“People are not impressed by what I am proud of”: the inventor of unusual things - about his videos. “People are not impressed by what I am proud of”: the inventor of unusual things - about his videos Powerful bottle cutter with a drawing

In this publication, all the materials of the blogger lawyer Egorov, in which he tells and demonstrates clearly how to make a bottle cutter for cutting ribbons, rope and fishing line from plastic bottles. There are additions that will help if not all points have become clear from the main part. In the last part of this article you will find a link to the bottle cutter drawing.

The materials are divided into several parts.

First, watch the first version of the rope mining device. Further more perfect, the second version of his device. In the third part, other craftsmen explain in detail and in an accessible way the entire manufacturing technology of a pvc bottle tape machine. As a basis, the approach presented in the video of lawyer Egorov is also used here. Those who are interested in the drawing can find it at the bottom of the page. But we still suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the developments and choose the most optimal design for your requests.

In the photo below - the device, which will be discussed in the second video.

This model is not so common, it was the first model that showed good results. It differs from the second model in that for cutting tapes of different widths, it is required to twist the regulators each time. Its advantage is ease of manufacture.

This video is about how to create and use a desktop machine for cutting tape from a 1.5 liter bottle or other volume, and how to use the shrink properties of such a tape. In the development of this machine, the author used the experience of another blogger, while the author's development was somewhat changed by him. The difference between the lawyer Yegorov's machine is that it allows you to cut tape of different widths. This is achieved by simply moving one or more washers up or down. This design is also, unlike the original source, stronger and more reliable. This is achieved through the use of other materials. It does not use glue, adhesive tape, a purely bolted connection is used. There is another difference - ease of assembly.

To demonstrate the shrink properties of such a tape, a construction based on a tetrader was assembled. How is the rigidity of the joints achieved? PVC tape is wound and heated with a lighter or other heat source. The tape is heat shrinkable. When heated, the tapes pull the object together. During the shrinking process, the tape becomes narrower, thicker and stronger.

What is needed to assemble the machine?

Piece of laminate. Large and small washers, 2 nuts, two bolts, a piece of a clerical knife. From tools: 2 drills, a screwdriver for, a pencil, a wrench.

The markup will be simple. We connect two washers in one place and mark the holes. The hole must not be drilled all the way through. We change the drill. We drill through holes. Got two holes. Insert the bolt into the hole. As you can see, it is not drowned. You need to drown him. Do the same with the second bolt. In order to cut the tape with a width of 2 washer thicknesses, respectively, two washers should be placed on each bolt.

Then put a clerical knife blade on one of the bolts. Put at least one more washer on each bolt. Orient the blade so that the visible part of its cutting edge is located in the zone formed by the shortest distance from washer to washer. Align washers and tighten nuts. The machine is ready. It can be securely fixed on the table with screws or a clamp. The polyethylene used in the bottle is colorless. It can be transparent or dyed any color. The most popular colors are green or brown. First, an unnecessarily thin black tape 1.5 mm wide will be cut in the frame. This is to demonstrate that such a thin strip cuts just as well as a wide one.

Such a tape in a 2-liter bottle is more than 35 meters. 2 five-liter bottles are enough to tie a raft. Connections with the help of such a tape are very strong and dense. After heat-shrinking the tape with the help of a square from a fire, the knots became one-piece, and the raft itself rallied so that nothing more could be desired. The connection turned out to be stronger and denser than twisting with wire.

The second, more advanced model of Yegorov's bottle cutter

Videos working


Explanation of how to make a bottle machine

Further, the video, which clearly and clearly, describes in detail the entire manufacturing technology of the machine, which is not so well visible in the previous video, but here you can get acquainted with the whole process in detail. The author of this craft is Alexander Tkachenko (YouTube).

Aluminum channel 20 x 30 x 20 mm. Bolts 6 mm. Hairpin 50 centimeters long, 6 millimeters. Nuts, washers 6 mm. Screwdriver bit set. Blade from a construction knife with a width of 18 millimeters. Drill 6 mm. Auxiliary tool, screwdriver, tape measure, metal saw, marker.
So, there is an aluminum channel. A blade will be located inside, which will be pressed in the finished machine against the channel wall using a wooden block. You will find a drawing of a bottle cutter based on a Yegorov bottle cutting device at the bottom of the page.

We focus on the location so that it is convenient to hold the channel with your hand and so that you can screw the bottle cutter sideways to any wooden rack and cut the tape from plastic bottles.
We assume that the blade will be located inside the channel, but it is not very convenient to make markings. Therefore, we apply the blade from the outside and mark the holes on it with a marker. Next, mark the place where the cuts should be. There are 7 cuts in total. We also indicate upper part knife. There is one nuance. When the master applied the marking knife, he did not take into account the thickness of the metal. Therefore, when marking, you need to apply a blade, taking into account the thickness of the metal. In this case, it is 1.5-2 millimeters. The master corrected the mistake by re-drilling the holes. Markup completed.
A pin will be inserted into the marked hole. In the marked places we cut cuts with a hacksaw for metal. We cut it like this: first, a short slot for a thin plastic tape, then gradually increase its length with each step. That is, first we cut through the nearest one, which is closest to the hole from the stud. The step is about 2 millimeters. Then we increase the step.
The photo shows how the channel with slots should look like. The length of each of them corresponds to the width of the tape.

Next, drill a hole on the side opposite to the one already done. After that, you can insert the hairpin by pushing it through both holes.

There are nuances. When you make cuts, be sure to cut clearly on the side from which you adjust the width of the tape to the width you want to achieve. On the other hand, on the contrary, you need to make wider cuts so that the bottle fits as close as possible to the knife in this part.
When you twist the hairpin, it is better to bend it in advance. On the channel, it remains flat. The blade should fit snugly against the channel.
What is a bottle cutter for? First of all, you can make a heat shrink tape with it. It is great for repairing various tools, devices.

Which plastic bottles are best suited for this bottle cutter? They must be unembossed. If you use a bottle with a relief, then the tape will turn out, but it will not be of very high quality. Moreover, it is inconvenient to work with such a workpiece. The cut on the bottle, when you cut off its bottom, it should be even.

If you are not tired of reading, then there is more on this topic.

Powerful bottle cutter with blueprint

Next, watch the video for a powerful PET bottle tape cutting machine, which can be used even on an industrial scale. Its feature is high reliability and performance. The master made a drawing of the cutter, which he made on the basis of the lawyer Egorov's bottle cutter. If you do not want to do the whole construction, then use the part of the drawing that reflects the main working part, which coincides with the device that lawyer Egorov made.

In the video, the details of the manufacture of the bottle cutter

Petersburg lawyer Maxim Yegorov became famous not for his speeches in court, but for his unthinkable inventions. The videos, in which Yegorov talks about how to make ropes from a plastic bottle, a bow from plastic pipes, and a harp from a nail, are collected on YouTube from several hundred thousand to one and a half million views. Lawyer and inventor explained "Paper", why he will not patent his inventions and spoke about other important, from his point of view, achievements - the prototype of artificial intelligence and the draft of a new constitution for an ideal state.

Maxim Egorov

lawyer and inventor

My first invention was an oar, which I made at the age of five from a stick and a lid from a tin can, when my father and mother were sailing in a boat on Ladoga. I remember that paddle very well, because now I would have made it completely differently. If a person wants to get something, then he has three ways: to exchange, take away and do it himself. The desire to take something away from another child is suppressed in childhood. People who use other people's labor are concentration camp guards. Even in psychiatric hospitals they use other people's labor. This option doesn't work for me. The exchange does not suit me either, I have nothing extra. In addition, sometimes I want something that is not there at all, so I do things myself.

I sometimes want things that don't exist at all, so I make things myself

I recently started posting videos online. Friends persuaded me to publish them. As soon as the response appeared, I began to upload new videos. I don't want to patent my inventions. Firstly, it takes time and money, and secondly, I don't mind if people use something, like a bottle cutter, for commercial purposes. I will only be glad to popularize my product. On the other hand, someone can patent a product and prohibit others from using it. commercial use. But in this case, I'm unlikely to do anything. It's a shame that impressing people is not at all what I'm proud of. The most unpopular video on my channel is where my father is talks about syllogistic reasoning, which will allow you to create a real artificial intelligence. We have discovered more than a hundred logical modes that allow you to teach a computer new verbal knowledge. Also, for 18 years, we met as a big company every week on Thursdays and tried to develop a system of an ideal state for non-ideal people. Based on this theory of law created a new constitution. In total, more than 200 people took part in the development of this theory. I don't really like to work and I earn as much as I need. My legal practice usually takes about four hours a day. Sometimes it happens that I am completely free, and sometimes I spend the whole day at work. I have been inventing since preschool age, and now I spend about the same amount of time on work and hobbies.

Six entertaining videos of the inventor

Maxim Egorov's videoblog hit - improved bottle cutter

Surely many remember the rubric " crazy hands" in the TV show "So far, everyone is at home." Her permanent host Andrey Bakhmetiev from improvised means he made various things useful in the household. This column has been off the air for a long time, but the case is flourishing thanks to the St. Petersburg lawyer. Maxim Egorov he makes chairs with his own hands using a rope from a plastic bottle, makes a bow from metal pipes and a phone case from a water trough, and puts all the videos on the Internet. “Handmade” from a lawyer immediately broke all records for views, and in a few months Egorov became a real YouTube star.

The lawyer uses a tripod and a phone to film the video. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

"Paddle from a can"

According to the lawyer himself, his hobby has nothing to do with the program “So far, everyone is at home” - Maxim watched its releases, but something else influenced his occupation. Since childhood, Maxim was very inquisitive and did not like to sit in one place for a long time - he traveled with his parents and conducted experiments. Maxim designed his first invention at the age of six. Then the Egorovs with the whole family sailed in a boat on Lake Ladoga. “Dad was rowing,” Maxim recalls. - I was bored sitting, I also wanted to row. I tried rowing with a stick, but it had almost no resistance to the waves. Then I got a tin can and broke off its lid. I found a large four-sided nail, dug two holes in the lid and put it on a stick. It turned out an oar, and I rowed it. I still don’t understand how my parents allowed me to do all this.”

Years passed. Maxim grew up, became a lawyer, but he remained interested in experiments. Egorov read a lot, and he liked to test in practice the conclusions gleaned from books. Only close people knew about the lawyer's work. “Friends told me for many years: “This should be shared with the world.” And a couple of years ago I shot my first potato video." Before conducting the experiment, Maxim saw videos from other users on the Internet in which they plant potatoes not in the ground, but directly on the ground. They fall asleep with grass or other organic debris, and the tubers ripen in spring. The lawyer never repeats the actions of other people, and he decided to conduct his experiment with moss. “I covered the potatoes with sphagnum, and it turned out the same,” Maxim explains. “The only advantage of my technology is that under sphagnum, potatoes grow more useful and not damaged by any diseases or rodents. You don’t need to plant and hill anything, just harvest.”

Made famous by potatoes

On the advice of friends, Maxim posted the video on the Internet, but a large number of I didn't count views. What was his surprise when the video "shot" and began to collect hundreds of views daily! Then the lawyer began to shoot and upload new videos to YouTube. Egorov now has 82 thousand subscribers who are looking forward to new experiments. “It happens that from 4 to 6 thousand people are added a day,” says the lawyer. - And one subscriber from Vladivostok will soon participate in a motorcycle race to St. Petersburg. He promised to bring me a unique winter-hardy variety of potatoes that his grandfather, a breeder, had been growing for forty years.”

After the video with potatoes, Maxim posted dozens of other entries on his channel on the Internet. The lawyer taught the audience how, without breaking an egg, mix the protein with the yolk, how to quickly cut a plastic bottle into thin ropes, which can then be adapted in the household. Egorov himself, for example, made a chair from several branches of a tree, fastening the branches together with a bottle rope. In the video, the lawyer showed how to make a stylish ring out of a coin, and an excellent hunting bow out of pipes. Maxim honestly admits that he does not have time to combine work and hobbies, so he always has a lot to do. There are always ideas and projects in my head, but there is not always enough time to implement them. Sometimes it takes several days to shoot one video. “I filmed archery for a very long time,” Maxim recalls. “Then it was autumn. I'll just go to the forest, it starts to rain right away. I go home - the sun comes out. I caught the weather for three days. In general, the problem of setting the frame complicates the process several times. Before I had no experience of shooting, but now I have to do everything. It is necessary that the light falls correctly, so that I do not block anything with myself. One hundredth of the entire footage is included in the edited video.

Maxim also does editing on his own, sometimes it takes him even more time than shooting a video. All videos Maxim shoots on regular phone. The only thing that the lawyer bought in a store, and did not make with his own hands, was a tripod. Egorov attached the phone to the tripod with the help of a special case, which the lawyer cut out from the water trough.

Ideas for sale. A graduate of Baumanka established a business on inventions.

"You can't trust anyone"

Maxim keeps some of his inventions at home, the rest he throws away without regret. “Why leave if they are not needed?” the lawyer wonders. At Egorov's house there are rings made of coins, a bottle cutter and a knife. Internet users often write to Maxim with requests to make this or that video, but even more often they offer the lawyer to sell them his inventions. “Many people ask me to sell them some thing that I made,” says Maxim. “But I am categorically against exploitation. How can I sell an item that has a penny cost? If a faucet starts to leak in my apartment, I will fix it myself, if it is necessary to build a house, I will build it. But if I need to do abdominal surgery, I will turn to specialists. Going back to the beginning of the thought - why buy a thing if you can make it yourself?

Now Maxim, as always, is full of ideas. Perhaps very soon several videos of experiments on Lake Ladoga or experiments in the field of biology will appear on his channel on the Internet. “I learned how to stabilize chaga,” the inventor shares. - That's very beautiful. Most mistakenly believe that chaga is a mushroom that grows on a tree. In fact, chaga is a cork, a hardened foam of sap from a tree. I am sure that most of the information that is present in life is not true. Look back at the Middle Ages - what scientists believed to be true for many centuries turned out to be wrong. Such grandiose minds as Maxwell and Faraday divided electricity into wool and amber, and for 200 years no one doubted it! We have advanced a little from our ancestors. You need to check everything on personal experience, but you can’t trust anyone! I'm telling you this as a lawyer."

Our Kulibins. Digest of recent inventions of Russian scientists.

Yegorov's lawyer YouTube channel quickly became popular. And no wonder - this nugget inventor generates brilliant ideas, using only improvised means.
The untimely deceased, but eternally famous television program “Very skillful hands” is being replaced by new heroes who can make impressive things from plastic bottles, stationery rubber bands and “Moment” glue no worse than Timur Kizyakov and Andrey Bakhmetyev.

Lawyer Maxim Egorov became a YouTube star, creating incredible gadgets, tools and even weapons with my own hands from improvised materials and construction waste.

Every time the topic of the inevitability of nuclear war pops up in the media or social networks, people think about their own skills that will ensure their safety in the post-apocalyptic era. As bloggers rightly point out, lawyer Egorov is definitely the type of person who will win the Fallout game if it happens in the real world.

Egorov maintains his own YouTube channel, where he shares educational videos in three areas: fishing, gardening, and DIY. In the first two categories, he did not do well in terms of popularity: despite useful tips like "Camping Radiator: How to Heat a Tent Until the Morning" and "How to Increase Your Potato Yield by Dividing a Tuber", these videos averaged about 50,000 views.

And here is the heading “Och. skillful "rollers from Yegorov was in special demand. On June 22, she, as they say, bombed: a video about a "bottle cutter", a device for cutting rope from plastic bottles, hit the top YouTube and scored over 1 million views in less than two weeks.

As it turned out, Egorov has rare qualities for modern video bloggers: he does not distract attention with unnecessary inserts with jokes, dances or music. He immediately starts talking about the case, rarely appears in the frame (only when you need to demonstrate something), his knowledge is truly unique and useful, and you want to listen and listen to his calm, insinuating voice.

Take at least a video about chicken eggs and coasters for them. Egorov not only talks about a way to mix the insides of an egg without breaking it, but also clarifies that there was not enough information in the method he read on one of the sites: according to Egorov, this caused negative feedback from readers of the resource.

But the blogger does not stop there: he shares the options for using this life hack - for example, you can surprise your friends or give an original gift for Easter - and immediately tells you what date Easter will be this year. Three in one!

For those who still doubt Yegorov's chances of surviving a zombie invasion or the outbreak of a civil war, there is an example of an instruction for making a knife. Yegorov honestly warns: “The blade is obviously made of stainless steel, and I don’t understand how I welded St3 steel to it.”

If the knife was not convincing enough, the next video should break all the patterns. Egorov shows how, using PVC pipes, siding inserts and the effect of an electric hair dryer, you can make a bow that, apparently, is not inferior to a long Scottish bow in terms of characteristics.

Egorov himself with this bow in his hands in a natural environment looks not only like a Sherwood robber, not like an elf Legolas - at least he hits the target no worse.

Other videos by Yegorov make eyebrows rise on their own already from some titles: for example, “How to make a harp out of a nail” and “How to make a ring with the coat of arms of the USSR out of a coin.” For what? Because Yegorov can.

Maxim Egorov was born in St. Petersburg in 1979, where he still lives. Judging by his VKontakte page, in his spare time he enjoys hiking, fishing and playing billiards.

Remarkably, Yegorov really provides legal services in a firm named after him. In addition to supporting cases in court, Lawyer Egorov also deals with cases that are closer to the world of the Internet: for example, web design and SEO optimization.
