Ssl connection error in google chrome. Invalid system time

Computer users spend most of their time on the Internet. In the browser, they check out news, watch movies, play games and do much more. A big problem is the occurrence of malfunctions when trying to connect to sites. One error that may occur unexpectedly is an SSL connection failure. It manifests itself by the appearance of the message SSL Connection Error in the browser. In this article, we will look at how to fix the SSL connection error.

Why does an SSL connection error occur?

In each situation, the cause of the SSL Connection Error is individual. It can be caused either by the server from which information about the site is requested, or by the user’s computer. If the source of the problem is the site visitor’s computer, the solution should be sought in the browser from which the resource is accessed.

SSL Connection Error is a typical error for browsers running on the Chromium platform. Such browsers include not only Google Chrome, but also its various analogues: Yandex.Browser, modern versions of Opera, Comoda Dragon and others. In all of them, the error is caused by a problem with the client authentication certificate.

How to fix SSL connection error

If an SSL connection error occurs, the browser will not be able to access one or more sites due to the message SSL Connection Error appearing in the window. To continue using the Internet to its fullest extent, you need to get rid of the problem. Below we discuss what to do if an SSL connection error appears in Google Chrome, but the instructions are universal and the problem is fixed in a similar way in other browsers:

  1. Please update your browser. If you encounter any problems related to connecting to sites on the Internet or playing content on them, you should first install current version browser. More often Google browser Chrome updates automatically or prompts the user to download it themselves latest version, but many ignore the recommendations, which leads to various problems.

To update Chrome browser, you need to go to the settings and click on the “About” item. Next, you need to pay attention to whether the latest version is installed. If not, your browser will need to be updated.

  1. Examine installed extensions. Often problems with browser performance arise due to various extensions. Inexperienced users may accidentally install virus extensions that harm the computer. Also, some licensed extensions may conflict with certain sites or scripts running on them, which will result in an SSL connection error.

To check if the error is related to extensions, go to Google settings Chrome and then switch to the “Extensions” item. Disable all running extensions and try again to connect to the site where the SSL Connection Error message appeared. If the error is not corrected, proceed to the next step.

  1. Reset your proxy settings. To connect to sites on the Internet, Google Chrome uses proxy server settings. They can go astray for various reasons: due to actions third party extension, a virus, one of installed programs on the computer and so on.

Resetting the proxy server settings to default values ​​is quite simple. Just go to the Google Chrome settings, select “Show additional settings" and in the "Network" column, click on the "Change proxy server settings" button. Next, you just have to choose the option with automatic detection settings and you can try to launch the site on which the SSL Connection Error appeared.

  1. Make sure the problem is not related to your antivirus. Antivirus applications do not work perfectly, and because of them, various problems may arise when connecting to sites on the Internet. To check whether the antivirus is related to the SSL Connection Error, you need to disable the anti-malware program and try to access the site.

Important: Disable your antivirus only if you are sure that the site you are visiting does not contain viruses.

If disabling your antivirus helped fix the SSL error, you will need to find an item in its settings that allows you to create an exception for the SSL protocol.

When none of the above tips help get rid of the problem, you should make sure that the site is in this moment available. It is possible that the error occurs on the server side, and it is not possible to access the resource from all devices.

One day, when I turned on my computer, I tried to go to my favorite site that I regularly visit, and unexpectedly received an unpleasant “gift” from the browser in the form of a message: "Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.". Trying to figure out the reasons for the dysfunction, I started visiting other familiar sites, trying to track down which of them showed a similar message. Some sites basically did not want to load, giving the error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, while I visited others without any problems and no SSL protocol errors occurred.

Trying to understand the reasons for the problem of loading sites, I had to study many sources, and now I will tell you what exactly needs to be done to correct this situation with the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR SSL protocol error, if you also encountered it. So, first things first.

As you know, SSL is a cryptographic protocol that ensures the security of Internet connections and until recently was widely used for communication instant messages: in email, Internet faxes, IP telephony, etc. Nowadays, SSL has lost its status as a reliable and secure protocol, experts have discovered a number of vulnerabilities in it, and today the SSL protocol is increasingly being replaced by the more reliable TLS.

However, at this time, all major browsers still use the SSL protocol, so any user may encounter problems using it, in particular, with the mentioned error 107 (as well as similar 101 and 112), which occurs when the connection security is violated. This ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR SSL error is especially common on Google Chrome, but it is also common on other browsers. To solve this problem you need to take a number of actions, which I will discuss below.

Perhaps it's a virus?

To begin with, it wouldn’t hurt to check your computer for viruses using special programs level Trojan Remover or Dr.Web CureIt. The reason your browser is not working correctly may be due to your computer being infected with various malware.

What happened to the date and time?

You may be surprised, but this very factor may be the cause of error 107. Check that the date and time in the computer settings are correct, and if necessary, change the date and time to the correct ones by right-clicking on the time bar at the bottom right of the screen.

  1. Select "Date and Time Settings";
  2. And then click on “Change date and time”, enter the correct data and confirm the changes.

Changing antivirus settings

Go to your antivirus settings and try disabling protocol checking for a while HTTPS. This is especially true for antivirus owners Eset Smart Security Nod32 5, for many of them the problem was solved in this way.

  1. If you have Eset, then go to settings, there select “Internet and Email»;
  2. Next, “Protection of Internet access”, select “HTTP, HTTPS” and check the box next to “Do not check the HTTPS protocol”;
  3. Click “Ok” and confirm the action.

In addition, antiviruses such as Avast or Kaspersky can intercept SSL connections and use their own personal certificate, often far from perfect, when surfing the Internet. Try disabling SSL connection checking in the specified antivirus programs.

In addition, you can try putting your browser in antivirus exceptions, at least temporarily. This may help resolve the SSL protocol error called ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.

Updating Windows XP

If you are a retrograde and a lover of antiquities, and are still using Windows XP with SP2, then update it to SP3, this may also help solve the problem. Make sure your SHA-256 algorithm is supported.

Is the browser or firewall to blame?

Try lowering your firewall and updating your browser if you've been using it for a while. Old version browser may be causing error 107.

Try CCleaner

According to some users, cleaning the system using CCleaner programs helped to effectively cope with this error in the browser. Try to take advantage of CCleaner's capabilities too.


This error 107 is one of the common problems when working with SSL connections. Avoid the appearance of malware on your computer, try to work only with new software, monitor the correct date and time, set your antivirus settings as recommended above - and you will avoid the “Error 107. SSL protocol error” warning appearing on your computer. personal computer.

In contact with

Error ssl connections- this is an achievement that the developers of the standard for the operating room can be proud of. Windows systems internet browser Internet Explorer. The thing is that those few users who use this particular browser in their lives will be spared from solving the problem with err ssl protocol error. But fans of third-party products designed for visiting Internet pages sometimes have to look for a way out of such an unpleasant situation.

An important nuance (which, again, Internet Explorer users will appreciate) is that the causes of the connection error ssl err ssl protocol error are difficult to determine. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to take an integrated approach to treatment. Which we will try to talk about in today’s material.

Ssl connection error - what to do?

Still, what does an ssl connection error mean? Typically, a similar problem can arise when, when trying to access the Internet, a conflict occurs in the background incorrect settings operating system and internet browser used.

Let's start looking at the problem one by one, starting with the most widespread cases. The first option is how to fix ssl connection error in Google Chrome? Typically, in this situation, the problem is with the antivirus hardware. What’s most interesting is that trouble can arise both when an antivirus program is installed, and when such software is simply not available. In the first case, you will need to go to settings antivirus program and check the parameters of blocked connections. Those that the user uses to access the network should be excluded from it.

In the second case, you should install an antivirus program and scan the system for malicious elements. How to do this if Google Chrome is blocked by an error? Very simple:

  1. We launch our unloved Internet Explorer.
  2. Find and download the required antivirus program.
  3. Let's scan the system.

The second most popular case: Opera, ssl connection error - how to fix?

In this situation, the reason usually lies in a banal failure of the date and time set on the user’s PC. The solution is also quite simple:

  1. Quit the browser.
  2. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the Windows clock.
  3. Change the settings to the correct ones - restart the Internet browser.

Often, such a problem can be discovered by people who prefer to purchase games on thematic resources. For example, what should I do if there is an ssl connection error when trying to log in to the Origin company resource? You will need to once again visit the settings of the installed antivirus program:

  • Let's go to the program parameters.
  • We find an item that allows you to filter https protocols.
  • We mark it and completely reboot the computer.

By the way, hardware problems can also lead to a similar situation. Most often, this is a failure of the BIOS battery. How to fix ssl connection error in this case? You will need to purchase the required component and replace the old one. This process will cost 50-100 rubles maximum.

The last option where a similar nuisance can occur concerns the use of mobile devices to access the Internet or visit adsence pages. If an ssl connection error occurs on your phone or when visiting similar resources, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the settings of the Internet browser you are using.
  2. Select "Advanced options".
  3. In the “Personal Data” menu, find information about Cookies.
  4. Check the box next to “Saving user personal data.”
  5. Find and go to the “HTTPS/SSL” menu.
  6. Check the checkbox “Check if the certificate has been revoked from the server.”
  7. Reboot the system and repeat the procedure of accessing the desired page.

Basically, that's it. The problem called Ssl protocol has been solved and you can continue to use the Internet for your pleasure.

One solution to this problem can be seen in the video:

SSL- this is the name of the cryptographic protocol that ensures the security of the communication connection.

When you receive an “SSL error” while browsing the Internet, this may indeed mean that someone is accidentally or deliberately trying to obtain the data you are sending to the Internet. But it’s not always worth being afraid and trying to fix an SSL error right away. Often, such an error can only mean incorrect browser settings, interception of connections by your own antivirus (the antivirus is mistaken for an attacker, and you shouldn’t be afraid of the data it receives), or in general there are problems not with you, but with the site you are trying to access.

If you still have the slightest doubt, it is better to reconnect to the Internet, log in from a different browser and check if the SSL connection error appears in this case.

Let's look at possible options for fixing SSL errors in specific situations.

How to fix SSL error in Google Chrome and Yandex browser.

So, you are unable to access this or that site - a problem with the security certificate “pops up”. As already mentioned, there is no need to worry - first, just reconnect and change the browser. If the error continues to appear, then:

  • Check that the Date and Time are set correctly on your computer;
  • Completely scan your computer for viruses;
  • Check your antivirus settings carefully. It has already been said that it is the antivirus that a “frightened” browser can often mistake for an attacker and rush to the owner’s defense. Usually the problem here is checking the https protocol, try to find it in your antivirus and disable it (if you don’t know where, help and search the Internet by the name of your antivirus program will help). In general, disabling this functionality check antivirus software will have virtually no effect. If the ssl error continues to appear, try disabling the antivirus altogether for a short time (if this doesn’t help, then it’s definitely not the problem, if it helps cure it, maybe it’s worth changing the security program).
  • Try updating your operating system and browser to the latest versions;
  • Try creating in your operating system a new user and access sites through him;
  • Try logging in from a different IP address or even a computer;
  • If you cannot fix the SSL error, try combining several of the above methods at once.

If all this does not help resolve the ssl error, you can disable SSL checking in the browser, but this may not be entirely secure. It’s better to study all the information about the suspicious site before doing this.

Resolving SSL errors on a tablet is a much more pressing issue than on a computer.

The fact is that, starting with Android 2.3, encryption algorithms on tablets have become noticeably weaker and the likelihood of them being decrypted by attackers (i.e. gaining access to your data) is much higher. This leads to a not very favorable situation:

  • firstly, SSL errors can very easily occur where in fact there is no danger;
  • secondly, on the contrary, truly experienced hackers can force the protocol to trust certificates where the danger occurs.

Basic security measures and error resolution are given above and many of them are suitable for tablets, but if you value the security of certain data, for now it is better to refrain from entering it on tablets unless absolutely necessary on suspicious sites.

Problems sometimes arise with any browser. Opera is no exception where SSL errors may occur. Before we figure out how to eliminate it, let's look at why it appears.

Reasons for the error

In most cases, the ssl opera error means that there is a problem with the system. This problem usually indicates that a connection to the server cannot be established. Often the error can be resolved quite simply. It may be caused by an antivirus program or firewall. They can block the connection, which is why it will not be established. In this case, the error will occur not only in Opera, but also in other Internet browsers, for example, also in Google Chrome. You will learn more about the reasons for this error in Google Chrome and how to solve this problem.

In addition, the problem also appears in the opposite case, for example, when the computer is infected. In such a situation, you just need to install an antivirus and scan the system. Also, the causes of the error may be a failure in the time settings or outdated version browser, so it would be useful.

Attention! Often the SSL error is displayed when you want to visit a site with an expired or untrusted certificate. In principle, you can go to the resource, however, such a step entails the possibility of infecting your computer with malware.


Once the problem has been diagnosed, you should look at how to get rid of it. So, how to fix ssl opera error - that’s enough frequently asked question for novice users. If the problem occurs due to your antivirus program, then to check this, disable it and restart the browser. If everything is fine, you will need to change your antivirus settings. They differ in each program, but the main thing that needs to be done is to add the Internet browser to exceptions and reduce control over incoming and outgoing traffic. The firewall will also need to have a lower level of protection.

Often the cause of an SSL error is an erroneous date on the computer. In order to fix this, you need to click on the date in the tray and set the correct one. Now let's look at what needs to be done directly in the browser. The SSL error can be fixed by going to the Cookies section and checking the box next to the option to store data locally. In addition, we do the following. Open Opera and go to the main menu.

  1. After that, select Settings.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the Advanced section.
  3. On the left side of the window, select Security from the list.
  4. Click the Security Protocols button.
  5. Place a highlight next to Enable SSL
  6. Click OK and restart the browser.

A similar problem may also occur in Windows XP SP2. In this case, you can get rid of it if you update the version to SP3. It is also necessary to add that, which will reduce the risk of errors. It is also worth running a system scan for viruses from time to time.

As you can see, an SSL error in Opera, like in any other browser, can usually be fixed quite simply. The main thing is to find the reason why it appeared. This could be either a date failure on the computer or a change in browser settings. In some cases, the easiest way is to set the default settings and check if the error remains. If it still appears, then you need to disable your antivirus, because it is often the one that blocks the connection to a particular site. In rare cases, the error appears due to the computer being infected with malware. In such a situation, it will be necessary to scan the files and delete or quarantine the infected ones.
