Pixlr is a free online photoshop in Russian, as well as simple online photo editors Pixlr-o-matic and Pixlr Express. Online photo editor: retro, photo effects Online service pixlr o matic

lives in the open App Store and Google Play since 2011. For all the time of its existence, the photo editor from the company Autodesk Inc. collected steep figures for downloads and reviews for versions of the application on Android platforms and iOS.

From Google Play photo editor installed by more than 10 million users, and the average rating in both stores - confident and solid four.

Despite the fact that the company did not conduct a Russian-language localization of its application, you can find a lot of feedback from our people. This means that the photo editor is easy to manage and does not require deep knowledge of English.

In the five previous parts, we dismantled Aviary , VSCO Cam, Tadaa HD Pro, Rookie and Flipagram (the latter, of course, stands separately in this story). All reviewed photo editors can be found in our

Here we will tell you in detail about what can photo editor

Getting started with Pixlr-o-matic

Applications that do not require registration in any way are attractive from the very beginning. - just such an option. After logging into the application, we see a somewhat chaotic splash screen. However, it is not difficult to understand it. The two icons in the center are the main components. Choose a shooting mode or photo processing.

Shooting mode

Trying to take a picture without leaving the application. Actually, the shooting mode is a little disappointing. The functionality presented in it is very meager. Flash and change the camera to the front. For example, Tadaa HD Pro offers you to choose filters right away, and Rookie, in addition, provides a dozen more additional features.

Photo processing in

It's much more interesting here. Pixlr-o-matic photo editor gives a lot for free, and most importantly, it is suitable for use.

Click on the Upload Photo icon. We are immediately thrown into the photo library of the iPhone. That is, even if you take a picture inside the application, you have to select it for processing from the general collection.

Have chosen. with interface in everything is fine. Clear and simple. At the top we see icons for auto-cutting, a menu of filters downloaded and available for a fee, as well as auto-selection of effects.

This same auto-selection independently combines filters and frames. With each click on the icon (two intersecting arrows in upper corner right) the photo editor picks up something new.

At the bottom of the screen there is a panel with scrolling filters. Their names, by the way, are human: Fred, Greg, Harry, etc. These guys are preinstalled in the app for free use. Only 25 pieces. A very decent amount.

There are also quite a few paid packages. 6 pieces, which include from 7 to 20 effects. The cost is 33 rubles. per set.

But there is one significant downside. Filters cannot be adjusted in any way.

Additional features

In addition to filters, Pixlr-o-matic photo editor there are additional sets of effects that are also superimposed on the photo. It's the Lightbulb icon, on the bottom panel. Here you can find the effect of rain, all kinds of highlights, vintage processing, etc. Unfortunately, the effects are also not editable. There are 30 effects available for free use. 18 sets can be purchased for 33r. each.

There are also frames. 30 pieces are given away for free, and for each of 9 additional sets you have to pay the same 33r.

On this ability Pixlr-o-matic photo editor are running out. I would like, of course, to adjust the contrast, saturation and brightness. But for the so-called underway photo, the application is just right. Take a photo on the go, run it through your favorite filter, add an effect, and you're done.

True, sending a finished photo from an application on iOS will only work by mail or to the memory of a smartphone. To publish a photo on social networks, you need to select it from the photo library.

The Android version allows you to send a photo to Twitter and Facebook without leaving the application.

Download Pixlr-o-matic for Android and iOS you can here:

Pixlr-o-matic is an application that allows you to quickly edit your photos by applying various filters.

The interface of the program is quite attractive, but at the same time easy to use. You should start by specifying the source of the photos. You can edit pictures with hard drive, get a new webcam shot, or just use one of the images that come with Pixlr-o-matic.

There are three sections in the program interface that carry the main functionality of this photo editor - these are filters, effects and frames. Explore them, try different options to find the most suitable decoration for your shots.

The user can manually configure any parameters. In addition, you can mix different effects and get new, original results. Once you get the desired result, you can save the image to a file or upload it to the Internet with a single click.

The program performed well during testing. No errors or hangs were noticed. Due to the fact that the program does not require payment, but has quite a wide range of capabilities, it can be advised to anyone who likes to create beautiful compositions from photos.

Have you heard the joke about the “make cool” button in Photoshop? This button has been around for a long time. Certainly not in Photoshop. The development of the “make it cool” button was taken up by the company from whose pen it came out. We have already talked about the Pixlr program in previous reviews. This time we will talk about a small auxiliary photo editor from manufacturers pixlr. I present to your attention Pixlr O-matic.

Login to Pixlr O-matic

The program is a small web application. Works in the browser. You don't need to download or install anything. But with a strong desire, the program can be downloaded and installed on a computer. And if you have not found the link yourself on the site pixlr read on, all links will be in this article.

How to work with O-matic

To work in O-matic so simple that it's a bit clumsy to describe the process. The first thing you will see is a huge presentation window. The window offers to upload photos from a computer, or take a picture of yourself with a webcam. I, of course, immediately uploaded photos from the computer, but in a larger size. Filled 4 megs. Surprisingly, but O-matic not only easily and quickly processed my photos, but also saved them back to the computer in the processed form of the same large size.

After loading the image, the picture appears in the editors window. Actually everything is simple. The meaning of the “make it cool” function is fully realized. Just click through the ready-made color-correcting effects, sharpened for steepness, choosing what is closer to you.

After the choice is defined, we switch the small counter at the bottom of the program window. The counter takes us to the next stage of photo processing.

Actually, it is not necessary to go through all the stages. You can save the image right now. In the next stage of processing, we apply various special effects such as highlights, disco, lightning or grunge scratches in preset blending modes. What you have to learn and comprehend in Photoshop, in the O-matic program is done with one click.

Switch arrow again. In the third step, we add frame processing. Here I will probably stop and save my result. But do not think that O-matic works only in the candy wrapper genre. The program is tailored not only for girls, but also for boys.

Make cool in O-matic

This time we will work with a male. In the photo, actor Dmitry Dyuzhev.

Select a color correction, then apply a grunge layer. I did not stop there and added a frame. Program Pixlr O-matic ideal for all those who like to flaunt their photos on Vkontakte and others in social networks. I got the following result in 3 clicks.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When working with your site (and not only), the question arises of how and with what help you can process a photo, crop it, resize it, etc. Opportunities for this task may not be enough.

This free online version of Photoshop has a large number of tools, filters, effects (similar to those used on Instagram, which will help you process photos beyond recognition and make .

Pixlr Editor is one of the most popular graphic online photo editors, translated into this moment into 13 languages ​​(including Russian). Not everyone has Photoshop installed on their computer and not everyone knows how to use it.

Pixlr Editor - getting to know the Russian version of online Photoshop

This is a completely free lightweight version of Photoshop that does not require installation on a computer, and besides, it has the ability to select the Russian language (for me, for example, this is very important). Using this editor as an example, I will talk about how, i.e. without installing or using any desktop applications.

In addition, there is a light version of the editor Pixlr Express, as well as a very simple overlay photo editor called Pixlr-o-matic.

I don’t know for sure about the legitimacy of inserting the window of this photo editor on the pages of my site, but this is not at all difficult to do. And this is used by many cunning webmasters to attract traffic on the relevant search queries. For example, for the query "photoshop online" and other similar phrases in the search results search engines you can see a lot of GS sites standing in the Top (first places).

On the pages of these sites, a page with this is simply inserted free editor, and all the space around is filled with various or.

Often there is not even any text nearby, but they manage to drive their sites to the Top thanks to purchased links, and they are kept there because of good behavioral factors, because users in any way like the convenient work in this online version of Photoshop.

In order to work with it in full screen, you need to go to the web page of this online photo editor. pixlr. The first thing you will see will be an invitation in Russian: add a photo in one of several ways that needs to be processed in one way or another:

There are several options for uploading photos to Pixelr:

In any case, after uploading a photo or creating a canvas for it, you will be taken to the main interface of the photo editor, which is like two drops of water similar to the well-known Photoshop from Adobe (web version only, and even free):

On the left we see the area "Tools", with the help of which it will be possible to make fun of our photo in any way - glue, retouch, blur or sharpen, and much, much more. All these areas in Pixelr can be rearranged, moved, or even closed with the mouse (just like in a regular desktop program, not an online service).

In the middle of the window is an area in which we will perform all manipulations with the image. Well, on the right are the three most necessary windows for us, to which we are accustomed when working in the most popular image editor in Runet (because it is “free”) called Photoshop:

If you closed something unintentionally (accidentally), then you can return everything back from the top tab of the online editor window by selecting the "View" menu and clicking on the name of the closed area.

How to create a demotivator in Pixlr online photo editor

If you want to create some image yourself, and not make corrections to an existing photo, then in the top menu of Pixelr, select the items "File" - "New Image":

A window will open in which we are prompted to give a name to our image, select its size (from the standard set of sizes or set the width and height ourselves), as well as transparency.

If you check the box "Transparency", then the background of your image will look like a chessboard in the photo editor and you will need to save it later, because they support pictures with transparent background. If you save a photo with the extension (in format) Jpg, then the background will automatically be set to white, which will not always be appropriate.

Let's say that you drew in this online version Photoshop desired you a picture or uploaded and edited a photo you already have. By using simple change canvas size (the area allocated for this image), you can set the internal indents (like ) from the picture to the edges of the image.

This may be needed if, for example, we want to add text to our image, but there is not enough space (either we don’t want to spoil the photo, or the picture is so colorful that our text will simply be lost on it). Probably, all of you are familiar with demotivators - antipodes (parodies) of motivators.

In fact, these are images enclosed in a rather thick black frame with a caption located at the bottom, typed in large type, as well as with an explanation located just below, typed in a smaller type and serving as a development of the idea of ​​the demotivator title. let's try make a demotivator in our online photo editor.

In general, to create a demotivator, it is enough to upload or create a photo that is suitable in meaning, as described a little higher, and then select the items “Image” - “Canvas Size” from the top menu of the editor:

As a result, a window with settings appears before our eyes, where we set the width and height of the canvas (final image) that we want to get:

An important factor is the choice of anchor position - in fact, this is a way to align the photo relative to the edges of the final image. If you look at , you will notice that our canvas has grown relative to the picture by 50 pixels in height and width.

If you want to create a demotivator in the online editor, i.e. so that there are equal indents from all edges, and a little more space for the inscription below, then at the first iteration we set the anchor exactly in the center (as shown in the previous screenshot).

Then again go to the canvas size settings (“Image” - “Canvas Size”) and select the middle upper square as the anchor. At the same time, we increase the size of the canvas only vertically, thereby creating an additional indent from the bottom:

Now all that remains is to select the inkwell icon on the Pixlr toolbar to capture black color to fill the frame of the demotivator created in our online photo editor:

Drag the mouse cursor in the form of an inkwell onto the frame of the demotivator and smash it to smithereens:

Well, now only make an inscription on the photo in our wonderful online editor. Logically, it should be located at the bottom of our demotivator. To do this, select the icon with the letter "A" on the left toolbar and put the mouse cursor in the place where you want to place the text.

As a result, a window with settings will appear, where you can change the text of the inscription, select the font typeface, its size and color:

The field with the inscription can then be moved and aligned by simply dragging the mouse while holding the left key. To create a second (explanatory) inscription on the demotivator in Pixlr, you will have to repeat the procedure described just above (insert a smaller inscription).

In the save dialog, you will be free to choose a location (by default, this is your computer, but it is possible to save the demotivator in your own storage on the Pixlr server, as well as in your album on Facebook, Flickr, or in Picaso).

At saving the demotivator on HDD on your computer, you can choose a raster graphics format (jpg, png, bmp or tifff), or save the project with the extension PXD, so that later you can continue working with it (this is an online analogue of the PSD format from Photoshop):

In general, everything is grown-up and Pixlr can rightfully be called a lightweight online version of Photoshop. True, it is possible to write about all its capabilities only in the format of a full-sized book, and not an article on a blog.

Therefore, further I will simply go over the tools available to this wonderful editor, and you yourself, relying on your knowledge in Photoshop or on related literature, or on the poke method, will try to figure them out.

Tools and settings online Photoshop Pixelr

If necessary, the photo can be turn 90 or 180 degrees, and also reflect vertically/horizontally. To do this, just use the appropriate menu items on the "Image" tab:

On the left, as I already mentioned, there is a panel with tools, some of which we have already considered when creating a demotivator - filling and adding an inscription on the photo. Let's take a look at the rest of the notable tools of our wonderful Pixlr.

Stamp Tool

We select, as shown in the figure, the tool "Stamp" and look at its settings, located under the top menu of the Pixlr Editor photo editor. Click on the "brush" setting. In the menu that opens, we are given a choice of existing brushes. If nothing suits us there, then click "other options" and add a set of new brushes:

We have chosen a suitable brush, set the size necessary to capture the area we need. Holding Ctrl key, left-click on the object (in my case it is the bear's nose). Then we put the cursor in the place where we want to make a stamp (a copy of the captured object) and click the left mouse button again:

"Cropping" in Pixlr - cropping a photo

What is framing? it photo cropping(in our case online)
. Let's take a look at the settings for this important tool in Pixel:

  1. without limitation - you are free to draw the cropping area on your image, i.e. how much you stretch the area - this is how your photo will be cropped
  2. aspect ratio - you set the width and height of the crop, i.e. no matter how you pull this area by the edge - the ratio of width and height will correspond to the specified parameters
  3. output size - you also set the width and height parameters, as in the previous case, but with the only difference that by clicking OK the image will be reduced to the proportions you specified in the settings

There is no "OK" button here. To apply crop (crop photo) you just need to select another tool - a window will pop up asking you to confirm or cancel the changes made:

"Bloat" and "Distortion" in the online editor, as well as "Text" - add an inscription on the photo

These tools will help give your picture a personality. They also have a settings area in Pixelr where you can choose the size and intensity of pressing:

In my opinion, "Text" is one of the most significant tools. Here you can put a logo (or site address) on the picture, and place some kind of inscription on the photo, as we did a little higher when creating a demotivator. The settings of this tool, as soon as you select it, will pop up in a separate window. Here you can choose the font, its size, color and style:

"Selection" and "Eraser" for photo correction in Pixlr

Well, what is an eraser and why is it needed, I think there is no need to explain. Therefore, let's consider this tool in conjunction with a tool such as "Select". In general, it will work exactly like in Photoshop, but nevertheless I will outline it in a nutshell.

Using this tool, we select a certain area on the image and take the eraser (in the settings of each of them we can choose the selection itself - oval or rectangular, as well as the size and transparency of the eraser), which we drive over our picture. What do we see? And what we see is that the image is erased only in the selected area (the upper right rectangle with the selection in the screenshot below).

If we want to erase everything except the selected area with an eraser, then we need to select “Edit” - “Invert Selection” from the menu. As a result, our eraser switched over to erase what is only outside the selected area (the lower left rectangle with the selection). As a result, having veiled the inviolable fragments of the image, we can, without giving a damn about accuracy, rub all that is superfluous:

"Sponge" and "Gradient" - photo processing

In the settings of the sponge, we can choose its size and shape, intensity (pressing force), as well as the mode: discoloration or saturation:

Well, and another tool online Photoshop - "Gradient", ie. filling our picture with not one, but several colors. Filling can be done both linearly and radially - this is selected in the tool settings (see below). By clicking on the gradient, a window will open in which we are given a rich selection of various background toning.

I chose a three-color linear gradient as an example. With the help of the sliders we can adjust the size (thickness of the strip) certain color, and also change this same color or make it transparent, if, for example, the proposed options do not suit us. Everything, as they say, is in your hands! Dare!

Filters and adjustments in Pixlr, creating frames and changing layer styles

As in Adobe Photoshop, this editor has the ability apply different filters to the image(the tab with the same name from the top menu of Pixelr). This will help to give uniqueness to our image. For example, add photo noise, depict a magical glow, create a whirlpool or a kaleidoscope out of it, or, as in the example below, turn it into a night vision photo:

As well as edit photos online- age the photo (as in the example below), desaturate (make it black and white), apply sepia, and much more (tab of the same name in the top menu of the editor):

More than once in the comments I was asked the question of how I do for my pictures darkened frames. Let's just consider this, especially since this action should not cause difficulties even for a beginner. In the Layers area, click on the Layer Styles icon.

Let me remind you: if someone suddenly does not have this area on the screen (it closed by itself or was closed by you as unnecessary), then it can be found in the editor's menu "View" - "Layers". In the layer style window that opens, check the last item and customize it as you wish - set the color of the frame, its size, hardness and opacity.

This is with regard to the ordinary, not gaudy frame, which is observed on this resource. Now let's look at another more fancy photo frame. Again, click on the "Layer Styles" icon and in the menu that opens, check the box next to the third item.

Now our frame consists of two colors that we select in the settings. In the same place, we set the size, style, angle and percentage of opacity for each color separately.

In fact, tools and settings in Pixlr Editor there are a lot more, but almost all of them have a place in classic Photoshop (the same magic wand, lasso, moving, selection, filling, color replacement, drawing, red-eye removal, pipette, magnifying glass and much more).

Therefore, not being able to talk about them within the framework of this article, I refer you to the literature on the "great and terrible" Photoshop, where you can review all this diversity.

Pixlr Express - simplified online photo editor

As I have mentioned more than once, the online Editor Editor in terms of functionality and appearance very similar to Photoshop and it is certainly convenient to work with it on a computer or laptop, especially when you are already familiar with its prototype. However, managing such a sophisticated photo editor on a relatively small screen of a smartphone or tablet will be extremely inconvenient.

Therefore, developers, thinking about a large army mobile users, recently released a simplified version of this editor called Pixlr Express. It differs from the original in ease of operation, but at the same time, of course, flexibility in settings is lost and functionality is reduced.

However, with Pixel Express it is convenient to work with mobile devices and the developers have even released corresponding apps for Android and iOS.

But also online Express version quite convenient and visual, and will appeal to those who do not want to delve into the wisdom of Photoshop, but want to quickly improve their photo, process it in the right way, apply effects or filters, and perhaps also add a frame for a photo or even.

I will not talk about its capabilities yet (perhaps I will write a separate note), but believe me, everything in this simplified online photo editor is so intuitive that it will be easier to poke the buttons yourself than to read my tediousness. For example, collages of any format are created in it in a couple of minutes, and in just a few minutes, these photos can be improved, styled, added text and much more.

Unfortunately, Pixlr Express does not yet support the Russian language, nor have I found support for Russian fonts. It is possible that this will be improved in the near future.

A photo for processing can be uploaded to this online editor from your computer or you can specify its URL address on the Internet, and you can also use a webcam or mobile phone. Separate pictogram rendered for loading and grouping collages from photos, which can then be processed with the tools available in a simplified photo editor.

All the tools that Pixel Express offers you for editing photos are very simple and intuitive:

At the bottom is a toolbar that has quite a few nested items that become available when you click on one of the icons:

  1. Ajustment - photo processing (cropping, resizing, rotation, red-eye removal and much more);
  2. Effect - free online effects for photos (each type has its own subtypes, the list of which can be scrolled with the arrows located at the top);
  3. Overlay - effects for the image background;
  4. Border - a huge number of different free photo frames;
  5. Text - allows you to quickly add an inscription to a photo

At the top of the Pixlr Express editing window, you'll find a back button, a zoom slider, and buttons to save the resulting image and close the editing window. This photo editor can only save in Jpg format, and in the corresponding dialog you can choose the quality of the final image.

Everything is very, very simple, but at the same time convenient and visual.

Pixlr-o-matic — online photo effects for Instagram style

It would seem that it is no longer possible to simplify the Pixel Express described just above, however, in the arsenal of developers there is an even simpler tool that is sharpened exclusively for applying various effects to photos - Pixlr-o-matic.

It is again geared towards convenient operation from photo to mobile phone, but its online version is also very convenient and will find its fans, especially in the camp.

In the online version of Pixlr-o-matic, the image can be uploaded either from a webcam or from your computer. After that, the photo falls into an impromptu bath (previously they were developed in such baths, when film was in honor and there was no mention of photo printers). When you hover over the photo with the mouse cursor, ripples pass through the liquid in the bath, which adds to this editor.

Just below the bath in the window there will be a line of effects that can be immediately applied to an open photo. You can move the ruler with effects by holding the left mouse button. If none of this row fits, then go back to the first option in the “None” line. But the effects are not limited to everything.

When you reach the end of the tape, you can click on the plus sign that says “More”, or at the bottom of the window, click on the icon with a roll of film to get to the menu for choosing between Effects, Matters or Photo Frames.

Although the easiest way would be to use a three-section pointer device, which will switch you between the lists of effects, filters and frames mentioned just above. By the way, it is not necessary to apply both effects, and substrates, and frames - choose only what is required.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The program interface is very simple and convenient. Getting started with an image starts with the fact that you can choose the source of the image. The application supports JPG, JPEG and PNG formats. You have the option to select a photo from your computer or directly from your webcam, or you can try your hand at one of the test photos provided by Pixlr-O-Matic.

When working with the editor, you have the opportunity to change the photo in three ways - add filters, effects and frames. Don't be afraid to experiment and try all the options.

You cannot manually adjust the settings, but you have the ability to mix and match different effects to get the desired result. Once you're happy with the work you've done, you can either save the photo to your computer or upload it directly to a file sharing site.

Not included in the editor reference Information because the Pixlr-O-Matic app is extremely easy to use. Pixlr-O-Matic is a program that has a small range of functions, skillfully using which you will create unique photos that will delight you and your loved ones. Users who are just getting acquainted with Photoshop will undoubtedly appreciate the interesting features of the Pixlr-O-Matic application.

Image examples

The first picture is the original image, the second is the result of processing by means of Pixlr-O-Matic
