Installing Wine, winetricks, DirectX and programs required for games. Installing and configuring Wine How to set up wine for games

Wine (WINE Is Not an Emulator) - special program, a compatibility layer, for running Win32 applications on UNIX-like systems. Simply put, this thing allows you to run Windows programs and games in your cozy Linux :).
The program is being actively developed, but so far, unfortunately, not all applications work correctly in it (and some do not work at all). So far, it’s also sad with games - there is no full support for DirectX 10 and 11, only 9 and younger. (Support for DirectX 10 is being actively improved in the latest test builds). But nevertheless, there are a lot of games on DirectX 9. In this article, we will install and configure Wine, and install the PlayOnLinux application, which is very useful for gaming. The installation will depend on your distribution, but the program setup itself is exactly the same in the vast majority of distributions. There are two branches of Wine - stable and testing. In most cases, it is recommended to use the test one, as the program is actively developing and improving. For now, let's consider installing the stable version (the examples are for the command line, but you can use graphical utilities like Ubuntu Software Center or Yast2 in OpenSUSE):

For Debian/Ubuntu/Mint:

sudo apt-get install wine winetricks

For OpenSUSE:

sudo zypper ar -r
sudo zypper in wine

sudo yum install wine
cd /tmp
chmod +x winetricks

Note. If you have a 64-bit system, then for the correct operation of 32-bit programs (and most games are like that), you need to configure Wine for a 32-bit prefix. For this we drive:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg

The settings window will open. You can leave everything as it is.

Now we need to install a set of system libraries for our Windows applications to work. In the program menu, find and run Winetricks(or from the terminal with the command winetricks). In the first window choose ---Select the default wineprefix--- earn OK. In the second ---install a Windows DLL or component---OK

It will be necessary to mark with dots, as in the list. It is better to install not all at once, but several pieces at a time. I will separate them for convenience. Do not go too far when installing, you need to agree to license agreements and other things. Error windows will pop up, click OK. Let's start.

directx9 d3dx9 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_31 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_42 d3dx9_43 d3dx10 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43


dotnet30(errors will appear and a window will open in the file manager and in the browser, download from the second link and move to this window file manager. We type in the console winetricks and select dontnet30 again. Before doing this, you need to check the Wine Setup so that the version is Windows XP or Vista.

dxdiagn, gecko120, gfw, mfc40, mfc42, msasn1, msxml6, gdiplus , physx, quartz

vb5run, vb6run, vcrun2003, vcrun2005, vcrun2008, vcrun6, vcrun6sp6

wmp10, wsh56vb, wsh57, xact, xact_jun2010, xinput

Install fonts. Choose Install a Font and indicate

corefonts , fontfix

Registry setting

We open Change Settings and celebrate

1. DirectDrawRender(ddr) -- opengl
2. Multisampling Direct3D -- enabled
3.OffscreenRenderingMode(orm) -- fbo
4. PixelShaderMode(psm) -- enabled
5. Render TargetLockMode(rtlm) -- auto
6. UseGLSL(glsl) -- enabled (default)(For Nvidia graphics cards it is recommended to leave disabled. This can significantly improve the performance of some games).
8. VideoMemorySize 1024 (select the RAM value of your video card)
9. MouseWarpOverride(mwo) -- enabled (force)
We confirm our changes - OK.

That's actually all. Now some notes on installing software and games. Firstly, in no case do not install additional software that the program offers (all sorts of directixes, visual c ++, and so on). Check carefully and, if necessary, uncheck the box. Secondly, at the end of the installation, uncheck "Run the program".

Now for the test version. There is a special repository for Ubuntu/Mint. To connect it and install a test version of Wine, enter in the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install wine 1.7 winetricks

In some distributions (for example, Debian), to install a test version, you need to build it from source code. But this is already beyond the scope of this article. Or you can install , which is also a test but has a few extra features.

P.S. for those who like to see once than read a hundred times - a small video tutorial on installing a test version of Wine on Ubuntu:

Wine - free software, which allows GNU/Linux, *BSD, and OSX users to run applications, including games, written exclusively for Windows. There is also an implementation of Wine for windows, but we will not consider it in this article. Wine is a recursive acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator". This is an alternate implementation of the Win32 API.

In this article, we will look at how wine linux mint is installed, as well as winetricks and program setup.

Details about installing Wine on different operating systems can be found on the official website. We are interested in Ubuntu because Linux Mint based on it.

First let's add support for 32-bit applications if you're using an x86_64 system. To do this, run:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Now we need to add the repository. To do this, you need to run the following commands in the terminal:

wget -nc

sudo apt-key add Release.key

Now the important point! If you are using Linux Mint version 17.x, then add the repository with this command:

sudo apt-add-repository "deb trusty main"

If 18.x then:

sudo apt-add-repository "deb xenial main"

Now you need to update the package indexes:

Warning! The Staging branch is no longer supported.

stable branch:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable

Not stable branch:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel

intermediate branch

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging

Installing wine on Linux Mint 18 is now complete setting up wine on linux mint.

Installing Winetricks in Linux Mint

First we need to download it:


Now let's give permission to run:

sudo chmod +x winetricks

For convenience, we will move Winetricks to the /usr/bin directory:

sudo mv -v winetricks /usr/bin

Now Winetricks can be started by simply typing in the terminal, but I do not recommend doing this right away. Better configure wine first:

Now you know how to install wine in Linux Mint, now let's talk about setup.

Configuring Wine in Linux Mint

Attention! Install the cabextract package, in otherwise you may get the same error as in the video. This is done with the command:

sudo apt install cabextract

First, let's specify that we need a 32-bit prefix:

export WINEARCH=win32

Now to configure Wine, enter:

Here in the field "Windows version" indicate what you want. I recommend installing Windows 7 or 10.

Now run Winetricks and enter "Select the default path for wine" and press "OK". And in the next window enter "Install font" and press "OK":

Specify here "allfonts" and press "OK". This will install all fonts at once. If there are errors, then put the fonts in turn one by one:

Once completed, the window will open again. "What do you want to do with this wineprefix". And now point here "Install DLL or a Windows component" and press "OK". Install the libraries you need here. You can bet everything. But you have to put one! When installing several times, there may be errors. I advise you to immediately install DirectX and Net Framework.


In this article, we have covered how to install Wine in Linux Mint 18. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Not everyone has come to terms with the lack of Photoshop on Ubuntu, as well as a number of others useful programs or computer games available only for Windows. There is a way out for such people and it is called Wine. No, grief is not necessary to drink! Rather, learn how to install and configure Wine on Ubuntu, and then you can put on your system a piece of software that you miss a lot.

Installing Vine will enable you to use Windows applications on Linux.

Wine ("Wine") - special application, which allows you to run programs designed for Windows on Linux systems. This is a compatibility layer that uses the Windows libraries and then replaces them with system calls Linux to make software designed for other systems work. To date, several million people have already used Vine and are quite satisfied. Developers release updates very often, so the program gets better year after year. Some craftsmen even manage to run modern games through it.

Wine cannot be called an emulator, like the same VirtualBox. The creators also tell us about this, “decoding” the abbreviation through itself: W ine i s n ot e mulator (in buzzwords this is called a recursive acronym). Virtual machine is not created, the application simply implements the Windows API.

Installation and removal


It is important to know how to uninstall Wine. It doesn't always work correctly. Some applications may terribly slow down or not start at all. In this case, reinstalling the emulator to a more new version should fix the problem.

However, you need to remove not only Vine itself from the computer, but also the folder in the home directory. The easiest way to do this is with the commands:

sudo apt-get purge wine
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get install -f
rm -f ~/.wine
rm ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs
rm ~/.local/share/applications/wine*

This way we will get the remote directory along with the application itself.

Launching programs

Run programs when help Wine can different ways. The first, easiest one is via Nautilus:

  1. We find the software in the folder.
  2. We click on it RMB.
  3. Select Wine as the program to run.

The second, traditional - through the terminal:


Instead of home/user/program.exe, you must enter the path to the file that launches the application.

Where to get programs?

We got it right with Wayne. It remains now to understand where to find this or that software. You won't find anything in the Ubuntu Software Center, of course. Most users follow two paths:

  • looking for builds on websites and forums;
  • use special shells.

Shells are applications that give Wine GUI and allowing you to load normal assemblies with all the necessary packages. Most Popular:

  • It contains not only games, but also many programs that are constantly being brought to the ideal.
  • Paid and, as a result, a better shell.
  • wine wizard. A new shell that has a slightly different approach. All are collected here good decisions different users, you just have to look for them.

Well, forums and sites offer a lot of different assemblies and instructions for installing games, office applications, and anything else. If you set a goal and spend a certain amount of time, you can put almost any game on Ubuntu. For example, there is a video where a user demonstrates the installed Fallout 4, which for many Linux users seems like a fantasy and a pipe dream.

Now you are aware that installing Wine on Ubuntu allows you to greatly smooth out the roughness of this system and once again annoy greedy developers. You also know how to uninstall Wine, configure it, and update it. It is quite possible that over time you yourself will learn to install the necessary programs without outside help.

The previous guide is outdated and does not cover many features of wine. Here I will describe initial setup wine so that everyone can understand. It needs libraries to work correctly, winetricks will help us with this. But first, let's install the latest version of wine:

sudo apt-get install wine

There is also a repository, with more frequent updates, but often unstable:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ ppa


Winetricks– a script that allows several simple actions install additional Windows components in Wine.

The version of Winetricks installed from the repositories is often out of date. To update run:

wget http:// wine/ winetricks && chmod a+rwx winetricks && sudo mv winetricks / usr/ local/ bin

If Winetricks gives a hash sum error, try this command again, or run the program manually using wine ~/.wine/.chache/winetricks/program_dir/program

You can use Winetricks both in GUI mode and in console mode. For the GUI, press Alt + F2 and type winetricks. For console mode, use winetricks program_name, for example:

winetricks directx9 dotnet11

But do not rush with the setting! To do this, you need to create a prefix. Prefix - a directory containing the emulation of the C: drive with all windows programs and libraries. Theoretically, you can install programs even in / mnt, but in practice this most often leads to failures. If you have a 32 bit system, just type winecfg. If you have a 64-bit system, then I strongly recommend creating a 32-bit prefix, for this, enter:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg

For example, . NET Framework is intended (in winetricks) only for 32-bit systems.

If you see a window prompting you to install mono and gekko while running winecfg, agree and wait. Dig into the Wine settings and start filling in.

Filling with wine

On the Internet you will find many guides for filling wine with programs, each of them may require combinations of libraries that are incompatible with the other. But you can create different prefixes for different programs, for this:

WINEARCH =win32 WINEPREFIX =~/ prefix_name winecfg

Starting the program: WINEPREFIX=~/prefix_name C:/path/to/program

In the example above, C:/ is treated as the root of the folder, i.e. wine C:/notepad.exe is equivalent to ~/.wine/notepad.exe

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