List of negative subconscious programs. Negative attitudes: how to identify everything at once and remove it forever? The best technique for working through negative beliefs

The evil eye is a direct energy breakdown inflicted on a person as a result of severe negative emotional impact. For example, in case of a strong quarrel or showdown. Often the main cause of the evil eye can be an envious look or an envious word.

The evil eye is the most common energy defeat. And if you feel lethargy, numbness, withdrawal, anxiety, your mood worsens, and physical weakness appears, minor troubles begin - know these are symptoms of the evil eye. The evil eye is also characterized by sudden changes in temperature, insomnia, large weight loss or rapid weight gain, long-term illnesses, troubles in personal life, and sudden injuries. Not only people, but also animals suffer from the evil eye, flowers and trees die.

The evil eye can be removed on your own, but if a person is not familiar with the methods of psychological protection and does not know the techniques for restoring his energy, then such a breakdown can last a long time and, as a result, lead to very unpleasant consequences.

A curse- this is a magical action aimed at causing (or wanting) all sorts of troubles without personal participation in causing harm, a program for destruction introduced into a person’s field. Usually a curse is “cast” as revenge or influence, but also for protection purposes. A curse is transmitted through words (spoken or mentally, or written) and through physical objects. It can wait in the wings for years and decades, activated under the right conditions and influence almost all aspects of human life. The difference between a curse and damage is that, although in both cases a destructive program is brought from outside, you will not receive it undeservedly. A curse is always preceded by a certain event that serves as the starting point.

Ancestral curse this is a curse that fell on a clan due to the activities of one of the members of the clan, transmitted by inheritance over many generations, and, depending on the severity, up to the total destruction of all members of the clan. May manifest as similar illnesses, deaths, weaknesses or misfortunes, infertility in the female or male line. The generational curse cannot simply be interrupted; the embedded program is triggered in each subsequent generation. When someone you know talks about a curse, you should know that in most cases it is just a series of certain events or bad heredity, an indicator that not everything is in order in the family. If this is really a curse, try to find the key event that served as the beginning, the starting point; in reality, this will help you understand how to atone for what you have done and undo the repeating destructive program.

Parental curses are imposed during family feuds, as a rule, at the moment of scandal, when emotions are running high, and represent uncontrolled statements. They carry the most terrible unpredictable consequences that work quite quickly. Children cursed by their parents are doomed to numerous life hardships and difficulties. Parental curses include not only curses from parents to children, but any within the family.

Program- widespread negative impact. It is placed automatically when interacting with an energetically stronger person, when he tries to implant his thoughts and desires into you. Symptoms: unnatural actions, discomfort, strange behavior. IN Everyday life people influence each other randomly, aimlessly and meaninglessly, and almost never enjoy the fruits of their influence.

Zombification differs from a program in that it is placed at the level of consciousness in the zone of attention of the object. It does not manifest itself energetically, but creates stable results.

North Koreans behaved like zombies after the death of Kim Jong Il

Zombification the ordinary presupposes a certain manipulative goal - to obtain some benefits by controlling the actions of another person, without taking into account the interests of the latter. This is the replacement of the individual part of each client’s awareness with one’s own programs in such a way that he (the client) considers someone else’s program to be his own. This is, first of all, advertising, social programming, the formation of public opinion, religious (patriotic, national and other) education. For ordinary zombies, the fulcrum and control lever are beliefs. Internet resources - “...Any belief binds a person, makes his worldview fixed and therefore vulnerable to attack. Destroy the person's fundamental beliefs, erase the boundaries, put forward powerful counterarguments to these beliefs, and when you succeed, you will see that the person is confused and disoriented, take the lead and control him.

The main task of hard zombification is to break the will of the victim and thus increase the degree of his susceptibility to orders given to the subconscious. Those. Zombifying specialists, as a rule, influence not the consciousness, but the subconscious. That is why such negativity is very difficult to neutralize. It turns out that a person who has been subjected to such an attack sincerely and firmly believes in what he was forced to believe. At the same time, a person can not be in conflict with himself for a long time, since everything that he feels and does, he is aware of and agrees with it. Moreover, he himself strives to carry out the program imposed on him, believing that by carrying it out he is moving towards the right goal.

Coding- this is the introduction of an alien program into the subconscious or consciousness. The person is put into a trance and is subjected to psychological or hypnotic influence. In the process of psychological encoding, a “code” is introduced - a certain psychological program, which, under pain of death or serious illness, imposes a ban on unwanted behavior. As a rule, this program runs counter to a person’s preferences, and therefore fails after a while. Coding does not solve the problem at the causal level and is sooner or later rejected by the body.

Psychological blocks- energy jams of the mental body. They arise as a result of doubts and self-criticism. The most “popular” is low self-esteem, this is not a high opinion of oneself, the belief that life is unfair. “No one loves me...”, the state of “victim of circumstances.” It often develops into hatred of oneself and the world around one, when one is overwhelmed by resentment, guilt and remorse. A protracted conflict between intention and desire, against this background, the development of depression and stress occurs, which leads to complex damage to systems and organs, and the development of diseases.

Entities- inorganic formations that are aware of themselves, possessing glimpses of reason and a program of behavior. The movement of the entity is governed by a well-known universal law: like is attracted to like. Therefore, entities are attracted to clots of released energy that have similar vibrations and feed on them, provoking a person to an even greater release of energy that is tasty for them. The reasons for the appearance of entities may be the following: strong negative emotions, chronic anger, negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material wealth, sexual intemperance, vanity, fascination with scenes of violence, etc., as well as artificially created distortions of the energy field. Entities can cause restless dreams, recurring troubles, and accidents.

Egregor connection. Egregor- a set of unidirectional thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires of a large number of people. Includes thought forms and stereotypes of thinking. Is an independent entity. Egregors are intelligent, as they are generated by the human mind. Egregors are prone to constant saturation with energy and growth. The smallest egregor is the family one. There is a constant exchange of energy between the egregor and each of its members. Large and well-known egregors - the egregor of Christianity, the Muslim egregor, the egregor of money, etc. Any egregors completely replace the action of cosmic energies with their programs and flows. But there are egregors that actively destroy personality - black schools, sects (White Brotherhood, for example), the egregor of alcoholism and drug addiction. Without the conscious participation of a person and targeted systematic attempts to change the inner world, cleansing from negative egregorial influence is practically impossible.

Vampirism- pathological energy exchange between people or unconscious pumping of energy to another person. Vampire suckers are established both by other people or objects, and by the person himself, for example, when he constantly thinks about bad, destructive things. In this case, there is a sharp deterioration in mood, physical weakness, the appearance of lethargy and apathy. An energy vampire is a person who, for some reason, finds himself “cut off” from the source of cosmic energy and is forced to pump energy out of the people around him. Very often, disabled, elderly or seriously ill people become energy vampires. Often after communication, a simple conversation on the phone with a person fueled by someone else's energy, you can suddenly feel a loss of strength, a headache, and a desire to lie down to rest. As a rule, vampires play on the pity and compassion of a person, on his feelings of guilt. If this does not succeed, they try in any way to cause irritation or manifestations of other emotions and begin to "pump" the donor's energy. The energy vampire does not calm down until he receives a portion of energy from the victim. There are people who vampirize quite consciously, these are the so-called "black vampires" they love to download energy from children, as well as from young healthy people men and women.

Necrotic Link this is a channel for the leakage of vital energy from a living person to a deceased person; most often it is formed when, after the death of a relative or friend, a certain emotional or psychological attachment remains, or regret about the loss. There are two types of such connections - “the corpse of a corpse”, when a person died a natural death, from old age, and for some reason remained in the cocoon of a relative; A “living corpse” is one disembodied at the wrong time; such dead people yearn for their pleasures, their loved ones, and therefore attach themselves to people in order to be able to indirectly experience life. It happens that necrotic connections are established purposefully, with the aim of causing harm, when soil from a cemetery is poured under the victim’s door or even into food, or a photograph and personal belongings of a living person are placed in the coffin of the deceased.

Such phrases: “it will take a long time to heal”, “you may remain crippled”, “be patient and be silent”, “cry and everything will pass”, “don’t tell anyone” - can lead to illness and inappropriate behavior when a person really begins to endure, remain silent and hide everything from others.

The secret of our subconscious

Depression, unreasonable fears, stress - all this deprives life of pleasure, leads a person to a dead end and stops him on the path to long-awaited happiness.

Life ceases to seem as bright and colorful as it was in childhood, a person begins to be overcome by illnesses and various ailments.

Some try to cope with this with the help of medications, others use various practices or turn to God to regain peace of mind, health, and regain the lost colors of life.

But the thing is,Without eliminating the causes that led to such conditions, a person is doomed to repeat them.

And there's only one way outfind the true cause and get rid of it.

The reactive mind makes a person's behavior unpredictable

It has been discovered that our minds accumulate a large number of information, which can then have an impact on us, including a negative one.

This information is stored in our head in mental images, pictures, which also contain various sensations.

And if we remember any painful episode for us, we will find that we have the same emotions and sensations that we felt during this incident.

In fact, there is one single source of all our problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt are reactive mind.

If analytical mind we need it in order to make decisions related to our survival, and we use it every second for this, then reactive or unconscious mind is the hidden part of our mind that remembers all the moments of pain and painful emotions.

In case of severe pain or stress, the work of the analytical mind is suspended and the recording in the reactive mind is turned on. It is he who records at this moment everything that happens around him (words, sounds, smells, visual images).

And although he uses these memories in the same way as the analytical one - for our survival, he works on a different principle: keeping all the painful experience, later uses it against us.

Namely: having perceived the slightest resemblance to the situation during which we felt pain or mental loss, he automatically gives us the command to behave in the same way.

For example, a boy fell and hit his head on a stone. Suppose, at the same time, he felt, in addition to pain, a strong smell of dust, and the reactive mind retained this perception.

And now, when the boy smells this smell again, he will begin to get nervous - this is the reactive mind that orders him to react this way, since it is written in it: when there is a smell of dust, a person gets a bump.

And if the boy does not immediately leave the place where this irritant is present, the reactive mind can trigger pain in the area of ​​​​the head with which he hit.

Thus, acting on the stimulus-response principle, the reactive mind will turn on everything recorded again and again if the situation reminds it of a moment from the past.

Reactive Mind lacks the ability to do calculations and serves to counteract pain that can paralyze a person.

For example, a fighter who continues to fight while semi-conscious, or a burned man who crawls out of a fire are examples of cases where the reactive mind is useful.

However, it creates many more problems for us: makes a person’s behavior unpredictable, causes psychoses, neuroses, convulsions, can provoke arthritis, asthma, allergies, heart disease, increased blood pressure, etc.

In addition, it forces a person to give up his hopes, keeps him in apathy, and makes him indecisive.

Engrams are time bombs

The accumulated losses and pain throughout life greatly reduce the level of consciousness and vitality, while deteriorating physical health.

It was found that while pain is present, no treatment for psychosomatic diseases (such as arthritis, rheumatism, dermatitis, etc.) will provide lasting improvement.

For example, knee arthritis occurs because the memory of all the knee injuries that happened in the past accumulates. When episodes of injury are detected and removed, arthritis disappears.

You can treat other health problems in the same way.

For example, the pain in my heart will go away forever, if you find and erase the negative emotional charge of the moment when a person experienced heart damage (severe stress, shock).

Of course it may seem incrediblebut this method works. It’s just that we’ve already gotten used to the fact that it’s easier to take a pill than to deal with our mind, which has always been considered complex and incomprehensible even for specialists.

As mentioned above, the reactive mind stores in itself a record of every sensation present at the moment of complete or partial unconsciousness, down to the smallest detail - the so-called engrams .

They form the basis of many psychosomatic and mental illnesses. A person can have many engrams in his subconscious at the same time.

They, like time bombs, pop up under the influence of associative circumstances and cause a painful state in the body.

For example, a person undergoes surgery and is under anesthesia. At this time, his reactive mind recorded the sound of the instrument, everything that was said at that moment, all the sounds and smells.

And now, whenever this person hears a sound reminiscent of the clinking of instruments, the corresponding engram is activated and he begins to get nervous.

In addition, he may experience an unpleasant sensation in the operated area and foggy consciousness, since he was under anesthesia at the time of the operation.

Have special power words in engrams.Because the reactive mind takes some words and phrases spoken at the time of injury literally.

For example, a girl who was rescued from drowning may suffer from breathing problems in the future simply because at that moment someone shouted, “She can’t breathe!”

Such phrases: “it will take a long time to heal”, “you may remain crippled”, “be patient and be silent”, “cry and everything will pass”, “don’t tell anyone” - can lead to illness and inappropriate behavior, when a person really begins to endure, remain silent and hide everything from others.

We've all heard that negative experiences help in life. Without it, a person would never learn anything. This is absolutely true. But this has nothing to do with the engram. An engram is not an experience, it is an action under orders.

To help yourself, you need to remember

So how can we help ourselves and erase negative engrams and sensations from our reactive mind?

Over the course of my life, I have tried many different systems and methods of working on myself, my body and subconscious.

I fasted, doused myself with cold water, and meditated. And all I wanted to achieve was to take control of my health and my abilities, understand myself better and, accordingly, live without illness, depression and inappropriate emotions.

I could not agree that a person uses only a tenth of his capabilities.

A few years ago I was advised to read a book "Dianetics", which has been described as a truly effective technique for working with the mind.

I asked a counter question: will it help me get rid of internal anxiety, anxious sleep and frequent mood swings?

But, after reading several pages where the technology of working with painful moments for a person was described, I realized that there was logic in the author’s words.

The whole mechanism is that another person, who is also familiar with the book, helps you return to unpleasant moments of the past: trauma, illness, mental loss. Moreover, this is done without hypnosis, with full consciousness.

You talk through this episode of your life from beginning to end, and your partner, the auditor, guides you with questions: what do you see? what do you hear? What do you think? etc.

These questions keep you in the incident and allow you to reconstruct the full picture of what happened.- with all emotions, perceptions and even sensations, since the injured place can hurt again.

Having gone through this episode several times and restored all its details (phrases, emotions, thoughts), a person begins to feel how a painful moment in life ceases to have a negative impact on him. Negative emotions seem to go away and dissolve.

When I went through an episode of my childhood, where at the age of 10 I ended up in the police for throwing clay with the guys, I thought that I wouldn’t find anything interesting there.

But a picture surfaced in my memory that I had completely forgotten: a scary and angry, as it seemed to me, policeman was shouting at me. At that moment, tears flowed from my eyes: I completely delved into the feelings of myself, a ten-year-old boy, and, as then, I cried.

Over the course of a few weeks, I went through dozens of unpleasant moments in my life using this method and found the reasons why I couldn’t stand children’s crying; why in many ways I repeat the behavior and words of my father.

Day after day, I felt the lump of tension in my mind loosen and I stopped reacting inappropriately.

And when I found a phrase written down during a moment of unconsciousness during a fall at a construction site, said by my boss: “What kind of worker was lost,” I understood why I had been limping on my right leg for many years. The most interesting thing is that after that I stopped limping.

A few weeks later I was a different person. My behavior and emotions became predictable for me, I began to see and feel life better: it was as if I had unhooked a huge cart that I had previously been dragging behind me.

Incredibly, my relationships with others improved on their own: long-forgotten friends began to call me, bad debts were returned, and more warmth and love appeared in my relationships with my parents.

“Dianetics is an adventure. This is the mastery of terra incognita - the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown area that is located inside the head, a centimeter from your forehead. And if the lingering memory of pain is removed, the human body becomes extremely capable of recovery. Psychosomatic diseases and unreasonable fears go away, and a person gains mental and physical health, a high ability to survive...”

The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was right. trying to find solutions to problems in our past.

He didn’t understand only one thing - where exactly lies these problems. And they lie in specific episodes of our life, in those very ones that we don’t like to remember and that you can’t force us to think about, because they are painful for us. By returning to these moments and watching them again, you can again find happiness and health.published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Are you familiar with the situation when suddenly everything starts to go wrong? When do your plans get disrupted and uncontrollable events happen in your life? Do you suddenly start to get sick and feel tired and weak, although nothing was foreshadowed, but on the contrary, everything was fine? Are you sick, but doctors can’t make a diagnosis and are sending you off from one doctor to another?

To one degree or another, throughout our lives we all encounter similar situations that have no explanation. But this is only at first glance. In fact, a negative program of directed action has “started up” in your field. It can only be detected by someone who works with subtle energies and is proficient in mental and energy diagnostic techniques.

Types of negative programs

Negative programs are conventionally divided into 4 types. Each of them has its own characteristics, symptoms, duration of work and focus. All negative programs have one thing in common - they have a destructive effect aimed at happiness, family relationships, love, material well-being, health, success and luck.

  1. The evil eye is a destructive program created by a strong negative emotion. It is aimed at a person. It disrupts and distorts the flow of vital force in the body. The stronger the release of negative emotion, the stronger the impact. It can be intentional or unintentional. Symptoms: the appearance of causeless headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, cold symptoms, irritability, mood swings. More information about the evil eye program is in the article “”. Cleansing from negative evil eye programs is carried out using various methods: the Cosmoenergetics method, bioenergy techniques, and folk methods.
  2. Damage is a more powerful destructive effect. The essence of the negative program of damage is causing harm with the help of magic, spells, conspiracies. This effect gets its name from the word spoil, damage, worsen. There are a huge variety of types of damage: for family happiness, for infertility, for trade, material well-being, for illness, for death, damage to animals. There are also a huge number of mechanisms of influence. To remove the negative program of damage, you need the help of a specialist, a spiritual healer, and energy therapist.
  3. A curse, a very strong energy-informational impact on a person. Negative curse programs are created intentionally or in a fit of emotional shock. There are 3 types: congenital karmic, generic and acquired. In order to get rid of curses, serious work is needed with the bioenergy-information structure of a person. For example, getting rid of ancestral curses takes place according to the following scheme: diagnostics, identification and elimination of negative programs of the genus, working with the family tree, cleansing the human energy field. Karmic curses also require a professional approach: competent entry into karmic structures, searching for causes and correcting violations.
  4. Possession of an entity (this also includes demonic possession, possession by demons, spirits, larvae, entities of various orders). A negative program in the form of an implanted entity involves the complete subjugation of the human mind and body. Please note that there is a distinction between the concept of an inhabited entity, innate, infection by entities and independent cultivation, attracting and allowing another entity to enter one’s biofield). To implement management programs, various techniques are used, with their help they cultivate the essence and attach it to a person.

Negative programs in the subconscious. This is a very broad type of programs that a person creates for himself, this is done independently due to certain beliefs, under the influence of family, society, public morality, family traditions, under the influence of strong charismatic friends, acquaintances, as well as various organizations (most often this sects and similar organizations). Elimination of negative subconscious programs is a process in which the result depends on the person himself, how ready he is to change and destroy destructive attitudes. In addition to the fact that a person creates various engrams for himself, there are known cases of suggestion and the use of hypnotic techniques to introduce negative programs into the subconscious of the desired person. Such programs are filmed only by strong healers and psychologists who know the techniques of energetic influence on humans.

Reasons for the appearance of negative programs in the human biofield

There may be several reasons for the appearance of negatively destructive programs, as well as their types: the introduction of someone else’s program (infection or targeted influence of “replanting”), creation by the person himself due to character, incorrect behavior, commission of actions, as well as inherited ones (these include negative programs of the kind). There is another type of negative programs that we bring with us from past lives. They are called karmic.

How negative programs work

The objects of a negatively destructive energy information program can be: people, relationships between people, animals, plants, material wealth, family, premises, vehicle. Most often in practice you come across 3 main programs:

  1. A negative program for the destruction of a person’s physical body (damage to health), including complete destruction - death (this could be suicide, an unexplained fast-moving illness). Damage to impotence and childlessness, the emergence of alcoholism, drug addiction are also classified as this type of program.
  2. A program that destroys the social side of life. The result of this impact is: problems at work, career destruction, job loss, dislike of people around, persecution, bullying, problems with communication up to complete loneliness, loss of family happiness and well-being, this also includes the crown of celibacy, the “Black Widow” damage.
  3. Negative programs for the destruction of material wealth. They are expressed in losses of small and large things: loss of money, material assets, deprivation of a business or loss of its success, theft, breakage or destruction of valuable items, loss of wealth up to poverty. Recently, programs have often been implemented for misfortune: car accidents, fires,

The essence of a negative program is a clot of energy that acts as a kind of blocker of positive energies on the one hand and replacing them with alien energies of destructive action on the other. They work according to a clear pattern. Initially, a person loses any opportunity to naturally restore his vitality and the lost type of energy. Then a series of misfortunes or one big disaster occurs. Depending on the type of programs, there are long-term, one-time and repeated ones.

The introduction of alien programs occurs through holes in the human biofield. Depending on where the sample was received, a person experiences certain symptoms. For example, if the program was implemented at level 1 of the Muladhara chakra, then the person experiences a loss of physical strength, weakness, and deterioration in his material condition. Sometimes even he gets sick: headaches appear like a cold, dry cough, runny nose, aching joints.

When there is a breakdown at the level of the 2nd chakra of Svadhisthana, apathy, lack of desire to do something, loss of creative powers, disturbances in sexual life, cystitis, strange aches in the lower back and inexplicable pain in this area of ​​the back may appear. Also, victims of the introduction of destructive love lapel programs (namely, it is on this chakra that they settle and are directed) experience difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, frequent quarrels, separations, irritability towards the once loved one.

More details about what happens when negative action programs are introduced into a person’s biofield, the mechanism of their action and elimination can be found in other blog articles, and also on the pages of the site you will find methods on how to remove negative programs and destructive programs in your biofield. To apply, write to: [email protected].

Timely identification and cleansing of negative programs is inextricably linked with the restoration of the biofield and the functioning of the chakras. This is an important condition for returning to normal life without the influence of alien destructive energies. After purification and elimination of the negative program, a person’s natural flow of energies is restored, he gets rid of the negative consequences of the programs: health is restored, mood improves, psychological strength appears to realize various desires, a bright taste of life, joy and happiness returns.

then others will find ways to control you.”

IN modern world You can easily drown in the flow of information that flows in abundance from all kinds of sources. And if you are not careful, you can fall for the tricks of those who, through manipulation, want to impose their will on others.

Manipulation carried out through the introduction of alien programs into the human subconscious. The implementation of such programs proceeds unnoticed by a person’s consciousness, because he does not have mechanisms that allow him to independently distinguish his ideas from others, inspired on a subconscious level.

So a person can end up in some sect, become a music, football or religious fan, a gambling addict, a regular customer of hospitals and pharmacies, fall into the trap of distributors of dubious drugs, various dietary supplements or goods, etc.
The implemented programs suppress a person’s consciousness, which forces him to deny the presence of alien beliefs in him.

Programming starts from childhood. Starting from the moment of birth, first your parents, then the school, the university, the surrounding society lay down their attitudes in you, thereby shaping you in the image and likeness of themselves in order to make it more convenient to manage you.

You are influenced by the people around you . If you do not control the process of programming your brain, then someone else will do it for you. And it’s not so bad if these are our friends or relatives, who often do this unconsciously, but with good intentions. What if they are manipulators who want to deliberately “zombify” you in order to control you for their own benefit? The range of such manipulators is quite wide - from beloved relatives to bosses at work...

Your brain is programmed by the media. Millions of people are exposed to manipulative programming every day through advertising. Television, radio or the Internet are capable of forming any attitudes in the subconscious, even ones that contradict the facts. So the hidden subconscious command embedded in advertising forces you to buy a product that you absolutely do not need.

All your actions occur thanks to the programs of your subconscious. These programs must be quite perfect, because your subconscious has honed them throughout your life so that you can quickly, effectively make decisions and act in any situation.

Everything that surrounds you influences the formation of your programs. This makes it possible for ill-wishers to implement their programs and control you through your subconscious. By and large, many of us have long been “zombies” - outwardly living beings, stuffed with other people’s programs, automatically performing some actions, striving for unclear goals and at the same time believing that these are their aspirations, their desires, their lives.

The study of the functioning of the human brain and the analysis of the programs that are embedded in it in the form of prohibitions, convictions and beliefs leave no doubt: everyone is controlled to one degree or another by other people's programs.

If you calculate how many alien programs you have received during your life, you get an astronomical figure. And these programs are enough to manipulate any person, turning his life into an illusion, a projection of real life, where almost everything is alien, unreal, except himself, his feelings and experiences.

And if you do not get rid of alien prohibitions, beliefs, beliefs embedded in you, then they will always be levers that manipulators can use to control you.

But if you have a desire to get rid of manipulation and control your life yourself, then for this There are special practices that allow you to get rid of alien prohibitions and beliefs. Having mastered them, you will stop falling into the networks of all kinds of manipulators and will be able to live a fuller life.

N And today we will look at the simplest method that helps the body restore normal functioning in a state when you feel that you have received an energy blow or feel that an alien thought form has invaded your own thoughts and there is neither the strength nor the ability to counteract the implemented program.
It is then that the “Rotating Pyramid” technique works flawlessly, returning us to dialogue with ourselves.

Cleansing consciousness using technology

"Spinning Pyramid"

Spinning pyramid- a wonderful object for contemplation, capable of in itself charging anyone with energy. To use this object to cleanse yourself of an alien program, simply focus your gaze on the eye of the pyramid and do not take your eyes off it, no matter how the pyramid rotates.

Don't be surprised if the appearance of the pyramid suddenly begins to change dramatically in your eyes or the direction of its movement suddenly changes. Just look at the eye and try not to think about anything.

If you are nervous or have trouble concentrating on the drawing, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Then open your eyes and concentrate your gaze on the eye.

As a rule, relief usually occurs in the first 5 minutes of such meditation, so longer concentration on a moving object can simply tire your vision. It is advisable to limit the maximum time of this meditation to 20 minutes (i.e., look at the eye for no more than 20 minutes in a row).

Cleansing the mind with a mantra

For those who benefit from mantras, here is another great object for such meditation: a spinning stupa with mantras. It can cleanse not only you, but also the space around you.

At the same time, it is useful to pronounce the mantra “Om”. The “Om” mantra clears the mind, opens energy channels and enhances vital energy, expands and cleanses the aura.

Clue: The sound "Om" is divided into "A", "U" and "M". The mantra is read as you exhale, breathing should be even and measured. The mantra is usually vibrated. And "Aum" turns into Aaaaaa-uuuuu-mmmmmm. After all, in essence, a mantra is a sound vibration, and this provides the effect from just one utterance. Sounds must be pronounced in a chant and in the same key.

Clearing the mind with any moving object

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, under the pressure of regularly arising problems, people increasingly have negative thoughts. They prevent you from living a normal life, achieving success and being happy. Over time, these negative thoughts transform into mental viruses, contributing to the formation of stable psychological barriers and complexes.

Not everyone can get rid of virus programs on one's own. Most often, the help of a qualified specialist - an experienced psychologist - is required. But you can try, otherwise the thoughts lodged deep in the subconscious will attract everything negative, which will make life absolutely unbearable.

Energy blocking mechanism

Any person is surrounded by his energy shell - a biofield (aura). She is fragile and sensitive to everything that happens in her owner's life. Some people have a strong biofield, while others have a weakened one. But, like weakening, it exists for everyone. At birth, the aura is pure, but during life it begins to form under the influence of external factors (environment, family ties, home atmosphere, etc.).

It turns out that a person independently forms his own biofield and the energy with which it is filled. Partly, the degree of aura power depends on upbringing and the people who surrounded a person in childhood. And not all parents and grandparents pass on positivity to their child. Unfortunately, some .

If a person grows and develops, receiving positive attitudes, he will definitely become a successful person and find his happiness. But when a person’s life from birth is filled only with negativity (events, thoughts, suggestions, examples of adults), his life path is most likely to be difficult and unpredictable.

In the second case, a person’s connection with the Universe, which enriches the aura, is disrupted positive energy, contributes to its renewal, preservation of integrity and strengthening. It is precisely because of doubts and the lack of positivity that would attract such things to themselves that people cannot achieve love, career and health.

The most common mental viruses

Name - mental virus - was not chosen by chance, because mental viral programs can be transmitted from person to person just like their “biological counterparts”. Below are the most common negative internal attitudes or, as they are also called, mental viruses.

"I'm an unlucky person"

Success does not come to those who are not even confident in their own abilities. The more often a person has such thoughts, the less likely it is that he will be lucky in situations where a random combination of circumstances will play a decisive role. To correct the situation, psychologists advise saying the following statement more often: “I am a magnet for good luck.”

“I will never succeed”

This is a typical viral program that sets a person up for defeat in advance, making him a known loser. If you have such an internal attitude, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve success in anything. Here it is important to eradicate negative thoughts within yourself and make an internal reconfiguration by saying the following: “I am talented and smart, so I can do everything as it should be.”

“I have gotten into this kind of trouble in the past, and it will happen this time too.”

Failures can haunt everyone from time to time. And you shouldn’t fall into despair because of them, thinking that the same thing awaits you in the future. Remember, any experience that fate introduced you to is important. It is he who is the key to a happy future. After all, you can avoid such mistakes. Not a single successful life project is complete without failures. The only chance to completely avoid defeat is to live in captivity, not developing and not moving forward. Say more often: “I have learned to live with problems, they only make me stronger and more confident in myself.”

“I am an unhappy, sick and lonely person”

Instead of complaining, try to find the reason for your plight. If you are in poor health, you may not be monitoring it carefully enough. If you are tormented by the lack of happy events in your life, maybe you are not doing anything to make them happen. If you are burdened by loneliness, perhaps on a subconscious level you are avoiding serious relationships because of fear or an internal complex.

There is such a thing as the relationship of biofields. In other words, a person’s energy reacts with the aura of those who surround him. And, if in your immediate environment there are many people who consider themselves failures, it will be doubly difficult for you to achieve success. Change your environment, this will make your path to a happy existence easier.

Generic mental viruses

Often, the carrier of mental viral programs can be not an individual person, but his entire family. Even . These are difficult cases that need to be corrected at a deep energetic level.

Don’t be lazy, figure out the causes of your problems and make every effort to eliminate them. Mental viruses are very dangerous, they need to be found and neutralized. Don’t stop repeating the universal life-affirming attitude: “Through trial and error, I am moving towards a bright future and I believe that success will certainly await me!”
