Useful Instagram tips. Instagram Tips

If the leaves are falling from the tree in the forest, and there is no one to take a picture of it happening, then can we really be sure that it happened? Instagram largely foresaw this scenario and, as a result, has become one of the most popular social media apps today. Below we lay out our top tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Instagram.

Use of your Instagram account

If you have found this page, then we will venture to assume that you are already on Instagram and there is no need for us to go into details on how to get started with this application. Instead, we will present you with a series of tips and tricks on how you can make better use of your Instagram account.

Save photos to Instagram

The Instagram app does not allow you to automatically save photos (or even zoom in on them). By the way, images on Instagram can be enlarged with using Android, but in our case, you need a dedicated application to save photos.

So, you need to do the following:

  • install the InstaSave application;
  • open it and log in with your Instagram credentials. The process will be presented in the form of icons that can be selected, as in the Gallery application;
  • find the image you want to save;
  • click on the "Save" icon on the right upper corner a screen that looks like a computer floppy disk;
  • you will see the save location of the folder, which you can then find in your Gallery app.

Saving your own Instagram photos

If at some point you turned off the auto-save feature, in order to conserve memory space, you can re-enable this option. If you've never fiddled with Instagram's settings, you're in luck, and the app should automatically save the photos you upload to your device. But if you're not sure about this, then double-checking clearly won't hurt the situation.

Your actions:

  • open Instagram and go to your profile page (far right corner of the screen);
  • click on the menu icon in the upper right corner in the form of three dots;
  • now go down until you see the inscription "Keep original photos" and make sure that the slider is in the "On" position;
  • you can do the same for your video files. They will be saved in a dedicated folder in the Gallery.

Download photos from Instagram to your PC

Let's say you lost your phone and logged into Instagram from a new device. You will probably want to download copies of all your Instagram photos to your device or create an archive on your PC. Well, this is very easy to do, although you will have to deal with your computer and not your phone.

Your actions:

  • go to the Instaport website on your PC;
  • log in with your Instagram credentials;
  • choose whether you want to upload all photos or just some;
  • save the selected images to your computer;
  • if you want to see the images saved on your PC on your phone, connect your device to your computer via USB cable and copy required files to the phone;
  • after that, save the copied images in the Instagram folder in "Gallery>Photos" (or wherever you would like to save them).

Adding Music to Your Instagram Videos

Adding music to your Instagram videos is not a native feature, however you can still attach audio files to your video content. To do this, you will need a music app such as Spotify or Deezer.

Follow these steps:

  • activate the speaker, then play the music you would like to add to your video;
  • open Instagram and go to the Instagram Stories tab (just swipe left);
  • start recording your video. The music may cut out for a few seconds, but once it starts up again, it will continue to play from where it stopped.

Instagram will then play your video with the added soundtrack.

Search for your friends and contacts on Instagram

Like many other social media apps, Instagram provides the ability to find people who have a profile using your contacts. This can be a handy way to find out who tried to call you if you don't know the number:

  • add the number of an unknown subscriber to your contacts;
  • open Instagram and tap the icon located in the lower right corner of the screen to access your profile. After that, click on the icon in the upper left corner;
  • select "Connect Contacts";
  • now any of your contacts with Instagram accounts will be shown with links to their profiles.

Let's also say that the same rules apply to contacts you know.

Zooming in on your Instagram photos

As a rule, Instagram does not allow users to zoom in on any images, and one of the reasons for this is to this application worked as quickly as possible. What if we told you that Android has a built-in zoom feature for Instagram? Such a chip is called Magnification Gestures, and is a system-wide image scaling using gestures, which can be found in android settings accessibility. We also add that Magnification Gestures works on any Android application, including Instagram.

Once you have activated the above function, you only need to triple-tap anywhere on the screen to enlarge the image. When you do this, an orange frame will appear around the perimeter of the screen, indicating that the image is in zoom mode. You can also use two fingers to swipe to pan, and normal gestures to zoom in or out. To exit zoom mode, triple-tap again.

In addition, you will have the option to temporarily zoom in without entering full zoom mode. To quickly enlarge a picture, triple-tap and hold your finger on any part of the screen. After that, you can swipe to move the enlarged image in different directions. By the way, sometimes gestures can be unavailable for some unknown reason, but, nevertheless, this is a much more intuitive way to quickly zoom in on the image.

Cancel messages in Instagram Direct

Instagram Direct allows you to undo any sent messages, including photos or videos you may have sent to friends or groups. With the help of Instagram Direct, any content will be deleted from both your device and the recipient's device, leaving no trace of its removal. This is a useful feature for those who have made some kind of mistake or regretted that they sent this or that message.

Your actions:

  • open Instagram and click on the flat sheet of paper icon located in the upper right corner;
  • open the dialog where you want to cancel the message;
  • select the text, photo or video message you want to delete and press it for a few seconds. After that, select the "Cancel message" option;
  • select the "Unsend Message" option.

Protecting your Instagram account

Like many other social media providers, Instagram takes security seriously. There are a few important things you need to be aware of before you change your settings, such as who can see your comments or any other information, how to exclude a follower, or how hashtags work in private mode. Below we provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the best way to secure your Instagram account.

How to make an account private?

Instagram gives you the option to make your account private. This means that your posts can only be seen by authorized followers. The process of making your account private is very simple:

  • go to your Instagram profile;
  • click on the menu icon in the form of three dots to access your settings;
  • activate the "Private account" setting.

If you later change your mind and decide to reach out to a wider audience, then follow the same steps to turn off your account privacy settings.

If your account is private and you add a hashtag to your post, then that post will not publicly appear on the corresponding hashtag page. Note that only followers you approve will be able to see your posts on hashtag pages or Instagram Direct messages.

Who can see the posts you like if your account is private?

Under normal circumstances, if you like a photo on Instagram, it is visible to anyone who can see the posts.

If your account is private, then:

  • only your authorized followers can see your posts, including any likes and comments;
  • likes to your posts will not be displayed in the "Activity>Following" field.

If you like a public post, then your like will be visible to everyone and your username will be clickable below the post, although only the followers you approve will see your posts.

Are my comments and mentions hidden?

If a user with a private profile mentions someone who is not one of their approved followers in a photo or video, that person will only be able to see part of the comment in the "You" subsection of the "Activity" section. Plus, such people can receive push notifications (if such notifications are enabled), but will be able to navigate to any photo or video of a private level.

If someone with a private profile leaves a message on a photo of someone with a public account, then such a comment can be seen by any social network user who has access to photos and videos.

What happens if the post is published on another social network?

If someone (like you) shares a link from their Instagram photo, the social network displays a message “404 - Page not found”. When a user with a private profile uploads a photo or video to another social network (Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare) using Instagram, the image will be viewable on that network and the permalink will be active. In other words, the photo will be publicly available to anyone who has access to its direct link/URL.

How do I remove a follower from my private account?

If your account is private, you can remove anyone from your followers list. To do this, follow these steps:

  • enter your profile;
  • click on "Followers" at the top of the screen;
  • now click to the right of the follower you would like to remove, then select "Delete".

When you delete your follower, they are not notified that they were deleted by you. If the account becomes public again in the future, the removed follower will be able to see your content again. However, if you have security settings active, none of your content will be available to the previously deleted follower.

How can I make it so that my profile does not have offers to become someone's follower?

When someone clicks on the Follow icon on an Instagram profile, that person will see offers from similar profiles that they want to accept. By the way, among these profiles may be yours. If you do not want to see such offers to become someone's follower, then you can refuse them as follows:

  • access from your desktop PC or your phone's browser;
  • click or click on the top right, then select "Edit Profile";
  • now click or click next to "Suggestions from similar accounts" and select "Submit".

Please note that if you opt out of account offers to follow on your profile, you will not appear as an offer to follow on any other profile.

How can I remove my images from Google Search?

Your images may appear in Google search results if you are logged into your account. Instagram post through a website that allows access to your profile and images. These third party sites have been created using the Instagram API, although they are not directly affiliated with Instagram. If you don't want your photos or videos to appear on Google, setting your account to private mode will help.

Instagram invites its users to revoke access to third-party websites and put their accounts in private mode. It may take some time for these sites and Google to re-index and remove images, even if you delete your account. If you need to contact the application that submits your images to Google, we provide links to support pages for popular third party services using the Instagram API:

How can I delete or deactivate my Instagram account?

When you delete your account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will be permanently removed from Instagram. Once an account is deleted, you will not be able to sign up again with the same username, and Instagram will not reactivate deleted accounts for any of its previous users. If you still want to permanently delete your account, follow these steps:

  • First you need a PC. An Instagram account can only be deleted through the website, so don't try to do it inside the Instagram app;
  • go to the page to delete your account;
  • select "Why are you deleting your account?" from the drop-down menu and re-enter your password. The option to permanently delete your account will only appear after you have chosen a reason from the menu;
  • click on the inscription "Delete my account permanently."

Once you delete your account, you will not be able to register again with the same username or add that username to another account, plus you will not be able to reactivate deleted accounts. If you're not sure if you're ready to leave your Instagram account, you can disable it temporarily. To do this, follow these steps:

  • get access to a PC. You can only disable your account on the Instagram website;
  • click on the profile icon in the upper right corner and select "Edit profile";
  • scroll down, then click "Temporarily disable my account" in the lower right corner;
  • select "Why are you deactivating your account?" from the drop-down menu and re-enter your password. The option to disable your account will only appear when you have selected a reason from the menu;
  • Click Temporarily disable account.

How can I block or unblock someone's story?

The easiest way to do this is to use Instagram Home. If you don't want someone's story to appear at the top of the feed, you can turn it off like this:

  • at the top of the feed, tap and hold on the profile picture of the user whose story you want to turn off.
  • select "Lock history" (username).

To unblock a story you previously blocked, repeat the same steps and select Unblock (username).

The stories you have blocked will appear at the end of the line at the top of the feed, and will not have a bright ring around them when they are updated. Blocked stories will not automatically show up when you view stories.

I think someone hacked my Instagram account

If your account is hacked or you just forgot your login details, then this is certainly bad, but controlling your Instagram profile should not be your headache.

If you're still unable to log into your Instagram account, there are a few things you can do to protect it:

  • change your password or send a password revocation message;
  • enable two-level authentication as an additional security measure;
  • block access to any suspicious third-party applications.

In the worst case, you will no longer be able to log into your Instagram account, but here the Instagram app comes to the rescue:

  • open the Instagram app on mobile device;
  • on the login screen, click on "Get Help" before clicking on "Login";
  • click "Use username or address Email» and enter your username or email address;
  • click on the arrow in the upper right corner;
  • click on "Deny access to any of them?". Then follow the instructions on the screen.

Getting more followers for your Instagram account

Thanks to Instagram, the “Pictures or it didn’t happen” principle was born. If you're just posting photos of your cat's antics, home renovations, or the Niagara Falls you've been to, you're missing the point of Instagram. Here are some tips on how to get more followers on Instagram.

High-quality photos for the post

It's a simple rule of thumb: if you're posting badly shot, blurry photos with fingerprints all over your lens, you shouldn't be surprised that no one is interested in following your old Grubby McBlurry Instagram account.

Instagram is great for sharing photos directly from your smartphone, but not all smartphone cameras are created equal. If your phone isn't quite perfect in terms of photography, then you should consider taking pictures with a DSLR and uploading them using your PC. Remember: Instagram should be a photographer's dream, not a nightmare.

Hashtag usage

Hashtags allow you to quickly connect to communities. Add a trendy hashtag to a post or take a photo that matches the hashtag and track the level of interest in what you post.

If you already use hashtags, look at photos using that hashtag and find out which ones got the most likes and followers. Keep the winning formula in mind and watch your followers grow.

User Mentions

If you're on Instagram, then you're probably a follower of people who post what you like. If you become their followers, you should chat with them. If you can connect with someone who has more followers than you, their followers can click on your profile to see what you're posting, and if you followed our first tip, this should lead to you getting followers quickly.

Posting at the right time

This advice is engraved in stone on a list of social media precepts. No matter what platform you're on, think like your victim. Who do you tailor your posts to and what are the habits of such people?

If your post is about breakfast, post it in the morning, but be sure to post in the correct timezone for whoever you want to follow. By knowing when people are on buses and trains or on their lunch break, you know when you can grab their attention.

Join your audience

You know what makes you stop and look as you scroll through your feed. But stopping is one thing and interacting is another. If you post a normal photo but attach an awesome caption to it, the chances of someone stopping commenting increases.

When any user contributed to your post, you made them part of what you were doing. Asking questions and being funny or provocative are easy ways to lure people into more conversation through your posts.

Use Instagram more

It may sound silly, but you can't expect followers to pop up out of thin air. In general, the more people post, the more followers they get. If you only post every six months, you can't expect to have many followers. Check the feeds of people you like and see how active they are.

Learn from the professionals

There are plenty of guides to improve your social media strategy online. Some of them are just gorgeous, written by people who get paid to do this kind of stuff. These guys earn more Instagram followers and can build brands during their lunch break. Learn from such people. If they share for free the right information, you would be foolish not to use it. Check out Guy Kawasaki for beginners, the most popular guy on the internet.

A little deceit

If all this seems too complicated for you, you can cheat a little and buy followers. Most Instagram users there are a few followers who only post attraction pictures more followers, and you could very well buy them.

Alternatively, you can use Google search and find yourself paid service, which guarantees thousands of real followers for really decent money. We recently came across an ad that promises 5,000 followers for only fifty dollars. This is not a bad price to save a lot of effort.

Posts from places of meetings and entertainment

If you've ever been to a concert or entertainment venue and posted photos, you probably had a bar or venue like the one in your photo. This is very important, as your potential followers are not alien to free advertising.

Posting about your city is also a great way to get followers, either from other people in your city or from people who like appearance where you live. If you post good pictures of popular places, people are much more likely to see them and follow you to see more.

Pay attention to every post

This is the single best gold nugget of wisdom. When you consider how many posts pass everyone's eyes every day, characterizing your position is not easy. So don't just post a bunch of information, treat each of your posts as if it were your only one.

Put smart thoughts into your post, give it a good headline, inject some humor into it, mention people, ask questions, tell people something they didn't know. Do this often enough and you will be surprised at how many people will become your followers.

Here's our list of the best tips and tricks, but it's hardly exhaustive, and there are certainly things we've missed. What's your favorite Instagram tip (or trick)? How did they help you get more out of your favorite app? Let us know about it in the comments.

In this article, we will talk about the best tips and life hacks, as well as how to become an expert on the Instagram social network.


Instagram has long won the hearts of many Internet users. In particular, this applies to the foreign audience, since if we talk about the Russian audience, then it has only 15%.

But it is worth noting that even 15% of the Russian audience is more than enough. After all, the total audience of Instagram today is more than 400 million registered accounts. At the same time, it is on Instagram that the female audience prevails.

Keep your content in a tight grip

The main success of many users on Instagram lies in interesting and unique photos. Therefore, if you want to reach a multi-million audience, then you need to follow this advice.

Never take a picture using the Instagram app, as the photos taken through it are very inferior to the photos taken with the standard camera. Use only manual setting cameras, play with sensitivity and exposure, try to bring the photo to the maximum quality.

Get creative with your editing and filtering process

In no case do not impose thousands of different filters on the photo, as this will only spoil its atmosphere. Better use special program for editing a photo that has a lot more options than just playing with color filters.

Make your profile more detailed and high quality

Do not forget that it is important not only to post good and high-quality photos, but also to properly present yourself to the audience. Thus, you need to approach the design of the profile more responsibly, and fill it out to the end, in as much detail as possible.

Eg, if you are a model, then write in the field "About Me" short biography about your career.

Be careful with #hashtags

The easiest way to promote on the Instagram social network is to use the most popular and least competitive hashtags when you post your next photo. Thus, you need not just write them, but bring them as close as possible in the meaning of your photo.

Keep in touch with your audience

Did some stranger like or follow your Instagram profile? Then this is a good reason to start getting to know him. If your photo was commented on, then you, too, would do well to reciprocate.

Well, let's list what tips you need to follow on Instagram.

What life hacks are there on Instagram?

Hide unnecessary/unused filters

Despite the huge number of color filters on Instagram, most of the audience still uses third party application to edit and improve the quality of the photo. But as you remember, Instagram got its popularity precisely for a lot of interesting color filters. Therefore, if for some reason you only use 2 or 3 filters and want to remove unnecessary ones, then you can do this without much difficulty.

In order to hide or sort unwanted filters on your Instagram profile, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to upload a photo, that is, only in order to get into the filter selection setting for the photo.
  • Now you just need to scroll to the right and go through all 40 filters, and only after that you will see a gear button with the name "manage" to be clicked.

  • Then you will be taken to the settings menu of the filters themselves, where you can either remove them and leave the most necessary ones, or sort them as you wish.
  • To raise the filter of interest, you just need to click on it and drag it up, as shown in the picture.

  • Now, if some filters interfere with you or you don’t use them at all, then to remove them, you need to click on the checkmark to the right of them.

Hide bad profile picture

After all, not every selfie and photo comes out with a good shot, a smile or the right light. Therefore, if you found a similar photo in your profile and did not want your subscribers to see it, then you can not delete it, but simply hide it out of sight.

In order to hide unwanted photos on your Instagram profile, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to go to your profile, and then click on the portrait icon.

  • After that, you need to mark one or more photos, and then click on the button "Hide from profile".

Follow the interests of our friends/followers

A great opportunity that is only available on the social network Instagram. Thus, to find out what your friend or colleague is interested in, you just need to find an alternative feed with the best photos which they have chosen for themselves.

Browse the photos you like

Surely a popular life hack for all users of the social network Instagram, as sometimes it happens that you scroll through the feed and cannot find the desired photo that you liked.

We publish a photo for "our"

A typical situation occurs when you run a business account and would like to inform your colleagues about something new and interesting. Therefore, if you want to publish a photo for a narrow circle of people, you need to use the function « InstagramDirect".

Sending a picture you like from the feed in a message

We collect a huge number of likes on the photo

Statistics showed that bright and saturated photos get much more likes. Therefore, if you want to significantly increase the number of likes on your photos, then you need to add brightness and rich colors to them, you can do this using a regular graphic editor.

  • Photos with a blurred background or so-called "bokeh effect" get much more likes than photos without a blurry background.

  • Photos clearly dominated by blue inks get 26% more likes than photos with red inks. Eg, a photo with a blue sky will get more likes than a photo with red roses.

  • Photos with predominantly one color in the image gain more likes than photos with multiple predominant colors.

  • Lower the saturation level on new photos, and only after that publish it on your profile.

  • Photos with crisp texture get 82% more likes than photos without texture.

The above life hacks will allow you not only to get much more likes, but also to grab more attention from the general Instagram audience, and thus it is possible to get subscribers.

Well, today we have sorted out a huge number of life hacks and told you the best tips that, if applied, will make you an Instagram expert.

Video: How to become an Instagram expert?

Square photographs with marvelous filters will no longer surprise anyone. If earlier they were available to a limited circle of people, today almost any owner of a modern smartphone can capture the surrounding reality in artistic colors.

Like everywhere else, Instagram has its own unwritten rules and manners. Due to its increased popularity, it has ceased to be associated with something unique, and the materials posted there are no longer delightful. Being on the edge of the service with no likes and comments is easy. Much harder to earn them. But this procedure, like many other things, can be simplified, just follow a few tips, and you will have more high-quality commenting subscribers.

Don't post anything that wasn't captured by your phone's camera. This includes screenshots, weather, traffic jams, the player, and other information from the phone's display. Special unique ones even upload memes that are boring to everyone there, which annoys the audience even more.
Do not write a huge bunch of tags in the title. three short tags are allowed that do not obstruct reading or spoil the viewing experience.

The ideal option would be to upload three photos a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Seeing too many photos is boring, so if you have a lot of footage, it's best to spread it out over different days. This technique is especially effective when you do not have the opportunity to go outside for various reasons.

You should not upload photos of food, legs, sky, garbage, incomprehensible objects. You should not get carried away with yourself, even if you have the most beautiful appearance in the world. Instagram is not good for portraits and only spoils your appearance. It will be best to capture the beautiful reality surrounding you (because no filters will save the ugly one).

Don't post everything you photograph. Make a rigorous selection. and attractive, otherwise it will be lost in a series of nameless patterns of bad taste.

Don't forget to reply to comments. Thus, you will increase interest in your account(and double the number of comments if the number of comments is especially important to you).

Don't follow celebrities (unless they're Instagram celebrities). There is nothing good, except for photos of terrible quality and comments from rabid fans. You are in for a total disappointment. Better and other interesting strangers, to their photographs. With real people leading the story of the world around, it is much more interesting than with robots who only do what they publish one photo after another, completely ignoring the quality.

Do not link your account to other platforms. There is a high probability that on one of them they will unsubscribe from you in order to forcibly watch the same thing twice, no one wants to.

Following these simple tips, your Instagram account will become interesting not only to you, but also to hundreds and even thousands of other people who will come to you every day “for a light”.

Ps: Finally, one bad advice. From time to time leave comments in Russian to photos of world celebrities. The result will not be long in coming.

For many smartphone owners, this social network is probably the most beloved. However, not everyone knows what secrets Instagram hides. For those who like to share their photos with friends on this network and those who use the application for professional purposes, these 10 life hacks.

Apply filters without posting a photo

You can also use your phone's airplane mode to edit a photo without posting it to Instagram. After going into it, you need to go through all the steps of uploading a photo to Instagram, as usual. However, the picture will not be published without a network connection in this mode. And after a message appears stating that the download failed, delete the photo - it will already be saved in the phone's gallery.

Selected list of people to send photos

Like by double clicking on the photo.

Ignoring private messages

In situations where you do not want to receive another photo of a cake or a cat from friends, you can use the following life hack. To do this, you need to open any private message from the person who is disturbing, click on the button with three horizontal (iPhone) or vertical (Android) dots and select "Ignore all messages from the user."

Publication time

Hashtags after posting

Hashtags are, of course, one of the main advantages of the application, but it's okay if, after posting a photo, you realize that you forgot to add them. You can also add hashtags in comments - other users will still be able to find your photos, and the description for the picture will look neater, and not like spam. In addition, it is believed that the optimal number of tags for a photo should be no more than 5.

Saving original photos

Many users first take several pictures in a row on their phone, and then upload and process them to Instagram, but it is not at all necessary to constantly switch from one application to another. To save time, you can enable saving the original version of the photo in the Options menu (gear icon in the upper right corner in the profile tab).

Links in place of geolocation data

In a personal profile, a user can specify only one active link in the profile, the rest remain inactive. For those for whom this is not enough and transitions to a personal or company website are important, there is a way out: an inactive link can be put down where the place of photography is usually indicated. Thus, everyone who sees the photo itself will see it. Some companies, online stores also indicate other contact information in this field, for example, a phone number.

Not a single square

Not all Instagram images need to be square. Landscapes, for example, look better horizontally. And the appearance of uncropped images in the feed is possible using applications such as Instasize (iOS), NoCrop for Instagram (Android) and Cropic (Windows).

Actual hashtags

To stay in trend, you need to keep track of which hashtags are the most popular at the moment. You can do this on the website, which provides an up-to-date list of the most popular tags to date. Take note of them and use them for your pictures. The top three leading tags now are #love, #instagood and #me.

Are you choosing the right photo to post it under some popular hashtag and draw attention to your account? Given the number of Instagram users - and there are 400 million of them - you will have to try and make something more impressive than another successful selfie.

Shoot with any camera

Yes, you cannot fully use Instagram without a phone, but this does not mean that you can only take pictures with a smartphone. If you've taken a great DSLR photo, email it to yourself and then copy it to Instagram or save it to your Photos folder.

Promote photos not only on Instagram

Why limit yourself to your account when you can upload photos directly to the site? In the Wix editor, this is done in just a couple of minutes: go to, find the application "", install it, configure it and watch how new pictures automatically appear on your site.

Work on your filters

Do you really like the Ludwig filter, but the colors seem too saturated for this particular photo? Not a problem: double click on the filter icon and tweak them.

Make gif images in Boomerang

Instagram has its own looping video app called Boomerang". The principle of operation is very simple: install, launch, press the button and wait until it takes 10 photos and mounts a short video from them.

Don't be afraid to log into other people's accounts

Do you think you might have accidentally clicked on the heart when looking at a competitor's profile? Go to Options → Posts You've Liked and see which posts are 'liked'. Everything is fine? That's wonderful.
