2420 short number what for. Refund of spent funds

  1. General provisions
    1. This document defines the policy of JSC "Original" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) in the field of processing and confidentiality of personal data of Visitors of the website www.original-group.ru (hereinafter referred to as the Site).
    2. This Policy has been developed in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation about personal data.
    3. The Policy applies to all processes carried out by the Company and related to the processing of personal data, both with the use of automation tools, including on the Internet, and without the use of such tools. Such processes may include collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction of personal data.
    4. By voluntarily providing the requested personal data on the Site, the Visitor agrees to their collection and processing for the purposes and in the ways provided for in this Policy. The visitor can use the Site without providing any personal information.
    5. The Company automatically receives and stores non-personal information obtained through the browser in the server logs. These may include IP address, browser type, cookie information, and the address of the requested page. The Company may use this data to collect information about the actions of Visitors on the Site, to improve the quality of its content and features. The Company does not in any way associate this non-personal data with any personal information received from Visitors.
    6. The Company does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Visitor, relying on the conscientiousness and reasonableness of the Visitor.
  2. Purposes of information processing
    1. main goal of this Policy is to ensure the protection of information about Site Visitors, including personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure. The purpose of the Policy is also the proper fulfillment of the Company's obligations to Visitors.
    2. The Company carries out processes related to the processing of personal data for the following purposes:
      1. When providing services - in order to properly fulfill the obligations of the Company to the Visitors, to properly provide services, to accept and process orders for the provision of such services, as well as in any other cases related to this action.
      2. When communicating with Visitors - for the purpose of timely communication with Visitors and providing them with any necessary reliable and complete information related to the activities of the Company.
      3. Upon receipt feedback from Visitors - in order to obtain information about the loyalty and satisfaction of Visitors, its further research and processing, as well as for the purpose of conducting research of any categories.
  3. The composition of the processed information
    1. Personal information: name and surname of the Visitor, phone number, e-mail; messages and requests of the Visitor.
    2. Non-personal information: IP address, browser type, cookie information, address of the requested page.
  4. Principles of personal data processing

    The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

    1. Legal and fair basis for the processing of personal data.
    2. Processing of personal data in accordance with specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes.
    3. Prevention of combining databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other.
    4. Compliance of the content and volume of personal data with the stated purposes of processing.
    5. Accuracy, sufficiency, relevance and reliability of personal data.
    6. Legality of technical measures aimed at the processing of personal data.
    7. Reasonableness and expediency of personal data processing.
    8. Lawful and reasonable period of storage of personal data.
  5. Conditions for the processing of personal data
    1. The processing of personal data is allowed in the following cases:
      1. The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the Visitor to the processing of his personal data.
      2. The processing of personal data is necessary for the administration of justice, the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings.
      3. The processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of the Agreement to which the Visitor is a party.
      4. The processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the Visitor, if obtaining the consent of the Visitor is not possible.
      5. The processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or third parties, or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the Visitor are not violated.
      6. The processing of personal data is carried out for statistical or other research purposes, subject to mandatory depersonalization of personal data. The exception is the processing of personal data in order to promote goods, works, services on the market by making direct contacts with a potential consumer using means of communication and within the framework of the Company's activities.
      7. The processing of personal data is carried out, access of an unlimited number of persons to which is provided by the Visitor, or at his request.
      8. The processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. The company processes personal data on its own and means. If the Company transfers the processing of personal data to third parties, the Company shall be liable to the Visitor for the actions of such third parties. Third parties process personal data in accordance with this Policy and are liable to the Company.
  6. Processing of personal data
    1. Collection of personal data.
      Automated collection of personal data is carried out when the Visitor sends a request through the Site. The composition of the information required to send a request is specified in clause 3.1. of this Policy.
    2. Storage and use of personal data.
      Visitors' personal data is stored exclusively on properly protected electronic media and processed using automated systems, except when non-automated processing of personal data is required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. Transfer of personal data.
      The Company guarantees that the personal data of Visitors is transferred to third parties only in the manner prescribed by this Policy.
      In other cases, the Visitor's personal data is not distributed or transferred to third parties.
      If the Visitor consents or when the Visitor specifies, the User's personal data may be transferred to third parties, but representing only the Company's counterparties.
      It is possible to provide personal data of Visitors upon request government agencies which is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  7. Protection of personal information
    1. Protection measures.
      To protect Visitors' personal data from illegal or accidental access, collection, storage, use, transfer, blocking or destruction, as well as from other similar actions, the Company takes technical, organizational and legal measures, of which this Policy is a part.
    2. Confidentiality of the information provided.
      The Company undertakes and obliges third parties, in case of transferring the right to process the Visitor's personal data to them, to maintain confidentiality with respect to the Visitor's personal data and not to use personal data without the Visitor's consent, except as provided in this Policy.
  8. User rights
    1. The visitor always has the right to receive information about the processing of personal data about him, including containing:
      1. confirmation of the fact of personal data processing;
      2. legal grounds for the processing of personal data;
      3. the purposes and methods used by the Company for processing personal data;
      4. the name and location of the Company, information about persons (excluding employees of the Company) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the Company or in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
      5. processed personal data relating to the relevant Visitor, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the provision of such data is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
      6. terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage;
      7. the procedure for exercising by the Visitor the rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
      8. information about the performed or proposed cross-border data transfer;
      9. the name or surname, name, patronymic and address of the person who processes personal data on behalf of the Company, if the processing is or will be entrusted to such a person;
      10. other information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. The visitor has the right to receive the information specified in Article 8.1. of this Policy, unlimited quantity once.
    3. If the Visitor believes that the Company is processing his personal data in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" or otherwise violates his rights and freedoms, the Visitor has the right to appeal against the actions or inaction of the Company to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data or in court .
  9. Company Responsibilities

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, the Company is obliged to:

    1. provide the Visitor, at his request, with information regarding the processing of his personal data and specified in clause 8.1. of this Policy, or provide the Visitor with a reasoned refusal;
    2. in the event that the Visitor's personal data is received by the Company not from the Visitor, the Company is obliged to notify the Visitor in any way before processing such data and provide him with information about the person who provided such personal data;
    3. take measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by this Policy and the Federal Law "On Personal Data";
    4. when processing personal data, take the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures or ensure their adoption to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data;
    5. at the request of the Visitor, clarify the processed personal data, block or delete if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;
    6. maintain a Register of Visitors' requests, which should record Visitors' requests for personal data, as well as the facts of providing personal data on these requests;
    7. ensure the lawfulness of the processing of personal data. If it is impossible to ensure the legality of the processing of personal data, the Company, within a period not exceeding ten working days from the date of detection of illegal processing of personal data, is obliged to destroy such personal data or ensure their destruction;
    8. if the Visitor withdraws his consent to the processing of his personal data, stop processing personal data and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of receipt of the said withdrawal. The Company is obliged to notify the Visitor about the destruction of personal data.
  10. Foreign users
    1. The Company is obliged to make sure that the foreign state to which the transfer of personal data is carried out provides adequate protection of the rights of the Visitor, before the start of the cross-border transfer of personal data.
    2. Cross-border transfer of personal data on the territory of foreign states that do not provide adequate protection of the rights of personal data subjects may be carried out in the following cases:
      1. there is consent in writing Visitor to the cross-border transfer of his personal data;
      2. provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation;
      3. provided for by federal laws, if necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state, as well as ensure the security of the sustainable and safe functioning of the transport complex, protect the interests of the individual, society and the state in the field of the transport complex from acts of unlawful interference;
      4. performance of an agreement to which the Visitor is a party;
      5. protection of life, health, other vital interests of the Visitor or other persons if it is impossible to obtain consent in writing from the Visitor.
  11. Restriction of the Policy
    1. The actions of this Policy relate exclusively to the Site and do not apply to actions, mobile applications and third party websites.
  12. Procedure for putting into effect and changing the Policy
    1. The policy comes into force from the moment of its approval CEO Company and is valid indefinitely, until it is replaced by a new Policy.
    2. This version of the Policy is the current version and is a public document. The Company has the right to make any changes to the Policy at any time. If changes are made to the Policy, the Company is obliged to notify Users of this by posting a new version at the same address, but no later than 10 days before the entry into force of the relevant changes.

Code of the country:

City code:

Surname name and patronymic of the owner of the number (to whom the number is issued):

You know better than me how widespread divorce cases are on the Internet today. Situations like this happen quite often. To protect yourself and your loved ones, it would be useful to check the information about where the call came from on your phone. It is for this purpose that this website has been created.

For this reason, if you want to know who called you from the number 2420 or whose area code it is, then here you will find the necessary information, which is added by users like you. From this information, you can check the number "2420" and understand a little whether it is safe and not a scammer.

Links to information about the telephone number "2420" on the site site

Dear site users. If you think information about telephone number"2420" is erroneous or does not have sufficient completeness, then inform the site administrator about it.

For your convenience, we are optimizing this page not only for the correct request "who called from 2420 and whose number is this", but also for the incorrect request "rnj pdjybk c yjvthf 2420 b xtq "nj yjvth&". Such errors sometimes occur when users forget change the keyboard layout when entering a word in the search bar.

Brief information on this page

  • Title: Who called from 2420? Whose number is 2420?
  • Description: On this page you will receive information on the phone number 2420;
  • Key words: 2420, who called, who is calling, whose number, whose city code, whose country code, where they called from, where the call came from, phone number, how to find out what the number is, check the number, check the number, last name, region, phone.

None of us wants to pay twice, and even more so, no one wants to pay for anything, and especially for a quietly imposed “for nothing”. Using your mobile phone, a person quite reasonably expects that the money spent on paying for communication services will go only to what he did himself:


The relevance of the article was checked by us as of 03/13/2020, by using the site you agree to the Rules
  • to his calls
  • his sms,
  • his internet traffic.

If it so happened that money was regularly debited from the account, daily and in equal amounts, and the owner of the phone, it would seem, did nothing specifically for this, most likely a paid mobile subscription was issued to his number - what is it, read below

Its essence is that the user cellular communication somehow agreed to receive regular information on a paid basis, for example, you received an SMS from the above number with the text: “send SMS ....”. At the same time, information such as: what kind of service, what kind of subscription, what kind of site, the cost of a subscription, how to remove a subscription or how to disable it is often not directly shown.

Someone, a partner of your operator, in professional slang called a content provider, provides you with content for a fee:

  • provides information,
  • provides a service by providing access to an online game, website, program, etc.

The operator is on the sidelines, as he publicly warns on his website that yes, there is paid content that it is provided by third parties to which the operator itself has no relation.

Does not have, except for the fact that he debits money from the subscriber's account and short number he also provides the content provider.

Short four-digit number 2420 in most cases mobile operator(megafon, mts, beeline, tele2) leases, receiving a fee for this, and as a rule, a percentage of the amounts paid by the owner of the phone in favor of the provider.

SMS to short number 2420

A little apart from paid subscriptions there is another way to take money from the population - SMS from short numbers. The nature of the relationship in the triangle user-operator-service provider remains the same, only the amount is debited from the subscriber one-time in response to the action proposed in such an SMS, for example, participation in such events as: quiz, survey, social research, game, etc. . P.

Who gets your money

So, it is clear that the user is the loser. Where, then, does the river of profit flow? Custom money? - outlined above. And this, of course, is a simplification that there are only two beneficiaries; in practice, the schemes are many times more complicated.

They include so-called aggregators - wholesale purchasers of short numbers and holders of mutual settlement schemes with telecom operators. the already mentioned content providers are grouped around the aggregators, owning sites on which the sale of services is organized and partners who collect and provide the entire scheme with traffic. Setting up this whole cycle of withdrawing subscriber money is being adjusted so that telecom operators, as the last link to the user and payer, remain not guilty from the point of view of the law in most cases when claims are made.


Is there any basis for such claims, strictly speaking? After all, the user at some point voluntarily performed some action that provided him with the place of the victim in the chain (relative to the short number 2420). It is this position that telecom operators adhere to when a subscriber, indignant at the loss of money, begins to look for the truth.

The answer is yes, there is

And this is called the federal law of July 23, 2013 N 229-FZ “On Amendments to the federal law"About connection".

In it, Article 2 of the Basic Law is supplemented by subparagraph 34.1, which defines what “content services” are.

The legislator made this definition as general as possible, practically fitting everything that is not actually a connection under it. Those. if the user, using the phone and through the channels of the telecom operator, receives a quote,

… reference, entertainment and (or) other additionally paid information…”, gets the opportunity to “… participate in voting, games, contests and similar events…,

Then he, the user, receives content service. And it, in turn, being provided with the participation of third parties, falls under the addition of paragraph 5 of Article 44 of the Federal Law "On Communications", which prescribes a consumer protection mechanism by:

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Legislation changes rapidly and every situation is different.

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  • firstly, the possibility of creating, at his request, a separate account for paying only for content services;
  • secondly, the requirement to obtain explicit consent to receive such services;
  • in the third - about exhaustive, including prices and names of suppliers, informing about these services before obtaining consent.

Another addition established by 229-FZ, in paragraph 5 of Article 54 of the Basic Law, states that services provided in violation of any of the above are not subject to payment. And finally, article 68 of the main communications law is supplemented by paragraph 8, which directly indicates the operator's responsibility for the implementation of article 44 (see above).

Let us summarize the legislative information by projecting the rights and obligations prescribed in it onto the practical side of life.

If a user consciously wants to become a consumer of content services, then you can secure your account for paying for communications by declaring your intention to open a separate content account to cover the costs of mobile subscriptions and SMS from short numbers. When it is exhausted, the funds intended for regular conversations and SMS will not be affected.

For Beeline and TELE2 operators, such an action is automated, and is carried out by sending a USSD request, *110*5062# and *160#, respectively. For replenishment, familiarization with the balance, sets of commands are also provided.

Megafon and MTS require a full-time appearance at the office and presentation of a passport, and it must be understood that regardless of the method of expression of will, the very fact of opening an account confirms voluntary consent to receive content services, and strictly speaking, it makes it unnecessary to inform about the details (in including price) of the same mobile subscription.

How to return money from number 2420

If, nevertheless, it happened that an inexplicable loss of money from a mobile account was discovered, you need to try to remember if any annoying SMS message came from number 2420, for example, with a proposal to find out the most accurate weather forecast or compare watches with the London Observatory?

Was the answer "yes" sent to him?

Or, maybe, in the heat of Internet surfing, a phone number was entered to receive a registration code on some little-known, but enticing resource?

Services for checking the availability of paid services on the number 2420

In order not to speculate, you need to use the service (and each operator has such) to inform about the availability paid services linked to your number, including subscriptions to number 2420

The most informative is access via the web interface personal account, and in the absence of the Internet or the desire to use it, the good old USSD request will help.

for "megaphone" - *583#, for "beeline" - *110*09#, "MTS" will enlighten about this by command *111*919#, "TELE2" - *189#

If the acquired knowledge has shown that there are subscriptions, and money is being rapidly debited from the account because of this, one should not hesitate. Using the same tools, you need to disable the subscription, and the debiting of money will stop.

This is done with the help of a personal account, and personal assistance services, by calling the support service. The USSD commands specified here will also allow you to select the desired command - “disable”.

Also, a quick cure for a paid subscription when a user receives an SMS about the activation of this service will be a response message consisting of the word stop (or STOP).

Refund of spent funds

The loss of money for an unnecessary paid subscription, by accident, through negligence or ignorance, and even more so through someone’s selfish intent, will certainly inspire justice to be restored. I want to return what was lost because of the number 2420, but here is the difficulty. As already mentioned, from the point of view of the operator, namely to him we pay, and it is to him that we will go with a claim, the user himself, voluntarily, even if not consciously, but voluntarily, took actions that led to the activation of a paid subscription, and, as a result, to write off funds.
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The above, of course, does not mean that it is not necessary to try, it is necessary, and the Internet is replete with stories of successful disputes. Sometimes, in order to avoid image losses, in mass cases, when the problem of paid subscriptions becomes public, is exaggerated in social networks, operators meet halfway and restore the status quo of the wallets of their subscribers who have suffered from their ignorance and inattention.

Knowledge is not superfluous, it is an axiom, and with regards to the security of your own money as well. Having an idea about the structure of paid subscriptions, including the number 2420, about the work of short SMS numbers for someone else, it is easier to navigate, it is easier not to make mistakes, there are more chances not to regret the lost money and time. We will be careful when pressing buttons, entering our details and phone numbers, and, for sure, a few disappointments in life associated with mobile communications, will be less.
