How to come up with mail for aliexpress. How to change your account password on Aliexpress? Basic methods for generating a strong password

Passwords are everything to us. They contain secret data of banking services, public services, social networks, postal services and even authorization in online stores. There are several secrets to create a successful password; they can be used just for your personal account on. We will discuss the rules for creating a password, as well as changing the cipher, in this article below.

What password can you come up with for Aliexpress?

Not only on, but also on other sites, you need to come up with a strong, meaningful password. It should be such that it is difficult to break. A password is required upon registration.

By pressing the "Registration" button on the right top corner online page, you will see a form in which you need to fill in the data line by line: email, name, and then (at the bottom) lines with a password. The password must consist of at least 6 characters, it is important to combine letters and numbers. Too much simple passwords It’s better not to invent something like “123qwerty”. This is the most familiar option that is read on the keyboard layout.

You should not use your birthdays, names, or cities for password protection. It will be better if you come up with an alphanumeric combination. For example, "58mag25zil". You can insert your own numbers into the password, which may mean something. You cannot use spaces or create a password consisting of several words. Also, the cipher should not contain signs like “No;%:?*()_-+*/”. Another point: the password can be typed from small letters. Case is not size sensitive. The same must be taken into account when entering a captcha when creating a password. You don't have to enter the letters from the picture in order of height, as in the photo.

The next place you will need a password is Alipay. In that payment service you can create accounts, top them up, link them bank cards. Such data must be stored under a secure password. For these purposes, you can even use a password generator. There are many sites on the Internet that are ready to simultaneously create for you a whole list of non-repeating passwords. You can set certain parameters by which a combination of characters will be generated.

However, it is up to you to decide whether to use this option or use your password. As a rule, such passwords contain complex combinations, and they are very poorly stored in memory. You need to take this fact into account and try to choose the right cipher for you. But don’t despair if you suddenly forget your password. It can always be restored. Below we will tell you how to do this.

How to recover your password on Aliexpress

If it so happens that you forgot the password for your personal account, then this is a fixable matter. So, out of habit, you went to home page online store, but the password for your page is hopelessly forgotten. You can correct the situation as follows: in the upper right corner there are buttons “Registration” and “Login”. Select "Login".

You will be taken to the online shopping page, where you need to enter the same lost password and login. Instead of entering a password, click the blue line “Forgot your password?”.

You will be taken to the user center page where you will need to provide your address Email or login that is linked to . This way the system will be able to identify the user and provide a link to reset the password. But that's not all, under the login window, you will need to click on the slide with the arrows and drag it to the right, so you can activate the desired link to go to create a new password. Below, to confirm the operation, click “Request”.

On the next page, the system will prompt you to choose a password recovery method: via email or through support. If you indicated your email, then select method No. 1 using the “Check now” button. If you do not have a mailbox, then select method No. 2 - by clicking the “Use” button.

In the first option with email, on the next page you will be downloaded a data sheet to confirm your identity. A window will be attached to the free field opposite the name of your mailbox. You need to transfer the code that came to you by email into it. It consists of 6 digits; in order for the robot to send it, you need to press the “Send Now” button.

The code that was sent to you cannot be sent to strangers. It is sent within 60 seconds and is valid for 15 minutes. Before pressing the button to receive the code, make sure that the email address you entered is correct and valid at the time of sending. If you do not have mail, then it is better to use another recovery option. Also, don’t panic if you haven’t received a recovery code. It may have ended up in your Spam folder. This often happens when a robot sorts incoming letters.

The email with the confirmation code looks something like this:

The last step in the password recovery stage is to enter a new, previously unused password. On new page 2 cells will be given in which you will need to enter and then confirm the new code. When completed, click “Request”.

Upon successful completion of the procedure, a window will appear saying that the password has been restored and you can start using the services of the online store right now.

How to recover your password via phone

The email that they provided during registration does not always pop up in users’ minds. In this case, there are other ways to recover the password for . You can restore the treasured cipher through your mobile phone. To do this, prepare to enter your Personal Area. On the main page of the site in the upper right corner, select “Login”.

On the new page, select password recovery using your login and email address. Click "Check Now".

Next you will be taken to a page where you need to enter a 6-digit code. Nearby there will be a window for a 6-digit code and a button, among which there is “Use another verification method.” Logically, the method via telephone should be indicated there. But he's not there. Options for restoration remain not fully developed. This page will take you back to the support method. This option is not recommended. In most cases, it is doomed to failure, since the support team asks a lot of questions. Many don’t even get to half of it, abandon their accounts and move on to creating new ones.

But there should still be a way to recover the password. It is valid only for Facebook accounts, VK and Google. If you have forgotten the password for this particular account, then this method is for you. Immediately upon entering your personal account, there is a layout where you need to enter your login and password. At the very bottom there is a line “Login via...” and prompts you to select social network accounts. For example, you have always used your Facebook login. Click on this icon. From the outside, you will log in via Facebook.

You don't need to enter anything, just select "Forgot your account?". A window will open in which you need to enter your mobile number. After that, click "Search". User identification social network will happen exactly by phone number.

Next, the system will ask you to enter the password that the robot sent you to restore access. It will consist of 6 digits. Move it to a free line and click “Next”. A new page will open where you will need to come up with New Password, not similar to the previous one, and confirm it.

How to change your password on Aliexpress

According to programmers, the password needs to be changed periodically, and it doesn’t matter what resource it is. You must change your password directly in your personal account. Once you are logged into your account, go to the “My Aliexpress” menu, like in the photo below.

On the left side of the section there is a column with auxiliary sections. Find the line “Change password” there and use it.

The menu that opens will list several sections. To make changes, select “Security Settings” - “Change Password”.

After clicking active line, the internal system will check your account details. Then, after successful verification, it will display a message stating that you can proceed to changing the password, that is, proceed to the next step.

Click OK. On the new page, fill in the password lines. In the first line you need to enter the current password that you entered when entering your personal account. In the bottom line, enter a new password and confirm it using the “Request” button. This will change your password for logging into your personal account.

I can’t log into Aliexpress, the password is correct, what should I do?

There are often situations when a user enters a password and cannot log in. Why does this happen?

  • First of all, users should understand that the administration of the online store is fighting for its quality and design. And sometimes it is simply updated: new columns for contacting sellers, category types, or just page colors are added. Such an update requires some time, which can be regarded as an inability to log into the site;

  • One more common cause The inability to log into the site is actually an incorrect password. Essentially, the user enters the correct cipher, however, he forgot to switch the layout from Russian to English. Another “harmful” key can be Caps Lock. When pressed, all capital letters appear. They are the ones who can cause the correct login to fail;

  • The lack of an Internet connection also prevents the user from further entering the online store. Before virtual shopping, check your account balance and network connection;

  • If you have several users to make purchases on, then perhaps you actually mixed up the password for the selected account. Check your compliance again and try to log into the site again;

  • Sometimes, after entering the correct password, customers still cannot access the site. The robot requires you to enter security code from picture. This happens for safety reasons. Don’t worry, immediately after entering the captcha correctly you will be able to enter the site. Sometimes this may happen due to a conflict between the Ali app and antivirus program PC.

I don't receive a password when paying on Aliexpress, what should I do?

Payment is made in several ways. Each method involves a separate algorithm of actions, including payment via SMS message. This applies to options such as payment via invoice mobile phone or electronic wallet. When sending funds to an Alipay account, you need to send a response SMS in which the user agrees to the transfer Money from your account.

Sometimes you may not receive a message with your password. This mainly happens due to operator communication failure or technical work on the Alipay line. The fact is that all payments go through internal payment system Alipay. From here there are two options for which the payment does not go through. In some situations, there is a third option: the product may simply run out of stock at the seller’s warehouse and the system will block the sale. Thus, you will not be able to receive the message and pay for the goods. Please check your details carefully before paying, may your purchases be only successful!

Today, there are more and more Internet users who prefer to buy popular products directly from Chinese sellers. And fans of such shopping, for completely different reasons, may have the following questions: how to change the password for Aliexpress or recover it. Not only beginners, but also those who have been purchasing on this resource for a long time do not always know how to do this.

Let's look at two possible situations you might find yourself in:

  • you are authorized on the site and want to change your account login password;
  • you cannot log into the site and have forgotten your old password.

In different circumstances, the algorithm of actions will be different.

Situation 1: you know the old password and have no problems logging into your account

After logging in to Aliexpress, hover over the greeting with your nickname (in this case, “Hello, Helena!”), which is located in the upper right corner of the site’s main page. In the menu that opens, find the “My Aliexpress” item and click on it, as shown in the picture.

You will be redirected to your personal page, where in the panel located at the top you need to select “Profile Settings”.

Further your communication with Aliexpress will be in English, but even if you don’t know the language at all, don’t worry: everything will be simple and clear. You should select “Change Password”, which means “Change Password”.

The system will now prompt you to answer Secret Question(this is required to secure your account).

For those who are not fluent in English, this moment may drive you into a stupor, but don’t be alarmed: you don’t need to understand the meaning of the question. The main thing is to remember the question itself and, of course, the answer you came up with. You can save this information just in case in a text file or write it down in a notebook, because if you want to change your Aliexpress password again in the future, you will need to answer this security question. In this case we choose: “What is your pet’s name?” The answer must be entered in the “Answer” field (circled in red in the picture above), and then click on the “Save” button.

Finally you find yourself on a page where you can change your password. To do this, you must first enter the old version in the top field, and then the new one twice.

An indicator below the password entry field shows how well it meets security requirements. We got “Medium”, that is, average. If you are worried about your Aliexpress account and want to make it more secure, you can choose a more sophisticated option - “High”. Next, click on the “Submit” button, and that’s all: the operation has been successfully completed, and a system message will appear.

Situation 2: You forgot your old password and cannot log into your account

This problem is even more common than the one described above. Recovering your password if it is completely forgotten is also not difficult. To do this, you also need to first open the main page of the Aliexpress website in your browser. Next, as in the first case, hover your mouse over the greeting with your nickname, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Now click “Login”. A page will open where the system will prompt you to log into your account by entering your e-mail and password.

But you click on the inscription “Forgot your password?”, after which you will be directed to a page where you will need to enter the e-mail (email address) specified during registration and a security code designed to protect against robots.

After filling out all the fields, click “Submit”, after which your email, if his address was specified correctly, a letter containing a link will be sent. By following it, you can restore access to your Aliexpress account.

On this page, you need to enter your new password twice and then click “Submit.” That's it, access to the site has been restored.

If you are logged in to the site, but do not remember the old password, you will not be able to use the first method. You will have to leave your account by clicking the “Log Out” button and then proceed as described in the second method.

More than once I have been asked the question of how to recover the password for Aliexpress, and I decided to write detailed instructions for such “forgetful people” 😉


Personally, I never forget passwords, because in all browsers I have LastPass extension, which saves and securely stores all my passwords.

You are not the first and not the last who forgot your Aliexpress password and therefore the site provides a function for you to recover it. How to use it?

How to recover your password in Aliexpress?

First, let's go to Aliexpress, you can immediately here on this page , where you need to enter your login and password. There you will see a small link - Forgot your password?

Now on the page that opens, you need to write the email address you are using, and then move your mouse over the bar at the bottom to unlock sending.

After that, you will see a page like this, where you will be asked to choose a method to verify your identity:

The easiest way is to click the first button and receive a new password by email. The second option is suitable if you suddenly lost access to your mailbox and you need to somehow prove to Aliexpress support that you are you and not a hacker.

Everything seems to be clear here, but there are extraordinary cases, which I will also tell you about.

How to recover your Aliexpress password if you registered via Facebook?

Some people register for Aliexpress through Facebook, there is such an opportunity there, without asking for your email address. What in this case, if suddenly your Facebook account was blocked, for example?

It's actually simple: you need to use the EMAIL that you used to register on Facebook. I specifically registered another account on Aliexpress through my wife’s Facebook to check whether the email is linked in this case?

As you can see, the mail is linked to the account, and it is exactly the mailbox through which the Facebook account was registered.

How to recover your Aliexpress password via phone?

Many people now don’t have a computer at all; a tablet or smartphone has replaced everything for them. How can I recover my password in this case if, for example, I bought everything through mobile app Aliexpress?

Firstly, you can go to your phone via a browser in the same way as described above and do all the necessary movements.

Secondly, you can do the same through the mobile application. Open it and go to MENU - MY PROFILE. You will see this picture:

And then everything is as described above. If you don’t remember ANYTHING, not a single email, then create new account And install the LastPass extension to get rid of such short memory problems in the future.

How to change the password on Aliexpress?

And finally, a similar question, also not very difficult, but still many people ask it. In order to change the password for Aliexpress you need to go to MY ALIEXPRESS- A CHANGE OF THE PIN CODE

What password can you come up with for Aliexpress?

Many may wonder: what password can you come up with for Aliexpress? And here again LastPass helps us out! It has a great password generator, see how it works.

So I need to come up with a password. I have the LastPass extension in my browser, click on the red icon and select PASSWORD GENERATOR:

Here you can configure yourself which characters the password can be constructed from, for example, only numbers, or only letters, whether there will be capital letters, or only lower case etc.

The created key will be reliable, and most importantly, the extension will save the password and you will not have to enter data every time when logging into Aliexpress.

Try it yourself and see how convenient this plugin is. And the question will no longer arise: how to come up with a password for Aliexpress, or indeed for any site.

How to remember your passwords? LastPass is a secure password keeper.

Although on aliexpress do complex password There is no point - why hack you? If only out of self-indulgence, schoolchildren can take a shit, but this is from the realm of fantasy.

They also sometimes ask how to recover a password in Aliexpress via a phone number, but I’m not sure if this can be done through the website, if only through the support service, but I haven’t practiced this. Maybe some of you tried it?

In this article we will tell you how to correctly change your login and password through the Aliexpress mobile application.

Everyone knows that many of the goods we buy every day are made in China. And today there is an excellent opportunity to buy goods directly from Chinese manufacturers without intermediary markups thanks to.

Each user gets the opportunity to conveniently use this resource and make purchases, but various questions often arise. In this article we will talk about how you can change the login and password for your account in the mobile application.

How to change your Aliexpress login in the application from your phone?

In general, it’s worth noting right away that the function of changing the login itself is not provided in the application, and therefore the instructions for changing are suitable for a computer, but with some differences.

How to change the password for Aliexpress from your phone in the mobile application?

Password via app Aliexpress we won’t be able to change either, so the browser will help us out here again. We follow the path described above, but only instead of changes in email address choose .

  • To begin, the system will ask you to confirm your email address. Choose "Check Now" and you will receive a 6-digit code to your email
  • We indicate it in the appropriate field on Aliexpress and continue the operation
  • In the next window, the system will allow you to create a new password
  • Fill it in both lines and click "Change password"

By the way, as soon as you click on the change password button, a window will open to log in to Aliexpress and everything will be in Chinese. Don't be scared, just enter your login information and click on the orange button. After this, a window will load to send an email in Russian.

Video: How to change the password on the Aliexpress website?

If you don’t know how to change your password on Aliexpress, this knowledge gap can be easily filled. Below you will find detailed instructions, following which you can easily change the access password to your AliExpress account.

Many people prefer to purchase goods directly from Chinese sellers, which sometimes allows them to save considerable amounts. The AliExpress service helps them with this. Many people do not know how to change the password in this system. But, in fact, everything is very simple and takes a few minutes of time.

Where to begin?

The first thing you need to do is log into your account. To do this, enter your login and existing password. After logging in, select “My AliExpress”. It is usually located on the right side of the user menu.

Sometimes you need to hover your mouse over the username, that is, your name, which is always located in the upper right corner.

Next stage

Subsequent communication with the system takes place in English. But don't be scared if you don't know English. Everything is very simple and does not cause problems. Since your task is to change the combination of numbers and letters for access, follow these simple steps:

    1. Select the "Change Password" button. Translated, this means “Change password.”

  1. Then there may be two options for the development of events. The first time, the system will ask you to answer a security question to make sure it's really you. You must select a secret question and enter the answer to it when registering in the system. It’s better to write this information down in a notebook so you don’t forget it.
  2. You can also change your password via email. In a special window, you must enter the email address associated with your Aliexpress account. Then send the automatically generated code by clicking the “Get Verification Code” button. Enter the five-digit number that came in the letter to your email in the window that appears.

Final stage

If you are concerned about the question of how to change the password on Aliexpress, then there are only a couple of steps left. On the page that opens, in the special window, first enter the old password, and below the new one. To confirm the new code, you must enter it again in the form below. After that, click “Request” or “Sumbit”. Aliexpress will notify you of a successful combination change with a system message.

You can now log in using your new password. Please note that in AliExpress you can use numbers, as well as capital letters and punctuation marks. This allows you to reliably protect your account from access by third parties. In order not to forget a new combination, write it down in a notebook, especially when it consists of different elements (numbers, letters, symbols, and so on).


If you forgot your old password and now cannot log into the system, do not worry - there is always a way out. If you are faced with an unpleasant situation where the old access combination is forgotten, you need to change it to a new one.

To do this you need to do the following:

    1. In the login window, click the “Forgot your password” button, which is located above the password entry form.

    1. Click on the inscription and a window will appear. You are required to enter the mailbox address to which Aliexpress is registered and a verification code that protects against robots.
    2. After filling in all fields, click “Sumbit”.

  1. To your Mailbox a letter will arrive. Open it and follow the link.
  2. Now you have the opportunity to change forgotten password to a new one and restore access to your account. To do this, enter a new combination in a special form and confirm it by re-entering it. Click the "Submit" button.

In a couple of seconds, the system will remember your new password and you will be able to log into your account. To do this, enter your email and new access combination in the appropriate form.

If you have forgotten your password or want to change it for some reason, it is easy to do. If you know how to do it, the procedure only takes a few minutes. Are you worried that you don't know? English language, and this will become an obstacle for you? Detailed step-by-step instruction will help you avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, if you save, you earn it!

With this I want to say goodbye to you, happy shopping everyone!
