How to delete your old VK. How to delete a VKontakte page

Deleting a user's personal page social network VKontakte is a rather multifaceted business. On the one hand, this can be done without any unnecessary problems, using the standard functionality; on the other hand, it all depends on the owner of the profile and his personal preferences.

Today, if we compare the situation with what it was several years ago, the administration has taken care of users who may want to deactivate their page. Due to this, the standard VKontakte settings interface contains specialized functionality that gives any person the opportunity to delete a profile. In addition, VK has some kind of hidden settings, by completing which you can deactivate your account.

Before deactivating your own VKontakte page, it is extremely important to understand what exactly you want. For example, perhaps you want to delete a profile only temporarily, or vice versa forever in the shortest possible time.

In all cases of deactivating a VK profile, you will need patience, since instant deletion is currently impossible; this is necessary for the security of users’ personal data.

Please note that each proposed method involves the use of the standard VKontakte interface, displayed through any Internet browser. In case you are using mobile device or special applications, the removal technique may simply not be available to you.

Method 1: Uninstall via Settings

The method of deleting a VKontakte account through the basic settings is the simplest and affordable way for all. However, if you decide to deactivate your page in this way, you will encounter some problematic aspects.

The main feature of this deletion method is that your page will remain in the social network's database and can be restored for some time. At the same time, unfortunately, it is impossible to speed up the deletion process, since the VK administration, first of all, thinks about the security of user data and deliberately set a fixed deletion period.

Contact support directly with your request quick removal, in the vast majority of cases, is useless.

When deleting a page through standard user settings, you should be aware that the associated phone number will remain associated with it until permanent deactivation, for a period of seven months from the date the deletion is initiated. Thus, deleting the VK page to free telephone number- the idea is unsuccessful.

In the dialog box that opens, you are required to indicate the reason for deactivation. In addition, here you can uncheck or leave the checkbox "Tell friends", so that your comment about deleting your profile is displayed in their feed, as well as on your page (in case of restoration).

If you select one of the prepared items, your avatar will have a unique avatar until your account disappears completely. appearance, depending on the selected reason option.

This technique is recommended for those who only need to temporarily hide their page from other users. If you really want to get rid of your profile, then this method will require a lot of patience from you.

You can create new account, indicating the phone number associated with the deleted profile. This will not speed up the deletion in any way, but it will still minimize the chance of accidental authorization and subsequent recovery.

Please note that if you need to restore the page for a while, the deletion date will be updated in accordance with the deactivation rules.

Method 2: Temporarily freezing your account

This method of deleting a page is not a means of deactivating a VKontakte profile forever. Freezing an account gives you the opportunity to hide your account from the eyes of other social network users. At the same time, you retain full access to all the features of

Unlike the first method, freezing will require deleting any user data and files.

The only plus this method is the ability to remove the freeze at any convenient time, after which you can continue to use the page.

  1. Log in to VKontakte using an Internet browser and use the drop-down menu in the upper right part of the page to go to the section "Edit".
  2. It is recommended to switch the birthday information to "Do not show date of birth".
  3. Remove all information about yourself by switching between tabs on the right side of the editing page.
  4. You need to erase all information that you have ever provided. Ideally, only data about your gender should remain.

  5. After saving the new data, use the drop-down top menu to go to "Settings".
  6. Here you need to switch using the right menu to the subsection "Privacy".
  7. Scroll down the page to the settings block "Contact Me".
  8. For each item presented, enter a value. "Nobody".
  9. Additionally, in the block "Other" opposite the point “Who can see my page on the Internet?” set the value "Only for VKontakte users".
  10. Return to home page, clean out your wall and delete any user files, including photos and videos. Perform exactly the same actions with the list of your friends.

It's best to block people you delete so they don't remain on your follower list. The subscribers themselves also need to be blocked using a blacklist.

After all the steps taken, you just need to leave your account.

Method 3: Custom Settings

In this case, you do not need to bother manually deleting all friends and user data. You will only need to do a few things, the main ones being new profile settings.

The main advantage of the technique is the somewhat accelerated removal process, but only with strict adherence to all instructions.

As before, you will only need any Internet browser and full access to the page to be deleted.

The deletion technique works due to the fact that the VKontakte administration perceives such profile settings as a voluntary refusal of the owner from the services of the social network. Over the next few months (until 2.5) your account will be completely deleted in automatic mode, and the email and phone number associated with it will be freed.

You can choose any of the above removal methods, depending on your personal preferences and goals. But do not forget that it is basically impossible to perform instant deletion, since the administration does not provide such an option.

We wish you good luck in achieving your goal!

No, no, and sometimes Internet users have a desire to just leave VKontakte. In an instant, destroy the profile and all its contents: correspondence, pictures, photos, videos, music, and games, of course. These measures, frankly speaking, cannot be called anything other than radical. Well, what to do, how to be otherwise? If a session is just around the corner, if a person got married, and his ex-passion bothers him (and from different accounts), if he doesn’t give him peace, the eleventh level in his favorite game “three in a row”, if... Oh, how many more of these “ifs” there can be! There are many reasons, but one effect.

So, dear reader, if you decide to delete your VKontakte page forever, then so be it. There is no smoke without fire. All doubts aside, let's get started! By the way, this task can be accomplished in various ways. So choose which one is closer to your heart and soul.

Method No. 1: using a standard function

1. When opening the VKontakte website in your browser, be courageous and firm, and most importantly, do not forget for what purpose you are opening it. With the same feelings, log in (enter your username and password).

2. In the menu of your VKontakte account, click “My Settings”.

3. Scroll the page with options down with your mouse wheel. At the bottom of it, find and click the link “You can delete your page.”

4. The alarming and at the same time solemn moment of saying goodbye to your VKontakte profile is approaching. There's just a little bit left to do:

  • indicate the reason for parting with VKontakte: turn on the radio button next to one of the proposed options (for example, there is another page). Or indicate your reason in the field below the list;
  • if you want to tell your friends on VK that you are leaving this social network, check the box next to “Tell friends”;
  • Click "Delete Page".

How to get a deleted profile back?

After the above steps, the personal VKontakte page will be deleted and will no longer be accessible, but will still be stored on the social network’s servers for 7 months (that is, it will not disappear forever).

To restore deleted page, follow these steps:

  • log in to VK using your login;
  • at the top of your profile, under the message “Your page has been deleted,” click the “restore your page” option;
  • in the section that opens, click “Restore page” again.

Note. The account will return to your disposal in the form in which it was before deletion - with photos, music, videos and other content.

Method No. 2: “freezing” the account

A more labor-intensive removal option, but still an option. Best suited for temporarily parting with an account, as well as for a kind of “disguise” - hiding your presence on the network.

The “freezing” procedure means that all profile data is changed, including the name of its owner, all content and contacts are deleted, and maximum restrictions are set in the privacy settings.

If you want to resort to such measures, but are not well versed in the settings of the VKontakte social network, follow the steps recommended in the instructions below. And the profile will be frozen 100%.

1. Go to "My Settings" and on the "General" tab:

  • in the “Page Settings” block, enable all the options (“Disable commenting...”, “Hide the gifts block...”, “Show... my posts”);
  • in the “Your page address” block, change the profile link and click on the “Change address” button.

2. Without leaving the settings page, go to the “Privacy” tab. And in all available options, through the drop-down menu, set the value to “Only me”, and in the “Contact me” block - “No one”.

3. Delete all existing content in the “My Photos”, “My Videos”, “My Audio Recordings” sections.

4. Delete all friends (Before deleting, you can inform some of them that you are “freezing” the profile).

That's all! Now the account will be in a “lethargic sleep”. And if you don’t enter it for a long time, it will disappear completely. So to speak, it will remove itself.

A couple more fun ways to get rid of your profile...

Ignoring the administration

1. Open the “My Settings” section and go to the “Black List” tab.

2. In the “Enter…” field, enter the first and last name of the founder of the social network - Pavel Durov (or the address of his page).

3. Click the “Add to blacklist” button.

There is reason to believe that after such manipulations with the settings, the profile will be deleted within 24 hours without any proceedings.

Close your account and can't find the key

  1. On the “My Settings” page, in the “Change Password” block, enter your profile login password.
  2. Separately, in Notepad or another editor, type with eyes closed a chaotic set of letters and numbers with a length of 15 characters. Alternatively, you can ask your tabby pet, a cat, to do this. Let him run over the keyboard.
  3. Copy the “generated” password and enter it into the “New password” and “Repeat password” fields (on the VK general settings page).
  4. Click the “Change Password” button.
  5. Created New Password in notepad, delete immediately. And don’t even try to remember it!

Now you won’t be able to “kill” a couple of hours on VKontakte once again. After all, a new password has already been set, and an unknown one at that...

Enjoy your absence from VKontakte! Or, if you want, a moderate stay...

Social networks are a great opportunity to communicate even with those who live thousands of kilometers away. One of the most popular social networks in the post-Soviet space is VKontakte. It has united millions of users, which makes it attractive for communication. However, the need for it does not always exist, and therefore users are faced with a dilemma on how to delete a page on Facebook and VKontakte. Let's consider the main methods that are known: both official and unofficial, which were discovered by its users during the existence of this social network.


How to delete a VKontakte page: options provided by the service administration

Regardless of what caused the deletion, developers are required to provide this right. The user agreement stipulates the possibility of deleting an account from this social network. It is quite logical, because we all have the right to manage our private lives. Therefore, let’s immediately consider the options that the developers offer.

The sequence of suicidal actions in VK is as follows:

other methods

How to delete a page in a contact in other ways? The method described above is the one provided by the developers of the social network. However, the imagination of users is limitless, so there are several more original possibilities for online suicide. True, they no longer provide the possibility of data recovery, so before using these tips, you need to think carefully.

Method number 1.

Method number 2.

This method of deleting a VKontakte page is for the most advanced. To do this you need:

This method is the most radical. After some time, the account will be deleted automatically. Some claim that this happens in a month, but it is impossible to say for sure - the user message “VKontakte” modestly keeps silent about such situations.


All your comments and “likes” remain under your name on your friends’ pages forever. Therefore, if your decision is final, you can change your first and last name to fictitious ones. This option is used by those who do not want their data to remain online. Whether this is important to you or not - decide for yourself.


Now we have looked at all the ways to delete a page in a contact, and you can also delete a page in Odnoklassniki. Regardless of which one you decide to use, remember: no one and nothing will stop you from getting the next one after some time. Some users delete their pages in an official way, even when going on vacation. When they return, they restore it. This way, there is a guarantee that no one will hack it and start sending spam on your behalf.

In parting, some statistics:

  • today the number of VK users is more than 43 million,
  • this CC is popular among users under 50 years old,
  • Every year, a fifth of users try to leave, of which half will later be restored.

The reasons why you need to get rid of your profile on one of the most popular social networks can be different. Here is a basic list of why people delete their page:

  • desire to control the time spent on the Internet;
  • someone decides to make a “clean start” in life and gets rid of the accumulated “junk” of their old profile;
  • there is a pure calculation when many business pages simply become unnecessary.

How to delete a VKontakte page from a PC?

Whatever your reasons, deleting a page from your computer is now fairly easy. There are several options, and I want to point out that choice matters. The significant difference is in the timing when your data will be deleted from the system, and your number and email will become available for a new link.

Direct method (official)

The VKontakte user agreement gives each user the right to leave at any time. Using it, we can see that the service kindly provides time for reflection. The period is 7 months, but keep in mind that your data will remain in the database for about another year. Only after this the page will be permanently deleted. That is, re-registration under the same number and mail will not be available very soon.


Step 1. From the profile that we are going to delete, go to “Settings”, click on the “General” tab.

Step 2. At the very bottom of the page we find the entry: “You can delete your page.” We click on it.

Or simply paste the following link into the address bar:

Step 3. We look at the menu that opens - we are asked to indicate the reason for deletion. It doesn’t matter what exactly you indicate, it is needed solely for statistics.

Interesting things in this field: the “Tell friends” checkbox. VK also gives us the opportunity to choose which words to delete the page with. You can ignore everything by selecting “Other reason” and silently “Delete page”.

Now we see, when logging in with our usual login and password, the date and the “restore your page” link. If you click on it, the period will reset to zero and you will again have 7 months.

Important: when deleting in this way, all posts, likes, marks, in other words, all traces of your presence on the network will remain forever with the name under which the deletion is carried out. If it makes a difference, try changing the name before deleting the page and linking a different number.

An obvious advantage of the official route: within the allotted time, you can return and restore access with all data intact.

Indirect methods

For those who are ready to consider a different method of removal than that offered by VK developers, there are a couple more viable and effective ideas. Unofficial methods make the process much faster. Therefore, if you are confident in your decision, there is plenty to choose from.

The fastest way

Using this 5-step instruction, you can clear your credentials in 1 to 3 months (no one can tell you the exact time, since this method is not official).

Step 1. Through your account settings, go to the “Privacy” section.

Step 2. In the “My Page” section, opposite each parameter, set “Only me”.

Step 3. A little lower in the “Contact me” section we will put “Nobody”.

Step 4. Below, opposite the parameter “Who can see my page on the Internet”, make “Only VKontakte users”.

Step 5. We log out of the account and do not log into it again.

Thus, the profile is reset and the system will soon get rid of it. To speed up the process, you can manually delete friends, posts, photos and personal data, but this is not necessary. Especially if you have more than 1,000 friends and hundreds of photos.

Guaranteed return within a month old page. But keep in mind that if you continue to visit it regularly, no one will delete it.

Linking new data

Do you want to know how to remove yourself from a contact completely and irrevocably? More on this below.

  1. Follow all steps from the previous instructions.
  2. Hide your date of birth and remove personal information.
  3. Link a new one email and untie the old one.
  4. Buy a new SIM card and link your profile to this number.
  5. Change the password to a random set of letters and numbers that cannot be reproduced.
  6. All that remains is to exit your profile and throw away your SIM card. Even with a great desire, it will be impossible to restore access.

Removal time is also from 1 to 3 months.

Become an undesirable person

A way, so to speak, for rebels and hooligans. I present it purely for information, without recommending action, solely for completeness of information.

It consists of achieving blocking by violating the rules - spam, intrusive advertising, insults, extremist calls and altercations with users, agitation and calls for the overthrow of the existing government, posting adult materials in open access. In a word, what is enough for your imagination?

It is worth considering that blocking occurs quickly, most often forever, that is, without restoration and the right to re-register under the same data.

How to delete a VKontakte page from your phone?

Only the official method of oblivion from the VKontakte developers is available from the phone. In a regular mobile application, you won’t be able to use it to delete your account. Both on Android and in the case of iOS (iPhone), you will need to use any browser and do this in mobile version VK website.

We go into the settings, we see the same menu that is on a laptop or PC. We perform the same algorithm:

  1. “Settings” – “General” tab.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click on the button: “You can delete your page.”
  3. We select the reason, whether we want to tell our friends and click “Delete”.

Deleting a deceased person's account

A situation may arise when you have to resolve an issue with a profile that belonged to a deceased relative or close friend. How to delete someone else's page? It is usually removed using official documents. This is a passport proving the relationship (since only relatives have the right to decide the fate of the account) and a death certificate. No problems should arise in such cases; the removal time is minimal.


Deleting pages on social networks is a personal matter for everyone. My main advice for you - friends, approach this process consciously. Completely deleting a profile is not a problem. But it will be unpleasant if you suddenly remember that there is important information, the necessary photo or some kind of work contact.

But if this happens, first of all take a look at the instructions for restoring a deleted VKontakte page. Perhaps the information will be useful and will help you out.

Good luck and success, dear readers!

Today we want to tell and show you everything possible ways How can you delete your page on the social network VKontakte. You will learn how to do this from a computer or mobile phone governed by operating system Android or iPhone. And so we’ll tell you how you can delete your old VK page if you don’t remember your login or password.

If after reading you still have questions or disagree with something, be sure to write about it in the comments and we will be happy to help you.

How to delete a page on VKontakte?

The social network Vkontakte is not only popular, but also in demand. This service is used by millions of users from different cities and countries. Registered individuals can do whatever they want: share photos, videos, stories, and posts. And even delete the page. Don't know how to do this? In today's article we will talk about how to delete a page in VK.

How to delete a page on VKontakte via a computer?

To be honest, liquidating an account is easier through the computer version of the site. If your computer does not freeze and you have an excellent Internet connection, then you will spend a maximum of five minutes. In order to say goodbye to the hated page, think, is it worth it? If you are sure that you want to remove it, then follow the steps below.

It is worth noting that if you ever want to use your old profile again, you have several months to do so. You just need to fill in the fields with your login and password, after which you will log in to your remote page. By clicking on “Restore” your account will come to life again. Now you know how to delete a VK page from your computer.

How to delete a page on VKontakte via a mobile device?

In this part of the article we will talk in detail about how to delete a VK page from your phone.

In fact, this is very easy to do, but it is worth warning that deleting an account through the official vk application is impossible.

And this means, answering your question about how to delete a page in the VKontakte application, we are telling you that the developers did not add this function to the program. So, in order to liquidate an account from Android, you need to perform a couple of easy steps.

After all these steps, your page will be deleted. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this.

How to delete a page on VKontakte via iPhone?

Don’t know how to delete a VK page from an iPhone? Then we hasten to please you, in this part of the article we will describe each step in detail. In order to get rid of your social network account, you need to follow a couple of simple steps.

After this, your page will be deleted. If you don’t know how to delete a VK page if you don’t remember your login and password, then the next part of the article will be devoted to this topic.

How to delete a page on VKontakte if you don’t remember your login or password?

Yes, sometimes it happens that you want to get rid of your account, but the problem is not that you don’t know how to do it, but that you forgot your login and password. What to do? After all, the situation is hopeless! However, there is a way out. The main thing is to follow it carefully.

No need to take a selfie, ask someone to take a photo of you and that’s it. After some time, the page will be deleted. Now you know not only how to delete a page from your computer, phone, iPhone, but also what to do if you forgot your login and password. Good luck and all the best!
