Spy games or how to find out the owner of a domain. How to find out where a domain is registered? Check when the domain was registered

Want to play spy? Today we will learn how to get comprehensive information about any site. Let's learn about the best way to find out everything about the domain owner. But first you need to understand why this information may be needed.

Why do you need domain information?

It is not appropriate to look into someone else's garden, but situations may arise when this is necessary. Why do you need to know who the domain owner is:

  • If you are going to purchase a domain, you need to make sure that Domain name belongs to that to an individual or the organization that sells it;
  • Check that you are the owner of the domain - after registering the site name, you need to check that the information you entered about yourself is correct;
  • To avoid becoming a victim of deception, if you are going to establish any business relationships through an unfamiliar resource, then it is better to double-check the domain data;
  • If you're just interested.

Now let's figure out how you can find out whose domain it is. There are several ways to do this:

1. Using whois domain history - there are a number of services on the Internet that allow you to view the history of any domain.

WHOIS refers to network protocols application level. Its work is based on one of the main Internet protocols, TCP. Information about a domain is entered into the whois history immediately after its registration procedure. This information then goes into public registrars' databases.

Whois history services provide a user interface for the visitor to access such registration data. In addition to all other useful information, information about the domain owner is indicated here.

Let's look at the results of a whois request made on the website nic.ru. Besides that this service allows you to receive data for free, it has a simple Russian-language interface:

The admin-contact field indicates email address, where you can contact the resource administrator. The org field contains the name of the organization that owns the requested domain.

Whois history also allows you to find out who the domain is registered to. Special fields can display the owner's contact phone number and email address. And also his last name, first name and patronymic.

Now many resource owners hide their data. This opportunity is available to both individuals and legal entities. Enabling and disabling the Private Person function is done through the profile interface on the domain registrar's website.

When the function is enabled, the inscription “Private Person” is displayed instead of the owner’s first and last name. And the answering machine number will be indicated in the contact phone field.

2. Using web archive data - this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of success. Before you can find out who owns a domain, you'll have to look through a lot of cached pages. And hope that the owner published his data on the site at some point.

The archive is located at archive.org

What else can you learn from a whois history?

As you can see, the main way to find out information about a domain is whois history data. Among other things, you can find out from it the start and end dates of registration. This information is displayed in the created and free-date fields. In addition, the name of the domain registrar is indicated here.

Information about the registrar is reflected in the value of the registrar field. This information may be required when checking a website domain before purchasing it:

But to obtain all the comprehensive data, it is not necessary to know the name of the site. Whois history services allow you to view information about a domain not only by address, but also by IP:

Some more ways to get information

1) You can find out the IP of a site by domain using special services. One of them is 2ip.ru. To do this, you just need to enter the desired domain name in a special search field. Reverse search order is also supported ( searching for a domain name by IP address):

2) How to find out if a domain is free - obtaining this information may be required before going through the domain registration procedure and when selecting a site name.

Most domain name registration services already have similar built-in tools in their functionality.

Many of the whois services also provide the ability to check domain names for occupancy. For example, the site 24whois.ru:

3) How to find out the domain of a site - the domain name is reflected in the very first field of the whois history.

4) Obtaining information about a domain via IP - for this you can use the IPNetInfo program. After launching the application, you need to enter one or more IP addresses to search in a special window:

After this, the program will perform a whois query and return all known information associated with these IPs. Including the domain owner and all contact information:

5) Determining IP by domain name - can be set using command line computer connected to the network. To do this, use the ping command. Its recording format is shown in the screenshot:

6) How to find out hosting by domain - the easiest way to determine the hosting of a resource is with the help of special services. One of them is whoishostingthis.com. The service displays the name of the hosting provider and IP domain:

Whois history data will help you find out not only the domain registrar, but also identify the hoster that provides the platform for hosting the site. The values ​​of the nserver fields are used for definition.

In this article I will describe all the current this moment methods for determining the owner of a domain. I want to warn you right away that there is no one hundred percent chance that we will accurately determine the owner of the domain. This is due to the fact that some webmasters indicate fake (erroneous) information about themselves when registering domains - nothing can be done about this circumstance. I can only say that such people are in the minority, which means that the chances of finding the owner are greater than not finding them.

The owner of a domain can be determined in several ways. Let's look at each of them in detail:

1. Via Whois data

Of course, this is the simplest and most reliable method (see what Whois is). At the same time, probably everyone knows about it or has at least heard of it. There are quite a lot of services that provide complete domain data and I wouldn’t be surprised if you know even more convenient service than I will suggest below. I would recommend using the following sites to determine Whois:

For example:

After receiving Whois data, you should pay attention to the “Domain Administrator” column (sometimes called person). It contains the full name of the domain owner. If this column contains Private Person, then this indicates that the owner of the domain has decided to remain anonymous. This can be done by enabling the Private Person option in the domain properties, which hides the full name. However, even in this case there is a way to calculate it. I suggest two ways to do this:

a) If you know the e-mail, then there is a chance of finding the owner through this data. To do this, log in to the service http://2ip.ru/domain-list-by-email/, enter the address mailbox and he gives you all the domains of this person. Perhaps in some domains the Private Person option will be disabled and in this indirect way the owner can be determined.

b) View the history of the domain. I recommend using the following paid services that allow you to do this:

  • http://who.is/ (does not show the whole history, but only from 2011-2012)
  • http://whoishistory.ru/ (also works with domains.рф, but requires authorization to work)
  • http://whoistory.com/ (works only with domains.ru, excellent service, below is a screenshot from this service)

For example:

Finally, I would like to say that if using all the above methods did not suit you, then, for example, in reg.ru it is possible to find out for a fee the entire history of the domain owners (if the domain has changed its owner). To be honest, I have never used such a service, so I can’t say anything about its effectiveness. By the way, many registrars have paid services for determining the owner.

Below will be listed all the remaining methods, or rather the signs by which you can find out at least something about the owner of the domain. However, the chances of success are much lower than the considered method of determination through Whois.

2. Through WebArchive

Visit the WebArchive website: http://archive.org/web/web.php. Enter the site you need into the search and see the history. If it is, then try to find some contacts on the site. Perhaps they contain a solution or at least something useful in your case.

For example:

3. Try to contact the domain owner

I see only two ways to contact the owner:
a) or write a letter to the address indicated in whois (but it may not be indicated);
b) or write to the address: admin@DOMAIN.

By the way, if you don’t know where to write, then try searching through some search engine for the following phrase: “@DOMAIN”. Perhaps somewhere in the index there is information about valid email addresses for this domain.

As a last resort, you can call by phone if it is on the site (or on other sites of this owner) or in Whois.

Lastly, I want to talk about one interesting service that allows you to identify all sites of one owner (though only in the domain zones.ru and.рф). This can be done on the website: http://2ip.ru/domain-list-by-email/.

For example:

First of all, Whois allows you to find out for free and quickly whether a domain is free. If information on a domain name is not included in whois and is not displayed in the domain verification results, then the domain name is free and with a high degree of probability.

However, Whois is popular not only for checking a domain for availability, because it is possible to determine whether a domain is free during the process of selecting a name in the domain zone. The main value of the service is that it contains all the information about the domain, and usually allows you to obtain information about the history of the domain and its owner.

In Whois it is easy to check when a domain was registered - you can find out the domain registration date in the “created” field. Checking the age of a domain is important not only when purchasing a domain name; information about the timing of domain registration is useful when making transactions, choosing partners, and simply analyzing information posted on the Internet. often create one-day websites with advantageous offers, and a recently registered domain is a good reason to doubt the purity of the intentions of the authors of the message.

Finding out who owns a domain is more difficult through Whois. Often personal data is hidden at the registrar level or hidden according to registry rules. Trusting public data is also difficult, since domain administrators may provide false information when registering a name. But even if you don’t know in whose name the domain is registered, the service makes it possible to contact the owner of the domain name through a feedback form.

Imagine the situation: you came up with an original, memorable address for your website, but the domain name turned out to be already taken. At the same time, the current owner of the domain is not involved in it at all, and the lease period will not end soon. Optimal solution– contact the current owner of the domain and ask him to assign rights. But how can you find out who exactly this owner is and which registrar owns the domain name? Let's figure it out.

We carefully study the site

The easiest way to reach the owner of the resource is to use the contacts listed on the site. They can be placed in the site header, in the section of the same name, in the “footer” (bottom of the page), as well as in text and graphic blocks placed on it. There is only one problem: if no one monitors the relevance of the information, or the owner has ceased his activities related to the resource, then you will never receive an answer to your request.

We use the Whois verification service

If you were unable to contact directly, the next step is to visit sites designed to be identified by domain. Today, this service is offered free of charge by dozens of services around the world. To get information about the owner and registrar, just enter the domain name in the search bar and click the “Search” button (or its equivalent). In the generated list, we will be interested in the following lines: Registrar (data about the registrar) and “Administrator” (aka Person/Org).

If everything becomes clear with the registrar at this stage, then certain difficulties may arise in determining the identity of the domain owner. If he wishes to remain anonymous (and some registrars provide this option), then instead of contact information, Private Person will be indicated in the appropriate fields. Also, incorrect or deliberately distorted data may be written there, which is a common sin of many owners who do not want to “shine” their identity and do not want to overpay the registrar for privacy. In this case this method will be useless.

Use the contact form with domain administrators .RU, .РФ

To contact the administrator of the .RU, .РФ domains, the Whois information for the domain name contains a link to the contact form with the domain administrator. By writing a message in this form, you can be sure that it will be addressed to the owner of the domain.

We use third-party tools

In addition to services that track Whois sites on the world wide web, you can also find resources that track all domains belonging to the same owner. For example, it is enough to enter the address you are interested in on such resources, and you will receive a list of all domains registered to this person. And perhaps for at least one of them the Private Person function will be disabled.

If you registered a domain through a third party: a freelancer, a studio, or just an acquaintance, it is useful to find out more information about the address of your site (as well as whether the domain was actually purchased in your name). This can be done through the whois service.

Go to http://whois.domaintools.com, enter the domain name of the resource and click the Search button.

The service processes the request and redirects it to a page with parameters. We have 3 tables in front of us, let's look at each in more detail.

How can I find out the registrar through whom a domain name is registered?

Whois Quick Stats - general help

  • Registrant Org. Shows who registered the address and the approximate number of other registrations.
  • Dates. Dates of registration and end of delegation.
  • IPAddress and Location. Network and physical address of the server.
  • ASN. Unique number of the autonomous system.
  • History. Check history.
  • Server. Who is server address.

24/7 technical support 365 days a year!

Website - information about the website

  • Website Title. Description of the site.
  • Server Type. Server type.
  • Response Code. The status code is part of the server response line, in our case: 200. This means that the request was successful and the site is working.
  • SEO Score. Website loading speed, technical parameters of SEO optimization.
  • Terms, Images, Links. Content information: links, images, etc.

How to find out where a domain was purchased?

Whois Record - detailed report

  • Nserver. DNS server, which is responsible for transcoding the name into an IP address.
  • State. Domain status: registered; delegated - specified DNS servers; verified - the administrator has documented his data.
  • Person. Who registered: an individual or an organization. By default, domain names in the RU, SU and RF zones have personal data protection, so you won’t be able to immediately find out who the domain is registered to.
  • Registrar. Domain registrar.
  • Admin-contact. Contacts of the person or organization that maintains the domain name.
  • Created. Registration date.
  • Paid-till. Until what date is the domain paid for?
  • Free-date. When the address becomes available.
  • Source. Which register does TCI belong to - Russia. For Europe it is RIPE, for Ukraine: UANIC.

If the site is not explicitly indicated in the “Registrar” or “Admin-contact” section, just enter this data into search engine to go to the registrar's website.
