How to set up a modem in router mode. Correct setting of the Rostelecom modem: ADSL, DSL, D-Lnik, TP-Link

14:02, 07.02.2016

There can be quite a few reasons for breaking an ADSL connection (link), in addition, there may be a combination of several factors leading to a frequent drop in the link. Not all of them can always be eliminated, but you can try to reduce their impact. In this article, we will consider ADSL settings modem on the example of Zyxel P660HTN EE. Almost all settings will be made from command line(CLI), via telnet connection. How to set it up can be found in this article.

Possible Causes of ADSL Disruptions

The first step is to look at the line parameters. Please note that the incoming (downstream) and outgoing (upstream) channel have their own parameters, but as a rule they are not very different.
1) Attenuation in the line (Attenuation) should be no more than 45 dB. If the value is greater than 60 dB, then ADSL will not work.
2) The signal-to-noise ratio (Noise Margin) should be more than 6 dB.
You can check these parameters with wan adsl l n for downstream and wan adsl l f for upstream.
If these options are not met, then check:

  • Is the splitter turned on correctly (if you have a phone).
  • Is there any damage on the wire.
  • Telephone line connections available to you.

There should be no corrosion or loose contacts at the junctions of the wires. The line must be made of single-core wires and it should be noted that the fewer connection points, the better performance lines. If everything is connected correctly in the apartment and the line is in good condition, then you should contact the provider's support. For them to fix problems on the line.

The second reason may be in the modem. It is possible to have a defective modem, a defective modem power supply, as well as the parameters of a household electrical network. If there are power surges, then you should think about a transformer for the modem. Also, you can check the work on another modem, borrow from a friend for a while, or ask the provider for a test. If little has changed from replacing the modem, then most likely there is a third reason.

The third reason is the inconsistency / incompatibility of the settings of the provider's equipment and the modem. It is this reason that we will try to eliminate, using the Zyxel modem as an example. It has a fairly rich set of commands for setting up and diagnosing a connection, in addition, the commands are universal and fit most Zyxel modems, with rare exceptions.

Brief theory

First, it should be understood that the signal-to-noise ratio (noise margin) is a value that changes over time, for example, from the appearance / disappearance of interference from other subscribers in the main cable or radio interference. Also, you need to understand that the larger the value of the noise margin, the lower the speed. That is, higher speed - worse connection stability and vice versa.
Secondly, until the line has acceptable attenuation parameters, you will not get stable ADSL operation, here you need to change the line, not the settings.
Thirdly, you can change the connection parameters only for the incoming channel (downstream), the outgoing channel parameters are usually determined only by the DSLAM and the version of the Annex installed on the modem.

Turning on the SRA mechanism

SRA (Seamless Rate Adaptation) allows you to change the connection speed on the fly, thus adapting to changes in the line without waiting for a break.
The modem is configured in bridge mode, empirically found out that the connection is stable during automatic synchronization, that is, when all ADSL standards and all types of Annex are allowed.

Now you need to find out which profile is configured on the DSLAM port. To do this, connect to the modem via telnet and enter the command: wan dmt2 show cmsg1 . In response, you will receive profile settings on the DSLAM.

The important parameter here is RA-MODEds, it can have three options:

  • RA-MODEds = 1 (FIXED DATARATE) - fixed connection speed, usually reduced by the provider, to a more or less stable connection.
  • RA-MODEds = 2 (RATE ADAPTIVE AT INIT) - the connection speed is consistent at start and does not change until the next break.
  • RA-MODEds = 3 (DYNAMIC RATE ADAPTATION) - connection speed changes during operation.

The SRA mechanism will only work with a dynamic profile. Only the provider can change the profile to dynamic. It is best to apply in writing, because as soon as the first line of the TP sees unfamiliar words, they will most likely send the question to specialists. For ease of communication, it is better to immediately write all the parameters in the profile. For example, these:
TARSNRMds = 70 dB (desired signal/noise level = 7 dB)
MINSNRMds = 10 dB (Minimum S/N = 1 dB)
MAXSNRMds = 310 dB (Excess margin need not to be minimized) (max S/N = 31 dB)
RA-MODEds = 3 (DYNAMIC RATE ADAPTATION) (DSLAM profile type, dynamic rate adaptation)
PM-MODEds = 1 0 (L2 is allowed) (L3 not allowed)
RA-USNRMds = 85 dB (signal/noise level at which speed will increase)
RA-UTIMEds = 20 sec (time during which the signal/noise must be greater than or equal to RA-USNRMds for the speed up to occur)
RA-DSNRMds = 60 dB
RA-DTIMEds = 20 sec (time during which the signal/noise must be less than or equal to RA-DSNRMds for the speed reduction to occur)
BIMAXds = 15 bits
EXTGIds = 0dB
CA-MEDLEYus = 6144 symbols(min)
Reserved1 = 0 (should be 0)

Here are a few "ifs".
If delays (ping) are not critical, then it is better to put the channel in interleave mode, while you need to set the delay in milliseconds, for example, 8ms. The delay must be the same for downstream and upstream. This will correct errors in the transmission of cells and increase the stability of the connection.
You should ask to set the INP parameters, for bad lines you should set the value INP min = 1 or more. INP is set separately for downstream and upstream.

If asked, then the maximum speeds for downstream and upstream channels can be set to a maximum of 24000 kbps and 3500 kbps, respectively.
Next, for your part, you need to make sure that SRA is enabled in the modem. This is done with the wan dmt2 set olr 4 command. In response, you will receive current state: OLR ON, SRA ON . From personal experience, I found that the line wan dmt2 db tlb 10 in the list interferes with the correct operation of SRA and must be removed from there.
Below is an example of the contents of my autostart, in which the modem keeps the line stably for 30 - 70 hours. Unfortunately, SRA is not a panacea; it will not save you from sharp and deep changes in line characteristics.

What to do if there is no SRA

If for some reason it is not possible to get a dynamic profile from the provider with correct settings, then you can change some settings, for your part, for the downstream channel.
You can try to disable Annex M, as it makes high demands on the quality of the line.
Also, Zyxel modems have the ability to shift the signal-to-noise ratio up or down. The offset is set by the command wan dmt2 set snrmoffset Х Y , where X or Y is the value obtained by the formula: 1280-(±Z*512).

  • X - sets the offset for Fast mode;
  • Y - sets the offset for the Interleave mode;
  • Z - offset value in dB.

For example, to increase the signal-to-noise ratio by +1 dB, we get the value 1280-512=768, therefore, the command will look like wan dmt2 set snrmoffset 768 768 .
Thus, you can choose the optimal signal-to-noise ratio.
In order for the necessary commands to be saved after the modem is rebooted, they must be registered in autorun. Enter the command sys edit, then use the N button to scroll through and in right place press the i button, paste the desired command and press Enter. To save, press the X button. The location of commands in autorun relative to each other matters. Presumably, commands at the end have a lower priority than those at the beginning.

Teams are not for everyone

If the provider does not want to change the profile settings, then you can try to change some settings yourself. These commands do not work for all modems, but it's worth a try.
w dmt2 set INP V , where V is the value of INP_min
wan dmt2 set path 1 - set the Interleave channel mode.
wan dmt2 set txfltrgain 7FFFF - probably shifts the gain point of the frequency range, can take values ​​from 00000 to FFFFF (7FFFF is the middle of the range).
To check the result, you need to reset the connection with the wan adsl reset command.

If you notice in the modem logs that the firewall often writes about a port scan attack, and the modem is configured in bridge mode, then in this case it is better to disable the firewall in the modem. The fact is that as a protection against port scanning, the modem can block traffic or part of it, this can lead to breaks. This will not particularly affect security, since the bridge mode uses the firewall of the host on which the PPPoE connection is established.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username and admin as the password. Next, click the “Login” button. STEP 3: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Network tab. Next WAN, WAN Connection. STEP 4: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Connection name tab and select PVC0 STEP 5: In the modem settings window that opens, select Route in the Type line. STEP 6: In the modem settings window that opens, in the Username and Password lines, respectively, the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password that you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees. After the settings to save, you must click Modify. The modem is set up. WiFi Settings on the modem Promsvyaz ZTE ZXHN H208N

The modem is set to Bridge mode by default. To reconfigure the modem in Router mode, you must perform the following steps. STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, and admin as the password. Next, click the “Login” button STEP 3: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Basic tab, then select WAN. And select the value INTERNET_B_ATM_0_33. STEP 4: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Connection type tab and select PPPoE. STEP 5: In the modem settings window that opens, in the line. Enter in the Username and Password lines, respectively, the login (corresponds to the contract number) and the password that you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees. After the settings to save, you must click Submit. All the modem is configured ... After setting the modem to the "Router" mode, the Internet will work constantly - you do not need to click the connection shortcut on the computer.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, and admin as the password. Next, click the "OK" button STEP 2: In the window that appears, uncheck DSL Auto-connect Set the VPI and VCI values ​​\u200b\u200band also. The list of VPI and VCI values ​​for country regions is given in the Appendix “VPI / VCI” Next, click the “Next” button STEP 3: Select PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) from the list of protocols. Click the “Next” button STEP 4: In the PPP Username and PPP Password lines, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, that you receive from RUE “Beltelecom” employees Be sure to check the Bridge PPPoE checkbox STEP 5: In the window that opens, click the “Next” button " without changing installed settings STEP 6: Click the "Next" button again without changing the default settings Next, click the "Save/Reboot" button to save the changes and reboot the modem.

The modem is set to Bridge mode by default. To reconfigure the modem in router mode, you must perform the following steps. STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer and in the Address line type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username and admin as the password. Next, click the “OK” button STEP 3: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Network Interface tab and select the Network tab STEP 4: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Connection name tab and select PVC0 STEP 5: In the modem settings window that opens, click on the button Delete. To remove a bridge connection. And reconfigure the modem in Router. STEP 6: In the modem settings window that opens, in the New Connection Name line, set any value, for example, PVC0. Also set the VPI and VCI values. A list of VPI and VCI values ​​for country regions is given in the VPI / VCI Appendix.

The modem is set to Bridge mode by default. To reconfigure the modem in Router mode, you must perform the following steps. STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, admin as the password. Next, click the “Login” button STEP 3: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Basic tab, then select WAN. And select the value WAN5_INTERNET_B_ATM1_0_33. STEP 4: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Connection type tab and select IP_Routed(PPP). STEP 5: In the modem settings window that opens, in the line. Enter in the Username and Password lines, respectively, the login (corresponds to the contract number) and the password that you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees. After the settings to save, you must click Submit. The modem is set to Router mode!

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, admin as the password. Next, click the "OK" button. STEP 3: In the window that appears, uncheck the DSL Auto-connect checkbox. Set the VPI and VCI values ​​\u200b\u200band also. The list of VPI and VCI values ​​for the regions of the country is given in the Appendix “VPI / VCI” Next, click the “Next” button STEP 4: Select PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) from the list of protocols. Click the “Next” button STEP 5: In the PPP Username and PPP Password lines, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, that you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees. Also, make sure that the Dial on demand (with idle timeout timer) and select Obtain default gateway automatically Click the Next button Leave the rest of the settings as default.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, admin as the password. Next, click the "OK" button STEP 3: In the main menu, click on basic, select WAN Setting, select Mode Routing, Encapsulation PPPoE, set the VPI and VCI values ​​\u200b\u200band also. In the PPP Username and PPP Password lines, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, that you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees, in the Default Route line, put a dot in the Enable value. Press Submit.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, admin as the password. Next, click the "OK" button STEP 3: Select Quick Setup STEP 4: In the window that opens. Also set the VPI and VCI values. The list of VPI and VCI values ​​for country regions is given in the Appendix "VPI / VCI" Next, click the "Next" button STEP 5: Select PPPoE over Ethernet (PPPoE) from the list of protocols. Click the "Next" button STEP 6: In the window that opens, check the box next to Enable NAT. Click the “Next” button STEP 7: In the PPP User Name and PPP Password lines, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, that you receive from RUE “Beltelecom” employees Click the “Next” button STEP 8: In the window that opens, uncheck Enable DHCP server on the LAN.

ATTENTION!! Video lesson is available for download in the "Store useful information with instant delivery" in the "Free" section. Here is a link where, in addition to our video instructions, (we remind you that it is distributed for free) you will find many other useful things. Link to - Store of useful information with instant delivery. For the video, go to the “Free” section Instead of the Video Lesson, you can use the text instruction below: Suitable for TP-LINK TD-W8901G STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type http :// STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username and admin as the password. Next, click the "OK" button STEP 3: In the modem settings window that opens, go to the Interface Setup tab, and then Internet In the ISP field, select PPPoE / PPPoA.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the user name (if the User name field is available), as the password 1234. Next, click the “OK” (“Login”) button STEP 3: Leave the fields blank, click the “Ignore” button STEP 4: Select the Wizard Setup item STEP 5: In the modem settings window that opens, in the Encapsulation line, select the value PPPoE Set See also VPI and VCI values. A list of VPI and VCI values ​​for country regions is given in the VPI / VCI Appendix. Leave the rest of the settings as default. Click the “Next” button STEP 6: In the User Name and Password lines, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, that you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter admin as the username, admin as the password. Next, click the "OK" button. STEP 3: In the modem settings window that opens, in the Encapsulation line, select the PPPoE value. Set the VPI and VCI values ​​\u200b\u200band also. A list of VPI and VCI values ​​for country regions is given in the Appendix “VPI / VCI” Leave the rest of the settings as default STEP 4: Click the “Next” button. In the User Name and Password fields, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, which you receive from RUE Beltelecom employees. STEP 5: Click the Next button. If you did everything correctly, a page with a summary of the settings you entered will open To complete the modem setup and save the changes, click the “Apply” button If you need to change the settings local network(LAN) Click the "Change LAN Configuration" button STEP 6: In the Primary DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server fields, enter the IP addresses of the primary and secondary DNS servers, respectively.

STEP 1: Open Internet Explorer or any other browser installed on your computer, and in the Address line, type STEP 2: In the window that appears, enter 1234 as a password. Then click the "Login" button STEP 3 : Leave the fields blank, click the "Ignore" button STEP 4: Next, select Go to Advanced setup and click the "Apply" button STEP 5: Go to Network > WAN > Internet Connection WAN > Internet Connection" width="460" height= »270″> STEP 6: In the modem settings window that opens, in the Mode line, select the Routing value, in the Encapsulation line, select the PPPoE value In the User Name and Password lines, enter the login (corresponds to the contract number) and password, respectively, that you receive from Beltelecom employees » Set also the VPI and VCI values. The list of VPI and VCI values ​​for country regions is here.

Many users have an ADSL modem. But not everyone knows that this device can be not only an "adapter" between a computer and a telephone line. If the modem is equipped with a LAN port and is connected to the computer with an Ethernet cable, then most likely such a device can act as a router. How to configure the modem as a router - we will consider here.

Modem with LAN port

The ADSL modem can operate in one of the modes: "bridge" or "router". The second option is good because you can connect more than one computer to the modem (that is, to the router), but many. True, for this you will have to use a switch. Also, you can directly connect a point to the router WiFi access, and get a wireless network.

Router and modem connection diagram

To connect an external IPTV set-top box, you need an additional LAN port (so you don’t have to buy a switch anyway). You can watch IP TV through a computer, but for this you will need to switch the modem to the “router” mode (and then configure an additional connection interface in it). What has been said about IPTV is true for most ADSL providers, including Rostelecom.

Setting up the modem in router mode

How to access the web interface?

On the sticker or in the instructions - the value of the IP address must be indicated GUI modem. First we try to get into it without performing a factory reset.

Modem LAN connector - connect to the computer as shown:

Scheme of connecting a modem to a PC

The network card in the computer is configured as follows:

  1. IP address - any one that belongs to the modem's address range
  2. Gateway address - equal to the modem IP address (or web interface address)
  3. The netmask is set "with the last zero" (we give an example):

Setting up a network card

If, after checking several address values, it became clear that it was impossible to log in, we give the only advice: you need to reset the modem settings. A minute or later after turning on the power of the modem, press the reset button on the case (holding it for 10-15 seconds).

It is important to know that you can only reset if you know the values ​​of the VPI and VCI parameters to further configure the connection. Otherwise, it will not be possible to configure the modem even “as it was”.

After the reset, you can connect to any modem by setting the network card to "auto" IP and DNS. The sequence is as follows: reset, network card setup, PC reboot.

Setting up a connection on a modem router

How to set up a modem in router mode, we consider using the D-Link DSL-2500U BRU device as an example. When entering the interface, provide the administrator login and password (the word admin):

Main interface tab

You will need to remove the "extra" connection interfaces (using "Remove"), and click "Add":

Setting up a new connection

Please note: if on the second page - specify the "Bridging" mode instead of "PPPoE", then we will get a modem operating in the "bridge" mode. The setup comes down to setting the connection parameters and then clicking "Next".

PPPoE connection parameters:

  1. VPI and VCI values ​​for the Internet link
  2. Encapsulation mode (usually - LLC)
  3. Subscriber name and password
  4. "Static" IP (only if used)

Check the "Keep Alive" checkbox if you want to get a connection that works all the time. The "NAT" and "Firewall" options must be enabled (and "IGMP" - only in the case of transmission by the IPTV provider, moreover, on the same channel along with the Internet). "WAN Service" - should always be used. At the last step, click "Apply" (and then - "Finish"). Successful setup.

Additional features available in router mode

IPTV, VoIP option and others

The “router” mode is good because you can configure several connection interfaces with the provider (one, PPPoE is an Internet channel). Rostelecom, for example, transmits IPTV via a separate channel. Also, additional interfaces are used to enable the VoIP option or some others:

Multiple connection interfaces

Note that the VCI/VPI values ​​for each of the interfaces are different. The second and subsequent connection channels can be configured in the "bridge" mode. In some modems, you must additionally indicate that the main connection gateway is the PPPoE interface:

Setting up D-Link modems, "new" graphical interface

If there are several LAN ports, you also need to “bridge” the bridge interface with one of the ports. Study the instructions for the modem (if there is only one LAN port, you will not need to perform such a configuration).

Connection modes in the router

  • "Keep Alive" - ​​always on (aka - "Always On"), this mode is recommended to use
  • "Dial On Demand" - auto-connection when accessing Internet resources (disconnection occurs through set time after the transfer is completed)
  • "Manual Connection" - connecting / disconnecting a connection through a tab (usually the main one) in the web interface

How to set up an Internet connection in a D-Link modem with a new version of the graphical interface - shown in the film (router mode, without IPTV):

Many providers today work on ADSL technology. Therefore, in order to connect to equipment of this type, it is necessary to have special devices - ADSL modems. The only inconvenience of such a connection is that usually only one PC can be connected to this modem, via a multi-core communication cable.

The way out of this situation may be to purchase a Wi-Fi router that can work in conjunction with a modem of this type. There are also models of routers that combine a router and an ADSL modem.

When choosing a router, you need to know for sure that it supports collaboration with an ADSL modem. The easiest way to set up a modem of this type is to work together and D-Link router DIR 320.

When setting up an ADSL modem in router mode, you need to properly configure the modem itself. It must also "be able" to cooperate with Wi-Fi equipment.

One of the easiest modems to set up of this type is ZyXelP-660RT2.

Video: Installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router

Preparing the modem

To successfully configure the ADSL modem - Wi-Fi router, you must properly prepare the modem itself for operation. The model in question must be switched to the "bridge" mode. In the settings, this mode is called "Bridge". This mode allows the modem to establish a connection with a provider - an Internet service provider - and after that, as it were, delete itself, simply passing all traffic through itself. In fact, the device will act as an adapter between the worldwide network and the router. The setting is carried out as follows:

After completing the configuration of the modem itself, the PC itself is configured. Since in bridge mode, the modem establishes a connection only physically. To authorize a user, you must create a separate connection on the computer to which he is connected.

PC preparation

The modem setup is over, you need to connect it to a computer running some version of the operating system. Windows systems. Since setting up work in this environment is as simple as possible. When the ADSL modem is physically connected to the computer, you must perform the following steps:

  1. install drivers for the modem (if required);
  2. create a PPPoE connection.

Create a connection of this type is carried out as follows:

  1. you need to go to "Control Panel" -> "Management network connections". In the window that opens, we find an icon called "Setting up a connection or network";

    Photo: Tab Setting a connection or network

  2. after that, the operating system will launch the “internet connection wizard”. A window will open in which you will need to select "Create a new connection anyway";

    Photo: Internet connection wizard

  3. the following window will open, in which the operating system will offer two options: “no, create a new connection” and “Yes, select an existing connection”. Check the first box;

  4. in the new window there will also be two items: "High-speed PPPoE connection”, “Switched”. We stop at the second point;

    Photo: creating a high-speed connection

  5. in the next window, you must enter your login and password to connect. This data must be provided by the provider;

  6. then the operating system will notify you that the connection could not be verified. There will be three options to choose from: “try again”, “determine the reason”, “create this connection anyway”. You should select the latter, after which you can safely close the connection setup wizard.

When the setup is already done, you can connect the Wi-Fi router and start working.

Connecting the ADSL router and computer to the network

There are routers that can work with an ADSL connection directly, without an intermediary in the form of a special modem. Of course, the price of such a device is an order of magnitude higher than a conventional router. For example, Zyxel Keenetic DSL will cost the user 2400 rubles.

To connect, you will need some data that must be provided by the provider:

  • IP address if it is static;
  • login and password to connect to the line;
  • encapsulation type (LLC or VC);
  • VPI data.

Connecting a computer and Keenetic router DSL to the network can be done as in automatic mode, with help special program, as well as in manual mode. If possible auto tuning excluded, the manual setting is performed as follows:

At this stage, the configuration of the ADSL router is completed.

How to set up a router via an ADSL modem

When it is necessary to configure the operation of the router through an ADSL modem, the following scheme is implemented:

Modes of operation of the ADS modem

ADSL modems can operate in only two modes:

  1. router mode;
  2. bridge mode.

Setting up an ADSL modem in router mode consists in changing the mode through the WEB interface. This mode turns the communication device into an independent small server. Its job includes storing authorization data, various options needed when connecting.

Also in this mode, the modem maintains the connection on its own, and if the connection fails, it reconnects without assistance. feature this mode is that the modem has a firewall function.

When the modem is switched to bridge mode, it is simply an intermediate device between the network itself and network card personal computer. Connection parameters and data of authorized users are stored on the PC itself.

Video: configuring ADSL modem parameters

WiFi setup

The Wi-Fi setup of most routers is limited to checking the box next to "Enabled" or "Disabled". You also need to somehow name the network created by the router and select the security mode (usually WPA2).

Setting up an ADSL modem and router, as well as equipment that combines the functions of these devices, is a fairly simple process. It is only important to carefully study the specification of the devices and how to connect them.

Wi-Fi is one of the most commonly used technologies for accessing the Internet today. But many operators work with ADSL technology, and the cost of an Internet center (combining a router and an ADSL modem) is quite high. Therefore, the topic of setting up and using a bunch of ADSL-modem-> PC-> Wi-Fi router is extremely relevant.

Many providers today work on ADSL technology. Therefore, in order to connect to equipment of this type, it is necessary to have special devices - ADSL modems. The only inconvenience of such a connection is that usually only one PC can be connected to this modem, via a multi-core communication cable.

The way out of this situation may be to purchase a Wi-Fi router that can work in conjunction with a modem of this type. There are also models of routers that combine a router and an ADSL modem.

When choosing a router, you need to know for sure that it supports collaboration with an ADSL modem. The easiest way is to set up a joint operation of this type of modem and a router D-Link DIR 320.

When setting up an ADSL modem in router mode, you need to properly configure the modem itself. It must also "be able" to cooperate with Wi-Fi equipment.

One of the easiest modems to set up of this type is ZyXelP-660RT2.

Video: Installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router

Preparing the modem

To successfully configure the ADSL modem - Wi-Fi router, you must properly prepare the modem itself for operation. The model in question must be switched to the "bridge" mode. In the settings, this mode is called "Bridge". This mode allows the modem to establish a connection with a provider - an Internet service provider - and after that, as it were, delete itself, simply passing all traffic through itself. In fact, the device will act as an adapter between the worldwide network and the router. The setting is carried out as follows:

After completing the configuration of the modem itself, the PC itself is configured. Since in bridge mode, the modem establishes a connection only physically. To authorize a user, you must create a separate connection on the computer to which he is connected.

PC preparation

The modem setup is over, you need to connect it to a computer running some version of operating system Windows. Since setting up work in this environment is as simple as possible. When the ADSL modem is physically connected to the computer, you must perform the following steps:

  1. install drivers for the modem (if required);
  2. create a PPPoE connection.

A connection of this type is created as follows:

When the setup is already done, you can connect the Wi-Fi router and start working.

Connecting the ADSL router and computer to the network

There are routers that can work with an ADSL connection directly, without an intermediary in the form of a special modem. Of course, the price of such a device is an order of magnitude higher than a conventional router. For example, Zyxel Keenetic DSL will cost the user 2400 rubles.

To connect, you will need some data that must be provided by the provider:

  • IP address if it is static;
  • login and password to connect to the line;
  • encapsulation type (LLC or VC);
  • VPI data.

Connecting a computer and a Keenetic DSL router to the network can be done both automatically, using a special program, and manually. If automatic tuning is disabled, then manual tuning is performed as follows:

At this stage, the configuration of the ADSL router is completed.

How to set up a router via an ADSL modem

When it is necessary to configure the operation of the router through an ADSL modem, the following scheme is implemented:

Modes of operation of the ADS modem

ADSL modems can operate in only two modes:

  1. router mode;
  2. bridge mode.

Setting up an ADSL modem in router mode consists in changing the mode through the WEB interface. This mode turns the communication device into an independent small server. Its work includes storing authorization data, various parameters required when connecting.

Also in this mode, the modem maintains the connection on its own, and if the connection fails, it reconnects without assistance. A feature of this mode is that the modem has a firewall function.

When the modem is switched to bridge mode, it is simply an intermediate device between the network itself and the network card of the personal computer. Connection parameters and data of authorized users are stored on the PC itself.

Video: configuring ADSL modem parameters

WiFi setup

The Wi-Fi setup of most routers is limited to checking the box next to "Enabled" or "Disabled". You also need to somehow name the network created by the router and select the security mode (usually WPA2).

Setting up an ADSL modem and router, as well as equipment that combines the functions of these devices, is a fairly simple process. It is only important to carefully study the specification of the devices and how to connect them.

Wi-Fi is one of the most commonly used technologies for accessing the Internet today. But many operators work with ADSL technology, and the cost of an Internet center (combining a router and an ADSL modem) is quite high. Therefore, the topic of setting up and using a bunch of ADSL-modem-> PC-> Wi-Fi router is extremely relevant.
