How to search for books and documents on Vkontakte? VKontakte music not working? VK deleted it! The audio recording has been removed from public access on VK.

Many PC users besides personal computer have tablets available electronic books, gadgets and phones from which e-books are read. Not every user knows where to download books in in electronic format. It turns out that you can search for books on the social network VKontakte, but few people know about this possibility and how it is done. In VK you can find both educational and artistic, scientific literature.

Search for books in VK. How to find a VKontakte document.

To find a book in VK, you need to go to the section " The documents“, in the search bar, indicate the data by which we are looking for a book - the author, the title of the book, the type of literature (prose or poetry). Next, you will see the search result for your query.

To the left of the found documents there is a box that displays the type of the found document - audio, text, graphic. The size of the file is displayed below the title. Choose the appropriate file and click on the box to the left of the document.

Error — The document was withdrawn from public access due to the request of the copyright holder

Trying to comply with the protection law intellectual property, administration social network regularly removes many documents at the request of copyright holders and their representatives. So, when you try to download a file, you may get the message "The document has been removed from public access."

How are you? -

On the Russian social network VKontakte, which is famous for its pirated content, there has been an increase in user complaints that a large number of records have been removed from their playlists by the copyright holders. Some users, in particular singer Victoria Deineko received letters with a request to remove the song, allegedly uploaded to the social network illegally.

Previously, the seizure of audio recordings at the request of copyright holders has already happened, but these were isolated cases. Now music is disappearing en masse, and for some unknown reasons, the VK Saver client crashes for some users, allowing you to download music from VKontakte.

Many users recognized that they prefer the social network VKontakte, primarily because of access to free music.

Some suggest that individual compositions can be saved from seizure by simply renaming them in your “Audio Recordings” section so that the copyright holder cannot identify them by search.

However, there are also users who were not affected. First of all, these are those whose audio recordings are hidden by privacy settings and are available only to friends.

UPDATE: At the disposal of the editors of got a screenshot of the letter that is sent to users of VKontakte. Obviously, Victoria Daineko complained about one of these letters:

According to Zuckerberg Call, Elena Trusova, a lawyer at Goltsblat BLP, on whose behalf the content removal warnings are sent out, said she represents the interests of labels such as Sony, Universal and Warner. She has no right to comment on what is happening, and the copyright holders will decide on a PR strategy on this issue later.

Meanwhile, a source among large copyright holders, who cooperates with VKontakte, unofficially reported that the administration of the social network sends messages to users on its own initiative, without any special sanction from the copyright holders.

Recall . The notification will be sent after links to prohibited videos are entered in the register of prohibited information.

This phrase, addressed to the founder of VKontakte and former to CEO company of the same name, will remain a household name for many years to come. Heated debate flared up after the sudden replacement of the system of expressing one's mood and communicating with friends, beloved by millions of VK users, with an analogue of microblogging familiar to Twitter users. Initially, the founder of the network and the initiator of the upgrade, Pavel Durov, said that dissatisfaction would subside in a couple of days, and users would like it new design pages. Nevertheless, the innovation instantly caused a real hysteria in the Internet community, which did not think to subside even weeks later. Hundreds of thousands of indignant visitors to the resource united in protest groups: "We are against the microblog! Give us back the wall!" (the community had more than 520 thousand members) or "Return the wall! We are against microblogging!" (almost 280 thousand).

As a result, the violent reaction forced Durov, according to the definition of users, to "turn on the return line" - after almost two weeks, the VKontakte social network returned the old, familiar design, however, leaving it on a par with the innovation. In order to return the wall, in the settings it was necessary to check the option "Always show information about me in expanded form on my page". The microblog service also survived, but moved down to the place of the "wall".

"Durov, return the rating"

A similar, but much smaller action took place in May 2011, after the administration of the VKontakte social network decided to remove a small "rating strip" under the avatar, which up to a certain point showed the degree of page completion, and after 100% - implicitly indicated the steepness of one or a different user. Even at the dawn of the popularity of VKontakte, a lot depended on the rating - for example, users who had less than 30% once could not view the pages of other people. And on the contrary, incomprehensible to a simple user, but very important for fans of popularity, "101 percent or more" made it possible to get fans, as well as to appear in certain lists (both among users and in groups) in the top positions. By the way, for this, many even paid quite real money (7 rubles for 1 point). Not surprisingly, when in May 2011 the administration decided to completely abandon the ratings, in the past, top users were outraged. However, their dissatisfaction did not go further than outpourings in the network.

Only once in history did VKontakte return a five-year-old option to support 11-year-old Stepan Savelyev. The unpopular boy was bullied by his classmates, who made fun of him for his low number of likes on the page, as well as his childhood fascination with dinosaurs.

Cancellation of a single restriction of access to pages

In February of the same 2011, the VKontakte social network banned users from restricting access to their statuses, which once again caused considerable indignation. Now any member of the social network has acquired the ability to view the personal information of other users: not only statuses, but also photos, audio and video recordings, a "wall", gifts, as well as notes and a list of friends, although previously a user could make his page completely private with one click . The innovation extended to the data that the creator of the account left public during registration, only restricting access to his page as a whole. As Pavel Durov noted then, this decision will make the social network "more consistent and understandable." However, social network members dissatisfied with the innovation united in a special group “We are against forced open walls! We are for non-interference in private life!”. They noted that the administration had no right to make their personal information and correspondence on the walls public.

However, we note that even now almost all data about yourself can be made private. In the privacy settings, it is possible to restrict the access of certain persons to their information on several points: the main information of the page, my photos, the list of groups, and so on - in other words, almost everything that you would like to hide from prying eyes. And in some cases, the "blacklist" function will also help.

Deleting music content, or #returnmusic to VK

The anti-piracy law adopted by the State Duma in 2013 made a lot of noise among the multi-million audience of Russia's most popular social network. One fine day, thousands of users, instead of their favorite tracks that they used to listen to in audio recordings on VK, found a message: "The audio recording has been removed from public access due to the request of the copyright holder. You can delete the audio recording that violates copyright." Later it became known that, first of all, compositions were removed, the right to sell which in Russia belongs to Universal Music Russia. There was no limit to the indignation of social network users who were suddenly deprived of access to tens of thousands of tracks. The hashtag #returnmusicvVK on Twitter even briefly took its place in the global trends of the microblogging service.

At the same time, the famous “Cold Games”, “Bath without doors”, “Soap with saury” and “Sweet Dwarf” appeared on the social network - this is how enterprising users who figured out how to get around the bans denoted popular Coldplay artists, Lana del Rey, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez.

There were also other sparkling names. But gradually the wave of renaming came to naught. And in the meantime, there were reports in the media that the administration of the network plans to settle the issue of free placement of music in audio recordings with the largest sound recording companies. In particular, it was indicated that the social network was in talks with Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music in order to find a compromise in which users could legally listen to music, and labels could earn money from it.

Transition to "smart news feed"

A wave of negativity was also caused by the idea of ​​the new leadership of the VKontakte social network to introduce the so-called smart news feed - a mode in which news is shown to the user not in chronological order, but according to the principle "interesting first". The idea is not new - Facebook previously set the standard for the news feed generation algorithm. In 2016, not only VK, but also Twitter switched to its version of EdgeRank. VKontakte" Boris Dobrodeev, such a system allows you to deal with information overload, because it automatically cuts off spam. However, some users noted that "as usual, the network put them in front of fact", automatically "thrown" into the new mode. Note that now the scandalous mode can be adjusted - enable or disable the "interesting first" function above the plate with recommended communities.

Not all bloggers are aware of these events yet, because they don’t really like any social networks)

However, now I actively hang out in contact, mainly at work, but sometimes I listen to music there - it’s convenient, you don’t need to download, you don’t need to buy, you don’t need to search on different shit sites with free mp3 where you can catch viruses.

But just the other day, the freebie ended.

Vkontakte has begun the fight against piracy and removes music due to copyright infringement!

Now, if you are trying to play your favorite track, you may well see the following message: "The audio recording has been removed from public access due to the request of the copyright holder."

When I found out about this outrage a couple of days ago, I immediately ran to check my playlist, but pah pah so far everything is in place) Meanwhile, there are already quite a few music files have been removed from VK and the process continues.

And to hell with him if they removed any bullshit. So they raised their hand to the holy - AC / DC, Rammstein, 30STM and much more.

Of course, I understand everything, copyrights and all that, piracy is bad, stealing is illegal, etc. But something tells me that major music labels are not starving anyway and forbidding people to listen to music act like air sellers) But this is my opinion, maybe not right.

Why is VKontakte music being deleted? I honestly have no idea. As far as I could recognize the major muses. labels ( really large, like Sony and not sharashka desks) united and rolled a slander.

There is also an opinion that this is due to the recently adopted bill in Russia to combat piracy and copyright infringement. But be that as it may, this does not bode well for a simple user - torrents may be next in line (

By the way, Russian ingenuity showed itself here too - people are actively uploading remote compositions under encrypted names to the network) So 30STM are now referred to as "30 seconds to the well" and Nirvana - Bath World 🙂

"Audio recording *** was withdrawn from public access due to the request of the copyright holder," such messages began to be received by VKontakte users when they tried to listen to music on the social network. At the same time, VKontakte is one of the largest music and video repositories in Russia, since it allows its users to upload files to the site.

So, it is no longer possible to listen to the songs of ZAZ, Lana del Rey, Beyoncé, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Shakira, Gwen Stefani (Michael Jackson, Dima Bilan, Yolka, Alex Clare, 30STM, Rihanna and a lot of others, yeah) and other performers.

Meanwhile, the compositions of groups that have already broken up are still available to users (they lie, Modern Talking, Karmen, etc. have also been removed).

In turn, VKontakte users are trying to circumvent the ban. So, in social networks, tables are massively distributed in which the name of a foreign artist corresponds to a Russian-language counterpart, for example, the Coldplay group is called "Cold Games", Selena Gomez turned into "Sweet Gnome", Lana Del Rey became "Bath Without Doors", and Maroon 5 - group "5 dudes". An incomplete list of witty abbreviations can be found , writes see_my_sea .

“It is curious that this is not the actions of any one major label that has changed its policy. The whole “big three” majors (Universal, Sony and Warner) are actively involved in the process, and, it seems, a number of indie labels. And in the case of with majors, all complaints are signed by one person - lawyer Elena Trusova (probably, who set a record for the number of enemies made in one day.) Independent companies have different signatures - years ago we posted a song from the early little-known work of the wonderful band The National, and we a complaint from their label came from a certain director of Digital Royalties, what an unusual name."

What's happening? We ourselves do not quite understand, especially considering that all parties refrain from commenting. But a few things are clear:

The situation is fundamentally different from the scandal with Sergei Lazarev and similar stories. There, one particular side struggled with user audio recordings. Here - the entire music industry at once, united by a single fuse so much that the same person acts on behalf of the three main competitors.

What exactly brought the industry together? There are several options. Perhaps the labels were inspired by the new Russian anti-piracy bill, deciding that now we will finally throw off the non-payers from the ship of modernity. Perhaps the conditional Elena Trusova turned to the labels with the words “let me start representing your interests, and everything will become cool.” Perhaps something has changed on the VK side (for example, deleting records has become technically easier). Perhaps all of the above happened at once.

Despite their unity, the labels are not trying to tear everything down to the ground. Their complaints are usually about famous musicians, and not about everyone signed to the label. As shown
