How to find out the firmware version of xbox 360 slim. Check by launching the game

An Xbox 360 with a firmware drive is a great purchase because... using a hacked gaming device you can significantly reduce the cost of video games for the console. A hacked console has many advantages, but one visual inspection the console is not enough to tell whether the Xbox 360 is flashed or not.

How to find out if your Xbox 360 drive is flashed

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the fact that Where exactly was the game console purchased?: if in official stores and large shopping centers, then the console is 100% likely to be an original product, because large retail chains They sell only licensed, factory-made devices.

If the console is used or given to you by friends, then there is a high probability that the console is hacked. It’s easy to find out whether the Xbox 360 drive is flashed: try inserting a disc with a game that is recorded on a disc into the console drive. If the pirated disk starts successfully, then the console is hacked- this is the simplest and The best way, how to find out if your Xbox 360 is firmware.

It should be taken into account that Even on jailbroken gaming devices, games from discs may not run, this happens most often for three reasons:

  1. Faulty drive optical disks . In this case, even licensed discs will not start.
  2. Incorrectly recorded game to disc. Burning Xbox 360 games onto pirated discs can be quite a difficult task, so it is recommended that you check all stages of burning a hacked video game onto a disc with the instructions in order to determine without errors whether the Xbox 360 is flashed.
  3. Different firmware versions. One of the main disadvantages of the drive firmware is that there are several versions of it. different versions, and games recorded for one firmware version will not run on another version. The latest version is LT+ 3.0, but if you downloaded the game to version LT+ 2.0, then to launch it you will need to download a special patch. Of course, before you find out whether the Xbox 360 is firmware or not on your own, it is best to ask the previous owner about the firmware version - this will save your time and money.

How to check if the Xbox 360 is flashed if a different type of firmware is installed

Above we have already figured out how to find out if the Xbox 360 drive is flashed, but what to do when a different type of firmware is installed? The following scenario is possible: you purchased blanks to test your console, based on the instructions above, but when you turn on the console from the button to open the drive, blue screen with the inscription "XELL RELOADED". Congratulations, then you are the happy owner of a gaming device with firmware Freeboot, which is much more functional than simple drive firmware.

Modification using Freeboot allows you to run games on the console not from discs, but from any other media (flash drives and hard drives), as well as install official add-ons for games for free, unlock regional restrictions and much more. A Microsoft gaming device with a jailbroken drive has only one main advantage - the ability to use the Xbox Live service.

Now you will learn about indirect and functional signs that can help you determine the type of hack on Xbox 360 even in cases where you are unable to connect the console to an electrical outlet.

You can find out the firmware type of your Xbox 360 using several simple methods. In most cases, these methods allow you to independently determine the firmware on the set-top box.

How to find out the firmware of Xbox 360: Freeboot

Most often, this type of hack is installed on the console.. That is, if you buy a used console without information about what firmware it has, there is a high probability that it will be freebooted.

The presence of Freeboot is very easy to identify by the following sign- if when you turn on the console by pressing the drive key, the Xell menu in blue is displayed on the screen (the menu name will be written at the top), then your Xbox 360 has been hacked using a freeboot.

If this menu did not appear, but instead the console just turned on and started standard menu, which means it has some other type of firmware or device without hacking at all.

It is also worth paying attention to console startup speed and sounds when turned on. Original consoles launch in a few seconds. If Freeboot is installed on the Xbox 360, the startup may take several minutes and be accompanied by buzzing sounds.

There is also other signs, by which you can check that the Xbox 360 is flashed using Freeboot:

  • Availability of Freestyle Dash shell. At the same time, during loading, a logo with the name of the shell appears. The main menu of the console has separate indicators on the screen indicating the temperature of the processor and video card, and the library has a section “Emulators”.
  • Support for games from a flash drive in GOD format. Since not all consoles automatically launch the shell, one of the options for finding out what firmware is on the Xbox 360 is to try to launch the game in GOD format on the console.

What firmware is on the Xbox 360: the drive is flashed

If all of the above attempts to find out what firmware is installed on the Xbox 360 were unsuccessful, then Most likely the drive is flashed on the console. In general, it is impossible to determine the presence of a hacked drive visually, since when you turn on the console, the standard menu is displayed, and the presence of signs of tampering on the case cannot accurately indicate the type of firmware.

The only option is to buy a pirated disc in a store or burn the game to DVD yourself, and then try to run such a copy on the console. Here you also need to take into account that unlicensed discs under two different versions Firmware: LT+ 3.0 and LT+ 2.0. For each firmware version you will have to download different versions of hacked games.

If the drive does not see the pirated disc, then try checking the drive by launching any game from a licensed disc. If the console does not launch games even from licensed discs, there is a high probability that the drive may not be working.

What firmware is on the Xbox 360: Xkey

Finding out the Xkey firmware on the Xbox 360 is often quite simple. Often, such a console comes with a special remote control, which has connectors for connecting flash drives or hard drive. Another noticeable sign that the console has x360key will be availability of a special dongle which is connected to the USB port.

If you can’t find out on your own what firmware is on your set-top box, you can always contact a service that deals with game consoles, And will be able to reliably determine, what is installed on your Xbox 360.

If you bought an Xbox 360, you may be wondering: does it have freeboot or firmware installed? We are talking specifically about unofficial modifications of the console, which allow you to run not only licensed discs, but also copies of games downloaded from the Internet (proprietary software Microsoft is installed at the factory).

Now we will tell you how to find out about this in literally 3 minutes

The availability of unofficial firmware or freeboot depends on who you bought the console from. That is, did you buy a new console in a store or buy a used console secondhand?

Xbox 360 firmware And

New Xbox 360

If you bought a new console in a large store, then no unofficial firmware or freeboots are installed on it. Stores receive set-top boxes with factory settings, and people do all sorts of modifications (firmware and freeboot) themselves or contact .

Stores sell consoles with factory settings!

The only exception

There are specialized online stores on the Internet that sell pre-wired consoles. But in this case, the store’s website describes in detail what firmware is installed on the console, and what additional functions this modification gives you.

So, if the store’s website does not indicate that the Xbox 360 is flashed (or has freeboot installed), then it is a console with factory settings. If you have already purchased such a set-top box, you can contact our service center for installation or

Used game consoles

The same can be said about them as about the new ones:

If the owner is selling a flashed console, he will indicate this in the Xbox 360 sale ad.

But this is not always the case - the seller may not know what firmware was installed on the set-top box. In this case, the console will have to be checked.

But even if the seller of a used console writes in the ad that the console is firmware or has a freeboot installed on it, many people have doubts - is this really so?

How to check Xbox 360 firmware

Finding out the firmware on the Xbox 360 is very simple: take a disc with an unlicensed game and try to run it. If the game starts, it means the console is firmware.

And if not, then most likely there is no firmware on it either. But here are the possible options:

    Errors when burning a disc. If you decide to record the game yourself, check if you did everything correctly. If you are sure that the disk is working properly, then you have a set-top box with factory settings. You can flash it in a specialized workshop.

    Other firmware version. The latest firmware for the Xbox 360 is LT+ 3.0 or LTU 2.0. Both of these firmwares are completely similar and run discs recorded under LT+ 3.0. Always check which firmware version you are purchasing the disk or downloading the image for. You could buy a console with old version firmware that will not run disks designed for LT+ 3.0. Your X-box 360 needs new firmware.

    DVD drive problems. Games may not launch due to a broken disk drive. But in this case there will be problems with licensed discs. An unstable drive is normal for a used set-top box. .

So, if your console does not run self-written game discs, bring it to our workshop, where specialists will solve this problem.

How to check for freeboot on X-Box 360

Everything here is the same as with the firmware: set-top boxes with pre-installed freeboot are sold only in specialized stores. Regular electronics supermarkets only sell “vanilla” set-top boxes with factory settings.

If you buy a console secondhand, the seller will most often tell you whether freeboot is installed on the console or not. If a person cannot give you accurate information, or you doubt the veracity of his words, then checking for the presence of a freeboot is very simple:

Try turning on your XBox with the drive button, which opens the DVD tray. If the console turns on, it means freeboot is installed on it. In this case, you should see the following image:

On some consoles with a Corona motherboard, the Xell loading screen may not appear.

Another sign of freeboot is relatively long switching on consoles. The console with factory firmware turns on in a few seconds. If freeboot is installed on the Xbox 360, then due to the loading characteristics of this shell, the startup time can take up to 2 minutes, and sometimes more.

And the most reliable way— try to launch the game from a flash drive. If the game was recorded correctly, but did not start, then you have a console with factory settings. In this case .

Produced in our workshops Xbox 360 firmware And installing Freeboot on Xbox 360. You can confidently trust the many years of experience of our specialists. Call and make an appointment!

To the question: How can I find out the firmware on an xbox 360? Help, I really need it. given by the author Undersalt the best answer is If you don’t yet know why the Xbox 360 is being flashed and how to do it, then read this instruction, which was written specifically to help gamers. We have collected frequently asked questions and answered them in detail.
Part one is general.
1. Q: Do I need to flash my Xbox 360 and why should I do it?
A: The firmware is installed at will, but this is necessary so that you can run self-written disk copies.
2. Q: Where can I flash my Xbox 360?
A: If you have the money, then give it to the craftsmen, and if you don’t, then try to flash it yourself, but this is a bit risky, because you may come across a drive that needs soldering.
3. Q: If my console is flashed, will I be able to run licensed games?
A: Of course, it will be possible to play both “licensed” and self-written copies.
4. Q: What are the average prices for firmware?
A: Masters usually charge from 1000 to 3000 rubles. , but sometimes the price rises to 4,000 rubles. (if the drive needs to be soldered)
5. Q: Can the Xbox 360 burn out due to firmware?
A: No, firmware does not affect heating, it only affects the drive.
6. Q: I know that PS2 after such actions will become multi-regional. What about the Xbox 360?
A: No, the situation is different with Xbox 360 - the region remains the same. For example, after chipping, a European console will still not play NTSC region discs.
7. Q: What about the warranty? Is a flashed console automatically removed from warranty?
A: Yes, unfortunately, warranty repair of such a set-top box is no longer possible, because during flashing the seal comes off from the drive, and then it is impossible to attach it back (even if you buy a new sticker). However, the master who does the firmware usually gives a guarantee of 1-3 months.
8. Q: I wonder, can any Xbox 360 be flashed, or are there “unusable” ones?
A: All Boxes released before February 2008 can be flashed. Those produced later are already equipped with a non-flashing Lite-ON drive.
Part two - “About the disadvantages of firmware”
1. Q: What are the “disadvantages” of flashing the console firmware?
A: A significant disadvantage is the ban, i.e. you will be denied access to the Xbox 360 Live online service. After a ban, access cannot be restored. Sometimes a ban does not happen immediately, but after some time, but it is still inevitable. Users of the latest firmware version iXtreme 1.4.1 manage to delay punishment for the longest time.
2. Q: And if I launch a self-written single-player game without an Internet connection, can I really be banned?
A: The ban will still happen because all data is saved in the console memory, even if you are not connected to the network.
3. Q: Okay, if I flash my console with the iXtreme version (the latest, of course), then when should I expect a ban in Live?
A: It varies. There is no specific deadline. Maybe they will close access in a month, or maybe in half a year.
4. Q: Is there any way to delay the ban on my console?
A: The short answer is “no”. However, there are theories on this topic. They say that there will be no ban:
- if you don’t play before the official release of the game;
- do not run “translated” disks (unofficially Russified).
Part three - about firmware versions
1. Q: Which firmware is better to use, are there any differences between them?
A: There are two types of firmware - Xtreme and iXtreme. At the same time, if you use Xtreme, be prepared for a quick ban, because Microsoft already knows about them. Therefore, if you need an online service, it is better to flash Box latest version iXtreme - then the ban will come much later.
2. Q: What is the point then of flashing the Xtreme console?
A: The main advantage of this software is that on it you will be able to launch and play all games that have already been released for this console without any obstacles, but on iXtreme it is impossible to launch old games (you can, of course, patch them, but this is an extra hassle) . In general, if you don’t use the Live service, then it’s best to install Xtreme.

Many people, when purchasing an Xbox 360, expect to have firmware that allows them to play absolutely any game for free. However, how can you find out about its availability?

A little about Xbox firmware

Official and unofficial firmware for the Xbox 360 are like fire and water. Some will allow the owner to play purchased licensed games with the ability to play in multiplayer with a clear conscience, while others will enjoy the gifts of the gaming industry completely free of charge, but will lose all the delights of playing online. It is no wonder that it is unofficial firmware that is wildly popular among players, but you can find out that such firmware is installed on your Xbox 360 in very simple ways.

Where was the Xbox console purchased?

The easiest way to recognize the firmware is to find out where the console was purchased:

  • In large stores, such as Eldorado or M.Video, you will not find an unofficially flashed Xbox 360. This product arrives in stores clean from all kinds of unofficial modifications and with factory settings.
  • If the set-top box was purchased second-hand or purchased through an online store (often re-flashed set-top boxes are sold there), then you have a good chance that it includes unofficial firmware.

When was the Xbox console purchased?

An equally simple way to find out about the firmware version is to look at the year of manufacture, which is indicated on the back of the console (however, this method is more suitable for official firmware):

  • If the Xbox 360 was purchased in a store after September 2011, then LT 3.0 should be installed on it - the latest and most sophisticated firmware for this console;
  • A set-top box released before September 2011 has firmware LT 1.9 or LT 2.0; it is almost impossible to find an earlier version.

Try starting an Xbox game

You can find out the firmware version simply by trying to launch the desired game, namely XGD3. A console with firmware lower than LT 3.0 will not be able to play this game. The firmware on such a console can be either LT 1.9 or LT 2.0.

Checking Xbox for unofficial firmware

You can also check your Xbox360 for unofficial firmware, such as freeboot or Xkey, quite simply and quickly:

  • A long startup time for the set-top box may indicate the presence of unofficial firmware. A regular console starts up in just a few seconds. If the Xbox360 continues to start even after 2 minutes, then this is a sure sign of freeboot. The long launch of re-flashed consoles is due to the fault of a special shell;
  • Try running the game from a flash drive. It is important to correctly install the game on the flash drive before doing this in order to avoid possible misunderstandings. If the launch is successful, you can safely consider your console to be firmware with freeboot or Xkey;
  • Just try to start the console from the drive button that opens the DVD bay. The set-top box will start if freeboot is installed on it, and the following picture will appear along the way:
. Next, all that remains is to download appropriate Firmware detection software. The option is quite complicated, but it provides the most accurate information regarding the firmware.

If you have not yet decided which method is more suitable for you, then it will not be superfluous to watch this short video at the end, which in simple words describes in detail how to find out your firmware on the Xbox 360.
