Setting up and installing Wine on Ubuntu. Completing Wine How to find out which library is missing wine

So, the drivers are installed, the video card is configured - it's time to unlock its potential with the help of computer games. Otherwise, what is all this for? :-) Let's start.

Installing Wine

Wine is an implementation of the application programming interface library ( Application Programming Interface, API). Wine intercepts requests windows programs and converts the instructions into their linux equivalents in the form of commands to the window manager using standard protocol X11. If you have access to source code windows programs, Wine can also be used to recompile a program into a format that linux understands better. But we still don't need it for that. We need it for games.

There are several ways to install Wine. First, it may already be in your distribution's repository. Considering the process of downloading from the repository of each individual distribution, to be honest, there is not enough space or knowledge, because you need to know all the distributions and their features. For example ubuntu- need to go to Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center, enter in the search bar " Wine"- and it is in front of you. Bad news: it may not be in the repository, or it may be, but not updated to new versions. Therefore, I advise the second way - self-installation.

First you need to add wine source to the list of sources that Linux looks for new package versions.

Here at this address - given detailed description additions and installations on all known Linux distributions. Consider the process with an example ubuntu.

In the console you need to type the following lines:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update

In the first line we add the download address Wine to our system update address list. The second line - we read all the latest information about new packages so that Linux adds Wine to the list available programs. Next, go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, write in the search bar wine, find it in the drop-down list of available packages and check the box. On this moment this is the package Wine1.3, when selected, it pulls additional packages: wine1.3-gecko, winetricks, ttf-symbol-replacement-wine1.3 And wisotool. Install all these packages with the button Apply .

It remains only to configure the newly installed Wine. The first launch (for example, opening settings) will create system registry and directory tree in directory ~/.wine.

Script winetricks and installation of necessary programs

Winetricks is an executable script file. When you run it, a window appears containing a long list of programs that can be installed through this script. We do not need all of them - we only need those without which most games will not start. So let's start winetricks and install:

7zip, d3dx9, d3dx9_28, d3dx9_36, d3dx10, d3dxof, dinput8, directmusic, directplay, directx9, dotnet11, dotnet20, dotnet20sp2, dotnet30.

Windows fonts have already been installed with Wine1.3 if you want to expand the range - winetricks offers a large number of fonts to choose from. Although, instead of installing one font from the Internet with a script, I simply copied it from the one installed in the next section Windows all fonts in Wine(all fonts are placed in the directory ~/.wine/drive_c/Windows/Fonts).

If you read in any articles on the Internet that after installation DirectX you need to go to wine settings DLLs and change their settings - forget it. This information is outdated and no longer relevant. Winetricks does it all for you.

Well, actually, that's all we need. The final touch remains - verification DirectX for performance. In the Vaino catalog windows/system32 launch dxdiag.exe and run all tests on all tabs, especially tests DirectDraw And Direct3D. All tests passed, everything works? I congratulate you! Your computer is ready to install games!

Andrey " F1reTu][" Frolov

All people love to play games. This lesson helps to distract from the real world with its real problems and, at least not for long, but immerse yourself in the virtual world.

This is how an article about games for Windows should have started. But today the conversation is not entirely about them. Today we will talk about games on Linux. Most people don't like this operating system just because it doesn't have "normal" games, and it doesn't matter that it works great.

But those who want to can play the same games on Linux as on Windows. Ask how? And it's very simple. Today we’ll talk about how Wine is installed and configured.

Those people who have been using Linux for a long time and have chosen it as the head of the OS, probably do not need to define this software, but for the rest it is still worth explaining.

Wine is a program that allows you to run programs and Windows games. In other words, with it you can play those games that are not designed for Linux and are, so to speak, exclusive to Windows.

It is noteworthy that the program is constantly evolving. So, a couple of years ago it was impossible to launch a game based on DiretX11 with it, now everything has changed. Patches are constantly released, and everything is quickly repaired if something breaks. If you prefer stability, you can easily install standard version Wine and she will not be able to surprise you unpleasantly.

The only downside is the relatively complicated setup of Wine. But after reading this article, you will understand everything in a matter of minutes and do everything yourself.

Installation methods

Before explaining how Wine is configured for games, it is necessary to initially explain how it is installed.

Linux users know that the same action in their operating system can be done in different ways, and with

Consider initially the simplest option, using the Package Manager or, as it is also called, the Program Manager. In principle, no matter how it is called, the main thing is that it works the same way.

First you need to open it. Next, in the search bar you need to register the name of the program - Wine. The search begins. Upon completion, several options may appear in front of you. Choose just Wine without extra characters and click "Install" (Install). Wait while the program downloads and installs.

The second way is to use the terminal. Open it and enter:

sudo apt-get install wine

The download will begin followed by installation. However, there is a high probability that a non-fresh version will be downloaded, this is due to the fact that the program is developing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, we enter:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

sudo apt-get update

Now enter:

sudo apt-get install wine1.6

That's all, the software has just been installed through the Console. Now we will tell you how Wine is configured.

What do you need to know about configuring Wine?

For Wine (Linux), the setup may not always go smoothly, but don't worry if something doesn't work out for you, you can return everything to its original position at any time. The easiest way is to uninstall the program and reinstall it, but this is only in extreme cases.

Another important thing is not to rush. In this case, it is important to carefully read what needs to be done and when. But if you succeed, it will be remembered for a lifetime. Now let's get started.

First thing

There are two options for development, the differences in them are small, but still there. If you have a 64-bit Linux distribution, then you and Wine have 64-bit installed, and this is not necessary. Therefore, we enter this command in the terminal:

WINEARCH=win32 winecfg

After that, you should have the Wine settings open. Move it to the back and don't go back to it just yet. If you have a 32-bit system, then you can skip this step.

Now you need to download and install Winetricks. To do this, in the terminal, write:


If you do not have this program, you will be prompted to download it. Download and install. After start.

Winetricks allows you to quickly customize Wine itself. Launching it in the first window, you must select Select the default wineprefix. We press OK.

Setting up DLLs and fonts

We continue to talk about how the Wine setup proceeds. By clicking "OK", we will see that a second window will open. It needs to highlight Install a font- this is to customize the fonts. We press OK.

You will see a window with all possible fonts for Wine. In order not to drag out for a long time and not waste time, select everything at once and click OK. This will launch the download and installation window. During this, do not move far from the computer, as it is likely that you will receive confirmation requests for ongoing operations. Agree with all of them.

It is likely that after selecting all the fonts and pressing the button, you will be shown an error and everything will be lost. In this case, it will not be possible to install everything at once and you will have to do it separately. If after selecting an item it throws an error, skip it.

Now let's move on to configuring the DLL. This is a very important point, and you should not skip it, because without the installed DLLs, it is unlikely that you will start at least some game.

Click on Install a Windows DLL or component. A similar window will open in front of you, which was with the fonts. Not all components can be installed here, but some are required. In general, it would be better to do the same manipulations as with fonts. Try to install each of them in turn, ignoring those that give an error.

By the way, after trying to install, some DLLs like dotnet30 may throw an error and open a browser explorer. In this case, on the browser page, you need to download the proposed component and place it in the folder that was opened, and then do the installation again.

Registry setting

By the way, according to this instruction, the Wine setup in Linux Mint, although other distributions shouldn't be a problem either.

Let's move on to debugging the registry. To do this, in the second window, this time select Change setting. Here it is already impossible to allow yourself liberties, and it will not work to install everything at once. Therefore, we follow the presented list of necessary settings:






    glsl-enabled- this is according to the standard, but if you have Nvidia graphics card, it is better to choose disabled. This will improve performance in games.


    videomemorysize 1024(choose the amount of video card memory)

    mwo-enabled (force)

That's basically all about Wine. Setting up Mint and other OS versions is no longer a problem for you, because this instruction perfect for most distributions.

Remember one more thing, during the installation of "Windows" games, you cannot choose to install additional software. Remove ticks. Also, when the installation is complete, uncheck the "Run now" box. Run through a shortcut on the desktop.

Wine is a free open source implementation software interface Windows. Wine is not an operating system or computer emulator, as can be described, for example, virtualization software (VirtualBox, VmWare etc.), which emphasizes the decoding of its name " Wine Is Not Emulator". Wine was created to reduce the degree of dependence on the activities and position of the corporation Microsoft, expanding scope free operating systems through the possibility launch programs for Windows.

Wine is not an emulator

In fact, Wine is a set of libraries and software tools, allowing run windows programs and similar to what she uses herself operating system by Microsoft. Part the Wine software distribution also includes programs for configuring it (), a registry editor, a package of scripts, file manager, Notepad, etc. Quantity programs for Windows which are already start from using Wine quite large and constantly growing. At there is a specialized database with notes on the compatibility of certain programs with Wine. Among the fully compatible with Wine programs many office and multimedia programs, programs for enterprises and organizations, "1C" including programs for graphics processing (including some Adobe versions photoshop and so on.). The number of supported and initially compatible with wine games.

Since emulation of any devices and during operation Wine does not occur, the operating speed is compatible with Wine programs when using it, it is usually not lower than when working directly in Windows (and often higher).

Based on, or using components, Wine at different times such projects as Cedega(focused on launch games, Firstly), crossover(focused on launch application programs ) and so on.

Installing Wine

Wine software package most often included in modern Linux distributions(Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, openSUSE, etc.), and for its search and installations You will most likely need to contact management software your distribution.

apt-get install wine In order to install WINE, execute in console as administrator, for Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc. zypper install wine wine-gecko For SUSE and openSUSE Linux.

Setting up Wine

For start Wine setup programs, call in the console, or in the command shortcut dialog, winecfg (use " WINEPREFIX"). winecfg configures appearance Windows programs for example, it makes it possible to change the version of a set of libraries Windows (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, ...) and so on.

Winetricks - additional settings, components and programs

Winetricks is a set of scripts written by developers Wine and the community, to facilitate changes to some of the hidden Wine settings, installations some additional system libraries ( DirectX etc.) and popular Windows programs, including Internet Explorer (IE), several demos games and so on.. Winetricks is usually included with the Wine distribution. To launch the main dialog box Winetricks execute in console, or the command shortcut dialog (key combination " Alt+F2"), command " winetricks". You can also use commands like winetricks directx9 in console where "directx9"- name of the installed component. To view a list of component categories offered Winetricks to install, you can call winetricks list command, and for listing the contents of the categories themselves - winetricks apps list , where "apps"- the name of the required category.

Running Windows Programs in Wine

Way running programs in Wine typical for working with any file, be it an image, a text file, or an executable exe file in our case: you can just run executable Windows file(*.exe) from his file manager(double click, for example), or execute command in console wine ~/Downloads/program.exe . You also can run Windows programs through inner paths Wine if they are in directories mounted as system drives when starting the required profile ("prefix") Wine(be it standard "~/.wine/drive_c", or any other folders, customized You). In this case, the DOS address format is used. programs wine C:\\Program\ Files\\programm.exe .

A backslash "\" is added before special characters, such as the same backslash or space.

Installing Windows programs in Wine

For Windows program installation, respectively, you will need run its installer: wine setup.exe Next, you will need to go through the standard procedure Windows software installations, which most often consists of repeatedly clicking the "Next" button. One of the most interesting features Wine lies in the possibility of using profiles, or the so-called " prefixes", for installing programs - independent copies of system library sets, programs and Windows settings . Standard Wine prefix, i.e. the folder in which the profile is written by default is ".wine" - hidden folder inside the user's home directory. To use a separate "prefix", you need to create a new folder for it ( to reset the profile - delete its contents) and use global variable export WINEPREFIX(possible as part of a team launching a Windows program, including for installers). For example WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine-programm" wine setup.exe . For installed programs Wine creates shortcuts in the local user (~/.local/share/applications/) menu desktop (Gnome, KDE, XFCE etc.) using the necessary prefixes.

Recently, Wine has changed for the better, Mono has been improved and now it works well.

I hope you install Wine x64 without instructions, through Add or Remove Programs.

Switching wine from 64 to 32

rm -fr ~/.wine env WINEARCH=win32 wineboot

After installation, you need to find the Wine Settings icon in the application or run the command in the console

Wine will offer to install the Mono package - we agree (OK), after the Gecko x64 and Gecko x32 package - we agree (OK), the Wine settings window will open, you can close it - until it is needed. Everything can be configured via GUI, but it's a long time and if there is a failure, you won't understand where it happened. Install via console (terminal).
Install fonts.

winetricks corefonts

The first long one command (copied, pasted into the console, press Enter). It will download the necessary libraries, installers will appear, we agree with the license agreements and install. If a failure occurs (error mfc40) or the installation hangs in the console, press Ctrl + C (stop the process), execute this command again. Everything should be installed (checked). The speed of installation depends on your Internet connection speed.


Second team

winetricks dxdiagn gdiplus gfw mfc40 mfc42 msxml6 quartz


winetricks vb5run vb6run vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2015 vcrun6 vcrun6sp6


winetricks wsh57 wsh56vb xact xact_jun2010 xinput

Next, select change settings and set

ddr=opengl fontfix glsl=enabled multisampling=enabled mwo=enabled nocrashdialog orm=fbo psm=0 psm=1 psm=2 psm=3 rtlm=auto strictdrawordering=desabled videomemorysize= than 2048, then mark it then correct it in the registry) vsm=0 vsm=1 vsm=2 vsm=3

Choose to run winecfg

Set the Wine version (from the drop-down list) to Windows-7 or higher.
On the tab - Libraries - in the existing values ​​\u200b\u200bwe are looking for - dinput - select and click.
Edit, in the drop-down menu we set - built-in, then third-party, repeat the action and with -dinput8- eliminates mouse problems in games.

Who has problems with sound, you can change the parameter - dsound - to built-in.

Wine profix

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/winecfg prefix_name
WINEPREFIX=~/prefix_name C:/path/to/program

Filling Wine

Added instructions for installation and filling
Let's start stuffing our, not yet experienced, in terms of omnivorous Wine. That is, we will install applications without which not one self-respecting game will start. For example DirectX, Visual C++, MS.NET, PhysX, Windows media player, in general, all that is needed (or maybe not needed !?) I will list.
We open " Applications->Wine->Winetricks"(further in the windows we put dots as shown):

Click OK, the following window appears:

Click OK again, a window opens with a choice of installed components and DLL, check the boxes for the items that I indicated:
d3dx9, d3dx9_26, d3dx9_28, d3dx9_31, d3dx9_35, d3dx9_36, d3dx9_42, d3dx10, d3dx11_42, d3dx11_43, d3dxof, devenum, dinput8, dirac, directmusic, directplay, directx9, dmsynth, dotnet11, dotnet20, dotnet30, dxdiagn, gecko110, gecko120, gfw, mfc40, mfc42, msasn1, msxml6, physx, quartz, vcrun2003, vcrun2005, vcrun2008, vcrun6, vcrun6sp6, wmp10, wsh56vb, wsh57, xact, xact_jun2010, xinput, adobeair.
OK. We are gaining patience, waiting for all this to be installed, sometimes you will need to confirm the license agreement, so don't go far :)
Better, I would recommend you not to install everything at once, but two or three components - in this case, if some kind of failure occurs (God forbid), you will at least know on which component it happened.

For extreme and especially lazy people, there is another way:

!!!I advise you, before you start experimenting with games, create backup folders.Wine: " Go->Home Folder->Ctrl+H"and copy the entire .Wine folder to another location. It does not weigh much (about 1GB), with installed components, and in case your working .Wine crashes, you can replace it !!!
