware and software is required for the operation of computer networks;

    how to exchange data in the local network.

A COMPUTER NETWORK is a system of computers connected by information transmission channels.

A local network (within the premises, an enterprise) enables users not only to quickly exchange information, but also to use the resources of networked computers more efficiently: external memory, print device, scanner and others technical devices as well as software.

Global networks interconnect many local networks, as well as autonomous computers of users. Dimensions global networks are not limited. There are corporate, national and international global networks.

A local area network is a combination of two or more computers, allowing them to work together with programs and data.

(Entry in a notebook.) LOCAL NETWORKS are small computer networks operating within the same premises, one enterprise.

If there are no special computers on the local network designed to manage the network, then the network is called peer-to-peer. Users independently decide which resources of their computer to make available to other network users. Such networks have one drawback: the weak protection of information from unauthorized access.

To ensure greater security in the local network, one computer is allocated, which usually stores the most important information.

Such a computer is called a server. Access to information on the server is controlled by one person - the network administrator.

General scheme connecting computers to the network (topology) can be different.

An option for connecting computers when a cable runs from one computer to another, connecting the computers in series and peripherals among themselves, is called LINEAR BUS. If each computer has a separate cable from one central node, then a local network of the STAR type is implemented. Typically, with this connection scheme, the central node is a more powerful computer.

There are other MODELS of DIFFERENT LAN CONFIGURATIONS. A detailed analysis of each of them in the lesson will take a lot of time. I propose to prepare a message for the next lesson.

Local network computers are usually located close to each other, use a common set network equipment and managed in one package software.

LANs can be either wired or wireless. In wired networks, the connection is made using a twisted pair cable. In wireless as central network device an access point is used, and a special Wi-Fi type wireless network card must be installed on each computer.

IN operating system Windows computers, connected to the local network are displayed in the folder network.

5. Consolidation of the studied material. Practical work.

Show students the location of the network folder with the task: “Network environment - share on school" It contains the folder "Grade 9" - "Communication Technologies" - "PR. How the local network is arranged.

Each student at the computer answers a question from the list. (The teacher distributes blank questions on sheets.) He needs to type the question given by the teacher in Microsoft office Word and save it in the network folder "Works at school" - "Local computer network" under your last name. The teacher checks the finished files on his computer.

6. House. Exercise. Theory- .

Complete in a notebook or upload to

7. Summing up. Grading. Reflection.

Do you agree that

    Local networks these are associations of computers concentrated in a small area, usually within a radius of no more than 1–2 km. (Yes)

    In fiber optic cables, data can be transmitted not in digital, but in analog form. (No)

    The user of a peer-to-peer network can access the resources of all computers connected to it if these resources are not protected from unauthorized access) (Yes).

    In a star topology, if a server fails, the network continues to function. (No)

    Access to information on the server is controlled by one person - the network administrator. (Yes)

    In the operating room Windows system computers connected to the local network are displayed in the My Network Places folder. (Yes)

Red - today I didn’t learn anything new, I didn’t understand anything, new material would not be useful to me;

Yellow - I learned something newer, I didn’t understand everything, I will put the new material into practice;

Green - I was interested, I learned a lot of new things, I will put the material into practice in the next lessons.

How a computer network works

When working on a personal computer offline, users can exchange information (programs, documents, etc.) using floppy disks, optical disks and flash memory. A system of computers connected by channels of information transmission is called computer network.

The creation of computer networks is caused by the practical need for quick access to the information resources of other computers, as well as printers and other peripheral devices.

Local networks

Small computer networks operating within the same premises, one enterprise, are called local networks ( LS).

Local networks (Local Area Networks, LAN) - these are associations of computers concentrated in a small area, usually within a radius of no more than 1–2 km, although in some cases a local area network may have more extended dimensions, for example, several tens of kilometers. IN general case a local area network is a communication system owned by a single organization.

In many schools, computer science classrooms are equipped with local networks.

Every computer or printer connected to the local network must have a network card. main function network board is the transmission and reception of information from the network.

LANs can be either wired or wireless. In wired networks, the connection is made using different types of cables.

Coaxial cable there are two types : thin and thick. These types of cable are similar to the standard TV cable.

"Twisted Pair" (twisted pair) A copper-based cable that combines one or more pairs of conductors in a sheath. Each pair consists of two isolated circles intertwined around each other. copper wire. Cables of this type often differ greatly in quality and ability to transmit information.

Shielded twisted pair(Shielded Twisted Pair,STP) well protects transmitted signals from external radiation, and also reduces power losses in the cable in the form of radiation. The presence of a screen requires high-quality grounding during installation work, which complicates and increases the cost of cable systems.

Cable onunshielded twisted pair(Unshielded Twisted Pair,UTP) are currently the main data transmission medium for non-optical technologies. Good electrical and mechanical characteristics, combined with ease of installation and relatively low cost, make UTP cable ideal for building a horizontal system.

Optical cable can transmit data at very high bandwidth. Optical fiber has a high capacity of transmitted data, resistance to electromagnetic and radio frequency interference. A bundle of glass or plastic strands, fiber optic cable uses light to transmit data.

fiber optic network has a number of advantages over a conventional copper network (although fiber optic network is more expensive and fiber is a more fragile material; in addition, fiber optic cable is more difficult to split than copper).

Firstly, fiber optic networks transmit large amounts of data due to their higher bandwidth.

Secondly, fiber optic cables are thinner and lighter than copper cables and more resistant to interference compared to them.

Third, data can be transmitted over them in digital rather than analog form.

Fourth, fiber optic cables are free of electromagnetic radiation, ideally meeting the stringent standards required for television and computer applications today.

All these advantages are ideally suited for the transmission of radio and television signals.

IN wireless networks an access point is used as the central network device, and a special Wi-Fi type wireless network card must be installed on each computer.

If all computers in the network are equal, that is, the network consists only of user workstations, then it is called a peer-to-peer network.

Peer-to-peer networks are used to implement the first of the noted goals - file sharing. Each computer on such a network has its own name.

More oftenLAN with a dedicated server organized according to the following principle: there is one central machine, which is called a file server. Local network users are called working group, and the computers they work on -workstations.

The central machine has a large disk memory. It stores software and other information in the form of files that can be accessed by network users.

The name "server" comes from English server and translates as "service device".

Server computer - it is a machine that distributes shared resources among many users.

Exist two main goals use of local networks:

1) file exchange between network users;

2) use common resources available to all network users: large space disk storage, printers, centralized database, software and others.

Questions for practical work

    Which additional features provided to users when working on computers connected to the local network, compared to working on a standalone computer?

    How far apart are computers usually located on a local network?

    What is the difference between peer-to-peer LANs and server-based networks?

    The principle of organizing a local network with a dedicated server?

    What types of local networks do you know?

    What device is needed to connect a computer to a local network?

    What is the feature of copper based cable?

    What is the difference between shielded twisted pair and unshielded?

    What are the advantages of a fiber optic network?

    What is the principle of functioning of wireless networks?

    What are local networks used for?

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Document's name Local computer networks.pptx

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1 of 32

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

Repetition of the topic "Data transmission" their bandwidth (information transfer rate). the amount of information that can be transmitted through it per unit of time. The main characteristic of information transmission channels is ... 2. The channel capacity is ...

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Repetition of the topic "Data transmission" in bits per second (bps) and multiples of Kbps and Mbps. However, sometimes a byte per second (byte/s) and multiples of it, units of KB/s and MB/s, are used as the unit. 2.I = v*t I - the amount of transmitted information; v is the channel capacity (information transfer rate); t is the time of information transfer. 4.Typically throughput is measured 3.1.I = k*i 3.I = i*x*y 4.N = 2

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Solution of GIA Problems Option 2 A 4 KB file is transmitted through some connection at a speed of 2048 bits per second. Determine the size of a file (in bytes) that can be transferred in the same amount of time over another connection at 512 bits per second. In your answer, enter a single number - the size of the file in bytes. Units of measurement are not required. Option 1 A 9 KB file is sent over some connection at 1536 bits per second. Determine the size of a file (in bytes) that can be transferred in the same amount of time over another connection at 512 bits per second. In your answer, enter a single number - the size of the file in bytes. Units of measurement are not required.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Answers to GIA tasks Variant 1 I1=V1 x t1, t=I1/V1= =9 Kb/1536 bps = =9 Kb x1024 bytes x x 8 bps/1536 bps= =73728 bps/1536 bps= =48s, I2=V2 x t2=512bps*48s= =24576 bits=3072 (bytes) Option 2 I1=V1 x t1, t=I1/V1= =4kb/2048bps= =4kb x1024 bytes x x 8 bits/2048 bits/s ==32768 bits/2048 bits/s==16s, I2=V2 x t2= 512 bits/s*16s==8192 bits=1024 (bytes)

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

When working offline on a PC, users can exchange information only by copying it to floppy disks or CD ROMs. MOVING DISKS BETWEEN COMPUTERS CAN TAKE A LONG TIME!

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Local computer networks Computer telecommunications MBOU secondary school No. 18 named after E.D. Potapova

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

After studying the topic, you will learn what a computer network is; about types, structure, principles of functioning of a computer network; what hardware and software is required for the operation of computer networks; how to exchange data in the local network.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

 What is a computer network A COMPUTER NETWORK is a system of computers connected by information transmission channels. A local area network (within the premises, an enterprise) enables users not only to quickly exchange information, but also to use the resources of networked computers more efficiently: external memory, a printer device, a scanner and other technical devices, as well as software. Data Line Local Area Networks Wide Area Networks Wide Area Networks connect many local networks, as well as autonomous computers of users. The sizes of global networks are not limited. There are corporate, national and international global networks.

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

 LOCAL NETWORKS (LAN) LOCAL NETWORKS are small computer networks operating within the same premises, one enterprise. A user of a peer-to-peer network can have access to the resources of all computers connected to it (in the event that these resources are not protected from unauthorized access). A network with a dedicated server is organized according to the following principle: there is one central computer (server) and many smaller computers connected to it. powerful computers- workstations. The central machine usually has a larger amount of external memory, devices are connected to it that are not on the workstations (printer, scanner, modem for accessing the global network, etc.). P2P NETWORK DEDICATED SERVER NETWORK Server

slide number 10

Description of the slide:

Bus A single cable is used along which all computers on the network are connected. The terminator is needed to absorb the transmitted signal at the ends. Simplicity If one computer fails, it will not affect the operation of the others Only one computer can transmit data at a time Breaking the cable causes the network to stop working When in large numbers computers network is slow Disadvantages: Advantages: terminator terminator Topology networks - general network connection diagram

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

Star Server Disadvantages: Advantages: Network management is centralized (there is a special central device (hub), from which "beams" go to each computer, i.e. each computer is connected to its own cable). If one computer fails, the network remains operational If a server fails, the network stops functioning For large networks, cable consumption increases significantly

slide number 12

Description of the slide:

Ring Signals travel around the ring in one direction and pass through each computer (closed network). Advantages: Disadvantages: The cable does not have a free end and therefore no terminator is needed Each computer amplifies the signals by passing them on to the next computer If one computer fails, the entire network stops functioning

slide number 13

Description of the slide:

Hardware networks To organize a local network, you need to install a network card in each PC and connect all computers using a special cable.

slide number 14

Description of the slide:

Cables Coaxial cable - transmission speed up to 10 Mbps Twisted pair cable - transmission speed up to 100 Mbps Network hardware Fiber optic cable - transmission of information over long distances Coaxial cable comes in two types: thin and thick. These types of cable are similar to standard TV cable. A twisted pair "(twisted pair) is a copper-based cable that combines one or more pairs of conductors in a sheath. Each pair consists of two insulated copper wires twisted around each other. Cables of this type often vary greatly in quality and information transfer capabilities. Shielded twisted pair (Shielded Twisted Pair, STP) well protects transmitted signals from external radiation, and also reduces power losses in the cable in the form of radiation.The presence of a shield requires high-quality grounding during installation work, which complicates and increases the cost of cable systems. The Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable is currently the main transmission medium for non-optical technologies.Good electrical and mechanical characteristics, combined with ease of installation and relatively low cost, make UTP cable ideal for building a horizontal system.Optical cable can transmit data very high throughput. Optical fiber has a high capacity of transmitted data, resistance to electromagnetic and radio frequency interference. A bundle of glass or plastic strands, fiber optic cable uses light to transmit data. Fiber optic network has a number of advantages over conventional copper network (although fiber optic network is more expensive and fiber is a more fragile material; fiber optic cable is also more difficult to split than copper). First, fiber optic networks transmit large amounts of data due to their higher bandwidth. Secondly, fiber optic cables are thinner and lighter than copper cables and are more resistant to interference than copper cables. Thirdly, data can be transmitted through them in digital rather than analog form. Fourth, fiber optic cables are free of electromagnetic radiation, which is ideal for today's stringent TV and computer applications. All these advantages are ideally suited for the transmission of radio and television signals.

slide number 26

Description of the slide:

Hands-On Questions What additional options are available to users when working on computers connected to a local network compared to working on a stand-alone computer? How far apart are computers usually located on a local network? What is the difference between peer-to-peer LANs and server-based networks? The principle of organizing a local network with a dedicated server? What types of local networks do you know? What device is needed to connect a computer to a local network? What is the feature of copper based cable? What is the difference between shielded twisted pair and unshielded? What are the advantages of a fiber optic network? What is the principle of functioning of wireless networks? What are local networks used for?

slide number 27

Description of the slide:

Homework Theory - http://www.5byte.ru/9/0033.php Run in a notebook or upload to www.dnevnik.ru http://files.dnevnik.ru/file.aspx?user=372034&file=14527892

slide number 28

Description of the slide:

Do you agree that Local Area Networks are associations of computers concentrated in a small area, usually within a radius of no more than 1–2 km. In fiber optic cables, data can be transmitted not in digital, but in analog form. The user of a peer-to-peer network can access the resources of all computers connected to it if these resources are not protected from unauthorized access). In a star topology, if a server fails, the network continues to function. Access to information on the server is controlled by one person - the network administrator. In the Windows operating system, computers connected to the local network are displayed in the My Network Places folder.

slide number 29

Description of the slide:

Lesson summary A local network unites computers installed in one room (for example, a school computer class consisting of 8-12 computers) or in one building (for example, several dozen computers installed in various subject rooms can be combined into a local network in a school building ). Local computer network, LAN (English Local Area Network, LAN) - a computer network covering a relatively small area. Each computer connected to the local network must have a special board (network adapter). Between computers ( network adapters) are connected, for example, with cables. Local networks are peer-to-peer and with a dedicated server. General scheme for connecting computers (topology): bus, star.

Description of the slide:

Information resources http://www.5byte.ru/9/0033.php http://www.klyaksa.net/ http://www.nsportal.ru/ermolaeva-irina-alekseevna http://delay-s- nami.ru/?p=225 http://school-collection.edu.ru/

slide number 32

Description of the slide:

To download the material, enter your E-mail, indicate who you are, and click the button

Free medical care under compulsory health insurance in Russia is provided in accordance with the CHI programs: Basic and Territorial.

The basic CHI program is developed and approved by the Government Russian Federation. In 2007, free medical care in Russia is provided in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 N 885 "On the Program of State Guarantees for the Provision of Free Medical Care to Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2007". The territorial one is developed and approved by the administration of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The basic CHI program includes a minimum list of requirements for free medical care provided at the expense of CHI funds, which is mandatory throughout Russia. The territorial CHI program is a list of requirements that is mandatory for the entire territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the types, volumes and conditions for the provision of medical services within the framework of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Program may differ in each subject, but they cannot be lower than the level of the Basic Program.

Moscow city CHI program

In the capital, medical assistance to citizens insured under compulsory medical insurance is provided in accordance with the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Program (hereinafter referred to as the Compulsory Medical Insurance Program), which is integral part the current Territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to the population of the city of Moscow (approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 07.03.2006 N 157-PP "On the City Target Program for the Development of Health Care" Capital Health Care "for 2006-2007") .

Its goal is to provide citizens insured under compulsory medical insurance with free medical care of a guaranteed volume and proper quality in healthcare institutions and organizations operating in the compulsory medical insurance system of the city of Moscow.

What assistance is provided

Within the framework of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Program, citizens insured under compulsory medical insurance, including children, in Moscow health care institutions operating in the capital's compulsory medical insurance system, regardless of their organizational and legal form, are provided free of charge:

  1. Outpatient care, including preventive measures (including preventive vaccinations, preventive examinations and dispensary observation of the population), diagnosis (including in diagnostic centers) and treatment of diseases in the clinic, at home and in day hospitals of all types.
  2. Stationary assistance:
    • in case of acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases, poisoning and injuries requiring intensive care, round-the-clock medical supervision and isolation according to epidemiological indications;
    • in case of planned hospitalization for the purpose of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, requiring round-the-clock medical supervision;
    • with the pathology of pregnancy, childbirth and abortion;
    • during the neonatal period.

When providing inpatient medical care and medical care in day hospitals of all types, drug assistance is provided in accordance with federal regulatory and administrative documents and documents of the Moscow Government.

In accordance with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Program, measures are taken for diagnosis, treatment (except for expensive high-tech types of medical care financed from the budget), disease prevention, including preventive vaccinations, preventive examinations (including preliminary examinations upon admission to work and periodic examinations of persons, a list of categories determined by the Government of Moscow) and dispensary observation, including for healthy children, as well as prevention of abortions.

Medical assistance provided at the expense of the budgets of all levels

In addition to medical care provided at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, certain types of medical care are provided to Moscow citizens at the expense of budgetary funds.

At the expense of the federal budget:

  • specialized, including high-tech, medical care provided in federal specialized medical organizations within the volumes (quotas) of expensive (high-tech) medical care allocated for Moscow residents by the relevant order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;
  • additional medical care, including providing certain categories of citizens with the necessary medicines, provided in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Federal Law "On State Social Assistance".

At the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow:

  • emergency;
  • specialized (sanitary-aviation) emergency medical care;
  • primary health care in outpatient, inpatient and hospital organizations, including women during pregnancy, during and after childbirth;
  • specialized medical care for sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, mental and behavioral disorders, narcological diseases, certain conditions that occur during the perinatal period (provided in medical organizations in the city of Moscow in accordance with the nomenclature of medical organizations approved by the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation);
  • high-tech types of medical care, the list of which is approved by the Moscow Department of Health.

City budget expenditures include the provision of Moscow medical organizations with medicines and other products, medical devices, immunobiological preparations and disinfectants, as well as donated blood and its components.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the city of Moscow, additional measures are being taken to provide medical care and drug provision in relation to certain categories of citizens.

In addition, at the expense of the capital budget, in the prescribed manner, the provision of medical care, the provision of medical and other services in healthcare organizations included in the range of medical organizations approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, including in centers for combating acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is financed in the prescribed manner. , children's and specialized sanatoriums, forensic medical examination bureaus, medical statistics bureaus, blood transfusion stations, family planning and reproduction centers, orphanages, hospices.

Methodical materials

Comment on the article "Free medical care"

More on the topic "Free medical care":

Changes in health care - consequences of the destruction of the Soviet Union

I already wrote [link-1] about proposals to change the Constitution under the pretext of the inability to finance free healthcare. Then the proposal was made by the Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management. Now the Ministry of Finance has joined in the promotion of paid medicine [link-2], offering to charge for habitual medical services– limit the number of free house calls and free treatment by highly qualified specialists. IN...

The amount of assistance in this case will be more. Emergency help same goes for everyone. And even obstetric care for non-citizens in Russia is completely free. I know about childbirth and helping children.

offers family accompaniment services: Advisory assistance; Psychological help; Pedagogical assistance; Health care. We provide a complex of medical, psychological and pedagogical services aimed at the rehabilitation of the child and the family...

Here is the phone. hotline to help the placement of orphans, there a lawyer will answer your question, maybe he will advise a clause of the law for your "strange" guardianship. during sanatorium treatment, during medical examinations, medical examinations, medical ...

"The Girl and the Giraffe"

The publishing house "Nigma" has a novelty - a fairy tale by Valentin Gurov "The Girl and the Giraffe" with illustrations by Mikhail Skobelev. As a child, any of us could easily talk to a giraffe. Now we will not notice the giraffe, even if she looks into our window. What happened? Has the point of view changed or the desire to notice has disappeared? Fortunately, children will not let us live without giraffes in the window, and children's books will help to correctly determine the point of view. "The Girl and the Giraffe" is a story about friendship, about how no...

Medical examination of persons wishing to adopt (adopt) children left without parental care is carried out within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in the manner established ...

Living in the Primorsky Territory, free medical care for 2009 .... 1. Outpatient care includes all types of outpatient care permitted on an outpatient basis, for children, adolescents, adults

On the procedure for providing medical care to children and pregnant women - residents of the Russian Federation in 1.2. Ensure that free baby food is issued to attached children under 2 years old, children from large families under 3 years old ...

Persons admitted to a medical institution for emergency medical care without compulsory medical insurance policy or passports and unidentified during the treatment period...

Where and how do you get medical care?. Adoption/guardianship/patronage experience. Adoption. In Moscow, these children have the right to free medical consultations, etc. (at least such benefits are assigned to them by Moscow law number 61 or 60).

In accordance with the Program of State Guarantees for the Provision of Free Medical Assistance to Citizens of the Russian Federation on the Territory of XXXX for 2006, medical examinations are carried out during the adoption (adoption) of young children and registration ...

Disabled children are entitled to free or reduced-price medical care, including medication. The federal law"ABOUT social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Vishnevskaya secondary school №2

Lesson summary on the topic:

"Local computer networks"

for grade 9

teacher Belousova Natalya Vyacheslavovna



  • introduce the concept of a local computer network,
  • teach to transfer data over a local network;


  • develop curiosity,
  • development of group work skills,
  • computer skills, self-control;


  • education of accuracy, discipline, perseverance.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, have a seat. Let's get ready for active work, put pens and notebooks in front of us, concentrate. Let's start the lesson.

2. Checking homework.front poll. Solving problems by options.

In the last lesson, we started studying communication technologies. Let's repeat the material.

3. Preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material.

When working on a personal computer offline, users can exchange information (programs, documents, etc.) using optical disks, flash memory. However, moving a storage medium between computers is not always possible and can take quite a long time. It was necessary to look for ways to solve this problem.

4. Explanation of new material.

The creation of computer networks is caused by the practical need of users of computers remote from each other for the same information, quick access to information resources of other computers, as well as printers and other peripheral devices. Networks provide users with the ability to even process the same documents at the same time on computers located at a relatively short distance.

Write the topic in a notebook.Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the device of local computer networks.

By studying the topic, you will learn

  • what is a computer network;
  • about types, structure, principles of functioning of a computer network;
  • what hardware and software is required for the operation of computer networks;
  • how to exchange data in the local network.

A COMPUTER NETWORK is a system of computers connected by information transmission channels.

A local area network (within the premises, an enterprise) enables users not only to quickly exchange information, but also to use the resources of networked computers more efficiently: external memory, a printer device, a scanner and other technical devices, as well as software.

Global networks interconnect many local networks, as well as autonomous computers of users. The sizes of global networks are not limited. There are corporate, national and international global networks.

A local area network is a combination of two or more computers, allowing them to work together with programs and data.

(Entry in a notebook.) LOCAL NETWORKS are small computer networks operating within the same premises, one enterprise.

If there are no special computers on the local network designed to manage the network, then the network is called peer-to-peer. Users independently decide which resources of their computer to make available to other network users. Such networks have one drawback: the weak protection of information from unauthorized access.

To ensure greater security in the local network, one computer is allocated, which usually stores the most important information.

Such a computer is called a server. Access to information on the server is controlled by one person - the network administrator.

The general scheme for connecting computers to a network (topology) can be different.

The option of connecting computers, when a cable runs from one computer to another, connecting computers and peripherals in series with each other, is called LINEAR BUS. If each computer has a separate cable from one central node, then a local network of the STAR type is implemented. Typically, with this connection scheme, the central node is a more powerful computer.

There are other MODELS of DIFFERENT LAN CONFIGURATIONS. A detailed analysis of each of them in the lesson will take a lot of time. I propose to prepare a message for the next lesson.

Local network computers are usually located close to each other, use a common set of network equipment and are controlled by one software package.

LANs can be either wired or wireless. In wired networks, the connection is made using a twisted pair cable. In wireless, an access point is used as a central network device, and a special wireless network card such as Wi-Fi must be installed on each computer.

5. Consolidation of the studied material. Practical work.

Show students the location of the network folder with the task: “Network environment - share on school” it contains the folder “Grade 9” - “Communication technologies” - “PR. How the local network is arranged.

Each student at the computer answers a question from the list. (The teacher distributes blank questions on sheets.) He needs to type the question given by the teacher in Microsoft Office Word and save it in the network folder "Works at school" - "Local computer network" under your last name. The teacher checks the finished files on his computer.

6. House. Exercise. Theory- http://www.5byte.ru/9/0033.php.

Complete in a notebook or upload towww.dnevnik.ru

7. Summing up. Grading. Reflection.

Do you agree that

  1. Local networks these are associations of computers concentrated in a small area, usually within a radius of no more than 1–2 km.(Yes)
  2. In fiber optic cables, data can be transmitted not in digital, but in analog form.(No)
  3. The user of a peer-to-peer network can access the resources of all computers connected to it if these resources are not protected from unauthorized access)(Yes).
  4. In a star topology, if a server fails, the network continues to function.(No)
  5. Access to information on the server is controlled by one person - the network administrator.(Yes)
  6. In the Windows operating system, computers connected to the local network are displayed in the My Network Places folder.(Yes)

Red - today I didn’t learn anything new, I didn’t understand anything, new material would not be useful to me;

Yellow - I learned something newer, I didn’t understand everything, I will put the new material into practice;

Green - I was interested, I learned a lot of new things, I will put the material into practice in the next lessons.

Practical work

How a computer network works

When working on a personal computer offline, users can exchange information (programs, documents, etc.) using floppy disks, optical disks and flash memory. A system of computers connected by channels of information transmission is calledcomputer network.

The creation of computer networks is caused by the practical need for quick access to the information resources of other computers, as well as printers and other peripheral devices.

Local networks

Small computer networks operating within the same premises, one enterprise, are called local networks ( LS ).

Local networks (Local Area Networks, LAN)- these are associations of computers concentrated in a small area, usually within a radius of no more than 1–2 km, although in some cases a local area network may have more extended dimensions, for example, several tens of kilometers. In general, a local area network is a communication system owned by one organization.

In many schools, computer science classrooms are equipped with local networks.

Every computer or printer connected to the local network must have a network card. The main function of the network card is to transmit and receive information from the network.

LANs can be either wired or wireless. In wired networks, the connection is made using different types of cables.

There are two types of coaxial cable: thin and thick. These types of cable are similar to standard TV cable.

"Twisted pair" (twisted pair)A copper-based cable that combines one or more pairs of conductors in a sheath. Each pair consists of two insulated copper wires twisted around each other. Cables of this type often differ greatly in quality and information transfer capabilities.

Shielded twisted pair (Shielded Twisted Pair, STP)well protects transmitted signals from external radiation, and also reduces power losses in the cable in the form of radiation. The presence of a screen requires high-quality grounding during installation work, which complicates and increases the cost of cable systems.

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cableare currently the main data transmission medium for non-optical technologies. Good electrical and mechanical characteristics, combined with ease of installation and relatively low cost, make UTP cable ideal for building a horizontal system.

Optical cablecan transmit data at very high bandwidth. Optical fiber has a high capacity of transmitted data, resistance to electromagnetic and radio frequency interference. A bundle of glass or plastic strands, fiber optic cable uses light to transmit data.

fiber optic networkhas a number of advantages over a conventional copper network (although fiber optic network is more expensive and fiber is a more fragile material; in addition, fiber optic cable is more difficult to split than copper).

Firstly , fiber optic networks transmit large amounts of data due to their higher bandwidth.

Secondly , fiber optic cables are thinner and lighter than copper cables and more resistant to interferencecompared to them.

Third , data can be transmitted over them in digital rather than analog form.

Fourth , fiber optic cables are free of electromagnetic radiation, ideally meeting the stringent standards required for television and computer applications today.

All these advantages are ideally suited for the transmission of radio and television signals.

In wireless networksan access point is used as the central network device, and a special Wi-Fi type wireless network card must be installed on each computer.

If all computers in the network are equal, that is, the network consists only of user workstations, then it is called a peer-to-peer network.

Peer-to-peer networks are used to implement the first of the noted goals - file sharing. Each computer on such a network has its own name.

More often LAN with a dedicated serverorganized according to the following principle: there is one central machine, which is called a file server. Local network users are usually called a workgroup, and the computers they work on are calledworkstations.

The central machine has a large disk memory. It stores software and other information in the form of files that can be accessed by network users.

The name "server" comes from English server and translates as "service device".

Server computer -it is a machine that distributes shared resources among many users.

Exist two main goalsuse of local networks:

1) file exchange between network users;

2) the use of common resources available to all network users: a large amount of disk space, printers, a centralized database, software, and others.

Questions for practical work

  1. What additional options are available to users when working on computers connected to the local network compared to working on a standalone computer?
  2. How far apart are computers usually located on a local network?
  3. What is the difference between peer-to-peer LANs and server-based networks?
  4. The principle of organizing a local network with a dedicated server?
  5. What types of local networks do you know?
  6. What device is needed to connect a computer to a local network?
  7. What is the feature of copper based cable?
  8. What is the difference between shielded twisted pair and unshielded?
  9. What are the advantages of a fiber optic network?
  10. What is the principle of functioning of wireless networks?
  11. What are local networks used for?

offline computer?

A COMPUTER NETWORK is a system of computers connected by information transmission channels. A local area network (within a room, an enterprise) enables users not only to quickly exchange information, but also to more efficiently use the resources of networked computers: external memory, a printing device, a scanner and other technical devices, as well as software. Global networks connect between many local networks, as well as stand-alone computers of users. The sizes of global networks are not limited. There are corporate, national and international global networks. A local area network is an association of two or more computers, allowing them to work together with programs and data. LOCAL NETWORKS are small computer networks operating within the same premises, one enterprise. If there are no special computers on the local network designed to manage the network, then the network is called peer-to-peer. Users independently decide which resources of their computer to make available to other network users. Such networks have one drawback: the weak protection of information from unauthorized access. To ensure greater security in the local network, one computer is allocated, which usually stores the most important information. Such a computer is called a server. Access to information on the server is controlled by one person - the network administrator. The general scheme for connecting computers to the network (topology) can be different. The option for connecting computers, when a cable runs from one computer to another, connecting computers and peripheral devices in series with each other, is called LINEAR BUS . If each computer has a separate cable from one central node, then a local network of the STAR type is implemented. Usually, with such a connection scheme, the central node is a more powerful computer. There are other MODELS of DIFFERENT LAN CONFIGURATIONS. A detailed analysis of each of them in the lesson will take a lot of time. I propose to prepare a report for the next lesson. Local network computers are usually located close to each other, share a common set of network equipment and are controlled by one software package. Each computer or printer connected to a local network must have a network card. The main function of the network card is to transmit and receive information from the network. Local networks can be either wired or wireless. In wired networks, the connection is made using a twisted pair cable. In wireless, an access point is used as a central network device, and a special wireless network card such as Wi-Fi must be installed on each computer. In the Windows operating system, computers connected to the local network are displayed in the My Network Places folder.
