What do you need to make a channel on YouTube. Instructions for creating your own channel on YouTube video hosting

It is the world's largest video hosting site, which hosts a video every day. The audience of this service exceeds the figure of 100 million people, so we can say with confidence that almost every inhabitant of the planet came here.

But this service can be considered not only from the point of view of entertainment, but also from the standpoint of profit, because your own channel on YouTube can bring certain dividends. Of course, with sufficient popularity.

What is a Youtube channel and what is it for?

Before thinking about creating your own channel on YouTube, you should first understand - what is it? To put it simply, anyone can create their own separate channel in this service, on which you can upload various.

The purpose of these videos can be just interactive communication, or maybe the desire to make money on your channel.

Of course, you can make money on views of your own only if the material is interesting enough for the public, because only those who get more than 1 million views per video receive real profit.

But the YouTube channel also allows you to earn money by placing links in the description under the video. There you can also advertise your own, products, services, etc.

Youtube is the property of Goggle, so the videos from this video hosting appear almost immediately in the search bars after they are posted.

As a rule, about 30 minutes pass from the moment the video is uploaded to the hosting until it is placed on the hosting.

How does a Youtube channel affect promotion and is it necessary?

Any video on YouTube is promoted to the top search lines with varying degrees of success. There are several points that directly affect the success of a YouTube channel:

  • . In other words, the title of the video or its description should include various ones, of which people most often form requests on the Internet.
  • The presence of incoming links to the video. To put it simply, incoming links are links from third-party resources, i.e. some other or links to your video. Naturally, thanks to such transitions, the number of views increases, and the position of the video in the search increases.
  • View duration. Many people naively believe that the main indicator of the success of a video is the total number of views.
This is true, but the duration of watching your video also plays a very important role, which is why Youtube keeps such statistics.

In other words, if users watch your videos to the end, then you will directly benefit from this in terms of promoting your channel. Naturally, to ensure this, you need to shoot high-quality and interesting videos so that people are really interested in what you say to them.

  • The presence of likes. Everything is very simple here: the more likes your video has, the higher it will be in the search bars. Naturally, dislikes also affect your video, but in a negative way.
  • The total number of views. This is one of the most important indicators of video success. The more these views, the higher the video in the search. In addition, many experts note the fact that people start watching those videos that have the most views.

A purely psychological aspect works here, because it is natural for a person to trust someone else's opinion, so a large number of views is a clear signal that this video is of interest to many. And this means that the likelihood that the video will be to his liking increases.

  • It’s good if other users add the video to their playlists, because the more these additions, the more promoted and popular the channel is. This can also be attributed to the addition to the "favorites".
  • A large number of . It is good if they contain several keywords.
  • The number of channel subscribers directly affects its position in the ranking. Therefore, you need to regularly add new videos to the channel so that the interest of users does not fade away.

People can also complain about your video, which affects the promotion of the channel, but in a bad way. In principle, such a complaint should be justified, so if you do not violate the rules of YouTube, then you have nothing to fear. Complaints are most often received on videos that do not comply with YouTube's rules, which you must familiarize yourself with before creating your own channel.

What needs to be done to promote a channel on Youtube?

Promoting a Youtube channel is a complex job that includes several basic rules. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Step #1. Create a channel and upload some videos to it.

Naturally, the first step is to create the YouTube channel itself. But without video, people are unlikely to need it, so first you need to think over the concept, i.e. what exactly are you going to tell in your videos, what topic you cover, etc.

Work on the channel should be carried out on a regular basis, so you need to upload new videos periodically.

The acceptable minimum is two videos per week, but it is better to have a little more.

What content is of high quality, read.


Maintaining your Youtube channel is a rather time-consuming process. Of course, if we are talking about serious work aimed at long-term results, and not just using the channel for pampering. It is clear that there is no clear recommendation, following which you are guaranteed to promote your channel on YouTube.

Still, it is the content of the videos that plays a very important role, and this is already largely a creative work, because information content and video alone cannot be considered a guarantee of success. A person is always greedy for external effects, so he evaluates the charisma of the narrator, and the external design of the channel, as well as many other points.

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

Making money on Youtube is more interesting and easier than all other types of financial activities on the Internet. Who wouldn't want to run their own video blog, for which the site pays money? But in order to reach this level, you must first gain popularity. How to create your channel on Youtube, beautifully and correctly design it? Today I will tell you about the intricacies associated with this process.

Why do you need a Youtube channel?

In order to become popular on the Internet, it is not enough just to leave comments and write posts. Video bloggers who work mainly with YouTube and Instagram have real popularity in Runet. Creating a channel on Youtube is almost the first step to popularity and earnings.

It is a well-known fact that after the monetization of the site, bloggers who consistently have several hundred thousand views began to earn round sums in dollars, so that the activity of a video blogger not only adds popularity, but also justifies itself financially.

How can you make money on video views, you ask. Youtube income is real for popular vlogs that reach hundreds of thousands per day. If you achieve this level of fame, then the channel can start to bring in good profits. At the same time, the activation of the monetization service is free, and money is credited not only for views, but also for affiliate advertising. Popular bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Before you start creating a channel, think about what kind of content you want to fill it with. If you don't have any ideas and interests, then why record meaningless videos about nothing? It is important to take this issue seriously and rely on a specific audience from the very beginning.

Popular topics on the Internet are beauty blogs, children's shows, reviews of games, digital technology, etc. Among them there are high-quality and informative videos, there are options with weaker content. If you are not sure that your offer in the same areas will be better and more interesting, think twice before you start making a video.

Often creating a channel on Youtube is relevant for owners of copyright blogs or shops. By recording videos reviewing your products and services, you automatically expand your customer base and inspire more confidence. Having your own YouTube channel is the best form of advertising. By linking sites, forums, YouTube channels with social networks, you can achieve a wider coverage of the audience interested in the product.

Design problem

Channels with original design attract much more visitors than regular posts. First of all, attention is paid to:

  1. "Hat".
  2. Original intro (trailer). The more attractive the intro, the more likely it is that the visitor will subscribe to you and follow the updates. This is especially true for channels that have just started their activity.
  3. Submission of information and video design.
  4. Original editing and sound.
  5. Availability of information.

Without taking these points into account, your channel is unlikely to become popular.

Registration and creation

So, you have decided why you need a Youtube channel and what you will publish there. Below you will find instructions on how to create a channel on the site right now. The first thing you need to do is create a Google account.

The YouTube account is linked to Google, and without an email you will not be able to register.

It is not necessary to create a Gmail.com mail, because if you already have an account on Mail.ru, you can simply enter the address and confirm it by clicking on the link in the letter.

Creating an account on YouTube takes place in several stages:

  1. Go to www.youtube.com.
  2. Look at the upper right corner, there is a link "Login".
  3. The login window has a "Create Account" section. We click on it.
  4. The site will prompt you to fill out a form. You can change the entered information later, but take it seriously anyway. Here you specify the phone number (it will be needed later when connecting affiliate programs and monetization), email. This is where the Google email address comes in handy.
  5. The site supports a dual authentication system via SMS to your phone. If you install this application, the channel will be completely protected from scammers.

Create a channel

After registration, we return to the main page of the site. In the left column there is a section “My channel”. You can also go here through the “YouTube Settings” section. Pay attention to the first tab called "Create". Click here, a window will open where you will need to enter the name of the channel, and then put a mark of agreement with the terms of use and click on the “Finish” button.

In total there are three options, according to which you can name the channel:

  1. If you are the author of a blog, a well-known person (even if in narrow circles), give your name.
  2. If it will cover the activities of the project (musical group, store), name the project.
  3. The third option is to name the channel with a name aimed at the target audience. Here you will need to think carefully, as the result can be very beneficial in terms of promotion.

If the name of the channel seems unsuccessful to you in the future, you can change it at any time. A successful and popular blogger usually does not change anything, since the name is associated in the audience with the blogger himself, and an unsuccessful change of it can lead to a partial loss of the audience.

Create a second channel on the same Google account

One account can have multiple channels. To create another one, simply go to “YouTube Settings”, where instead of the button to create an account, there will be a section “Show all channels or create a new one”. Then we proceed according to a similar algorithm.

Why create a YouTube channel?

For many, the answer to this question is obvious and they are only looking for answers to questions - "HOW?"

“How to create a channel?”, “How to set it up correctly?”, “What type of channel to choose?”, “How to upload a video and make descriptions correctly?”, how, how, how...

I will definitely share my experience in the “how” question on a variety of issues.

In the meantime, let's decide on an important question "WHY?".

WHY you need a YouTube channel and how it can be useful for you

There can be many reasons for this, but I will highlight FIVE main areas:

  • earn money on the videos themselves (there are different options here and we will look at them later)
  • use video to attract customers or visitors to your website
  • use video to promote your brand
  • youtube channel like storage for your videos that you post on other resources (for example, on your blog)
  • use video channel for private purposes(for example, upload a video with the ability to view it only by link and use it as a video album for friends and family)

This list goes on.

If you are interested in at least one thing from the “WHY” list and you still do not have a video channel on YouTube, then maybe it’s time to create it

And now I will answer another question.

WHY I write about creating a video channel and promoting videos on YouTube

It seems that a lot of articles have been written on this topic and video lessons have been recorded. Why another post and another video lesson on this topic.

Hmm, my answers are outrageously simple.

  • Despite the fact that there is a lot of information on this topic, my Video Editing Clients and my friends ask different questions on YouTube from time to time and I often have to tell the same thing. Therefore, for me this is a great opportunity to record once and give a link to the post and video tutorial.
  • With the creation of this site, I created a new video channel and I will have the opportunity to tell and show on a fresh channel what and how to do, given my personal experience and my mistakes.

HOW to create, set up and promote a video channel on YouTube

On the blog and video channel, I will share my experience in creating, setting up and promoting videos.

All materials on this issue will be collected on a separate page.

And those who do not want to spend their precious time to study, read and set up themselves can order a paid one (consultation on setting up or setting up your channel)

Why do you need a YouTube channel?

Share your experience and ask questions in the comments.

YouTube is the most popular video hosting in the world.

More than 500 million users visit the site every day, and monthly views are in the billions.

Sign in to your YouTube account

To start watching videos on YouTube, just go to the site and start playing.

If you want to be able to subscribe to channels, write comments, like or create your own channel - register a personal account.

For users who already have an account in the system, it is enough to log in to YouTube with the previously created login and password from Google.

To do this, go to the main page of the video hosting and in the upper right corner click on the "Login" field:

In the new window, enter the email address or phone number associated with your account. Then click "Next":

The system will automatically detect your name and show an avatar. To start using your profile, just enter your password. Note that YouTube "remembers" all your authorizations from any . You can change the user at any time without having to enter your email and password.

If you do not have a page, in the "Login" window, click on the field "Create an account" and follow the further instructions of the service.

Remember! Without logging into your account, you will not be able to create a channel and start promoting it. Also, creating a YouTube page is not a personal channel. After updating the site in 2017, the developers removed the function of creating a channel along with the account. Now users need to create everything themselves.

More options for registered users:

  • Favorite channel list management;
  • Creation of playlists;
  • Access to browsing history;
  • Get recommendations for videos that will interest you. A personal feed is formed on the basis of existing subscriptions and videos that you watch most often;
  • Channel creation;
  • Ability to use built-in YouTube applications.

Create a channel

After creating your channel, you will be able to upload to video hosting, set up their monetization, view channel statistics and manage comments.

Follow instructions:

  • Open the menu bar by pressing a special button in the upper left corner;
  • Select the field "My channel";
  • On the right side of the screen, click on "Create".

If you do not see the channel creation window, this means that your account was created a long time ago and you already have a personal channel.

You just need to learn how to use it correctly.

Multiple channels on one account

In the updated version of video hosting, the developers have provided the ability to link several channels to one account at once.

Previously, bloggers did not have such an opportunity, so they had to create several accounts.

With the linking function, it will be easier for you to remember only one “login-password” pair, with which you can enter the control window creative studio.

To create another channel, follow these steps:

  • In the top right corner of the YouTube site click on the gear icon;

  • In the list of actions that opens, select "Show all channels or create a new one";

  • In the new window, click on "Create a channel" and follow the instructions of the service. It will be necessary to come up with an original name, choose a theme, region.

Linking social networks

This feature will allow subscribers to quickly find you on other resources.

Also, the binding allows you to synchronize entries from YouTube, because in the new version of the site, bloggers can add not only videos to the news feed of their subscribers, but also short text notes, news, reminders, and ordinary pictures.

In the site settings window, go to the tab "Linked Accounts" and set up social profiles.

In addition to adding content to YouTube, social media pages will display notifications of the following activities:

  • Information about the new uploaded video with an active link;
  • Playlist content update;
  • Marks "I like";
  • Save playlists from other channels.

Most Popular Vlog Topics

You know how to create your channel, but this is not enough to fully maintain your video blog.

YouTube is the most powerful video content creator platform ever.

The user chooses the topic of his channel at the stage of its creation. At any time, you can change the direction of the content in the settings.

Often, novice bloggers do not know what topic to start making videos on.

As a result, many people try to post everything in a row, use all trend directions.

This is an erroneous step, because in the end the channel will not have a complete picture, so the interest from subscribers and new viewers will be minimal.

List of the most popular channel directions in 2018:

  • News (politics, show business, gaming industry);
  • Let's play (from the English "Let's Play"). Gameplay recordings with user commentary. It can be both shooting reviews of new games, and showing walkthroughs for already known projects;
  • Reviews and criticism . Quite an extensive topic, which includes all kinds of reviews on any product. In 2018, users prefer watching tech and movie reviews;
  • Beauty blog . This direction concerns everything related to the topic of beauty, cosmetics and personal care;
  • Music videos. Aspiring performers can start their promotion with . Decent videos quickly gain views, fall into trends and allow you to express yourself. Clips of world stars are viewed hundreds of millions of times every day. Note that the most popular videos in the history of the service are clips;
  • Comedy shows and stand-ups. The comedy genre attracts a large number of users, and it is not necessary to have a large team of writers and actors to create content. Many popular bloggers do all the work themselves (script writing, filming, editing, channel promotion) and this does not prevent them from gaining millions of views on each video;
  • Conversational videos. This can also include the topic of news, but in a more expanded format. Bloggers of conversational content make reviews on newsworthy events and express their opinion. Moreover, the informational occasion can be both news from the Internet and from the same TV. This format allows novice bloggers to gain good views.

The topics above are great for creating personal video blogs featuring one or more people.

If you are the owner of a TV channel or want to create artistic content, it is better to assign the theme to your account "People".

Also, every year YouTube attracts a large number of news portals. Now many TV channels can be watched on video hosting. This is possible thanks to the live broadcast function. Showing the air in real time attracts users, and discussion in chats increases the rating of the channel.

Note that all the above topics are just a summary of YouTube channel statistics for 2018.

With the help of these directions and competent promotion, you can quickly gain an audience and monetize your channel.

Also, the user can post absolutely any video on the site.

It can be a lifestyle blog, various life hacks, cartoons, sewing workshops and anything else.

Such destinations also have million channels, but the greatest activity of subscribers is represented precisely in the topics we have separately identified.

Change of appearance

Once you have chosen a topic for your channel, you can start promoting it.

At the first stage, you need to create a unique design that will be remembered by all visitors to the page.

The design includes the channel header and its avatar. All other elements will display the standard site style.

To go to your page, click on "Options" and "My channel". The default view of an empty channel looks like this:

As you can see, there is no avatar on the page and no design. Click on the appropriate button to add a header and main photo.

For an avatar, you can take any picture from your computer.

It can display the channel logo or be yours.

Where can I get the header for the channel:

  • Select from YouTube's public storage;
  • Find on the Internet. There are a lot of services for downloading YouTube caps of any subject;
  • Create your own. When working with graphic editors, remember that there is a limit on the spacing size. It must have a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels and take up no more than 6 MB.

Examples of well-designed pages:

Working with settings

Immediately after creating the design, you can proceed to setting up the channel. To do this, click on the gear next to your name.

The new window has several configuration tabs.

General add-ons allow you to set a name, view mail, photo, select the type of account (standard or paid YouTube Red).

Earlier, we already considered how to set up synchronization of actions on YouTube and social networks in the linked accounts tab, so we will skip this tab.

Next section - Confidentiality.

In it, you can configure what your actions will be seen by other users. For example, information about liked videos is added to a separate playlist, which can be public or hidden.

The "Notifications" tab allows you to configure how you receive news from the channels you subscribe to. Also, there are fields for managing the mailing list and choosing the language of notifications.

In the window "Playback" annotations and subtitles are set up for your videos and for the videos of the channels you watch.

To synchronize your YouTube account with the TV screen, use the field "Connected TV", and the section "Invoices and Payments" allows you to manage purchases of various content within the site (licensed, transfers, and so on).

Adding the correct description

By clicking on the channel banner, you can edit its description.

Be sure to fill in the brief information about the page.

This will help new users understand who you are, what kind of videos you make, and why you should subscribe.

How to promote the channel and find viewers?

YouTube can independently promote properly optimized channels.

It is not the service employees themselves who choose which pages are recommended to other users, but a special site algorithm.

If the channel owner does everything right, after a while, a large stream of views appears on his video.

A few promotion tips:

Content monetization - how does it work?

All bloggers make money from the content they create. This is possible due to metization.

YouTube will pay you money for the fact that the viewers of the channel view ads before the video.

You can enable monetization in the section "Creative Studio".

You must specify your real data, as well as details for the payment of funds.

Note! From January 1, 2018, a new rule for connecting monetization is in effect. If earlier it was possible to start earning after reaching 10,000 views on the channel, now the time of views is considered.

To be eligible to monetize content, the channel must have the following minimum indicators:

  • 4,000 hours of video watched in the last 12 months;
  • 1 thousand subscribers.

At the end of the month, all indicators are summed up and the author is paid the funds.

Note that there is no fixed cost per ad view. It all depends on the country and audience of the author.

It is known that bloggers in the US and Europe earn almost 5 times more money per 1 million channel views than bloggers from the CIS. We can earn an average of $500 per million views (total).


Now you know how to create your own YouTube channel and start promoting it.

Remember that the main thing is to choose a topic and spend time creating quality content.

Channel optimization and how you present material to the viewer plays a big role.

Thematic videos:

Hi guys. Outside the window, summer is in full swing, we are not looking up from work (it's great when you can take it with you), we are planning a new trip and 2 rafting trips with friends in our native Perm region.

In the previous article, we looked at the steps, and today we will directly deal with creating our channel on YouTube and then setting it up.

Let me explain right away that without a Google account, you will not be able to create a YouTube channel. If you have previously registered and created a single Google account, then in order to create your own channel, you need to sign in to it. In this case, you can skip the instructions for creating a new account and go to the "How to create a YouTube channel" section of the article.

Well, who is completely new, let's start in a row.

How to create a new google account

Step 1

We go to www.youtube.com and in the right corner, click the blue "Login" button.

Step 2

In the login window that opens, click "Create an account".

Step 3

We fill out a standard questionnaire, all the necessary data to create a new profile.

In the questionnaire, you can use your email address, it is not necessary to create a new one in the Gmail.com system. For example, I have an account created on my mailovsky e-mail.

The phone number can also be left blank, but in the future, in order for all functions to be available (official affiliate programs, etc.), YouTube will still ask you to enter and confirm the number. So it's better to use your number right away.

I also advise you to do double authentication via SMS after creating an account, then no one will be able to access your profile with all Google services, including YouTube.

Watch the video instruction.

How to create a YouTube channel

Creating a channel is even easier.

Step 1

Returning to www.youtube.com, in the left column, click on the "My Channel" tab and you will see a window for creating a new channel, or go to "YouTube Settings".

And in the very first settings tab, click "Create a channel", there are two buttons.

Step 2

A window appears in which you need to write what your channel will be called.

There are 3 options for how to name the channel:

  1. If it's a private channel, then leave your first and last name.
  2. You can name the channel after your project.
  3. Sharpen for the target search query. I talked about this in an article about how to choose the theme of your channel (the link will be later).

In any case, the name of your channel can be changed later.

Everything! Congratulations! You have created a completely empty new YouTube channel. Now I’ll look at how you can create a second channel and basic account settings, and in subsequent articles we’ll set up the channel itself (appearance, optimization, design, etc.).

How to create a second channel

You can create multiple channels on one Google account. To do this, you need to go to "YouTube Settings" again.

You will see instead of a button where it was written simply “Create a channel”, a button appeared “Show all channels or create a new one”.

Consider the necessary account settings

Who created a new Google account, let's look at the account settings, do not confuse them with setting up all the functions of the channel itself. As I said, we will set up the channel itself later, everything in order so that you do not get confused.

So, we go back here, where we pressed the "Create a channel" button.

On the left are the settings tabs.

general information

In this section, in the future, you can change the channel name, password, view all your channels and create a new one.

By clicking on the "Advanced" button, functions will open with which you can:

  1. Set channel URLs. (For example: https://www.youtube.com/c/Vasily Blinov Blog).
  2. Associate a channel with a page in Google Plus.
  3. See sites that have access to your account.
  4. Delete your channel.

Linked accounts

In the second settings tab, you can link your channel to a page on Twitter, and when you upload new videos to the Twitter microblog, news about the added video will automatically appear. Since I manually publish news about the release of the video on social networks, I have this feature disabled.


Here you can configure which of your preferences will be shown to users and subscribers. You can hide which videos you liked, followed, and which videos you downloaded.
