In general, the rule is simple, all updates for your copy of windows must be installed. All about the computer In general, subscribe! It will be interesting

Often, comfortable work at the computer is hindered by loud noise from the system unit. And rest with your favorite TV series under the howling of coolers cannot be called complete. Noise haunts us at work and accompanies us at home, annoying during gaming battles and unbearable during movie nights. The noise of a working device makes it difficult to enjoy the rustles of a summer night and the singing of nightingales, or focus on solving a complex problem. Noise is a true evil, and now we will analyze why a computer makes noise during operation and how ...

Many computer users have at least once thought about how to connect a computer to a TV - after all, it is most convenient to watch movies and TV shows on a comfortable sofa with friends, and not sitting in front of a small monitor. Yes, and some games, such as racing simulators, are more pleasant to play on a large TV using a game controller, thereby turning the computer into a powerful game console. Today we will analyze the most popular and modern ways connecting the TV to a computer and laptop.

Quite often, an unexpected and annoying malfunction interferes with comfortable work at a computer - suddenly, for a second or two, the monitor flashes. For example, you are watching your favorite series, where the main character finally confesses his feelings for the main character. And at that moment, the image disappears for a second, sometimes along with the sound. And that's it - the moment is ruined. It is known that a person perceives most of the information with the help of the eyes, and the blinking of a computer monitor causes not the most pleasant emotions. The reasons for such a malfunction may be ...

Once, an old broken laptop fell into my hands. The device had a broken screen, and the seven-year-old electronic filling was not even enough for comfortable work on the Internet. It was a pity to throw away the laptop, and the idea arose to breathe a second life into the device at minimal cost. And most of my friends have asked me more than once to speed up their work or home computers, but with small financial investments. So how do you update old computer Or upgrade your laptop...

Very often, after updating the operating system or completely reinstalling it, the explorer starts to display a new system partition that was previously hidden. It could be a recovery partition, or hidden section important system files. Such a disk is sometimes packed to capacity, and Windows starts to sound the alarm about the absence free space. Since this system disk important for computer operation and not in vain inaccessible to regular user- let's figure out how to hide the recovery partition from Windows Explorer.

Many users are faced with the fact that they constantly turn off WiFi on their laptop. Thus, the connection to the Internet is interrupted, important notifications and alerts do not come, and, as you know, you cannot live without the Internet at all. Many blame device manufacturers for this - a laptop or a router, although the problem is most often easily solved with a couple of mouse clicks. Today we will learn the basic possible reasons the occurrence of a similar situation, and find out what to do if WiFi stops working ...

Not so long ago, the author of these lines encountered an unpleasant situation - one of the computers that worked fine earlier was connected to a router in a new location using wired connection. Several devices regularly receive Internet from this router, but the newcomer himself refused to work, giving an error: “ Network adapter does not have valid IP settings.” That is, a patch cord, also known as an Ethernet cable, perfectly provides the Internet with a regularly buzzing system unit, and when connected to the long-suffering system manager, the latter stubbornly ignores ...

We already know how to clean the computer from the ubiquitous dust. Today, let's go a little further and figure out what to do if the device is cleaned of dust, but it was not possible to get rid of problems with overheating and noise. If the computer heats up and shuts down, your computer may need to replace dried-out thermal paste with fresher one. How to achieve good cooling, get rid of overheating, how to change the thermal paste on the processor and why it is needed at all - we understand this material.

and must be set to the correct regional settings that exactly match the physical location of the computer.

First. Through the start, we find the widows update center and see if there are any updates not installed.

If windows is set to automatic update, this item can be skipped.

If you have a "pirated" copy of windows, it is better not to trade on this version, configure it to work with a broker

and installing all the updates will be problematic.

But it will work offline.

For example, windowsXP is no longer supported by Microsoft, so it will be impossible to run TSLab on it.

Second. Regional settings, for example, for Russia:

Additionally, the language of systems that do not support Unicode is Russian.

Comma separator. Those. all regional settings are Russian.

If your car is located in New York, then the regional settings must fully match this region.

As for language and time itself. Windows can have any language, the system time can be set to any, regardless of the region.

Those. , for example, my car is located in Russia, the regional settings fully correspond to the region,

And my windows language is English and I can set the time to any, if desired,

However, when connecting to some data providers, such as Interactiv Brokers, through the TWS program, local time can be significant.

Hi all! My name is Maxim. I - IT specialist, or, as many say, a computer wizard. My main area of ​​professional activity is this moment(2016) - in one of the cities near Moscow in the Leningrad direction.

Or, to put it another way - computer help with a home visit. I think this definition is more correct, because they turn to me not only when something is out of order, but also when you need to install a program, set up a printer or router, and just to get advice on choosing equipment.

Every day I solve many different problems related to computers, laptops, the Internet, local networks and the periphery. I do everything - from installing and configuring programs to "iron" repairs. The specifics of my work makes me constantly struggle with new and new "glitches", "bugs", viruses, etc.

idea to create your own Computer blog I have matured for quite a long time (domain website lay idle for almost a year).

I am sure that the problems that I encounter while fixing computer equipment customers, arise in thousands of people around the world. The solution to these problems is not always simple and obvious, and sometimes even I, a master with extensive experience, have to spend a lot of time finding where and what kind of “tick” to make everything work.

It's time to share your experience!

What is this computer blog about?

Surprisingly - about computers. 🙂 The list of topics that I am going to cover here is a great many. The main sections are program and hardware repair computers and laptops.

I will also tell you about the features wifi settings networks and the Internet, about useful "in everyday life" programs, about "chips" operating systems which will surely be interesting and useful to you, dear readers. I will tell maximum plain language understandable to ordinary users.

By the way, subscribe! It will be interesting!
