An error occurred while connecting ssl. What is SSL

SSL is a secure protocol used when visiting resources whose address begins with HTTPS. The data is transmitted in encrypted form, and you do not have to worry about confidentiality. But if the certificate has expired or is not made properly, then the web browser will show an SSL connection error when trying to open the site.


The failure can be caused by the server from which the site information is being requested, or by the computer running the browser. Usually the error appears in browsers based on Chromium: Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Comoda Dragon.

AT Mozilla Firefox a similar failure is reported as "This connection is untrusted".

If the certificate is working properly, then when you click on the lock next to the address, you will see this picture:

If an error occurs in the definition of the SSL protocol, part of the address will be crossed out (https//), and in additional information you will read that the site's identity has not been verified, the connection is encrypted using outdated technology.

This situation will be repeated on all sites that you try to open.

Important: if an SSL connection error appears on only one web resource, then the cause of the failure is on the side of the site, that is, the page has real problems with encryption.

Use the following methods to fix a connection error only if you can't open any sites that use HTTPS on your computer.

Bug fix

If upon opening additional information When you connect, you see a message that the certificate is not yet/is no longer valid, then check the date on your computer. If it is seriously different from reality forward or backward, then the protocol will not work, respectively, an error will appear when accessing the site.

Usually the time and date are lost due to a dead CMOS battery. You can also replace it yourself by buying a new power supply in the store. But before you change the battery, look at what is currently installed in system unit or laptop. If you have a battery with wiring, then you need to purchase a similar power source.

Browser check

If the date on the computer is set correctly, but the connection still fails, pay attention to the state of the browser. You must have latest version web browser. If you are using Google Chrome, go to settings and open the "About" section. Other browsers check the version in the same way.

Typically, web browsers are updated without user intervention. But, for example, XP and Vista do not support new Chrome versions. Accordingly, when working with old operating systems, you may not get to some sites.

Another reason for a connection error can be the action of extensions. They don't have to be malicious: perfectly legal add-ons can also conflict with websites.

To test this hypothesis:

  1. Open settings, go to the list of extensions.
  2. Disable all extensions for a while, and then try to access the site again.

If the problem persists, reset your proxy settings. They may fail due to the fact that you connected to the Internet through a proxy, or due to the actions of other applications. To reset proxy settings in Chrome:

If sites open normally in other browsers, and the connection error appears in only one browser, reset its settings. This will delete all data, but it will help solve the problem.

Antivirus settings

In addition to the wrong date and problems in the browser, a connection error can cause excessive antivirus and firewall curiosity. The security software checks the SSL connection. Some sites may define such a check as an attempt to interfere and block access to information.

To check if the antivirus or firewall is to blame for the error, disable computer protection for a while. You should only do this if you are sure that the site you are trying to access is secure.

If web pages open without failures when the security software is disabled, configure the https check mode in the antivirus.

In Avast, for example, you need to go to the settings, open the "Active Protection" section, click "Settings" and uncheck the box "Enable HTTPS scanning".

In Kaspersky Internet Security, the same settings are located in the "Network" section of advanced settings.

All antiviruses have these options, so you only need to find them and disable HTTPS checking.

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Function SSL connections is very important for the correct use of sites, especially for institutions that are actively working with finances. This security protocol fully protects all data transmitted by the client to the server and vice versa.

Active this compound according to the principle of an encoder, all information that is being prepared for transmission between the user and the server is encrypted under a specific key. Only the server and your browser have this key, after which the data is sent securely and decrypted on the user's system. This approach ensures that your data, even if it is intercepted, will be protected. Typically, SSL certificates are purchased by institutions that sell services, goods, or are engaged in online banking/advertising.

Since the current connection is used for exchange important information, then you should be especially careful when working with such sites where an SSL error occurs.

It is also not uncommon that the cause of the problem lies not at all in the questionable security of the site, but in incorrect settings or failures of the user's applications.

Reasons for the error SSL

A common mistake that cannot be fixed is buying a certificate for a site from a provider that does not have this authority or the complete absence of a root certificate. It all depends on the site owner and you are unlikely to be able to influence this connection.

Other causes of the error are fixable, as they are caused by a malfunction of the applications installed on your computer or a failure system settings. Key SSL errors:

  1. The connection is blocked by an external FrameWall or anti-virus scanner;
  2. The reason is an incorrect browser setting;
  3. The time and date set on the computer has failed;
  4. Infection of the computer with virus programs.

Troubleshooting SSL

First of all, you should make sure that the problem is on your side, for this you should go to the site from another browser, better device. If the error persists, there is a high probability of a problem on the server side.

In the case when the problem is in all browsers of one device, and on other platforms it is not, then you should check the antivirus and date / time settings.

Antivirus settings

Most of these applications include features to protect your Internet connection from infection by unscrupulous sites. The application requires scanning of the connection, information about the site and transmitted data. Such interference by the browser can be regarded as traffic interception, which is why the error occurs.

To fix the problem, you need to remove the scanning of SSL or HTTPS connections in the antivirus settings. This is done in a similar way in all applications, consider the example of Avast Internet Security:

  1. Open the main program window;
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab;
  3. Next, click on the "Active Protection" tab;
  4. Select the "Basic settings" menu;
  5. Uncheck the "Enable HTTPS scanning" checkbox.

It is likely that the changes will take effect after restarting the computer, but at a minimum, the browser will have to be restarted.

Browser settings

Too much security can also be harmful, as evidenced by this problem if it is in the browser. The solution is to lower the security level in the browser. Consider on Google example Chrome:

  • Go to browser settings;
  • Next, at the very bottom, click on "Show advanced settings";
  • Find the "Network" column and click on the button in it;

  • In the "Security" tab, set the level of reliability to "Medium";

  • Next, in the "Privacy" tab, move the slider to the "Medium" position.

  • Go to the "Contents" section;
  • In the "Certificates" column, click on the "Clear SSL" button.

After all these steps, the browser must be completely restarted and try again to go to the desired site on which the error was observed.

Changing time and date settings

A mismatch of this setting can also be perceived as a potential danger and, accordingly, blocked by the browser due to the presence of suspicions about failures in SSL.

The problem is solved quite simply, you just need to set these settings correctly. Consider the standard case:

  • Click on the time in the lower right corner of the screen;
  • Next, click on the link "Change date and time settings";

  • Often the problem is in the wrong time zone, so you should click on the "Change time zone" button;
  • Select your city/country, if not listed, set any country with correct time offset;

  • In the "Internet Time" tab, click on "Change settings" and "Update now".

It should also be noted that an SSL error is not at all a sentence to the site, you can successfully enter it, only at your own peril and risk. If you completely trust the resource, you can do this by clicking on the "Advanced" link after the error text and selecting "Go to the site anyway". In order to avoid such a problem on the current site in the future, you can add the certificate to the trusted list in the browser.

Among other things, the cause of the error may simply be an incorrect link to the site, some resources use a secure connection for registered users and a normal one for guests. In this case, you should simply replace https with http in the site address.

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An SSL protocol error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) occurs when a user is authorized on sites that use data encryption. For example, a user tries to log in to their Vkontakte,, or Google account, but instead receives an error 107, and the desired page does not open. There is nothing critical here, so we will analyze in more detail in the article what it means and how to eliminate it.

What does error mean?

Error 107 indicates that the secure connection is being blocked. It’s rather difficult to say right away, since the SSL protocol error is not specified, but by following the recommendations for elimination, you will get rid of it.

Elimination Methods

Since there is no specifics in the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR notification, let's consider the most possible solutions to the problem.

Antivirus check

Windows 10 may have been infiltrated by viruses or malware that disrupted the stable operation of the OS. I recommend using standalone scanners, such as the free Dr. Web CureIt or Kaspersky Rescue Disc.

A date and time mismatch between the computer and the site server can result in error 107. On remote server the date and time parameters are set, so when connecting, the data is verified. In case of a mismatch, the server will consider the connection attempt to be insecure and block it. To check the date and time, go to BIOS settings, change to the current ones and restart the PC with the changes saved.

OS update

Connection problems may occur due to the fact that OS updates have not been carried out for a long time. Complete the last windows updates and check your work. Especially it concerns previous versions(Windows XP, Vista, 7).

Advice! Check the entrance to the site you need through another browser. AT Internet Explorer no such problem was observed.

Configuring the encryption protocol in the antivirus

The problem may occur due to the blocking of SSL connections by antivirus packages. To fix it, disable checking of SSL and HTTPS protocols in the antivirus and try to enter the site.

Firewall exception list

If you encounter the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR problem in Google services, a search engine, or in the browser itself, use the list of exceptions to personalize your security settings. Add the appropriate Internet application to the list of allowed hosts.

Important! Clear the cache and cookies in a browser (such as Google Chrome) that encountered error 107.

If the issue still persists, please contact us. Indicate when it arose and what operations you have already done so that we can help.

As you know, any application or program can fail one day - nothing is perfect in the world. Here in Google browser Chrome you may expect an SSL connection error. What does it mean and how to deal with it?

An SSL connection error occurs when opening a site, and any resource can become such a site, including both popular and not so popular ones. The error literally means the following: “Unable to connect to the server. The problem could be due to a server or client authentication certificate that you don't have."

Here is what the error looks like in the browser:

Please note that it can occur not only in, but also on a number of other browsers that are based on Chromium:, New Opera, Comodo Dragon, etc.

Problem and Solution

I would like to immediately note that the reasons for which there is given error in the browser may not be related. Therefore, the solution for each case will be individual. Therefore, I will talk about several possible solutions.

  • The first step is to update your browser. Yes, the same Chrome is automatically updated, but in some cases the update can be disabled by the user. In addition, a glitch in the application itself cannot be ruled out. Therefore, we click on the settings button, select the “Help / About browser” item and see if it is installed current version browser.

  • We follow further. Pay attention to the antivirus system. The fact is that it can block the SSL protocol as potentially dangerous, so it simply blocks it. In this case, you can try to disable the antivirus screens for a while and check if the site opens in this case. In addition, in the settings of the antivirus program you need to create an exception for this kind of protocol.
  • If used Windows version XP SP2, it needs to be upgraded to SP3. Such a solution was found on one of the forums and, according to the answers of users, it turned out to be very effective.
  • Theoretically, the problem may lie in installed plugins in the browser itself. Go to settings, select "Extensions" and disable all extensions available there. If after that you were able to enter the site, it means that the matter is in the extension and you just have to find which one is blocking the connection (disable the extensions one by one and you will find the culprit).

  • Check your proxy settings. Go to your browser settings, find the "Network" subsection and click on the "Change proxy settings" button. If a proxy server is specified in the network settings, it is possible that the matter is precisely in it. Select " Automatic detection settings" and go to the site.

  • Alternatively, the problem may be in the site itself. But until the owner of the site deals with it, you are unlikely to be able to get to the site itself.

You can tell us about your solutions to the problem with the help of comments.

Often, many Internet users, when working in the Opera online browser, are forced to solve a problem that results in a communication failure. Sometimes such a failure is detected as an SSL error. How to fix SSL error in Opera?

In the specified browser, it is easy to fix it if the user knows about the source of its occurrence. Consider several likely causes of the error and ways to get rid of the problem.

Features of the error

If we analyze the initial causes of an error of this kind, then we first need to find out what exactly it is. Usually, such a failure is a message that comes to the security system.

SSL technology is quite similar to HTTPS and is a secure Internet connection system, when the information sent and received by the user's terminal is encrypted. The SSL protocol uses a special list of certificates that are provided to online resources. They serve as a confirmation of the security of a particular Internet site.

When a notification arrives that a certificate error occurred in the Opera browser while connecting to an online resource, you should not rush and go to the web resource. Often, this may not be very safe. However, this is by no means an isolated situation in which such a failure may occur.

Virus infection

A common situation when an Opera SSL error occurs can be considered a simple hit on the system by threats such as viruses, applets, or harmful codes. They are able to partially block the connection, and at the same time perform the installation of their redirection to other Internet resources that are generally not safe. Therefore, it is immediately important to pay attention directly to the address line. Usually, instead of the request that is entered, a completely different address will be written there.

In this case, experts advise not to use installed antivirus to find and eliminate the danger. It is advisable to use a certain portable utility or to boot before starting the system from a disk like Kaspersky's Rescue Disk. By the way, last way is considered more preferable, since current viruses can settle in the "RAM", in boot disk sectors, and at the same time in logical partitions.

Firewall and antivirus settings

Often an SSL connection error in Opera is due to an authentication problem in the browser. As a rule, its occurrence is caused by prohibitions that are stored in the settings, and at the same time the parameters of the Windows firewall and anti-virus scanners.

How to fix SSL error in Opera? There are two ways here: add the necessary Internet resource to the list of exceptions of the antivirus program or do the same, but for the online browser, in the firewall settings. Although you can completely disable the firewall, but only when a licensed version of the antivirus is installed on the terminal, which monitors the prevention of external dangers directly online.

Inaccurate date and time

The presented error can also occur due to incorrectly set time and date, although this is considered an indirect cause. It is important to consider that, in particular, the setting of the date is carried out for whole years ahead. When the certificate action of the Internet resource has completed during this interval, the Internet browser determines it as expired. The same applies to setting the date, which is set years ago. Here, the opposite situation is observed, in which the certificate has still become valid and is not recognized as real.

It is possible to cope with such a problem if you correctly set the time and date in the system parameters. However, this sometimes may not work, so you will need to address the system time and date parameters located in the BIOS.

Modifying the SSL Settings in the Internet Browser

Another reason for the error occurs when the main browser settings are incorrectly configured, namely, support for the SSL protocol.

In this case, you need to go to the main browser menu. After that, you need to alternately go to the advanced options and open the tab responsible for security. In this menu there is a special button to enter the section where the security certificates are located. In the window that appears, select the inscription "SSL". After carrying out such a procedure, the changes must be confirmed by clicking on "OK", after which the browser will restart.

As for the cases when a plugin error occurs in Opera (it doesn’t matter which one), then, apparently, this is due only to the fact that the plugin is either disabled or needs to be updated (update messages are sometimes disabled, especially when using optimizers that work online). In this case, you just need to update the desired add-on or add-on, in particular, download from the official website adobe plugin"Flash Player", and then install it into the system after closing the "Opera".

Probably, a plug-in such as AdBlock has been installed in the online browser, which is sometimes also capable of blocking the content of Internet sites (often pop-up windows). If necessary, in the add-on settings, you can disable such a plugin.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult to do in order to eliminate the error in question. But these are only general and most common causes of errors of this kind. Before making a decision on the use of one or another action, it is important to clearly understand the current situation.
