Methods of transmitting messages at a distance. Modern means and methods of information transmission and their features

Transfer of information

Transfer of information- the physical process by which information is transferred in space. We recorded the information on a disk and moved it to another room. This process is characterized by the presence of the following components:

  • A source of information.
  • Information receiver.
  • Information carrier.
  • Transmission medium.

transfer of information- a technical event organized in advance, the result of which is the reproduction of information available in one place, conventionally called the “source of information,” in another place, conventionally called the “receiver of information.” This event assumes a predictable time frame for obtaining the specified result.

“Information” here is understood in a technical aspect, as a meaningful set of symbols, numbers, parameters of abstract or physical objects, without a sufficient “volume” of which the problems of management, survival, entertainment, crime or monetary transactions cannot be solved.

To implement p.i. It is necessary to have, on the one hand, a so-called “storage device” or “carrier” that has the ability to move in space and time between the “source” and the “receiver”. On the other hand, rules and methods for applying and removing information from the “media” are required in advance, known to the “source” and “receiver”. On the third hand, the "carrier" must continue to exist as such upon arrival at the destination. (by the time the “receiver” finishes removing information from it)

As "carriers" on modern stage In the development of technology, both material-subject and wave-field objects of physical nature are used. Under certain conditions, the transmitted “information” “objects” themselves (virtual media) can be carriers.

P.i. in everyday practice, it is carried out according to the described scheme, both “manually” and using various automatic machines. In many varieties of technical implementation.

When constructing p.i. systems Not only information about physical objects can be “transmitted,” but also information about media prepared for transmission. In this way, a hierarchical “transmission medium” with any depth of nesting is organized. (Not to be confused with the propagation medium of wave carriers.)

see also


  • Richard Read Fundamentals of the theory of information transmission = The Essence of Communication Theory (Essence of Engineering). - M.: “Williams”, 2004. - P. 304. - ISBN 0-13-521022-4


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Transfer of Information” is in other dictionaries:

    transfer of information- Transfer of digitized information in accordance with the protocol. [GOST R 41.13 2007] information transfer The process of transferring information (data) from its source to the consumer. IN general view it can be represented by the following diagram (Fig. A.3). This diagram... ...

    A useful function of speculation, which is the dissemination of information by entering into public transactions based on unknown information. In English: Transmission of information See also: Exchange speculative operations Financial dictionary ... Financial Dictionary

    Transfer of information- the process of transferring information (data) from its source to the consumer. In general, it can be represented by the following diagram (Fig. A.3). This diagram shows that for P.i. it must be encoded (see Encoding), i.e. turn into...

    transfer of information- 2.25 data communication: Transfer of digitized information in accordance with a protocol. Source: GOST R 41.13 2007: Uniform regulations regarding Vehicle categories M, N and O regarding braking... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    transfer of information- informacijos perdavimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. information transfer; information transmission vok. Informationsübertragung, f rus. transfer of information, f pranc. transmission d information, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas

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    transfer of information constituting a trade secret- Transfer of information by its owner to the counterparty on the basis that contains the condition that the counterparty takes measures to protect its confidentiality. Topics: economics EN commercial secret information transfer… Technical Translator's Guide

    TRANSFER OF INFORMATION CONTAINING A TRADE SECRET- TRANSFER OF INFORMATION CONTAINING A TRADE SECRET transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to the counterparty on the basis of an agreement to the extent and on the terms provided for... ... Legal encyclopedia

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Using Internet resources, find answers to the questions:

Exercise 1

1. What is the process of transmitting information?

Transfer of information- the physical process by which information is transferred in space. We recorded the information on a disk and moved it to another room. This process is characterized by the presence of the following components:

2. General scheme transfer of information

3. List the communication channels you know

Link(English) channel, data line) - system technical means and a signal propagation medium for transmitting messages (not just data) from source to destination (and vice versa). Communication channel, understood in a narrow sense ( communication path), represents only the physical signal propagation medium, for example, a physical communication line.

Based on the type of distribution medium, communication channels are divided into:

4. What are telecommunications and computer telecommunications?

Telecommunications(Greek tele - into the distance, far away and lat. communicatio - communication) is the transmission and reception of any information (sound, image, data, text) over a distance via various electromagnetic systems (cable and fiber optic channels, radio channels and other wired and wireless channels communications).

Telecommunications network
is a system of technical means through which telecommunications are carried out.

Telecommunication networks include:
1. Computer networks(for data transfer)
2. Telephone networks(transmission of voice information)
3. Radio networks (transmission of voice information - broadcast services)
4. Television networks (voice and image transmission - broadcast services)

Computer telecommunications are telecommunications whose terminal devices are computers.

The transfer of information from computer to computer is called synchronous communication, and through an intermediate computer, which allows messages to be accumulated and transferred to personal computers as requested by the user, asynchronous.

Computer telecommunications are beginning to be introduced into education. In higher education they are used to coordinate scientific research, prompt exchange of information between project participants, distance learning, and consultations. In the school education system - to increase the efficiency of students’ independent activities related to various types of creative work, including educational activities, based on the widespread use of research methods, free access to databases, and exchange of information with partners both within the country and abroad.

5. What is the bandwidth of an information transmission channel?
Bandwidth- metric characteristic showing the ratio of the maximum number of passing units (information, objects, volume) per unit of time through a channel, system, node.
In computer science, the definition of bandwidth is usually applied to a communication channel and is determined by the maximum amount of information transmitted/received per unit of time.
Bandwidth is one of the most important factors from a user's point of view. It is estimated by the amount of data that the network can, in the limit, transfer per unit of time from one device connected to it to another.

The speed of information transfer depends largely on the speed of its creation (source performance), encoding and decoding methods. The highest possible information transmission speed in a given channel is called its throughput. Channel capacity, by definition, is the speed of information transmission when using the “best” (optimal) source, encoder and decoder for a given channel, so it characterizes only the channel.

The concept of information is one of the basic concepts not only in computer science, but also in other sciences. Initially, the word “information” meant information transmitted orally, in writing, using conventional signals, and technical means.

Forms of information transfer:

From person to person

From person to computer

From computer to computer

As well as the exchange of signals in the animal and plant world, the transfer of characteristics from cell to cell, from organism to organism.

Information is information, knowledge that is obtained, transmitted, transformed, registered with the help of certain signs.

Information in technical devices can be transmitted by electrical, magnetic and light impulses.

Information is the product of the interaction of data and methods for their perception. Information exists only at the moment of their interaction; the rest of the time, it is contained in the form of data.

Information carrier - a material object for storing information.

Floppy magnetic disk - designed for transferring small documents from one computer to another. Capacity 1.44MB

Hard magnetic disk (hard drive) - designed for permanent storage of information. Capacity -60-240 GB

Optical (laser) disk - capacity 600MB. The principle of recording and reading is optical.

Hexadecimal number system

The hexadecimal number system, like the octal number system, is an auxiliary system for representing information in computer memory and is used for compact recording of binary numbers and commands.

Writing a number in the octal number system is quite compact, but it is even more compact in the hexadecimal system. The first 10 of 16 hexadecimal digits are the usual numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, but the remaining 6 digits are the first letters of the Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F. The number 1, written in the least significant digit, simply means one. The same number 1 in the next one is 16 (decimal), in the next one it is 256 (decimal), etc. The least significant digit F indicates 15 (decimal). Conversion from hexadecimal to binary and back is done in the same way as for the octal system.

Classification of computer software

information software computer

Software can be divided into two main groups:

1) Application software - performs the user’s task

2) System software (Basic) - controls the entire system, ensures the functioning of the system.

The group of basic programs includes OS Application software is programs designed to work under any operating system.

1)Basic software

Operating system (OS) is a set of programs that provide support for the operation of all programs, PC hardware and networks.

The operating system is controlled by the operating system and all subsequent work is carried out. personal computer. It loads into RAM every time you turn on the computer.

Operating system features:

Organization of dialogue between the user and the computer;

PC resource management;

Launching programs for execution;

Providing a convenient way for the user to work (interface) with PC devices.

MS DOS OS (Microsoft Corporation) has been developed for PCs based on INTEL microprocessors. The MS DOS operating system includes the following main modules:

The basic input and output system is BIOS, which automatically monitors the performance of the main components when the PC is turned on. BIOS programs are located in ROM ( permanent memory), drivers are also located there (programs that ensure the operation of PC devices);

Block bootstrap designed to be read from system unit into the RAM of other MS DOS modules;

Expansion module basic system input and output, which allows you to supplement the BIOS with other drivers designed to work with new devices. Connection additional drivers external devices are carried out using CONfIG.SYS files;

The interrupt processing module is a mode of operation of the microprocessor when, upon request, external device The execution of the main program is briefly stopped and the external device is serviced, and then the execution of the main program continues;

Command processor is a program that is located in the file; it receives commands from the keyboard, executes internal MS DOS commands (which are located in the command processor) and launches external commands (which are contained in the form separate files).

Disk devices are usually designated by Latin letters: A and B - floppy magnetic disks, C, D and so on logical zones hard drive and hard drive.

After the OS has successfully loaded, a prompt appears on the screen, which contains the name of the active disk and active title

A file is a named piece of memory on a magnetic medium that contains information. Each file has a designation: name, extension, separated by a dot. Depending on the extension, files have a specific content, so files with the extension txt - text, exe, com - command, executive, BAT - batch, sys - system, in various software files can be created with corresponding extensions (for example, BAS - in BASIC).

A directory is a special place on a disk that contains information about files. It can contain files and other directories, so the disk has a branched file structure (tree).

On IBM PC computers used as user workstations, the following operating systems are most often used:

operating system MS DOS from Microsoft or compatible operating systems PC DOS from IBM and Novell DOS from Novell, etc. We will call these operating systems by the general name DOS;

Microsoft's Windows operating system, more precisely, Windows versions 3.1 or 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (this is Windows extension with peer-to-peer support local networks);

operating rooms Windows systems 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows NT Workstation (versions 3.51 and 4.0), Windows Me, Windows XP from Microsoft;

OS/2 3.0 Warp operating system from IBM;

Vista operating systems.

2) Application software is a set of programs executed by a computer system. Application software solves user problems in all areas of his activity. Special software is system and tool programs. System ones perform auxiliary functions: managing PC resources, creating copies of information, checking the functionality of devices, issuing reference information about the computer. Tooling programs provide the process of creating new computer programs.

File managers perform file system management: creating, renaming, deleting files, as well as navigating through file system.

Utilities are auxiliary programs that expand and complement the capabilities of the OS. They perform information packaging, verification and treatment computer viruses, sending information over the network, testing and diagnosing a computer, optimizing memory.

While working on a computer, situations arise when information may be damaged or lost, so there is a need to restore it. In this case, copies of this information are needed. They can be obtained using copy commands, but then storing the copy will require the same amount of space as the original. Therefore, it is advisable to use archiving of information, that is, storing it in a compressed form. The archiving process creates an archive file. An archive file may contain one or more files. Archived files acquire the extension of the program used for archiving, for example: ZIP, RAR, IZN, ARJ, ARC. Information in compressed form cannot be directly used. To obtain information in its original form, an unarchiving process is performed - extracting from the archive.

Human activity has always been associated with the transfer of information. The ancient method of transmission is a letter sent by messenger. By talking, we transmit information to each other. Humanity has come up with many devices for quickly transmitting information: telegraph, radio, telephone, TV. Devices that transmit information at high speed include electronic computers, although it would be more correct to say telecommunication networks.

There are two parties involved in the transfer:

source - the one who transmits information,

the receiver is the one who receives it.

Very often, interference occurs during the transmission of information. And then the information from the source to the receiver arrives in a distorted form. Errors that occur during the transmission of information are of 3 types:

some correct information is replaced with incorrect information;

extraneous messages are added to the transmitted information;

Some information is lost during transmission.

Information is transmitted in the form of messages from some source of information to its receiver through a communication channel between them. The source sends a transmitted message, which is encoded into a signal.

This signal is sent over a communication channel. As a result, a received signal appears at the receiver, which is decoded and becomes the received message.

During the transmission process, information may be lost or distorted: sound distortion in the telephone, atmospheric interference on the radio, distortion or darkening of the image on television, errors during transmission in the telegraph. This interference (noise) distorts information. Fortunately, there is a science that develops ways to protect information - cryptology.

Throughout the twentieth century, many ways of exchanging information changed. If in the 19th century the carrier of information was paper, and the means of transmission was the postal service, then in the 20th century information began to be transmitted much faster using the telegraph; information can be exchanged in voice form by telephone; radio and television are intended only for a person to receive information. These days there are a huge number of ways to transmit information, in any form. Telephone lines are still the most convenient means transmission of information, but now they serve not only telephones, but also the greatest achievement of the informatization process - the Internet, which contains most of the information from all over the planet.

The computer is the most popular means for processing, storing and transmitting information to this day, but as there is more and more information these days, computers are undergoing significant changes.

For the convenience of users, portable and pocket computers connected to the global information network began to be produced. Internet networks so that the user can obtain the necessary information anywhere, at a time convenient for him.

But since the flow of information is only increasing, it is necessary to develop more and more new means and devices for its creation, processing, storage and transmission. There are many companies and corporations specializing in the development of software, operating systems, improvement and development of new and more advanced computers, devices for input and output of information, accessories for ease of handling a computer and speeding up information processing.

As for the information itself, a document is still one of the most important ways of transmitting it between people. The information contained in a document can be provided in a variety of forms, most of which are displayed on a variety of media. Text, graphics, video, audio - everything can be transmitted, shown, distributed and processed in the form digital file document.

There are types of very important paper documents that may not have an electronic counterpart.

  • 1. This is archival information.
  • 2. drawings of manufactured products, developed without the use of automation tools
  • 3. documents of your business partners.

Transfer of most of the production process, in which new developments appear, ideas that require development on special programs, which in turn are also being improved and occupy more and more disk space on the computer, poses the task of increasing that same disk space, RAM, and new software. This pushes computer corporations to all new developments, for example, in the field of exchange big amount data between computers not connected to the network.

In all these cases, information is received one-way, that is, the user receives the necessary information by reading it from the media. Is it possible to exchange electronic information ( text documents, drawings, drawings, audio and video documents) bilaterally? Of course, you can if your computer is connected to the Internet and has the necessary hardware and software.

Internet video conferencing is a very cost-effective alternative to traditional proprietary systems, but they require communication channels with higher bandwidth than Internet telephone conversations, so they attract the attention primarily of users from the business world.

Internet collaboration products feature a variety of interactive technologies that enable close collaboration and information sharing among members of impromptu workgroups. Multiple users can work together on one application program, discuss emerging ideas, discuss and exchange files

But, regardless of whether it is a large corporation or a small company, a new problem has arisen - the problem of network security.

In recent years, thousands of companies have installed Web sites and their employees have access to e-mail and Internet browsing programs. As a result, any outsider with basic knowledge of network technology and bad intentions now has a way to penetrate a company's internal systems and network devices: through the Internet communication channel. Once inside, the “burglar” will find a way to obtain the information he is interested in; destroy, alter or steal data. Even the most widely used Internet service, email, is inherently vulnerable: anyone with a protocol analyzer, access to routers, and other network devices involved in processing Email as it travels from one network to another via the Internet, it can read, change and erase the information in your message unless special security measures are taken.

Network security vendors have quickly responded to the needs of the Internet, adapting existing authentication and encryption technologies for Internet communications and developing new security products.




in the course "Informatics"

1. Types and methods of transmitting information

2. Hexadecimal number system

3. Classification of computer software

4. Programming systems

1. Types and methods of transmitting information

The concept of information is one of the basic concepts not only in computer science, but also in other sciences. Initially, the word “information” meant information transmitted orally, in writing, using conventional signals, and technical means.

Forms of information transfer:

From person to person

From person to computer

From computer to computer

As well as the exchange of signals in the animal and plant world, the transfer of characteristics from cell to cell, from organism to organism.

Information is information, knowledge that is obtained, transmitted, transformed, and registered using certain signs.

Information in technical devices can be transmitted by electrical, magnetic and light impulses.

Information is a product of the interaction of data and methods for their perception. Information exists only at the moment of their interaction; the rest of the time, it is contained in the form of data.

Information carrier - a material object for storing information.

Floppy magnetic disk - designed for transferring small documents from one computer to another. Capacity 1.44MB

Hard magnetic disk (hard drive) - designed for permanent storage of information. Capacity -60-240 GB

Optical (laser) disk – capacity 600MB. The principle of recording and reading is optical.

2. Hexadecimal number system

The hexadecimal number system, like the octal number system, is an auxiliary system for representing information in computer memory and is used for compact recording of binary numbers and commands.

Writing a number in the octal number system is quite compact, but it is even more compact in the hexadecimal system. The first 10 of 16 hexadecimal digits are the usual numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, but the remaining 6 digits are the first letters of the Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F. The number 1, written in the least significant digit, simply means one. The same number 1 in the next one is 16 (decimal), in the next one it is 256 (decimal), etc. The least significant digit F indicates 15 (decimal). Conversion from hexadecimal to binary and back is done in the same way as for the octal system.

3. Classification of computer software

information software computer

Software can be divided into two main groups:

1) Application software - performs the user’s task

2) System software (Basic) - controls the entire system, ensures the functioning of the system.

The group of basic programs includes operating systems, while application software is programs designed to work under any operating system.

1)Basic software

Operating system (OS) is a set of programs that provide support for the operation of all programs, PC hardware and networks.

The operating system is controlled by the operating system and all subsequent operation of the personal computer is performed. It is loaded into RAM every time the computer is turned on.

Operating system features:

Organization of dialogue between the user and the computer;

PC resource management;

Launching programs for execution;

Providing a convenient way for the user to work (interface) with PC devices.

For PCs based on INTEL microprocessors, the MSDOS OS (Microsoft Corporation) has been developed. The MSDOS OS includes the following main modules:

The basic input and output system is BIOS, which automatically monitors the performance of the main components when the PC is turned on. BIOS programs are located in ROM (read-only memory), and drivers (programs that enable the operation of PC devices) are also located there;

The boot block is designed to read other MSDOS modules from the system unit into RAM;

A basic input and output system expansion module that allows you to supplement the BIOS with other drivers designed to work with new devices. Connecting additional drivers for external devices is carried out using CONfIG.SYS files;

The interrupt processing module is a mode of operation of the microprocessor when, at the request of an external device, the execution of the main program is briefly stopped and the external device is serviced, and then the execution of the main program continues;

The command processor is a program located in the file that accepts commands from the keyboard, executes internal MSDOS commands (which are located in the command processor) and runs external commands (which are contained in separate files).

Disk devices are usually designated by Latin letters: A and B – floppy magnetic disks, C, D and so on are the logical zones of the hard drive and hard drive.

After the OS has successfully loaded, a prompt appears on the screen, which contains the name of the active disk and active title

A file is a named piece of memory on a magnetic medium that contains information. Each file has a designation: name, extension, separated by a dot. Depending on the extension, files have a specific content, so files with the extension txt are text, exe, com are command, executive, BAT are batch, sys are system, files with corresponding extensions can be created in various software (for example, BAS is in BASIC).

A directory is a special place on a disk that contains information about files. It can contain files and other directories, so the disk has a branched file structure (tree).

On IBM PC computers used as user workstations, the following operating systems are most often used:

operating system MS DOS from Microsoft or compatible operating systems PC DOS from IBM and Novell DOS from Novell, etc. We will call these operating systems by the general name DOS;

Windows operating system from Microsoft, more precisely, Windows versions 3.1 or 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (this is an extension of Windows with support for peer-to-peer local networks);

operating systems Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows NT Workstation (versions 3.51 and 4.0), Windows Me, Windows XP from Microsoft;

OS/2 3.0 Warp operating system from IBM;

Vista operating systems.

2) Application software is a set of programs executed by a computer system. Application software solves user problems in all areas of his activity. Special software is system and tool programs. System ones perform auxiliary functions: managing PC resources, creating copies of information, checking the functionality of devices, issuing reference information about the computer. Tooling programs provide the process of creating new computer programs.

File managers perform file system management: creating, renaming, deleting files, as well as navigating through the file system.

Utilities are auxiliary programs that expand and complement the capabilities of the OS. They perform information packaging, checking and treating computer viruses, sending information over networks, testing and diagnosing a computer, and optimizing memory.

While working on a computer, situations arise when information may be damaged or lost, so there is a need to restore it. In this case, copies of this information are needed. They can be obtained using copy commands, but then storing the copy will require the same amount of space as the original. Therefore, it is advisable to use archiving of information, that is, storing it in a compressed form. The archiving process creates an archive file. An archive file may contain one or more files. Archived files acquire the extension of the program used for archiving, for example: ZIP, RAR, IZN, ARJ, ARC. Information in compressed form cannot be directly used. To obtain information in its original form, an unarchiving process is performed - extracting from the archive.

4. Programming systems

A programming system is understood as a set of tools that are tools for developing programs. The programming system includes integrated programming environments, interpreters, translators, and various support programs for text editing and program debugging.

Even with tens of thousands of programs available for IBM PC, users may need something that existing programs don't do (or do, but not right). In these cases, programming systems should be used.

K749 programming system The K749 programming system is a tool for creating control programs for positioning units that are part of a device that controls coordinate movement along two and three axes.

The K749 software package belongs to the class of systems of the CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) type and is installed on an IBM PC/AT PC running MS Windows 98/NT/2000/XP.

K749 has a user-friendly interface that suits international standard GUI (Graphical User Interface, - multi-window operating mode, built-in help and hint system, working with the mouse, etc.

The K749 programming system has a full range of functions that ensure the collective development of large projects: cross-project copying, export/import, connection of external editors, etc. It includes built-in editors:

Editors of machine (C-parameters) and technological parameters (R-parameters, Q-parameters) - allow you to quickly create and modify a database of project parameters;

Technological message editor - allows you to prepare a set of messages displayed during execution of the control program;

Control program editor - allows you to prepare a program for describing the processes of machining parts in ISO 66025 code.

The debugger integrated into the development system allows you to:

Load the control program into the positioning unit;

Read the control program from the positioning block;

Compare control programs in the project and the positioning block for identity;

Remotely control the operating modes of the positioning unit;

Monitor the technological parameters of the project;

Interactively change technological parameters;

Monitor system failures.

There are two versions of the K749 system

K749v1 - for control devices for machine tools with up to 2 independent axes (devices type K528). K749v3 - for control devices for machine tools with up to 3 axes with a possible interpolation relationship between them when processing parts (devices type K534; devices based on controller K303).

The built-in editor of the control program has the functions of color syntax highlighting, auto-structuring of text and is equipped with a full set of templates that provide input and editing of standard language constructs. This approach eliminates the need for the user to learn the syntactic nuances of the language, allowing the user to focus on the task at hand. In this version, to implement the wide capabilities of the programming language, the built-in editor of the control program is full-fledged text editor with standard copy, search, replace and syntax highlighting functions.
