How to make a glass frame PNG in Photoshop. Creating a beautiful frame in Photoshop

(3), in the menu that opens, select the “Stroke” style (4), set the parameters: position (inside) and size (5), opacity (6) and stroke type - color (7), pattern or gradient fill. The latter is more interesting, you can select a fill pattern by clicking on the stripe, and play with the parameters, direction, etc., change the colors and transparency of the gradient:

Advanced method

If you don’t want to crop the image in the photo, then you need to increase the size of the canvas. Main menu tab Image --> Canvas size, in the window that opens, check the "Relative" option and set the size by length and width. You can choose a background color, although it's not required:

In the "Canvas Size" window, the width and height values ​​are indicated, their sum is 560+448=1008 pixels, so in the "new size" we write the width and height of 150 pixels each.

Here's what happened:

Now let’s use the “Magic Wand” tool (W key) and point it at the background. The frame will be highlighted.

Yes, before this you need to make the magic wand tolerance 1, this window is located at the top under the “Image” tab. then press Ctrl+J (copying the selection to a new layer). Now we have a new layer with a frame active, it is highlighted in blue in the Layers Panel.

Apply style effects to the frame by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the Layers panel (see figure), or you can select ready-made styles in the Styles panel (Window tab --> Styles):

A layer styles window will open, where you need to select a style for the frame, it is best to apply universal method So, I recommend starting with the Bevel and Emboss style:

Here's what happened:

Round, oval frame

Take the "Selection" tool, select "Oval Selection" and select the desired area. If you haven’t selected it exactly, then you need to click on the “Selection” tab at the top, select “Transform selected area” in the list that opens, then transform and move this area where and how needed. Press Enter to complete the transformation.

Then, also in the “Selection” tab of the main menu, select “Refine Edge” or Modification --> Feather and set the value. Here the choice of parameters is done empirically (by the selection method), since it depends on the size of the photo and the purpose of the photo, and, in addition, it is a matter of taste.

Shading is done so that the edges of the frame are blurred and the transition is smooth.

Next, press the Ctrl+Shift+I keys, this will invert the selection and paint over the frame area. Just in case, you can clone the frame area by pressing Ctrl+J and work in a new layer. So that in this layer in the right place Don’t spoil it, select the “Magic Wand” tool and point it in the middle of the working document. A selection will appear, feather the edges, then press Ctrl+Shift+I and paint over the selected area. You can erase the excess with an eraser by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I again.

Don't forget about the activity of the visible layer. The layer we are working with should always be highlighted in blue in the layers palette. It is necessary to check periodically.
The blur on the photo is 8 pixels, I desaturated half of the frame and painted over half.

Surely you often hear people around saying: “Photoshop”, “photoshopped” and your consciousness has roughly outlined some idea of ​​​​what kind of wonderful program this is, which allows you to turn a photo into a work of art. Really, software Adobe Photoshop presents its user with a huge palette of image editing tools.

At first glance, when you open the program (if it is on your computer or laptop), it may seem that you will never learn how to use it. But as they say, “never say never!” There is nothing complicated about this, just follow the simplest instructions that can be found on the Internet. And in this way, you will slowly be able to do simple manipulations with photographs and images.

How to make a frame in Photoshop?

Let's now move on directly to how to make a frame in Photoshop yourself. If you do not have this program on your computer, then you should install it. After which you can proceed to the following actions:

How to draw a frame yourself?

Here you will have to sweat a little. The fact is that beautiful patterned photo frames are drawn by professionals, who often resort to using a drawing tablet. And in most cases this is done by artists. It is not possible for a simple user to draw a patterned frame. However, you can create a simple frame for your photo, but with its own texture and unique shape. To do this, do the following:

With a little perseverance, you can make a frame yourself


Today we not only learned how to insert a photo into a frame using Photoshop programs, but also learned to create their own frames. Now you can add some charm to your old photos. Share examples of your work in the comments!

To make a frame in Photoshop, you don’t need to know the program well.

Minimal knowledge of Photoshop is enough.

So, let's start from simple to more complex.

Method 1 - stroke.

Open the image. Select either the entire image or part of it.

If you need to make a frame for the entire image, then it is best to use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A, but if you need to select part of the image, use the selection tools.

After the selection is ready, go to<Редактирование> -<выполнить обводку>

In the window that appears, select and indicate the thickness, color, and location of the stroke - inside.

If you select the stroke location -outside-, then the image size can be reduced using the -Free Transform command - CTRL + T key combination, holding down the Shift key to maintain the proportions.

Or increase the canvas size to the required dimensions.

From the above it follows method 2:using the underlying layer:

The resulting empty space can be filled with any color, gradient, or texture on a new layer.

In this case, the image layer must be above the color layer or texture layer.

If your image layer is a background layer, then you should transfer it to a regular layer by double-clicking on it and clicking OK in the window that appears.

Method 3. Use styles.

Create a new layer above the image layer and fill it with any style. Styles for every taste can be downloaded on the Internet.

Let's select, say, an oval area and clear it by pressing the Del key.

In this case, the bottom layer with the image can be moved, adjusting it to the resulting frame.

You can add text and also apply a style to it.

Method 4. Use blending options - layer styles.

We create new document, let's say 10 cm x 15 cm.

Fill the layer with the pattern you like.

Select the area, clear the contents - Del key

Remove selection, Ctrl+D.

Double-click on the layer, or call up the blending options by clicking on the icon:

Select the overlay options, for example: shadow, emboss, stroke.

Place the image under the resulting layer.

Open the image and add a new layer.

On a new layer, create a quick mask - press Q.

Then free transformation - reduce the mask in size.

Let's go to Filter - Strokes - Airbrush.

We set the sizes to your liking

Exit the quick mask: press the Q key again

Fill the selected area (layer 1) with a color or gradient.

Method 6. Use raster shapes.

Open the image and unlock the background layer.

In the toolbar, select the raster shape that is most suitable for creating a frame. The figures can also be found on the Internet.

Select the desired fragment

Change the arrangement of layers, and by clicking Alt key stand with the mouse between the layers.

An icon will appear - click.

Then you can merge the layers Ctrl+E

Add a new layer below the image layer

Add overlay effects to the image layer

Fill the bottom layer with the foreground background, and you can apply a filter<Эффекты освещения>.

Or any other, play around - whatever you like most.

By changing the transparency of the layer and using masks, you can achieve different effects.

Method 7. Do it transparent frame in Photoshop.

Open the image, duplicate the background layer three times - pressing the Ctrl+J key combination three times

Disable the top two layers by clicking on the eye icon opposite the layer. And let’s immediately rename the layers so as not to get confused.

Being on layer 1 go to<Фильтр>-<Размытие>-<Размытие по Гауссу>.

Blurring the image

If you are new to learning Adobe Photoshop, then even the simplest things can be difficult. And it would be okay to write the text, there is a special tool for this operation. But sometimes you have to use not only knowledge, but also logic. In order to make a frame for text, you will have to use several operations. Let's figure out which ones exactly.

First, let's create a working document. Size doesn't really matter as long as it's comfortable for you. And immediately create a new layer using the key combination ctrl+shift+n.

Let's write the text. I think you already know which tool will help you with this, but just in case, I’ll remind you. To write our phrase, use the “text” tool in the sidebar.

Now let's get to the frame. I will make a simple monochrome version, but I advise you to use your imagination and move a little further.

Create a new layer using the same key combination ctrl+shift+n. Now select the rectangular area tool and “outline” our text.

Do not try to do this operation perfectly evenly. We will also align the frame for the text. But later.

Now let's draw a frame. To do this, in the top panel we look for “edit” - “outline”.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of settings variations here. You can get creative and decorate your text frame however you like. As you can see, the stroke can be placed on different sides of your selection. Colors and blending mode can also be changed. I chose these settings:

Now we need to deselect the frame. You can use either the corresponding command on the top panel in the “selection” tab or the ctrl+d key combination.

Before we start aligning the frame and text, I want to note that you should not change the size of the frame in this case. Because the thickness of the line will also change, and the thickness of the stroke on your frame will become uneven.

So let's start leveling. In the layers window, select the original layer - the background. He will be second in a row.

You should place guides (rulers) along the markers that appear below and above. If you don't know how to do this, you can study here.

And now in the same word window, select the layer with the inscription and the frame one by one and align them along the guides.

Let's see what kind of frame I came up with for decorating text in Photoshop.

I often hear the question of how to insert text into a frame in Photoshop. Perhaps someone means a ready-made frame. I think you can already guess that to do this you should perform the same steps, but in a slightly different order.

  • Create a workspace and a new layer.
  • Insert a frame on the original document
  • Write text
  • Align them

It's all so simple and uncomplicated.

Hello everyone, my Dear friends. Let's return to my favorite graphic editor, and today, for beginners, I would like to tell and show how to make a frame in Photoshop around a photo, insert a ready-made one, or draw it yourself in the form of a rectangle. I myself have witnessed how harshly and incorrectly people do this. They just put the photo on the frame and erase everything around it. But this is terribly inconvenient and wrong, so we will do everything right.

Insert the photo into the finished frame

Even a complete teapot who just learned about Photoshop today can handle this method. If we already have a certain frame or blank for a vignette, of which today you can find a whole bunch on the Internet, then there is no problem with this at all. Let's say we have two photos: a portrait of a girl and a blank with a transparent background in the right place.

But this can only be done in the most ideal situation, when our workpiece already contains a transparent background.

Inserting a finished frame without a transparent background

Things get more complicated when the image is not intended to be a frame. Then you will have to do it yourself. You can, of course, overlay images on top of the object, cutting off unnecessary ends, but this, as I said at the very beginning, is terrible. If you later want to change the photo, its size or position, this can become problematic. It's better to just make a hole and just insert our frame around the photo.

  1. Open the image with the intended frame and select the selection tool. In this case, you can use a rectangular selection, but I still prefer to use the Rectangular Lasso Tool. However, the picture may have errors.
  2. Next, we begin to allocate space inside the frame around the perimeter. You should have dotted lines appear.
  3. After that, check if you have a padlock icon on the layer thumbnail. If yes. then click on it to make it disappear. After this, press the key DELETE, after which the inside of the frame will become transparent. This is exactly what we wanted.
  4. Next, open the image of the girl (or whatever you have) in the same document.
  5. But again, it is our first layer, so we will need to move it. Go to the layers panel, and just like in the first option, move the thumbnail of the layer with the girl lower than the frame layer.
  6. Next, all that remains is to move and adjust the size as needed using movement and transformation. You can also apply some layer style, such as an inner shadow. It will look more realistic.

This is the final version we got, and we didn’t even have to crop the photo.

Clipping Mask

A very cool method that has long proven itself among designers is creating a clipping mask. I already considered this method when I wrote an article about it, but here I will consider this point in more detail.

We do the framing ourselves

The easiest way to make a frame in Photoshop is to draw it yourself, for example in the form of a colored rectangle. It will be simple, but stylish.

  1. Let's go in and take it "Rectangle". After that, set the stroke color in the properties (whatever you want), and set the fill color to whatever you want, since then it will be removed anyway. I'll put yellow.
  2. Now, draw the rectangle we need on the canvas. You can pinch SHIFT so that it turns out square. If you are not satisfied with the thickness, you can always change it in the properties. It is only important that at this moment the Shape tool is activated.
  3. If you want the outside of the stroke to be rounded or polygonal, you can select this option in the properties.
  4. You can also add some effects to your frame using . For example, I added embossing and shadow. The remaining properties are unlikely to particularly affect the stroke, since they will be focused on the internal content.
  5. Now open the image with the girl (or whoever you have). It, as you already understood, will appear as a new layer on top of the figure.
  6. Next, right-click on the thumbnail of the layer with the girl and select "Create Clipping Mask". Just before doing this, make sure that under the miniature with the girl there is our rectangle with a stroke.
  7. As you can see, now the girl is inside, as if in the window of a house. All that remains is to move it using " ". You can also enlarge or reduce the image to suit your vision. The most important thing is that the picture is not cropped, but its edges are simply out of sight.

As you can see, everything is simple. You can add some other effects, or write text inside so that it is clear who is depicted. Download some beautiful font which will look great.

A little later I will definitely post a video tutorial so that there are no problems.

Clipping mask for the finished frame

If the frame is separate, that is, it is on its own layer and is just an element of some composition, then here you will need to do things a little differently, since hiding the image behind a layer simply won’t work.

Of course, you can try to do this, but the result is unlikely to suit you. In many cases, people come with the excess trimmed off. And I will not tire of repeating that this is wrong.

But there is an ideal solution - make a clipping mask.

In principle, everything is very simple here.

Voila. Now the girl is in the frame and can be moved using the Move tool. The most important thing is that the movement will occur outside the frame and no edges will come out.

Online Photoshop

The most interesting thing is that you can insert a photo into a frame in Photoshop online, but forget about the method with a clipping mask. This item, unfortunately, is not available in the online version. graphic editor. Let's look at our actions from the second example.

  1. Login to the service online-photoshop and open an image from your computer, namely the very frame into which you will then insert your photo.
  2. Next, be sure to remove the lock from the layer. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button twice. This will allow us to remove the unnecessary part from the picture.
  3. Now, select any selection tool. The truth in online photoshop You don’t have much to choose from, since there is only a rectangular selection and a regular lasso. Perhaps it would be convenient to use a rectangular selection here.
  4. And then, holding the left mouse button in one corner of the recess, drag it to the opposite corner. Thus, you should have this very recess highlighted.
  5. After that, immediately press the button DELETE to remove the core. Part of the picture in the center should become transparent.
  6. Now, select "File" from the menu - "Open image" and find the photo you want to use inside. I'll take the same girl. But only the photo will open in another document. To drag it onto a document with a frame, hold down the left mouse button on the thumbnail of the layer with the girl and simply drag it to the layer we need, where we have already worked.
  7. As you can see, the image was transferred too small. To increase it, select the menu item "Edit"- "Free Transform".
  8. Now, pull it by the corner to enlarge the photo in size. Just be sure to hold down the key SHIFT so that after enlargement all proportions are preserved. Pull until you have enough, or until the photo overlaps the frame.
  9. As a final touch, we will need to move the thumbnail of the layer with the girl under the layer with the frame so that it is at the back and no edges are in the way.

We got what we wanted. So, as you can see, even online Photoshop can cope with this task. Of course, most of the functions here are neutered, but sometimes even the standard functionality may be enough.

Well, if you want to seriously learn Photoshop, then be sure to check this out cool video tutorials. They are perfectly structured according to methods from simple to complex, everything is told in simple and human language, so that after studying you simply should not have any questions.

Well, that's all for me. Be sure to subscribe to all my public pages and YouTube channel to always be aware of all the interesting things. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin
