Online magazines where authors are needed. What to say about yourself in a letter

MirSovetov– a fairly well-known resource with high payment for articles. Articles with an average length of 5,000 characters are accepted; less is not recommended. It is advisable to attach pictures on the topic (width 250 px).

Payment: 250 rubles per article via WebMoney wallet.

Features: Please read the instructions carefully and submit topics for consideration in the required format. If you do not format the letter correctly, they will not answer you. You can read more about working conditions on the website page:

School of Life is a large well-known project that is constantly in need of authors.

Payment: 1 y.e. for the accepted article.

Features: in general, the payment system is quite confusing, which is why many authors left the site. You can read more at the link: and some information on the screenshot:

"Article Authors Wanted"

But this, of course, is not the entire list of possible options. You can search on your own; to do this, type “Article authors wanted” into the search in quotation marks and look at the results.

To avoid bumping into old topics, use Google search. Go to Search Tools, click All Time and select a short period of time - a month or a week. Review the results and send proposals for cooperation to suitable sites.

Send your cooperation proposal via Feedback or email the editor-in-chief. Usually email indicated in the Contacts section.

It is advisable to write an interesting and attractive letter:

Of course, this is just an example of a letter and you should not copy it and send it out as a carbon copy. Come up with your own presentation style, use your own ways to interest a person, and only then offer your services. Don't forget to praise the site and express your desire to help it, and not just make money.

Article exchanges: Don’t forget about the exchanges, where new vacancies for web writers are constantly appearing.

There are a lot of sites offering work to freelancers. Each offers projects from a specific area: journalism, translations, design, IT technology, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what exactly you want to do. So, if you... write lyrics
You need sites that are ready to buy your text or give you the opportunity to choose a customer and write an article to order. For example, these:
The community of journalists and others like them. Here you can sell a finished article, respond to an order for material, participate in a project, etc. Prices range from $20 to $50 per page of text. What do you need? Be registered in LiveJournal and write a letter to the moderator - tell your nickname and your topics. This community also posts interesting messages and notes that can become the basis for an article.
You can either sell a finished article or respond to an offer from a customer. The topics of the articles are very different. Register and choose. The price of the article is determined by the customer or you (in the case of selling a finished article). Rewriting is often ordered, that is, rewriting the finished article to the format required by the customer.
In this community, vacancies for journalists are posted, in addition, journalists publish their resumes, propose topics or ready-made articles.
The community is very similar to mamarazzi_ru. But here freelancers offer their articles, and editors of publications select these articles. No discussions or vacancies. Everything is strict and to the point. The author writes that there is a topic for an article or a finished article, reports its volume (number of characters) and price (most indicate that the price is negotiable, and later resolve the issue with the customer).

...and if you want to start making money from your knowledge of languages, you need to choose a suitable site, register and select a suitable offer.
In essence, this site is just a bulletin board with offers from customers and translators. If you are a translator, you can either place your ad and wait patiently for someone to choose you as a performer for their project, or quickly respond to a project that has already been announced and suits you. In the first case, you yourself determine what price you are willing to work for; in the second, you agree (or disagree) to the remuneration offered by the customer. Prices fluctuate around 400−600 rubles. per page (or per hour of work).
Job offers for translators from a variety of languages ​​are published here. The most popular, of course, is English, but the more valuable is a person who knows other languages. The offers are very different. This includes text translation, on-site visits, and simultaneous translation at presentations, exhibitions, and so on. In general, there are many offers. The prices are also quite adequate; they largely depend on the type of translation and language (from which one and into which one it is necessary to translate).
In addition, interesting links to sites dedicated to different languages, interesting notes on translations, and much more interesting things sometimes appear here.
Those who know well can find a part-time job here English language. These are not necessarily translations. It happens that you need to help pass a test in English, fill out a questionnaire, or participate in a survey or testing. Such work will not take much time, and money is not superfluous.

...doing something with your own hands
And you want to not only present your crafts to friends and relatives, but also sell them profitably, earning money from your hobby.
This is a community on LiveJournal where users post their handmade works for sale. To do this, you just need to register in LiveJournal and subscribe to this community. Next you post with the most best photo your product, indicate the price and wait for the buyer. They sell mainly jewelry here, and less often - clothes. But sometimes you come across very interesting things like sconces with a lampshade self made or mini-cakes made of felt, wool and beads.
Handmade things. A community very similar to the one described above, only with a wider range and links of some authors to their personal sites. They even sell handmade cosmetics and many other interesting things.

Everything here is almost the same as on the two previous sites. The only difference is that you send a text description and photographs of your works to the administrator, and he then decides whether to publish them or not. Welcome a large number of photographs, so that there is plenty to choose from (the selection of photographs of works is also carried out by the administrator). The maximum that the site may require from you is a commission from transactions, which, by the way, you may not assign. want everything at once
If you don’t yet know what exactly you would like to do (preparing an article, translating, etc.), and want to see all the offers, then you need a site that brings together many different freelance offers.
A very popular exchange where you can find a wide variety of projects. Programming, design, working with texts, advertising, drawings, calculations, etc. - it's all here. By registering, you can respond to any project, you can publish your own, you can join a team or organize your own. In general, there are many possibilities. The amount of payment is also set by the customer. The main disadvantage is the popularity of the site, which means that the likelihood that you will be chosen is small, especially if you are a beginning freelancer. So it’s important to respond to as much as possible larger number projects, and then choose from those that received a response from the customer.
In this community, work is offered on TV, radio, publishing houses, Internet portals, advertising, many interesting projects are announced, for example, they are invited to film a new show as a heroine, a girl asking questions, or simply to participate in the crowd. Or you can take part in hand cream testing. All you have to do is tell the camera about your feelings. Sometimes you come across offers to write reviews of restaurants, cafes, clubs. So you can combine business with pleasure. In general, there are many proposals, they can be very different. The main thing is to have more self-confidence.
Freelance community. Here you can offer your services as a journalist, proofreader, translator, tutor... Or respond to an existing offer from a customer. And also communicate with other freelancers, find out some details, ask questions that interest you.

Women's magazine "City of Women" is looking for article authors. We invite authors writing in women's themes: about beauty, health, cosmetics, relationships, psychology, fashion and lifestyle. Share your experience and vision of the women's world. Our women's site is dedicated to the problems of choice, important and everyday decisions in the life situations of our lovely ladies. Ask yourself about something important - and you will find a topic for an article. Write about interesting things, write interesting things - and you will become an author "Cities of Women"

Advice: try your hand at Freelancing (but this is not certain)

Dear authors and copywriters

You wrote an article for us - we are ready to pay for it. For each unique and interesting material on women's themes we pay from 3 to 10 conventional units. Average interesting and good article on women's website "City of Women" costs 5 dollars- count on this amount. We know that you will succeed.

First and foremost, every article must be original. In other words, we do not accept materials containing copied phrases, paragraphs, or entire sections. We are for copyrighted content - believe me, it is very easy to check the uniqueness of the text - don’t even try to be cunning;) We trust our authors by default.

Secondly, no less important, we are for full disclosure of the topic. If you take on the task of writing an article for a women’s website, then try to look at the topic globally and abstractly - highlight important and necessary aspects, find your own zest and style. According to feelings and experience, a full-fledged author's article on women's topics ranges in volume from 4 thousand characters or more(click the "statistics" tab in Word or another text editor). Try to write the article so that after reading the text there were no questions left- as if you were talking about something interesting and important for women to your good friend.

Articles "Cities of Women": formatting and illustrations

We accept texts in file format doc , attached to the letter - 12 point Times New Roman and, of course, without errors. Also attach at least one illustration to your letter (can be found on the Internet, but do not forget about copyright). Try to write an article without grammatical and semantic errors, interesting and revealing of the topic. Send your texts to editorial mail "Cities of Women"

We pay for an accepted author's article within 3 days after publication. For payment we use only the WebMoney system. If you don’t have an account, then register (it’s easy and free) and be sure to create a Z (dollar) wallet. Important: we do not ask you to write free trial articles - all accepted materials are paid, on average 5 USD.

If you want to become an author of Organic Woman or are already writing texts for us, pay attention to our wishes for format, structure, volume, text design and other “technical” nuances. This is very important for us and our successful cooperation.

  1. About what: our website dedicated to organic lifestyle in different areas and any manifestations, be it nutrition, products and recipes; health and general strengthening of the body; physical activity and grooming; self-development and awareness; relationships and family.
  2. How: both we and the readers like it conciseness, precision of formulation and expertise. Therefore, please, less lyrical reflections, commonplaces, references to the classics. More new ideas, practical life hacks and proven facts. State the main idea of ​​your text in the title - perhaps in the form of a question - and try to answer it with your material. Before you send, read the text with fresh eyes the next morning - you will definitely find something that can be shortened or corrected.
  3. Title, volume, structure.
    • Optimal internet headers look like this: “How to do something” or “7/10/15 ways to improve your life.”
    • Optimal volume– 4000-6000 characters with spaces (this can be viewed in Word – Tools – Statistics). If you send a text more than 10,000 characters, you get it back asking for a reduction.
    • Optimal structure– fractional, with paragraphs and subheadings.
  4. What not to do.
    • Use “you” – we address readers with “you”.
    • Use the imperative mood - “do”, it is better to write neutrally - “can be done”.
    • Giving advice is better just sharing your experience.
    • Convincing readers in the style of “if you do this, then life will definitely get better” - your experience may not be useful for everyone.
    • Giving blanket health recommendations that are not backed by facts and research, like, “If you eat two tablespoons of coconut oil a day, your thyroid problems will go away,” is dangerous to your health.
  5. Errors. If you want to write in such a way that people will enjoy reading you, you should monitor your literacy as much as possible. There are programs for this in Word. When you send texts with elementary errors - you confuse, for example, “also” and “the same”, -tsya and –tsya, - the editor swears strongly, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy turns over in his grave, and one angel dies in heaven. Yes, your texts are proofread by a professional editor, but make his life easier. And yes, illiterate writing sharply reduces your competence in any matter, be it yoga or proper nutrition. Read fiction, write by hand, and turn on auto-correction before sending your text.
  6. Design of the material.
    • File name= abbreviated title of the article + your last name.
    • In file: title, input, your first and last name and only then the text.

    For what? Because every day we receive several new texts, and this will help you not to get lost.

    Photos We select the materials ourselves, with the exception of interviews, recipes or articles about a specific person - then we need horizontal (!) photographs.

  7. Where to send and when to expect a response. Send your texts to chief editor Irina Obraztsova at: [email protected], sending them to Yulia Krivopustova’s address is pointless. Please do not send files and photos to the editor-in-chief via FB messenger and even more so copy the full text of the article into the messenger. Such texts will not be read. We will respond to your letter in any case, including if the text is not suitable for us. But this can happen either the next day or within a week. We receive letters from many authors every day, each text needs to be read and thought about - it takes time. Please be patient. If your material is accepted, this does not mean that it will be published immediately. We have a thematic plan, so your material may have to wait a month for its turn - we will definitely send you a link when it comes out.
  8. Terms of cooperation. All our authors write for us, firstly, out of interest, and secondly, to introduce themselves and their project to our large audience. You tell about yourself in the author’s profile, and also, if necessary, you can mention your Internet resources in the text - just don’t start your text with them. Material from one author is usually published no more than once a month. All topics related to organic brands, projects, event announcements are partnerships, and they are managed by the head of Organic Woman, Yulia Krivopustova.
  9. Only women? Our community is called Organic Woman - this is a project for women, about women and written by women - there are no men among the authors. But there’s nowhere without men, and they appear regularly, for example, in the “Question to an Expert” section.
  10. We are glad that our organic community is expanding every day - by this moment already with us more than 200 authors. We are grateful that you read this text to the end and we will be simply happy if you take our wishes into account.

Gambling addiction

We are constantly recruiting authors for Igromaniya. You can become one of the authors! It is enough to write 1-2 test texts, tell us about yourself (ideally, write a full-fledged resume) and send a letter to our permanent address.

How to write a test article?

  • With maximum dedication. There may not be a second chance.
  • Myself. The help of a philologist friend is appropriate only if he will always help you.

If your article has already been published somewhere, send it original, which has not gone through an editor and proofreader. If desired, you can add a link to the publication.

  • After reading how articles are written in a publication or on a website. Re-read the articles you like most, perhaps several times. Your task: to understand the features of style. The structure of the article. The order of presentation of thoughts. And in general, how we write.
  • Having studied the sources. If the article is about a game, follow it to the end. If it's an MMORPG, at least play it for a few days. Watch a movie, read a book, etc. Go to the official website. Read the wiki. Browse through existing publications elsewhere.
  • Imagine your reader. Write in a fun, dynamic, engaging way. Objectively. Heartily. And all the time imagine how other people, having bought a magazine or come to a website, will begin to read an article written by you. What will they say after reading it? What do they want to see in her? The answer to the question will be your test article.

What is the structure of the article?

IN general case, at first introduction. Then - perhaps briefly about plot, background. Further - general description. Then divide what needs to be said into parts, and present it consistently.

Helpful Tips:

  1. One thought should flow into another as smoothly as possible. Avoid jumping from fifth to tenth.
  2. Not only tell us what you saw, but also analyze. This is journalism, not landscape painting.
  3. Maintain balance. Each part or idea gets exactly as much space in the article as it deserves.
  4. Brief offers And red lines. Pay attention to how the text you are reading is written.
  5. Re-read after yourself. You can do it out loud. It’s normal to re-read a written paragraph of text twenty times and correct it the same number of times. Only some gurus with many years of experience or those who do not work in Gambling Mania write straight away.

How to format the text?

The way it is presented in a magazine or on a website. Subheadings. Bold and italics where required. And so on.

To type text, use standard Microsoft Office Word any version. You can use it completely free Google Documents.

The text must contain text only. No videos or pictures.

What to write in a letter?

You can say hello. In addition, we would like to know the following about you:

  1. Basic data. Your first and last name. Age. Married, children. The city in which you permanently live. What kind of computer? What consoles are at your disposal - from home to portable. Whether you work, study at school or college. Speciality.
  2. Contacts. Telegram (required!), Skype, mobile phone. And the e-mail, if the one from which the letter comes is not the main one.
  3. Experience on topics within which you want to become an author. For example, how long do you play games, what genres do you prefer, what are your favorite games.
  4. If get carried away online games— indicate which of them were played a little (several hours), moderately (middle levels or up to the initial stages of a high-level game) and a lot (seasoned high level).
  5. Experience with articles. Have you ever written to other publications, official or amateur? Which ones, for how long? Editorial experience. Just professional experience in areas related to the chosen topic (for example, level designer).
  6. Available gaming platforms.

We especially note that Having work experience and writing articles is NOT a necessary condition . The determining factor is your talent.

  1. Don't forget to indicate "New Author" in the subject line.
  2. Think about what else might be important add.

So, what is next?

Let us remind you once again of the treasured mailbox:

We do not review articles. We rarely respond, even with three letters "n-e-t", and we apologize in advance to anyone who does not receive a response. But we read every letter sent. And if we like what you sent, we will respond. Maybe right away. Maybe in a week or even a couple of months (yes, it happened).

If you want a letter exactly it came to us, you can send it from mailboxes on different domains. However, as a rule, letters are successfully received.

Finally, let's add the obvious things. Deadlines must be adhered to perfectly. Responsibility for the work undertaken - to the maximum. But you already guessed all of this, didn’t you? :)

We are waiting for you in our ranks!
