Free programs for repairing flash drives. Instructions for restoring flash drives Download flash micro sit 8 gig flash drives

There are several solutions for backing up data:

  1. Embedded in operating system applications. Microsoft Windows provides ways Reserve copy data that involves saving files and data on external or built-in storage media. All modern Windows versions already include the ability to create backup necessary files or all hard drive, if necessary. Provided Windows features are complete and independent, and are aimed at ensuring that you do not need to use third party services or programs.
  2. Copying data manually. You can always use the old proven way to back up data - manually copying data to an external storage medium. This is long, but if you work with a small amount of data, this solution may be quite acceptable for you.
  3. Online services. In recent years, the most popular modern way data backups are numerous online services. Companies that provide online backup of your files. A small background application installed on the computer creates copies of the necessary data and saves them to remote server. However, the volumes provided by such companies for storing your files in free version do not allow them to be used as a complex solution. Often the space offered for backing up data does not exceed 10 GB, so there is no need to talk about creating a backup copy of the entire hard drive. Such services are rather aimed at backing up a separate number of files.
  4. Create a disk image. This is the most complete data backup solution for advanced users. This method involves the use third party program to create an image of the entire disk, which can be deployed if necessary on another storage medium. By using this decision, you can in a short period of time get access to all the data that was on the disk at the time of its backup: documents, programs and media files.

SmartBuy flash drive models for 64gb, 32gb, 16gb, 8gb, 4gb, 2 gb:

  • Glossy;
  • crown;
  • V cut;
  • Lara;
  • Cobra
  • Quartz;
  • click;
  • Hatch;
  • comet;
  • paean;
  • crown;

Step by step instructions for restoration USB flash drives in which I will try in plain language answer the question How to recover a flash drive independently and without much effort.

It happens that you help a person, and then he will tell everyone that you are so good and there are already crowds of people who are thirsty for help. Something like this happened when I restored several flash drives colleagues.

Now the people carry not only their flash drives, but also flash drives their friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else dragged a bottle of beer or a cookie - figurines.

It's not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest that you learn how to do all this yourself, you refuse. I'll just make those next time. If you don't want to learn, move on.

With the lyrics, I end here and go directly to the topic of the post ..

If your flash drive stopped determined like a drive, doesn't want to be formatted, does not allow you to write down information or something else happened to it, BUT it does not have mechanical damage, then you know - not everything is lost. Most likely glitched controller and it will take a little fiddling with it. In time, this procedure takes approximately 5 minutes.

I must say right away that there is no universal programs for recovery all varieties flash drives. You will need to find exactly the one that can work with the controller of your flash drives.

First, we need to define VID and PID non-working flash drives.

Determine VID and PID for flash drive recovery

Plug in flash drive to the computer and run Device Manager. StartRun - mmc devmgmt.msc.

Then go to section USB Universal Serial Bus Controllers.

Find yours in the list flash drive. Usually, everything flash drives have a name USB mass storage device.

Press the right key on the device and open Properties.

Go to tab Intelligence.

In the drop-down list, select the item Instance code device or Equipment codes (ID).

In this window we see PID and VID.

Finding a flash drive recovery program

We go to the website and enter the received VID and PID.

Click on the button Search.

In the results, we are looking for our manufacturer and model of the flash drive. I have it Kingston DataTraveler 2.0.

In the right column there will be the name of the program we need or a link to it.

All. Now search in Google program by name or download from the link provided. Launch and follow the instructions. Usually, in such programs for recovery there is only one button, so you should not have any questions.

That's all!

Any questions - ask in the comments.

Do you have an inoperable USB flash drive or other media and you are wondering which program to choose for recovery?

We have reviewed the most popular utilities. Which of the above programs is right for you and will restore a flash drive with a 100% guarantee?

A one-of-a-kind program will help you pull out all the data Hetman Partition Recovery. It is loved by both beginners and pros for its convenience, speed and advanced data recovery algorithm. Your files will be found and copied even when the FS of the media is no longer available or it is damaged.

jet flash recovery tool- then proprietary utility, which has the maximum simple interface and support for working with Transcend drives, JetFlash and A-DATA. Management of only two buttons, obviously you will like it. Do not forget that the cleared data cannot be restored, so saving information from a USB flash drive will not be superfluous.

If you have a need to always have with you universal program, which can be conveniently applied to home computer, and beyond, we recommend D-Soft Flash Doctor, its platform does not preset, the launch is made instantly on any PC. The software is suitable for repair, unlock,
restore the volume of the flash drive and its performance.

If you need to recover SD cards, we recommend downloading F-Recovery SD, which has an effective set of simple options for working with damaged flash drives from digital cameras and others. portable devices. From the point of view of a professional approach to Flash drives, it will be interesting to use the Flash Memory Toolkit, the application contains a whole range of additional functionality that can test flash drives, in addition, the program works with any version of Microsoft's OS.

Recognize the maximum number various types flash drives flash drive, among the above utilities, as well as quickly reanimate the performance of drives, the USB Disk Storage Format Tool formatting and recovery utility, which has a very clear and convenient interface, can be used. Repair program USB flash drives Disk Storage will be able to quickly recover data from damaged hard disk partitions even if flash drive firmware problems are detected.

If no flash drive recovery program has helped, we recommend checking the status of the memory controller using the ChipGenius utility. The program works with USB, micro sd, SD, SDHC and USB-Mpz players from Kingston manufacturers, Silicon power, Transcend, Adata, PQI. Further actions to correct errors, restore lost data are only advisable if
flash drive is defined in Chip Genius.

Good day!

If your flash drive began to constantly fail: it is not formatted, when connected to a computer - it often freezes, when copying files to it - errors fly out, but it has not been subjected to mechanical impact- There are CHANCES to restore its working capacity!

It would be nice if, when connecting a flash drive, it was at least somehow determined, for example: a connection sound is emitted, the flash drive is displayed in "my computer", an LED blinks on it, etc. If the computer does not see the USB flash drive at all, then first I recommend that you read this article:

Generally, give universal instruction, how and with what program what to do to restore a USB flash drive - it's impossible! But in this short article I will try to give an algorithm that will help, even for novice users, to deal with the problem and solve it.

Recovery flash drive // ​​step by step

Determining the controller model

It turned out, by the will of fate, I have one flash drive that Windows refused to format - an error took off "Windows cannot complete formatting". The flash drive, according to the owner, did not fall, water did not fall on it, and in general, it was handled quite carefully ...

All that was clear after looking at it was that it was 16 GB and its brand was SmartBuy. When connected to a PC, the LED lit up, the flash drive was detected and visible in the explorer, but it malfunctioned.

SmartBuy 16 GB - "experimental" non-working flash drive

To restore the normal operation of the flash drive, you need to reflash the controller chip. This is done with special utilities, and each type of controller has its own utility! If the utility is chosen incorrectly, then with a high degree of probability, you will ruin the flash drive completely ... I will say even more, one model range flash drives - there may be different controllers!

Each device have their own unique identification numbers - VID and PID , and the flash drive is no exception. To choose the correct utility for flashing, you need to determine these identification numbers (and the controller model by them).

One of the most simple ways find out the VID, PID, and model of the flash drive controller is to use special utilities. One of the best of its kind is .

Flash Drive Information Extractor

small free utility, to get the maximum information about the flash drive. You don't need to install it!

The program will determine the USB flash drive model, model and type of memory (all modern flash drives are supported, at least from normal manufacturers)...

The program will work even in cases where it is not defined file system flash drives when the computer freezes when the media is connected.

Information received:

  • controller model;
  • possible options for memory chips installed in a flash drive;
  • type of installed memory;
  • maximum current consumption declared by the manufacturer;
  • USB version;
  • the total physical volume of the disk;
  • disk size reported by the operating system;
  • VID and PID;
  • Query Vendor ID;
  • Query Product ID;
  • Query Product Revision;
  • controller revision;
  • Flash ID (not for all configurations);
  • Chip F/W (for some controllers), etc.

Important! The program only works with USB flash drives. MP3 players, phones and other devices - it does not recognize. It is advisable, before starting the program, to leave only one single USB flash drive connected to the USB ports, from which you want to get the most information.

Working with Flash Drive Information Extractor

  1. We disconnect everything that is connected from Usb ports (at least all drives: players, external hard drives etc.).
  2. We insert the repaired USB flash drive into the USB port;
  3. We start the program;
  4. Click the button "Get flash drive information" ;
  5. After some time, we get maximum information about the drive (see screenshot below).
  6. If the program freezes- don't do anything and don't close it. Remove the flash drive after a couple of minutes from the USB port, the program should "hang down", and you will see all the information that it managed to pull out from the flash drive...

Now we know the information about the flash drive and we can start searching for the utility.

Flash drive info:

  • VID: 13FE; PID: 4200;
  • Controller model (Controller): Phison 2251-68 (second line in the screenshot above);
  • SmartBuy 16 GB.


You can reliably determine the controller model if you disassemble the USB flash drive. True, not every body of a flash drive is collapsible, and not every one can be put back together later.

Usually, to open the case of a flash drive, you need a knife and a screwdriver. When opening the case, be careful not to damage the inside of the flash drive. An example controller is shown in the screenshot below.

Broken flash drive. Controller model: VLI VL751-Q8

Supplement 2

You can find out the VID and PID of the flash drive using the device manager (in this case, you don’t need to install anything). True, in this case we will not recognize the controller model, and there is some risk that VID and PID it will not be possible to accurately identify the controller. And yet, all of a sudden the above utility will hang and give no information at all...

How to find a utility for flashing a flash drive

Important! After flashing the flash drive, all information on it will be deleted!

1) Knowing the controller model, you can simply use search engines (Google, Yandex for example) and find what you need.

The algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. We go to the site:
  2. We enter our VID and PID in the search bar and look for;
  3. In the list of results, most likely you will find dozens of lines. Among them, you need to find a line that matches: controller model, your manufacturer, VID and PID, flash drive size .
  4. Further in the last column - you will see the recommended utility. By the way, note that the version of the utility also matters! It remains to download the desired utility and apply it.

After you find and download the desired utility, run it and format the media - in my case, you had to press just one button - Restore (restore) .

Formatter SiliconPower v3.13.0.0 // Format and Restore. An end-user utility designed for both low-level and high-level (FAT32) formatting of flash drives on Phison PS2251-XX controllers.

After a couple of minutes of blinking the LED on the flash drive, it began to work normally, messages from Windows about the impossibility of formatting no longer appeared. Bottom line: the flash drive was restored (became 100% working), and given to the owner.

That, in fact, is all. For additions on the topic - I would be grateful. good luck!

The SmartBuy flash drive is a common removable drive that many modern users use with great pleasure. The manufacturer has been successfully producing high-quality optical media for many years. In combination with an acceptable cost, attention to such a product increases several times.

Restoring the performance of a SmartBuy flash drive is within the power of a PC user.

In addition to an acceptable cost, such flash drives are accompanied by excellent quality, although this does not at all guarantee that unforeseen situations cannot occur during the operation of the media. SmartBuy flash drives can also fail, but you should not immediately say goodbye to them, sending them to a “well-deserved rest”.

You can try to do some manipulations to restore performance removable storage. In most cases, users manage to return the “life” to the drive, so it will be able to serve for several more years and technically justify its repeated “resurrection”.

If your digital drive has stopped showing “signs of life”, it means that circumstances have occurred that prevent its normal functioning. Sometimes you yourself can act as the culprit of such troubles. This happens when you completely ignore the rules for ejecting removable media. Also, such software failures can occur when the flash drive is actively used, subjecting it to constant recordings, readings and overwriting.

A flash drive may stop working if an unexpected guest in the form of a virus enters it and makes adjustments to its settings. Even a simple drop of a flash drive can cause its premature failure, since in this case mechanical damage to a removable drive is often observed. It is especially hard to put up with when the MicroSD SmartBuy ceases to function, on which numerous unique photographs are stored.

However, you should not hang your nose, you can use the existing utilities that allow you to restore the SmartBuy flash drive, as well as successfully restore all the content that was previously stored on the drive.

Let's compile all of the above. Problems with the storage device in question may occur due to the following reasons:

  • a large number of rewriting cycles;
  • incorrect extraction;
  • infection with virus software;
  • overheat;
  • software errors;
  • static stress;
  • malfunction of the controller;
  • mechanical damage.

Based on established practice, most problems are characterized by a failure of the controller, which communicates between the flash drive itself and the computer interfaces.

It should be noted right away that, unfortunately, it is possible to hope for a successful restoration of the operability of this carrier only if its inoperability is caused by program issues, but not mechanical damage. Yes, of course, someone will say that even “mechanics” can be cured, but for this you need to have sufficient skills and specialized devices that not everyone has.

In addition, solving software errors also requires certain knowledge, skills in finding information and working with specialized software.

The essence of recovery is to flash the controller chip. The difficulty is that for each type of controllers, a specific utility is needed, errors in choosing which can completely level all attempts to restore the flash drive to working capacity and, more importantly, to extract the information stored on it.

So the first thing to do is try to save everything. possible files and only then resort to drastic measures.

Let's stop for now on restoring files and then we will return to the "revitalization" of the flash drive.

File recovery software

If your flash drive does not show signs of life, use any program to restore the SmartBuy MicroSD flash drive. There are several such programs, so you can choose the option that is most accessible for understanding.

You can try using the CardRecovery utility. It works great with SmartBuy removable media, and mobile phone memory cards are perfectly restored with it.

So, find the CardRecovery utility on the Internet, download it and install it. After that, run the program, in the "Drive letter" section, select the flash drive you are going to restore, and also restore the content that was recorded on it.

Be sure to specify which file format you would like to recover. The program will ask you to specify the folder where the recovered files will be saved. You can create such a folder in advance, and then specify the path to it in the program.

After such preliminary work, you can proceed to click on the "Next" button. It remains to wait for the program to complete, and then familiarize yourself with the list of all recovered files.

You can use some other similar program. For example, the modern and multifunctional utility PC Inspector Smart Recovery. She will ask the user to specify the drive where the files were stored, which are now important to recover. You can also use programs such as R-Studio, Easy Recovery and Flash Memory Toolkit.

Flash drive recovery

If you are faced with a slightly different task than just recovering lost files, then the resuscitation actions may be different. In particular, if you have a non-working SmartBuy flash drive, the DiskInternals Uneraser recovery program will help you successfully solve this problem as well.

ADVICE. By the way, some experienced users claim that SmartBuy flash drives have one unique characteristic. You can simply put a “failed” flash drive in a safe place and “forget” about it for several years.

After this decent amount of time, the removable drive may itself start functioning again, as if there was no system failure. Of course, this option is unlikely to suit anyone. No one wants to wait for several years, especially since there is no one hundred percent information when the period of such a “waiting” is exactly over. It is for this reason that it is easier to use utilities that immediately help restore removable media to working capacity.

Working with DiskInternals Uneraser is very easy. After launching it, a dialog box opens in which you should find the “Recover” parameter located in the top row of the menu. Further, the program will take care of all the necessary actions. You just have to sit and wait quietly. The program will not only return the flash drive to working capacity, but also offer to return important files for you that were deleted during recovery, since the process involves formatting.

Controller flashing

Restored files? Okay, let's get started with the controller.

Important point! The target/repairable flash drive must be somehow determined by the system. If you have inserted the media, and there is silence in response (the indicator does not light up, the system does not make a characteristic connection sound, "Disk Management" and file managers do not see the device, the BIOS ignores the connection), then this method will not work. Yes, and such an outcome of events is extremely deplorable, since physical intervention will be required here, with an appeal to the appropriate specialist.

Otherwise, if the flash drive is recognized by the system, but simply refuses to work, do the following:

IMPORTANT. Pay special attention to the correspondence of values, since an incorrectly selected one can lead to a complete inoperability of the device.

If in doubt, try additionally using the Flash Drive Information Extractor program, which will provide the most complete information about the selected device.

Once the match has been confirmed, download the proposed software and follow the utility's instructions. In most cases, you only need to click on the "Restore" button.


Experienced users recommend not to wait for the flash drive to present such an unpleasant surprise, but to take preventive measures in a timely manner. In particular, with the active use of removable media, it is recommended to defragment and periodically backup.

It is also important to remember that you cannot load removable media completely, you need to always have free place. Of course, it is very important to correctly remove the media from the computer, do not drop it, and prevent other mechanical damage.

So, if you perform such simple preventive measures, removable media can last a fairly long time. If trouble happens and the flash drive stops working, you can use the utilities and professionally "breathe" new "vital" forces into it.
