What is paid content.

I will clarify several points at once that arose after the publication of the previous idea.

In order to write articles that increase traffic to a particular site from search engines, you do not need to have talent. Talent is needed when you are going to create a discovery article that people will read and reread, and newspapers and magazines will publish and quote.

Such articles will be read by people who are waiting for new, unique, interesting information. They will enjoy this article, will recommend it to their friends and acquaintances, and will exclaim: “Oh, what a fine fellow the author of the article! As he subtly remarked…”, or: “Wow! Where does he get this information/knowledge from?

That's just talented, extraordinary articles are difficult to search on the Internet. Their authors, instead of calling a spade a spade, use metaphors, extraordinary headlines that do not allow the search engine to understand what this article is about (see the article The search engine cannot think and read your thoughts). I find similar articles on the 10th, 15th pages of search results, and not even by relevant search queries (you can’t find them at all for these queries), but by individual words that simply must occur at least once in the text of the article on such a topic.

The article necessary for the promotion of the site will be read first of all by the search engine. The search engine does not care how talented and extraordinary the text of the article is. Search engine by given search query will iterate over a great many pages stored on the Internet. And your task is for her to find the page containing your article.

That is, the only main requirement for your article is not to forget to mention the necessary search phrases in your article.

An article that can be easily found on the Internet can be created by any literate person who knows how to link words together.

There is no need to create masterpieces of world literature. You just need to correctly present the material on a topic you know.

However, to create a full-fledged article that can be easily found through a search engine, of course, it is not enough just to mention search phrases. Because for a site visitor, such an article may seem completely uninteresting, and the administration of the search engine may take it for search engine spam- that is, for a page created artificially, specifically for a search engine, and not for a person - a site visitor. (The consequences of this can be quite unfortunate for the site.)

Therefore, the content creator must combine the thematic meaning and the set of necessary search phrases (placed in the text in an optimal way) in each individual article.

This ability requires a freelance artist to understand how a search engine works, to be able to select suitable search phrases and analyze the appropriateness of using certain search phrases.

The writer will either have to master the principles of selecting pages by search engines, while he will have less time to actually write interesting material, or entrust this activity to a specialist in search engines.

Similarly, in order to sell your articles, an independent author will have to work hard: you need to find sites of suitable subjects and start a lengthy correspondence in which you need to convince the site owner that:
- your articles are guaranteed to attract the N-th number of new visitors to the site;
- you really are the author of these articles, and have not torn them off from any other site;
- you can guarantee that you will not sell the same articles to a competing site.

Therefore, another person should take care of finding clients, as well as finishing the written article to the standard (to its digestibility for the search engine), or better, a specially created company that will gather under its wing a whole team of pen masters capable of writing interesting articles. on any topic plus a search engine specialist and an account manager.

A logical question arises. Why create a separate firm to sell ready-made content, when already existing firms engaged in website promotion can do this?

Perhaps they can do it, but they probably don't want to.

Most of these firms do simple job: work with ready-made client material - optimize existing pages.

This, of course, helps the site to become visible through search engines. But the result of such promotion is an increase in site traffic by 10-30 percent.

But imagine what the result will be if you offer a site of 20 pages an additional hundred pages that are already optimized for search and most relevant to the subject of the site. The result - website traffic can increase several times!

I think this will be a very interesting offer for your client.

So, it would be very interesting if there was a company that specializes in selling ready-made content for site owners who want to maximize their target audience in the most inexpensive and “long-lasting” way.

The staff of such a firm may consist of only three people: a director (who simultaneously performs the work of an accountant), a search engine specialist and an account manager.

And articles to order will be written by independent authors, who can be found in great numbers in Runet.

Each author who wants to participate in the creation of custom content must send to our Internet company 3-5 of his articles on each declared topic, which will form his portfolio. These articles will show what topics this author specializes in, how literate he is, how interesting articles he can write.

These articles will make up a whole bank, or catalog of articles on a variety of topics.

The catalog of articles can be grouped both by authors and by specific topics.

A client who first came to the site of our company will be able to easily choose a future author for his site according to the thematic catalog.

And the bank of articles can be collected very large. I think that in Runet you can find at least a hundred capable writers who want to have extra income without much hassle, the amount of which will directly depend on their creative abilities and productivity. The dream of any creative person is to create in comfortable conditions and not worry about selling their creations.

The client who applied to our company will be guaranteed by the company itself:
- increase in traffic to his site by the amount ordered by him;
- Acquisition of copyright for the articles he buys.

Each client will pay money only for real results.

The cost of purchased articles will be quite acceptable for any start-up company. Since the cost of the sold articles will not include either office rent or transportation costs. All activities of our Internet company will take place on the Internet, where obligatory expenses will be only the cost of the domain and payment for hosting (and these are pennies at the present time). Of course, some expenses will be required to create a company website and maintain its software part, but for the most part they are one-time and will not require significant investments in the future.

This Internet company will reach self-sufficiency already at the time of the creation of the bank of articles. Since the existing bank of articles will certainly contribute to its own promotion of this project (I hope you understand why).

Considering it unlikely to receive serious income from the sale of digital content, some publishing houses consider the advertising market as the main source of profit in the future. They are increasingly talking about the development strategy "360 degrees", aimed at covering all possible media (TV, radio, print media, online platforms, Cell phones, personal electronic devices) in order to provide the advertiser with a comprehensive package of services that allows them to reach any segment of the audience.

So far, however, the economic model of print media, based on the sale of paper copies and the attraction of advertising for marketable circulation, remains dominant. The question is how long can she last. Predictions of the end of the printed press are now circulating in great numbers. Printing is alive and will continue to live, at least for gourmets, but, above all, due to the universal consumer properties of paper, which can not be replaced by any electronic device yet, and it is unlikely that it will ever be able to.

In the income of publishers and distributors of the Russian press, the sale of traditional print also dominates. Therefore, it is reasonably reasonable to assume that the popularity and profitability of electronic versions print media will grow, but it is unlikely that in the near future this process will be able to radically change the existing economic proportions.

Electronic subscription to the press, especially magazines, is certainly needed and will be in demand. Mastering digital technologies is necessary.

Another important aspect. According to Yandex, there are now 890,000 active blogs in Russia, and the number is growing. VTsIOM claims that in in social networks every second Internet user is registered (52%). It is among them that it is widely believed that social networks can become an alternative to the media. But this is a deep delusion, since not every person is able to be a source of information - verified, objective and intelligibly stated. Not being professionals in a particular topic, but actively speaking out on them and involving others in the discussion, bloggers often contribute to the spread of far from the truth, or even completely false ideas.

From new significant measures state support the printing industry should highlight the decision taken in 2010 to reduce customs duties on coated paper imported into the country from 15% to 5% under 4 customs codes (in February 2011, the decision was extended for another 12 months), and the federal law dated December 8, 2010 No. 339-FZ, according to which the publishing industry in 2011-2015 will switch to the payment of insurance premiums to the mandatory state insurance funds in stages.

The decline in demand for print media also continues due to the development of the Internet and a decrease in interest in reading on the part of various groups of the population. In addition, publishers are not able to build the work of the periodical distribution market on the basis of uniform rules. Therefore, the relationship of partners on it is built mainly on the basis of sales contracts, according to which the seller takes not what is offered to him, but what is beneficial to him. Simply put, a huge array of newspapers and magazines remains outside the retail distribution chains.

As already noted, the main trend in the development of media companies in the digital age has become the optimization of internal proportions between different types of media. There are practically no publishing houses with only printed assets in their portfolios. Today, everyone strives to distribute content in a variety of media. As for the now fashionable tablet devices, their use materializes more slowly than expected. To significantly expand the readership, they must become a mass phenomenon, but at the current rate of sales, this will not happen until 2013. From Russian editions on July 6, 2010, reading programs on iPad first launched Arguments and Facts and Komsomolskaya Pravda. At present, this process has become massive.

The penetration of the Internet and the growth in traffic to sites that thematically intersect with paper media have increased interest in the online sphere. In the process of crossing the paper and electronic versions of the publication, especially in the regions, the phenomenon of publishing cannibalism often makes itself felt when the electronic version of the publication begins to “devour” its paper “sister”. At present, even the most advanced media have very modest incomes on the Internet. As for the regional advertising markets, the local advertiser is still poorly accustomed to the online sphere, so the outflow of consumers to the Internet is far from critical for the existence of traditional paper press in the regions. The tasks of complementarity of paper and Internet versions of newspapers were mainly solved.

Nowadays, anyone is capable of becoming a creator in the field of art. Modern technologies have simplified the process of creativity, and now almost everyone can sell the result of their work online, whether it be music, photos, videos, e-books or paintings. But while online stores make you famous to some extent, they also demand a lot in return: they take a huge percentage of the sale of your products for themselves, they do not allow you to choose appearance or branding site, and in some cases do not even allow you to set prices for your own product.

This is where digital selling comes in. They connect you directly with your customers while keeping track of your product prices and distribution, saving you the hassle and giving you the opportunity to focus more on your creativity. Using these services, you will be able to fully control the pricing of your products and choose the branding of the site. And of course, here no one will take away from you 70% of the income from the sale of your work. Here is a list of 10 digital goods selling services that might be of interest to you.

Gumroad is one of the latest services to help you sell your e-books, software, videos or photos. The most interesting thing is that this service works directly with credit companies, bypassing the payment of a 2.9% surcharge for PayPal. Therefore, another benefit is that sales through the Gumroad service will also be valid for those countries that do not support the PayPal service. Using Gumroad, you will be able to sell not only digital, but also physical goods.

Service cost: 5% + $0.25 commission on each sale. No monthly payments.

The FetchApp service started out as a Shopify service application, so they now interact seamlessly, which is great if you already have a Shopify profile and want to combine the 2 services. FetchApp has an API that will allow you to integrate it with your website. This service does not set a limit on the number e-books, music files, video or digital paintings that you can place on the site. Bandwidth is also unlimited.

Service cost: up to $500 per month. No commission.

Intubus is a great solution if you want to get as much attention as possible for your products. With this service, you can create your own widgets that will contain information about your product and that can be used on any site you like. The most interesting thing about these widgets is that they present to your attention the products of other users as well. And this means that these users, in turn, can see information about the product you offer in their widgets.

Service cost

The Sellfy service claims to offer the easiest way to sell your digital e-books, photos, music, and other online content. One of the most interesting services of this service is the provision of discounts to those customers who share information about your product using social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. You can track the effectiveness of these discounts and see how they affect sales. Sellfy does not impose any limits on the amount of goods that you can put on the network for sale.

Service cost A: 5% commission on every sale. No monthly payments.

The Pulley service is a spin-off of the BigCartel service and offers simple system selling your music, videos, e-books and more digital material. You can embed "Buy Now" buttons into any site and even track your sales statistics through this service. To use Pulley, you must subscribe to it. However, it also includes a 14-day trial period so you can decide if the service is right for you.

Service cost: $6 to $49 per month. No commission.

Simple Goods is another one of the few online services that sells your works of various nature and content, and accepts card payments without any intermediaries, which helps you save money. The advantage of this service is not only in the low prices for the services provided. Simple Goods also boasts integration with the MailChimp service, ease of use of the service over the mobile Internet, serious analysis of the sales of your products, as well as the ability to check the current information of your profile on Simple Goods through your home main profile on some other site. This service does not set a limit on the number of e-books, music files, videos or digital paintings that you can post on the site. Bandwidth is also unlimited.

Service cost: 2.9% + $0.45 commission on each sale. No monthly payments.

SendOwl will appeal to anyone who wants to sell their digital information. However, it will especially appeal to those who sell electronic programs, books and PDF files, as it has a certain protection function for such files. This function is that when downloading each PDF file, it is automatically marked with a name and Email buyer. You can also inform your customers about new products posted online, as well as let them download something for free.

Service cost: $9 to $39 per month. No commission.

Selz is a multifunctional service for everyone who wants to sell their works: e-books, music, software and other digital information. For filmmakers, this service will be of particular interest, as it allows you to upload files up to 4 gigabytes in size to the network. Selz has WordPress plugin and the creation of each profile is accompanied by the creation of a free profile in the Facebook store. Each store has a direct messaging feature. This online service also offers preview audio / video materials, protection of PDF files from illegal downloads, and the ability to "pay the amount of your choice." This service does not set a limit on the number of e-books, music files, videos or digital pictures that can be placed on the site. Bandwidth is also unlimited.

Service cost: 5% + $0.25 commission on each sale. No monthly payments.

The Digital Goods Store is a pretty solid choice if you want to sell your movies, music, e-books, and computer themes. This service provides protection for files of any format from pirated downloads. Plus, it can interact not only with your homepages, but also with email marketplace services like MailChimp and GetResponse.

Service cost: 5% commission with a free profile. $39.99 per month per profile.

DPD offers one of the most flexible services for selling your digital art: books, movies, music. This service allows you to customize your e-cart, mail, shopping cart, and shipping pages using a simple WYSIWYG editor. The service can also sell keycodes, subscriptions, and even tangible goods. Bandwidth and number of sales are unlimited for all types of subscriptions.

Service cost A: $10 to $130 per month. No commission.

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Content is the content on the site. The reason for which the user from the search results comes to it.

Content is generated by people. Copywriters write copyright materials, bloggers shoot their videos. The copywriter owns the article he wrote. Blogger - his video. But the law regulates the sale intellectual property. And a person can sell his material to someone. The buyer becomes the copyright holder, and can dispose of the content as if it were his own.

For example, on the copywriting exchange there is a section of the article bank. There you can select the desired material for your site and buy it.

What is paid content

Once upon a time, you could find a lot of free materials on the Internet. Music, films, books. All this was distributed freely and led to large losses for copyright holders.

Now the dissemination of information is regulated by law. And even on the Internet you need to buy licensed content. There are pirated services - for example, torrent trackers - which, however, are constantly blocked.

Types of paid content

  1. - videos, movies, music, e-books and everything that can be copied many times. The right to sell content is granted by the copyright license.
  2. Computer games and various additions to them. It provides several types of paid content: the application itself, its individual components, versions and patches.
  3. Periodic. Most editorial offices of popular magazines and newspapers have their own websites that provide users with the opportunity to download electronic versions of individual issues of periodicals for a fee.
  4. Personal content is a blog or website where various information, photos and videos are posted.
  5. Educational and informational content. These are specialized resources dedicated to the study of a particular discipline or skill. Payment is provided for viewing various courses, special master classes, webinars, etc.

Organization of the sale of content on the site

To understand the principle of selling content, it is necessary to analyze the capabilities of the platform itself:

  • Is the growth of site traffic by users stable? What can prevent this.
  • Analysis of user activity on the site, how many of them return over time.
  • How will the introduction of paid content affect subscribers, how many of them will stop visiting the resource, how many will remain.
  • What sale of content on the site will be the most optimal and in demand among users. Its approximate cost.
  • How successful is this practice among competitors.
  • How the convenience of paying for products on the site is implemented.

What influences consumers' willingness to pay for content

  • Financial security of potential customers.
  • Existence of the market by categories of paid products.
  • Content Access Barriers.
  • Subjective value of products.
  • brand loyalty level.

Content selling technology

The main principle is the separation of access levels to the content of the resource. For a certain group of visitors, a set of rights is formed that provides access to various data. On a general example, the procedure for forming the sale of access to content on the site is organized as follows:

  • Formation of a group of visitors to access certain content.
  • Setting the access level for the group.
  • Formation of a catalog of proposals for the implementation of content.
  • Setting up an online store.
  • Publication of paid content.
  • Processing of incoming applications.

Online services for the implementation of digital products

Modern technologies have significantly developed the creative process, so any user has the opportunity to sell the products of his work: videos, music, photographs, digital books, art elements, etc. To do this, you can use special online services for the sale of content. The user gets the opportunity to independently brand and control the cost of their own products.

  1. Gumroad - a site for the implementation of digital products: digital libraries, videos, photos and software. The service directly cooperates with organizations working with bank cards.
  2. Intubus - in addition to selling digital content, offers its members to make shopping widgets that can be used on other sites.
  3. Sellfy is a convenient and easy way to sell content. Its difference is that users can independently make discounts to customers if they share links to products on social networks.
  4. Pulley - the service can be used for free for two weeks. Selling content here is also simple and convenient. Sales statistics and other analytical information is available.
  5. Simple Goods - boasts the ability to integrate with MailChimp, detailed analytics. Additionally, you can insert a key direct transition Checkout for personal portal user.
  6. SendOwl is an acceptable solution for the implementation of software, digital books and PDFs. With the help of the service, you can inform your customers about new products, discounts and current offers.

This list is far from complete and is not limited to a few individual services. The concept of content is quite broad and covers a wide range of products and services offered, which contributes to the constant emergence of new sites for selling content and making money on the Internet.

The concept of "digital content" is used as an umbrella term to describe three segments of the multimedia product market:

  • digital content production;
  • distribution of multimedia products in the digital environment;
  • consumption by users of content produced and transmitted in digital format.

For distribution companies, Internet sites, content stores, as well as for ordinary consumers, digital content is an information, entertainment or gaming product distributed over digital networks or in digital format on a physical medium, and consumed, recorded and copied without quality degradation. .

The concept of "digital content" also has other meanings:

  • For telecom operators, digital content is a special kind of transmitted data, characterized by specific requirements for transmission quality (for example, broadcast or multicast).

Below is the underlying ecosystem of both analog and digital content.

Delivery and consumption of content

The expansion of network bandwidth and data transfer speed on the Internet, as well as the growing popularity of "heavy" media content, significantly affect the structure of both world and Russian traffic.

Digital Content Access Devices

The most important condition for the growth of the digital content market is the development of the necessary infrastructure. One such factor is the evolution of terminals for content consumption. Along with the emergence of new technological solutions, the number of such devices is growing and, in parallel, their cost for consumers is decreasing. The explosive growth in the penetration of smartphones and tablets contributes to the overall “mobilization” of the market.

At the beginning of 2012, the mobile terminal is not considered as a unique channel for content consumption, because non-technological channels are becoming the main transport for receiving media. cellular networks, and the Internet . In fact, the audience of mobile content consumers is merging into the larger audience of digital content consumers on the Internet.

In turn, digital content distributors create multi-platform solutions - resources and services that allow access to content from all over the world. possible devices(smartphones, SmartTVs, media centers and PCs). Thus, the user develops a culture of consumption of legal content. The ability to consume up-to-date high-quality content through any available device creates motivation for using paid services.

Global digital content market

2018: The share of video content increases significantly in all regions of the world

According to Xelent experts, the trend is explained, on the one hand, by the increase in network speed: file transfer is becoming faster, which allows users not to download files, but to consume video content in high resolution in live mode. On the other hand, with the development of video surveillance systems, the volume of service video traffic produced by CCTV systems and Internet of things devices is increasing. All this, in turn, stimulates the development of new data storage systems and an increase in the capacity of networks.

The growth in the share of video in global traffic is also leading to the fact that broadcasts of major sports events have begun to have a significant impact on network load and global traffic volumes, Xelent noted. The FIFA World Cup in Russia has shown that consumers' interest in streaming does not depend on the popularity of the site: for example, in most countries, during the games of the home national team, the traffic on the rights holders' resources exceeded the traffic from YouTube. At the same time, if during the game the audience watched streaming content, then during breaks they reviewed previously filmed material and / or downloaded videos.

In addition, the regional specificity of world traffic is preserved. In particular, Netflix (19.1%) became the No. 1 traffic provider in the US, and YouTube (16.1%) in the EMEA region. In the Asia-Pacific region, videos from local providers account for the most downloads, while YouTube and Netflix account for just over 6% of traffic each.

Trends are also different, according to Xelent: while connected fitness services (classes with video streaming over the network) are “gaining momentum” in the US, this trend is not showing up in other parts of the world. The difference in preferences by region shows that the Internet should not be perceived as a "single whole" - the isolation of different regions is very significant, the company's analysts believe.

The report confirms two trends: First, predictions about the impact video traffic will have on this growth are coming true. This means that data centers will be even more in demand, and in the near future, service IT companies and content producers will become our main customers. This will have a positive impact on the industry: these customers traditionally high level understanding and efficient consumption of data center services, and they require a wide range of services from data centers. Customers are becoming more professional and demanding, forcing data centers to develop their infrastructure, range of services and functionality. And this is the second trend that we will observe in the coming years, - concluded Ilya Rogov, marketing director of the Xelent data center.


The share of video content in the total revenue structure was 72%

Over the past few years (2009-2011), the digital content market has been showing stable growth, while maintaining the overall structure of income distribution by content types. The absolute leader in the digital content market belongs to the video segment, which includes:

  • digital television and
  • VOD services.

His share in overall structure revenue in 2011 was 72%.

The next most important segments are mobile content and online games, accounting for 14% and 10% of the market, respectively.

Audio (3%) and e-book (1%) revenues are currently a small share of the market.

The world leader in terms of digital content market in 2011 are. European, Asian countries and Russia follow by a wide margin. The Southeast Asian market is characterized by high growth rates due to the level of penetration of broadband access and mobile Internet. As a result of the dynamic development of the market, the state faces the task of creating and maintaining the necessary infrastructure, which includes the development of legal services, improving the quality of content consumption, changes in legislation, etc.

The countries of Western Europe are characterized by moderate, but at the same time, stable growth rates. The volume of the digital content market in 2011 grew by 15%, while every year in such segments as audio and video content, there is a decrease in sales of content in physical format (on media), which leads to structural shifts towards an increase in the share of digital sales.

Market in Russia


Data from Dentsu Aegis Network Russia and PwC

The annual volume of the content market in Russia amounted to 156.9 billion rubles. The main share is 70 billion rubles. - accounts for film content: distribution of films, distribution in cinemas and on digital platforms. Such data follows from the research conducted by Dentsu Aegis Network Russia and PwC, reports AdIndex.

Most of the income comes from the film content segment (revenue from film distribution and distribution, including digital) is 70 billion rubles, TV content is in second place - 50 billion rubles. (ad revenue excluded). Followed by: content in social networks - 13 billion rubles. (including advertising revenue), sports content (purchase of rights to broadcast sports events) - 7.5 billion rubles. The last positions were occupied by “new broadcasters” (cable TV, smart TV, etc.) - 5 billion rubles, music content (revenue from streaming services such as Yandex.Music and income from the sale of concert tickets) - 4.8 billion rub., brand content - 3.6 billion rubles. The eSports segment closes the list with a volume of 3 billion rubles. (Taking into account income from streaming, broadcasting, ticket sales for events, etc.).

RAEC data

62.9 billion rubles in 2016. Growth in 2017 + 12%.


J'son & Partners Consulting data

Forecast up to 2013 no active growth is expected in the digital audio content market in Russia (J'son & Partners Consulting, April 2012). The volume of sales of audio content via the Internet by 2013 will be no more than 3 million USD, with existing barriers, and the prospects are assessed as moderately optimistic.

RAEC assessment

In the digital content segment, the games market dominates: its volume amounted to 35 billion rubles, in 2013 it grew by 22%. Researchers predicted the same growth in the fall of 2014 and for 2014. The segment of music, books, media and video amounted to 5.8 billion rubles. Researchers believe that the market for digital books and media will grow in 2014 by 65%. October 2014 data.


J'son & Partners Consulting: Sales growth by 207%

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, in 2010 the volume of music sales via the Internet increased by 207% compared to 2009, the main reason for this growth was the launch of content stores from operators.

According to the results of the first half of 2011, the largest participant in the mobile audio content market in Russia is the telecom operator MTS, and MTS was also the largest participant Russian market digital distribution of music via the Internet following the results of the first half of 2011 at the expense of the Omlet.ru project.

Omlet.ru's closest competitor is the Trava.ru project from the MegaFon telecom operator. However, the business of selling audio content is not a highly profitable business. At the end of 2011, MTS decided to abandon the "Music" section of the Omlet.ru portal, which in 2012 will lead to a decrease in sales in this segment.

In the overall structure of the Russian market for digital sales of audio content, the main share (99%) is occupied by sales of mobile content. According to J'son & Partners Consulting, the volume of music sales through mobile channels grew by 10% in 2011 compared to 2010.

J'son & Partners Consulting highlights the following drivers and barriers in this market.


  • Availability a large number musical compositions in open sources limits the audience's need for its legal use.
  • Low purchasing power compared to North America and Western Europe, the largest digital distribution markets for audio content.
  • The cost of music distribution rights from the largest music majors remains high for the Russian market.
  • Despite the growing popularity of online payments, the problem of low penetration remains bank cards, as well as fears of Russians to use them to pay for online purchases.


  • Growth of users of both fixed and mobile Internet in Russia.
  • Increasing accessibility mobile devices on Android platforms,

    In April 2012, it became known that the text of the new version of the Civil Code (CC) did not include amendments prepared by a working group under the Ministry of Communications. In particular, we are talking about articles 1228, 1233 and 1236 of the fourth part of the Civil Code, which were supposed to legitimize free licenses. The introduction of such licenses in Russia was actively supported by President Medvedev, who submitted the draft Civil Code to the State Duma on April 3, 2012. This draft can be adopted "in record time" - even before Putin's inauguration (May 7, 2012), a source close to working group, which participated in the development of amendments to the Civil Code. The amendments are being adopted in a hurry, Vedomosti's interlocutor in the Duma leadership confirmed, although he is not sure that all three readings will be held before May 7.

    President Medvedev got excited about the idea of ​​free licenses in 2011, after meeting with representatives of the Internet community, and instructed the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, Igor Shchegolev, to prepare the appropriate amendments. The amendments to the Civil Code, introduced in the Duma, do not fully ensure the operation of free licenses in Russia, admits a representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

    This edition does not reflect the results of a year and a half of work of working groups created on behalf of the president, says Irina Levova, an analyst at the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC, unites 86 Internet companies, including Google, Mail.ru Group, Ozon, RBC, Webmoney). The current version of the Civil Code provides for a five-year license for the use of works by default (if the author himself has not indicated it), which, moreover, must be posted on the Rospatent website. But when the deadline expires, many who downloaded the work may be reclassified as pirates. Therefore, according to Levova, the term of the license should not be limited. There should not be a binding of a license to Russia, because the Internet is transboundary. RAEC proposes to introduce free licenses not only for multimedia, but also for scientific works, works of art and objects of related rights, as well as provide mechanisms for waiving exclusive rights at the request of the author and transferring works to the public domain.

    Amendments regarding free licenses have already been agreed upon and will be included in the new version of the Civil Code in the second reading, promises presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich. The Civil Code is a large document, it is unlikely that it can be adopted very quickly, Pavel Krasheninnikov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation, believes. All amendments to the Civil Code will be considered, he promises.

A computer