Rome total war 2 map of all factions. ROME Total War - how to unlock all factions? Seleucid faction cards

How to unlock all factions in Rome: Total War? There are a couple of ways that will allow the player to complete the game on other than the Roman side. Let's take a closer look at them.

There are a total of 21 factions in the game. They are divided into five groups according to nationality. There are sides for which, in principle, you cannot play, because this is not provided for in the system, but there are those that become available under certain conditions. How can I gain access to other camps?

Method 1: classic

The first option, the most accessible and fair, is to erase the association card from the map after completing the game (in other words, destroy it). This will open up the opportunity to play on their side in the next game campaign. This is a long task, as it requires completing the entire game, which takes not a couple of hours, but sometimes several months, and the gradual destruction of enemy camps.

Method 2: hacker

The second option is not the most honest, but effective, suitable for those who expect instant results.

To do this, find the system folder where the strategy is installed. In this folder we go "Date" -> "World" -> "Maps" -> "Campaign" -> "Imperial_ Campaign" . In the last folder we find the file “Descr_Strat”.

Despite the fact that a toy called ROME Total War appeared quite a long time ago, it is still played by both novice gamers and old-timers, who thus relax after a hard day of work or educational lectures. Luxurious graphics, interesting features and an intriguing plot are the main components of the success of the project.

Initially, the player is faced with the choice of playing for one of three Roman factions, which are in alliance with each other, while being controlled by the leading cardinal from the Eternal City. The game world is also saturated with other nations, which you cannot play for initially. However, over time, such an opportunity will appear. About, How to unlock all factions in ROME Total War and will be discussed further. There are actually two ways to do this, each of which we will consider in detail.

An honest way to unlock all factions in the game

It's simple - the conditions of ROME Total War involve the discovery of new nations by exterminating them. That is, by erasing this or that faction from the earth, you will automatically add it to the list of nations that you can play for in the future. For some, it may seem unrealistic to take over the whole world within one company. Indeed, this is not the easiest task, especially if you play on the most difficult settings, so the developers made a small exception. To unlock all factions in ROME Total War– it is enough to completely complete the started campaign without exposing your state to destruction (provided that the game is played as the Scipios, Yulios or Brutes). However, keep in mind that if you play for several hours a day, such a passage (if you approach the question thoughtfully, and not “just to open it sooner”) can take more than one month of real time. If you are ready to wait and sweat, then honor and praise to you. Well, for those who want everything at once, for free and right now - the next method, not very honest, but reliable and simple.

Hacky way to unlock all factions in ROME Total War

The essence this method simple, like Vladislav Yama's hairstyle. Even if you have just begun your acquaintance with a PC, there will be no difficulties, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions below.

So, let's go!

  1. The first step is to find the root directory with the game (this is the folder in which ROME Total War was installed).
  2. Next, you need to find a directory called “Data” in it, then go to the “World” folder, then to the “Maps” directory, then to the “Campaign” folder, and, finally, to the final directory “Imperial_ Campaign” .
  3. Along the path specified in paragraph “2” there is a file named “Descr_Strat”, which must first be copied to the “Desktop” (or any other safe place) - just in case you ruin it with your manipulations.
  4. Now you need to move the name of the factions under “END unlockable” to a “category” with the name “Playable”.
  5. That's all. All that remains is to save the changes and run the game, after which you will see for yourself that All factions in ROME Total War are open, if, of course, everything was done correctly.

Help me get to the top!

A total of 117 factions were declared. The player will have to choose from 8 (excluding DLC) available factions. Factions are conventionally divided into four cultures - Barbarian, Greek, Roman and Eastern; the differences between them are much more significant than in past games. Each cultural type has its own strengths in trade, warfare, politics and agent skills. The development of technology will also differ, but the main directions are the same for everyone - civil, military and technical. In addition, some factions are divided into families available to players, each of which will have its own unique advantages. Much more attention is paid to the player’s interaction with the faction’s internal political system. Sometimes you will have to confront her. The game characters will have to combine the roles of a politician and a commander.

Map of all factions in the game

8 available Factions (excluding DLC)

Roman Republic - With their victory over Pyrrhus, the Romans achieved a dominant position in the Apennine Peninsula. The young republic is full of strength and ambition. Roman society is quite militarized - military service is compulsory for all citizens. The army of the republic is famous for its excellent training and organization. The Romans are significantly superior to the surrounding peoples in the art of metalworking, and the republican structure ensures relative peace of citizens and protects them from popular unrest. The player will be able to lead one of three powerful families - the Yunievs, the Yulievs or the Kornelievs. Another feature of playing for Rome is the presence of the Senate.

A short prologue campaign has been introduced into the game, designed to teach the player the main points of tactics and strategy. Historically, the period of action in it corresponds to the period of the early Republic, starting in 316 BC. e. during the Second Samnite War. Although the historicity in the prologue is broken - the names of the two consuls of this year are precisely indicated, it is said that they were defeated at the head of a united army, the consul Spurius Rutilus was captured, and the consul Marcus Lenatus died of wounds on the third day after the Battle of Capua. In reality, in this year, Lucius Aemilius Mamercinus Priverna, a dictator, was appointed to conduct the war, and both consuls were in Rome.

Carthage - Once a Phoenician colony, at the time of the game a powerful Mediterranean power. The Carthaginians had colonies throughout the western Mediterranean and had a strong navy. The few citizens of this country are mainly engaged in trade, so most of the army is made up of mercenaries. According to legend, the city was founded by Queen Dido, who fled Fez after her brother Pygmalion, king of Tyre, killed her husband Sycheus in order to take over his wealth.

Throughout the history of Carthage, the city's inhabitants were renowned for their business acumen. According to the legend about the founding of the city, Dido bought from a local tribe as much land as an ox's hide could cover. She cut the skin into narrow strips and, making a circle out of them, took possession of a large plot of land. Therefore, the citadel erected at this place was called Birsa, which means “skin.” The strongest unit is considered to be the “Sacred Squad”, in which the Carthaginian aristocracy serves. Carthage is also famous for its war elephants.


Macedonia - On the bones of Alexander the Great's empire, his generals, the Diadochi, founded their own states. Now Macedonia is just a shadow and a fragment of the former empire. This kingdom is surrounded by Illyrians, Thracians, and Greeks. Macedonia is led by a king who rules on behalf of the people. The treasury receives its main income from agriculture and timber extraction, as well as taxes on shipping and the extraction of precious metals.
The Macedonian army has remained virtually unchanged since the times of Philip II and Alexander.

The backbone of the army is still made up of the famous Macedonian infantry, as well as good cavalry; Macedonia's position at sea is traditionally weak. The king of Macedonia is Antigonus II Gonatas, the grandson of the famous commander Alexander, Antigonus the One-Eyed.

Iceni - Celtic tribe living in southeast Britain. The Iceni are a proud people and fierce warriors. Warriors cover their bodies with ritual drawings and tattoos, which significantly distinguishes them from other Celtic tribes. Iceni warriors are equipped with large oval or rectangular shields and are armed with swords and spears. Before the actual confrontation, slings and javelins are used to create disorder in the enemy's ranks. The infantry is supported by maneuverable chariots and light cavalry.

The Iceni have their own capital - Venta Icenorum - a large trade and religious center. The Iceni economy is based mainly on agriculture, but is distinguished by fairly developed monetary relations, based on their own minted coins. In addition, the Iceni made significant progress in the art of iron processing. They have every chance of becoming the dominant tribe in Britain.

Arverni - One of the most powerful tribes of central Gaul. The Arverni are ruled by kings and tribal leaders. Positions are usually achieved during wars, since nobility is valued along with military and leadership qualities. Druids occupy an important place in Arverni society. In addition to matters of cult, they seriously influence politics, including issues of war and peace.

The Arverni are renowned artisans and goldsmiths, and have one of the most sophisticated and advanced cultures in the barbarian world. Elite units are formed from the aristocracy, simple people they are armed mainly with a spear or throwing dart, and use an oval shield for protection; The Arverni also have good cavalry. The neighboring Gallic tribes are ready to recognize the Arverni ruler if he is powerful and successful enough.

Suevi - Under this name, a whole group of Germanic tribes living in the northeast of Germany and united by a common language and beliefs is united. Their society is governed by elected leaders. To distinguish themselves from commoners, aristocrats braid their hair in a special way.

The craftsmanship of armor and weapons is very underdeveloped. Swords are quite rare; Suebi warriors go into battle armed with a short spear and shield. Despite this, Suebi warriors are respected and feared. The most ferocious warriors become berserkers. The Suebi's favorite battlefield is the thicket of the forest; they prefer to attack from ambush. The Suebi despise the civilized world and enjoy considerable influence among neighboring tribes.

Parthia is a young state; most recently this country was part of the Seleucid Empire. As a result of the invasion of the Parni tribe, Arshak became the ruler of Parthia and the founder of a new dynasty. The population of Parthia is quite diverse; the cultures of the Greeks and Persians, as well as many small nations, coexist on this land. The Parthians are tolerant of other cultures. The treasury is replenished through agriculture, and the Great Silk Road also brings its benefits.

The striking power of the Parthian army is made up of heavy cavalry, where both rider and horse are clad in heavy armor. The nomadic tribes supply their troops with unsurpassed horse archers. Infantrymen use spears as well as a variety of thrown weapons. There are many mercenaries serving in the army, using Seleucid weapons and tactics.

Hellenistic Egypt is closely connected with the culture of the Greek world, but also preserves many of the original Egyptian traditions. Dynasty in 305 BC. e. after the death of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy founded, since then the country has become cultural and shopping center under the influence of the Macedonian rulers. Ptolemy was a general under Alexander, and after the sudden death of the king he was appointed to rule Egypt. When Alexander's empire fragmented, Ptolemy declared his independence and ensured the safety of Egypt from the encroachments of his rivals during the Wars of the Diadochi (322-275 BC). Adopting Egyptian religion and customs, the Ptolemies soon became pharaohs, continuing a long tradition of building magnificent temples and monuments. However, under them the study of Greek culture and science was actively encouraged, so that a higher class of Greco-Egyptians emerged. But everything was not always harmonious; Greek troops were stationed throughout the country, veterans settled anywhere, and the privileges of Greek citizens led to frequent and bloody uprisings by the natives.

Mixing Greek and Egyptian fighting styles gives the Ptolemaic pharaohs an army that is technically advanced and well-balanced, but still respects the leadership of heroes. Pikes and spears are used skillfully, and military units are divided into skilled swordsmen, scythe-wielding chariots, and more exotic units such as African war elephants. Egypt's location on the Mediterranean Sea forces the country to maintain a significant fleet in order to protect its trade and colonial interests.

Free Content (FreeLC)

This faction initially came as a bonus for those who pre-ordered the game (and there were quite a few of them).

Pontus is a state formed under the strong influence of Greek and Persian cultures. This kingdom occupies the northeastern part of Asia Minor. In the south it borders with Cappadocia, and in the east with Colchis. It was formed in 302 BC. e., when Mithridates I Ktist (Founder) took advantage of the turmoil and confusion of the era of the Diadochi and proclaimed himself king of Pontus. The coastal location favors the development of trade; precious metals, iron and timber are mined in the mountains. River valleys are used for agriculture.

Thanks to their trade connections, the Pontians are well aware of everything that is happening in other countries. The rulers of Pontus try to maintain friendly relations with other Hellenistic states. During war, Pontus relies on a strong navy and infantry. The culture of Pontus is largely Persian, but the Pontic rulers are aware of the role of Greek technology and culture in the development of their state. Due to its location on the periphery of the Greek world, Pontus has developed and increased its potential over the centuries and at the time of the game it is perhaps the strongest Hellenistic state.


For some reason, this faction was not included in the list of playable ones from the very beginning, but modders quickly made it available, discovering along the way that it was actually ready for play (it had a full-fledged line of troops and a ruling dynasty). Soon the developers made the Seleucids available for play. This dynasty has always been one of the favorites among players: a difficult situation, a collapsing huge power, powerful troops and aggressive neighbors make playing for the descendants of Nikator very interesting.

The Seleucids were a Hellenistic monarchy formed during the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great. The core of the state was the Middle East, at the height of its power it included part of Asia Minor, Syria, Phenicia, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Iran, parts of Central Asia and present-day Pakistan. It was the most important center of Hellenism, the main link between Greek and Eastern cultural traditions. During the era of its power, it included: Asia Minor, the Levant, Persia, the Pamirs and part of Pakistan.

Having begun its expansion into Greece, the empire encountered the army of the Roman Republic, which inflicted a series of defeats on it. As a result, the eastern part of the country by the middle of the 2nd century BC. e. was captured by the Parthians under the leadership of Mithridates I. The Seleucids continued to rule in Syro-Phenicia until the conquest of the country by the Armenian king Tigranes II. After which, the Seleucid state as an independent entity was liquidated. The reigning queen from the Seleucid dynasty was captured and executed a few years later by order of the Armenian king. In 64 BC. e. the former western part of the territory of the Seleucid state was turned into a Roman province.

This faction was a regular guest in a variety of RTW modifications and, quite logically, finally became playable in the second part of the game. The Bactrians are also surrounded by numerous aggressive neighbors, but like the Seleucids, they have something to answer to their enemies. The combat line is a little similar to the Syrian one, but with a greater emphasis on local contingents (Bactrian horsemen and infantry). There are also Greek cataphracts with war elephants.

Bactria is a Hellenistic state in Central Asia, formed as a result of the collapse of the Seleucid Empire. It is a flat country in the middle reaches of the Amu Darya. The borders of Bactria in the north are the spurs of the Pamirs, in the south - the Hindu Kush. The heart of Bactria was a vast oasis in the desert delta of one of the rivers flowing from the spurs of the Hindu Kush.

The center of the oasis was the city of Baktra (or Baktr/Balkh), which gave its name to the entire country. Western European scientists call Bactria a geographical region, the northern border of which was the Amu Darya River. Bactria was distinguished by its advantageous geographical position at the crossroads of routes from north to south (from the Great Steppe to India and to the Ocean coast) and from west to east (from the Mediterranean countries to China). This situation, along with the fabulous fertility of the region (Strabo: “ Bactria there are grains the size of our ears”), allowed Bactria to occupy a prominent place in history since time immemorial.

The main feature of the Getae is that they are second only to the Romans in being able to retrain their low-grade troops into stronger ones. Because of this, the late Geth army begins to pose a serious threat to any enemy, but you still need to be able to survive until this happens. The player who chooses the geth must prepare for a tough game - the mountains know no mercy.

Zalmoxis was revered as the only god. Herodotus called the Getae those “who believe in their immortality” (getas tous athanatizontas), “because according to their belief they will not die, but will go to Zalmoxis.” Zalmoxis “taught that neither he, nor his guests, nor their descendants would die, but would only go to another place where they would live forever, enjoying all the benefits.”

Since the Getae lived in lands little known to the Greeks, but were well known to them by name, this gave rise to a lot of fantastic reports - especially in late antiquity. Thus, Julian the Apostate reported the victory of the Getae over the Goths. In addition, during this period it became generally accepted to transfer toponyms and ethnonyms from the heyday of Greek civilization to modern times.

In Byzantium back in the 12th century. it was customary to call all the nomads of the Northern Black Sea region Scythians, up to the Pechenegs and Polovtsians, without taking into account whether these tribes were really somehow connected with each other. This should be taken into account when evaluating late reports of geth. Thus, Jordan considered the Goths to be the continuers of the history of the Getae. This view has no basis other than simple consonance, and is explained by the desire to ancientize the history of its people, since according to ancient concepts, a people who did not have a centuries-old past could not count on respect.

There was a lot of controversy regarding the addition of Armenia to the game. But one fine day, SA added it, which was a good surprise for most players in the series.

Armenia's key location for trade between the Black and Caspian Seas has sprouted new cities and ushered the country into an era of prosperity that will allow it to regain its former glory. Tigranes the Great took advantage of the instability in the Seleucid Empire and captured Syria in 83 BC. e., and the marriage alliance with Pontus soon strengthened the position of Armenia as one of the largest kingdoms of the East.

Seeing the rapid growth of Armenia and the aggressive advance of Pontus to the west, Rome was forced to intervene by sending an army that would cut down both kingdoms in size. Armenia was deprived of most of its territories and forced to become a client state. And so, this once proud state, now suppressed, receives news of instability in Rome caused by the death of Caesar...

Trade connections guarantee prosperity, mountains provide refuge during attacks, and the cataphract cavalry has no equal. Having managed to quickly build an empire once, will Armenia be able to rise to the challenge of circumstances and repeat it?


The twelfth free content update for Total War: Rome 2 brought a new faction to the game - Massilia, along with the paid add-on Black Sea Colonies.

The Greeks established their colony in Massilia around 600 BC. Founded by the Phocians, it was intended to gather the region's resources and conduct trade from the natural harbor of Massilia. By the early 4th century BC, the former trading post had developed into one of the busiest ports in the Mediterranean, its influence even spreading into Gaul along the Rhone rivers and Durance. Massilia is an oligarchy ruled by noble families. The population is a mixture of Greek settlers, Gallic locals and various foreign traders. Despite the level of cultural integration, some Gallic tribes still see the city as a desirable prize. Carthage also wants to control or destroy this trading rival. Both want Massilia's great wealth for themselves, and will stop at nothing. Massilia is a collection of skilled traders and articulate diplomats, but being somewhat conservative, the population is less tolerant of foreign cultures within its borders. In battle, her warriors display a combination of Gallic and Greek fighting techniques and weapons.

According to local legend, the history of the city began as a love story between Gyptida, the daughter of Nan, king of the Ligurian tribe, and the Greek Protis: the Greeks landed on the shores of Provence at the moment when King Nan decided to marry off his daughter. To do this, he convened a feast at which Hyptidas would choose a groom. It was to the Greek Protis that she handed her cup of wine. The couple received part of the coast as a wedding gift, on which they founded a city called Massilia.

Massalia gradually became a large, prosperous trading city and founded numerous trading posts along the Mediterranean coast and up the Rhone.

Seasons and miracles

Seasons and wonders of the world have been added to the base game on the battlefields. This addition was included in the 11th free update.

This tiny addition appeared after the release of the Caesar in Gaul campaign. It added the change of seasons to the larger campaign and the long-awaited wonders of the world, the list of which was not limited to just the seven classic ones. Mount Damavand, the Bam fortress, Stonehenge and other interesting wonders, with their own bonuses, were also awarded the title of miracle. After patch 11, this content began to be included in the game by default.

"Warriors of Augustus"

["August Warriors"]

"Warriors of Augustus" was released simultaneously with the paid "Daughters of Mars". It finally dawned on the SA that it was time to create not only all sorts of fantastic units, but also normal troops. Especially for those factions whose lineup is offensively meager. The Suebs (i.e., all Germans) were added 5 units, which greatly diversified the gameplay. Even the sorcerers turned out to be useful, reducing the morale of the enemy (these units were only available as garrison units). Two units of horse archers for nomads have also been added.

Emperor Augustus Campaign

["Emperor August"]

A year after the release of the game, CA made a great gift for all fans of the series by releasing a new global campaign dedicated to the fall of the Roman Republic and the war of the Second Triumvirate.

The balance of the game was once again greatly shaken up, new units and factions were added (Armenia and Marcomanni) and the opportunity to either unite Rome under the banner of Octavian Augustus, Mark Antony, Sextus Pompey and Marcus Lepidus, or, on the contrary, crush the Romans for the peoples hostile to them, in in particular, for the Parthians. I personally consider this campaign to be one of the best additions to a game worthy of the name of Augustus.

Battle of Pydna

It’s hard to even call it full-fledged content. Just a simple historical battle that apparently didn't make it into the game initially due to time constraints. This battle took place on June 22, 168 BC. (a solar eclipse helped accurately date the fateful battle for Macedonia) and ended in the complete defeat of the Macedonians. In the battle, the player must repeat the success of Consul Aemilius Paulus. The battle, as designed by CA, is designed for fairly skilled players.

After the defeat of Philip V, Macedonia practically became a Roman province. Philip's heir Perseus tried to correct this; after his death, he declared the independence of Macedonia. Rome had no choice but to send troops to Macedonia to put the upstart in its place. But Perseus did not want to give up without a fight. The Battle of Pydna is a battle that took place in 168 BC. This battle involved the Roman army under the leadership of Mitellus, against the Macedonian army under the command of Andriscus. In battle, Roman discipline defeated Macedonian courage.

There were also other additions: for example, Epirus and Elephants and the expansion of the Carthaginian troop line. They're like" To the Warriors of Augustus", patched holes in the gameplay, i.e. the developers corrected their shortcomings, and therefore I decided not to devote special paragraphs to them.

Paid content(DLC)

Caesar in Gaul

Back in RTW, many modders found a text with the names of settlements for the never-released provincial campaign about the conquests of Guy from the Julius family. Despite the significant amount of time that has passed, none of the modders ever bothered to create such a provincial campaign. The developers themselves decided to correct their omission by pompously releasing the very first additional campaign for the new part of the franchise. Which only at first glance seemed simple, but in fact it posed quite a challenge to the players.

One year was equal to 12 (twelve) moves! It was necessary not only to conquer lands, but also to be able to hold them. An additional and most important factor was the change of seasons - so in winter it was very fraught to conduct military campaigns and most often during the “dead” season, opponents were busy licking their wounds and strengthening positions in the regions. A new feature was leaders who could not be killed, but only wounded. Each playable faction had its own immortal leader with his own special abilities that provided huge bonuses in battle. Rome received Caesar, and the Gallic tribes received Vercingetorix.

Caesar in Gaul is a stand-alone campaign for Total War: ROME II, focusing on Julius Caesar's war of conquest against the Gallic tribes. The campaign is based on Caesar's Notes on the Gallic War. Players can choose between four factions involved in this conflict: Arverni (Gauls), Suebi (Germans), Nervii (Belgians) and Rome. The Caesar in Gaul campaign covers a shorter period of time (58 - 51 BC) and a smaller area of ​​territory than the base game, but it features Gaul and the southern coast of Britain in more detail, and more factions (playable and non-playable) .

The campaign features a number of famous generals and historical statesmen, such as Gaius Julius Caesar or Mark Antony and Vercingetorix, who the player recruits or fights with, depending on the chosen faction. A new historical battle has been added to the campaign - the Battle of Alesia, which became a turning point in the Gallic War, leading to the capture of Vercingetorix. In the Battle of Alesia, the player's task is to siege a Gallic fortress under the command of Vercingetorix. In addition to the playable factions in the new campaign, Caesar in Gaul introduces three new factions to the base game: the Nervii, Boii, and Galatians.

Hannibal at the Gate

Second provincial campaign for Rome II. The main role here was the famous Carthaginian commander Hannibal Barca, whose actions led to the outbreak of a war during which Rome found itself on the brink of disaster. The Roman consuls suffered severe defeats one after another, including the defeat at Cannae, and only Scipio Africanus managed to defeat the terrible Punian in open battle.

Players here are invited to either repeat the military path of the Barkids and still turn the course of history in their favor, or take the side of the Romans and turn the Republic from a regional power into a serious force, which even the distant states of the Diadochi then had to reckon with. As a bonus, we were given the opportunity to play as Syracuse and several Spanish tribes. By the way, all these factions became available in the grand campaign, it’s just a pity that Syracuse in the grand campaign remained a collective farm without walls...

Players will travel to the Western Mediterranean during the Second Punic War, as part of the new campaign they will take part in the confrontation between Scipio and Hannibal and understand the “geopolitical situation.” 5 new factions and, of course, new units will be available. Rome and Carthage will receive updates to the civilian technology tree.

Fury of Sparta

The last campaign for Rome II today, where the player must take part in the Peloponnesian War on the side of one of the four major Greek factions (Sparta, Athens, Boeotia and Corinth). The apotheosis is the Persian invasion of Greece. The idea of ​​implementing the Greek quarrels may have been sound, but the implementation once again let us down. And some even stated that this addition was actually a test run of the capabilities of the upcoming Attila Total War addon - the Persians attacking in the script were too similar to the Huns.

The factions were given few units, and almost all of them were natural clones! There was a lot of criticism of this addition, and modders rushed to finish SA’s “creation.” But those who like to shout THIS IS SPARTAAA could be happy.

This campaign is dedicated to the Greco-Persian War. Athens, which turned the union of poleis into its empire, became a strong and influential country in Attica. Sparta, Corinth and the cities of the Boeotian League unite in a coalition against Athens. The Persians make sure that neither side gains too much strength.

Culture of the Black Sea colonies

I can’t imagine where Pergamum suddenly became a Black Sea colony. Let this remain on the conscience of the developers. The Bosporan kingdom (called Cimmeria) was in any case begging to become a full-fledged playable power, like Pergamon. Colchis was supposed to demonstrate an outlandish mixture of Caucasian and Hellenic features in one state. Another thing is that none of these factions were as well developed as the others available: many very units were repeated, and there were disappointingly few original troops. Well, at least they allowed us to play for Pergamon and create an Anatolian power out of it, which is what actually happened in history. Along the way, SA made Massilia (finally!) playable. Moreover, it is absolutely free. I don’t understand what prevented me from unlocking this faction even after the release of “Caesar in Gaul” or “Hannibal at the Gates”.

Find the folder with the Rome game files: Total War. Look in one of the following places, depending on your version of the game. This is the first step to changing Barbarian Invasion, just like changing the original game.

Find campaign data. Once you have found one of the folders above, locate the faction availability file located in one of these paths:

  • To unlock factions in the Rome: Total War base campaign:\data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign
  • To unlock factions in the Barbarian Invasion campaign:\BI\data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion
  • Make a copy of the file and open it. Right-click on the file and copy it, then paste it to your Desktop. Open the file.

    • This will allow you to edit the file even if you don't have administrator rights, and at the same time keep the original, unedited backup in case something goes wrong with the game.
  • Move faction names to the "playable" list. The file should begin with a list of faction names, sorted by "playable", "unlockable" and "nonplayable". Select all factions under "unlockable", cut them from the document and paste them into the list under "playable". Before doing the same with "nonplayable" factions, please read the following caveats:

  • Move the edited file to the desired folder. Save the file without changing its name. Move the original, unedited file to another location so that you can restore the game if there are bugs in it. Move the corrected file back to the folder and open Rome: Total War to see the changes.

    • You may need to close and reopen Rome: Total War for the changes to take effect.
  • If this doesn't work, change the faction description file. This is only needed in earlier versions of Rome: Total War. If no additional factions have appeared in the game and you are sure that you did not make any typos when editing the file, try making additional changes:

    • In the Rome – Total War folder, create backup copy\Data\Text\campaign_descriptions file, then open that file.
    • Paste the following text into the file, then save:








    Good day, site visitors website. In this article, I want to tell you about the most powerful factions in Rome 2.

    After all, every player wants to take control of a powerful state, with a strong economy and invincible soldiers.

    But there are so many factions in the game that it’s not easy to immediately understand which of them can help you achieve your goals.

    This article is a logical continuation of the articles I wrote earlier on the game Total War: Rome 2:

    First, let's figure out what “The Strongest Faction” means? In my opinion, this is the faction for which the player can most easily complete the task assigned to him and achieve:

    • Cultural victory.
    • Military victory.
    • Economic victory.

    When selecting candidates, I judged on the following parameters:

    1. Faction economy.
    2. Provinces and cities at the start of the company.
    3. Units (however, let’s not forget that Total War is primarily military-oriented).
    4. Faction potential (this parameter comes from the three I listed above).

    I would like to note right away that the definition of “The strongest” is a synonym for the phrase “The most difficult”. Because such factions are difficult to play, especially for beginners. By the way, I wrote about this in an article about the easiest factions in Rome 2.


    The ancient country of the pharaohs was the strongest country in the region for hundreds of years. Total War: Rome 2 is no exception.

    When there were no other states in sight, the Egyptians had already managed to erect their giant pyramids, and with them build a powerful foundation on which this faction would be located.

    By the way, when playing as Egypt, you can also get aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the pyramids, not far from one of your cities. What other faction has such beauty? 🙂

    Political situation.

    As with any other large and powerful faction, Egypt, it is quite difficult to keep track of all your borders and keep them under lock and key. Although if you look at the political map of the region, you will see that you can only expect an attack from the enemy in two directions. At the very beginning, you will be on bad terms with three factions:

    • Cyrenaica.
    • Seleucids.
    • Kedar.

    Since at the beginning it is advisable to spend your efforts on developing your areas, a war with such a strong faction as the Seleucids is undesirable. I would suggest trying to improve your relationship with them. But Cyrenaica and Kedar are two factions that you can deal with without problems. Moreover, as I already wrote above, they will only be able to attack you in directions that are quite easy to defend.

    Therefore, if something happens, you can for a long time Adhere to defensive tactics, which will allow you to save money and develop the economy. In the future, I would advise focusing on the southern direction. Captures Nabatiyah and Blemmyi, I advise going in the other two directions. Finish off your enemies from the north and east.

    Next, you have several development options, of which my most preferred option is to conquer all African factions. And then you can move on one side to Spain, and on the other, conquer one of the Greek city-states and create a base in that region for further advancement in the European direction.

    Units of the Egypt faction.

    By the way, for Egypt, when choosing a commander’s detachment, you will have a choice of as many as six types of units! Among which there are even war elephants.

    Egypt has very interesting units. Let's look at the strongest of them:

    • Royal swordsmen in thoraxes.
    • Sickle chariots.
    • African war elephants.
    • Archers on camels.
    • Horse skirmishers.


    Carthage. The military and economic power of this faction will allow you to successfully fight a war or build a strong economy. This will depend on your preferences.

    Playing for Carthage, it generally seemed to me that the developers treated this faction with special love. I would even put it in second place after Rome, in terms of elaboration and interestingness.

    By the way, only Rome and Carthage have the opportunity, when choosing a faction, to choose the Family with which you will control this faction.

    This faction starts with five cities, of which the most developed is the capital, Carthage itself. The remaining cities, although small, are not difficult to bring to prosperity in just 10-15 moves. Therefore, at first, try to focus on the development of cities to create a financial reserve that will allow you to feed a future, powerful army.

    The truth is that no one promises Carthage an easy life at the very beginning of the game. He has a very difficult political situation. Perhaps the most difficult of all the factions selected for this review.

    Carthage faction cards.

    As you can see, the first disadvantage of Carthage (which I have written about several times in other reviews) is that its provinces are scattered across the map. Instead of one territory, you will own five fragments and near each of them there will be an enemy with whom you either have a war or a very strained relationship that will sooner or later develop into a war.

    When playing as Carthage at the beginning, it is advisable to start fighting Rome as late as possible. And given your bad relationship with this faction, this will not be easy. But in the event of a war with Rome, from the first moves it will be very difficult for you to protect the two separated provinces of Caralis and Lilybaeum. Most likely, these two cities will become the first targets of the Roman Empire if you cannot find a common language with them.

    When you feel that the economy allows you to maintain several large armies (and to protect such a large territory, this is simply necessary) then you can begin military operations.

    And this is where the fun begins. Playing for Carthage is reminiscent of playing three or four factions simultaneously. This is exactly how it seemed to me when I myself controlled this faction. Because each part of this power, each of its provinces, is located and stewing in its own cauldron, with its own opponents and problems.

    Well, it’s all the more interesting to set a goal for yourself to conquer the entire map, because you can move in three directions at the same time!

    Carthage is focused on capturing Africa, two provinces on capturing Italy and Gaul, and the last two provinces will help in the conquest of Spain!

    Although if you feel that you have enough finances or military strength to attack in several directions, then it is better to focus on one of them (Africa is best).


    Carthage has very strong units. In terms of diversity and strength, I can only compare them to the Rome faction. Carthage, by the way, is one of the few factions where you can choose elephants as bodyguards for the commander.

    Of the strongest units, I would note:

    • Aristocratic horsemen.
    • African war elephants.
    • Ballista with snakes (very original weapon).
    • Carthaginian polyball (one of the longest-range weapons in Total War: Rome 2).

    Carthage also has a very good selection of melee and spear infantry. And with all this, you will not lack good cavalry, since your assault cavalry is represented by five strong units at once.


    Of course, the Rome faction simply could not help but be in this review. In general, this faction can safely be called the strongest in Total War: Rome 2.

    And there is nothing completely surprising in this. The point here is not the developers’ special love for this faction (although this is also a factor). The fact is that the developers are just following historicity. Rome in those days truly had no equal!

    By choosing Rome, you can also choose one of three houses to manage:

    • House of Yuliev
    • House of Uniev
    • House of the Cornelians.

    But this choice is of an aesthetic nature and does not affect anything.

    Rome faction cards.

    One of the strong geopolitical advantages of Rome is that the faction is located on the so-called “Italian boot”. It is surrounded on two sides by the sea, and on the north and south you will have land borders, but these borders are small and it will not be difficult to guard them.

    At the beginning, your enemies will be the Etruscan League, but it is not difficult to fight with it, and besides, having conquered it, you will completely become the sole owner of the “Italian Boot”.

    Further, if you want to subjugate the entire map, then it is best to move in a southern direction, conquering Syracuse. Although, I would not touch this small and proud faction :) They are very good as allies, and you will always have time to conquer them :)

    It is best to choose Carthage as your enemy. After him, conquer all of Africa, then Spain, and then Europe (Greece, etc.). To achieve these goals, you will have one very important advantage - Units.


    Of course, the units of the Rome faction will allow you to cope with any goal. It is not for nothing that the Roman army is considered one of the strongest in the history of mankind.

    Among the strong units (oh my God, Rome is all strong!) I would highlight the following:

    • Veteran legionnaires.
    • Cohort of Evocats.
    • First Cohort.
    • Armored legionnaires.
    • Eagle Cohort.
    • Praetorians.
    • Praetorian Guard.
    • Gladiators.
    • Praetorian cavalry.
    • Union Cavalry.
    • Legion cavalry.
    • Equites allies.
    • Allied Numedian cavalry.
    • Allied African troops on elephants.
    • War dogs.
    • Roman onager with bees (yes, there is such a thing).

    The Roman heavy onager, in my opinion, is generally the longest-ranged weapon in Total War: Rome 2.

    Its range is 480, which is more than three times farther than a slinger can throw a stone, and almost five times farther than a bow!


    This review ends with another large, powerful faction, the Seleucids.

    The Seleucids are one of the fragments of the empire of Alexander the Great, which after his death began to fall apart, and this process was accelerated by the “heirs” of Macedon, who began dividing his lands among themselves.

    Playing as the Seleucids, you will have as many as six provinces at your disposal.

    In general, I would like to note that among these four factions, the Seleucids are the most difficult. The Seleucids simply have huge, stretched borders, which will require more than one army to defend, so playing for this faction should be more of an aggressive attack, because you won’t be able to sit on the defensive with such a border.

    Seleucid faction maps.

    By the way, the Seleucids will have many enemies from the very beginning, you can look at the map, where the factions with which the Seleucids are at war or have very bad relations, which sooner or later will develop into a war, are marked in red.

    If you set the task of conquering the map, then I advise you to move only in the eastern direction at the beginning.

    Once you conquer this part of the map, you can choose where to move next. And I would advise you to deal with Greece and subjugate Africa. Then take on Spain and the European part of the continent.


    There is probably no other faction where, when choosing the commander’s bodyguards, you had a choice of eight units at once!

    The most original would be to choose chariots for this role; the most practical, in my opinion, would be war elephants.

    Among the other units, I would highlight:

    • Royal cavalry.
    • Sickle chariots.
    • Greek cataphracts.
    • Argyraspidae swordsmen.
    • Royal peltasts.
    • Syrian heavy archers.
    • Light peltasts.
    • Eastern slingers.
    • Persian light archers.
    • Azat warriors.
    • Median cavalry.
    • Terentian cavalry.
    • Archers on camels.
    • Horse skirmishers.
    • Mercenaries on Syrian armored elephants (probably the most powerful unit in Total War: Rome 2, real tanks!)
    • Indian war elephants.

    As you can see, Dear friends, the list of the strongest includes such factions as:

    • Egypt.
    • Carthage.
    • Seleucids.

    Any of these factions will guarantee you, if played correctly, an economic, cultural or military victory.

    However, if you suddenly decide to achieve economic victory, then best choice will be Rome or Egypt. If you want to win a cultural victory, then it is better to choose Rome. If you want to achieve military victory in Total War: Rome 2, all 4 factions presented are suitable for these purposes.

    As you can see, each of these factions is very interesting in itself. They are different, but what they have in common is that any of them can undoubtedly be called one of the most powerful in Total War: Rome 2.

    But there is only one way to prove this - by playing! That's what I wish for you.

    Play and win!

    Friends, if you have any suggestions or comments, you can always write to me in the comments or through the “Contact the author” form. I always look forward to your messages and always respond to them.
