sights, map, photo, video. Panorama Kirishskaya gres

Kirishskaya GRES (officially - Branch of PJSC OGK-2 - Kirishskaya GRES) is the largest thermal power plant of the North-West Unified Energy System. Located in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region, on the Volkhov River, 150 km southeast of the city of St. Petersburg.

Owners and management

Since November 1, 2011, the company has been a branch of PJSC OGK-2, previously it was part of OJSC OGK-6 (merged with PJSC OGK-2). Director of the enterprise: Boris Vainzikher (2001-2004) Leonid Shesterikov (2005-April 2008) Yuri Andreev (since May 2008, transferred from the post of director of the Cherepovets State District Power Plant)

General information

The installed electrical capacity of the state district power plant at the end of 2013 is 2595 MW (including 300 MW - heating part), thermal capacity - 1234 Gcal/h. The design type of fuel was fuel oil, subsequently energy and hot water boilers were converted to burning natural gas. Currently, fuel oil is a reserve and starting fuel. The equipment of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is adapted to quickly increase the load during periods of power shortage in the system, as well as to quickly discharge it during periods of system excess power, which allows the station to take part in system regulation. The state district power station provides heat and hot water supply to the city of Kirishi, and also supplies thermal energy to industrial, construction and agricultural enterprises. Kirishskaya GRES supplies more than 43% of the heat of the total volume sold by the stations of JSC OGK-2. Modernization of the GRES made it possible to significantly reduce the specific consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of electrical energy from 340 g⁄ kWh on average for 2011 to 270 g⁄ kWh in 2013.

Condensing power plant (CPS)

IES Kirishskaya GRES is mainly focused on supplying electrical energy and power to the wholesale electricity market (to the power grid), and is also used for system regulation in the North-West IPS. The condensing part of the Kirishi State District Power Plant consists of six power units with a capacity of 300 MW each. Three of them represent double blocks of K-300-240 LMZ turbines with TGMP-114 boilers), three are monoblock turbines of this type with TGMP-324A and TGMP-324 boilers. At power units No. 1,2,4,5, turbofeed pumps of the SVPT-340-1000 LMZ type are installed, at power unit No. 6 - type PN-1135-340, and at unit No. 3 - PTN-1150-340-M. Until June 2004, only M-100 fuel oil was burned in boilers. On June 7, 2004, block No. 3 was launched using gas. On March 16, 2004, block No. 6 was switched to burning gas fuel, and the gasification of the IES was completed. At the end of 2011, block No. 6 was included in the CCGT-800 with an increase in its capacity by 500 MW.

Combined heat and power plant (CHP)

The thermal power plant is focused on supplying energy resources mainly to the local market and is intended to provide electrical and thermal energy to the Kirishi industrial zone and the city of Kirishi. The heating section has 6 boiler units of the TGM-84 type with a steam capacity of 420 t/hour, turbine units of the type: PT-50-130/7 (2 units), PT-60-130/13 (2 units), R-50- 130 (2 units...

Kirishskaya GRES
A country


Main characteristics
Electric power
Thermal power

1234 Gcal/h

Equipment characteristics
Main fuel
On the map

Coordinates: 59°29′21″ n. w. 32°03′01″ E. d. /  59.489167° s. w. 32.050278° E. d.(G) (O) (I)59.489167 , 32.050278

Kirishskaya GRES(officially - Branch of OJSC "OGK-2" - Kirishskaya GRES) is the largest thermal power plant of the United Energy System (IES) of the North-West. The power plant is located in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region.

Owners and management

General information

The installed electrical capacity is 2300 MW at CPP (condensing part) and 300 MW at CHP (heating part). The equipment of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is adapted to quickly increase the load during periods of power shortage in the system, as well as to quickly discharge it during periods of system excess power, which allows the station to take part in system regulation.

Condensing power plant (CPS)

IES Kirishskaya GRES is mainly focused on supplying electrical energy and power to the wholesale electricity market (to the power grid), and is also used for system regulation in the North-West IPS. The condensing part of the Kirishi State District Power Plant consists of six power units with a capacity of 300 MW each. Three of them represent double blocks of K-300-240 LMZ turbines with TGMP-114 boilers), three are monoblock turbines of this type with TGMP-324A and TGMP-324 boilers.

At power units No. 1,2,4,5, turbofeed pumps of the SVPT-340-1000 LMZ type are installed, at power unit No. 6 - type PN-1135-340, and at unit No. 3 - PTN-1150-340-M.

Until June 2004, only M-100 fuel oil was burned in boilers. On June 7, 2004, block No. 3 was launched on gas. On March 16, 2004, block No. 6 was switched to burning gas fuel, and the gasification of the IES was completed. At the end of 2011, block No. 6 was included in the CCGT-800 with an increase in its capacity by 500 MW.

Combined heat and power plant (CHP)

The thermal power plant is focused on supplying energy resources mainly to the local market and is intended to provide electrical and thermal energy to the Kirishi industrial zone and the city of Kirishi. The heating section has 6 boiler units of the TGM-84 type with a steam capacity of 420 t/hour, turbine units of the type: PT-50-130/7 (2 units), PT-60-130/13 (2 units), R-40- 130 (2 units) with generators type TVF-60-2, 2 peak water heating boilers type KVGM-100. Parameters of heating equipment: pressure – 130 kg/cm2, temperature – 545 C. Total power of turbine units – 300 MW.


The construction of the thermal power plant began in 1961, after the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1543 of December 26, the same year, “On approval of the design assignment for the construction of the Kirishi State District Power Plant”, the commissioning of the first stage of the heating part of the State District Power Plant occurred on October 2, 1965. Further development of the station:

Power unit PGU-800

As of 2011, the combined cycle power unit PGU-800 of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is the most powerful block this type in the Russian Federation. The operation of the unit is based on a three-pressure cycle, which allows (according to the project) to achieve an electrical efficiency of 55.5% (the efficiency of the existing steam cycle is 34.8%).

The project provides for the addition of the existing steam turbine of the sixth block of the Kirishi State District Power Plant with a capacity of 300 MW with two gas turbines with a capacity of 279 MW each with two drum-type waste heat boilers. The existing steam turbine of the sixth power unit is subject to reconstruction, taking into account its use as part of a combined cycle plant (CCP). When operating as part of a CCGT unit, the installed power of the steam turbine is about 260 MW.

Branch of PJSC "OGK-2" - Kirishskaya GRES

Installed electrical capacity 2,595 MW
Installed thermal power 1,234 Gcal/h
Number of employees: 836 people.
Fuel used Gas
187110, Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Kirishi, Entuziastov highway

Kirishi State District Power Plant is the largest thermal power plant of the United Energy System (UPS) of the North-West. Kirishskaya GRES supplies electricity of a wide range of voltages from 0.4 to 330 kV to the wholesale market and its own consumers. It is also a supplier of thermal energy (technical steam various parameters and hot water), provides services for the supply of desalted, chemically purified and process water, oxygen.

KiGRES essentially consists of three power plants - heating (CHP - combined heat and power plant) and condensation (KES - condensing power plant), as well as a steam-gas cycle station (CCP-800).

The advantage of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is its ability to regulate the frequency and power in the power system. In fact, KiGRES, being the main regulator in the central part of the unified energy system, ensures its reliable operation.

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general characteristics

Kirishskaya GRES Kirishskaya GRES supplies electricity of a wide range of voltages from 0.4 to 330 kV to the wholesale market and its own consumers. Also, the station is a supplier of thermal energy (technical steam of various parameters and hot water), provides services for the supply of desalted, chemically purified and process water, oxygen.

Technical characteristics of Kirishi State District Power Plant:
The installed electrical capacity of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is 2600 MW, including 1500 MW at the CPP (condensing part), 800 MW at the CCGT (steam-gas plant) and 300 MW at the CHP plant (cogeneration part). The installed thermal capacity of the station is 1.234 thousand Gcal/h. The equipment of Kirishi State District Power Plant is adapted to quickly increase the load during periods of power shortage in the system, as well as to quickly discharge it during periods of system excess power, which allows the station to take part in system regulation.

Combined heat and power plant (CHP):
The thermal power plant is focused on supplying energy resources mainly to the local market and is intended to provide electrical and thermal energy to the Kirishi industrial zone and the city of Kirishi. The heating section has 6 boiler units of the TGM-84 type with a steam capacity of 420 t/hour; 6 turbine units type PT-50-130/7 (2 units), PT-60-130/13 (2 units), R-40-130 (2 units) with generators type TVF-60-2 (3 units .), TVF-63-2 (3 units); 2 peak water heating boilers type KVGM-100. Parameters of live steam of heating equipment: pressure - 130 kg/cm2, temperature - 545 oC. The total capacity of turbine units is 300 MW.

The thermal power plant releases thermal energy in steam and water through a pipeline system, and electricity through ten 110 kV power lines as well as 35 and 6 kV lines. Energy supply to the city of Kirishi is provided by two 35 kV lines, energy supply to KINEF LLC is provided from a generator switchgear at a voltage of 6 kV (GRU - 6 kV) and from an open switchgear at a voltage of 110 kV (ORU - 110 kV). The main consumers of thermal energy are KINEF (75%) and the city of Kirishi (20%).

Condensing power plant (CPS):
IES Kirishskaya GRES Machine room IES is focused on supplying electrical energy and power to the wholesale electricity market (to the power system), and is also used for system regulation in the North-West IPS. The condensing part of the Kirishi State District Power Plant consists of five power units with a capacity of 300 MW each. Three of them are double blocks (K-300-240 LMZ turbines with TGMP-114 boilers), two are monoblocks (K-300-240 LMZ turbines with TGMP-324A and TGMP-324 boilers).

At power units No. 1, 2, 4, 5, turbofeed pumps of the SVPT-340-1000 LMZ type are installed, at unit No. 3 - PTN-1150-340-M.

Water for technical needs and cooling of turbine condensers is supplied according to a block diagram to power units No. 1-4 with circulation pumps of the OP-5-110 KE type, and at power unit No. 5 - with circulation pumps of the OP3-110 KE type.
Turbines No. 1,2,4 have main and peak boilers. The network water heated in them is used to heat all premises of the state district power plant. Network pumps are common to the entire heating system.

There is a connection between CES and CHP for fuel oil, steam 7 and 13 kgf/cm2 and other flows.

Until 2000, only M-100 fuel oil was burned in boilers. In August 2000, units No. 3 and 4 were transferred to burning gas fuel. On March 22, 2004, block No. 6 was switched to burning gas fuel: gasification of the IES was completed.

The condensing part supplies electricity through five 330 kV power lines, as well as through 110 kV power lines through autotransformers connecting two open switchgears (330 kV outdoor switchgear and 110 kV outdoor switchgear).

PGU-800 Combined-cycle plant (CCP)
PGU-800 Kirishskaya GRES is focused on supplying electrical energy and power to the wholesale electricity market (to the power system), and is also used for system regulation in the North-West IPS. The combined cycle plant consists of a K-245-13.3 steam turbine with a capacity of 240 MW, two most modern gas turbines SGT5-4000F - each with a capacity of 279 MW (manufactured by Siemens), with two new waste heat boilers P-132.

PGU-800 of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is unique object. For the first time in the history of the domestic electric power industry, a large-scale modernization of the existing power unit (unit No. 6 of IES) was carried out, which made it possible to significantly increase its capacity and coefficient useful action.

Complex of auxiliary productions (KVP):
The KVP consists of three divisions.

Water treatment area
The KVP chemical water treatment water treatment site is the main production of KVP, which uses the method of continuous ion exchange from river water. Volkhov produces deeply demineralized water to feed the station’s boiler units. The water treatment plant consists of a first-stage chemical water treatment unit (HVO-1) with a capacity of 750 t/h and a second-stage chemical water treatment unit (HVO-2) with a capacity of 1500 t/h.
HVO-1 was launched in 1964 and is intended to replenish the loss of steam and condensate of the heating and condensation parts of the station, replenish the heating network, and prepare chemically purified water for waste heat boilers of the refinery.
HVO-2, launched in 1977, is designed to replenish the loss of steam and condensate from the heating part of the station.
In October 2009, the reconstruction of the water treatment plant HVO-2 was completed. The water treatment plant of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is the largest water treatment plant in Russia for deep water desalination using countercurrent technology with a capacity of 1500 t/h, while the quality of water purification will significantly exceed Russian standards. The main function is to provide chemically purified water to the deep oil refining plant of KINEF LLC. In addition, the reconstruction of the installation will improve the environmental situation in the area.

Equipment repair area for a complex of auxiliary production facilities
The main function of the site is the repair of all equipment included in the KVP.

Gas production site (part of KVP since June 21, 2004)
The site consists of: an oxygen station, a compressor room and a site for neutralizing wash water. The oxygen station provides the release of oxygen in cylinders for own needs and third party consumers. The station's compressor room produces compressed air for repair work.
On March 1, 2005, the KVP included a section for the neutralization of wash water from acid washes and wash water from regenerative air heaters. The task of the site is to neutralize the station’s wastewater in the neutralization pool.

History of creation

The construction of the Kirishi State District Power Plant began in 1961, for which the construction department of the Kirishi State District Power Plant was organized on May 15, 1961, and on July 3 of the same year - the directorate of the future power plant, headed by the first director V.I. Baskov.

The choice of the site for the future power plant was not accidental. The task was to solve the problem of energy power shortage in the North-West region of the country and revive the economy of the Kirishi district of the Leningrad region, which suffered greatly during the Great Patriotic War. The Kirishi district of the Leningrad region optimally satisfied everyone necessary conditions for the construction of a state district power station and an oil refining complex: proximity to a major consumer - St. Petersburg, large water resources of the Volkhov River and convenient sites for industrial construction.

When the first builders came to the war-torn land in 1963, there was neither housing nor access roads to the construction site of the future power plant. Traces of past battles were visible everywhere, the ground was filled with unexploded mines and shells.

Builders and power engineers from all over the country came to the Komsomol construction site, which was announced in Kirishi. The power plant builders lived in the workers' village of Lesnoy. According to the recollections of the first builders, it was a difficult but very interesting time: “We were not building a power plant, we were building the future.”

In 1965, the first power units of the heating part of the state district power plant were successfully launched.
In 1971, the first stage of construction of the state district power station was completed. By this time, 3 boiler units of the CHP plant and 4 CES units were put into operation.
The second stage of construction made it possible by 1983 to increase the installed electrical capacity of the Kirishi State District Power Plant to 2100 MW.
The commissioning of the most powerful combined cycle gas plant in Russia (CCP-800) in 2012 is the third stage of construction; the installed electrical capacity of the station increased to 2600 MW.
Today, Kirishi State District Power Plant is the largest thermal power plant in the North-West and the most important element of the region’s energy system.

Chronology of the construction of the Kirishi State District Power Plant:

May 15, 1961 Establishment of the construction department of the Kirishi State District Power Plant.
January 1963 Start of work on the construction of the main building of the 1st stage.
October 2, 1965 Launch of the first power units of the heating part of the state district power plant, a boiler unit with a capacity of 420 t/hour of steam and a turbine with a capacity of 50 thousand kW, type PT-50-130/7.
1967 Start of construction of the main building of the block (condensation) part.
December 25, 1969 Launch of the first power unit with a capacity of 300 thousand kW at the condensing part of the state district power plant. This is the first “three hundred thousandth” in the Lenenergo system.
March 30, 1975 With the launch of power unit 6, the construction of the condensing part of the state district power plant was completed (6 power units of 300 MW each)
September 27, 1979 The last turbine of the R-50-130 type was put into operation, the combined heat and power plant installed capacity of the Kirishi State District Power Plant reached 2120 MW.
August 16, 1999 Start-up complex No. 1 was put into operation to convert blocks No. 3 and 4 to burning gas fuel. The project for full-scale gasification of the station has been launched.
On December 9, 2002, Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia A.B. Chubais made a decision to establish OJSC Kirishi State District Power Plant.
March 16, 2004 With the transfer of power unit No. 6 to burning gas fuel, gasification of the condensing part of the power plant was completed.
On December 21, 2004, the commissioning of boiler unit No. 2 completed the conversion of the heating part of the Kirishi State District Power Plant to gas fuel.
On March 29, 2006, RAO UES of Russia approved a list of priority sites for commissioning generating capacities located in 19 regions of the Russian Federation experiencing a shortage of energy consumption. The construction of CCGT-800 at the Kirishi State District Power Plant is included in the list of priority projects of the North-West Unified Energy System.
September 28, 2006 The reorganization of OJSC Kirishi State District Power Plant was completed in the form of merger with the Open Joint Stock Company “Sixth Generating Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market” (OJSC OGK-6). The rights and obligations of the Company were transferred to JSC OGK-6. Kirishskaya GRES operates as a branch of OJSC OGK-6.
On April 17, 2008, at the Kirishi State District Power Plant, the first pile was driven into the foundation of the building of a new combined cycle gas plant (CCP-800). The reinforced concrete structure with a cross section of 400x400 mm and a total length of 22 m entered the ground 20.2 m.
On October 12, 2009, the Kirishskaya GRES branch of OJSC OGK-6 completed work on the implementation of an automatic frequency and power control system (APFC) at power units No. 1-5. The installation of the SAFC significantly increased the speed of response to negative factors and increased the reliability of the Unified Energy System.
October 2009 Reconstruction of the water treatment plant at the Kirishi State District Power Plant was completed. This is the most powerful installation in the Russian energy sector with a capacity of 1500 t/hour of counter-flow technology, while the quality of water purification significantly exceeds Russian standards. The work performed was carried out within the framework of the agreement on the technological connection of the deep oil refining plant of KINEF LLC, concluded on the basis of the “Strategic Cooperation Agreement” between the energy company, the Government of the Leningrad Region and OJSC “Surgutneftegas”.
December 2010 The reconstruction of 110 kV open switchgears (ORU-110) was completed, which will ensure reliable power supply to the first category consumer - the deep oil refining plant of KINEF LLC. The work performed was carried out within the framework of the agreement on the technological connection of the deep oil refining plant of KINEF LLC, concluded on the basis of the “Strategic Cooperation Agreement” between the energy company, the Government of the Leningrad Region and OJSC “Surgutneftegas”.
On November 1, 2011, as a result of the merger of OJSC OGK-6 and OJSC OGK-2, Kirishskaya GRES became part of OJSC OGK-2.
On March 23, 2012, the most powerful combined cycle power unit in Russia (CCP-800) was put into operation at the Kirishi State District Power Plant. The ceremonial events were attended by Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Igor Sechin, Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation Sergei Shmatko, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Vinnichenko, Governor of the Leningrad Region Valery Serdyukov.

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Kirishskaya GRES (officially - Branch of OJSC OGK-2 - Kirishskaya GRES) is the largest thermal power plant of the Unified Energy System of the North-West. Located in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region, on the Volkhov River, 150 km southeast of the city of St. Petersburg.

The installed electrical capacity of the state district power plant at the end of 2013 is 2595 MW (including 300 MW - heating part), thermal capacity - 1234 Gcal/h.

The design fuel was fuel oil; subsequently, power and hot water boilers were converted to burning natural gas. Currently, fuel oil is a reserve and starting fuel.

The equipment of Kirishi State District Power Plant is adapted to quickly increase the load during periods of power shortage in the system, as well as to quickly discharge it during periods of system excess power, which allows the station to take part in system regulation.

The state district power station provides heat and hot water supply to the city of Kirishi, and also supplies thermal energy to industrial, construction and agricultural enterprises. Kirishskaya GRES supplies more than 43% of the heat of the total volume sold by the stations of JSC OGK-2.

IES Kirishskaya GRES is mainly focused on supplying electrical energy and power to the wholesale electricity market (to the power grid), and is also used for system regulation in the North-West IPS. The condensing part of the Kirishi State District Power Plant consists of six power units with a capacity of 300 MW each. Three of them represent double blocks of K-300-240 LMZ turbines with TGMP-114 boilers), three are monoblock turbines of this type with TGMP-324A and TGMP-324 boilers.

At power units No. 1,2,4,5, turbofeed pumps of the SVPT-340-1000 LMZ type are installed, at power unit No. 6 - type PN-1135-340, and at unit No. 3 - PTN-1150-340-M.

Until June 2004, only M-100 fuel oil was burned in boilers. On June 7, 2004, block No. 3 was launched using gas. On March 16, 2004, block No. 6 was switched to burning gas fuel, and the gasification of the IES was completed. At the end of 2011, block No. 6 was included in the CCGT-800 with an increase in its capacity by 500 MW.

The thermal power plant is focused on supplying energy resources mainly to the local market and is intended to provide electrical and thermal energy to the Kirishi industrial zone and the city of Kirishi. The heating section has 6 boiler units of the TGM-84 type with a steam capacity of 420 t/hour, turbine units of the type: PT-50-130/7 (2 units), PT-60-130/13 (2 units), R-40- 130 (2 units) with generators type TVF-60-2, 2 peak water heating boilers type KVGM-100. Parameters of heating equipment: pressure - 130 kg/cm2, temperature - 545 C. Total power of turbine units - 300 MW.

As of 2011, the combined cycle power unit PGU-800 of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is the most powerful unit of this type in the Russian Federation. The operation of the unit is based on a three-pressure cycle, which allows (according to the project) to achieve an electrical efficiency of 55.5% (the efficiency of the existing steam cycle is 34.8%).

According to the project, the existing steam turbine of the sixth block of the Kirishi State District Power Plant with a capacity of 300 MW was superstructured with two gas turbines with a capacity of 279 MW each with two drum-type waste heat boilers. The existing steam turbine of the sixth power unit was reconstructed taking into account its use as part of a combined cycle plant (CCP). When operating as part of a CCGT unit, the installed power of the steam turbine is about 260 MW.

The combined cycle plant consists of a K-245-13.3 steam turbine with a power of 240 MW, two gas turbines SGT5-4000F with a power of 279 MW each with two waste heat boilers P-132.

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Kirishi State District Power Plant is the largest thermal power plant of the United Energy System of the North-West. The power plant is located in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad region.

Since November 1, 2011, Kirishskaya GRES has been part of Wholesale Generating Company No. 2 (OGK-2 OJSC).

The installed electrical capacity of the state district power plant is 2600 MW, and the thermal capacity is 1234 Gcal/h. In 2012, the station generated 5.988 million kWh of electrical energy and 2.691 thousand Gcal of thermal energy. After modernization in 2012, within the framework of which a large-scale modernization of block No. 6 was carried out and the combined cycle gas plant PGU-800 was introduced, the specific consumption of equivalent fuel at the state district power plant was 265 grams per kWh (of which 233 g/kWh accounted for the new power plant). As for power unit No. 6, which was launched in 1975, its efficiency increased from 38 to 55%, and the specific consumption of standard fuel decreased by almost 32%. From 2009 to 2012, the installed capacity utilization factor (IUR) of the station did not exceed 31%.

Kirishi State District Power Plant, in fact, consists of three power plants: heating (CHP, combined heat and power plant), condensation (KES, condensing power plant) and a recently built combined cycle plant (CCP-800).

The main task of IES Kirishskaya GRES is to supply electrical energy and power to the wholesale market. The condensing part of the station consists of 6 power units of 300 MW each (3 double units with K-300-240 LMZ turbine units and TGMP-114 boilers, as well as 3 monoblocks with the same turbines and TGMP-324A/TGMP-324 boiler units).

Until June 2004, all IES boilers operated only on M-100 fuel oil, but on the 7th of the same month, block No. 3 was switched to natural gas. On March 16, 2004, power unit No. 6 began operating on gas fuel, after which gasification of the station was completed. At the end of 2011, the 6th power unit was included in the combined cycle gas plant PGU-800.

The combined heat and power plant of the Kirishi State District Power Plant supplies energy mainly to the local market, and also provides electricity and heat to the Kirishi industrial zone and the city of Kirishi. The thermal power plant includes 6 boiler units TGM-84 (steam capacity 420 t/h), turbine units 2xPT-50-130/7, 2xPT-60-130/13 and 2xR-40-130, as well as generators TVF-60-2 and 2 peak water heating boilers KVGM-100.

Resolution No. 1543 on the construction of thermal power plants was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on December 26, 1961. Construction work began the same year, and the commissioning of the first block of the first stage of the thermal power plant took place on October 2, 1965. Construction of the first stage of the station was completed in 1967. Unit No. 1 of the IES was launched in 1969, and unit No. 6 in 1975.

In 2006, a decision was made to build a combined cycle gas plant with a capacity of 800 MW (CCP-800) at the Kirishi State District Power Plant. It was decided to use SGT-5-4000F manufactured by Siemens (with a capacity of 279 MW each) as gas turbines for this unit. They were installed on block No. 6, which, after modernization, included a K-245-13.3 steam turbine (power 240 MW) and 2 P-132 waste heat boilers, after which its total capacity was increased to 800 MW.

The unit was launched on March 23, 2012. As of 2013, the combined cycle power unit PGU-800 of the Kirishi State District Power Plant was the most powerful unit of this type in Russia.

Electrical power: 2,595 MW
Thermal power: 1,234 Gcal/h
Annual electricity generation: 5,988 million kWh
Number of employees: 812 people
Main fuel: gas
Auxiliary fuel: fuel oil
Condition: in use
Address: 187110, Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Kirishi, Entuziastov highway

Kirishskaya GRES is located 120 km south of St. Petersburg, on the right bank of the river. Volkhov. The area of ​​the Kirishi district is 2934 square meters. km, its population is 69.1 thousand people. The main branches of local industry are oil refining, energy, forestry, chemicals, food, light and construction.

The history of the State District Power Plant began with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1022 of September 24, 1960 “On the construction of the Kirishi State District Power Plant.”

The Kirishi State District Power Plant was intended to supply power to the Lenenergo system and supply hot water, steam and electricity to the Kirishi oil refinery being built near it.

Let us list the main stages of development of the Kirishi State District Power Plant.

In January 1963, the main building of the first stage of the state district power plant was laid, and on October 2, 1965, the first power units of the heating part of the state district power plant, a boiler unit with a capacity of 420 tons per hour, as well as PT-50-130/7 turbines with a capacity of 50 thousand kW were already launched .

In 1967, construction began on the main building of the block (condensation) part. The first power unit with a capacity of 300 thousand kW at the condensing part of the state district power plant was launched on December 25, 1969. Its last, sixth, power unit with a capacity of 300 thousand kW was launched on March 30, 1975, and the construction of this part of the state district power plant was completed.

On September 27, 1979, the last turbine of type R-50-130 No. 6 was put into operation. At the same time, the installed capacity of the state district power plant reached 2120 MW.

In December 1992, the energy production and technological complex of the Kirishi State District Power Plant became part of the property transferred by the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of RAO UES of Russia.

From February 1, 1993 to December 31, 1995, the Kirishi State District Power Plant was transferred to JSC Lenenergo for long-term operation from RAO UES of Russia. In 1995–2002 JSC Lenenergo leased the station's property complex from RAO UES of Russia.

In May 2002, RAO UES of Russia decided to bring the Kirishi State District Power Plant to the Federal Wholesale Energy and Capacity Market (FOREM).

On November 29, 2002, the Board of Directors of RAO UES of Russia approved the presence of RAO as the sole participant in OAO Kirishskaya GRES. The decision to establish Kirishskaya GRES OJSC was made by the Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia A. B. Chubais on December 9, 2002. Kirishskaya GRES OJSC was registered in the Unified state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities) December 10, 2002

In addition to changes in the property status at the Kirishi State District Power Plant, equipment was also reconstructed. Thus, on August 5, 1999, start-up complex No. 1 was put into operation to convert the third and fourth units of the Kirishi State District Power Plant to burn gas fuel. Four years later, on November 14, 2003, the third and fourth boiler units of the thermal power plant switched to burning gas. And on March 16, 2004, the sixth block was transferred to burning gas fuel. This completed the gasification of the station.

In March 2004, Kirishi State District Power Plant was awarded the Russian National Olympus award in the Fuel and Energy Complex category.

Concerning technical characteristics, then currently the Kirishi State District Power Plant is the largest thermal power station in the North-West of Russia:

– installed electrical power 2100 MW, including the power of the condensing part 1800 MW, the power of the heating part 300 MW;

– installed thermal power 1234 Gcal per hour;

– thermal power of turbine extractions is 826 Gcal per hour.

The condensing part of the Kirishi State District Power Plant consists of six power units with a capacity of 300 MW each, its heating part consists of six boiler units with a capacity of 420 tons per hour and six turbogenerators with a total capacity of 300 MW.

The station uses gas and fuel oil as fuel.

The number of personnel at Kirishi State District Power Plant is 1,422 people. Over the past three years, staff turnover has been decreasing and the proportion of young employees has been increasing. This can be explained by the attractiveness of working conditions, career prospects and rising wages in the industry. The management team of Kirishi State District Power Plant are experienced professionals. Many have to their credit more than one successfully implemented project in the energy sector and other sectors of the economy.

Work at OJSC Kirishi State District Power Plant has become a school for many specialists, both ordinary employees and managers. This is confirmed by B.F. Vainzikher: “I am grateful to fate for giving me a chance to come into the energy industry, where I met people who helped me realize my capabilities, learned to deal with difficulties and dream.”

The economic potential of OJSC Kirishi State District Power Plant is high, and the station is developing. Internal gas pipelines are being built to completely gasify the station. The cost of fuel in the cost structure of the Kirishi GRES is about 80%. The use of gas as fuel will reduce the cost of manufactured products.

After the transfer of the power plant units to burning gas fuel, greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere were reduced, which allows OJSC Kirishi State District Power Plant to participate in the tender for the purchase of units of reduced greenhouse gas emissions (in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention on Climate Change).

OJSC Kirishskaya GRES supplies a wide range of voltages to the wholesale electricity market: from 0.40 to 330 kV. The buyers of electricity are the nearby power systems of the North-West region. Tariffs and supply volumes on the wholesale electricity market are set by the Federal Energy Commission.

The main local consumer of electricity produced at the Kirishi State District Power Plant is Kirishinefteorgsintez LLC (KINEF), the largest enterprise in the oil refining industry in Russia, part of the structure of Surgutneftegaz OJSC. In addition, the electricity generated at the station is also consumed by a number of other large industrial enterprises, because due to the free capacity of the Kirishi State District Power Plant, the industrial zone of the city of Kirishi is one of the most attractive for the location of energy-intensive industries. Recently, several modern production facilities with growing energy consumption have emerged here (Penoplex, Isoflex, Kirishi Glass Factory, etc.). In the third and fourth quarters of 2003, direct contracts for the supply of electricity were concluded with Molodezhny CJSC and Penoplex-International CJSC.

OJSC Kirishskaya GRES produces and supplies electrical energy and power to FOREM and provides electricity to industrial consumers in the Kirishi region. Industrial, agricultural and municipal enterprises and the population of the city of Kirishi are also provided with thermal energy.

In addition, Kirishskaya GRES produces and sells products from its auxiliary production facilities (oxygen, chemically purified and process water).

JSC Kirishskaya GRES also conducts investment activities. The total volume of investments made by JSC Kirishskaya GRES in 2003 amounted to 229.2 million rubles. This is more than the station has invested in repairs and reconstruction over the past three years as a whole. Funds were invested in the following areas:

– transfer of the third and fourth boilers of the thermal power plant to natural gas combustion,

– transfer to burning natural gas of the first power unit with a capacity of 300 MW,

– implementation automated system control and metering of electricity (ASKUE),

– reconstruction of the heat supply scheme with the construction of hot water storage tanks with a volume of 5000 cubic meters each.

Gasification of thermal power plants made it possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by 62,000 tons equivalent and maintain them in 2003 and 2004. heat tariffs for GRES consumers, adopted in 2002

The reconstruction of the heat supply scheme made it possible to eliminate interruptions in the heat supply to consumers in the city of Kirishi and reduce the time of summer shutdowns of hot water supply.

Investments in 2004 compared to 2003 increased by 61.5%, reaching 370.17 million rubles. The following projects are affected by investments:

– completion of gasification of the state district power station,

– reconstruction of the third station power unit with a capacity of 300 MW in order to transfer it to a mode of deep frequency and power regulation,

– start of reconstruction of the chemical water treatment plant,

– construction of a new entrance building and general repairs of buildings and structures.

Currently, an important part of the investment program of the Kirishi State District Power Plant is the construction of internal gas pipelines necessary for the complete gasification of the station.

Investment projects will achieve the following results:

– reconstruction of power unit No. 3 will allow it to comply with European standards for frequency and power regulation;

– reconstruction of the chemical water treatment plant will reduce the discharge of saline wastewater into the river by 25–30%. Volkhov and will provide ultra-high quality water to the new KINEF deep oil refining plant.

One of the main strategic advantages of OJSC Kirishskaya GRES is the combined generation of thermal and electrical energy, which provides the possibility of comprehensive supplies of energy resources and comprehensive services to consumers.

In addition, OJSC Kirishskaya GRES has unique experience in supplying energy to its own consumers, in particular, its key client and strategic partner Kirishinefteorgsintez LLC (KINEF), which is of exceptional importance in the context of the industry’s transition to a competitive market and the increasing role of direct supplies and relationships with clients.

The Kirishi industrial zone differs from other industrial zones in the North-West of Russia in that it has a unique infrastructure and energy resource potential, in particular due to the presence of the Kirishi State District Power Plant. This is what makes its territory particularly attractive for locating energy-intensive industries.

Kirishskaya GRES is located in Kirishi, 150 km southeast of St. Petersburg. The installed capacity of the station is 2,100 MW.

The design fuel for the construction of the station was fuel oil. Subsequently, power units No. 1 - 6 of the condensing part of the station and boilers K1T-6T of the heating part were transferred to burning natural gas. Currently, natural gas is used as the main fuel at the power plant. Backup fuel – fuel oil grade M-100 – is supplied by the Kirishi Oil Refinery (KINEF LLC). Starting fuel – gas, fuel oil.

The station is part of the North-West IPS, the generating capacity of which also includes the Leningrad NPP, Pskov State District Power Plant (OGK-2), HPP and CHPP TGK-1, Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP. The regulating sources of the central part of the UES include, in addition to the Kirishi State District Power Plant, only about 400 MW of the TGC-1 HPP, the condensing generation of CHPP 22 (Yuzhnaya) and CHPP 21 (Northern), as well as reversible flows from Karelenergo (at a voltage of 330 kV) and the UES Center. Cumulative regulation The operating power of these sources in winter is less than the power of the Kirishi State District Power Plant and does not satisfy the needs of the central part of the UES for regulation, and therefore the station is the main regulator of frequency and power in the system. The units of the Kirishi State District Power Plant operating at partial load are the main source of energy for the balancing market in the region. The system operator sets a fairly high load on the station, using it as a regulator and to ensure system reliability.

Kirishskaya GRES supplies electricity of a wide range of voltages from 0.4 to 330 kV to the wholesale market and its own consumers. Also, the company is a supplier of thermal energy (technical steam of various parameters and hot water), provides services for the supply of desalted, chemically purified and process water, oxygen and, if desired by the buyer, hydrogen.

In order to increase the competitiveness of the Kirishi State District Power Plant, to increase efficiency technological process, and to cover peak demand and the predicted shortage of electricity in the region, an investment project has been developed to modernize the sixth power unit of the station.

The transfer of the sixth power unit from a conventional steam-power cycle to a combined-cycle cycle will significantly increase the economic performance of the station and its competitiveness by reducing the URUT, and will also ensure an increase in the service life of the reconstructed equipment.

The project provides for the addition of the existing steam turbine of the sixth block of the Kirishi State District Power Plant with a capacity of 300 MW with two gas turbines with a capacity of 279 MW each with two drum-type waste heat boilers.

The existing steam turbine of the sixth power unit is subject to reconstruction, taking into account its use as part of a combined cycle plant (CCP). When operating as part of a CCGT unit, the installed capacity of the steam turbine will be 260 MW.
